85-472 WNITE, - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA iT L Council � _ 7� CANARV�- DEPARTMENT P.LUE � - MAVOR File NO. � � ,. Counc 'l Resolution Presented By � � — V Referred To � Committee: Date � Out of Committee y Date Page 1 of 3 �^7H�RF�.S , The r ayor, pursuant to Section 10. 07 . 1 of the City Charter, does certif_y t�.�.t the?-e are a ailable for appropriation revenues in e cess of those �s�?_ma.�.ec� in -the 1 85 budget : Ctiirrent Amended FI�;1aNCZ�Tr PL�?:h Buclget_ Chang s Budget 24n �'r.affic Sic�nal & Lig ting Maintenance 69�1� �amage cl im - ecovezy from others 130 ,000 -0- 130 ,000 �3^_1_ I�'ormal ac ivity services (from 673 ,467 -0- 673 ,467 c�r�i�al p oject ) ��J6 Contribut' on fr other funds -0- 513 ,2 6 513 ,206 $803 ,467 $513 ,2 6 �1 ,316 ,673 Ctiirrent Amended Budget Chaii s Budget Z2�05°-TP,FF�'IC OPF IOD7 12005-23'3 P�rlsi�g e pense �0� 0 50 25J_ Tran�port tion -0- 6 0 600 252 Lodc�ing , ea1s , etc. -0- 3 0 300 253 R�g;strat' on fe s -0- 1 0 130 259 Other-tra el tr ining dues -0- 3 0 300 ?_61 Fire insu ance remiums -0- 1 0 150 274 Self prop lled ehicle repair 4 ,321 10 ,0 0 14 ,321 299 Other mis . ser ices -0- 1 ,0 0 1 ,000 314 Paint and paint'ng supplies -0- 18 ,9 1 18 ,981 325 Lumber-ot er -0- 2 0 200 332 Concrete roduc s -0- 2 0 200 335 Painting ateri 1s 530 45 ,0 0 45 ,530 336 Posts pol s or ases 8 ,137 33 ,1 0 38 ,237 337 Signing m teria s -0- 32 ,7 0 32 ,700 339 Other-rep & ma'nt, st. lites , etc. -0- 6 ,0 0 6 ,000 341 Motor fue -0- 12 ,0 0 12 ,000 COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Public Works-Traffic- R Galles In Favor Masanz Nicosia Schelbet A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Da e Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council S cretary BY sy � Approved by Mavor: Date Appr y Mayoc for Subm il By By WHI�TE - CITV CLERK PINK , - FINRNCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council a�-_�7� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE ��- MAVOR File NO• � � `� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date P age 2 of 3 Current Amended 12005-Traffic Oper tion (cont. ) Buaget Chari s Budget 344 Parts fo vehi les -0- 1 ,5 0 1,500 346 Accessor es fo vehicles ' -0- 4 0 400 356 Safety s pplie -0- 9 0 950 383 Small to ls -0- 1,5 0 1 ,500 386 Clothing unifo s -0- 6 0 600 387 Photo su plies -0- 0 50 389 Other mi c. su plies -0- 5 0 500 12006-S"TGN� MATNT PRAT CTS 12006-222 Telephon -0- 7 ,5 0 7 ,500 235 Type TI regu ar -0- 1 ,0 0 1,000 251 Transpox ation -0- 1 0 140 252 Lodging, meals etc. -0- 1 0 130 253 Registra ion f es -0- 1 ,160 1 ,160 259 Other, t avel raining dues -0- 20 20 261 Fire ins rance premiums -0- 1 0 150 272 Stationa y equ pment repairs -0-- 8 ,0 0 8 ,000 274 Self pro e1J.ed veha.cle repair 17 ,508 12 ,0 0 29 ,508 275 Office e uipme t maint. contracts -0- 5 0 500 277 Other eq ipr�en repairs -0�- 5 0 500 312 Electric 1 sup �.i,es -0- 1,0 0 1,000 331. Contxo�l xS & omponents 90 ,022 44 ,0 0 134 ,022 333 Electric 1 box s fi�.lings haxdware -0- 1,0 0 1 ,000 334 L�np ��.x ures x components -0- 11 ,0 0 11 ,000 338 Wire cab e or ondua,t -0- 8 ,0 0 8 ,000 339 Other, r pa�,r maa,nt, st. lites , etc. 107 2 ,0 0 2 ,107 341 Motor fu 1 -0- 10 ,0 0 10 ,000 383 Sma11 to 1s �n- " 8 0 ` "800 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Public Woxks-Tza�fic- R Drew In Favor Masanz NiCOSIa scnetbei __ Against BY ' Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: D te Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council ecretary BY g5, . �lpproved by i�lavor: Date Appro by Mayor for Su i Council By By WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII �//� CA�NARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. " Sl—��� BLUE, - MAVOR , � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date P age 3 of 3 12007-T.;IGHTTNG MAT T. PR JECI'S 12007-235 Type TT egula -0- 1 ,3 0 1,300 253 Registra ion f es -0� 1 5 145 272 Stationa y equ p. repairs -0- 40 ,0 0 40 ,000 274 Se1f pro e11ed vehicle repair 42 ,270 35 ,0 0 77 ,240 326 Steel oz iron roducts -0- 2 0 200 331 Controll xs an camponents 59 ,424 2 0 59 ,624 333 Electric boxes fillings hardware -0- 15 ,0 0 15 ,000 �4 Lamps fi tures or components -0- 65 ,0 0 65 ,000 �"336 Posts po es or bases -0- 25 ,0 0 25 ,000 ' 338 Wire cab e or ondu�,t -0- 15 ,0 0 15 ,000 , ; ��339 Other, r pair maa.nt. st. lites , etc. 475 6 ,0 0 6 ,475 �l Motor fu 1 --0- 29 ,0 0 29 ,000 342 Tires an tube --0-- 8 0 800 343 Oi1s and lubri ants -0- 2 0 200 344 Parts �o vehi 1es �-0- 2 ,5 0 2 ,500 383 Sma17, to 7,s -0- 2 ,5 0 2 ,500 386 Clothing una.�o s -0- � 2 0 ^ 2�50 Other Spending 580 ,673 580 ,673 NET CHT�NGE $803 ,467 513 ,2 6 $1 ,316 ,673 RESOLVED, That the Ci.ty ouncil adopts these changes to the 198 budget. APPROVED 1�S TO FUN TNG: APPROVAL R Cfx�MENDED: Director of inanc and anagement Services Budget Dir ctor ���e.�� COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: aF Yeas N ays ��-� -Flst�elfsr`atl�lJ�U Drew In Favor Masanz Y11C'Ssl$' Q7' �,� Scheibel __ Against BY — 3�ss Wilson Adopted by Council: ate APR 9 - 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a••e b Cou cil e eta BY gy ' Appr v d b Ylavor: Da APR � ��� App by Mayor for Submis ' o o '1 B - BY PU�.► �� !�.��-? ' � 1985 . , . . . 'BUDGLT SECTION/MAYOR'S OFFICE ROUTING SLIP —� � FROM: DATE; � RECEIVED , RECEIVED ROUTE T0: UATE: INITIAL: ROUTE T0: DATE: INITIAL: _ G. B1 es G. Latimer _ T. Ai inger _ J. Connelly _ T. Cr P. Hames _ S. Jo __ G. Haupt ___ K. K1' e S. Johnson _ E. Te sco G. Norstrem _ _ J. Scheibel _ _ _ J. Snyder _ _ _ E. Thayer _ L. Turchin _ t!ppro� 1 reques ed by ���'—"" '/ � _ ^ Prepa respons for `/A?��/� (/�/� �� — _ Writte cortunent to ��,� — Revie and cont c[ __ Edit d aft for __ � /J /� (�,</Y��� _ Duplic te copies for n ,f �.� C'(/� � File der Send t _ Read a d implem nt by Read a d know b _ Read, f intere ted!, forwar See ot er side or further ins� I� � • • ♦ • • � �� ' � � D. ,�-'� ���;✓c� � _ _.....:., ; —.-. . _ _._ `� .. . _ . .--—-- s�.'��: i:� `,:;`�� . �`2T `� O� .�r�.x�'2' '���.'"�..1.L ��`�7'� f..^.:{I /T—'��:� C,. � : r„,:.: T•;:;� O�`?�IC^ OT` '�'- � C-m•T ��� t�• =;;;'= :; �'i;' 2 i�� �_r. COu\C�L �- '�i "=--- -�•. �.. �lV_�� _�I,__�-/`�� . . r>� . MARC 28 , 1985 � _' `=r�� Dafie .�_ � �=• �.- •y.:�, . . . C i�? I��i f�i E E F E P 0 '_' . � � � � • ctn- .�� ;: i Ci�� Cc >> �c ,�; � r P. O �:i = � rn. , i►��� � Ct, FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL `�'`' � JAMES SCHEIBEL - 1. aD�roval of iai L�es om :nest�n� he Id ;•iarc: 14, 1985. A�s-h/�tl bs'1, -- , - Z. Resolut�on aut .or�in an a..nend.�eat to the Payr!ient a_nd Pr�ori;.y A�.� r:en;, dat�3 Dece�oer 11, 1 82 bet aeen �:;e C�t�, HR4, Ist vat',onal Ban:�c and t:e D'st::c� Hea�_r.� Developme:l� Co (�12 r)/�,o flcr-io.+J /jr �'i,�/�.s/��. �a,s��.i�-:PP - �is tv1�S �/SCti55�D r4!�� �cTPd ON /f/ �/lE�C Y �'a M t TTP� 3. Resolution a�n ovin� joint pro;�ar.i for financ�ng rental housia� ar. g:vin� pre- I;�ina,y SpDTO al to Joiat Powers A�'$Q:.^.E;li, in connect�.on tne��wit (Fin�zc�) {�AssA�e ac.o He.vD�-b ' 4. Resolutyon aiue ding t e 1985 bud�et and add.ing $61,7I9.68 to the Fin ciag Plan a.rid to �.?�e S�e:�ciin Plan or Svs�e:a and Bui.Idin? Cons��uction. (Financ° f;qs5H G_e �CO�! G.f/X��Z�, ' 5. , Resolution aut ori�in an a;�es:�er,t with Ramsey Coimty whereoy t:.e C tf will provide Ia .oratory se_:i.cns f r Za:Ke water tes�ing. (Com�nu.Zit� Se�rices) i��I,SSAG °� �c.o Meu�, eTs 6. Resolution a�p ovin� agree:�ent wit:� t::e Stats of tifi.r.r.esota whe��o t:e Cit�r�s p�:�IlC He3?t�l @D^o.Z':..:. ;';L �JZ?j ad.�inist°� 3 T��;l�g° heai��'1 DrC�=yI1 Wi t'lIA Rc�TS�;/ COL'I1i.}r. �CO. T �i.}� S Z"IlC°S� � f-�A �s.¢�-e ".e�_o ,y e.�� e� ` 7. P,e�olLt'_on ado t'_a� Iic?es re�ar�ir.� t'::e alloc4`�on of indust==al eve.^.�e hond - aut:zcrity bet:� en� the Depa.r,.�ent o= p�� and t:�� St. PauZ Por� aut::o �f and iden- t��ying the s� ci�ic �eas of responsibilitzes. (P��7) �Ars�G-E e c n s� ��/.D e..I� 8. Reso Iution ame ai:.g � e L 85 buQ�et by ad�c..�-'ng S II2,000 to t�e Financ ng Plan and to tne Spending P an for Hor.:e;�own E�onomy F�md-P:ocu�r�ment �ssistance ro;ra�n, (PEJI �=Ss�� e eco �.;-e .+iT�e.7� °. Reso Iu��on au;.: o ' _- � r_ _n a.n a;_�o�;ert wz�:� �.tAr--o�olitan t9as�� Cor���ol �.-,�.; t:�e City ag=-ee �o :� nt,:�i:� int�=cs�to s � ,,..�..�ssi . 1°g5 u R D _ r and appur..�nances ior :.� _ o� w'r.e=��r tnro �. ^�LLber 3I, I985. (Public ;Vo �..� t� oi JanLar;,• I, �a.ssAv e �c o.v �,� a N� rics) i0. � 1985 buc^Pt by �Z t::° Soe:�c.in� oTan �or Tr:u�_c Si�v a� • :a to �4SS.i7G� L°G's ,� �aI anc L:.�!'ii.�.^i� :•faint.°..^.ni�C°. k�LID T �1..-�+'�` � _ .0 AOr!CS II. Resolution ame. az.n? �, � � 1985 bud?et by � S2?3 467 �_ t':e SpezdinP P __. � addin� to t:e . Zanc'_ .g Pla.n an� to � �.n =or ra"�.c Si^r.al � � � ; ' � � L=�r�-�; •laintena.zce. (Ps�iic tVor�s) �.�iss��'� �o�r �.rJ�e� �.:i� 'c:ALL - . SL•VE�Ii:i FLOOR S��INT P�,U , �il�\'E�OT:� 55102 �--^„