85-471 WMI:E - �CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARY - OEPARTMENT �`�� BLUE �- MAVOR File NO. � / _ � Council Resolution � Presented By � � ✓ Referred To � "� Committee: Date � ��� Out of Committee B Date P age 1 of 2 WH�REAS , The Mayor, p �nt t Sectica� 10.07.1 of the City Char�er, does c�rt'fy that there are available for axpr riati revenues in exaess of thase estimated in the 1 85 budget; and. ��hiEREAS, 'I�e Mayor re ds e follaaing charc�ges to the 1985 budget: Current Amended Budge� Chalges Buclget FINPNQNG PT�N 2�0 Traffic, Sic�al & Iaghta. Mainten�ae -6908 Daanage C1aam T�e iy Others 90 ,000 +40,000 130 ,000 -4301 Nornnal Activity ervio� "49�0 ;000 +183�,467 673,467 (frcm cap� a1 proj cts) - — --- 580,000 +223,467 �03 ,467 s�n�mzrTC �i,� 240 Tra.f_fic, Signal & 'ghtin P�aintenan� 12005 Traffic Main enac� - Projects 120�5-274 Self p lled ehicle l�pair 0 +4,321 4,321 1200�-331 Crntrol rs and C�prnents 0 +120 120 12005-335 Painting Materi 0 +530 530 12005-337 Signing ateri s 0 +8,137 8,137 12005-Signal Main nance Prcrj ects 1200E-274 Se1f-p lled ehicle 1�pair 0 +17,508 17,508 12006-279 �Other Re air em 1!�aintenano� 0 +108 108 12006-331 Cca�trol rs �d Cc�rnents 0 +90,022 90,022 12006-339 Okher . & Mt . St. Lights 0 +107 107 COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �,E1 Nays � Drew � In Favor P �-c o ks�-'I' f'� R Masanz Nicosia scheibet __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr ed y City Attor Certified Passed by Council Sec tary BY 1 By .,. 6lpproved by INavor: Date A pr y ayor for Sub ' si to C uncil By _ �NNIQE -�CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALTL Council � CANAR`( - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR - . , File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date P age 2 of 2 Current �rn.nded Budget ' "Qianges Budget SPENDING P I,�N (Crntintae ) 240 Traffic, Signal & Ligh�ti g Maintena¢�oe 12007 T�ighting M nt�enan - Projects 12007-274 Se lf-p 11ed Vehicle Repair 0 +42,270 42,270 12007-279 Other pair d Maintenanc� 0 +76 76 12007-331 Ccntrol rs aa� Ccmprnents 0 +59,424 59,424 12007-337 Signing Materi s 0 +369 369 12007-339 Other p. & c�e. St. Ta.ghts 0 +475 475 A11 Other Spendin 330�;000 0 33Q,000 NET �T�IGE 580,000 +223 ,467 803,467 F�SOLUED, Zhat tY�e City Ccxznci adcpts theee dzanges to the 1985 budget. �proved as to funding: App�roval 1�oattrended: � Director of Fina�ae and anag nt Sexvi�1 f' Bu�et � or '�` �C� Yyy COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas � _ Nay� p ���� �1ic Woxks � Traf��c (1�i1� T` Drew In Favor Masanz 'fi�81� sche�be� __ Against BY ,-�ii�ws Wilson AP 9 — 1985 Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s Co cil e BY Bv � Appro by Ylavor: Date ` Appro e ayor for Submi o to 0 BY - BY P B�.�SHE� �!�,P� N 0 1985 "`'�. •� �� � •__.:.,:,;- .-. - _ � V' 7-� ;r,:: '.+ � _ �S ��F 7�`� _, ;...,.�,�.._ . . ;. ; ���`.�-->> �zTY O.�' .S.2�Y�7'T���� . :`�' ,:., . UL f�^yr� T--,,: ��? : ;,� ?:��._ .� l,_�� O�'Z�ICi OI+' TF� C'T.',..' CO . .' �;_� =�: - •� I<<, i1' 1 u1C�L �%:�z.��=�=.-�:;:f/� _ -,;- � �� Date , MARCH 28 , 1985 .;,,•�....._ •a:�..� . . . ._.. C r�� ��lf i i EE FE PO � . � � i O = arn� F� •� I Ci►� Cc =� � ���! rt? 0 �:�1 = c �;;.r;iii2� -� � O t. FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERS NEL � C -z.4 ! r�. ,TAMES SCHEIBEL ' I. aa�roval o= min tes f� m �es*�.n� heid �Iarc: 14, 1985. R�?f�r,love1, - - 2. Resolut�0I1 2tlt:: T��1Tig an a...^:e.^,d.�ent t0 t:�e Payment 2I1Q Prior��jr ��_°°„°�° ag��; �@C°.'^..De� IY� I.Q 2 be�:v B:1 �i:@ Cii.�� �1�� iSi. VaLlonal Ban:K ctZQ T.:B DI.S�_:C� N��i.�A� �@•le�OD;Ile:lt CO. ��12V0 ��,� ,�C r%On/ /�jt/ �'%✓�9,1/C t C,a.y.N.i TT�� -- T.1r%S /-�S .�i Sc v55P tj �g.�l� ff�T°d OAJ /✓l ,E�+1�.Z�'! �H � TTP� ... �esolution a��ro ing a 'oint pro;ran for financing rental housia; a;;c ��ria� pre- I:.�narf aDDTOV8. to a oiZt Powe,s ��ree.^.;ent in connectiOII 'Ci1@�ewi�z. (Fi*���c�) ��AS�'AC�2 /-� Ga M s4 .UDe.� 4, Resolution amend ng the 1985 bud�et and adding $61,7I9.68 to the Finan '_ag Plan and to xhe SD@:1Q3.:1a Ian fo System and BuildinQ Const�uction. (F�n2.�ce) �"/+ss�G e J�'e awa.�/c D�b, ' ---__ . _ . . 5 , Resolution autho �zing agre�:r.ent with Ramsey County whereby� t:.e C:.� �+i1I provide Iaqoratory se�-ri ..s �or Ia:�ce water testing. (Corun�i�y Serricss) i�q ss�� e � �o .y �,v 3�e� 6. Resolut�.on anpro xn� �z agreeme.^.t wit?� t:�e Stats oi �iir�esota where�v �^e Ci�v's p:IOIIC Health De ar��.en will ad.-ai:�ister a rezu;ee heal�h progrr.� H��h' Ra,�s��r Couzty. (Cos.z�t��1 �y Ser icss) " Ts� :�-s.��-e fj� e o M.s� P o.i D e?� 7. P,esolut�on adopt� � pol� c_es re��r�ir.g t�e a1loc��ion o� indus�__aI r�.� nlie bor.d - aut:.crity bet:ae�. � t;�e D ar:�e:�t o= P�� and t7e St. Paul Por� �u�:or�y ana icen- t�;yin� the s�eci�ic are o= res�vnsioilities. (PED) r�'�r,l'd-G �G �.�r M �/.b�� 8. Reso Iution amezd� ,g t�:e 19 85 bud�et b,v addin� S I12,000 Lo t:�e Financing P Iait and to tze Saendi.ng Plart for Ho .e�=own Economy Femd-Proc�.:re:nent :�ssis�artce Pro rasn. (PFJ) ���.s,�� e �e�o�.�.� .+i��e� � °. Resolut' • . � CT �.on aut:or- _�:; a�����;�;;� ,�i"� �iet�o�olitan �V � t:i@ �i.� 3�'��S L IA3.IiIt Z IIlt�:C°1_J�O S "+�:1cI1CS5`i:CvP1�=^I..CJ.-,,,.. SS10;1 Fi 1985 r and anpu�_ _ �°=°°:' tnrouQZ Decs ° �� �:° � . oe� 3I 1985. r ,.___., � �a.-:L�-; I �,qssACe � (Public �Vor:cs) . � ��� y M� a e�..a _0- Resoiut�on a-en� :;� 1 85 t::° Spe:tc.in� p, �� or - bud;et by adc�Z,; 5513,?C6 to �;� =-;. cy^ �-qs-saG� fj� d/'�7�N ���� j�GI and L���.�:.ng '•faint�:;ancs- (�c:oi�.. ?��rns�:c ;.o II.���r[endin t:;e 1 35 budget by r t..e SpeZdin� Plan �r addin��� ����nc=^� ? a1c and to ,J �j t:ng .•fainte:�a.,zce. (Pu�i�c ;�or s) 7ASSA�'� �EC' .¢/.�,�P DC'� �.::� 'c:ALL . - SL ��iTF�i FI,OOR S�1INT P�,UL,\il� \E�OT:I 55I0? .•_._.^„