85-470 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII y�y CANARV - DEPARTMENT GIT OF SAINT PAUL /J � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �/� 1 Co ncil Resolution Presented y ���%��1� Referred To � � '' Committee: Date ���y � � Out of Committee By Date An a 'nistra ive Resolution establishing the rate f pay f r Building Maintenance Engineer in th Sala Plan and Rates of Compensation Resol tion. RESOLVED, That the Salary lan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be am nded in Section II, Compensa ion fo Ungraded Classes, thereof, under the heading " pecial Employments" by strikin out t e following: "Building Mai tenanc Engineer $13.00 per hour" ; an be it FURTHER RESOLVED, hat th Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolut'on be amended in Section II, hereof by inserting immediately after Subsection Q, he following: "R The co ensati for the class of Building Maintenance Enginee in Se ion 3.0 of the Civil Service Rules shall be $13. 0 per ur ." ; an be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That t is resolution shall take effect and be in force following the first pay period a ter th passage, approval, and publication of this res lution. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��� ���ys� PERSO L OFFICE N Drew In Favor Masanz �M6eo�ia �etietbe� ��1��7Bt1- Against BY 3�Y�ee Wilson AP 9 - 1985 Form A roved b c;t o� ,, Adopted by Council: Date � Certified s d y ounc'I Se BY � B� Ap by iNavor: D � '�� ��l I �y��j Ap ro e by Mayor for Sub ' s n t-e Coun il B BY �' 1985 �'� ;S+-i��.`� '�'��: �- �,,j . PARTMENT � �S�`4�`�� 0 337 � NT�►CT� � ONE ATE �Q/�� Q ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDE C1 i Al l Locations for Si nature : " � Department Director _� Director of Management/Ma or Finance and Management Ser ices D rector 4 City Clerk � Budget Director ��City Attorne� WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKIN ACTIO ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution establishes t rate f pay for the new title of Building Maintenanc Engineer in th� correct section of the alary lan & Rates of Compensation Resolution. The h urly rate inser�ed in Section II, 5ubse ion R hall be $13.00 per hour. Previously the rate or this titlelhad been erroneous].y pl ed in Special Employments section. This resoluti nc-c�rre��s that isx�zor. �Q.,o� �S c�.� ��\ �., COST/�ENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND P RSONNE IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: r� None �°'��i�f�U MAK � `���� � NiNYQK'S QFFiC� FINA CING SOURCE AND BUDGET A TIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Tqtal Amount of Transactio : quired if under , $10,00U) Funding Source: A�tivity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number 11 Att chments : 1. �tesolution 2. �opy for City Clerk DEPFIRTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Y'es No Council Resolu ion Re uired? Resolution Required? Y s No Xes No Insurance Requ red? Insurance Sufficient? Y s No /�/� Y'es No Insurance Atta hed: (SE REVER E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Rev�sed 12/84 ��7� __. Resolution amendi.n� t'�e anital Ir.aiove:cent Budget by tr�ns�e�;ng S�Sd,000 £ro i_41��.--1er Road -��le�r �o hilds o Snepa�d � C:;es�nut Tr��:�c I,:.oro���e��.^.;.. (PL'o �9or:cs� �T �1�:5�� L' E'C3M .�1. - N � � _�. Resolution �^angiz; t:e _ade o t?�e t�tle o� Housing In=or-�,at_on Coorc�aatar i tne C;vil Ser,ric� Rules. (p rsonne ) ��i� OdPR uN;i �.. "- �/-� 5 � � f�� e 't-/ t✓�. _ . Resolut'_on c:^.�;;iao t�:e _t'e d class s�e�__cat�on � ;._�*� " -�,� C�_ae E.ziorce�en� iz t':e �ti-iI S r• =or t._e _ o� 5u�e_ is r o= : _ .�i.ce Ruyes. (Personne?) -r's�c � � ,� e �v've � ,�a-ss � e : _�. Re501L`��.OIl dii°*1C:.:1� t:e �V11 S ^IIC° RL��eS py I..TIS@�'`,.'�:T� i.:l@ 'C��?@ C?21'15 i•13I1�� ;,;1 _ Sec�on 3.�, Grade 25 a,Z ' inse. �n; t:�e s�ec���.c�t�ons in �ec��.on 3�. (?�_sonr. ?} •_�i.a ovzi� - _... Resalut'_on ar.,s^d�ng t::e ��;il S rvice Rules by inser`' � ' �=�1� i�� , o - �iz� ��e Io re.. Be:t _:ts �iana�er in Sec`�n 3..�, r�ae 1 and inse��.n� ;.::e s�ec:�=c���ons iz Sec�_oz 32 r �P@�SiI.j Lr.;D o ve` - _. . Reso1L`_o:� a�o��,,? ��,o vi c �, o ?� o� • ,_, • i � •� � I .. I�:. '! 0�/ i^5@I'"`��� �`.:@ i.___B .��'�� c:!G ..:u O;loc �L e.^.°� Z E.-'^.- .. \ �x i- • . . _�S .'��^a�°_ 1 S OII . r.... J'1 2.i_G _:Sc�=�=;:� i.:° Sue��-_C:�=CIIS ?.Il C C�;OII (Personr.°?) - v-- �� iD o�t�� 13. Resolution an:e:�din� t::e ivil S �;zce Rules by inserting �:e t�tle Loss Cont=ol Coor- dinator in Section 3.J, rade 1 anci inserting the spec�.��cat�.ons in Sec��on 32 (Persn.) �,�� i.D Od� P� :.�. Resolution amending tze ivil S ;^,�ice Rules by inse�ing t:�e tit�e o: Tr�ZS�ort tion Supe�risor in Sec�ion 3. , Gra' 15 and inser�ing the spec.��ications in Sec�ion 32. (Personnel) ��ss,qG P �ae o�aM ti7�e G�. Resolution C.'12SI�?Il� �:1@ 'tye� _3C1° 3II� C12SS 5?@Cl�ication iOT t?:e title OL �T°CtOr o,-"_-t:ze Zoo in � Civil er,rice Rules. (Persartnel) �i�ISS�G �° J�CCO.�! P .fJDe Z'. 's;Zing he rat of pav „ t t°s o Cor�e. at�on 3esolution. (Personnel) � __. Resolution a.�end�ng the Civil S rvice Rules in Section I9, Leave of �bsenc�, t incluae a ne�.� ection 19.D. � �"'.qs..s.��e 7f���d�v m .v c�e. =�. Discussion of City Gar��es. �i 5c vsse� o,ti �/ ?Y. Discussion of cont�act � om�Iia ce s�a�=�zg for the Hu,.-�an Rignts De�art�ent. � � iscus.s� 1� , yL`, - • I