85-465 _ ,� cirv oF sr. PAU� COUNCIL FILE NO. ,� �.5 + FINAL ORDE . By File No. 1a3i4-Y Voting In the Matter of � a wter ri�s ia Csiiaris3 twd fs�o� �►siw�si� i� ' Ward t� a�rai t�l� �[ aat�h awd lsa� a�ncas#�ata2� !SO h�t s t6 � t� s�psaE tslT 1 SO taE ao�th o! �puis�sid� Dci�. Lb� e�r s Mtsr e tio�s Mlwera� apptia�il�, Y � t 4'.. under Preliminary Order 4-868 approved June 28, 1984 � . � The Council of the Cit of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement due notice thereof having been given as p escribed y the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council as heard 11 persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said propo ed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C uncil of he City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described i provement be made, and the proper City fficers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; a d be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That up the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers s 11 calculate all expenses incurred therein an shall rep t the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the ity Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date APR 9 - 1985 Yeas Nays ZlrlM Certifie ssed by Council Secretary � l�as�tet ��t- In Favor Sebsibel ��t� Against ?Edtsco APR 1 � 198 Mayor ililsaa P�BtisNE� APR 2 0 1985 WH17E - CITV CLERK � . PINK - FINANCE (jI y OF SAINT PALTL Council _ CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To � �� � Commi ttee: Date ' �� � Out of Committee By Date An a inist ative Resolution changing the titl , grad , and class specification for the itle o Director of the Zoo in the Civi Servi e Rules. RESOLVED, that he Civ 1 Service Rules be amended in Section 3.K by s iking from Grade 15 the title o Direc or of the Zoo and by substituting in lieu ther f the title of Zoo Director in rade 2 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVE , that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by triking from Section 32 the class specif cation for the title of Director of the Zoo an by inserting, in proper alp etica order, the attached class specification for t e title of Zoo Director. Approved: Chair, Civ' Service Commission COUNC[LMEN Yeas Na s. Requested by Department of: ��' S���fs� � PERSO OFk'ICE °feN1 In Favor Masanz �� Scnetbei _ Against BY te�.�.e, Wilson AP 9 � ��85 Form App ved b City " ey Adopted by Council: Date f Certified P•_ d ncil c BY r B}' � Appro by Ylavor: D te _ PR � � 1��5 A d by Mayor for Sub i ' n to o il` B pu ts�E� A���5 �o DERAI�TMENT � �C'�,y-Y'tp� NO 34O . t CONTACT 4221 PHONE Mar�h 1, 1985 DATE �Q��� e ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING OR R Cli All Locations for Si nature : Qepartment Director Director of Management/ yor Finance and Management Se vices irector City Clerk Budget Director �ity Attorney WHAT 'WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKI G ACTI N ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : ' This resolution establi hes ne title and specification and changes the grade rom ' 15 to 21 in Section 3.K Profe sional-Administrative Superervisors for Zoo Dir ctor. Grade 15 B C E F G 10 y�'. 15 yr. 1053.48 1096.67 1140. 8 119 .70 1257.9+� 1320.91 13$7.84 1431.00 1473.4 Grade 21 B C E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 1259.56 1311.43 1363. 1432 56 1504.95 1581.90�� 1659.90 1710.23 1761.3 COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND P ONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: None ea�`� �,� -��l�I E� . ��� � � 1985 '7 MAR � MA`f�R�s�FFtCE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET AC IVITY UMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ' t�re not re- Total Amount of Transaction quired if under $10,000) Fun�ding Source: Act'ivity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attac ments : 1. Resolution 2. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTP�ENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolutio Requi ed? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Require ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No ��- Yes No Insurance Attache : r--- I (SEE R VERSE IDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 HOW TO USE THE GREENsSHEET The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: 1. td assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10;000, the Mayor-'s signature is not ret�uired, if..the department director �igns. A`contract must always be first sigMed by_ the outside agency,before routing through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frec�uent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authoriaed budget exists) . 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (a11 others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City'Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) l. Department Director 1. Initiati.ng Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attac�un8nts. If the. Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: , 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. • � � CODE: n �/�--��� l� TITLE OF CLAS : Z00 DIRECTOR DESCRIPTION 0 DUTIE : General tateme t of Duties: Performs managerial and administ ative uties in planning, organizing and directing the operatio s and ctivities of the municipal zoo; and performs related uties s required. Su ervis on Rec ived: Works under the general direction of a unit hea . Su ervis n Exer ised: Exercises general supervision over the o0 staff di ctly a d through a subordinate supervisors. Supervis s the work f volu teers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFO D The liste examp es may not include all duties performed by incumbent of th s position. Supervise and d rects programs of animal husbandry. Supervise and p rticipates in the long range planning and desig of zoo ex ibits. Monitors ork to see that it is done as planned and that facilitie , areas, and equipment are being properly managed, operated, nd mai tained. Prepares b lletin , papers, and scientific articles on Zoo management and an'mal husbandry. Works clos ly wit consulting veterinarian in animal care and propagatio . Disseminat s Zool gical facts and information through the news media. Prepares u it ann al budget; requisitions supplies, materials, an equipment, contro s routine expenditure of funds. Supervises the ca e, feeding and treatment of living vertebrate a d invertebra e anim is in a zoo collection. Acts as li ison wi h zoo volunteer associations. Cooperates ith ed cation, zoo directors and other institutions t promote the maximu use of educational opportunities at Como Zoo. Plans and d rects he work of employees. Provides tr ining rograms for zoo staff and volunteers. �00 DIRECTOR Z00 DIRECTOR TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED (cont.) Maintains liaison with members of the AAZPA and other professional organizations. Schedules and conducts tours and gives lectures. Interviews �ob applicants; makes recommendations regarding selection, promotion and other personnel actions. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of current management and supervisory principles and procedures. Knowledge of the field of Zoology animal husbandry including taxonomy, reproduction, physiology and life history. Knowledge of the theory and techniques related to planning and directing an urban zoo, including applicable laws. Knowledge of display techniques, and habitats required by specific zoo animals. Knowledge of federal and local zoo regulations. Ability to prepare budgets, reports, promotional materials and to evaluate programs. Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Ability to recruit, supervise, train and evaluate employees and volunteers. Ability to plan, layout, organize and direct the work of subordinates. Ability to speak effectively before audiences and large groups. Ability to deal effectively with civic and private organizations and the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Animal Husbandry, Biological Science or a _ related field and four years of experience as a zoo curator or keeper; two years of which must have been in a supervisory postion. (No substitution for Education) . Effective: ZG�O DIRLCTOR :�-,. � � , .. . M�;:;•��=--'v� _ .___.,:::- .�:_-: � _._ --------T— �` IZ`Y' O�'+ .�AI�TZ` ��1UL cf'S ��a �o ..;� -,:\ ' �•r.i�T-t;l ``\`-+' , . ' =:�.: r��,-: `;� 4�;_;) ='I�ICI; O�r Z,r--- "' <T . . .. ��',_; S.� -.. :i i.�.r xi�. CIT COu1CiL 'F=_`�.±.�__;_; _�:;� ���/ ,r_�� �.�- �`; . �::->� �°�'� DQ �e , MARCH 28 , 1985 4��..�^,✓`=,�'. : �•r� COt�� �c (�i EE FEPO � T i 0 - Sal t P . � I Ci�� Cc =� � ���i c t-=; O e`�:l = C � r�; �, i i i � -, Gt, FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNE C`� '� � � J S SCHEIBEL - 1. ��rovai oi minut°s _om me t;ng held �farc; 14, Io�S. R,�a,�,o�e�, " , ; - 2. Resolut�on aut::or��i g an .e.^.d::,ent to t:ze Payment and Pr�ori�y ��=�er..�r,t 'a`�: Dece^oer I1, 198Z be :�e�n .e C�ty, HR�, Is� \at'_onal Ban:�c �ZCi �:�e Dis�_ic Hea�'_::� Develop;ne:�t Co. (�1a or)� crio.r/ (�� �'i,✓A,ri�� Go.r,�r.r7'TP� -� �is :.�r-�s iscvss?D R,vD �jtTPO� OAJ /// ��!/ERGy �.aHM 1 TT � 3. Resolution a��rovin� a join pro;ra.n for financiag rental housin� a.-td oivi. g pre- I�minary a�proval to a Join Powers A�*e�ment in, conne���on tiier2�li.i1. (F n�zce) ��AssAVe /-�ac,o He.un � . 4. Resolution amending he 198 budoet and adding $b1,719.68 to the Financ:ng PI� and to ��e S�e:�diZa PIa.Il for SY �te:a and Building Const�uc�ion. (Fina.*�c°) f�RSs.9 G e r'eco.�1 c,vDC --. -- _ , 5. Resolutifln authori�i Q an a Tes y f y .�he Ci�f wi I provide , � :�ent with Ramse Cotmt� whereb � i Iaqora�orf sez^rices or Iax �water testing. (Cor��i-t-,� Serrices) /�f!SS AG t°. �e�o M e u e� 6. Resolut�OR 3.D�iOV2R� 3�'1 3�r �.^1e.^.� Wlt�l tile .C.tai.° Oi ��P.I:°SO�� GJ�lB�°D�/ L::° I.t`'.P�S PL:DIlC He�Ith Depar� e.^.t wi1l ad.�inis�er a re�� ?A� � � .L�_.. �Ie3Z�:1 UTO�:.'_;1 WI�?I�n �R" :SZ'/ County. (Co�a i�y :^,ices) ' T-�.s �s.��-e �e_�o ,�, e.�� e� /'. Re50IL'�=0i1 2.GODt�i1� P ??C_�S T°�3���P.� 'CjI@ a1jOC�t�OTt 0� I.itG'L'S�_:3I rsve.^.ue bond - au�:.crity bet:ae�n the Depar"ent o� P�J and t:�e St. PauZ Por� �uz:�or'_�j anci iden- ���yin� the s�eci�ic reas o" responsibilities. (PE�) �-'ASS��� �g c o,+i e.r�. e1� 8. Resolution amending t e 1985 budget by addi:t; SII2,000 �o t�:e Financ�ng PI and to tne Spe::d:.ng Plan for Home�� wn Economy F�d-P:oc��e:aent assis�ance Pro�r� (PED) �5s.�� e �_�o . 1�' tir� .✓ e.7� °. Resolut'_on aut:or'_-' _,n a� ag e�^:e;;� wi"� '•.+et_o�oi�ta.*� �raste Coa��ol Co„�..iss= o�v , "'� s t. e C��, agres to m �ntaza 'nterceptors and �DDLL��n�zcss i�r �.o _�,., on �a„_..�r 1985 tZrau�z Dec°�' - �-•� ' . {�Ass,9ce' ne' J1� 19 S. (Publzc Worics) �-_..• or � �Lar,� I, ��co.y e.r/ � i, �0. Res�iut_on a:-:enc'_.,g t!� Iogs „` i.aA CD°:IG�:1� �I8I2 �OI' �3.i.�_ Sc�V �JV adcia; J`�J1J'��.�i.r7 i.0 i..^.� I'';F:I:C�:I1 773R sIIG� :.O � .y2�/ l�ai and L�;ht�ag :•14:.zts:��rtce. (PLOl; '� �.qssaG� fj��s � * �c .�oric ) II. Resolution amendin; t:� . 1985 u �At t'r.e Soendi�� P1�.n � -• �� by addin� SZ?3,467 �o t:e �inanc=^, Plan and to � or ra.:��c Si�al � Li7n:�ZQ ;•ia.in;.enanc°- (Puoi;c ;�ror<s) 7/is'SAG� !�C'o.�sf P�.d � � C::� cia LL • - SL•zJ�N i FLOOI: S�lINT P�.UL, �il�\E OT:��5i0? � �+---^„ '__. Resolut�ort amend�nQ r - ��S r�� � th Ca�it I Ir.�rove:nen� Bud;et by t_ans�e�-;n� ���3,0�0 L o„ i�8..1.'=I@`' .T�Oa.4" �Ie•� t C;;�7a5 �0 Snepa_d � C::@S�iIlI� T�sL�iC I..i7iOVE'.�'.°^-�. �2' 0. i'�OT!C5� ,-'-`-��s,g� e �e��M A .v � e� - =�. Rssolut'_cn c^.a.nging t::e grade f the t�tle o� Housing In=or..,at:.on Coor::.ia��or in the C��ri1 Serric° Ru±es. ersonn ?) L�ib �veR vNTi �.. hv� �� �J /�� � 7-/ !✓� : . Reso?ut'_on c:^.an�izo t�:e t�.t�e d class s�e;=��c�t�on for t^e t�-*Q o� S��e`-;-- o� or C�ae c::�ores^ent in �.e C���-il er•,•ice Ruies. (personnei) � � � :*��c o � �a e .�b � D .�s r.�y � : _�. Re so IT�t=on �en , � . d�a� t:e C:vil erric RLies by i,�se�in, �ze t�t?e Clai�s t•+�:a e: in Sec..�on 5.a, Grad� 25 d inse ,.�z; the s�ec���c�tions in Sec�_on JL. �P°�CLit ,eI) � �/�/� 0✓�� ' . ' . . . . __. Resolut�on ar.,end�ng t::e C�vil ervice Ruies by i:�seTM�i.ng �::e t�;.?e �,^,tDTpVe° Be ei��s '.•i���: ir. Sec-�on 3.iC, Grace 6 an� inse��ng ;.:�e spec��_c�.��ons iz Sec =o;; 3 (p��sn,} �D O �/�°'�IZ :-. Resol*�,.- � -.�-; -�e . 3er.e__�s�'•i�:���G i� � ^ C�vil e Gice �uies b�� inseMi:g �::e t_:T� ��� a:�� � Ioyee ��_ Se.. _oZ . , r:.c° .ii aZC =^se�t_:g �:e s�ec��- �--��� :ZY °c��.on _��;._.. (°ersor,:°;) " . /,.� ,D o✓e� �3. Resolut:on an:endin� t:�e Civil er•rice Rules by insert�n; tze t��1e Loss Con�_o Coor- a.inator ia Section 3.J, Grade 3 and inser�iag the spec�.;�.cat�ons in Sec��oa 3 . (Persn.) ��fai.D od� � ;°. Resolut�on a.n;ending the Civii S TMrice Rules by inse�ing t:�e t�tle of Tr�zs�or at:on Suuer^risor in Section 3.�C, Gra' IS and inser�ing the spec:�ications in Sec��o 32. (Personnel) ��ssf7C P ��e a�-!M .s/De ZO• �relfrc.hangin� t'�e it�e, _ade and class s�eci�ication �or tz t Civil ervice Rules. (Pe,sartneZ) o�1M2 .�/ De Z'_. Resolut�.cn es�ablis:-�ing ;�e rat o= pay for Building Maintena.rrc° Eagineer in th Salary pZ�z and Rates of Coiroen ation Resolution, (Personnel) � --- _ f���.9�� -l�EeaM.+�= �be. - __. Resolut�on amending the ivil S rvice Ruies in Section 19, Leave o� „�usence, to incZuae a ne��r ec�ion 19 D. �-��ss�ce �e�oNnl2 2�eJ7 _.,. Disc:zssion of City Gar�g s. �,�5� vsse� o�; y -�. Disc•.ission o� cont�act �c r:plian e staf�ing for the Hi.:..�zan Rignts De�art�ent. � � ise.uss� 1, p Ly - / ._ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _. __.__,�__ . . _,__. ..:_. -�---- _.. _ ._ _. _ ._...,... ______ . ..___._ _ -.. . , _ __T_..�,......._