85-460 ciTY oF Sr. Pau� COUNCIL FILE O. � � FINAL ORDE . By ` ' File No. �IS— 0lQ4 Voting In the Matter of � � � �i � � ��� Ward ti�; i►ro0ta�e �td lraw 1�00 �+nt at a! p�et Str�tet to 400 fi�t aesc of t�nrsta�t s t : %!�. ; b! cwst ti� a bitu�ei�w�rs o�zla� ow a�cistiag �erttt N�+wra , eoaserre s ca wsiv, r�ris#�, td� si�al a� ti�Mtisf s�s � � c�aatr�e t� let�, a�d isi� al� oti�r �rk a�osssar? iN - ai�tal ss�d ro�nt. ♦Ii ot thia wert is ce�ssyr eosst - ti,a ta s a�■�r o� stci�ti. ��� � �. / �,S under Preliminary Order � �'� approved �� � � The Council of the City of Saint aul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as p scribed the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council as heard I persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said propo d improve- ment and has fully considered he same; ow, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C uncil of t e City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described i provement be made, and the proper City o ficers are ereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; a d be it FURTHER RESOLVED, hat upo the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers sh 11 calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall repo t the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the C ty Charter. APR 9 - 985 COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays �� � Certified ssed Co ncil Secret ��� l ��- In Favor s�tn.I � a� Against _"`�"° APR 1 2 1985 Mayor �ix.o. . ptl�ltSt� AP R 2 1985 ��+ �� -� � �'� OIr`F CP� OF TFIIr CITY COIINCIL , ; �e IkFYMbtlnd ' 4y pr6Y'RR�i9�h � ,;°�j yy�esn"�°= ;.�. D a t e , Ap r i 1 3 , 19 8 5 � � ��`: _..� -�`� � � i ,;�,�z ,;�r,^"' �,j_ C��j 0 I CO M ( TEE RE PORT ' � ; TO = Saint au l City Council , FROM � Committee oh PUBLIC WORKS '• , CI� AIR CHRI NTCOSIA '�✓�- / � ,,.. � 4. . _... _... . . . . . . P The Public Works Commi tee at its meeting of April 3, 1985 took the �; following action: Hearing Date 1 . 4/9/85 VACATION: Peti ion of Space Center for the vacation of Thirteen h St. etween Lafayette Road and vacated Madison St. for the urpose of making improvements to the � existing buildi gs. _ (. Recommen ed app oval . � � 2. 4/9/85 VACATION Pet tion of Gordon Hedlund, et al , for the � vacation of the alley in Bik. 3, Ufton Grove Third Piat � �'� (bounded by P yne, Iowa and Parkway Drive) for the � purpose f addi g yard space to abutting property owner. � Petition withdr wn. � ( k � 3. 4/9/85 ACQUISIT ON: A quiring certain property to construct the j Swede ollow Pedestrian Bridge over the Burlington i Northern RR t acks to connect Beaumont St. to Swede Hollow P rk. Recommen ed ap roval with understanding Parks Department will lo k at t e parking situation so that it coincides with use of thi park. 4. 4/9/85 FINAL OR ER: � Improving Tenth Street from Robert St. to Sibley S . by g ading 8 paving from Jackson St. to Sibley St. an a bi uminous overlay from Jackson to Robert. Also in allati n of an ornamental street lighting system � in Ten h St. rom Robert to Sibley and doing all other work ne essary nd incidental to said improvement. � ; Recomme ded ap roval . 5:�; ��4/9�S Y:�.<�'d NAL"�'' ER e I�npt�ov i n� Shepard Ro�d and the abutt i ng Frontag Road rom 1400 feet east of Chestnut St. to 400 � feet we t of C estnut St. by constructing catch basins, revisin the ignal and lighting systems, constructing turn s ots, nd doing ail other necessary work to said improve ent. Al1 this work is temporary construction to reduce he num er of accidents. Recomme ded ap roval . �� - 7 �� 6. 4/9/85 FINAL RDER - REVISED PROPOSAL: Improve Gabriel Roed by � constr cting he following: Grading and paving with a 2- inch at 24 eet wide with a rolled bituminous curb from Spring ide rive to approximately 1050' south of � Spring ide D ive, construct a sanitary sewer in Gabriel Road f om Spr ngside Drive to approximately 550 ft. south from pproxi ately 950 ft. south to approximately 1050 ft. s uth o Springside Drive. Also construct sewer � servic conne tions where applicable. Construct a water main n Gab iel Road and Springside Drive and water servic conne tions. Also slope construction in grading and pa ing of Gabriel Road. Recomm nded a proval . 7. 4/16/85 FINAL ORDER: Constructing a new Raymond Avenue Bridge and a proach s over the Minnesota Transfer RR. and Burlin ton No thern RR. Company between Kasota and Manvel Street. The existing old bridge will be removed. Also acquiring pe manent easments and temporary construction easeme ts in connection with the construction of a new bridge and pproaches at a new alignment on Raymond Avenu betwe Manvel Street and Kasota Avenue. Reco ended proval . 8. VACATION: etition of Water Tower Associates for the � vacation of Railway Place between Vandalia and vacated Montg mery. laid over from 3/20/85) . i ' This atter as approved in Council meeting of 4/2/85. d ; � � . .> . ���� ST,� PAUL C I TY COUNC I L � y�� PUp IC fiEARING N�TICE � P LIC I R0�/F�'ENT CO►'VSTRUCTION � Gity Council District 4i District Planning Counc'1 �i9 & ��17 Dear Propert Owner: File No. 85-P-0984 o deci e on improving SHEPARD ROAD and the ABUTTING F NTAGE PURPOSE OAD fr m 1400 feet east of Chestnut Street to 400 feet west f Ches nut Street by constructing a bituminous overla on � xistin concrete Uavem�nt, constructing catch basins, r vising he sig al and lighting system, constructing turn slots, and LOCATION oing a 1 other work necessary and incidental to said prove- ent. 11 of this work is temporary constriiction to r uce the • umber f accidents. � ' uesday April 9, 1985, at 10:00 A.M. HEARING � ity Co ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court Hou e f the ouncil approves this project, the estimated co struction �INANCING osts a d financing for this project are as follows: � INFORMATION sTZr�T D CONSTRUCTION COSTS $258,0 0 STIMAT D FINANCING: . ounty id Funds 1983 $258,0 0 NO ASSESSMENTS ' onstru tion: 292-6277 OUESTIONS lso, C ty staff will be available to answer any last inute . uestiQ s on this project in Room 218, City Hall from :30 - 0:00 A M. the same day as the hearing. 1'Y� Notice sent March 22, 1985, • by the Valuations and Assessment Division, Area C be improved �._, , ��1,�� Department of Finance N .: Y �----;ti' ,f' : ,c�,. � 6' 1 :., ';;;,.... and Management Services '���• � 1 ` j:. '�:�.» •;4. '� ,.1��� ;:�'�`'r"�,�✓, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � "' •� ' • '"• " � • . ° '°����'w�`°� `l'•; �, . •Q: ����.:�� �, << ,�: ,:.. ;r; ,�, �, , ,� J . j� ;��'� "'�� r�!:� *� 'y�'' �� 1 ^/.�� ' ", ••`<�j'�` /✓. . �' •Y:', •� I�t f L, . . �; `'.� "��. . y .{ s.....:�;.•`'� . . 7 �%;',;'�� .•,< • � �g��:�_�24�;��'•/. � ,y.''�C"<;, ����� � �;; �`^��;: ��K, .,:�. ./ ;,� .`A�/ . �s:'`. Q',,�r''. .1� ,� . � � '�\ �����e ir." i ;' . ' �� r �� �� ' � !.,. ��y ;4��� � . �j� ,�/"l� •.��� � .;� ./ � �r.. . . %/ . e ' � !fY�� '�r� . �.�/'%��'�y.� I(F�f;'I V`'• /, ,� �•� •,�����:4� . , :i /:' .. . •�, �;1f�,�:.�^71-s«.: t� �4• l.. h,',::. • ,.�jE. �. ' . .����':Y ` I�.�ri �' '✓�`I : , . . . .{`j. . �s_ �� �j -- _ , _ . , .PRE3,I,MINA�Y ORDEK., � ,� x .-�___� ryCOuncii Fi No.85-36 �;By.Chris AJi��osia— " In the tter of i proving Shepar�i"�oad at�d the abuttir► F'ro ' � �from 1400 f t east of C�estnut Stree�ta g ��e�'Q� Eenstrtretingabiti�mi u�averla on'e ��fe�.West'pf,i�tie.s�nut'3 ��`. �. �ist3n,�t��tC paVeui�nt;con tvc. ca'tch basins, ��5��t s��ar�na�tgnting sy�te�;;co2tistructing tur`n s ots,ar► " doing ali oth r work n ss c�c� work is tem rary cons ruc�lOn 4�i��dit�e t���`�'r of accid nts in VQ ipg yV�s�': 2. �" The Coun il of the ty of Saint Pau1�avin �iyed the f `` � upon the ab ve impr vement,'�nd "��,1 � �I��of�he� , r�oives: �8��3n�dered sa�d '�eport, h�� `�1. That th said re " ^' , ,. .. �"� �nd the same�s_her�i� ,�pprp�red with no a�te�,�� an8 that the stimated ost thereof �s $�58,�:�inai�ce� by 19�3 �oau�t�:;q�tl • ,Funds. _ � $. .That a biic hea ng be had on said improvememt on Lhe 985 at 10:00 'clock a. ., in the Cbuncil Ct�am}�ers�of�the Gity Hail anj ttY'E: ouse uii in in the i y�of��t paL� �' 3. That no ice of sai public:�tearing be•.g;ven to the ' , l rrianner provid d by the arter,s�ating�he time and ptace ofh a�,��t�, of the improve ent and e total cost thereo€as:estirrrated. File No. 85-P-0 : :��: Adopted by tlye Cou 'i.March 14. 1985. - °- '°` ..�:�. ` Approved reh 18, 1 . ` , !r';= (MarchY3, 1985) .e" ..