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���'1�����C� Ordinance N O. f�.�3%
Presented By
Refer ed To Committee: Date
Out o Commit ee By Date
�'' Section 3.
This rdinance shall take effect and be in f rce thirty
��days from nd after i s
t passage, approval and pub ication.
Yez�s ,t.,,- �+^;H�� Nays Requested by Department f:
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�ea+ 25 Wes Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
uly 26, 1984
A bert 0 son, City Clerk
R om 386 City Hall
S . Paul Minnesota 55102
R : Zoning File #9580 - HRA
Cit Council Hearin : July 31, 1984
P RPOSE: ezone property bounded by Third Street, Etna S reet, Old Hudson
R d, and the alley in Block 5, Willard Linder Addition 2, from R-3 to PD to
pe mit co struction of 60 coach homes.
SU ORT: 2 persons testified
Dea Sir:
On une 21, 1984, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Co ission reviewed
thi rezoning and held a public hearing. Two persons test fied in support.
The e was n opposition present at the hearing. At the cl se of the hearing
the Committ e voted 4-1 to recormnend preliminary approval .
On J ly 5, 984, the Zoning Committee again considered the roposed rezoning
to P . At his meeting they were presented with the final lan. There was
no o her te timony in opposition. The Committee voted 2-0 o recommend
appr val of the rezoning to PD, adding that the District 4 lan Land Use Map
shou d be c anged to conform with the rezoning and that the 70' easement and
fenc on th east side of the property should be retained a d maintained.
On J ly 13, 984, the Planning Commission reviewed the Zoni g Comnittee's
acti n and u held it on a vote of 14-0.
This ezonin is scheduled to be heard by the City Council o July 31, 1984.
Pleas notif ine by July 30, 1984, if any member of the City Council wishes
to ha e slid s of the site presented at the public hearing.
Si ce ely,
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Patri ia N. J mes
City lanner
Attach ents
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I CITY C�'•Ji�iCIL CFIAP�fBcA,S, ST. P�1UL, P�1INi�ESOTa Q?i JULY 5, I93�
PR SENT: ��lessrs . Levy and Pangal of t�e Zoning Committ e; t�r. SegaT ,
Assistant City Attorn�y; h�s. Lan� of the Divi ion c� H��sing
and 6uilding Code Enforcement; ��s. Kelley and «s. Jarrzs of the
Planning Division Staff.
AB EP�i: f��mes. t;orton, Sum��ers, Tracy and Zieman; t�?ess s . Galles and
The mz�ti�� ti�ras chaired by Joseph Pangal , Chairman.
H.R A.l�j?+ aI�+�iI�;GH�'1��1 r°58J: Rezoning for pra�erty loc ted on th� east
sid of �t a bet:�een Third Street and Q1d Nudson Raod.
P�s. Jar;es ave ttje staff analysis and findings.
f;r. Segal sked if �h2 recomr�endation vlas for• th� Dis�ric � Lar�d llse �Ia�
to e mo�i � i�d to bring i� into agre°mert s•ii�h thc r�zoni g. i�ts. Jar°s
s�at d that the Land llse P�1ap ca� be changed to co;��cra� �•ri h this rezonin�.
��tr. eltier stated that all requ�sted documents from �h2 ity i�ad bee�
subm tted a d that chang�s have been made as co�:r.ents rrQr r�ceived.
t�;r . . angal . tated t��at he understood that after discussion v!ith th�
neig borhoo that agreem�nt had b?2n ma�e ��ritti tn�m reg�.r�'r�g �h� 7Q �uot
ease, °nt an a fence along the east prope•riy line, 6ut tha �e d�dn't see
anyt ing on file to that effect, w�ich is one o� the cor,�i i�ns o� P.D.
h�,. ltier agreed that t1�e fer�ce will be maintained a�� i �;ras �is
under tandin that the correction had been made and tt�at t ° pla� had been
given to Cha les hlcGuire stating th� lan:! y��ould be so1� �ay th� i-iRn, and
that oth th fence and 70 foot ease��nt ti•iould be retai�ed and maintain�d.
h�r. P ngal a ked if th2 developm`r.t, grading, and lan�scaping plans with
the 1 tt�r t the City con�titutes tne develoa�n�nt plan far that particular
site. h�r. P ltier ansti•iered yes it did.
'�lith o furt er testimony, hlr. Pangal closed the �ublic h4a in� partion af .
the m ting. '
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RA/ET�; BIR2�IrdGHAP� ;r958Q Page �'wo
h1 . Lev moved approval based on findings 1 through 7 f the staff report,
a d reco ;mended that the District 4 Plan Land Use i�a� z changed to
c nform rith this rezoning, and that the 70 foot ease� nt and f ence on the
e st sid of the property be retained and naintained. h1r. Pangal seconded
t e moti n, wnich passed on a roll call vote of 2 to Q
S bmi tte by: �_ A�pro• ed by:
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P ricia rJ. James Josepn Pangal , Cha�rman
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PR SEPJT: himes. Morton, Summers, Tracy and Zieman; t�1r. angal of the
Zoning Comr,�ittee; P�r. Segal , Assistant City A torney; t�fs. Lar,e
of the Division of Housing and Building Code ivision; P�ts.
Kelley and P�r. t�lcGuire of the Planning Dzvisi n Staff.
AB ENT: P•1essrs. Galles, Lanegran and Levy
Th meeti g was chaired by Joseph Pangal , Chairman.
H. .A./ET BIRr4ItJGHHAP� �9580: Rezoning for property la ated on the eas�
si of Et a betaveen 7hird Street and Old Nudson Road.
Nlr. P�cGuir sho�.ved slides of the site and revie4��ed the s aff report.
App icant as present. Two persons testified in support
Ms. P4orton asked what the property on ��li 1 son, the apartm nt bui 1 di ng 4ii ti�
off ce spa e south of the shopping center, would be used for•. It �vas stated
tha there have been several proposals for cor�mercial us incl�ding a mo�e1
; and a racq et ball club but that none of those proposals have worked out.
Gar Pelti r, PED Housing Division, stated that the P;eig �aorhood Task Force
tias ��orked on this housing proQosal for the past two yea s. Th� prop�sal is
to rovide 60 units of inedium density housing, and has f 1I neigE�Uorhood
�up ort. t is the Nousing Division's intent Hrith the d velop�r to request
pre iminar and final approval of the planned developmen in ane step, and
the develo �r has agreed they ��rill make a�1 necessary ch g�>.
P�r. Pangal asked if the Neighborhood Task Force included istrict 1. htr.
Pel ier st ted the boundary between Districts 1 and 4 is t Birminghan and
tha one p rson f ror� District 1 is on the Task Farce an� as been inforr�ed.
C�r. 1 Ham 1, representing developer, asked th� Carmittee to pass a
fav able corr�nendation on to the Planning Com�r►issian. e stated they have
work d clos ly with the n�igh5orhood and that the neigl�bo iioad residents
full endor e the proposal and are very sup�artive of it.
Mr. arry H dd, owner of property sfluth of the Country C1 b Building, stated
ther was n lender to back his hatel proposal . He state thz property ��ill
be u ed as shopping center. The health club proposal f zze�ed out.
With no fur her testimony, Mr. Pangal closed the public h aring portion of
the eeting
h�s. lorLon tated she is concerned with the addition o�` 6 housing units in
�_ this small rea.
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NRA/ TPdA/BI MIPlG�-iAP^ �9580 Page Two
Pang 1 stat d he is concerned arith the apparent the 1ac� f input from
Dist ict l.
hts. ieman sked if all property o:�ners had been notified. P9r. 6�cGuire said
pro� rty oia ers aiithin 350' of the proposed site had be�.-� notified as
pres ribzd y the Zoning Code.
his. ummers state� her concern is whether property own�rs F�ad been notified.
She 's not omfortable with a�p•roving the proposal , and � e is conc�rn�d that
ther has b en no response from District 1.
P•1r. egal s ated that tne Planning Commission wou�d ma�C¢ inal approvaT o�
site plan. The Zoning Committ�e could recom,�►end eith�r � eliminary or final
appr val , t 2n the Planning Com�nission could r2commend �� roval on botE� if
th� o p��i tt e had enough i nf ormat i on.
Mr. eltier stated that the neighbors had been natif��� a d that �f tnere 4Jd5
any pposii.-on that there u�rould have been representati�la� in attendance �oday
to t stify in opposition. P�lr. Pangal stated tha4 th2 r��'c�ent� are �1�or[cing
people rrho ossibly cannot get off Hrork at 3:30 to atter,:: the Zoning
�F Cor� ittee m eting and that the fact tney are r.ot in atte� ance does r�ot
�` conc rn him. Mr. Peltier stated t�at they had received ra corr�spondencz in
oppo ition.
PJ1s. umme�s moved prel imi nary appr�oval of the rezon;ng. -ls. Zi er►an second�d
the otion, U�hich passed on a roll call vote of 4 to l.
Sub. itted b : Approv�d by:
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1 . APP ICANT: H.R.A./Etna Birmingham DAT OF HEARING: 06/21/84
2. CLA SIFICA ION: Rezoning
3. LOC TION: East side of Etna between Third St. and Old Hu son Road
4. LEG L DESC IPTIO�J: See legal description attached.
5. PRE ENT ZO ING: R-3 Single Family ZQNING CODE REFERENC : 64.400
6. STAF IP�VES IGATION & REPORT: DATE 06/29/84 B Charles L. McGuire
A. PURP SE; T consider rezoning f rom R-3 Single Family Resi ence to PD Planned
Deve opment to allow the construction of 60 units of cond minium housing in six
ten nit st uctures
B. SUFFICIENCY: The petition was found to be sufficient by t Zoning staff on hlay
6, 1984 wit 17 of the 24 elligible parcels having signed onsents. Sixteen
signa ures w re required for sufficiency.
C. PARCE SIZE: The parcel is 373 ft by 805 feet with an area of approximately 5.7
acres T e arcel has frontage on both Etna and Third St.
D. EXIST NG LAN USE: The land consists in part of "turn back' right-of-way and is
curre tly va ant.
North; prima ily vac�nt residentially zoned land
East: R-3 si gle family housiny
South: Freew y right-of-way for I-94
West: A smal shopping area on B-2 and B-3 zoned lands
F. ZOiVIPJG HISTOR : The area was zoned "A" Residence under the 922 zoning code
an wa chang d to R-3 under the 1975 Zoning Ordinance.
G. STAFF NALYSI : Under the provisions of Section 60.732, Gen ral Requirements,
Planne Devel ped projects v�hich are not classified as "phas d development" must
meet f r gene al criteria. These are:
a. Par els mu t be a minimum of 1.5 acres in size. �
b. The PD pro ect must be consistent with the Comprehensive lan.
c. Sub ivisio of land required by the development shall be oncurrent with the
Rez ning.
d. Al1 develo ent shall be completed within 3 years.
1.Accordi to da a contained in the proposal , the site size is .7 acres meeting
the firs requi ement. The proposal is consistent with Compre ensive and
Housing lan po icies, although the land use category shown on the land use map
of the D'strict Plan shows the site as low density housing.
2.Policy 4 1-3 of the Comprehensive Plan states: "On those large vacant sites
suitable for re idential use the City will encourage medium to high density
housing" This site is identified in the Comprehensive Plan ( ap 1 Composit
Land Use Map) a a "large vacant site for new housing". Furth r, the Housing
and Neig borhoo s portion of the Comprehensive Plan, Policy 1- and 1-5(B) both
support oderat density housing on sites such as the subjeet site (P.P.5 & 6, A
Plan for ousing 8-25-80 Saint Pau1 PED) . Finally,. the bufferi g of low density
residenti 1 use rom more intensive co�nercially zoned district has long been
accepted s a st ndard planning practice. The second criteria ppears to be
acceptabl met o this basis.
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HRA/FTN BIRMI HAM �9580 Page Two
3. The evelop r has agreed to file an application for appova of a new plat making
appr priate dedication and vacation of rights-of-way and p oviding adequate
info mation with which property can be legally described a d sold, and thus Item
C ab ve has been met.
4. The chedui ng of construction financing and long-term fin ncing for the project
requ re a c mpletion of all portions of the project by Jan ary 1, 19�6, meeting
cond tion d. above.
H. FINDI GS: der the provisions of Section 60.740, the Pla ing Comnission and
t e ity Cou cil are required to make seven findings. In r viewing the project
propo al , st ff finds the following consistent with this se tion of the Code:
1. T at the project is not in conflict with the Comprehens've Plan as is
r flecte in Item G-2 above.
2. T e prop sed development is designed to provide a desir ble and unified
e viromm �t within its own boundries in that, the plan rovides for adequate
s perati n of automobile use areas f rom open space and reen areas, and
p ovides iandscaping and berming to protect the site an its residents from
a verse i pacts of adjoining uses to the west and south.
3. Th propo ed use of the site will not be detrimental to resent and future
la d uses in the surrounding area because site arrangeme t channels traffic
aw y from lower density housing to the east and in fact rovides a buffer
be ween t ose uses and the more intensive use potentials of the site to the
we t.
4. Th t exce tions to the standard requirements in the Sche ule of Regulations,
sp cifica ly, more than 1 living unit per structure, and maximum density,
ar justi ied by the design and its sensitivity to the s rrounding area as
in icated in 3 above.
5. Th t the ize, composition and arrangement of the propos development is
su h that onstruction, marketing, and operation are feasibl� without
de ndence upon subsequent development.
6. Tha the s 'ze of units and the marketing targets of the d veloper reduce the
pro abilit of burden on public facilities and utilities, serving or
pro osed t serve the site to a level lower than would be anticipated, were
the projec to be constructed as f ree-standing single hom s.
7. Tha the p oposed development appears to be consistent wi h reasonable
enj yment f neighboring property.
In addi ion to these required findings, the staff finds that he site plan and
plat fo the p posal provided by the developer are in approv le form, meeting
or havi g devel per agreement on the meeting, of standards and specifications of
the vari us rev'ew agencies of the City and Ramsey County.
I. STAFF RE OMMEND TION: Based on the above findings, staff reco ends approval of
Rezoning to he PD one, consistent with the provisions of plans a d documents
provided by he dev loper as modified by City requirements.
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,�,_„�.r. �tA�, PETITION TO ATt�END 7.ONING C�DE �� ��5 • �
- a�-38 .
c/o City Clerk, oom 386 City Hall
St. Paul h7innes ta 55102
Pu suant t Section 64.210 of the St. Faul Zoning Ordinance an Sectian 462.357 (S) of the
City of 5aint Paul
I�linneso a Statu es, .HOUSING AND REDEVELOPLiENT AUTHORITY , the owner of all of
the Iand ropose for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following
describe prope y: �
Property bounded by Third St. , Etna St. , ld Hudson P,oad and
St eeY Add ess: alley in Block 5 Willard Linder Add. No.
Le al Des ipt10II: See attached Quit Claim Deed and Lette from State of rlinnesota.
from 8 R-3 - One Family Residential DiStciCt
t0 a PD P1 nned Development Disti'ict
for t3ie rpose f constructing sixty (60) coach homes
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before is / � day •
of 19 g Title: ,�� C-�z �t..--
. etitioner
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Public Works Project No. D-1381
Job 34 2922 Table 34 DL3:[ 132, 1 ]
Drafted on February 22, 198�4
Parcel .
That p rt of ots 2, 3, 6 and 7 which lies easterly of the ollowing
describ d line From a point on the north line of Block 15, uditor's
Subdivi ion 6 , City of St. Paul, distant 237.05 feet west of the
r,orthea t cor er of said Block 15, run northerly at an angl of 87
degrees 27 m nutes 08 seconds with said north block li e (when
measure from east to north) for 159.�2 feet; thence deflec to the
left a an an le of 04 degrees 06 minute 00 seconds for 181.18 feet;
thence deflec to the left at an angle of 120 degrees 56 mi utes 00
seconds for 49.42 feet to the point of beginning of lin to be
describ d; t ence deflect to the right at an angle of 121 d grees �8
minutes 45 se onds for 1000 fest and there terminating; al in Block
5, Eas iew Ad ition No. 3, according to the plat thereof o file and
of rec d in t e office of the Registrar of Titles,
Also t t part of Lot 1, Block 9, Eastview Addition No. 5, ich lies
northe ly of t e westerly extension of the south line of Lot 15, Block
4, Ea tview ddition No. 3 and easterly of the following escribed
line: From point on the north line of Block 15, Auditor's
Subdiv'sion 6 , City of St. Paul, distant 237.�5 feet wes of the
northe st cor er of said Block 15, run northerly at an ang e of 87
degree 27 inutes 08 seconds with said north block 1'ne (when
measur d fro east to north) for 159-�2 feet; thence defle t to the
left t an a le of 0�4 degrees 06 minute 00 seconds for 181.18 feet; .
thence defle t to the left at an angle of 120 degrees 56 m'nutes 00
second for 1000 feet to the point of beginning of li e to be
d�scri ed; ence run northeasterly along the last describ d course
for 5 9.30 f et; thence deflect to the left on a 28 degree 38 minute
52 se ond . c rve (delta angle 58 degrees 11 minutes 15 sec nds) for
203.11 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 500 feet nd there
termin ting.
Also hat p rt of vacated Conway Street accuring to above described
proper y,
All o the bove described property lies west of a line 6 .00 feet
east o and p rallel to the following described line: From point on
the n rth 1 ne of Block 15, Auditor's Subdivision 62, Cit of St.
Paul, distan 237.05 feet west of the northeast corner of s id Block
15, ru north rly at an angle of 87 degrees 27 minutes O8 se onds with
said orth lock line (when measured from east to north) f r 159•�2
. feet; thenc deflect to the left at an angle of Q4 degrees 06 minute
00 sec nds fo 181 . 18 feet; thence deflect to the lePt at a angle of
120 d grees 56 minutes 00 seconds for 3�{9.42 feet to the point of
beginn ng of �ine to be described; thence deflect to the r ght at an
angle of 12 degrees 48 minutes �5 seconds for 1000 feet nd there
termin ting; all in Block 5, Eastview Addition No. 3, acc rding to
the p at the eof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar
of Tit es.
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Parcel 2
That pa t of ots 1 , 2, 7 and 8 which lies easterly of a lin b6.00 �
feet ea t of nd parallel to the following described line: From a
. point o the no th line of Block 15, Auditor's Subdivision 62, City of
St. P 1, di tant 237.05 feet west of the northeast corner of said
Block 15, ru nortl�erly at an angle of 87 degrees 27 mi utes 08
seconds with id north block line (when measured from east o north)
for 159 �2 fee ; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 0 degrees
06 min te 00 econds for 181 .18 feet; thence deflect to the left at
an ang e of 1 0 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds for 349•�2 fee to_ the
point f beg nning of line to be described; thence deflect to the
right t an a gle of 121 degrees 48 minutes �45 seconds for 1 00 feet
and th re te minating; all in Block 5, Eastview Addition No. 3,
� accordi g to he plat thereof on file and of record in the o fice of
the Reg strar f Titles,
Also t at pa t of vacated Conway Street accuring to t e above
describ d prop rty,
Also t t part of Lot 1 , Block 9, Eastview Addition No. 5, ich lies
easter y of line 66.00 feet east of and parallel to the following
descri ed lin : From a point on the north line of Block 15, Auditor's
Subdiv sion 2, City of St. Paul, distant 237•05 feet wes of the
northe st co ner of said Block 15, run northerly at an ang e of 87
degree 27 inutes 08 seconds with said north block 1 ne (when
measur d fro east to north) for 159.�2 feet; thence defle t to the
left t an a gle of 0�4 degrees 06 minute 00 seconds for 181 18 feet;
thence defle t to the left at an angle of 120 degrees 56 m nutes 00
second for 3�9.�42 feet to the point of beginning of li e to be
descri ed; hence deflect to the right at an angle of 121 egrees 48
minute �45 s conds for 1000 feet and there terminating; al in Block
5, Eas view A dition No. 3, according to the plat thereof o file and
of rec rd in he office of the Registrar of Titles,
Also hat pa t of vacated Etna Street accuring to the abov described
prope ty.
Parce 3:
The n rth 32 $ feet of Lot 25 and all of Lots 26, 27, 28, 2 and 30 in
� Block 4, E stview Addition No. 3, according to the plat hereof on
file and o record in the office of the County Recorder i and for
Ramse Count , Minnesota.
Also all o Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 , 22, 23, 2�4 a d Lot 25
excep the orth 32.8 feet thereof, all in Block �4, �astvi w Addition
No. 3, ac ording to the plat thereof on file and of reco d in the
offi of th County Recorder in and for Ramsey County, Mi esota.
Also that art of vacated Etna Street (as dedicated Eastview
Addi ion No. 3) accuring to above said Lots.
Subj et �o sewer easement across the east 70.00 feet of aid Lots 15
thro gh 30 'nclusive, Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3.
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The C�aughan Corr�panies
Gau han Land Incorporated, P. J. Gaughan. Inc.:Gaughan Manageme t, Inc., Gaughan Realty
299 Coon Rapids Blvd.. Suite 210,Coon.,Rapids, Minnes ta 55433
M y 8 , 198�
h1 . Chu k McGuire
Z rairg ection
C ' ty of St . Paul Annex
2 W. 4 h Street
S . Pau , 1�9innesota 55102
RE : Etna - Biriningharn Site Rezoning
De r Mr . McGuire :
P H Pa tnership is requesting , in cooperation with the St .
Pa 1 Hou ing and Redevelopment Authority , the r zoning af the
Et �a - B' rmingham site to Planned Development .
Prop sal : The developmen� proposal for the 5 .7 acre site
pr poses sixty condominium units� in six - ten u_ it coachhome
st� uctur s . Tne unit size and rnix of the proje t is a� follows :
Etna-Birmingha� Project (6-10 unit bui dings)
Unit type Square Footage Tumber
1 e roo
1 edrao B 861 12
2 edroo 1100 24
3 B droom 13�5 12
Popul tion : It is projected the project wil house a
pop latio of g1 people or 1 . 52 people per unit .
Uni Type Projected People /Ur�it Total Uni s Total People
A 1 . 2 12 1 . 4
B 1 .2 12 14. 4
1 . b 2�I 38• 4
2.0 12 24
Total 0 91 .2
—Land Dsvelopment, Coristriiction, Property Management
Equal �pportunity Employer
(612) 786-6320
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Pa e 2
Traf ic Generation : It. is projected that even trips per
un ' t per day will be generated by the project . Tni�� trip
ge_ erati n level will result in �20 trips per d y being
generate by the project . All drive access is o Etna Street .
Etna is esig!�ed to accornmodate ar�d has more than ample capacity
to a!;dl this traffic level .
Parking Demand : Each unit will have an encl sed garage plus
an pen stall immediately in front of the garage. In additio� ,
one half pen stall per ur,it will be provided as guest parking .
In erms f City Code requirements , one and one alf stalls per
uni is b ing provided since the stall in front f the garage is
not count d as an additional parking space .
It s pro 'ected that the project will generate 1 25 vehicles per
uni or 7 vehicles in total . Additional vehicl � will be
gen rated by parties and other special occasions
Marke Studies : The Gaugtian Companies have eveloped three
pro eets s part of the St. Paul-Minneapolis Hou ing Program .
The infor ation generated from the marketing of hese projects
was used o arrive at the unit mix , pricing and esign of the
pro osed roject .
Sehed le of Developmert : It is planned to b ild the projeet
in wo unit p ases . e north 30 units is pl nned to be
can,.truct d first , with construction commeneing ' n July of 198� ,
wit comp etion expected in June of 1985. The s cond phase is
pla_ ned t begin ir� April of 1g85 with completio_ expected in
April of 1986.
'inancing Plan : The construction firarcing r the project
i� being rovided by the First Natio�al Bank of S int Paul . The
end oan inancing is being pravided by the Minne polis - St .
Paul Housi g Fund and City of St . Paul Housing Bo d Financing .
rovis ' on for Mainterance of Irnprovements : E closed are the
prop sed D clarations and Bylaws for the projects These
docu ents rovide for the complete maintehance an up keep of
the rojec site , building exteriors and interior common
elem nts .
lan a .d Financir,g of Street ard Utility Im r vements :
Mini al pu lic improvements are necessary to perm t the
deve opmen of the site . Sewer and water �ervice must be
exte. ded t each building , however , new public st eets are not
requ red .
Shou d you have additional questions on this matt r , please feel
free to ca 1 me at 786-6320.
Sin rely ours ,
Alan J. Ha el ,
Vice Presi ent
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?uAl :t Norks Pr 'ect No. -1381 Registered land Surveyor
AkEF PARCEL 1: 53.910 8 sq. ft. , Registratio� No. 6598
PARCEL 1: 102,467 6 sq. f[.
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SCAL E : I'�= 20 NORTH � °°�` � �USTRI At MAP N0.
-- --• a(�' + � . PE'�'IT10N TO AMEND ZONING COD �Q.,¢. ��5 • �
� �- �3. ' CITY OF� ST. PAUL, lti'iINNESOTA �p���-�
�.�a.t#38 °
c/o C ty Cle � Room 386 City Hall
St. Pa , Minn sota 55102
ursuan to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance a d Section 462.35? (5) of the
City of Saint Paul
Minne ta Sta utes, .HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY , the owner of all of
the la d propo d for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Bo to rezone the following
descri ed prop rty: �
Property bounded by Third St. , Etna St. , Old Hudson Road and
treet A dress: alley in Block 5 Willard Linder Add. No. 2
egal De cription: See attached Quit Claim Deed and Lett r from State of Minnesota.
from a R-3 One Family Residential D1StciCt
t0 g PD P anned Development D1StP1Ct
for the purpose of constructing sixty (60) coach homes
Subscri d and orn to I�y:
before is / � day .
of 19 1'itle:
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Cit� of Saint Paul, '•`.inr.eso�a
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Cit�� a Saint P:zul, '�`•innc-sota ` ^ ~
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'�Sobil Oil orp. C P I �,6 � �
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Yet���ons sha not b consicered as officially filed with the city clerk u til the Iapse of 7 wur;::n��
ueys e;ter a eti�ion is received in U�e office of the city elerk. :'�ny sig ator of Eny petition msy
H'!i`i�Ca�ti• his neme t erefro;n by �ti-ritten request x•ithin that ti�r,e.
F'��e7 uf s--
� . ' t;02,�r.:�'T.I�P AD'JOINING PFRC��R'TY OVe�NE3tS RE'LONI2iG � �j`(�l�L''Z
� e, the ndersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of t e total contiguous descriptions
of real estate wned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one ear preceding the dete of this
petitio � ackn wledge that we have been furnished with the followi g:
P, & H. Partnership consisti g of Harry Hadd and Gaughan
1 A cop of the Petition of Land, Inc. , and Housing and edevelopment Authority of the
ity o aint au , innesot � .
2 A cop of Sections 60.730 through 60.738 � inclusive� of the St. Paul
Ordin nce; and
a knowle ge thet we are aware of the uses permitted under a PD Planned Development
llistrict zoning 1 ssification; and herebV Gonse t to the Le Qnin o the ro er�� scribed 1'n the
P. �. Partnership consiSting o� Harry Ha�dd a� ughapn �and', �nc. , and
�'etiti011 of Hou ing and Redevelopment Authority of the to fl PD Distriet.
. , Edward oseph �y Willard Linder
� 1 5 Add ��2
509 Bi ingham � ��� ``'�
- _ 2l .
L Minnie J Mertz Willard Linder
� 501 Birm ngham 2 5
✓ Patrick . Gabr'el ° Willard Linder
495 Birm n ham ) 3 5 Add ��2
���� - �
✓ Lois 0. ller F 0 � illard Linder
Lois 0. S ith C P (Q _ ��,�� 4 5 Add 4�2
489 Birmi gham
/ Michael W Scanl n Willard Linder
� Rosemarie A. Sc lan 5 5 Add 4�2
483 Birmi gham
Public Hou ing Ag ncy ��illard Linder
339 Bremer Bldg. 6 5 Add ��2
Birmin ham
. ._-- __. _._ .
'u.., °- ;i
Peter J. W ber - '� ''`� - " '.` Willard Linder
` Diane L. W ber 7 5 Add �t2
- 7 B i rmin am ���1�( ; ' i- , ,
Yet�tions sh ll not b considere� as.of�'ic��el�y� ���,���ath the city clerk u til the lapse of 7 working
ur�ys after a etition is received'in th�' bf�fic� ,� t}t�:;�i,#y clerk. Any sig tor of any petition may
withdraw hi name t erefrom by written reqUe�t within that time.
Page 2 uf 8
� � � � :� - - _ �,� -., � � � C,��'s� ��'�
L ' . . i - -• . 'i,� �.�:_'�Li ,. :t�iYi:ll � U �ti�.�.'S l7 i:.�LL�:�i:�'.l
- �'� -;the u id�r�iz;ned, c�«�ners of pro�,ert}' ��:ithin 100 fcet of the totnl conli�;�ous desc�ii�tions
of rcal �;tt�te o 4•ned b}� Petitione; or �Id by Petitioner ���ithin one •cr�r preccdin� itl� C:�te Gf t;;is
pctitio , r�ckno��leo�e ihst �,ti�e h::ve been fiirnished with the folio•,�;i o;
P. & H. Partnership cor.sisti � of Harr�• Iiadd and C:.-tt:,�}�az
1. A copy of the Petition of Land, Inc. , and Housin� and edevelopi�ent Authorit�• o� the
�ity o� aint ai� , ?•�innesota
2. A co�y of Sections 60.730 through 60.,38 � inclusive, of the St. 1•�.ul
Ordina ce; and
ac nowled e that �ti�e pre a�ti�are of the uses perrnitted under a PD Planned Developr.:ent
llistrict oning c �ssii ication;��d here�y c;on�eRt -to L`�e �ez^nino o� ih�pro�er`4y described�n t.�e
Y. & ri. Partnerstiip consi5ting or i�arry ad� art� l� u� n �,anu, lnc. , an
Hous ng and Redevelopment Authorit�• of the i� . ♦
Yetitioti f r ' t0 g PD L�$lilCl.
-� _ S��z�t--��,^�-s*��,-�a�sn-:.a
Edward J seph �ti'illard Linder
� � ' 1 5 Add ,f2
509 Birmi gham I I '
"linnie J . �`�ertz I t:illard Linder
` 501 Birmi gham 2 � ,� „
. I I
Patrick M. Gabrie l�i_llard Lin�er
495 B�rrnin ham I � � 5 add f�2
� I I
Lois 0. �da ler F/ � illard Linder
� Lois 0. Sm th C/ !: 5 '�dd ,"2
489 Birmin ham I
�iichael W. canlan �dillard Linder
` Rosemarie A Scanl n 5 5 Add �12
4R3 Birmin� am �
I � I '
Public Hous 'ng A�e c�• },illard Lincer
�9 �remer ld�•____ 6 ( 5 �`Add �`2
� . �¢�
'����//1� i�/l ���I� �J�"Z�'c�f'�L� �
� Peter J . Web r _.�,. ��_ �5.5 � _ i��illard Linder
Diane L. t�Teb r �;uix�,,�: ,,,; �x z�.�..�.� 7 5 Add �f2
- 7� Birmingh
Yet�t�ons shall not be onsidered as ' n� �
�Q'�'�i��l�y��'�`�d with the city clerk unt l the lapse of 7 wurk�nb
ua��s after a p tition i received in the office,Qf t,h.��ity clerk. Any signa or of Pny petition may
withdraw his n me the ei:om b}�'��r�tt�l3Ct�q���t 14it��rJ th�it tiine.
a ,�,�y .
.�'s =�.��._.
Paoe 2 uf 8 _
� . ' CO:;�L=:T O_F AD�ZOINIr'G �'isU�'Ei�'iY O�i1�E1LS 'I �ttLONIP�G ���= c���f ��
�'►' � the u dersigned� owners of property within 100 feet of th total contiguous descri�tic,ns
of real stAte o ned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one ear preceding the dete of this
petition eckno ledge that we have been furnished with the followi g:
P. & H. Partnership consisting of Harry Hadd and Gaughan
1. A copy of the Petition of Land, Inc. , and Housing and R development Authority of the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
2. A copy of Sections 60.730 through 60.738 � inclusive� of the St. Poul
Ordina ce; and
ac nowled e that we are aware of the uses permitted under a PD Planned Develo ment
llistrict onin c assification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of he property described in the
P. � . Partnership consisting of Harry Hadd and Gau han Land, Inc. , and
1'etitioll f Hous' g and Redevelopment Authority of the tp g PD Distriet.
City f Saint Paul, Minnesota
JAlexander F. Nie inski �/� Willard Linder
469 Birmi ham 8
. j .
�Allen N, ylvia � Willard Linder
Ruth Sylv a 9 5 Add ��2
4 5 Birmi gham
JEugene F, iber • Willard Linder
Mary K. Hi er � 10 5 Add ��2
4 Birmin ham �
Vadnais Co tructi n, Inc F/0 �
. _ -- �
3570 Lexin on Ave No � 1�
Joseph P. H ffman /P Willard Linder
Harriet L. offman �a-— J�o
453 Birming am �j
/James J. Fr scone , Willard Linder
� Phyllis M. rascone 12 5 Add ��2 ,
449 Birmingh m � ( I
JRo ert A. Pe tier Willard Linder
Marliyn Pelt er � ' 13 5 Add ��2
4 irming
Yet�tions sha not be considered as of�,��i�l�j��fl�tl �i+ifi.h the city clerk un il the lapse of 7 working
a�ys after a etition s received in the office of the city clerk. Any sign tor of any petition may
w�thdraw his ame th refrom by writtet�xQqr��s��w�i,thin that time.
Page3 uf 8 --
, - ' (;p'iS�:vTOP ADJ�UINI:�G Y�OPER"i'Y U'rti�i:EiZS `I ��E'LONIi`G ��i�`C��'� !,
. �4e� the u dersigned� owners of property within 100 feet of th total contiguous descriptions
of real state ned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one ear preceding the date of this
petitio � bckno ledge that we have been furnished with the followi g:
P. & H. Partnership consisting o Harry Hadd and Gaughan
1. A cop of the Petition of Land, Inc. , and Housing and R development Authority of the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
2. A cop of Sections 60.730 through 60.738 , inclusive, of the St. Peul
Ordina ce; and
ac nowled e that we are aware of the uses permitted under a PD Planned Development
llistrict zoning lassification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of he property described in the
P. & H. Partnership consisting of Harry Hadd and Ga ghan Land, Inc. , and
Yetitiot► of Hous ng and Redevelopment Authority of the t0 g pD DlStriCt.
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
./ Jo n Ro nson Willard Linder
��� Joyce A. obins 14 5 Add ��2
4 irm g am
/ Roger L. cClure r, Willard Linder
� Maryann E McClu e �„G� 15 5 Add �62
4 irmi g am
Rodney M. Simmons n��� co,�.r2,-�ato. � Willard Linder �
Geneva M. Simmons ��C F�r 1P�,lti�. �.S�mM�,�� 16 5 Add ��2
42 S B irmin h am �� �N /.}, ij��e��LL
F ora L. G ulet F 0 a, ,/ Eastview
�?i� � '��' / .!/,./ 1 9 Add ��5
� Edward M, mith C P i< �.,r,�/� � '`!�-'� ,- •-
5 ommer e g Ex. N . 300 ft.
Wilson Ave ue Subj . wys
JRyan e oa o. The N , t. Eastview
Suite .3, R an Bld . 1 9 Add ��5
Hi ing,
1330 Conwa
Emil J. Jar Joys East
° Ruth C. Jar 1 & 2 1 End Add.
4 C arenc No. 5 ft. of
Yet�tions sh ll not be considered as officia�ITy filed`'with the city clerk u til the Iapse of 7 working
a�ys aft�r a petitio� is received in the office of the city clerk. Any sig ator of any petition may
withdraw hi n�me herefrom by writte�''t`eq�IesY x�ithin that time.
P&ae 4 c�f 8__
'. • C .;Sr;..`i' OF'f:i�JOI.�1:;G �'nOPE�'1 Y �1ti,�3:.1=;S '1O .'t.'LO�:I::G ���-�� '7
. tiYe� he unde igned, owners of property within 100 feet of the t tr�l contiguous de�cri�tions
of real est te own d by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one }'e r preced',ng t1�e dete of this
petition, a knowle ge that we have been furnished with the following:
P. & H. Partnership consisting of Harry Aadd and Gaughan
1. A copy of the Petition of Land, Inc. , and Housing and Red velopment Authority of the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
2. A copy of Sections �� ihrough � inclusive, of the St. Faul
O dinanc ; and - -
ackn wledge at we are aware of the uses permitted under a PD Planned Develo ment
llistrict zo ing cla sification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of t e property described in the
P. & H. Partnership consisting of Harry Hadd and Gau Land, Inc. , and
Yetitiot� of ousin and RedeveloDment Authority of the to 8 PD Distt'iet.
City o Saint Paul, Minnesota
Helen Joh son �,=°^ 11 0 8 Eastview
Robert W. ohnson � • Add No. 4
330 Cotta Ave, pt. G , � —
424 Englis .
�`.�, � .
. Jerome 0'B ien Sl wick 0 j ? _ r'�: •
, � 1850 Unive sit �'�N�J
Victor Spa ding C P . 1141 E.R.Bryant's
Mary Spaud ng 16 Subd. ____
1266 Roma ve.
1305 Conwa
Jerome 0'B ien S1 wick F 0 ;-7 � � �'
1850 Unive sity ' c �
Dennis Elm trand /P t. 15 E.R. Bryant s
Kathleen E mstran � 11 16 16 Subd.
Fre r ck '
1311 Conwa
Jerome 0'B ien S1 ick F 0 _
1850 .Unive sit � ��y�L'� C'� '�� �
K & P Ente prises I(J�" Pt.17 E. R. Bryant's
2380 Hwy 3 E. 1 IAll 1 16 Subd. __
1319 Conwa St. I I � !
, I
C. E Realt Co. F/ Al1 2 , E.R. Bryant's
631 Stryker 21� 16 Subd.
Jerome 0 Br'en Sla ik C/ '
1850 Univer ity -• -�• :, .
Yet�t�ons sh ll not b considered as official�� ,fi�ed�,�i_tk�.the city clerk ntil the lapse of ? wurk�n�
cit�ys after a petitioi is received in the offiCe�o�f flie city elerk. Any si nator of any petition may
w�thdraw hi name erefrom by writter�.request.x-ithin t�ar time.
Page 5 �f 8 —
. - � : . (y,���7
,A'� /e /Q� � , being first duIy sworn� de oses nd states that he is the
per n w o irc ate e wit in peti ion and consent, consistin of�pages; that affiant
� is in ormed nd believes that the parties described are the owne s respectively of the lots placed
imm diately following each name, that affiant is informed and b lieves that'each of the parties
desc ibed ab ve is the owner of property which is within 100 fee from any property owned
ay p titione or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding t e date of this petition which
is co tiguou to the property described in the petition; that exce t for�
none of the arties described above has purchased or is purchasin property rom pe i �oner
cont ous t the above descrihed property within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that
this onsent as signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant� and that the
sign res ar the true and co:rect signatures of each and all of e parties so described.
, �
' $r°`C'/la�x�V1N/
� d ress
Ca � �. `� 3 3 — Z8 / /
� � e ep one umber
Subsc ibed n sworn t before
rne tn s� ay of , ly��
f ,
o ub ic
��vw�n ��nn,vwv+ nn.�nhnMnn��nwwu.n�w
'Y��'�: R::�,E ^F,{�V rRf�DET';E
1� ,M,
�� N���+:'�.RY U�3LIC—hril"lNESOTl+
- My Comm Expires Apri 23,1987
. ,'( � ,
Approv as to orm - Feb. 80
Plannin Depar ment Page g of g
� ' L'. � ,..'�'i U7' '.�;J��l:;:':G i iiOP'r_� i Y U',�.:.:i:S '1 1:i.LU;:i:�G C��`' ---(�J� '
. 11'e� the un ersigned, owners of propert} within 1 UO fcet of the totnl contiguous descri�ti��ns
of reel es ete ox� ed by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one y �r preceding the date of this
petition, cknowl -dge ihat we have been furnished with the followin :
P. � H. Partnership consisting o Harry Hadd and Gaughan
1. Copy f the Petition of Land, Inc. , and Housing and Re evelopment Authority of the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota '
2. copy f Sections ��_��� through � inclusive, of ihe St. Peul
rdinan e; and -- -
ack owledg that we are aware of the uses perrnitted under a PD Planned Develo ment
llistrict z ning cI ssification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of he property described in ihe
P. & . Partnership consisting of Aarry Hadd and Ga gh Land, Inc. , and
Yetiti0)1 o Housi g and Redevelopment Authority of the t� 8 PD Distriet.
City f Saint Paul, Minnesota
Robert M. Richar son 1 & 2 1 Joys East
415 Clare ce ' X E d
Edward M. & Jean M. K�, � ---- 3, , Joys East
Smith F/0 � ���i.:'r ,�t�. �'-�-r'. 5 1
Keller Pr pertie CHK 7
� ' 1350 Ct . Rd. B est
Wilson Av nue �
( —
ic ar 0 Hanou ek F 0 � 2 - Eastview
1938 Muns er Ave. -y �� , I Pt. $ Add. No 4 _
ioneer per . ar anae ,
155 Irvin Ave. o. �
apo s,
458 Engli
Wallace M. Mailan pt, Eastview
Mar Maila d 8 Add No. 4
790 Clevel nd Ave So. Pt.l
446 En lis All & 9
434 Englis I I I I
424 En lis
re . etz a F 0 t. E.R. Bryant s
Eleanore M Tezla f � � A 2 , 16 Subd.
arga et St.
Larkin LTD C/P
erxe ve, o. i ��--
Bloomingto , MN -� -
;,r; ..,., . „ ,,, . ,
Yetitions sh ll not e considered as official�y'filedfwith the city clerk ntil the lapse of 7 work�ng
uays after a petitio is received in the �f�ice;of the eity clerk. Any si nator of any petition may
w�thdraw hi name herefrom by written request wittiiri tt�at time.
Pe�e6 uf 8 _—
� �,Tr o � S' -T J
. C�E' P . . . . � .
� iiii'ii ii �
+se 25 est Pourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
GEORGE TIMER 612-292-1577
May 6, 1985 _�
A1be t Name
The aughan Company
299 oon Ra ids Boulevard
Coon Rapids Minnesata 55433
RE: Revisi ns to Site P.lan #961-Construction of Townhouse located
on the Southeast Corner of Etna and Third Streets (La scape/
Site Plan and Grading� Plan prepared by "The Gaughan C pany"
and dat d May 1, 1985 and April 25, 1985, respectively).
Dear r. Ham 1 :
The a ove re erenced plans are hereby approved subject to t e following conditions:
1. T e alig ment of the northernmost curb-cut and finished c�rade of the public
s dewalk on Etna must be approved by Public Works. Con act Hartley Thomas at .
2 2-6278 for further details.
2. T e landscaping arrangement for the area surrounding the four (4) parking spaces
n rth of uildings number 498 and 500, shown on the pla , shall be approved by
th Plann'ng Department. Contact Mark Basten at 292-157 prior to the
in tal�at'on of plant materials.
If you have a y questions , please call Larry Zanas at 292-I5 7.
Sincer ly,
Charle L. Mc uire
Princi al PTa ner - Zoninp
cc: fil �
Wen y Lane
Mic ael Kn tson
Bob Hamilt n �
A1 lson
Ed lson T
TIME LI IT: A proval of the site plan becomes void within on year of the date of
this ap roval letter unless a building permit has been issued nd work is proceeding
under t e terms of the building permit. An extension not to e ceed one year may be
granted by the lanning Administrator upon request.
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