85-455 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council _ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• BLUE - MAVOR 1 � o cil Resolution . t Presented By � Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Popp nberge , Inc., has submitted the attached proposed lot split with variance for City Council approval; and WHEREAS, the epartm nts of Planning and Economic Development and Pu lic Works have re iewed he proposed lot split at 731 and 735 York Avenu , described as: 731 York "The East 15.0 feet of Lot 16 and Lot 17, except the East 5.5 feet thereo , Block 28, Arlington Hills Addition;" and 735 York "The East 5.5 feet of Lot 17, and all of Lot 18, Blo k 28, Arlingto Hills Addition;" and WHEREAS, the ropose lot split meets the requirements of Sections 6 .304 and 67.406 of the Zo ing Code except for minimum lot width and side ard; and WHEREAS, City Counci has determined according to Section 67.703 of he Zoning Code t at com liance with the subdivision regula#ions would c eate an unusual ha dship; NOW, THEREFOR , BE I RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and a roves this lot spli with ariances as follows: 1. A .5 ft. v riance to permit a lot width of 49.50 ft. at 731 ork; 2. A 4. 0 ft. ariance to permit a lot width of 45.50 ft. at 735 ork; a d 3. A 5. 7 ft. ariance to permit a side yard 3.23 ft. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �����ys j � � / Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia � scnetber � __ Against BY �`�'`�"�^ l�so Wilson PR 4 - 1985 Form Approv by ' y Atto y Adopted by Council: Date Certified P ss b Council r BY gl, . �ppro y lVlavor. Date ��� � � ��3�� �►ppr ve y Mayor for Sub ' n to uncil By _. 8 Pi�d i Ski�,D �'���''1�— / . � s- �/ss ARTFIENT LInda Dickhut TACT H NE �� � M 28 1 85 DA E / � ' (Rowting and Explanation S t) Assi Number for Ro tin 0 r Cli All Lxations for oral Si ature : Depawtaient Di ctor . . „2,,,_ City Attoniey _ Se a / 9 � Director of Ma �gemen /Ma�yor ` Finance and Ma agemen Services Director �'v � . �„_ City Clerk H ARING PRIL 4, 1985 REC Budget Direct � MAR 2 � 1 Deputy Direcot , Plan ing - P. Reichert _ �S CITY AT RNEY � Q� �lhat Will be �lchieve b Ta, n Action on the Attached Mater ls? Pur se Rationale : Implementation of su divisi n regulations regarding lot splits. afeguard gainst , creation of substand rd/unb ildable lots. City Council hearing re ' ed. � �� � � �� � Fi nac�ci al Bud ta ad Pe onnel I acts Mti ci ted: ��' � �� � � ��'` Fee 6� $20.00 to cov admin'strative costs . ��^"`'� � ` ���� � Fundin Source and F d Acti it Nwnber Cha d or Credited: � �;µ - � ? ` ��,�����, General Fund ��, Attachments List and Number all Attact�ents : �.C:�.iv �D ��,�" 1 . City Council Resol tion AP R � � � 2. Staff report 3. Copy of legal noti e f�iAYO�t'S C1F ICE 4. Survey for lot spl t at : 31 and '�735 York DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW I X Yes No Cou cil Re olution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes � No Ins rance quired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes � No Ins rance ttached? Revision of Qctober, 1982 �SPP RPVPI"[P SidP for �Inst uctions) � ., . _ . . � ���_"" '� � ��� LOT SPLIt STA� PORT -----=--==-==t--��--=___ �,F �"s-y.s-�� . � C . '1 ri ' � t'.'! i f�T� .. .. � ;�� � � ��'� i. L . � �'s �a � FILE #S$D 1 5 � C(TY �' `" `� �"�''�= DATE OF HEA IN . 4/4/85 1. APPLICANT: POPPENBE GER, INC. , S , ,s ,; , ,1�,�, . 2. LOCATION: 7 1 and 7 5 York Avenue (Northwest corner York and Wals ). 3. LEGAL DESCRIP ION: ots 17, 18 and the E. 15' of Lot 16, Slock 28, Arlington ills Addition 4. PRESENT ZONIN : RT- , ZONING CQDE REFERENCE: S . 67.304 & 67.406 5. STAFF INVESTI ATION REPORT: DATE: 3/29/85 BY: Charles L. McGuire _-________�______ ______ ______________________________________________ ____________ A. PURPOSE: Con iderat on of a lot split with variances, to allow sep rate ownership of he exi ting structures. B. SITE & AREA C NDITIO S: The site is currently occupied by two dupl xes. There are no signif cant t pographic features. The surrounding land uses are predominantly low to medium density residential . C. MINIMUM LOT R UIREM NTS: 6,000 sq. ft. area; 50 ft. width; 9 ft. ide yards. D. CURRENT WIDTH & AREA One parcel 12,887.70 sq. ft. area; 95 ft. fr ntage. E. PROPOSED WIDT & ARE : Two parcels 731 York: 6, 14.43 q. ft, area; 49.50 ft. frontage. 735 York: 6, 73.21 q. ft, area; 45.50 ft. frontage. F. VARIANCES RE ESTED: 731 York: th 49.50' lot width requires a 50' variance; 735 York: th 45.50' lot width requires a 4.50' variance; and the .23' side ya d requi es a 5.67 ft. side yard variance. Section 67.70 of th Zoning Code allows the City Council to grant ariances to the subdivisi regul tions when compliance would create an unusual hardship, based on the llowin findings: 1. The intent of thi chapter is met. Public Wor s' rec rds indicate the original intent at this site as to allow constructi n of e ch duplex on a single platted lot, which would have permitted eparat sale of the structures. The proposed divivsi n will alleviate he enc oachment problem and provide a more nearly con orming lot width at 7 5 York while maintaining the minimum 6,000 sq. ft. lo area for each struc ure. 2. The granti g of t e variance will not be detrimental to the publ 'c safet�r, health or elf are or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborho d in w ich the property is located. Granting t e vari nce would not change the existing development ut enables owner occu ancy o each structure. 3. The condit tons u on which the request for a variance is based a e unique to the proper y for hich the variance is sought and are generally ot applicable to oth r property. The varian es are requested because of the original placement of the , structures on the lot. 4. The litera inter retation of the provisions of this chapter wou d deprive the applic nt of ights commonly enjoyed by other properties in he same zoning dis rict. Denial of he variances would deprive the owner of the separate ale of the structures on lo s which are larger than many other duplex lots in the area. �.,..._�.,_�.._.._._ , w;.-___�.__... _ ._ . __._... . . . _ r �� ��, Po enber er Inc SBD 145 Page 2 5. The speci 1 cond tions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the appli ant. � - The condi ions h ve existed since the turn of the century when he duplexes were orig nally uilt. 6. Because o the p rticular natural surroundings, shape or topogr phical condition of th specific property involved, unusual hardship o the owner would res lt, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of these egulations were carried out. Denial of the va iances would disallow the sale of either struc ure making it difficult to sell or maintain the property. G. STAFF FINDING : 1 . The division mee s all other requirements of the Zoning Code. 2. The division will not alter the existing development nor is the e any new developme t propo ed. 3. The divisi n will not be detrimental to the present or potential surrounding land uses. H. STAFF RECOMMEN ATION: Based on findings in F and G, staff recomnend the lot split be appro ed wit variances as requested in F. . .. � �;� . . � ����yss � � � � �;,: ; � � � . ,----�.�.:. .. . _.�..��._� _ .----- �____..K.__ . ._ _ . -�� _ _ _ . , :_ . . w_.�. _..� _ .____��_.._..n. _ WHITE - C1TV CIERK . . � � . . . PINK - FINANCE COl1I1CII CANARY - OE�4qTMENT G I�y OF� SA I \'T - F�ALT L DLUE � MqVOR � � F1I2 NO. � � Council �Zesol�t��� � . Presented By � Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee B . Date WHEREAS, Pop enberg r, Inc., has submitted the attached proposed ot split with varian s for ity Council approval; and WHEREAS, the Depart ents of Planning and Economic Development and Public Works have r viewed the proposed lot. split at 731 and 73� York Av nue, described as � 731 Yar ; "Th East 15.0 feet of Lot 16 and Lot 17, except he East 5.5 fee there f, Block 28, Arlington Hills Addition;" and 735 Yor : "Th East 5.5 feet of Lot 17, and all of Lot 78, lock 28, Arlingt n Nill Addition;" and . WHEREAS, the propos d lot split meets the requirements of Sectiori 67.304 . and 67.406 o the Z ning Code except for minimum lot width and si e yard; and , WHEREAS, Cit Counc 1 has determined according to Section 67.703 f the Zoning Code hat co pliance with the subdivision regula�ions woul create an unusual h rdship NOW, THEREFO E, SE T RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and ?nnroves this lot spl t with variances as follows: � � 1. A . 0 ft. ariance ta permit a lot width of 49.54 ft. at 731 York; 2. A 4 50 ft. variance to permit a lot width of 45.50 ft. a 735 York; nd 3. A 5 57 ft. variance �o permit a side yard 3.23 ft. COUNCILIVIEN Requested by De.partment of: Yeas Nays /� � � Fletchar � °'eN1 In Favor Masanz � Ntcosia • .,J ��i�� /J '. /�,/T.�"su+c...+r scne�bet Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adupted b�• Council: Date Form Appcov by ' y Atto y Certified Passed by Council Sec etary BY By � Approved b}• �iavor: Date Approved y Mayor for Submission to ouncil sy sy _ _ _ _- _ _ _ __ _._ � . _ ... . -_ . . , � -- , . . _ _ . � � - +�� . ✓ .� v �"� z v' .�.Y�'"�`+�I• ' . ' .. - . � ' � . . . �� . . . .., y�,,�+"�i p-T���. - 4 � + ` _.E ����--s��.3�' 1 rum thc uftui� ut (��� ��� GEORGI- SCHNIIDT & ASSOC. INC. 3092 No. Lexington Ave, Roseville, Mn. 55113 ' LAND SURVEYING � ¢� � x�� 4ts3-440H I Mereby Certify that this plat shows a survey made by me of the pr perty descnbed on th�s plat, and that the corners are correctly placed as s own• :i Job Number: l T ,c Surveyed Fo� +���or Pro jty `nL ` Date h 1 t s�_____ .1 SC8I@ ' Z HEG�S7ERED LnND SUHVEVON P � J Vi N } � ALLEY . � o , ,� �iu..as a.1 _ - µ9.S fr..... lron �}5.S� . ' /3,' µ0. _ _ � ' �`� �, � ssa ;; I �, ' ,: .6wray� ^ ^ 1� � (�ara.y� V � /3. . S.S I • 'N \��`' `,, � o� ,Q � 1� ��' ok 1. � F° '� �1p � ! ? ; (1� i U� � � �! � h; � . ,��� � m �1.43� � . j�f. >' �/� , I ``, � ' � ,� Vy b �p �" �, � P� 4i b,i ,� � z .s�r•.. H I '' ' f9� N '� �t1 ' • Da�•ofcs IroK FOKN� iNPlace I � !' � � � . _: _ _ , _ _. _ -t�sasF- � _ _ i,ss y� - (2 s�,. sFaee.� „µou.sc t i2;1 Sfo�.� �r�t,r�- J . � Q : W � ¢Ta, ' ;� +�,as � 3 � ' 12.�� _, - — � d �.«�'.: ._.'.� _ u �p P.►c,�.-q'� iw �'o v�� �.3. i �. � 4 : �y �q.y• � ;s . � � 3.Z3 � 1 L'' °a ss' 1.z-r ,� ,�.. 1 � � s,. � /4' � bo _ *o' � .ro' , � �-o ou.Kd I ro �}9•5 � � �iS.S SmF a�1 ..�wd �r�+H YORK AVENUE '� � � � � I're•sent Ilescriptiuns: {>roposcvi I1�•srri��lio��s: ' 117j1 York- last JS.0 feet of Lot 1C, en all nf lot l7, ��'j� �"'��" fSlci�k :5, Arlinyton Ntlls -1dd. t St. Paul. I ast IS.i) ft•� t uf Int l�". ,uid l��t 1 , rxce•pl ���t• Hdmse} Cuunl�, Ilinncsot,�. Easl S.5 fc•��t lhcrrof, itlui•k '�, lrliuyt.m IIiUs 1dd. � to S1 . 1';w]. � i�am5t�y lbunl�, Ilinuc�qt�: , U735 lork- Lot 15, Hluck ,'ti, lrlinylon Hills Add. Co 11735 York- 5�, p����, The Fast S.S 1'eet of Lut 17, ;in�l al uf Lot. ]�, It.imsey Cuunty, Fli�ine5ot,�. . �11ock �h, Arli���ilon Hills �1�1d. tu SL. P.��l. . . R.�mscy Count�, Flinnesota ��►ebY�e►t�fY that tl1b wrvey was prepared oy me, or under my direct supervision,ann that 1 am a duly Replaterod Land Surveyo� �Ynder W8 O� t11a S18 8 O Minne� � ' :•���'.�'��.,5�.ii � � /� �- D�te Reg.No. � t E, . / � - id 'p, d,,Ww., • � p F 0 � A Q � S T1 r � 0 � L s n � � O' 6._ � � � ,� Z � � c -v _ � n 3 � - a �n J' � � � � � N T � -- - - - -__ _ - —-- -- — � - � � � � N ,� � � ? � I � p, � � � � � � s� � a � � 3 � � � � � -�- ,� I � izs63 �,L . I , , , I -�-, � , , ; � � � j 'n � 1_ 1, O -� �l � � � A /� -- - '25�'Z�.* � I � a� V11 _'� - I -t- C� - zq:s _ ,� , ; - n �� '� � D' � � � � � �' � � � I � s � �y R � n rp _- J '� //H L�•(n,.: �< � (� � � � � � � V11 �;'' � � r' i r c� ,. o �••� JX � r. N' y � :.> _.,:.�. I ^ � _ � � � a� X � _ s a w � ' a D o=o Ti �zs 6� � � s 7 a � _ � .. s � � 3 ' T o �, 3. 57 � N t � � �' C < T m o �D �D _ � _ ^ _ I � ? a C � � � o � � � g. W � � � � - � � T S m � � Z < � O � � � � � � � � � � � ^ d �� f m l � � � ����3 � s i o � � � ,� � -F -: < _ �z. 9 � � � I D � � .,, . 1L,,4, � � Z � � � � p t� ` o � A �� _ �; D: p w � C � P <I �- s m ¢, � < O J' � 9 zo � T ° 1 2 S. 6 " �z s.69 '� � � �,, � � m � I �T R EET � � .� � ��� � � � � � U. - � �! N � i i z .r �, _ ^ i =� . � � .: cn ^ u ------ — -- ^ T = � — - � �� — , i = - -J � . _ . ~ � _ .f - � y� ( (` /� — ^ / � (,! Y� �S 1-� ~I L� �� � �. �( _ / _ � � � T � — " T " _, I • . ._ ,^�� I �. ��-_ — T — _ _ _ ,� — I - _J - _ f � �� � .. � � . - . l?�' - - � y � v F — — — 1 — • — P �. ' , t ' O — S . . \ r � ^ � g � � m � �= � ' m _ � � � a . m .� m � � n � iv,i �, � - — -- -_ --- � � p, � -" � 1 <b.g' f t`'"ifS'. �- N � -- a•� � � K1 � O -� �a �r� � o o... � � � 3 ~ � � /�B/� � tO w � F n �:' M � � � � �1 r:�:�, .`-'�,,m �o v} ? w , . � � � � � � � ;; �. � � .�i, C �$.'t' o Z ci � - - - - - .,.>...-4�.�S'SF o � �� � � � � � - - - _ � � m � �� � c,, W rv 2 < N � T -, � . _ — _ N m � y � tn �'.Zs � � � - - ;; -, w� _ � � � w �� � � � (U � � � .... �/ _ � � .� 1 � � ��0._ � � � 7 � V `S. (:' ' . • � � ^• � �T �� G � T � _ _ r J. � � � It N r- .r -• _ . T ` �� F' � \� = - = � -� - � '� �s��+ .�� 't w �fi y; � � _ J �, � o� -� �' `� �R� _ ' � J ^ S� ° � - ' � c 3- .._ O .:f4 Z� !�<.�.- �. � -_ �-- .,� �,�� r = �� _ r- �J � - � C � — ��' � � � � _ ^, � P � — � — � — �i �" _ - _ � p� WAL51 , � , -. � _ -- �. � � -> .r : _ , . �'s y� N ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Pa 1 City Council will conduct a public hearing to consi er � the request of P pperrbe ger, Inc. for a lot split with variances at 73 and 735 York Avenue� 1lpri 4�,�i�; ��»��'p;(�"=�;�;� �� t�:��y �`ouncil Ch mbers, 3rd floor, City all. Albert B. O1son City Clerk (March 23, 1985) . ' ' �-�.. . /-`R� - �'a= (_j%> �_, __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ NOTICE�I�P�1�L�BSARIIITG ' , .:, . .. .. . � .,. 'f„.:`. � .` ". r ��.. . / The Sa ��tt� Ci. C4Wki� '�+il,iz eonduct a pubhc�e tQ cots�a�,der the request ot P �erg r.�,tor a ktt.�p}it with variances at i and 735 York Avenue on r�}�4;- ,::at kQ:OU A.� in-the City.Council Cbat�tben, 3rd tloor, City Hall. . . � ALBERT$. LSC�+T,' �ty Cie�'k ' . (11�rch 23,1985) � s � � `.. � lst �-f " /�/�-�.� �2nd �-/ - y"J � 3rd o � Adopted /�.�� "%y-� Ye s Nays AREW � MEISANZ ��� �� �� .� .� � � a NICOSIA /�'�3� ,�{i t.�jZ�r � . ;��1� �# -f i=-� � �,. � �l r#.� �. SCEIEIBEL f f. ��{r S ONN�N r r���k�M ' ...:;b.a. tidILSON .T — �iR. PR�SIDENT TI:D�SCO - - _ _ _ . -�.-:�-��;t�,_ ._ •i ��{�, ,.f' _� a ���=_ t = . �_;� =��t':F,. ..- }i�� * *$c . �'�`� � 6'.. ���1��� WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK r- FINANCE CANARV -DEPARTMENT ITY OF SAINT PAUL F le ci1N0. �LUE = MAVOR � • � �n�nce Ordinance N 0. d S Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A ordi ance amending Chapter 60 of the S int P ul Legislative Code pertaining t zoni g for the City of Saint Paul a d the zoning maps thereof. � WHEREAS, ursua t to Minnesota 8tatutes, � 462.357 and § 64.400 of th Sain Paul Legislative Code, Bernard and Sa Koenke have du y pet tioned to rezone property located in th area bounded b Curt ce, Brown, Belvidere and Andrew Streets, the property being legal y desaribed as all of Block 17, West St. Paul Real Estate & mprvv ment Syndicate Addition #2 to the City f St. Paul and Lots and , Block 52, Brown & Jackson's Addition o the City of St. Pa l, fr m R-4 single family residential zone di trict to a planned d velop ent district for the purpose of constru ting 20 units of cl ster ousing and three single family homes, t e petition havin been certified by the Department of Planning and Economic Devel pment on May 5, 1984 as having been consented to by at least 67� o the wners of the area of the property to be re- zoned, and fur her h ving been consented to by at least two- hirds of the owners f the property situated within 100 feet of th total contiguous des ripti ns of real estate held by the same owne or any party purc asing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the d te of the petition; and WHEREAS, t e pre iminary and final plan for the planned development dis rict as been submitted to, reviewed and app oved by the Zoning Comm'ttee, the Planning Commission and by the Cou cil of the City of� aint aul; and WHEREAS, T e fin 1 plan for the planned development dis rict has now been pr sente for approval by the Council of the Ci y of Saint Paul; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �� Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia � Scheibel A gai n s t B Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved_ y ity Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secreta y BY / �Y � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved ayor for Submission to Coun il By By WHITE - CITV CLERK ,PINK. .- FINANCE COl1I1C1I �'` 4ANARV�OEPARTMENT ITY OF SAINT PAUL � 7 ALUE -MAVOR File NO. V • Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, notic of a public hearing before the City Co ncil on the said r zonin petition and approval of the final pla for the planned d elop ent district was duly published in the fficial newspaper of e Ci and notices were duly mailed to owner of affected prope ty si uated wholly or partly within 300 feet of the property sough to b rezoned; and WHEREAS, publ ' c hearing before the City Council havi g been conducted on J ly 19 1984 for the purpose of considering a d acting upon the rezon ng pe ition for the planned development dist ict, where all inte ested persons were heard, and the Council ha ing considered all the f cts and recommendations concerning the etition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE C TY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the oning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No 38, as incorporate by r ference in Section 60.301 of the Saint aul Legislative Co e, as amended, is hereby further amended as f llows: That oper located in the area bounded by Curtic on the north, Andrew on the east, Belvidere on the south, and B ock 51, Brown & Jackson Addition to St Paul o the eft, being more particularly described as Lot 1 th ough 18, inclusive, Block 17, the West St. Pa 1 Rea Estate & Improvement Syndicate Additi n No. 2; toget er with all that part of Block 52, Bro n & Jack on's ddition to West St. Paul which lies wester y of aid Block 17; together with all that part o Brow Avenue which lies northerly of the south ine o said Block 52 extended westerly and -2- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher j� Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia B Scheibel A gai ns t Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secret ry BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil By By WHI7E - CI TV CI.ERK . PINK� �- FINANCE CANARV -DEPARTMENT ITY OF SAINT PALTL COl1I1C11 6LlYE = MAVOR �` � File N 0. Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. Q Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date south rly o the north line of said Block 52 exten ed we terly, be and is hereby rezoned from -4 si gle family residential zoning distr ct to planned development district. Section 2. ' That the inal lan for the said planned development di trict be and is here y app oved by the City Council and pursuant t Section 60.738 of th Legislative Code, shall be an integral part of this ordina ce cr ating the planned development district nd shall be refer ed to as "Planned Development No. " an the approved plans shall be filed with the. City Clerk and all de elop- ment within th plan ed development district shall be in com liance with the final plan s hereby approved or as may be amended n accordance wit the rocedures set forth in Chapter 60 of th Saint Paul Legislati e Cod . Section 3. This ordi nce all take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. -3- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Sd��� Nays -fINel+er �, Drew In Favor Masanz �/ p sch be� Against BY •� TedsaFo �Vileo� AP 2 3 1985 Form Approve by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s d y ouncil Se BY �y Appr by Mayor: e� PR Z 4 1985 app�o�ea Mayor for bmission to Cou cil By By � Pue��is� MA � 1985 �= �5-- �5� R�a CI�Y °";. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �������� ro DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC EVELOPMENT v� __� �� � ho° DIVISI N OF PLANNING ___ �sa• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint aul,Minnesota,55102 612-292-1577 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR /��-3d March 22, 198 Albert Olson, City C erk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Min esota 55102 Dear Sir: Attached for eferra to the City Council are draft ordinances amen ing the Zoning Code f r the tna Birmingham P.D. and the Belvidere site P.D. which were prepared by the City Attorney following public hearings last s er. These ordinan es hav been reviewed and approved for consideration our department. hese o dinances have been held up by our division awaiting final plan do uments from the developers. We anticipate receipt of all final documen s with n the next two weeks and, therefore, request that required form 1 read ngs of the ordinances be initiated with all deliberate speed. In the event hat ou division does not receive the necessary docume ts as requested, we will a k for a delay in the fourth reading and final adoption of t e ordi ances. Sincerely, / � � Charles L. Mc uire Principal Pla ner - oning CLM/mb attachments cc: Richard rier The Gaug an Comp nies Zoning Files #95 9, #9580 SP R F i 1 e #961 , 958 , � • .�» a Qry�/�-�.3v �.�/.S� _e��T• �., � . CITY F SAINT PAUL n;` '�{. OFFICE OF T E CITY ATTORNEY c, ����������� �� EDWARD P. S RR, CITY ATTORNEY :+ uu 1'u u ^� �,p �°j �••• ��^� 647 CityHall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ''`�.,� GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-512� MAYOR - July 27, 1984 Charles McGui e Planning Divi ion llth Floor City Hall Ann x Dear Chuck: Attached is t e or inance tor the Planned Development Dis rict for Bernard a d Sar Koerike. Attached to it are the prop sed plats forward d to e by Larry Zangs of your office. My estion for you is, i this the final plan which is to be approve by the City Council s. th Planned Dedelopment District? If not would you please at ach o the ordinanee the correct final plan and give it ta� A1 Olso , City C1'erk, to be presented to the C'ty Council. You very tr ly, JE J. S� A i tant �i Att rney JS �cg . Encl. � c: A1 Olso , Cit Clerk