File No. lA3l1•
Voting In the Matter of fat llia �:+wtirtll� lflp �O�etil� Ia��c+tt11 st�l� d�ess'at
Ward �;��� tw tYe iol]�ris� proj�et atssa
1 1atL s oi �r i�w l�r� 3i8 iNt +wt �f Yietiri� ta 1
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tiut std� �f gt. ll�w �tr+wt �ra� CraM ti 1S0 tat �s�etb ot �
Wt •� ot D� is�r�rt ��r�oa Cra�i te �Stt t�t �r�ceh ot @nii.
s ,
�. - .��� �-�� �
� under Preliminary Order approved
The Council of the C ty of Sai t Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improveme t, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribe by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Coun 1 has hear all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said pro osed improve-
ment and has fully consider d the sa e; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council o the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-describe improvement
be made, and the proper Cit officers e hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement and be it
FURTHER RESOLVE , That u on the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein nd shall re ort the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of th City Charter.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date
APR 2 1985
Yeas Nays
� Certified sed b Council Sec tary
KiCOaia ln Favor By
Sai�tibe 1
s�� Against � R .B — 1985
_�� Mayor
Pt��t.�s�t� AP R 1 � 19 5
� ��Y �:s , ST, PAUL CITY C�(J�lCIL L'k�..��
R� . :
o .� ��5�c f c
' iiii�iii�ii � .
� City Council Dist ict 4�1
District Planning Council �t16
File No. 18391
Dear Pro erty er:
PURPOSE Th s project is to install approximately 100 doub e lantern
st le decorative lights in the following project rea: both
si es of GRAND AVENUE from 260 feet west of Victo ia to 100 feet
�� ea t of Dale; both sides of VICTORIA STREET from 50 feet north
LOCATION of Grand to 150 feet south of Grand; the west sid of ST. ALBANS
ST EET from Grand to 150 feet north of Grand; and the east side
of Dale Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Gr nd, to be
kn wn as the Grand Avenue East Decorative Lightin Project.
Tu sday, April 2, 1985, at 10:00 A.M.
H�RING Ci y Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
FI�Ja�C�vr, If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs
, wi 1 be assessed (after construetion) against the enefitted
INFO�'•1ATION Pr erties. The estimated cost for this project i $360,000.
Th s will be financed by: ,
NPP Grant $150,000
Assessments $210,000
Rate per foot $9.00 residential & ulti-res.
$46.00 commercial
The City Council will hold another hearing after t e eonstruc-
tio to ratify the assessments. You will receive notic� at
tha time advising you of the exact amount that yo wi11 be
req ired to pay.
Q!JESTIOi�s Co struction: 292-6293 Assessments: 2 8-4513
Als , City staff will be available to answer any 1 st minute
que tions on this project in Room 218 City Hall fr m 9:30 -
10: 0 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent: March 15, 985,
by the Valuation and �
Assessment Division,
Dept. of Finance &
Management Services � A �d 13E �MPRovED �
Room 218 Court House
St. Paul MN 55102 , �
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� � „�� Dote , March 20,1985 t ��
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- �. TO = Sai t PQU I City Council j;�
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i FRO � Co mittee Oh PUBLIC woRxs E ,
- , �
� i CHAIR , CHRIS NICOSIA �' � � .�
_ ___ _ ___ j . .
The Pubi c Works ortmittee at its meeting of March 20, 1985 took the
following action: �
Hearina Date � , �
, . . � .�:
1. 3/28/ 5 FINA ORDER: Improving Como Avenue from 400 feet ' •
I ,
, � nort westerly of Jessamine Avenue to Capitol Heights and � �
� Capi ol Heights from Como Avenue to Winter Street by �
cons ructing concrete curb, grading 8 paving or ;
� �� ' over aying with bituminous material, reconstructing "
jdrai age structures, constructing an ornamental lighting "
� sy$t m and doing all other work necessary to complete ;
said improvement. �
IRec ended approval. Tom Kuhfeld asked to bring lay-out �
' of lans and work with those people that had expressed f
! conc rns. I
, I 2. 3/38/ FINA ORDER: Phase I1 - Improving Mississippi River �
jBivd from Ford Pkwy. to Randolph Ave. by removing the I.
� exis ing pavement, concrete curb 8 catch basins and �
repl cing them with concrete curb 8 gutter, a bituminous �.
� pave ent, new drainage facilities, ornamental lighting,
boul vard landscaping and all incidental construction as ! -
, � need d; all work to be in conformity with the Mississippi �
Rive Blvd. plans for Parkway Restoration adopted by the �
City Council August 2, 1983. � „
. ' � '
Rec ended approval.
� 3! 4f2//M5 fT ORDE�ts lnstallation of a ! /
� pproximately 100 double
lant rn style, decorative lighting system in the � '
� foll wing project area: Both sides of Grand Avenue 260 ! ,
� feet west of Victoria to 100 feet east of Dale; Both
� side of Victoria St. from I50 feet north of Grand to 150 � ",
feet south of Grand; West side of St. '
. I i ;
i Rec ended approval.
� �
4. 3/28/8 fINA ORDER: Improving White Bear Avaenue from Minnehaha ' � '
� Aven e to the Chicago Northwestern tracks by widening and '
� � overl ying, by constructing concrete curb and gutter, i
cons ructing storm water drainage facilities, �
cons ructing an ornamental lighting system and doing all
othe work necessary and incidental to said improvement. � -
• � (Lai over from 3/6/85). ,' " ,
� Rec ended approval, with amendments. !
� • � � �
5. 1(ZZ(' S Other Business. RESOLUTION: approving a parking ban on I
, both sides of Edgcumbe Road from Munster Avenue to [ ,
fairvtew Avenue.
Rec ended approval. '
r � �
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Cou il File N ,85-328—�y Cli�is Ni�(�sia�—� ` « n ,,.�,.< :� '
I ;the Matt �oi i}istallin���it�t�:�;���a Iat�Al�al�ti�n�tl�
� light syste 3n�1'ie fol�wy;in��;areap!$fu �33f��t�s•�, �,:_�
h sides f Grand Attenue fmm�60 feet west of Victa�ria �t�;=�'t�E�t of
le, ,g ,�i �r:�E'�~
':�i�� #Victarla Street fram 150 fe�t north of Grand ta I50leet soi�f�r�tl!f
tsd; :� _ ,, . :
�side o St.Alba�s Street:from C�rand tt�2J@'�eet�ol���d'a�d`' �
�t side o Dale 3treet irom Gxand to 150 feet north oi F:rancl.
Counci of the Gi�y c�t:3aiz�t PauZ having seceived the repor�of�he Maljrer
the a ve itnpravement, a�d �.vi�g;�a�eidera�s�id re�ort;-'�rieby .
1�, -��, .r �•�,. ��,. _. .
` .1 .'Fi�at the id report and L�same is herebY:aPProved wltitino�ternativts, -
a t�tat t e�estim�ted cast theieof is i380,OQ0, financ� bjr� t�ts._
lO;at10 aa Neighborhood,Pai�nership Progra�n Grant(NPF)�lrSQ,�00� , �'
That a blic tie�ring be had on.said impiovem�t c�ss tl�t 8�d���;,„
atlA: o" ocka.m.#mtheCouncilCita�lf�a�tlse�Gi£��1 ,ndt> fi�" `
ui n�in the City ot Sat��t PauL . � ' '
= 3 .�'hat`n. ioee of said pul�lic.hearing be givetsi to tfie gers�tis aile�.`�q f�,e�.
� ncter: by the Charter,stating the time and plaoe of 1�eilr�itg�'�; '
ture of e improvernent and the total cost thereo€aa estimate��- ' . ;
� F#k �t1839L , r_r;. . .
b the�+otln�cil.liait��:19�.'i. , , ,
Ppr�oved arch 6. 1985. � .,
(Marclr 16, 1985j �
. . . , . . , # . _ . . .