85-445 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK -�FINANCE I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council �� C<,NqR�I - DEPARTMENT - � BtUE - MAYOR File NO. � Cou cil Resolution Presented By �d�,/ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Patr'ck Ca lone, 203 Forbes Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, m de ap lication for an amended site plan revie for a two-story wo d fra e residential structure which the appli cant had moved on o pro erty located at 383 West Seventh Street, Saint Paul, Minnes ta, a d which proposal was denied by the Plan ing Administrator on J nuary 2, 1985; and WHEREAS, Patr ck Ca lone duly filed for an appeal to the Ci y Council from the d nial ade by the Planning Administrator; and WHEREAS, The ity C uncil did conduct a public hearing on t is appeal on Thursday Marc 7, 1985 wherein the Council heard fro Chalres L. McGuire Prin cpal Planner, Patrick Carlone, Appellan , and Randall Tigue, attor ey for Patrick Carlone; and WHEREAS, The ounci having heard from the respective parti s, having considered he ev dence and arguments as submitted, and based upon the tes imony and the record, does hereby adopt the following findings conc usions and order: FINDINGS OF FACT � 1. Sometime n Apr' l or May, 1984, Patrick Carlone notifi d the City that he h d acq ired a house from the State of Minneso a, the house being lo ated rom the High Bridge area, and that he sought permission o mov the said structure to property he own at Smith, Forbes a d Wes Seventh Streets in the City of Saint aul. Mr. Carlone was ad ised o present a proposed site plan as a pr - requisite to the i suanc of any permits. 2 . A site pl n rev'ew application was made on May 14, 198 with the Planning ivisi n. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °reN' n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ gainst BY Tedesco " Wilson Form Approve City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By. /approved by Mavor: Date Approved b ayor for Sub ission to Council By BY ��°�J` _ ���� 3. On May 1 , 198 the City Traffic Engineer replied as t the proposed site plan hat it was unsatisfactory because of in adequate parking nd ma euvering space. 4 . On May 2 , 198 Mr. Carlone was notified by the Planni g Division that he ust s pply a floor plan for the structure so that the Division would be able to determine what the off-stree parking requireme ts wo ld be for the structure and the uses pr - posed for the str cture. 5. Mr. Carl ne wa notified by letter dated June 5, 1984 that his applicat ' on fo site plan approval was rejected for th following stated easons: a) The shape and rea of the site is not adequate to provide s ace or required off-street parking, vehicula mane ering and a structure of the size indicated in th proposal. b) The lot a d bui ding dimensions provided on the plan do not ap ear t be accurate. Further, the floor plan for se of the structure does not provide sufficien ly de ailed information about the pro- posed use of a 1 floor areas. This data is neces- sary to c mpute accurate parking requirements. c) Our desig staf reviewer indicates that the struc- ture whic you ropose to place on this site will require a large site of more regular shape for adequate iting It is our finding that your proposal oes n t observe the provisions of the Zoning Co e. 6 . On July 3 1984 Mr. Carlone re-submitted his plan whi h was basically the ame a the previous plan with the exception at it did not co.ntain the p oposed basement entrance shown on the original plan. 7 . On July 1 th an based on the second submitted plan, th Building and Zonin Code Division determined that a total of six off-street parking space would be required based on the propose retail area (three parki g spaces) , office area (one parking spa e) and single family eside tial use of the upper floor (two parkin spaces) . 2. . • . ���_' �"-�5��' 8. The Traf ic En ineer on July 25, 1984 indicated that h would approve the submi ted plan with certain conditions to be et first. 9 . The Plan ing Di ision notified Mr. Carlone by letter dated August 3, 1984 th t the submitted site plan did not conta n sufficient details whic must be supplied before the review cou d be completed. The lette stated that the Division could approv a site plan upon s tisfa tory resolution of the following eight conditions and fil 'ng of a satisfactory performance bond: (1) The ive f ot height above grade that you propase for the firs floo is inappropriate and inconsistent wit existing str cture along West Seventh. The proposed han i- cap access, hen b ilt to code specifications, would nece - sitate an un suall long ramp construction. Applicant will present proof as to why structure cannot be placed on a foundat' on 18 to 36 inches above present grade of sidewalk. I prop sed height is determined to be neces- sary, then a plica t must sub�nit elevation views of both the building and t e ramp. Drawing must include dimen- sions for he 'ght o foundation above grade and total height of st uctur . (2) Side alks nd curbs for entire site must be re- constructed. Curb cut shall be moved to accommodate vehicle mane verin s on property (see drawing) . All work must be compl ted in accordance with city speci- fications an unde a permit issued by the City Sidewalk Section of t e Dep rtment of Public Works. Contact Hartley Thom s at 92-6278 for further details. (3) Boul vard reas, where applicable, shall be sodded and i clude the planting of two Columnare Norway Maple trees long mith Avenue, and two June Bride Little Leaf inden trees along Forbes Avenue (see drawing for pprox mate location af trees) . Applicant must verify inal ocation of trees with City Forester. The trees, a minim m of 2 ' 1/2" caliper trunk size, must be planted u der a permit issued by the Forestry Mainten- ance Section of th Department of Parks and Recreation. Contact Ed O son a 4$8-7291 for further planting instructions 3. � (�= S-�s�.s _ (4) Hed e Arb rvitae, planted as shown on drawing and anaintai ed to height of 3 ' , shall act as a visual screen to p event the headlights of vehicles using the handica space fram shining into oncoming west- bound traffi . (5) The arki lot shall be paved with asphalt. Bituminous c rbing or cement wheel-stops shall be employed ar nd pe imeter of paved surface to prevent vehicle enc achzne t into city rights-of-way and land- scape areas. The arking lot must be striped according to enclosed rawin . (6) The ear a ea of the building alonc� ;F9r.bes must b designated " o par ing" to allow vehicles to perform entering and exiti g maneuvers on-site. Trash con- tainers shal be 1 cated in this area along S�nith Avenue but m st no hinder or obstruct vehicle move- ments. A 6 ' wood bscuring fence shall enclose this area along S ith a d Forbes (see attached drawing for specifics) . (7) The ix re uired off-street parking spaces are based upon t e pro osed commercial use of the first floor and th anti ipated residential use of the second floor. The aseme t must be used for storage only. No commercial o resi ential activities will be permitted. (8) The uildi g "foot print" on the plan does not confor�n to t at of the actual building. Plans must in- clude an out ine o the building accurately drawn and dimensioned. 10 . Mr. Car one s bmitted a plan to the city on August 6, 1984, but was advi ed by letter dated August 16, 1984 that the lan was not adequate b cause it did not address the concerns and conditions for aPp oval et forth in the August 3, 1984 letter f the City. 11. August 1 , 198 Mr. Carlone submitted another revised site plan which sh w�d s me of the requested conditions, such a the handicap ramp ccess to the building. 12 . Mr. Carl ne wa notified �y letter dated August 23, 1 84, from the Planning ivisi n that his site plan and building perm' t 4 . , . �; ��.-��� would be approved y the City subject to five specific conditio s, including the mand te that the maximum height of the foundation above the average ite g ade shall be limited to 2 feet 6 inche to make the over-a 1 app arance of the structure consistent wit �:tnes de�e;lQpmen.�t ir�, th� area. 13. Mr. Carl ne ag eed to the conditions set forth in the August 23, 1984 le ter a d the site plan was approved and the C ty permits issued whi h all wed Mr. Carlone to �nove the structure nto the lot in questio . 14. After mo ing t e structure on to the site, Mr. Carlon on October 5, 1984 wrote the Planning Division for permission t revise the approve site plan stating as reasons that it was du to hardship of his elder y and handicapped so he wants to use ground level as th main floor of the building, and to install one-stall garage u der t e building. 15. Mr. Carl ne wa notified by letter dated October 18, 1984, addressed to his a torney, that the amended site plan was not acceptable bec use t e height of the structure was inapprop i- ate, useable floor space was increased, and the proposed height of the foundation vio ated he specific condition of his permit in that it was in exc ss of 2 feet 6 inches. 16 . On Nove er 28 1984 Mr. Carlone again submitted additional site pl ns an filed a new application for a site pl n approval. 17 . On Janua y 2, 985 Mr. Carlone was notified that his site plan was not appro ed be ause it proposed a 9 foot 6 inch foundation above grade which as co trary to the approved condition allowin the placement of t e str cture at this site, and the new plan wo ld be inconsistent wi h the surrounding building arrangements. The proposed building eight with a 9 foot 6 inch foundation above grade would exceed the z ning height limitations. 18. Mr. Carl ne fi ed an appeal from this denial of site P an on February 4 , 198 . 19 . Based on testi ony of Charles P�IcGuire and measurements submitted by Richa d Tho pson, the Council finds that the height of the structure, ith t e proposed 9 foot 6 inch foundation abo e grade, would be 38 feet inches. 5. ' • �,,� �-�/y� 20. All of t e adj cent properties on West Seventh Street are developed for ommer ial use with one and two story masonry commercial type st uctur s. 21. Better h ndica access to the structure may be provide by reducing the pr posed height of the foundation by one or two feet so as to requ 're a horter access ra�np than incorporated in the approved site lan. CONCLUSION 1. Section 6 . 103 ( ) of the Zoning Code prescribed applica le building height li itati ns for all structures in B-3 zoning districts to 30 fe t abo e grade plus a distance equal to the minimum building s tback from all property lines. 2 . The minim set ack proposed by Mr. Carlone ' s site plan is three feet. 3. Mr. Carlo e' s p operty is within the B-3 zoning distric . 4 . The maxim m bui ding height permitted by section 61.103 (e) for Mr. Carlone' s truct re and setback is 33 feet. 5. The heigh of h s structure as proposed by his new site plan exceeds 33 fe t. 6. Mr. Carlo e was made aware of the height limitations an of the condition t at th foundation height may not exceed two feet 6 inches prio to h s moving the structure onto the site, an he accepted that c nditi n by his actions. 7 . The struc ure a proposed in the new site plan is incon is- tent with the City s Com rehensive Plan, its Fort Road Guideline , and Zoning Code. 8. The Plann ng Ad inistrator did not make any error of fact or law in den ing M . Carlone ' s site plan application. 9 . Any perce bed h rdship that Mr. Carlone may have is sel - created, and the p opert may be �ut to reasonable uses if he is required to co�nply with 11 af the conditions set forth in his approved site plan and b ilding permits heretofore issued. 6 . WHITE - GITV CLERK PINK wFINANCE (jI y OF SAINT PAUL Council / CANARV - DEPARTMENT //� BLU€ - MAVOR File NO. �`'�J � C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ORDER The Council of th City of Saint Paul does hereby deny th appeal of Patric Carl ne for the above stated reasons, and do s hereby order tha the onditions as set forth in the approved ite plan #959 and bu ' lding ermit #182399 be complied with or the building be remo d an the property be restored in accordance with all applicab e ord 'nances and other laws. Be it Furthe Orde ed, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to Patrick Carlo e, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator and the B ard of Zoning Appeals. 7. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� ��ay� ��i Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�be� � __ Ag inst BY Tedeaco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date 8 985 Form Approve b City Attorney Certified Yas ouncil Se t BY B� tapprove iNavor: D � Ap� - �98 Approved y ayor for Sub ission to Council By By P�BUSHE�D �-,='�; � � 5 � ���. .���"�„� C ITY O F SA 1 N PA U L ,,.���"��.. ,;��, =�•` %�-, OFFICE OF THE CI CLERK �� �: ;� inm ,= ;� �� ��� ALBERT B. OLSON, C TY CLERK ,,, • _ �'<<,, ,��. 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Mi nesota 55102 "�+mm��.a o��"�� 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR • March 7, 1985 Mr. Ed Starr City Attorney Room 647, City Ha 1 Dear Sir: The City Council today, fter public hearing, voted to deny the appeal of Patrick Carlo e to c sider an administrative decision to deny a sit plan located at 83 W. th Street, aka part of Lot 7, Blk. 5, Samuel Le ches Addition, based n find'ngs l through 8 as set out in the report of the Zoning staff. W 11 you please prepare the proper resolution approving this action. ruly urs A bert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:th - r�- ����� -yy.� �' ���` °";� CITY OF SAIN PAUL a ����������� 4 DEP RTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVEL PMENT �� ���� �� � ha DIVISION OF ANNING +.6+ 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Min esota,55102 12-292-1577 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR � �� February 25, 1985 ' Albert Olson, City lerk Room 386 City Hall St. P aul , Minnesot 55102 RE: Site Plan #10 7 Cit Cou cil ublic earin : Februar 28 1985 PURPOSE: To consid r an a peal of an administrative decision to deny a si e plan. Dear Sir: On August 23, 198 , the epartment of Planning and Economic Development conditionally app oved s te plan #959 that proposed placing a 2 1/2 stor structure on a fo ndatio two feet six inches above grade at 333 West 7t Street. On Octob r 5, 1 84, the applicant submitted an amended site pl proposing to elev te the structure an additional seven feet. On Octobe 18, 1984, the Planni Depar ment rejected the amended site plan advising t at the file regarding t is site was closed and that all further proposals will require a new si e plan. On November 28, 984, t e applicant submitted a new site plan (file #10 7) proposal to plac the 2 1/2 story structure nine feet six inches above rade. On January 2, 19 5, the Planning Department notified the applicant tha the site plan #1057 's unac eptable . The site plan was denied on the gro nds that the propos 1 excee s building height limitations set by the Zonin Code and that the pr posal is inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan policies requiring that ew dev lopment be orderly and consistent with surround ng building arrang ments. On February 4, 985, P trick Carlone appealed the planning administra r's decision conten ing th t 1) there is no legal basis for asserting tha a mix of residential ood fr me and masonary commercial construction as set forth in the site plan is unla ul , or in any way in violation of the state or city building code; and 2) he restriction on height is arbitrary and capr cious, given the fact that t e proposal is well within height limitations co tained in St. Paul Le islati e Code Section 62.116. The review of he afo ementioned case is now complete and I will pre nt a full report at the Pu lic Hearing scheduled before the City Council n February 28, 85 or efore the City Development Committee if that i the wishes of the Council . Sincerely, , , � ,0 i � Fred S. Haide City Planner FH:Im Attachments �� �� y �s� �s ZONIPJG STAFF REPORT FI E # 9114 1 . APPLICANT: PATRI K CARL NE DATE OF HEARING: 2/28/85 2. CLASSIFICATION: dminis rative Review 3. LOCATION: 383 W. 7th (N rth side between Smith and Forbes) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Ex. riangle for street, part NWIy of 7th Street of W. 42.945 of Lot 7, lock 5 Samuel Leeches Addition 5. PRESENT ZONING: -3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 64.300, Subd. 1, 64.206 6. STAFF INVESTIGATI & REP RT: DATE 2/14/85 BY Fred S. Hai er ==�a==�a------co=c=coo �a==�= co�==o=ca==�aoo==o=onc==s=asaaoa�s�as=axmxo:s� =sa=x==a=aca o�=c�����c=�a��co�=��a oo��aa -�cc====�=�aac==aa�==ooa�ca=o�cas�caos��aa=�a- xcca��mxc=a� A. PURPOSE: To consi er an ppeal of an administrative decision to deny si e plan approval . � B. AREA & FRONTAGE: riangul r parcel with 100' fronting Forbes Avenue, 94' �ronting�Smitfi�Ave e, and 132' fronting West 7th Street. The site inclu es 4,700 square feet of land rea. C. SITE & AREA CONDITI NS: T e site is occupied by a 2 1/2 story residentia structure�"parke�"� n supp rt beams. The foundation has been poured and oncrete blocks are stored o the s te. D. ZONING CODE CITATIO : Sec ion 64.300, Subd. 7 indicates : "The grant or enial o��approvaT^�y the� lannin commission (or official designee) is subject o appeal to the city ouncil in accordance with Section 64.206." Section 64.206 gives the Ci y Council the power of administrative review t hear and decide appeals ere it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, permit, decisi n, or refusal made by the Planning Commission r other administrative offici 1 in carrying out any provision of the Zoning ode. E. FINDINGS: 1 . On January 2, 19 5, Mr. Charles McGuire notified the appellant that si e plan #1051 is unaccep able. The site plan was denied on the grounds that t e proposal exceeds buildi g height limitations set by the Zoning Code an that the proposal is inconsi tent with Comprehensive Plan policies requirin that new development order y and consistent with surrounding building arrangements. 2. Sectlon 61 .103(e) limits the helght of structures in a B-3 zone to 30' bove grade plus a dist nce eq al to the minimum building setback from all pr perty lines. The minim m setb ck proposed in site plan #1057 is 3 feet. The maximum building eight llowed by code is therefore 33 feet. 3. Field investigati n of t e subject property by a building inspector and zoning staff has erifie that the height of the building excluding foundation is 28 eet. he placement of the building on 9'6" foundatio , as proposed on site lan #1 7, would violate height restrictions of the Z ing Code. 4. The intent and pur ose of the Zoning Code Section 60.101 states in part hat the Zoning Code is adopte for the following purposes: a. To regulate th locat on, construction, reconstruction, alteration, nd use of buildin s, str ctures and land. b. To fix reasona le sta dards to which buildings, structures and uses hall conform. c. To conserve pro erty v lues. d. To promote and rotect the general welfare of the community. . � + ,� y � d'S:4/��" Patrick Carlone^�#9714 Pa e 2 e. To prevent he ove crowding of land and buildings. f. To protect 11 are s of the city from harmful encroachment by incompatibl uses. g. To provide enalit es for violations of the provisions of this co e or amendment. The administrat ve dec sion to withhold approval of site plan #1057 a pears to be consisten with he intent and purpose of the Zoning Code. 5. Section 62.108, Subd. states in part that in order to approve the site plan, the Planning Administrator shall consider and find that the sit plan is consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and project lans for sub-areas o the City (i .e. , Fort Road Guidelines) and preserve t historically si ifican characteristics of the City and environmental y sensitive areas. On August 21 , 19 4, Law ence Soderholm, Acting Planning Administrator, reviewed site pl n #105 with the appellant and Charles McGuire to det rmine the level of com liance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and local development plan . 6. The Planning Adm nistra or has determined that approving site plan #10 7 would be contr ry to the City's Comprehensive Plan policy 4.2-7 which promotes enforce ent of the Zoning Code and encourages businesses to m intain the scale of sur oundin development. The Planning Adm nistra or has also determined that site plan #1057 is contrary to the istric 9 recommendation that West 7th commercial are s" "respect the ex sting tyle of buildings" and "standardization... of facade proportion.° 7. There is no evid nce tha any City official erroneously applied the co , acted in an arbitrary ma ner, or erred in procedure in the decision un r review. 8. The City has appr ved a ite plan proposed by the appellant (#951). Th's approval allows a reason ble reuse of the subject building and land. A y hardship caused b the d nial of site plan #1057 appears to be self-cre ted as a result of in ensify ng the use of the property. F. SUMMARY: The Plannin Admin strator is charged with the responsibility to eview .y..�....r site p ans for compli nce wi h the Zoning Code and the City's Comprehensive Plan. All evidence would in icate hat City staff diligently performed their responsibility in thi case. Mr. Carlone's proposal would violate the sche ule of regulations pertai ing to allowable building height as well as defy desi n policies and guidelin s appr priately considered. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 8, staff recommends that the aecision to�witfifioTa pproval of site plan #1057 be upheld. . � z { � � �_.� ��--�� �0�� � GTY OF SAINT PAUL I TERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM February 13, 1985 T0: Fred . Haid r 1100 nnex i FROM: Richa d Thom son Building Ins ector ; RE: 383 N rth Smith; moved-in building Confirming our con ersatio , the referenced building was inspected this date and foun to hav the following dimensions : 19'-4" - Bottom f sidi g to bottom of soffits (measured) 5'-6" - Bottom f eave to midpoint of main roof area (comput d, ass ming 9 on 12 roof pitch) , 7'-8" - Bottom f eave to midpoint of highest dormer roof � (comput d) � 2'-8" - Average adjace t grade to top of recently poured footings, /km � � . ,.� i � , i 1 � � a a } i j `"'w:'�, � ro f � . , � . � ' � � 's „ :�f �'� '«ti', � �. � �, �, ' , � a ,, ;.� ' s ' ' � � � ;E;j , � � � ti{,� ; , , , : ,.,, ` ,\ n S " yY4 � 'S , 1 , , � ��1. • u � r � 1� � 1�q �;ti, i+R _•, i ' � 1, r. !� 1 � � ` r'�� t_��,�: � . I �y,� -�� !Y i . {�'1 Q+ w, �4�' • �`,�'� t ,�'• u �, t � , •. ; , � ,4 :. . .:'r � � �.:S,. �-�. 4 �,� �., . f t � 11 i ,1 '` , � �� A �1"ii �t�S t i} �. . .q . . � . . � i � f.'� � � . , . �' 'i�1, 4n�i � ti�r� � . � (� 1 � � i 7 �,1) J. . 1i1�. / ?'�+�I R L I`� . � � ..,:: ' ` •� •.� � ;. . . i�`.�.i� . � �'�.���. . • � . . �. . : . . .,�, Y Jr ,� . ., i '� . � .., �4, � a.r. ' ,,,���,;. '.: : '� „i,., ,;,� , , .�,. , . . //L� y � x t V 5`7"Y�J APPLICATION FOR APPEAL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fi le # - �� l `� , � Application Fee $ Tentative Hearing Date Application is hereby mad for a Appeal to the .�- under the provisions of C apter 4, Section ..���� , P ragrap of the on ng Code to appeal a decision made by the Board ofi-Zoning Appeals � Planning Commission on , 19_. Zoning Administrator (date of deci ion) � Planning Administrator Other A. APPELLANT • Name ^ Daytime phone Address � < Zip Code • � � c ��—L.-� ��/�'' �-- B. DECISION BEING APPEALE ���Q- P10`"� Zon i ng f i 1 e name G�� o E ,�l—�- . �o��-�g-fi�e # �7 .. ' � , Property Address/Locat on � �"� Legal description C. GROUNDS FOR APPEAL (Us additi nal sheets if necessary. ) (Explain why you feel here has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an minist ative official, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Z ning Ap eals or the Planning Comnission. ) � ' L � C� � � ' �fZ� —��� " � , /`G� ' 22�" i!f�` i � i -- � , If you have any questions, please contact: � ,App ican ' gnd ure St. Paul Zoning Offic 1100 City Ha11 Annex ` � 25 West Fourth Street � �� _,� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � ' ate ty t (298-4154) 9/82 � ,� ;,. �;; 4 �� , � '1 � �• ' � �` ��i�i,5�� �' �- �•l � y , � � �t;+ � � , , � " y � �r ir��� ` .. 1 ��''�. � � � J `I`' 1 ` 1 � ;+l'. �� � 1 1�5��1 f.1, � 1 . [4�I � � � �'s . � \ .;�� ' � �.t � .ir' � 1 w . ' L � r �! � f ' � �,��tF ��' . � � , : � :��5 � � '' � 1����{� y,�,!�o,� � e�AA�.A �..y�� ',X,• � 1 i � �� . . � � Y Yr�,t;`f�.� 5 � h� �. �`�`�M � , � ; . �;�5 L:;� It `l.� � 1 t ' � .s„ . E `,��' n�. .. . � . . . . .�..:.�'L_...�� . . .6,!....:. . � � ���� � 1 -7 * Y RANDALL D.B. TIGUE ATTORNEY AT LAW Nicollet Avenue Professional Building ' 2620 Nicollet Ave.South Minneapolis,Minnesota 55408 Telephone:(612)874-9903 - February 1, 18 85 Mr. Charles L. McGui e Principal Plan er -- Zoning St. Paul Depar ment f Planning and Economic Dev lopme t � Division of P1 nning 25 West 4th St eet St. Paul, Minn sota 5102 RE: Cite P an Re iew No. 1057 -- Conver ion��.o an existing two (2) story wood f amed esidential structure located at 383 West th Street to a three (3) story ixed esidential comm�rcial building �. Dear Mr. McGui e: Please con�ide this letter to be an administrative appeal , to the City Co cil rom the decison of the planning depart ent, ' dated January , 198 , denying approval of Mr. Carlone' s cite plan. The basis of t e app al is the decision of the Planning Dep rtment is arbitrary a d cap icious and has no support in fact or 1 w. Specifically, e ap eal will allege the following: l. The re is n lega basis for asserting that a mix of residentia wood frame and masonry commercial construc ion as set for h in e cite plan is unlawful, or in any wa in violati n of e state or city building code. 2. The restri tion n height is arbitrary and capricious, � given the act t at the proposal is well within height limitation cont ined in St. Paul Legislative Code �62. 16. Wherefore, Mr. Carlo e requests the St. Paul City Council t re verse the de ision an d approve the cite plan as originall submi tted. urs u y, � Randall Ti Attorney aw RT/mk ,. , , �w ���,�� - . .. _. :��. cc: Mr. Jero Segal ���- Assistant City ttorney �,�w"""� _ _. _, ., , � . ,; : � , �.,� , ,1 : � � �, , ' ' j� i �'{ ; . .. � S ' :� � i 1;i S� t t I � � � �� � � Yi. � � �� i � �5ti r 1 j �'i v �1:. _ ; . .��� 1 � ',} t�1 , '�t � � ' �X .....;_ r� d �� ; 1 ) i ��� � u � i. �t7�'.WN�� k� ��� `i � � `} fi� .+: � � ' r 5 ,I y l'`� t , , �� � � r � �� � ' i . i � . - . . � i � � ./" � �...�� . , � r i, ` �,�}.r , � � - � „ - �. �.: • t � . # , � � � � � � � � 3 � . ',_ , .'_ .1 h' , '��...� ��,t, oa� � : � �,�(� �`! � , �. , � _ CITY OF AIN� PAUL � � x , . . o •� a EPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC D VELOPMENT � ��u�t,�nu ti `�► �« �'���� „c DIVIS�O OF PLANNING • ,��� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Pa I,Minnesota,55101 612-282-1577 GEORGE LATIMER � MAYOR January 2, 19R5 Patrick Carlone 203 Forbes Saint Paul , Minnesot 55102 RE: Site Plan Revie #1057 - Conversion of an Existing Two (2) Story Wood Fram d Resi ential Structure located at 383 W. 1th Street to a Three (3) Story Mixed Residential Commercial Buildinq Dear Mr. Carlone: Your request for app oval o the above referenced proposal is hereby denie . . We find that the cur ent pr posal is inconsistent with the surroundina bui ding arrangements and may dvers ly impact abutting property owners since the p oposal you show in your pla appea to mix residential wood frame construction w'th 'masonry commercial c struction without any explanation of how these eleme ts will be integrated t provid an appearance similar to that of adjacent st uctures. Further, Item �#4 of r lett r to you dated August 23, 1984, specifically imits height of the founda ion abo e grade to a maximum 2'6". Variations from t at height limit�will ,no be per itted. This denial is an ad 'nistra ive decision and may be appealed to the City ouncil for a period of 3.0 da s from the date of this letter. If you have any quest'ons, p ease call Larry Zangs at 292-1577. Sincerely, �i`,� � Charles L. McGuire Principal Planner - Z ning CLM: pmk cc: Jerome Segal Betty Moran (Dis . 9 C. . ) Dick Ame,y Wendy Lane Randa1l B. Tigu :; , :� T, .: _ . � ., , � � � � '. r r ` . 1 ..���'.� �J 1 K t � ' r � ' � i�'�1 � , �. \ ' S �: � : . �ti f • t . \ ' . j�` � ��� �� . � �1 '1• S . ti , �'�' .i �.��Y A 11 �.. '1 1� 1.... 1+' ��111 , 1 1 i��:� l '� -'�/i � � 1� '� � � 5��' S � -. �, i 1 i ( � :l � 1, 1{:�. 4_',.r 4\� i .. : ���' � � r 'a � '! � b s, : �l � � � + V {.S 1 5�;'� ��i .. fl':, a 1� � ' „� � �7� . �,,`,�;� +r � ` � .I..[ � �. ?t� � �.rt�^.�.� � ���, `�. A 1 �T !I y�,. : � I .,11 � . R �. . � � � '� 1 1 . f �� .A'�� 1 .V 1 1 l S � .. 1�!��1 �t 1 ,.. t 1 � e }� � ��;�,�� �,� prt� ,� r . I�,�``�V , " �1 . . :. T 51,. ... . . � ��' ��t}� ��l . �` � {h'Y :i` t �� .t' . . . � . . � ��';f . .��. � � �� : ��a 1f '��` I� � , , � �, u _ . + '�i �-L , '.� i � � ' • �}��t� ��., ` t ,..t..,.,t.�... ... .... ��.t� . . � . �„ ,'�', . . .�....�7. . �. -. . i � . �~�,� —4��5 ' j *�`�" °'. ' � ° CITY OF S INT PAUL 04• o �a EPARTM fNT Cf PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DE LOPMENT � uiitnm „ � t It u 6 • " 5 WEST FOURTH STREET,SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA,b510Z •TEI.EPHO E 61Z-29�-1577 �... ' ' GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR October 18, 1984 Mr. Randall B. Ti ue 2620 Nicollet Ave ue Minneapolis, Minn sota 5408 RE: Site Plan Re iew #9 9 - Request for change to site plan for build ng at 383 W. Se enth. Dear Mr. Tigue: The above referen ed pla submitted by Mr. Carlone on October 5, 1984 s unacceptable for easons given below: 1 . The height of the st ucture above grade is inappropriate and � impractical g'ven th limited site area. ' 2. It appears th t this proposal would expand useable floor area whic would require more o -site parking. The site cannot accommodate additional pa king. �• ' , � 3. The file on t is sit is closed. All further proposals, regarding � subject prope ty, wi 1 require a new site plan review. Applicant must submit a new a plication and proper filing fee before th�s ma ter is considered. , 4. Item 4 of the lette to Mr. Carlone (dated August 23, 1984) specifically imits height of the foundation above grade to a maxi um 2' 6". Varia ions f m that height limit will not be permitted. For reasons give above, approval of this request for change is hereb denied. ; Please note that this d cision may be appealed by anyone to the City Council for a peri d of thirty (30) days. If you have any uestio s , please call Larry Zangs at 292-1577. Sincerely, .v Charles L. McGui e _ � Principal Planne - Zon ng , , � CLMcG/LZ/mb � , ' cc: Jerome Segal � Betty Pioran (Dist. 9 C.O.) � Dick Amey ' ldend L�ne ...-�---�� . : . : ;--�.w. , � •i� � �'�'`�' t t:;•�n , � r; ,. , + � �. , �.- � � � y i � ti: rr - � t �� .�i/u'' ��:' v � � t ���:, , i . 1 �H � � e� M--' � ' .:'t ' � 51 n#+ ' ;i' A� : . .'..1 i � . � r �� �) � . � � �.����'.� ' �.���. r . f� ' � � � � �! 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Due to the hardship f our lderly and handicapped we are using ground lev 1 as our main flonr of th s buil ing (shown on plan. ) A7so, due to our lim ted p� king area, we are installing a one stall garag under buildin� ( srown on 1an. ) If the pl.annine depa tment as any ob�ections to our construction, please efer ; ; correspondence to ou attor ey. Mr. Randall B. Tigue 2620 Nicollet Ave. ° Minneapolis, N�innesota 554�g• Since , �� -� 2_.. Patrick . �Carlon � H & H Const. Inc. 361 West 7th. St. � St. Paul, Minneso 55102 .� t � :� � � , : , ; � �� � � , , � � � � :.�, � '. �� .� �i 'S it�.r'. ' �1.{� ,•', �� � ' t �,r. �� � 1 � � ' � Il �..i�,��� r . � � . - '.�1ttSr 1 � � yu � �?. � �yti+ ,, x ,,M r� 1 , j . }�' r ' � � � h � � � I�r 1,��Y�: � , � . I i. . � . � � , ' �+ �.. _ r� , � � � .� 11 S111 ./� 1 . � � '�1 1 • C 7 �'�s " .t, , � $ �- � ; .?�- � ,�NiE'i��? � � , ;�, , . . �... �� �e �E � � 1 r, � i ' � Si���� .��.� � ',:�yt s � . . � ..iti • /, i` '�' ti� � � l� . -,�� � 5 r� t . . . � . `' ��'{ , � '� 4 ''.��'�f; hS � � ti �� • . � ��� �{}�r'��.. � � ! ++ �'!�j � rd t � Jr�, �� . � �c,'�i'+' . . � i4�� r, ti ti �, � �;. . y{F7s S r . } <rt ;' «� ��.� ` ,� ' ,;14tl.�.. . � , l4� .. . . . � !....}...�. . . � . . , .>�.rii•� . . . �� � � � � . � �{'S -�/�/5 � ',�.��`�t�,°';� CITY OF S INT PAUL ; o ' . a EPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC D VELOPMENT �n�t�um ti �. � `. ���� ����� o' * DIVISION OF PLANNING � ^ 1j6� - 25 West fourth Street,Saint Pa I,Minnesota,55102 612-292-15T7 , GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 23, 1984 Patrick Carlone 203 Forbes Avenu Saint Paul , Minn sota 5 102 RE: Site Plan R view # 59 - Relocation of an Existing � Building to ite Lo ated at West Seventh and bounded by Smith Avenue on the West and Forbes Avenue on the North Dear Mr. Carlone: We have received perfo mance bond in the amount of $4,000.00 to ensu e completion of lan scapin improvements, construction of required obscu ing fence and resurfa ing of parking area. � We hereby approve the ab ve referenced site plan subject to the followi g conditions: 1. The parking a ea sha 1 be resurfaced with an asphalt overlay. Disturbed are s of t e parking lot, due to construction, shall be properly prep red wi h appropriate base materials before asphalting 2. Landscaping s all be installed as shown on revised plan and include three (3) Tec ny Hed Arborvitae, planted on corner of property bounded by Wes Seven h and Forbes. 3. A 6' wood obsc ring f nce shall be constructed to enclose trash recepticals an vehic e manuevering area. Wood fence shall be of stockade type r roug sawn cedar (1" x 6" vertical board) . 4. The maximum he'ght of the foundation above the average site grade s all . be limited to wo fee six inches (2'6") to make the overall appear nce of the structu e cons stent with other development in the area. 5. The handicap r mp wil be redesigned in accordance with the reduced foundation hei ht, mu t conform to all aspects of the building code nd shall be consi tent w th Fort Road Guidelines. Consistency with the e guidelines wil be de ermined by a designer from the Technical Servi es section of the Develo ment Division of Saint Paul P.E.D. Call 292-1 77 and ask for Mr Dan B ewer for further information. . . _ �.. . .. . . ... . _ . . . . . : �. . ..,.. . � . . . � � ,���� �,�„` . � . �� . '�' � i, '', � � �r , \. n <: i . � 1 � r , � � f , � , � . �� . � � � � ; i ��' 1 t;' ; �. �� �Yl�`Y ,I i 1 � � f`,�, � lff l� ' 1 1� 1 � � 1 {' Y . �'��1 1 �,.. � ��1. , � �,`. .�`S�" � 4 { � :� Y`1 � �1� 11��` � ftiti� , �� ! ,� r:� . � ��� i > r � i :��. �, � � �i�..i � �?� t��:..��� �: T .. � � t�� r � f ��' . . � f� �� 1� � �� ' � . 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Y �r �� . . � � 1l r,'�� . ` � � s � j'� : t �� i �, yy . , , � � �. � S � j` ��4 y�' .i � . �ti'r ;i,. � • � ; ,�'.�� � �a4,� , � �� t, , ,,1 , �+ � `�. � ,�1F1., S. : 4 �`r . � � ', � 5 ; ' ` r tfi �ti ,' � `, � � ' ` ' 1',. � � �, � '4 `1�, i S �.. � ' ,, y Y + `. � � ' - � ' i�l a. � �� . „ �� � � � � � S � � �kr�;+ ' �� 1 r . �.c . � ° :� . ! �� � � ;.�' � . . : �a`� a. . � � ,'� . . � , ;r i` . . � _ . � ' ,T_j ,i: .. . r�i��. .. .......:�� . - .. . .. . .. . . .'H f+iD"'N'y.. . � . .���rl�:.S�'. . . ., Y � V f � � �^ � ,,• —L��.� ;o: CITY OF SAINT P�1UL I TERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21 1984 T0: Chuck McG ire FROM: Larry Sod rholm RE: Site Plan Review of Patrick Carlone' s Proposed House Move on We t 7th Stree Yesterday you and I disc ssed the proposed house move while Mr. Carlone and his housemove were t the zoning counter. We expect them to retur to find out our deci ion ab ut the site plan today. For the record, I wan to state the conc rns ab ut Mr. Car�one' s house move that I expressed t you yesterday mor ing. 1. The aite plan aectio of the Zoning Code states that site plans sha 1 be approved i they onform with the City' s Comprehensive Plan and development p ana fo sub-a�eas of the city. The extraordi ary el vation (5 feet) of the proposed foundation for the house does no confo m to several recommendations made in the city' adopted Compr hensiv Plan. The citywide land use plan discusses commercial la d uses along mixed-use strips on page 27. Policy 4.2 2 states that c mpatib e mixed uses along commercial strips will need the developme t of d sign and performance controls. On the next pa e, Policy 4.2-7 ays "t e City, through design controls, the zoning an incentive pro rams, ill encourage businesses to: 1. maintain the scale of surr unding development". The preservat on of he historic character of Fort Road and the Wes 7 th Street co ercia strip is stated as policy in the District 9 P an. On page 12 th plan ays the West 7 th commercial area should retain the 1890s commerc al fro ts directly on the street. On page 30 the pla discusses des gn in ommercial areas. It says The Fort Road desig study recomme ds res ecting the existing style of buildings and als standardizati n of s ch things as colors, awnings, signage, set-bac and facade pr portio ". (Emphasis added.) Recommendation number 11 says "complia ce wit the Fort Road design study quidelines should e strongly enco raged henever changes are made on an old building or a new one is bu lt". ecommendation number 12 says, "Merchants shoul stress the th me of he historic Fort Road, Gateway to St. Paul, an use the name ort Ro d instead of West 7 th." Based on the bove c tations, I do not believe that the proposed he ght of the founda ion fo Carlone' s house conforms to the Comprehensive Plane of the ity of St. Paul. . . , . ._ , ., t , , . . • „ � ;v� . � �� ;: i ����. � � � r`,. . i 1 �;` � .1 �i . / \ � Y �;�i�'� . ' ��� . � i � i `:. � rj�r�.,�,:., ��.., r� . � � � � . � i..���i �� �.�� . � 4 � : � � ' ( r � ` A r s. « ?r `� ��y,� i � � ` � l ;?r, ' P la- a . ��� ' , � � y � . . . rt L r,.. ! j ti�. � T � ����� . 'e� 1r� :_;���r , , � � , � '�` , � ,� .� �. �+a��. ; 1 � „u z�' � r• ' ' i. " 1 t ' ' � �'1 " 1 t w : i : I t �, : `� � �.�'{ er� � ���:` � ��'3> >� ���1 3�� L � 1 � � �� � ,. - � �1 tt y ' � � x ��t. � . : � '. � . • � � r 5�. ` . � - � � ,, �� �4,;�,,;, .. �.�. .41 , 1 i �t� . ��� ,.� . - . . `�r;11X„ �: . . �� i��4t' � � . '. _ �'• .. i��. ��,�. � .: .. .! .�'.'_ �� � . . .. . _ _ . . . : . .R.._:1..t. .,'. . , �� J � , , r ,, ���' -`/`,!S 2. Another of th findi gs required for. site plan approval has to do w th preservation f uniq e geologic, geographic or historically signifi ant characteristi s of t e city and environmentally sensitive areas. The city has pent m llions of dollars trying to improve the environment o Fort oad based on its historic theme. The first national hist ric di trict in the City of St. Paul was the Irvine P rk � Historic Dist ict. t is only one block from the triangle of land n ��,West 7 th that Mr. Ca lone wants to move the house to. 3. '°'Mr. . Carlone as cla' ed to us verbally and in writing that the rea on he wants the usual foundation is that the site has high limestone bedrock that s hard to excavate and causes wet basements. In fact, the building 's bein placed on the site of a large old commercial building that was de olished years ago. It ha�, I'm told�a full� dee basement. Mr. Carlo has begun excavation and so far (about 3 feet deep) has dug up not 'ng but loose sandy fill. I can' t help but har or the suspicion that Mr. Carlone really objects to building a conventi nal foundation bec use it would make the basement harder to put to comme cial or residential use so etime in the future. LS/bq • , , ,�, , , , , _ . � :. � � � �� �: � ;�� �� ` � �r 5�,� `��x� �'�� ''' i n: a N � � ',� r � : , �� :ro� ,,.,�.i� ��{, �:1�' � ti � : � , , a � ; ��� � � � � ' �� .�,:"� ' , , , t I' Y � ' .�l'� � �?, r,�, `- S"`"1��!+t, . t ,� . Y ti ��y� ;L' 1 '" �,!f. f 1 � .�. `�1 , ,s�i ~ )1� ,�' � ;t t�f : t�FR4� [�-_: � �; i ;} ,Y . �j t,,,�ti'r's��. ' � � � ��.�1�1 ��.i ,`:f�i��4 ��A���. i r <.. .: � � 4 '. 1.�.� . .'t �( t � . � �'1t�, , 1 � � , � ,�t � � �f . . � ..: � i�11 t , i � '{� �� �;" � . , . 1 . �. i � '��i? � � 'i,��° � ��,�i •, s�'' E�:�� � d��i� � ��.� � , �l� �tl��tt i". �''i � :� � �. . � "t ��t. .� � w ' � . 1 r �i . � � � � . � .. 1 [ ( E� . .. .;'ti��l,�.� ��x{.'�l+S.i.�. �� . , � �4 . • .' �.w���t�i`i� . . ., � :'•�.i:'. `'** °• � CITY OF AINT PAUL 4� _. ±, �� r, � ' EPARTMEMT OF .PLANNING AND ECONOMIC D VELOPMENT : �j�jl�l s' ��+ ^, DIVISIO OF PLANNING ���� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Pa I,Minnesota,55102 6/2-282-1577 GEORGE UTIMER ���S� ,/5 MAYOR Q Y August 3, 1984 Patrick Carlone � 203 Forbes Avenu Saint Paul , Minn sota RE: Site Plan R view # 59 - Relocation of an Existing Building to Site L cated at West Seventh and bounded by Smith Av nue on the West and Forbes Avenue on the North Dear Mr. Garlone The plans for th above referenced site are not sufficiently detailed Further informat on wil be required before review can be completed. Consideration of approv 1 will be contingent upon satisfactory resolu ion of the following condit ons: 1. The five foo heigh above grade that you propose for the first floor is inappropriat and i consistent with existing structures along Wes Seventh. Th propo ed handicap access, when built to code specific�tions, would necess tate a unusually long ramp construction. Applicant ill present proo as to why structure cannot be placed on a foundation eighteen to hirty- ix inches above present grade of sidewalk. I proposed hei ht is etermined to be necessary, then applicant must submit elevation vi ws of oth the building and the ramp. Drawing must i clude dimensions f r heig t of foundation above grade and total height o structure. 2. Sidewalks an curbs f or entire site must be reconstructed. Curb c t shall be mov d to a comodate vehicle manueverings on property (see drawing). All work must be completed in accordance with city specificatio s and nder a permit issued by the City Sidewalk Sect'on of the Departme t of P blic Works. Contact Hartley Thomas at 292-627 for further details. 3. Boulevard areas, whe e applicable, shall be sodded and include the planting of t o Colu nare Norway Maple trees along Smith Avenue, a d two June Bride �i tle Le f Linden trees along Forbes Avenue (see drawi g for approximate 1 cation of trees) . Applicant must verify final locat on of trees with Ci y Fore ter. The trees, a minimum of 2' 1/2" caliper runk size, must be plante under a permit issued by the Foresty Mainten nce Section of th Depar ment of Parks and Recreation. Contact Ed Ols n at 488-7291 for urther planting instructions. .. ,. , . . , ,_ , .. . , � ` ; {:. �•�� � � �: x . { . .i.... . 7 �.. 1 1 �I 1 � � �S �•� ��x t s r,' #+ . �f t �' � �� `t � r , �� ,, � ` � �'�,��j� ` � ' i i i . �. i� � n �� � � �� ..r.. y� ���� . �� j1� �,� ��1., r1 �. : � i �c?`� � . .f� A ���.� � � . l �� ' � J t:t. . . • ; ' • , . 4�if ..� 1. - .r 1 ;i : �� � � + � � � � � :�ia, ,µ; , „�{ >,,:, � t ��� � i ,, � , � ``Y� E'r�;�„�`' }t' � � , d� �?��� � ti f � 5 ,rt� �' �� . . � t L� . ', � �. �. . iR� .. ���i 51.�:: � , , , �. .. .�: . ..i u� .�. . .�:�.,.r.., . .'': :. � . ;. .... ..._'.'t:.,r._ F � ' ' _ . • // -��= � !�_ . U , , August 3, 1984 Page T Mr. Patrick Carlon 203 Forbes Avenue Saint Paul , Minnes ta 4. Hedge Arborvit e, pla ted as shown on drawing and maintained to hei ht of 3' , shall a t as a visual screen to prevent the headlights of vehicles using the ha dicap space from shining into oncoming westbo nd traffic. 5. The parking lo shall be paved with asphalt. Bituminous curbing or cement wheel-s ops sh 11 be employed around perimeter of paved surf ce to prevent veh cle en roachment into city rights-of-way and landsca e areas. The pa king 1 t must be striped according to enclosed drawi g. 6. The rear area f the uilding along Forbes must be designated "no parking" to al ow veh cles to perform entering and exiting manuever Qn- site. Trash c ntaine s shall be located in this area along Smith A enue but must not h nder o obstruct vehicle movements. A 6' wood obscu ing fence shall en lose t is area along Smith and Forbes (see attached drawing for sp cifics . ; 7. The six requir d off- treet parking spaces are based upon the propo ed comnercial use of the first floor and the anticipated residential u e of the second flo r. Th basement must be used for storage only. No commercial or esiden ial activities will be permitted. 8. The building " oot pr nt" on the plan does not conform to that of t e actual buildin . Pla s must include an outline of the building accurately dra n and imensioned. If satsifactory re olutio of above conditions can be reached, applican must submit a perf rmance bond in the amount of $22,000.00, or an irrev cable letter of credit g od for two years in the amount of $27,500.00, to ens re provision for land cape a d site improvements. The performance bond an letter of credit f rms wi 1 be sent to you when this office is assured hat submitted plans ar in ap rovable form. If you have any qu stions, please call Lawrence Zangs at 292-1577. Sincerely, 1;ti� WV\C.Q.. . Lawrence Soderholm � Principal Planner C �� LS/LZ:pmk � , . . , ,<_. . , , ., . � �'1 ,`: t '� ",'y ' �r � � �: � � r ��.� � . n . �Y t` � \ � � � �� 1�: . 5 +� '.. t � 1 �1�' ��' '. t j . � �i5 ':� ���� l I• � 1 � 1 .� t y ,�_ ` t . �' +1�� � k��'��. 1 j ti• 3 �� � � F e � {�Z . � . �'� . �+ t T :. St t . : . � � . 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(��.� �s�s� .•F���''�� CITY OF S INT PAUL o �� a D PARTMENT'OF PL:ANNING AND ECONOMIC DE ELOPMENT � iiii�l�i1 ii � �� ha DIVISION F PLANNING ,... 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-282-1577 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 16, 1984 Patrick Carlone 203 Forbes Avenue Saint Paul , Minne ota RE: Site Plan Re iew #9 9 - Relocation of an Existing Building to ite Lo ated at West Seventh and bounded by Smith Avenue on the West and Forbes Avenue on the North Dear Mr. Carlone: This letter serve to fu ther explain the required conditions for appro al , of your site plan outlin d in the previous letter dated August 3, 1984. Your latest revis d plan dated August 6, 1984, does not adequately add ess these conditions. Applicant must su mit de ailed drawings which show the following: 1. The plan must show a accurately dimensioned outline of the foundat'on onto which th build ng will be moved, the distance of the foundati n from all prop rty li es, and any areas where structure will extend outside of th found tion line. No ortion of this structure shall extend over a y ubl c property. 2. The floor pla , deta ling proposed main floor uses, shall be includ d on the plan. Be sur to show room dimensions. 3. Submit south ide an east side elevation drawings, showing buildin exterior (i .e , wind w and door locations) , and the handicapped acc ss ramp construc ion in relationship to the building. This must be dimensioned also. Th materials which will be used to construct the ramp must be pecifi d on the plan. Please note that the Building ode requires a fl t resting area for every 30" of rise above the site grade. The r p its lf must be 48" wide and provided with handrail . 4. Parking stall must e dimensioned according to the following city standards: a. 8'6" x 18' for angular parking; and b. 12' x 18' or han icapped parking. , . . . _ . , , ;,� ;' ��, ti �� � , �� , r � � S + .: i' � �� � ' . �� � .i � . '! `1 ! , ; `��{ � � ' ��s „ �� ���; , + � ' , r ' ' � '. � , t p}t� yt.'. r �� t�'r �� ''i � ; �4� � . � � �t� r t f �i t ' :.i � t �s� � �V� .. t', . � . ;}�' :1 4 S �-�,l - i .V .ti t. ♦ � r : .•�'+r�1 �� ',� 4 � � ` 1 ��`�'1:�'!;';'.: . + tit , � 1 r ,�1 •,t �1 �ftiJ{ } �� � � } '� -� z 5 � -i,�. . . � .� 'r � �i. � �i i �a5.� e�. � t.'� �i t `�t ,� �y�. �.�. � � lt t�1�� ti ' S r ..�r� c�'��' ' � �� '` . . y�l��i����it, . . � � 1 r :� 1e 4 7� i:. . . +� t �,�� � , � . � t �i�,' � 1� h 1 � P � , '�',�t� � , i�>�� '`��� � � `4y���,�t���r,. � � � � . ti � �ur� r . . �� ,' { t '��., . . ,'.n u1Y,, ,i: . � . gt � ! , . ...� ,.. . . , „ . ....,,�',S�,.,,'...� .' il�� �5. �� .` .�. . � ; �,' ii�...:....i;.�;. . _ . t � . ���""" � � �� / � y , � � (�J t ; Patrick Carlone August 16, 1984 . Page Two E The parking a ea sha 1 be paved with a bituminous surface. Al1 par ing stalls design ted on the site plan must be clearly marked with yell w or white pain ed str ps. The area between Forbes and the building , shall be clea ly str ped and marked to prohibit parking. These ite s must also be learly indicated on the plan. 5. A six foot wo d obsc ring fence shall be constructed along the pro erty lines on Smit and F rbes. This fence shall begin at the northwes corner of the buildi g, proceed north to the property corner, and rom there extend ast to a distance equal to the width of the building The fence mus be op que when viewed from either street. The fenc location must also b clearly marked on the site plan. 6. Landscaped ar as mus be clearly marked and dimensioned on the pla . All grass are s must be sodded and all other plantings specified. The total landsca ed are must be equal to a minimum of ten percent (1 �) of the paved urf ace and protected from vehicular encroachment wit either wheel- tops o continuously rolled bituminous curbing. The site plan must indicate t e intended locations of all such improvements Screen planti gs suc as lechy arborvitae or other suitable screen ng must be provi ed to prevent headlight glare in the evening hours a the � intersection of For es and West Seventh Street. 7. Grass areas, curbs nd gutters along Smith and Forbes must be rest red. Integral cur and w lk, 12 feet in width, shall be constructed alo g West Seventh All ork must be completed in accordance with city specificatio s and nder a permit issued by the Sidewalk Section o the Department o Publi Works. Contact Hartley Thomas at 292-6278 fo ' information bout p rmit requirements. � 8. The improvem nts in city rights-of-way may be done by your own � contractor, r the ity will issue an order to construct them and '' assess your ropert for 100% of the improvement costs. Should yo elect to do he wor yourself, the city will require a performance bond to ensure th t the mprovements are constructed. The performance ond will include both t e cost of improvements to public property and he costs for pa ing an landscaping improvements to your property. T e ' amount of th bond equired would be $22,000.00. If you choose to have the city con truct he sidewalks, the bond amount would be reduce accordingly. i If you have any uestio s, please contact Larry Zangs at 292-1577. Sincerely, � � '° , o�•� ; harles McGuire ' Principal Planne - Zon'ng i ` CMG/LZ:pmk � � . � ',rt • , . . Y ,r4��� i . , '. a . i � y \ i • ' ` ` 1 . :'�r � �� a ' ' , '. r � � �; / � ir� .1 ( �'. v � 7 ,' r ,> � . �:��, 1i44�� � ` � �, :'�, , '` . 7�u � �S', '� ' � y .i�i� ,�:: 1 � � � � l +� ;•1� Y,'1 �! . . FJ' S f 1 a, i� � � ' i � � � e' � ''� <� � �.',. ; 1 t �� . t � L� �S�• � i i�� . . �'�'� ti 5 ` J . r : . � t �1: . �� i �l� � �' ` �• 't } + � i } Me.1��' ti, .. . �� . a.,..u� � . �� ��s`� s . , , . , . �:;�„ . ;;,�i;;�;� � ��:::��`' CITY O� 5AINT PAUL (NT RDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: Jul 2, 19 4 T0: Cou cilman Jarnes Scheibel FROM: Charles L. McGuir���� RE: Car one's otique, Site Plan Review #959 and Paragraph 5 of arlone s presentation to the City Council on June 28, 1984 On h1ay 14, 1984, Mr. Patric A. Carlone applied to this section of the P1 nning Division of P.E.D. f r a si e plan review or� property at 383 West 7th Str et (Northside between F rbes a d Smith) . This site plan as all such plans s b- mitted to our office for re ie�v, was sent to seven offices and the planni g district council for review and comment on May 14 in spite of the fact th t the information provided on the plan did not appear to be sufficient for thor ugh evaluation. On May 30, the revie er for the Design section of P.E.D. subm�tted writte com- ments indicating his concer s about sight distance and visability, landsc ping and appearance at th facad s of tPie proposed development. He also indic ted verbally that it app ared t e structure was too large for a site of this ize _ and shape. - On May 17th, we rece ved co ments frorn the traffic engineer in the Depart ent of Public Works stat"ng tha the plan was unacceptable, since the drivewa was not properly placed nd it ould be necessary for vehicles to back into t e street because room n the ite was not adequate to a11ow the car•s to tur around. On P1ay 3� , the revie er for the Div?si�r. of Housing and S+aildin3 Cc�l� Enf rce- ment and Inspections indica ed that 11 spaces must be provided for off-st eet parking, or a varian e from the applicable code provisions souc�ht. Internally, my staff and I ere concerned by the fact that Mr. Carlone's ite plan indicated only 64 sq, ft. of a structure having a gross floor area f at least 3500 sq. ft. w s to b provided with off-street parking space accor ing to the data availabl for o r review. The structure to be moved to the s te was a 2 story struct re and a foundation-baseme►�t �vas to extend 5 feet ab ve grade according to i formation transmitted verbally to staff. Based u on the abov infor ation an Q an_y source, I wrote a lett r den in a roval of the site �ee copy attached). Furt er, I have inquired of other staff known by me to have been involved in this review as to whether or not they may have bee cor�- tacted 6y you or an membe of your staff. Al1 have indicated that they ave had no contact with our o fice concerning this or any other matter regar ing review of site plan . CLMcG/bq cc: Peggy A. Reich rt James J. Bellu Lawrence Zangs Dan Bre���er ����:�� , 7; o , 3 �� ��.Y. � � '` . . 'M1���'Y. . Y : " '' � f t � ' � �� ' � .�; � � � ' � � rl .4 �'� 1. ,`, r � ,1 � � �!'�.o:� �:.J,�r't . . W f � � � .���.' i� f � . ! ! l �.,�'• � f ��_S�Y) iit , . . 1 -. i. t l � � ' s t n ` ', � 3 r '[� � ��t} 1 � �, ' /L �. , � j `,1 . . � + .M� A� �11 ! 1l Y ti f � j r ; . Y'� � .' { ' . � ' � t �.�# � �t,, , . :... , 4 ., ' \tL S -. : `� . :. . t 1 �� � � �� �S�{�i�� 'e+: � � . �� , S ' ���i � �1�.�'(.,' ,� . � Y� � 1 t A • �� 13.. :i r � � ,. jf �� 1�` . . . r� . t. ' �.� � '�`, ,, ' 'i ��� y' � t '�,,,*; ti � : ��� __... , �. „� . , ,. r„r.=.. �ti�;;,�:�... t ' �— { ' , ��,j ��J � ' '���s���� , ClTY C�� S !�!T PAUL �; "�, a� DE ARTMENl' OF PLANNING AND ECONOMtC D ELOPMEt�IT i �a ��";f���"' '� DIV1StON: OF PLANNING ,' ,,��� u�i 5Il(iI r� ? �� 25 West fourth Street,Saint Pa ,Minnesota,55t02 ,..• si2-z9s-�sn � GEORGE LATIMER � MAYOR � June 5, 1984 ; . _ , ��, � ,� ��� : 1 • 3 � Patri ck Carl one '��,� � 203 Forbes Avenue . � Saint Paul , hiinne ota 55 02. 6 R�: Your request for re iew and approval of site plan for 383 t,�est 7 h St.- ; Reiocation o • 2-sto y struct�re - Our file SPR '�959: Request de ied. � � ��ar Mr. Ca�r1 an�: �� � # We regret to info m you hat we�must deny your request for approval o the � above referenced ite pl n. The request is denied for thz following reasons: 1. The shape an area f the �site-is not adequate to' provide space f r required �ff-street parking, vehicular: maneu��eriny and a structur of the size indicat d in the proposal . � 2. The lot and uildin, dimznsions provided on the plan do not appea to . be accurate. Furth r, the floor plan for use of the structure d s nct provid� �ffici r.tly deta�'led ir.formation about the praposPd uses of all loor a eas. This data is necessary to compute accu ate � parking requ rement . ; 3. Our desiqn taff r viearer indicates that the structure wfiich ya propose ! to place on his si e will require a larger site af more regular shdpe ? for adequate siting It is our finding that your proposal does ot s observe the rovisi ns of the Zoning Code. � If you have any uestio s pursuant to this matter, please contact me a t 292-1577 ext. 31 . ; � I Sincerely, G���:��7,[�o��"��' � . Charles L. McGui e Principal Planne , toni g � � CLM:sb � CC: Dan Brewer i . _ . :: t a `, , A�' 11�+ .i . � �l�f�'/ L9 l`� � 1 .. � � 1 .} ,� . 15 1� 1�.:1 t 1 I - . ���� . � ��..' 91 ti�1 . �� � �t � , k�}�j f,t.;}� , . 1��y�: y'�,�� ��.' . � � � �� � � �,� t�' i' y� � . . i�.��4�SM1tiv '{� , '�t.. f V < ',i � � � � �� � � � . � n •. �E. � � ' r� ` �' 1�'� ,i� �� � ' � � . , sf�' �' �; r � ktipi�ti �,��: k ''vy • � ��A����j k . r�i�� �r� � i� , . . . . . . . 'y','��'��{5'i�'. . . � i �rt j ,t`��` 4 f et � y.i4l5,f�,:' � + � 'i�Z1 �� �.1 . '1 ��,1r � . � . ��� ��� 1��� ti N{S" . � .1 ' �,'��� ��r�T' � I� F iS i��� .r.i f' � � }�''�e + t e � 1 � i t, i�i � , � ;� 1'tr � ` t `fN� '��'�����t . :i�1� rr�c0 . � 61�. �y� '� -... . . .. . �'{�'�8 }' . . 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History-----�.�G1t1�------------- ------------ Buildin De t. �-/ ' Fire De t. 5~/ i� • � � Police Traffic ' Public 1C'orks �� �J . Se�ver En ineer �� Traf fic En ineer ' ' i� Plannin District It � Desi n Ramse • Soil � �4`ater Parks Dept. � Return by ,j -- L.�'��''' o Divis o� of Plannin�, 1 !00 City HaII Annex CO!�i�iE�TS: lnclude a�no nt and urpose of any su�gested security agreement and in icate c�rrections r comm nts on p an. �I �t r-p . S 1 ��-`. �" � . . � � . � �� � �8 B� Performance Bond requi�ed 'n the a ►ount of ;____________� ' ' �• , Performance Bond approved y --------.-.------------------------------ ()at ---- -•-- . . - Site Plan approved by _____ pot Cornpteted H•ork approved b�� ___ � p,,t . . ���/�? �: , � { � : r�' '� � : r , ,; 1 Y `J � '' / ' ,x �.'m � ' •�r 1 � � �� ti� ti ' , , r�r �.� i.�. ` � f ��% . � ��: � .� i���„ [� R.. � . .. ` t! . � t - . ti ' ���- »f � "� i . tt . + L.+,. , - ��s �e}�!'� } �1. � ��i���, � +. i /1�� . . , .i +�'� ,� �,. * ��y1.��' �i � '� '4>�'d'r -.T. �� � � �; "� r ` , ( ��ti . },^}1 y F , }t" Y „`: 1 dj r r � ,��i i �,r . :�d(e���4,�i.. � �.. I pe 1 r� f i p�t ,: 1 . r � ,. 1' S , �_, � �� � � �� �: � :� r�+�tti���+�1tlo- 7JJJ��� . ��\ ���• � � . . . i ��� : � wl '1-� . � ��' eXk�i��,�� � '`�f��xrS`y 1��'� � � � ... • r4a�i��`����. � . . ��4�� . . �i� ��`/�� •. a �'��.� i . � � ; y�1a���1��. 1�1� i � :s'��,�r ' . �t r M t�, � r� � , � , h y 1�;q IY!1_�� . � li' . Il '��� 1 1 �i.lfi�f - � 1 � �t'` ,' ��. :�� r i �� - �..' r.1 �t,.:. , .. i� ..�� _ `� r�ku�e�.�, , ..,,uv,,. .. � ITE� PLAN :.REVIEW � ti ,� , --� �— ` � � �5� ��/5 0: ' La�renca� Zanc�s 1100 City Hall Annex � 'rM•.."IM�e •^M'tic11r'n.r...�.. h' � � DATE: May 16 , 19 8 � � � � � � � � � � � I�NY 1 719�4 SITE PLAN NOi 9 9 CITY PLA�I�IIMG t3UA 3�+int P,�u� Minnero�l SITE PLAN DATE: Ma 14 , 984 � ..:,,,;��;.�,���,,.�.w�.. :�;;, � . LOCATION/ADDRESS: Carlo e' s Boutique - 383 W. Seventh St. 1tEMARKS s i s o I i a u a 11 s n he ' � , ' e n . . . . . . . . . ACCEPTABLE � UNA EPT LE X REVIEWED BY: Claude . Tho son P.E. � � Traf �c ngin ring , Attachment cc: Hartley Thomas � ` , _ � i r_ :: � �: ; , , r �a t t� � � t, � �' ' ti' � , �ti ,j� �„ ` }J� � � ' � � ��: � � ,•��i ,5 �, ; r ��.�, �t;._ ��;,�n . � . �� t .�S h � � , , ;d �' 4 ',, �51��j� , j� y .` ` ��� ��e,�;' 1 i �' , c i � < F 1� -����. �L �i ' .1,�' �� t�. � t 't� � ��' l- � i 7"�� � � ha�...a . � ,,���"Y d . � �p, +y�,',��A: : . ' ,�t,�s;;;,`�:. ��� .� ',����,,��, :� S s t`"� ! . i i r �� � . �tti � � � t� �a �� '��� 7i ' ' � � � ..� �' . i ;1� .��'.. , ?rt; ' i ' � x 1 r . 5� � `����' ti t� « ` i,/��JS �,1����'• . �� . ' 1 e � � f'• ' ; y ��'��'r , ., ��l� + i I� t y � t r�.' � , , �i i!{ 1 f ��t�1(jl�i 51t�: . I� � t �� � �;Y �-��t , �1�istf 1 � �r c ' � �Y+.�'���. . ; , }..I,' . i '_. . `� 1 � ���� � i � . . � F��� �tii�����)� � t r��� . .!1�� �tr ��. . . �1 ; ��>�. �, � :-j5�}�i�4 s�r� .� � ' �. i , . � :i�rl,'� i�y��..., . � '. 'r� t�t alfr � . � . . ;�t������ �� . ,�.v�'� : .. . 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CITY OF SAINT PAUL J ..'�'_� , OFFICE OF THE CITY T70Ri�EY �ni ,: '� � - �`� ,s` SUZAN�E E. fLI�SCH, Cff A�(IORNEY i � „ 647 Cit?• Hal{,Saint Paul, � innFrsota 55102 612-293-5121 C",c�,roe �etimer ' �lapor • • �U��115t l, 1978 • -• -• -- - : :.. . � • — . . r� `. . , ,�_ . •- I�Ir. David Hozza, Pres dent • Saint Paul City Counc 1 �:,. ..�,;: , , : -. y,;,,-. 719 City I-Ia11 �=....�: �-�- �-,�-�a Saint Paul, Min esota 55102 Dear Mr. Hozza: 11-� t-h` Council 1 ee�Lin of July 13 a request �,tas rnade -L-o this ofii_ce to expla 'n the o�tions avai]_able to the Council in regard to i_lie Fort Roa guid lines. I hav� -revie��r�d the guidelin s and dei.`rrn:ined that t11ey � ffect or could afiect sev�ral diiier�.nt orc�iiiailce.�s of t.} e C:it , i.nc] udi_ng: (1) the Zon?ng Ordinan e, (2} � ti?: Si.��n O:rc3inat ce, c�_ d (3) the I3er.it������ Preservati.on Ordi ance_ 33�c.;iu::�e of t.hc roacl mpact tliese guid�l:ines could have on the existiiig or.dina ces, would recommend that they be referr d to th� ll_i_vision of Planii ng for reco?nn�lendations as �o the bes way oL i:nplem�nL-ing th� g idelirl�s. I'ur_�her, tlie guidelines w uld ir�pact th� dist ict p �.ns tnat are bei.ng prc�par�d in the D' vision of Planniiig and ought to be refe.rred to the distri_cts that are involved sor th-ir in1uL. 1�ccordir_gly, I ave p epared a resolution ior th� Council fiirm- ing the guideli es an referring tl�em to L-lie Pl�.l�ning llivision �or im��lc�men�a�:ion. Si.1�c�,�f_��7-Y Yc�lirs, .��-����.r D � .���L; �,J � l;C�?3I:R'.l' O. S`.['R?1U IIN I����..i:ct<znt C:ity tt:o:r.n� y IZ�):a: C'r ni:t.. cc :Kc:n D'r.uc,..n, i.t.y P <:tiri�i_��cJ �) � ,_ ; , , _ ,,,. . _ ; , .• . .. � „ � `� ,� ;,, � , : , , , �, , , , ; . � , << r �� t �� ,,. �,� � �,� ��}: ` t � , � � � ——— i ,����j �t �� ; � � � � i , � � 1� y F 't��r�lj�i� i � t n �� � ��u:'�. )� � , i �� �i . �1 �tt�ti.' i r i' 1.? � �� �� . .. . 1�..�� �� �� 7,'. � � ����, ' ii �l� `� �•Y ,t: " ��. � t ! , •. � ' � � , y. � �i,j,ti . � � ti � �;ti < < ; '� � ,�,. ,4� , �.��' `t,`'� -.�f '.' ��r�,��. / ��!�J.�r..�� +�4�'�I! . �'.. I. t : \ f �j .y . � � :'� ��` .. �. . J J�+` ��.' > t�i 1y,�. . .� f a1 y��-��+A . � �� � 5 l�r ��������' � 'S Pe; � A � � � 1.�� g' ` � ��r;� ' � � � �n ,�t. 1,��,4 �� ` 1 , , , ' � i u 1S �� � � - �� ,'., . 6 rt.�,- ; ' . . . : � 5� 1 J , . . � - �,e � :ll�i. � � �i�ii� �� . � � 1Y_:.. , �. � ..ti"i . . . . . �. . �ir% 4�;���t}� � . ��'�4�)9 t • . . �.. .,llF'�{ 1 . � �i�i�15#:.�1' ' . Yi�id�l����r', � ��1��11t � 1 tii � 1� � Y 1 � ... � ' � •' t ti�` i;1 . � . .. i�a ,}�'�1. . . �l �r.��� . }A.,f�..� . . ,.),. ..�G_4�.�' � ,. � . � . 1f1..�i.l�'..�. �. . 5 . � '� A.,�i.�Y.. ..:.� � ' �i.� ri_l��✓.. . _ `•'.:,...'` _ (; i - z� � <� �� . �-�.� 1 :���' �i�.� lI I, c,�U�s��� _-- : .. . ..; ::�.,.,.,�,.� ��/..S � �i�,. .•.:�:�`: . F'ile N 0. . - ;�. r ,• � • ' �—_ _/� " / +- ������a ��'.���:��.���� _% ^ �J� � , �:,a•ri:�d I3� �� l l. � '\��/ � - -------- -- _---- -----. ------- ___.___I________.'___—_ ____ _._._ 1 . -- --�----- � � ` � Rc�f��rrrd 'C� -�--_ -�_.___ Comiait�tee: Date ----.—.-------_..----__ - --- � -- ---- -- ------ - � �: O:it of Committee By----- ---- — --------_ _-_�_ Uate - ----- -- -- ��TIiEREAS, Th ��Tc�st Seventh Stre�:t Area D�velopment Corp ration has presented gu d�lin s for tlze coTru�n`rcial revitalization ffor-ts � on ��1est Seventh i�reet called "Fort Road Guidelines" ; and �91i1�R�;�5, Sa d gui elines are dc�signed to help busi.:Zess s and residents preser e th� character oE ti•Jest Seventh SLreet and pro- vide a st'rong, u ified st.reet environment; and � T��ii-�LkFAS, Th guicl �l._i.nes atf:eci� cxis�tiiZg City ordinance , in- cluding the Zoni g Ord nanc�, th� Sign Ordinance, ai�d -cl�e H r��.ac,�� Pres�rvat.?on Or.d nance no��, ��zL:r,rrf:o�:e, �� it R'r�SOLVED BY THE C UNCIL OF T'tIr� C1':�Y 01' SAl�'`_t' PnliL: 1_ That th For t Road guidelines are hereb_y ericlorsed y the Council; 2 . �I'hat th Fort Road guid�lin�s are hereby re�_e?-red ' o tti� llivisi.on o.f 1'lani ing f r its considerat.ion ��s to ho�� best t im- pl�rnent t.he c�uid li_nes in light oi the existing City ordinar ces; and 3. Th��t th - 1'ort P.oad gu.iclel_:in,�s are hereb:y ref�rr�d o th� i Planizing Coui�cil for istricts 9 �nd 15 For thei_r cozlsid�r tion � oi the imoact of the g idelin�s on the District P].ans_ C:vUNC1I.111�.N ;�s N:i�•s Rf�y�:ested Ly De`,:,rt:���r.t of: I:�itl�r __ ---------------_. . __ - - - . _ Ilui.ca ---- . __ _ n 1�t,t•or - -_ _ __ _ Il;int l,:vinc __ -- ____.._.. �1��,:�iiist i'S' -- ---- - ---._-- - -... _._. - --. _ _ __ ._ �1:i�1�lu:t _ ._ __ Shu',v;�ltcr �l�itt�csCU I:e�n:t A����rnverd l�� City .11torr.ry •,,.,t ;,�. ('uunc'�1: 1):�1�• _... --- '�' _ _ __ . . ---- � � ' " �- � �t,.,. !'.�..�,�•il l��• (:uiini il S. cr�•i:ir�, f3y `((j..:/-'��� v�C: ,;�%�� ,. _ � _ , ;�. ___— - - --- � � . _. .----- ---- --- - -. .--- _ _._ ._...__.. -•--- • . � � :!:�vur: 1).ilc . App:i�vi:�i b� :,I.i�or I�x St:hru�::iu� to C��� :�r.il , �•,•.�•�. t,y -- - --- -- ----- - --- ------•---- • _ _._._ - - _ ___ _----. _.___..__. ---- - - ------ , � •, tt�� . .--------- - -�-- --- -- --. _ . . . _ _ _ � � ;� � � � ,, �,�` �: ;+ ,,` � � � , t ��'; +� , �;;� , �' � ' 1 t 1 l�{, �`�i� . t Y ti L: 1: .,.iL S �. ` ... 1�1��r �I� 1 : , i i .;�. � �>�+i� _ . t� t , �'�. .r �� ��`i�X f e. t�A l 4y1 j` ���, 4 � f � � '4� . . ��� _�i � .��. : � ��' � � �:i . a � y �� r'7 ti: � � . � � ���{�� i'�� . . � Ja de � �� �, }�i�1r�� � � t} i 4'. �1t+tf' �� � / � y � S '! . S . ' �-n :� r�... . " . • , � +}oi�' . �7 U��1 . . , � ,�,;r . 1:1�� e 4� �� i� �\�t �� � � � . � i � a . ��.` � ". 1 ., ; � `'41��j1{r�Y�`�; .... 'j�!`�7. � t +,p k� M•r �.� � ' h,. � � „S l�� ,� ��,� l5�,; «4.. 1 � ,F',1 . � � . , i,1� ' n4`:. ;1� . � f � l �:.M i �1/(�. 1 1 ,, ��<�.t.�.'. ' .RY ����... . . - . . ,i..',ru%: , �...1..-....,,;. . ' . R � � . � � 4�,'�;;,�t w � � —`t YS�. . � . � � . ' o � FORT R A GUI�DELINES �� �� �� � . � . west se�e th treet, saint paul, mn. � ; � ; � : � � i � � � � . . , ., , � .f ; � - i � � stanley fish an associates inc. � ARCHITECT & LANNING CONSULTANTS . � ,. : . , : : . . , ; ,� �,, � . ; , , r` , 4 ; : s �j,'; `. t} :, � '. :: �� r� � .. . ', , iy,11��. �e' , � \ � � i it - ;.i: ''S � ��•'�` 1 ' 1'y� '��(.-..r..: . _. :.�i .+ . � fi f it .. �1 !�t�: . . � !YY'. _ 1 '�y�.. i'i �"1� �3_ . y '. , + 1 . s.„!; : ti�. . � .•ry " 4 �`�',`��� ^ t� 1 �'; r!4" : +j � .�•`+'4tii� ��,.��.. � ,"y�S1�,1f �� ,�, i !S f i' . � L ��� i '�tx:;,��,. � ;�t �� 1. : � � . � � 5, � i � � T '�Y 14� .� � i 2 .. , ti� „ '' � ;'�;r ' � �� .,ti 's ;`��f�� � ;�' ';i���,:�!..; ' � , • } � '` � i. �,�� � i . �;� � ,� �' , ,+��p i � tt � " � s � ?� � �.•�� ' . '�s� 1f1� ��,,4. . ' ��� j� � ' ! 1.. . � �� ti' � .�, �. '� ,� ' ,.��� i 4'�, : � �r,���7t'r�� �Y . _ r� �� � ' "`����t��>�� ri��� . � � yr�l j.i'��y+; . � � � �'Pa4����` . ' y 1 � � ' - '� �� 1 , !�� � � � �ir� � 1 . . '_ .5 � t.� � r 3! � ��'}t n�. �._ i�+if �1� '��� , , � � t�'i 3�`��;'�� � , ����;� , �.�' ..tv,�.'� �� �� � •;,s;?��., '. : '', � lt�,� ,�.��:v;� �� �� � r��� � � + � C��'�� Sf �.... . � , , � ? The following guid lines re oEfered to help businesses and residents achieve the Fort R ad th me. They are not to discourage individual � expression, but si ply t outline basic precautions which will prese e � � a structure's char cter a d provide a strong unified street .environmen . ; � j ; , 1 SHOP FR�J ' A. � Wh re sho fronts have been bricked in, they should b ope ed up to their oriqinal design. Wooden bulkheads sho ld be restored to two (2) feet above the sidewalk. � Gla s sho ld extend six (6) to ten (10) feet from that poi t, inc uding a clerestory. Frames ideally should be ' pai ted bl ck or with a color comPatible with the buil - ing � 2 WINDOWS � . A. If riginal windows and doors cannot be restored, they sho ld be replaced by units of the same size and type . ,� as he ori inals. � , B. All qlass anes should be clear except where documen - j ed viden e shows the original use of colored glass; � pla tic m terials should not be used in place of glass � �- ' C. Sto m win ows should resemble, in color and detail, exi ting indows. t � D. If ceili g has been lowered &om it's original height � be ond th window head, the full height of the wind sh uld be retained by sloping the ceiling up toward th to of th window (like an inverted window well) in- � st d of arrying the ceiling straight across and block j in the w ndow. Painting the sloping or vertical space � � ou , with a neutral gray will help conceal it from the ; ;; ou side. • , �� t lass at n ht, the installation of roll up E. Zb rotec g � pro ective screens are encouraged which w�ould be attach � abo e the torefront windo�vs. 3 AW�IINGS A. Aw inqs s ould be of canvas and have side panels and ; edg skirt , they should be eight (8) feet above the s e- � wal whe in thelr lowered posltion. � � B. Aw ings a the second and third floor levels should no be sed. � M.,�> .: , : . ., � I: ` ' � � ���' � � ���.�i� _ � i ���1'.��: - �♦ � E�1 � .. ' .t ' :. � !,� ,.i ,� �L� ' � 1 S �,:..1 � � ,j ` � � 1 � f� i 1.,i S�1' ah / tiY l A . � �! . v � � � . �,� ,� tt�', � �� f� � 4,4;.. , i ,,} : � � � Y �1;��� - _ � r��1�� , �4 � �. � { , i��c Si .LAt.�, � �.� t� �.'.� 1 t/ � . 4 �',�'. , � 1 � . �,} i \�. ��i. � ���� :J�- � ��d +S'• !�?� �'�`�` �� � ��, H , 1 P:r� . ..i����� � �; . � �����`{�. . ����' `� 1 . � ��LR �����' . . 4 } , �tiJj��i�' 1' - �� ��y� . .;�,!r� � � � t� ��� �I�rt � J ��.�+� � .-. + � ..�'A,�',' 1 � �. �r.:yl�l -0ir�.� i n� � . � . ���»� �� � �� �1�� t... ti���� �, � S: r� S ' p�1��S� �1��f,.'K r �� . , � • � :.frc h �, 1� .:� " . . � ��'. � d'�'�:; �� iti;� � � �r ' '�'� ^� ' �1 � i� � * � �X �a -;� � � ��.`�� � 4 3��'r1'� � � a � � �� Afi� ��4��� ' �x �' � .�" 1 A / M�•��' � � 1l+It . 1�, ' . . � �IISI �,11i1� � 11tl�� . ', �1 J • h i 1 .5 {• ��l�1�1� . k 1f.��� i .' � 1 I ' { �1 t �. � e ,�';�+� t � 4 �5 /: �: ���k�.� � �,♦ T,:� : Y} . : i 15 i :. i . . �J"+�b l � � ��S Q . ."1�V��. . . ..l��:u..� . . . � . .t�:e�A...�}:..2� :�� � .,Au:k.,.' . � � � • � � ��s ��s � � 4 CORNICE A. Or lnal ornices should be restored. Wood and metal co lces hould be painted and well maintained. B. Co ices hould be applied to structures that are out of harac er with the street and where there is a brea in he co ice line between buildings. 5 MASONRY - A. ' In epaint ng a brick structure careful considerakion sh uld be given to selecting the color. Historic build � ing that ave not been painted should not now be � co ered. B. Wa erproo ing or water repellant coatings should be av ided. C. Ne mort r should duplica te the original mortar in co - po ition, olor and ioint profile. The same proportion • of ime a d sand or other materials used in the origin 1 � mo ar sh uld be used in order to match the original. D. Wh n mas nry must be replaced, color, texture, slze an cours nq technique should match the original maso ry. E. C1 ning hould be done with water or ioniza tion chem ica s and a soft, non-ferrous brush. When using chem ica s, ext eme care must be taken to avoid harming th � ma onry, diacent materials and the environment. Sand : bla ting s ould be avoided at all costs. 6 ROOFS A. Ro s that have their original form should not be alter � ed. Roofs should not be visible on buildings fronting We t Sev nth. � B. All archit tural features such as dormers, cupolas, bra kets, himneys, etc. , should be preserved. 7 BUILDING EAR A. Ne store fronts at the rear of the buildinq are evtden wh n seve al buildings create a shopping environment. ! Spa e Eor elivery should be developed to allow room ! for pedest ains. Backs oE buildings should include slde �, wal s, la dscaping, information and identification ° gra hics. ; � " . .. . „.:. _,. , _ ,, _ . , ��.. , , � r:.. ''' �,s• ., r � , . � o �r, i��, �� ' � � ��.� - � ,` ; , . � � � '� � „i' ` � � ' , lJ 1 . .. � 1 �` . . f1 �i� � i � � 1�5 �Fl,� \ ,` 1., { 1� 1 ( i.:. 1 � � } � � � � `.M� ='1 � , :�; ,s �: �, .�;, t � ' � _ �.. � 5�' �F' r ?� S S 1 � . 4, . � � , � pur � . H �� . . .,� � � ' i����r . . �� �� , t � ir A�/ �. �. �;' . 3 � ' � i' �-� (� �. ` , 1{i J . . I ' - " .. � .�:1"\! � 7 �J -�, . i i L . . � {I i y�" � � �r� ��;Sti, , � ti' � a S � ',t t 5 � .� } 'i� '�•• ` �� . . � ��. t �j�...i. ..� . � , � i f.l �'.'�I� . , . . . .....�n,.. ... � � , � �yi.a�..i .. �f ' � . . , ..�„ +r...._ ��`[`tl� ; 8 COLOR . � A. Th colo s to be used are: gray, dark brown, dark qr en, � � bl e qrey, beige, terra cotta and brick red. Bright co ors sh uld b avolded, with the exceptlon of their use on th stre.e canopies. � � 9 GRAPH IC , A. Si ns sh ld not be permltted above the sill of the se ond fl or unless it reflects a difEerent occupant t an th of th first floor. Projecting slgns should clear t e si walk y at least eight (8) feet, and should be hor ' � , iz tal, t vertical. ; B. Sy bolic, three dimensional siqns are to be discourag d. ; Z`w dime sional symbolic graphics such as a shoe or � ey glass ainted on the store front qlass are permitted. � Pa er sig s should not be attached to store windows. , Tra emark , slogans, or symbols of brands of products tha do n form the bulk of business should be dis- � cou aqed. A1�Q, 'tQ�� ���'l��tlrt� ���a��r���� ��o���t� Q- �11 type,� t�ould b� ��v�td�d. . ; C. Rec angula wood signs are recommended. Lettering can ! be pplied or painted. Lettering styles should be of i �� the perlod or modern simple styles are also approporiat . Serl lette ng is recommended as a design base. D. Col rs sh ld be compatible with the building and sur- rou ding e vironment. Historic style lettering in store fron glass should be in black or gold. More modern ; styl s can be in white. To maximize the effect of a gra ic th number of colors should be minimal. E. The type o fixture, light intensity, and light color � sho ld be imilar to the period. Back-lighting, neon sign , mo ng and Elashing signs should be avoided. Indi ect an subdued light is recommended. The use of � , a w rm col r light incandesant bulb is acceptable. 10 STREET. F RNIT RE A. Stre t liqht ng should be representative of the period. It s ould b consistant throughout the character zone, but an var between the zones. , , : : , : ;, . � � � _ ,` `, 1� � ` ; � . .._t , o ,..:� ; ; .�. .i +� t r., i ��. � a! 1 � � � � � � � �-- . . � s i � u � � ! t t � � fi�l . � � � � � rt ,�r�� . �' �jr �4� r . S a�� i t � . :: � r,.. ��l � �.�i t� .�i'.. ��1 .. � . ,y � � h �i ti�t �a. . . �:h� 1 � 1 : "r�c � ' �� L �� :.,e� e �� �5_��, �' �!r t�' ��-.'�� � �1 +i F t�ti .��4 � . • ' 1 d k � jt� � � � . � s� . r � � ' � � rr � t I�1 Y`,1' � � < r 5" '; , s . ; ��� ' � ',k�� ��+ [�� �''� ���t �h/�.� . !i a�. , :'ir 5 : � � F 1�,� : ,� � �� ; � �r� � i � . . . �� �:}� i �� i � .. t(I� i::. i � �. �.` t c�.� , . YtT ti �{1� . . S!�1 'i� r, i� i'f S''�; � +'� ' � �' ti t �.t a t �,r, . :. t`���'�;1'' . �� : , ��1 . � . � .y . � . . . . . �+�a �t��. � � 11 t.n . . :��,'�ti� ;'Sl�� a.� ��,���� tr� t ,�.'. . . . :�i71�'�y�r��;1. .. � � �t� � . e �n y .'4 r�� t �` , 3' i ,�'l_.t+, �� •;'1 r� � i � � f!r i � � . . . . l.`... . .:Y.i �... . .. � . ' . . .. ..l .�.. . ..�..�.�.i . i � � � - � S-��S- ,`; � • � �_�. � . B. Tr es. sh uld not be planted in front of commercial bu ld- � in s, but instead used in voids or vacant spaces to f 11 ;� � in the massing of the facades. They should also be u ed in front rds oF residences that face West Seventh, o '' he p defi e residences from commercial buildings. ;f , �� 11 NEW CO STR CTION ;; ' A. Co merci 1 buildings should have zero set back from he ' si ewalk nd be in line with adjacent structure�. Res � id nces s ould be set back at least twenty (20) feet om "i th sidew lk to create a front yard. 'i ' B. Co merci 1 facades should be rectangular in plan and �j el ation and have a similar proportion (width to heiq t r rat o) of he facades of adiacent buildings. , ' C. Fla or re r sloping roofs with parapet walls are re- s. .;� co mende on new structures. . :� ` i; 12 PARKING � A. Pa llel p rking should remain on West Seventh. a( • B. Tra secti g streets onto West Seventh could be turned �� int one ay streets with angle parking on one side, f pr iding more efficient parking area. i� � ii C. Ca eful p nning of areas behind the shops will help 1 inc ease arking spots and provide a more convenient �, pla e to' ark. � ;' D. Par ing a as facing onto West Seventh should be avo - ed unless they are temporary. All parking areas should � be screen d from traffic and pedestrains. Screens shou d �� be either wood fence,- masonry wall, or shrubbery. �' Scr ening should be at least four (4) feet in height. � i 1� � • ; �: � � i ' � �� t..�.. _ ,� - . : �'� � . ` N . ` ' ' t' �1 . � F 1 {1 ��� �. . ;���� � N� ll�1 ;� 11� �.. 1 . r .1�1 ��' 1 hti(�.�{..� {� \ 1 �'' . :I 3 S , , 3 1 ' } ;'� ' . � �r � .. � � ��.:.. yr`� t ' � ��i6ti � . ti � 1 �ly . . '::t � �11 C 1 -1� � �/ . t�.Yi ���. ��.i� � i� � �.��� � �. �i� �j ����'•� �� ����� �i.� �'� 1 �J � ;���, ��l �r�;. �L � .:i � �'..i 1 � � ' u'i l... . t � � t , .'� � ��t .�, ., it� ..;' .' . �� 11 f��,,� � . ' � t, ...i. , ` r 1� � ::�l - ; 1 1�1���� 1� ��� •. .. Xy 11. i . . .'i1 �1 � �.E l �•1 { �f1F�o � � I( ,�`�� i ��, � 'S`�'lyt� L � . � � �r � i, � , t � � . � �� (� r r u t�, : � *�u � 114�� 1 �� ; ti V 4 �' � � F t `,�� 7}`� � � . , ���:�t����i i° iti��t . �� �i�,��i 1���', � �� {G+t}}�� � Jj �i ��. -.� r�e' .�+�y ': ����7��l-��.-� ����.� :atx � t ��.� � t' ., � �i . `e ��S t,4� � � ,� =i � �� `� ..� . �r� .� . � . ! � .: : � S � � � � . i . � V ' �l y � �: t l�� ti�h . � k.`..,�i:�'�:�tj�:.. .. � . ..1i..4�..:." . , � �� � � ,.�1,.��Ad.` . . .��, ,�' � v• � � J�7 J/ : T. f'AUL ClTY COU NCiI. UB IC MEA� iIVG NOTICE ZONING `� � , 7. �. � ..� � __.... ,� - ,- �� � _t �: � To: Property owner withi 350 feet; � , --� Representative of P1 nning District 9 FIL E N O, g�� PAGE PURPOSE ro onsider an appeal of an administrative decisio to den a site plan. LOCATION 383 . 7th : Ia E T I T I O N E R pATR C K CARLONE HEARING � �urs ay, � io:oa a.M. Citv ouncil am ers, "i oor City Hall - Court H use QU�STiONS Zonin 298-4154 (Fred Haider) Contac the Zoning Section of the Planning and Econo ic Develo ment Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Legal escription: Ex. triangle for street, part NW y of 7th St. of W. 42.945 of Lot 7, Blk 5 Samuel Leeches Add. Notice aent 2-15-$5 -- . a �, � �.��' `��(5� .ST. AUL CITY COUNCIL PUB IC HEARING NOTICE ZONING F1LED yt, i�� �E� 2u { � 2? ,-�:�; o Td:�r P��p�'r���p�ir�+�r withi 350 feet; ' R2preser��a'ti ve of P1 nni ng Di stri ct 9 F I L E N 0. 9714 PAGE P�JRPOSE To consider an appeal of an administrative decisio to de a site plan. LOCATION 383 W. �tn PETITIONER pAT ICK CARLONE HEARING Thu sday, F ruar 2g �9 lo:oo a.M. Cit Council ��ambeyrs, �rd ��oor City Hall - Court ouse QUESTIONS zan ng z98-4154 (Fred Haider) Con act the Zoning Section of the Planning and Econ mic Dev lopment Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 . 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 Le a Descri tion: Ex. triangle for street, part ly of 7th St. of W. 42.945 of Lot 7, Blk 5, Samuel Leeches Add. � Notice sent 2-15- 5 ,I i T:3_; — ' /� v� � i ` �,d, � � , � �� " �� � � �.r � :. "� s .�.. ���` t i s: � w � . � ',N , � �_ `6/� �� � ?� � �.. � .. �� - � � � � �� � ' `' „ � r � � � p � � ` y�.� r � i� �� . ,� - . - . ��('.`" :i.�.x�. a '�!.� , _ . � ' � � � > I' . � ,� : . f. � ' {��� ,�s r � 1 � r �'� ',r , _ ��r •s�', � �i� �., ' - �: � , . � �. � �:e�' )� � I � � ` ` '\+� I , ' ', �-a . . ' . . y • '-'i ( � _ ' '� ' �-' � / � F r =`�+ � ` � � '��'t �7�'� , �� ` i i , �1 I / � �. 1 � � .� µr` r �- � / r� �.!}. i i J, �� 1 �-s�- ` 1 %,. i�� , � _��1 - t' - 'r ✓��- I - ��,�R +` � '� 1 � .i � i��1'L11 �� � ! � ' � } � �, `� ::�. � � �� �� �� � r �� r; �� ,He�]:�:��sx: , �' ` 1 , r } ` ��'.��'�� � ;� „, ,r �,' w � a .� �, , , 'G � ' y t' �9'4�#'�ti► ���' � C� b11�`r �t�?:�.�CI t0 � �;! �Jt � ,. + ° � �! :� Cn� C�+a��� 4�; ��C' l�,�w=�O t7Cx'�'it�c a[t� �'� 9�'�-'�+�am�,; " _,: ,�o d� �r a�,�.: ��:.�3 N� 7�h.";mC�N'�. aka �'oi�.t,�IC '�''r; 3►;r �` � ,,: ` `r��;;�.� �C�. � — '` � ; . " � �. E. � ��� �`_ � r. _.'��� �'� '�t1 � .< �' � r 1 � � 1. .�, � � n ' ,� ' :. ., ,� . ..�r � ��� 4� r ' 't � li k` � -��{���, i,, _Y , \ �tJ.: ^ i. t ' � x � +� ' '. k ' ti � )k \If .i �i�., ? ,�' � �� � — �� — �--� t �� ,�� � � �-�_� �� �� i � " : � 'k >; ,. � � ' � , � . ..' ; . ._; � � ,, _ �-, . , , _ . _ . ,, . , , ,` �: _ . . ,. ,, �, . . . : , , e, ,,,, � ; �, � . '� � " � ,F - �� � � '��� . .. - -�7', � . �r r t � 7.' J � ,� 1' � ` .� � +, .� � _ � , s — �' ��. r„ � r ; � � .. ,f�. � �� . I � \ ' 1 � �M 4 , j ', � „ . . ._ �_ � . �.. . . . �� , . . .. t _ �, Y . ,��.. �4� � �( 1.. 1 . ' ` ��,i . ', _ � � t, . Ia . ' . � t. . 1 � � � � - � ,.i,' � ,A " i,� � 1 � 5 f '' I a ,+ a �. i F. � f �' ��i: r i � � — ,� � �< . 2, .;j :•�:. � '�� - � � ��: � ! �'.� 1�- � 1 *.. .. ;I +'..\: � I ' A t ,'r .� k ' I t �k. . _ -. .. , . .. . , . . . . . ."-��.�. .z..;'.,_�.. ,•; �� -���� ._�� ...,�.: . .�,�- . ,.�-..'•. , t'.��P�.�.. . . . .�. . ' -. . -;. . ... -�. . ,_,'. .. . _.. . .,._. . . _, . . .. _ .. ., .�,. .... � � �-��,s-_ RANDALL D.B.TIGUE ATTORNEY AT LAW Nicoltet Avenue Professional Building 2620 Nicollet Ave.South ' Minneapolis,Minnesota 55408 Telephone:(612)874A903 ,';'-�;,��� � . �, t�� . .., .��`l. -PED. ����� MarCh I8r 1985 ' E< � 2 1 1985 Mr. Victor Tedesc President St. Paul City Coun il St. Paul City Hall " St. Paul, Minnesot 5510 � RE: Patrick C rlone Site Plan No. 1 57 Dear Mr. Tedesco: - By this letter, Pa rick arlone hereby requests a rehearing of the City Council' s ecis 'on of March 7, 1985, to deny the appeal of the administrati e de ision to deny the site plan in the above-described mat er. It is our position hat t e City Council based its decision to deny the site plan pon m sinformation presented to it by t:�a glanning staff as t the eight of the building under Mr. Carlone' s proposal. Spec fically, the council was advised in it staff report that M . Car one' s building, under his proposed sit plan, would be some 35 fe t, two inches tall, before it was even placed upon his pro osed foot, 6-inch foundation, thus placing the building out, of ompl'ance with St. Paul Legislative Code Section 61.103 (e) . Please find enclosed herei for the council ' s consideration, a survey on the house repar d by Mr. J. Gary Ryan, a duly registered land surv yor u der the laws of the State of Minnesota, who, usin acce ted surveying techniques, plainly established the dist nce b tween the bottom of a house and the gable midpoint, whic the estimony at the council established was the proper measu ement to be 24. 75 feet. If placed upon a 9 foot foundation, as r. Ca lone is willing to do, this will give him a building with a heig t of 33. 75 feet. Given the 4-foot setback which the sta f in icated Mr. Carlone had already expressed a willingne s to o, this would put the total height of the building at 33. 75 feet, plainly under the 34 feet legally permitted under Secti n 51. 03(e) . r Mr. Victor Tedesco �`—OJ �� Page Two March 18, 1985 ' On the basis of th' s inf rmation, Mr. Carlone requests a hearin _ before the City Co ncil, and a reversal of its decision of Marc 7, 1985. urs uly�-) , Randall Ti Attorney Law - - RT/mk Enclosure cc Mr. Fred S. Aa'der City Planner cc Mr. Patrick Ca lone . � � �� ! � .. �l � � . • . �'� K p.,FS. �� Z �. � � ��, � �° � N .y � . ���� �� t � �, � ��� �. . __ _ --- - � �� ' �� ��` , ` ---� - ------ � ` � � _._---�- _ � � . � ����� � i i I � �: � . ` I � '� O �.�..: .��. � � I � Y�� � � 0 _ c� � � ��., C� + � . �� ��� o ; i � �� � C N ,v _ � �1 � � � � `� �f� � � O O ���- � � i x� ���- � � ' �.�, f` � ' � ; �� � 2` 0 � � `j � ' i . � -�. _ � � � , � ��,��_ _ � � � , < r, - � � I � � �� y I 3� o _�___— ��� � .---- ___ u ==�� � -- � --- -l/ �� � . . i , � g _ O '�t ' #t '" � ''+u �'� � ,:;�.. .;���._ I ( �, ��,� �.. I�-� - - - ---/��3,S9 --- - - - - -� � " � y =- . I h � ��y " ' I �_ 7 �_ '.. .. ..... ._.._ . ��T . �� �� �� �. � . _ ��. ! S �u � - - I ..t;',.: - �� � ��;�'� ( �. . ._ __-__ �- - - - --- - - .30. 90 - - - --_ . _ _ , RANDALL D.B.TIGUE ��'� ��,5�� ATTORNEY AT LAW • icollet Avenue Professional Building 2620 Nicollet Ave.South ' Minneapolis,Minnesota 55408 Telephone:(612)874-9903 _.-_,,-�:1����.� ` `=1 . -PED- � - ����� March 18, 1985 � E �' 2 I 985 Mr. Victor Tedesco President - St. Paul City Coun il St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, Minnesot 5510 - RE: Patrick C rlone Site Plan No. 1 57 Dear Mr. Tedesco: By this letter, Pa rick arlone hereby requests a rehearing of the City Council' s decis on of March 7, 1985, to deny the appea of the administrat've de ision to deny the site plan in the above-described ma ter. . It is our position that he City Council based its decision to deny the site plan pon isinformation presentc� to it by the planning staff as t the height of the building under Mr. Carlone' s proposal. Spe ifically, the council was advised in it staff report that . Ca one' s building, under his proposed sit plan, would be some 35 fe t, two inches tall, before it was even placed upon his pro osed 9 foot, 6-inch foundation, thus placing the building out of compl 'ance with St. Paul Legislative Code Section 61.103(e) . Please find enclose here n for the council' s consideration, a survey on the house prepa ed by Mr. J. Gary Ryan, a duly registered land sur eyor nder the laws of the State of Minnesota, who, usi g acc pted surveying techniques, plainly established the dis ance etween the bottom of a house and the gable mid�ooint, whi h the testimony at the council established was. the proper meas remen , to be 24. 75 feet. If placed upon a foot foundation, as Mr. C rlone is willing to do, this will give him a building with a hei ht of 33 . 75 feet. Given the 4-foot setback which the s aff i dicated Mr. Carlone had already expressed a willing ess t do, this would put the total height of the building at 33. 5 fee , plainly under the 34 feet legally permitted under Sec ion 6 .103 (e) . � . . �.�� -��s� Mr. Victor Tedesco . Page Two � March 18, 1985 � On the basis of thi info mation, Mr. Carlone requests a hearing _ before the City Cou cil, nd a reversal of its decision of March 7, 1985. . u r s 1.y'/"�'� . Randall Ti Attorney Law RT/mk v Enclosure cc Mr. Fred S. Hai er City Planner cc Mr. Patrick Car one . E __- _._--- �,----.='- ._�.�_._.__.---•._..�..,:.._....._._..., .����� \ �\ \ \ .5,Y7� ''",<-% .'9J��. \ .� � .� � 0 `�- ,,\ y � � � � , � � ��� � Z • \ \ /I ` �s�� ��, �� � I � . � .� � � �� � ! � �� � � � � I� � ��` � ' i�� I � rn � � � � � �j ( � �� �,� , b . i� ; ip � • - - - —i � , ,� , ; - - - - - - - - _ �-, ; `� � � .u��` .. �� . ,f ;Y3 � � �s NT = • , �- � � � �:"'.':�..' o ��� �. : . � � ��- ��:r.` !� `i �-�'� � 1� \ . � 4 � ' r�. — �— ._� � '� '� . .__... .. - � � ` ,'` '`` � ____.�\ a � �t _..___ ...___ —.__—�----- � �,"""'. - . . � : � I �rt � ( ��` , I I e � \ I ` � I � ; � ��: � y � � ., � _� � 4 0 1, I �� � C,� + �, , I - � � ' �v , � � � � � . ,� � �` � �� G o ° �. - �. � � _ � V ' P�;_ � � :, � :� � � � � � � � � , � � _ C� t� � ' ; ` � � � � � ��.� � � ^ � � � h �`�.��- � %n.7; J A � { � . . ` � � r h� �. " � � , � � � ,}, y ( � _ ------______--- � �- � __ �_ .__ � �� i � �.� � � �,�:_ �� } � ' � '���f � - - - --/8.S9 - - - - - R � � � �. � ; r ( �' ;' 7S — , --- — -- -- --•• — 2'¢. _ . ... ._.._ . < s� � ��•' - I a. .y� ��� � ���3�� ��- I - �- - -- -- - - 30. 90 -- - - --- - - .�v,_:�� , _ - ��.�-`y �s�" 60.202 EGISL TIVE CODE � Building. Any struct e, either temporary or permanent, having a roof supported by c lumns o walls, and intended for the shelter or enclosure of per ns,anim is,chattels,or property of any kind. This shall include t nts, awn ngs, or vehicles situated on private property and used f r the pu se of a building, Building code.The ' e�ota State Building Code as adopted by the city of Saint Pa 1 under pter 33 of the Saint Paul Legisla- tive Code. Building height Th vertical istance measured from the estab- lished grade to the 'ghest nt of the roof surface for flat roofs; to the deck line of ansard oofs; and to the average height be- tween eaves and rid e for ga le,hip, and gambrel roofs.Where a` building is located o sloping rrain,the height may be measured from the average gr und lev of the grade at the building wall. Building line. A line rm by t e above grade face of the building, and for the purpose of this c �e, a minimum building line is the fsame as a front set ck line. ` Business.The engagi in the p rchase,sale,barter,or exchange of l goods, wares, or me chandise or the maintenance or operation of � offices or recreation 1 or am ement enterprises,or the furnishing ; of services for com nsation. (Code 1956, as amend , @660.3 -60.314, 60.318;further amended: ' Ord. 16876, Jan 28, 982.) 60.203. C City engineer.The so esignat city engineer of the department of public works of the ity of Sa' t Fau1. Clear cutting.The re oval of entire stand of trees and shrubs. Cluuc.An establishme t where uman patients who are not lodged � overnight are admi ed for e amination andlor treatment by a group of physicians, entists, r similar professionals. Club.An organization f perso for special purposes or for the pro- mulgation of sports, rts, scie ces, literature, politics, or the like, but not operated fo pro�t, cluding churches, synagogues, or other houses of wors 'p. Cluster development. A patter of subdivision which places hous- i ing units into contact grouping while providing a netwark of cam- monly owned or ded ated op n space. 224 �l��$Z � � i f ��� .� _�._� �_ _�. _.___,��.� __._ _..� , ._ _. _ _.� _ .__ _ . .. _.�_._.�,.�. ; _ __ . , _ _ _ _ _. *__� _ __ _. . � . _ __ � � � , - -- ___ �.� . � � g -•.; ----� ': .�. -.---= ..._. _-..��` __, � _-:�_ ___.__ . . � t � � � ,," ' ��_y ; r�� Z , ; � � �� � � � ' ° ......_. .,.....�....�� '. � j �1� IT. ,�.4r- : I� �y ._,��.. � _...��_ � 6 i ) � . . . -- -r �; � �s,�. ___.t � '�, r ..__ .� . � _ • }�` � ; � ?. . _ , , � . + � , � �.� � . - � t j _ , . _ _ ,. . • . _ .__ , . � �� -- ; : ' � . . _.._ � ' � � � -�� _.._ i . .._ . .' .. / .... . �"'.,..�-..�. - f - ,. � . 'y � � � y ` � } _ _ -- -_ ; � _ ; 3 t � � . __► � � � � � � . ; . _ _ . � _ , . � � , _._ _ _ - -_- - __ __ ,v�,dr - - _- _ -�.�::� _.r_._ �.-»a � ,_ __........_..r...�Q- .�_. ... ; — -- _ _. . .:�''.,�.'#"'�,, .. ,:.��-_ j �. . ..- ,. �` . • ; r . � � --- _.. ..___ . . _._ _._, ._. _—.__ -� ' - .t . .._ _ _.-..______-------- --- , ; � . _. _ �._.._. , - -�--------- -- ��- - f � � � � �� � — _ _ .._,-- _ ___.�.._ ---° . _- - _.._ .__._. _ _ ` __ ,� > , i . � -ti __..__�_ _ .._.. ...__� ' i _ �__--.__...._.. -_ _ ----- __. -- .. . ...______ , :.;:=:-:-Y=:-�; _�_�� � � �', ; � � 4 . � < . . :: _..._ °-_- _=-== , .� . t. _ , � ; , � + . .; _�, . � .. . __. � � --_.. ` i , �-: ..�...�.�. � i :; � -��- � � ;a � _ _ . . _ __ ____ __. ----- s �---------- - ._. _ ;: .__ _ ___ -- _ - — _ } ,� � � -� �, � ,�i � � � � �--� ___.�_____.._._.�.�..----=- --___._____ � : __. ..__ --- - - .- --.}--_ . � _ _ _ _____.___._____. .__- , ; __� .- � . f4 � P - � �..._l -., . �" F��"• ��', r` .'` / �j �: '4�'SY4.y... � .. . . . . � � �fy',.'a... ' ., . . . . :� � _ ,.��� �� � �S �-. ; _ , j� � y � . - . ± �,,:� �+►� � i�► ,. . � . . _.. .�_..., . ..,._-_ --___..... . _. s........._...___, _,_.__ _�. _ __ __... .___. #� #' � � ��� �} ; . � ' � . �.u..� ._. ;� - _ � -:, ., s}+ � � a �' � ��'t�� ��. _.......__..�,..�.....,.._._....,�.. _„_„ t �:.5 . �`�"�"�r•� . � ' . . _ .�.,.�.a�..�_..,..v.,....�= � ' • 4�.�.' . ' � � __.". .. .�, . . ' "-� .4 � �- ....,_�. r_.. _•__ � a� � � _.._.,_.. _ __ _.�_____ ; °�..-—---_ .__ ���� `�,�" T."Y"_"` - � « : �,,� _ _-- ' --, --- _ _ - - - � -- - � _- --, __ . _ ---- r � �� �_ _ .. ___ - �_ , � rE f , � � 1. . .. _. .. �' - ----- — � - -- , . _. �r , � _�_.. .. ,_ ` { __._..... �._ .. _ _ — - -- � i_ , � : f � �. , � — — � ' -- + : r v — _ �t� � � : , —� -- �-- --1--- _ , __ _ , , .�ti � , � �� � �----- i — _.._ __ , --�- �< ---- �.. � = _..._ .._a .... �,..-� ._.,�.,. I , . ' --= �:s.� ^�_ .e..k..d+w. ._..._ .,. �. . . �y":��... . .. �.. _,.-..':"R'� - . * � ,._ ....__'_`_... � , �..._ .....m. .�___,.� __�_,.._�, ._ �._ .__._. _.�. ___,� _._ ___ _ , __- -- _--- ;..... ... ,�:....��. � _,_ _ �-- - -- ; z_ �r.?� _�. �. .i. ..__.....--.._ ' __-�r^-.�"_ '^^ � . ,_ � —...�. .. .. ..., ,. , t .i . _� .� . ,��..__ _ r __. . _ _ . _ __... -- - - _ ,�„ _ � F -�-_.�- _-�=- . _ _--.- _ ---- -- ,. Y �. j '_ . y .w . -•' , ._. � ,..`. .� ` � : ;�r . ��` -L� ��-��i� ,;k;��� .:�r�.�__. �. _s�� � � � � � I , ��� � t � � � � �� . -_-.---.-�� � � � � � . _ _ _ _ {�- � 4 ��� - .� �W. � -=�--=� � . T ..u.. _.�. � . �--�a. _ �= f; �'� .�'�,�. :::.:,..�. ':>��. .�-• 3' �� ; - - �• f- r� � ^ � ; €' . . . � v ' E� �._�._—�� , _ , . � � . � � � � ; � �� ' i Y � ;' � i ,� �-� ;�. .r �__ � =� j�� � �"� � , __.___.. _ ,_ ...._ .. _,. ._ �....._--- �. �,�� �__� ., � � ; �_ �, �.. _ � � 1 r " � .�, _ ....._ ,-__._.,.�...._._......,.... ��- :'� � x , q. • �.. ���� '° `a �. ����,1'� '� � , � ,, �.����� � � ����y - � C'��� ��s� 60.2�2 _ LEGIS ATIVE CODE � Buildin8• AnY stru ure, eith r temporary or permanent, having a roof supported by olumns r walls, and intended for the shelter or enclosure of pe ns,an' als,chattels,or property of any kind. This shall include tents, a ings, or vehicles situated on private - property and used for the p rpose of a building. Building code.The 'nneso State Building Code as adopted by the crty of Saint P ul under Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legisla- tive Code. Building height e vertica distance measured from the estab- lished grade to th highest oint of the roof surface for flat roofs; to the deck line o mansar roofs; and to the average height be- tween eaves and ri ge for g ble,hip,and gambrel roofs.Where a` building is located n slopin terrain,the height may be measured from the average ound le el of the grade at the building wall. Building line. A lin form by he above grade face of the building, and for the purpos of this ode, a minimum building line is the same as a front se ack line Busineas.The enga ng in the urchase,sale,barter,or exchange of `, - goods, wares, or m rchandis or the maintenance or operation of o�ces or recreatio al or am ement enterprises,or the furnishing of services for com nsation (Code 1956, as ame d, @�60. 08-6D.314, F�.318;further arnended: Ord. 16876, Jan 28 1982.) 60.203. C i City engineer.The designat d city engineer of the department of � public works of the city of S int Pau1. - � Clear cutting.The r oval of an entire stand of trees and shrubs. � EClinic.An establishm nt wher human patients who are not lodged � overnight are ad ed for xamination and/or treatment by a ! group of physicians dentists, or simitar professionals. � � Club.An organization of perso for special purposes or for the pra � mulgation of sports arts, sci nces, literature, politics, or the like, r but not operated f r pro�t, xcluding churches, synagogues, or j other houses of wo hip. E Cluster developmen A patte n of subdivision which places hous- � ing units into conta groupin s while providing a network of com- monly owned or de icated o en space. 224 7/7/82 f , �� t� . ._ .,.____ _ .._� �__�___.� _ - _._�.�...._....�.�� ��_o-_ � _ . _ � � . _.��._ .. ��. _.� : . _____.�� # � _ _.� . _ . � _ ______ . � `� ' } :, :___ .. _ ._ _ � ._ _ _ ..._._ ---' _ — —-- — ? --- . , � �r j � i _ � ---�- -�,: •I y�j ; , +� __ t -- ' � � � � ' � _...*i�'` ! ti tv�'._� -' i ' �� _ ! • � � � � k � i .� «v � � ;; _._. �_ _ � '" _ .._._ , _.,__.._ � ._._. . " , ,.,.. _.._ .� ��f.._�.. _ .�. .. ._�..._. __ '_ .' � . ".._..-...» . , . ,..... . � i . �_..�"_ --- .i - � _....:. : . �._....__...._.._ '. �� � � . � ( v f . J : . . . . ,i ....�, q . .a. a .. . ..._.. . . 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