85-444 WHITE - CITV CLERK � 1 PINK - FINANGE GIT OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII - j� CANARV - DEPARTMENT F]le NO. " City At�Cny/JTH . , Co il, Resolution Presented By Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLU^'I OF E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT FAUL MINNESOT APPR ING AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATI N FO AN URBAN DEVELOPNLFNT ACTION GRANT FOR THE SNEL ING- IVERSITY PROJECT WHEREAS, Sai t Pa 1 is eligible for grant ass?stance unde the Urban Development Actio Grant Program (UDAG) of the Community Development Act of 1977 ; and WHE�E�i.S, th Snelling-University Project has been reviewe and approved by t e P1 ning Commission and Capital Improvemen Budget Committee; and WHEREAS, th requ' ed public hearings upon said applicati n have been held; NOW, THEREF , B IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the C ty of Saint Paul do s here y approve the filing of the Applicatio for an Urban Dev lopme t Action Grant for the Snelling-Univers ty Project and the rojec and activities therein proposed; and BE IT FURTH RES LVED, that Mayor George Latimer, as Chi f Executive Office of t e City, is hereby authorized and direct d to submit said U an D elopment Action Grant Application to t e Department of Ho sing nd Urban Development in such form as pr scribed by the regulatio s of aid Department ; and BE IT FINAL Y RES LVED, that the Mayor, or his designated rep- resentative i:s f rther authorized to execute and submit to the U.S . Department of Ho sing nd Urban Development any assurances, ce ti- fications , or ad ition 1 information that may be required by s id Department durin thei review of the City' s Urban Development Action Grant and Appli ation for Federal Assistance. COU[VCILME(V Requested by Department of: Yeas ��n�n Nays ihJldr annin and Econ m' Drew I Favor Masanz � Nicosia Scheibel __ A ainst BY Tedesco Wilson MAR 2 1985 Form roved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yass b ouncil Se a BY � By L,. t�ppr v y lVlavor. Date APR — Ap ov d y Mayor for Sub io ncil . By B Pt1611s#tE�D F...;E� ',, 1�8� . , � ��c' 5_ ��i r_ CIT OF SAINT PAUL "' � ��.- �� - • OFFZ I� OF TI-II� CITY COIINCIL +�a��r>! �T��s��9�3��! . � i�'iA�9� -' . . D d t e ; March 11 , 1985 co M � T � E � E Po � T _ TO = Saint au ! ifiy Councit FR� � � COtY1C�''ti tee or, City Development and Transportation CF�AIR Will am L. Wilson 1 . Parks and Recrea ion P1 n (Committee recommends accepting comprehensiv plan with amendments) . 2. Resolution of th Counc 1 of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota approvin and authorizing the iling f an application for an urban development acti n grant for the Wo ld Tra e Center Hotel Project. (Referred to Council without recommen ation� 3. Resolution of th Counc l of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota approvin _ and authorizing he fii ng of an application for an urban Development action grant for the Ma 1 of Nations project. (Referred to Council without recommen ation) 4. Resolution appro ing;,sa e of tax forfeited land. (Committee recommends aPP►"oval) � . � �.:� � � 5. Neighborhood Par nershi Program (Committee recommends approval ) ' e velopment Project (Referred to Council without recommendation 7. Laurel/Kent Tent tive D veloper (HRA) (Committee recommends approval) 8. Galtier Plaza Sk ay (R ferred to Council without recommendation) ' CIT'Y HALL SEVEN H FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNES TA 55102 �«�i•„ � . ��� �yy _F�;� �,t' °•��, � CITY OF SAI T PAUL � =o __ �� CITY PLANNING COM ISSION �.+ ��nu,t�iu ,� �,o un ��u u A�� David A. Lanegran Chairman 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Mi nesota 55102 '��� 6i2-298-4151 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 27, 1985 Councilmember Kiki Sonn n 722 City Hall - Saint Paul , Minnesota 5102 RE: Snelling-Universit Desig Review Committee Recor�nendation for City • Council Authorizat on of he Filing of an Application for an Urban � Development Action Grant or the Snelling-University Project Dear Councilmember Sonn n: This is in response to our re uest for a Snelling-University Design Review Corr�nittee recommendatio on Ci y Council authorization of the filing of an application for an Urba Devel pment Action Grant (UDAG) for the Snelling- University Project. I chai ing th� flesign Review Committee in my role as City Planning Comnissio er. On March 26, 1985, the nellin -University Design Review Comnittee unanimousl adopted the attached re olutio recomnending City Council authorization of th . UDAG application. The Design Review Comni tee held its first meeting on February 26, and has ha three meetings since th n. We have gotten off to a fast start. I think the Committee is excited ab ut the hope the Slawik proposal holds for needed improvements in the Sne ling-U iversity area. On the other hand, serious design issues remain to be res lved. Neighboring residents are particularly concerned about the imp ct of proposed business loop road. The business loop would divert some raffic from the Snelling-University intersection, helping to bring the in ersection into compliance with federal carbon monoxide standards. Bu the r ad would also mean the loss of three additiona houses and more traffic near s veral other houses. The possibility of elimi�nating the busines loop ad is being evaluated. - P age Two � The Design Review Committee intends to transmit its final recommendations on project design and related development issues to the HRA in late summer, 1985. Our recommendation for submission of an application for- a UDAG at this time should not be taken as an endorsement of any particular design or as final approval of the project. We do believe the project repr.esents a great opportunity for needed improvements at Snelling-University. A UDAG application should be submitted now to give it the best possible chance of approval . Sincerely, � �„-� � � Imoge Treichel , Chair Snelling-University Design Review Committee IT:ss � cc: Mayor Latimer Members of the City Council , • . . L�� 4✓ (/L/ RESOLUTI N OF T SNEI:LING-UNIVERSITY DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTE RECO ENDING CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION OF THE FILIN OF AN PPLICATION FOR AN URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT OR THE SNELLING-UNIVERSITY PROJECT WHEREAS, the Board of Corr�nissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (the "HRA") directed the Executive Director of the HRA t appoin a design review committee, consisting of University and Snelli g Avenu business representatives, area residents and HRA staff inembers to eview t e Snelling-University Project and design and related development i sues a to submit its recommendation to the Board; a d WFiEREAS, the Board of or�nissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority . of the City of Saint Paul has made a recommendation from the Snelling- � University Design Revi w Co ittee a pre-condition of final consideration o issuance of Revenue B nds by he HRA; and � WHEREAS, the Snelling niversity Review Corr�nittee intends to transmit its � final recommendations on proj ct design and related development issues to t e HRA in late summer, 1 5; and ' WHEREAS, Councilmembe Sonnen has requested a Committee recommendation on City Council authoriz ion of the filing of application for an Urban Development Action Gr t for he project by the end of March, 1985; and WHEREAS, a Corrnnittee commen ation for authorization of the filing of an application for an Urb n Deve opment Action Grant does not bind the Corr�nitt e to approval of any pa icular design or to final approval of the project; a d WHEREAS, the project uld he p to implement improvements in the functionin . and aesthetics of the nellin -University area called for in the University Avenue Plan and the Di trict 1 and District 13 elements of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, liorat existing detrimental physical and environmen al conditions, and improv the d sirability of the Snelling-University area as a place to live, shop, d do b siness; and WHEREAS, the project i not e onomically feasible if an Urban Development Action Grant is not ob ained; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ESOLVE , that the Snelling-University Design Review Committee recommends C'ty Cou cil authorization of the filing of an application for an Urb n Deve opment Action Grant for the Snelling-Universi project. . FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED; that the Committee' s recorr�nendation be transmitted to the City Council for �their consideration. DATE: March 26, 1985 MOVED BY: Steve Jungbauer SECONDED BY: Jerry Bilski � IN FAVOR: Unanimous Voice Vote AGAINST: APPROVED BY: '�� CHAIR