85-437 M� TE - CITV CLERK COUIICII _ `��y� P� - FINANCE GIT OF SAINT PALTL C ARV - DEPARTMENT • BLU[ M�.'�I'OR File NO. � / Citg Attny/JTH . . -- o n i� Resolution Presented By Referr Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date SOLUT ON APPROVING APPLICATION OF H EFT E ECTRIG COP�PANY, INC . , FOR C �SIF CATION OF PROPERTY LOCATED I THE AINT PAUL RIVERFRONT ENTER- P ISE Z NE AS CLASS 4d EMPLOYMENT P OPERT WHEREAS , Hoe t Ele tric Company, Inc . , (the "Company") fil d with the City Cle k an pplication for classification of $273 , 5 0 in improvements t exis ing property located at 334 East University Avenue as Emplo ent P operty pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 273 . 1313 nd th Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program (the "Pro ram") and WHEREAS , the prope ty improvements , tax classification, a d State tax credits as se forth in detail in the February 4, 1985 Staff Report cons dered at this meeting will result in the ret tion of 9 current jobs in Sa nt Paul by expansion of its present si e; and WHEREAS , the e has been presented to and considered at th' s meeting a Partici ation Agreement between the City and the Com any whereby the Compa y cov nants respecting the completion of pro erty improvements and he em loyment of a minimum of four new emplo ees resident in the e onomi hardship area designated in the Progr m or who are unempl yed a d economically disadvantaged or of a p o- tected class ; and WHEREAS , the City lerk has sent copies of the Applicatio to the Ramsey County Asses or and to the governing body of Indepe dent School District N . 625 and of every other public body authori ed to levy taxes upon t e pro erty and duly published on February 23 , 1985 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I Favor � _ __ gainst BY — Form Ap by City Attor Adopted by Council: Date — r CL/ CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY � g�, Approved by IVlayor: Date _ Appro Mayor for Sub ' sio to Council BY - - — BY � WHIT€ - CITV CLERK PIN�.'L �, - FINANCE (jI y OF SAINT PALTL Council �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1► BLUE - �,iRVOR . File N . � � C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- in the Saint Pa 1 Leg 1 Ledger , the official newspaper for th City a notice o publ ' c hearing before the City Council upon he Company' s Appli tion; and WHEREAS, t Cit Council conducted a public hearing on March 28 , 1.985 , pon t e Application at which hearing opportu ity was provided for the plicant, the County Assessor, represen atives of affected taxi g aut orities and any taxpayer of the City o member of the pu lic t present their views orally or in writ ng at or before the heari g, and having duly considered the test'mony and written view pres nted at the hearing and the Applicatio , staff report, dr ft Pa ticipation Agreement and Resolution 85 05 dated March 7 , 1 85 of the Downtown Riverfront Conunission rec mmen- ding approval of the A plication; now therefore, be it RESOLVED by the C uncil of the City of Saint Paul that i hereby determine that the Application of Hoeft Electric Comp y, Inc. , the proper y imp ovements , retained and new jobs and ta benefits propose meet the objectives of the Saint Paul Riverf ont Enterprise Zone rogra . RESOLVED FU THER hat the City Council additionally finds and determines that he im rovement of the Company' s facility (1) ' s reasonably likel to c eate new employment in the City, (2) wi 1 not have the eff ct of transferring existing employment from o e or more other citie with n Minnesota, (3) will result in an incr ase in market value f the employment property of $273 , 500 which i . 0043% of the ma ket v lue of all taxable property in Saint Pa 1 , and (4) wi11 not resul in the reduction of the assessed value of existing propert with'n the City owned by the Applicant . COU[VC[LMEN Requested b Department of: Yeas Nays I Favor � __ A ainst BY — Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY g�, � Approved by ;Vlavor. Date _ Appr ve Mayor for Subm' i ouncil BY - – — BY . WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GI Y OF SAINT 1 AUL F1ecilNO• /�_ - -!� CA;JARV - DEPARTMENT �; � r.`BLUE� -,MRNOR - � � C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- RESOLVED F RTHER that the Application and employment pro erty reclassificatio ther by proposed is hereby approved and the ity Clerk is direct d to ransmit the Application together with a certified copy f thi resolution to the Conunissioner of Reve ue for considerati n and final approval . RESOLVED F NALLY that the Participation Agreement betwee the City and th Appl'cant is hereby approved, and the proper City officers a e aut orized to sign the same on behalf of th City, and upon 'ts si ature by the Applicant to transmit sai Agreement to th Commissioner of Revenue for signature by the Commissioner or is designee upon final apnroval of the Appli ation. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Masanz I Favor Nicosia Scheibe, _ __ gainst BY - Sonnen Tedesco W�Ison MAR 2 8 1985 Form Appro by City ttor ey Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Ya• b} Council e BY By Appr y ;Vlayor: Da � APR 1�— 1985 Approv y Mayor for Submissi o C uncil� By — BY PUS�.�s�1Efl �;i';� � 1985 ' 'O-.� _ . C�- -�3� CI Y OF SAINT PAUL ��.. - OF ICI� OF TH� CITY COIINCIL � �,..o,=� — ti,��o,....,.., F �`�'_'��' D a t e ; February 11 , 1 5 ,;.: F!L COMMI T � E RE PORT iL� ; ► J; , ;',; �J� _. r'.)?-'' .-_� � � . ( i ��t..' n � . r'.-.. 'J�. . ��'�r� . ,_ . i� .. _i� ' _ _ ' "' � "i i., TO = SQin� PQU ! �ifiy Counci! F R � � � C O t7i t�I i1"�@£ O h Ci ty Deve1 opment and Transportat i on CNAIR Willia L. Wilson � . � � Riverfront Enter rise Z ne �p�,1 , c.a�i'�an_s b� � Barber Elect ic Sup ly, Inc. - �'�� �-. '~°���. �. Continental ablevi ion of St. Paul Committee recomm nds ap roval for setting up public hearing. � / r � CITY HALL SEVEN H FLOOR SAIN'i'PAUL. MINNES TA 55102 ,�,. ' � ..J- Downtown Riverfront Commission Re lution Cit-� �f Saint Paut v . . u . _ . _,� file number $S�'a � date WHEREAS, the applicati n of H eft Electric Compan , Inc. , for classification of certain of its prop rty at 334 East University Avenue within the City of Saint Paul Riverfront nterpr�se Zone as employment property with reduced �property tax assessmen and f r certain sales tax exemption and State income tax credits has been p esente to and considered at this meeting; and WN�REAS, the applicati n and avorable staff recommendation were considered, the applicant intervie ed and said application was favorably recommended to the full Commission by the De elopment Task Force at its meeting on February 21 , �985; and 'v!HEREAS, said applicat on and applicant commitments meet the new job creatio objectives of the Rive front Enterprise Zone Program; NOIv, THEREFORE, BE IT ESOLUED by the Downtown Riverfront Commission that th application of Hoeft El ctric ompany, Inc. , for property tax classification and tax exemptions and redits under the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zon Program is recommended o the aint Paul City Council for approval . moved by� seconded by in favor against � , � ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA U`— s�`�� APPLICATION FOR RIVER RONT ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREDITS 1 . Name of Person A plying James A. Thiers, Vice President Position: Owner Manage Name of Business Hoeft Electric Co. , Inc. Address of Busin ss: 344 E. University Ave. St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone Number: 612-224-3866 2. Legal description of the parcel of land on which the business is located (or is to be loca ed for new construction): Lots 6 and 7, Blo k 2, D yton's A��ition..,. Subject to any rights acquir d by the City of St Paul or the widening of Mississippi Street by 4 Str t Openings , and s ject o t e ur ens o a arty a greemen in isc. 36, and Lot 8, B1 ck 2, ayton's Addition� except the PJorth 2 of the vac ted alley adjoining, u ject to ississippi treet. � - - - an - 2500- 3. The market value nd ass sed value of the land and other taxable proper �A81-OZ. from your most re ent Pro erty Tax Statement: Estimated Market V lue: 161 300 Assessed Value: 64 859 4. Total property tax s list d on line 10 of the property tax statement for 1983 payable in 1 84 : Note: attach a copy of your Property Tax State ment. $7201 . 50 5. If you lease the 1 nd or pace for your business, do you pay the property taxes? N/A Yes o Who pays the prope ty taxe if you don't? 6. Current number of e ployee : Full-time: 7 Part-time: 2 _ .,�• 7. For construction include: A. A general description of the facility or improvement and its proposed use. � FX; ' �• 4 000 sa ft office & sales s�ace: 4.000 sq. ft. warehouse space; concrete block wall construction. Improvement: additional 1 ,400 sq. ft. display and loading area, with ��levator; 7,000 sq. ft. additional warehouse space; t. x , i oar . B, A probable time schedule for undertaking the construction or improvement. Commence January 10, 1985 Complete July 10, 1985 C. An estimate of the probable cost of new construction or improvement. $273, 500.00 D. An estimate of the market value of the new or improved facility (excluding land) when completed. $273, 500.00 E, The number of new jobs expected to be created. 4 8. State the type and amount of enterprise zone incentives requested and briefly explain why they are necessary to the project: local propertv tax abatement: $26,800 es�. ($6. 700 annual ). Sales tax exemption: $7, 350. New emplovee credit: $9,000. Debt service credit: $16, 500 (3, 300 annual ). State paid propertv tax credit: $23,200 ($5,800 annual ). These tax incentives will improve the companv's cash flow position, makin� the project feasible. These incentives will also allow the company to accelerate its new hirinQ. I hereby declare and certify that this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. / � � ,� ' n , ., ,- L:r: C<-c, - . .�-�---% �- .s /• Signature of Applicant Dat Vi e Precid nt Position or Title Remember to attach the following: 1 . A copy of your property tax statement for taxes payable in 19�¢ 2, A check for $1500, payable to Saint Paul Department of Planning & Economic Development. �bY$��,u'4 _ , ��� �3� �-- �: ,,,., c.o-e I�AXi�AYr:;'.'. STATEMENT OF PROPERTY TAX � ,,.:,,,�.,., _ 1984 � "��'� '� PAYABLE IN RAMSEY COUNTY,MINN. ' � . rnoveni� u� � ����: ����N .�"-�. lonN ty83 PAV 1961 VAWE tNFORMA710N� . . . _ . .._. __. ,. _ ..� .. n1$T PLA7 I P CEl '�' 1 1 . COMP. '"" -- ; � ',., ��' �__.. . _ __. 1 - ' • NEWAMPROVEMENTS............ ......... ( b` �- IO1 225�0 i OB OZ M�GP ESTIMATEOMARKETVAWE.......... B�9OO � " __. .—.- - � �..._ , ..__ _. a,ez� , . . ....,.,�r�:n ASSESSED VALUE............................. _ . .ep'... . ' DEUNQUENT TAX �° HOEFT ELECT IG CO `�'�'- 33 4 U N I V E R$ T Y A V E � ^ I�th��bo.�s checked,vou ows Ml�nquem uxei xna�+ay � � � oot WDIY lor IM P�w�rtV u�rduM. . . Y s; . S T P A t 1 L M N 55101 p q E V O U E L I G I B L E F O R A R E F U N D7� �.. - - .. � To find out if you're eligible I �:+.: -- tor one or bolh of these refunds... � . . . � � � � - -_. The Minnawta Properry Tax Refund i � a.:;.y MISSISSIPPI ST __ and i y::. The Special PropertY Tax Refund � .�' � .. ..---`- ._-. _ . '" . - � � ������+-':�- � ...fill out FORM M�1PR using thesc amounts: �-� - �• �- ---..._--- � . . I 1,Fill in this amount.on line 10 .0 0 ,. HO Ef T EL ECT I C CO an<I alw on linc 1,schcdule 3 i334 UNIVERS TY AVE Z,Fillinthisamountonlincl2 ;ST PAUL MN 55101 andalsnonlino2.schedule3 •00 i � N�n�i u 1-OIIM M 11`fit RnAJ INO heek ol�I��s����r�� � .. � —'—__•—'_—YOURITEMIZEOSTATEMENT —"_—_'-- �..-_� . . , J.$TATf: .............. ............. � : ' . 4:.. - v � _ .� 4.COUNTV..... ... . . ..... ........... BB.87 i � _ . 96.36 � � .,.;;...�, . ,..:. � � (111NT i 5.TOWNSNIP OR C�TY.................... � . . . _ .----------� 167.55 I, �.> 'jT R. MA I NT 0 32 s.scHno�o�sTn�cr .................. � 85.00 7.OTNERTA%INUq15TRICTS...... �C�16 ; �' . ' � B.TA%OEFORECaE01TS............... 424�9V i � . �,�r.: �. 9.CREDITS WHICtI REDUCE YOUR TA%.. I `��u�� 4�,s�J+�����I���,�s° q i , ; � � , � : . . � � 19.TN%nFTC1�CREf�ITS... Q//�(/�. 424�94 I . . : . � 11.R►C��AL ASBESSMfy��B�..�0�� A 1�•" . . . i i � � i A.PRINCIVAL.......µ....�.`�..... �v 85.00 � .,�.. . . i � B.INTEREST................ ..... .. . •OO . . ..._. .�_.-- . � � �iGrnL �'. ���.! i 1t.TOTAITAX —�� � $p9.94 . , 85.00 'yT> 1 Xn�`�� :�", C/D-6 STATEMENT OF PROPERTY TAX � 7A . .fCT���':llllti ' . �������'� �" ' PAYABLE IN 1984 RAMSEY COUNTY,MINN. �qOPERT\'IpE'JTIFIGITI N ._,i- pp�.�LOAN �gg3 ppV 7g8q VALUE INFORMATION_^� � � .� � �� _ - S ... . . . - pi:T. PLAT CAfiC L .,.�. f I Y t'1)M/. — " . � , ' . . _ ...__._ �. _. "_"_. . . - NEW IMOROVEMENTS..................... - '� � . �1 PZSOO O�d 2 M�625 ES7IMATEDMARKE7VAWE..,....... LSE�4OO I ' �� '�. -� � � . .... . � . . .�.�..,�'n _ . ...___. ASSESSED VAWE........:................... bSs�32 I . . . . ._... ___'__ �_�'—__' _"___'___i . MOEFT EIECTRI COMPANY DEUNGIUENT TAX � � � '33 4 E U N T V ER$ T Y A V E ���his lioK n MoeMSd,vou orw dHinpumt uxes entl moy I S T •P A UL M N 5101 nO1 appW ror the u•oper�v t.�nlund. --_-- I . . ARE YOU ElIGI6LE FOR A REFUND7 � To find Out if you're eligible � � � �. . � � � ��: :�' . � � -�-�------- � tor one or both of these refunds... � '� � �__ . _ " �..� _ The Minnesota Property Tax Refund � - 334 UNIVERSIi AVE E ��d � " .. __._. The Spocial Properry Tax flefu�d - ��"����� ..fill out FORM M•1PR using these amounts: 1.Fill in this amount on lirn 10 '�HOEfT ELECTRI COMPANY � anda�soontinr.l,echedule3 .00 i �334 E UNIVEkS iY AVE Z,FillinthisamovnlonlinslY � �S i P AU L M N 5101 ynd dso on line 2,schedule 3 .0 0 I � Noo_I a FC)fIM M.I�RT Re�d 1��WCM el 1�i�Inrn___'__"I . a vpUqITEMREOSTATFMCNT � � �{ J.STATE............. .......................... • '� - 1�417.26 � . . .- .,;':11'hIS O.fOUNTY.................................... . . . _ , _ - ---- 1,53fi.19 I . . •.,r'.'.: .� � nM(l IN7' B.TOWNSHIPORCITV � .................. . . _.._ . _ .._.___ 2,671.E6 t i n.sci�oo�oisrnicr.................... > STR. MAINT 00 2� 270.30 ).qTHERTA%INGDISTqICTS..,... , S�LSO.85 i x.rnxncron�cnEn�rs............... 6�77E.56 � . � . � ' 8.CRflD�TS WNId1 REpUCE VOUR TAX.. I .� .. � � ���,� � ��p i � h��,� ���ti 1°� ' �o.rnxnr�encneo�r^a3�3...... a7 6.776.56 � ; i 11.BPEGIA4 ses��Nr`� •,L b� 270.30 � � A.PNI A . ......D.` ....� • � � . .....� �', � B.INT� �.��11...�.. . ...... Q� ;. . .. . I � . �. � ._.._._.__._ �' . ,orn: ,._ ,� „,� t 70.30 1tTOTALTAX --� 7.046.'A6 s'�`�. r :. . ..:�: ,. . _ ; � � DATE INVO�CE AMOUNT 22�62 ,. 960 - NOEFT'S APPLI�INCE — TV CENTER � 334 E. UNIVERSITY AVE.AT HWY. 35 E. '1 ��O /� '�: " ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 1 �� . e .a�r � :i �i +'•1'��' . . . . N� ,���� IcE:�� 1�. n�^. ► , � , ' � t� ,p ,! .� �i �. �. � � , l t.r�t N'�` t'•'� � it)II tr� � • r, DOLLARS ` . �?AY ,;.' . � -0ATE--,� � � -GROSSAMOUNL� �DISCOUNT. � CHECKAMOUNrT-�• " � .___T��THE�ORDEH OF-...... _ .. . ......._. ...... .... .'CFiECK.NO.- _ . . . . . . . � . • � � . � � / � Q� .. i.' :�.. � c � .. . . . . .. Ce .� 1 HOEFT'S APPLIANCE—TV CENTER COMMERCIAL STATE BANK sLjj ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 n'p L l 204��' ��0960006 29�: ��'0 2��� 50 L��� 5��' ��S �3� Downtown Riverfront Commission R solution City of Saint Pau1 file number 85-05 date ' March , WHEREAS, the applicat'on of oeft Electric Company, Inc. , for classificatio of certain of its pro erty a 334 East University Avenue within the City of Saint Paul Riverfront Enterp ise Zone as employment property with reduced property tax assessme t and or certain sales tax exemption and State incom tax credits has been resent d to and considered at this meeting; and WHEREAS, the applicat on and favorable staff recommendation were considered, the applicant intervi wed an said application was favorably recommended to the full Commissaon b the D velopment Task Force at its meeting on February 21 , 1985; and WHEREAS. said applica ion an applicant commitments meet the new job creatio objectives of the Riv rfront Enterprise Zone Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE by the Downtown Riverfront Commission that th application of Hoeft Electric Company, Inc. , for property tax classification and tax exemptions and credit under the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zo e Program is recommended to the Saint Paul City Council for approval. �� moved by Mr. Pa e seconded by Mr. Mann i o in favor 11 against � � � �s-�.� � STAFF REPORT CATE: February 4, 1 5 RE: Hoeft Electric o. Inc. Enterprise Zone Applic ion . A. Proposed Employme t Prop rty Hoeft Electric Co Inc. roposes that its property located at 334 East niversity Avenue, Saint Pau be re lassified as employment property through the c'ty's Riverfront Enterp ise Zo e Program. This property is identified by the Ramsey � County Tax Depart ent th ough the property identiF'cation numbers O1-22 00-073-02 and 01-22500-081- 2. The property desc iption are as follows: "Lots 6 and 7, Blo k 2, Dayton' s Addition. Subject to any rights . acquired by the Ci of St. Pau� for the widening of Mississippi Street by 4 Street Openings 3, �nd subject to the burdens of a Party Wall greeme t in 26 Misc. 36," and "Lot 8, Blo k 2, Da ton' s Addition, except the North 2 of the vacated all�e adjoi ing. Subject to Mississippi Street. " B. Improvement and Pr posed se H�eft Electric Co. Inc. h s been located in its current facility since 1 68, urhen it was reloca ed fro a downtown location to make room for the pres nt American National ank Bu lding. The existing concrete block building c ntains one story and a ba ement, including 4,000 sq. ft. of display and offic space, as well as ,000 s . ft. of warehouse space. The proposed expan ion is a 48 ft. x 30 ft. addi+_ion to ���^ �xisting bui dir:� and the constructi n of a new second story over the entire expanded stru tur��. This would result in an a itional 1 , 400 sq, ft. of display space and lo ding area, 7,000 sq, ft, new warehouse space, and an elevator to servicz all loors. In addition, a 12 t, x 12 ft, double-sided billboard will be constructe to allow for store ide tifica ion. � Hoeft Electric Co. nc, ha been approved by Saint Paul ' s SBA 503 Develop ent Cor�pany for an SBA 03 loa . Final approval of this loan is under consid ration by federal SBA staf . The company has financing commitments to proceed w�th the project from Co mercia State Bank and Minnesota rederal . C, It is anticipated t at the company' s property will increase in market val e by approximately th cost f its improvements: $273, 500. C. Retained and New Jobs The 9 jobs currently at Hoeft Electric . Co. Inc. will be retained in Saint Paul because the company can expand at its current site. in addition, the company estimates it will hire at least four new employees to accommodate increased growth during the five years that it participates in Saint Paul ' s Riverfront Enterprise Zone. Another new job will result from Hoeft Electric Co. Inc. contracting with someone to service their products in their expanded facility. E. Draft Participation Agreement A draft participation agreement is attached to this report. It includes the following tax benefits for the company: Annual Five year total employ. prop. reclass. S6,700 $26,800 state sales tax credit $ 7,350 state new employee credit � 9,000 state debt financing credit S3,300 �16,500 state pd. prop. tax credit S5,800 �23,200 TOTAL $82,850 This represents a private-to-public ratio of approximately S4,27 private investment per �1.00 public tax reduction or credit. It also renresents one new or retained job per $6, 373 tax credits or reductions and one new � job per $20, 713 tax credits or reductions . F. Council Findings The Hoeft Electric Co. , Inc. application proposes cre�tion of four new jobs, none of which would be a transfer from another ��innesota municipality. . The application further proposes establishment of an employment property classification of an estimated market value of $273, 500, which is .0043 of the market value of all taxable property in Saint Paul . The proposal will not result in the abandonment or demolition of other property owned by the applicant in Saint Paul, causing reduction of �he assessed value of. existing property within the city. G. Recommendation Staff recommends the City Council approve the employment property reclassification requested by Hoeft Electric Co. Inc. Staff further recommends City Council approve the attached participation agreement as drafted and forward Hoeft Electric Co. Inc. 's approved application to the Commi'ssior�er of Revenue for verification. � F... �C',� �-_��-� - ' • �-�� r� � M:��. �� - _. :i ' i �.,� i: �,::.� � f: _ � F_ �._ � . L' a.. K�:' b���� . P RTICIPATION AGREEMENT RIV RFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � 1. PARTICIPATING BUSINESS 2. APPLICATION APPROVAL '+. ; ' Nar�oeft Electric o. Inc. �ATE !i i' . Add�ess E. Universit Ave. C.F.NO.: :.I� 34 City Council :'' i� St. Paul , MN 551 1 --�-� - - i� EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY CLASSIFICATIO ' , EFFECTIVE FOR ASSES��(IENT YEARS 19 85 thru 19 y - DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE BY: i � DATE: � i • 3. (FERSONS) (OFFICERS;AU ORIZED O SIGN FOR PARTICIPATlNG BUSINESS: t � ,' Robert 0. Thiers James A. Thiers � Name Name President Uice President Title Title � - I � Signature Signature ; 4. PERSON AUTHORIZED TO R CEIVE C MMUNICATIONS FOR PARTICIPATING BUSINESS: James A. Thiers Name IS AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATION FROM � Vi ce Presi dent THE CITY OR STATE ON BEHALF OF THE PARTIC PATING �. BUSINESS. i''; Title I� , 334 E. University A e. I; � �� , Address II 224-3866 � . I' Telephone '; . j; � _ I: i , I, �� I (� I ( I 1 I 5. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO RECEIVE"EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY" Space for Use oi Ramsey I � CLASSIFICATION(USE DESCRIPTION FROM RAMSEY COUNTY DEPARTMENT Cou D T o� � I OF TAXATION,126 CITY HALL AND COUNTY COURTHOUSE): �-�1L������-�2 I piN O1-22500-081-02 i CLASSIFICATION � E�vTERED: � DATE: I I Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, Dayton's Addition. Subject to any rights acquired by the City of St. Paul for the widening of hiississippi Street by 4 Street Openings 3, and subject to the burdens of a Party Wall Agreement in 26 Misc. I I36, and � � i � Lot 8, Block 2, Dayton's Addition, except the North 2 of the vacated alley � � adjoining. Subject to Mississippi Street. il t � ii I� 'I i . (Use Reverse Side Of This Page If Necessary) i I j� i� 6. ALTERNATIVE LOCAL CONTRIBUTION:YES NO X j il il � DESCRIPTION �I li �� �� i '� i I 7. TYPES OF STATE TAX REDUCTION: 'I� (a) Sales Tax Exemption X Amount up to S7,35G.GO (b) Income Tax Credit (1) Employee Credit X Amount up to 59,000.00 (2) Debt Service Credit X Amount 53,300.00 annual ly II (c) State Paid Property Tax Credit X Amount 55,800.00 annudl 1y Subject to compliance with this Agreement,to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1984,Section 273.1312 to 273.1314 inciusive,and such regulations as may be adopted by the Department of Revenue or of Energy and Economic Development(the"AcY'),and upon filing proper tax returns and schedules,the participating business is eligible for i r�e�ts as appropriate against Minnesota income tax and property tax liabilities for the tax years 19�.L through y MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE VERIFICATION By Date Title I ' i � . � . . �y_y�7 I , 8. COVENANTS BY PARTICIPA ING BUSI ESS: In making application for ent rprise zo e credits,the participating business has represented and hereby cov nants,for itsel`and its successors or a signs,(th "Participating Business"): (a)that(it)f�e)will submit onstructi n plans and evidence of financing and will commence,diligently pur ue and timely complete improvem nts to the property described in Section 5 above in the doliar amount and as s cified in the"Property Improvemen Schedul "annexed hereto as Attachment"A". Commencement Date Januar 10, 1985 . Comp�etion Date Jul 1 , 1985 Amount� 7 00.00 i � , . (b)that(it)rt�e)will recruit, mploy an train new employees resident in the economic hardship area design ted in the Riverfront Enterprise Z ne Progr ,or persons who are unemployed and economically disadvantaged or of a protected class in accorda ce with th provisions of the"EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SCHEDULE"ann xed hereto as Attachment"B", nd that th minimum number of new employees shall be as follows: 4 (f ur) Number of New Employees i I (ci that(it)�.=J�rej will maintain complete ecords respecting its performance of the covenants set forth in Secti n 8(a) � ' and(b)herein,and permit a cess to s id records by accredited representatives of the Minnesota Commissi ner of � Revenue, Ramsey County x Depart ent and City Riverfront Office;that(it)(�e)will report quarterly to t e � Division of Job Creation an Training he number of hires covered by this Agreement;and that upon reques and at least annually(it)(�e) wi report to he Riverfront Office on forms provided by the Riverfront Office on construction completion, ne hires an other direct or indirect economic activity resulting from its facility I operations in the Riverfront nterprise one. (d;that(it)f_F�e�j will promptly nd satisf ctorily perform each covenant herein undertaken and each other I requirement of the Act,the rogram or of this Agreement imposed as a conditicr�of the approval of the appli ation for and grants of tax credits nd desig ation of property classification. 9. REVOCATION i The Council may revoke an alt rnative lo I contribution.and may request the Commissioner of Revenue to ap rove , ( the revoc3tion of a classificatio pursuant to the Act if it finds and determines by resolution,after hearing upon otice � mailed to the applicant by certif ed mail at east 60 days before the hearing,that (a)The construction or impr vement of he Participating Business'property and operating facility has not be n completed within two years fter the ap roval of the classification,or any longer period as may be provided i Section 8(a) hereof; � (b)The Participating Busines has not roceeded in good faith wfth the constructlon or improvement ot the ta illty, ' or with its operation, in a ma ner which is consistent with the ur ose of the Act the re r s nt ti n I p p , p e e a o s of the iapplication,or the covenants of this Ag ement;or �� . ; jcj The Participating Busines has misr prssented a material statement contained in its application for tax cr it, ! h2s failed to perform any exp ess cove nt of this Agreement or is not in continuing compliance with require ents �� cr conditions for approval or rant of an alternative local contribution,state tax reductions or credits under th Act, { �the Program or this Agreeme t. I REVOCATION OF AN ALTER ATIVE LO AL CONTRIBUTION OR OF AN EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION SHALL TE MINATE S ATE TAX EXEMPTIONS,CREDITS AND REDUCTIONS. � The City Council may impose r request imposition of a remedy other than cevocation,including withholding f eligibility certifications for cre its,exem tions or reductions,or institution of suit for specific performance or o er � remedy in law or equity. No fa lure of the City to exercise or make selection of a particular remedy for breach f this � Agreement by the Participatin Busines shall be deemed a waiver of its rights to enforce performance by the ; Participating Business of its o ligations nder the Act or this Agreement by any remedy available to the Ciry in law. ; 10. RECAPTURE In the event the Participating Business ceases to operate its facility in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone within two years after the expiration of tax reductions under the Act and this Agreement,the Participating Business covenants and agrees that it shali repay the amount of tax reductions and of the local contribution pursuant to the following schedule: Termination ot Operations Repayment Portion Less than 6 months after expiration of tax reductions • 100 percent 6 months 75 percent 12 months or more,but less than 18 months 50 percent 18 months or more,but less than 24 months 25 percent The repayment shall be immediately due upon such cessation of operation of its zone facility, payable to the State of Minnesota to the extent it represents an income tax credit or reduction and payable to the City to the extent it represents a property tax reduction or other local contribution. ' I 11'. OTHER TERMS None il I � 12. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement has been accepted and executed on behalf of the Participating Business by the officers whose titles and signatures appear in Section 3,above.The Application and Agreement have been approved by action of the Saint Paul City Council as recited in Section 2 above,and is executed on behalf of the Ciry of Saint Paul by the officers whose titles and signatures appear below.This Agreement shal� be effective upon its execution in Section 2 above and its delivery to the City of Saint Paul by the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue or his authorized designee. CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Date MAYOR By Date CITY CLERK By Date DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE& MANAGEMENT SERVICES Approved as to Form Assistant City Attorney i . P OPER IMPROVEMENTS�SCHEDULE � �-S/�3 7 ATTACHMENT "A" RTICIPATION AGREEMENT RI ERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE � oeft E ectric Co. �Inc. PARTICIPATING BUSINESS A. Facility description Existing: 4,000 sq ft. o fice and sales space; 4,000 sq. ft. warehouse pace; concrete block wall constr ction. . Im rovement: addit onal 1 400 sq. ft. display and loading area, with ele ator; 7,000 sq. ft. addit onal w rehouse space; 12 f�, by 24 ft. double—sided b 11— board for store ide tifica ion. B. Construction Specifications(id ntify eve specification or drawing,title;date and approving architect or engin er)* Pope Associates Inc , "Addition to Hoeft A li " , certified 9/21/�3, evised 10/29/84, s. 1-4 and revised c s. S1 and S2 (copies of each drawing or spe ification m st be supplied to the Rivertront Office). C. Construction Cost Detail Fer "Sworn Statement of Con truction Costs" 1/2/85 Commercial S at B in St. Paul : Fridho m Cons ruction Co. �205,185.00 Other 5 39,305.00 ER Proposal: Signcr fters utdoor Display, 5 28 600 0 Inc. ", 2/1/85: Signcr fters illboard $273, 090.00 D. Financing commitments(equity nd mortg e financing) Commercial State Ba k inte im: S260 000 Commercial State Ba k take out: $130,000 SBA 503 take-out: �109,000 �St. Paul 503 levera fund ake-out: 5 26,000 ;� innesota edera pe sonal oan: $ 28, 600 * Preliminary plans may be sub itted with e Application.Within days of approval of this Application y the � Commissioner oi Revenue,fina construc on plans and specifications acceptable to the City will be submitted. Hoeft Electric Co. In . PARTICIPATING BU INESS City of Saint Paul BY BY By By EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SCHEDULE ATTACHMENT"B" PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE Hoeft Electric Co_ Inc. PARTICIPATING BUSINESS I. GENERAL A. The Ciry desires to increase empioyment opportunities for long-term unemployed,economicaliy disadvantaged Saint Paul residents,with Developer/Employers for jobs within Saint Paul's Riverfront Enterprise Zone. _ B. Developer/Employer agrees to use the City as its primary source for recruitment,training, referral,and placement of new or replacement entry level employees in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. C. The City's delegate agency will be the Division of Job Creation and Training in the Department of Planning and Economic Development,Saint Paul,MN 55102 (Job Creation),or any other appropriate City agency as may be designated by the Mayor. D. This Agreement becomes effective upon the date hereof and shall continue for five years from the time Employer/Developer occupies facilities in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone,unless terminated as provided herein. E. This Agreement shall be applicable to all Developer/Employer new or replacement entry level positions for which economicaliy disadvantaged(i.e.:JTPA-eligibie) persons are or might reasonably be available.This Agreement shall not apply to those jobs covered by existing coliective bargaining agreements or other contracts to which the ' Developer/Employer is a party,where the terms of this Agreement would cause Developer/Employer to breach the provisions of such agreements. II. RECRUITMENT A. The employment positions covered by this Agreement include ail Developer/Empioyer job openings performed within the Riverfront Enterprise Zone,in the classifications,titles and qualifications contained in Exhibit A. B. The Developer/Employer will notify Job Creation of its need for new employees in covered positions as soon as the Developer/Employer decides to hire such employees or,if possible,ninety(90)working days prior to the expected hiring dates. Notification may include the information required in Exhibit A. C. The Developer/Employer will provide Job Creation with its best estimate of the number and timing of potential job openings,through use of the form provided in Exhibit B. D. The Developer/Employer may notify Job Creation of all vacancies for Deve�oper/Employer job openings in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone which are not covered by this Agreement.The Developer/Employer is not obligated to hire employees from these referrals from�Job Creation. E. Job openings which are filled by internal promotions from the Developer/Employer's local work force are not covered by this Agreement. III. REFERRAL A. Job Creation will refer applicants according to the qualifications requested by Developer/Employer. B. If training for specific job openings has been agreed upon between the City and Developer/Employer in a separate agreement under paragraph V.hereof,trainee applicants wili be considered qualified only when the training is successfully compieted by applicant. ' C. Developer/Employer reserves the right to make all decisions on hiring new or additional employees,inciuding the qualifications of applicants,but agrees to hire for covered positions from among those persons referred by Job Creation or the Saint Paut Urban League who meet the job descriptions and qualifications,or other persons certified as eligible. . �.�=5�3`� IV. PLACEMENT A. When Developer/Employ r notifies b Creation of job openings in covered positions prior to ninety(90) orking days in advance of the propose date to h re,Job Creation will notify the Employer five(5)working days prior to the application closing date of the numb r of applicants Job Creation will refer. B. If Job Creation cannot refe the total umber of qualified applicants,the Developer/Employer may fili the r aining . positions by any means. C. Job Creation will a)provid assistan and monitor job retention of employees placed under this agreeme t for six months,and b)monitor De eloper/E ptoyer's performance under this Agreement. Developer/Employer wi I submit Quarterly Hiring Summarie in subs tially the form attached as Exhibit C. D. After the Developer/Emplo er has hir d an applicant referred by Job Creation,Job Creation will not be res onsible for the employee's conduct an the Dev loper/Employer releases the city from any liability for the actions of s ch employees. V. TRAINING A. Job Creation and the �evel per/Emp oyer may agree in a separate agreement to deveiop classroom traini g, • on-the-job training, pre-em loyment t aining or other training programs.The training specifications and co t for such trainirg shall be set forth in that Agre ment. B. The Developer/Empioyer ill not disc ntinue routine on-the-job training to employees hired under this Agr ement, because of this Agreement r suppie ents to this Agreement. VI. CONTROLLING LAWS D AGR EMENTS A. If this Agreement conflicts ith or req ires Developer/Employer to breach an existing collective bargaining greement or any other existing agree ents,said agreements shali prevail. � B. Developer/Empioyer will pr vide Job reation with written evidence that Developer/Employer has provided the representative of any collec ive bargai ing unit with a copy of this Agreement and has requested comments rom said unit. Developer/Employer II provide uch comments to Job Creation. C. The Developer/Employer w I not viola e any local,state,or federai law or regulation. VII. DEFIN{TIONS A. Riverfront Enterprise Zone: The area designated by the tate of Mi nesota as an enterprise zone as detailed in Exhibit D. B. Covered Employees New or replacement entry le el employ es and such other employees as may be mutually agreed upon betw een the parties. . Hoeft Electric Co. nc. � PARTICIPATIN BUSINE S City of Saint Paul By By . By By ATTACHMENT B EXHIBIT A JOB ORDER FORM City of Saint Paul Division of Job Creation and Training 1. Empioyer Hoeft Electric Co. Inc. 2. Date 3. Job Title 4. Number of Openings 5. Job Location 6. Contact Person Phone 7. S.upervisor 8. Beginning Date Ending 9. Starting Salary $ per Salary after training $ per 10. Benefits 1�. Days to be worked 12. Hours 13. Will union membership be required? Yes No If yes,which union and local number 14. If this.job involved on-the-job training to be subsidized by the City, how long will that training period be? (attach specific training plan) 15. Specitic Duties 16. Necessary Qualifications Skill: Levei of experience or training required to enter program (include licenses and/or certificates necessary): 17. Is a valid Minnesota Drivers'License required? Yes No C:��' ' �J�� 18. Are your emplQyees in this positi n expect d to provide any necessary tools in the job(s)?Yes No (if yes, please attach an itemized list(wi h prices) f tools required for each position.) 19. Education level needed to pertor this job 'f any) 20. Describe any on-the-job training you norm Ily provide for this position(i.e.,without City funding)_ 21. Is there a possibility for promotio from this ob?Yes No If yes,to what position(s)? 22. Environmental Conditions 23. Physical Demands a.VVorking Environment a.Strength=%time job will require inside % Standing % Walking % Outside % Sitting % Yes No Weight(Number of Pounds) b.Extreme cold with or without Lifting Carrying temperature changes Pushing Pulling c. Ex?rEme heat with or without es No temperature changes b.Climbing Balancing d.Wet and/or humid Stoopir.g e.Vibration Kneeling Crouching f. H2zards Crawling Reaching t.4echanical Handling Electrical Burns Fingering Explosives Feeling Radioactivity Talking Other Hearing Ordinary Conversation Other Sounds g.Atmospheric Conditions Fumes Seeing Dusts t:!ists Acuity, Near Gases Acuity, Far Depth Perception Poor Ventilation Color Vision Other Field of Vision h.Noise � Estimated Maximum Number of Decibels 24. Could a person with limited English peaking kills perform this job? Yes No Coui� a person with limited English eading/ iting skills perform this job? Yes No 25. Is public transportation easily acces ible? Ye No 26. Does the job require shift work or ot er than tr ditional hours? Yes No (If yes, please clarify) ATTACHMENT B EXHIBIT B ESTIMATED HIRING SCHEDULE City of Saint Paui Division of Job Creation and Training Employer Date Transfer from Future Job Other Immediate New Hires Titles Locations New Hires (No.8�Date) � ' i i t I I I . I I i I I . C�� -��� ATTAC MENT B EXHIBI C QUA TERLY HIRING SUMMARY For Quarter Ending: Listed below are the positions in y ur firm w ich are covered under the Employment and Training Agreement with the City. Piease list the number of hires for his quart r for each category and return this form to the Division of Job Creatio and Training within thirty(30)days foll wing the lose of that quarter. Position tle Total New ires 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. I certify that the above information i true and ccurate. Authorized Signature Title Date Please return this form to: Division o'Job Creation and Trainin Department of Pianning and Econo ic Develo ment 25 West Fourth Street • Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ATTACHMENT 8 EXHIBIT D � ��� � � � � �; ��8��� � � �. ,. .; � : � ,;, ,, :�. �ac: �� eea� � _ ���� ; �,, � _ �-: � __ .. , . .v ' _.__��.. -- oC��C ��T'' � � -- — ���� __�� �UL ' ,�� i -�---11 .i� ��.'� '•`' '�--•\ `_- -- . l.. �:�J O� � • ,6'�jJl3--- ---'__ `���(.����-� ��yu��-ryy-���� I �J` ���;_� �_���_� lal _ ��, ' ����` `.y__"_ w4.J-"/'� '��'�� _ � /�` � ( 1/ ��� � �_ �. ���,� . � 2 �� � � ".��•�� �� � ��r,� ... ..,.. .... ._r _,_....: , ��D��� 1 �• __.-�' ��;�": �° '' � � ,. .�� ;�; � ;;...... ��U' - ��� :`�'V� ��.. . 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Q �rr���t-� sc.�E t�� � � IM N p pp pp Cpp �oe t0oo fEET O R H EriterpriSe ZOrie Riv�rfronc Init;ative , . �,� �- �%�� NOTI E OF UBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR REC SSIFI ATION OF PROPERTY FOR TAX PURPOSES UNDE THE NTERPRISE ZONE PROGRAM - Pursuant to Minne ota Statutes 1984, Section 273 . 1313 Su division 2(b) and to prov sion f the Program For City af Saint Paul R verfront Enterprise Zone OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING i11 be held before the ounci of the Gity of Saint Paul in the Coun il Chambers , third loor ity Hall , 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, S int Paul , Minnesota on Thu sday the 28th day of March, 1985 , at 10 :0 a.m. , or as soon there fter s the matter may be heard, �.pon the Ap Iication of /�irm name]�Ho ft Ele tric Company, Inc. /ad3ress7 33 East niversity Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota for reclassifica ion o certain real. property located in the aint Paul Riverfront nterp ise Zone , Ramsey County, Minnesota, as employ- ment property an for ssessment of said property as provided for class 4d propert in M'nnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273 . 13 ubdivision 9, Paragraph (4) for t xes levied in 1985 and for four succee ing years thereafter. AT SAID PUBL C H ING the City Council will consider �ahe her to approve the said pplic tion upon findings as required by I�?inn sota Statutes 1984, Se tion 73. 1313 Subdivision 2(d) . At said Hea ing, the Applicant, th Rams y County Assessor , representatives of ffected taxing authoritie and ny tax�ayer of the municipality or rep esen- tative of any co unity organizati.on will have opportunity to e heard � or may present th ir vi ws in writing at or before the Hearing Copies of th Appl cation, the report of the Saint Paul R verfront Office and the pr posed Participation Agreement between the Ap licant and the City may e ins ected at the office of the City Clerk r the Riverfront Office durin normal business hours , and written ca ents may be delivered r mai ed c/o City Clerk, Room 386 , City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Sain Paul, MN. , 55102 , or c/o Riverfront 0 fice , Second F1oor City Hall nnex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Pau , Mtv . , 55102 . Telephone inqui ies may be made to Ms . Katy Sears Lind lad, 292-1577 , x247 . Albert B. Olson City Clerk ' � � y��y� C� �� p� PUSLiG HEARINt:QN AlPL[CATiUN , ' p, Ai�ON t)F�R�QP.SR��'t#B T�U[ , . 8 7ANE PitOti RA�[ : Piq'LBR Ot TL� DBB T�B E �S ; _ � . 'P�rsuant Statutea 1984�Se�ion 2?3.1315 Subdivisfoi�2Eb)�W io : pra�i�o�.�c+i P �or Cft�► of Saint Paul Rivertront Enterprf�e Z�e: ' ATOTiCE,�,S REBY . N TH�►T A'PtJBLtC HEARING wil3 be I�ld`bie#e:f'��; r�e eo�i'o c�e�city se►�t�au�t�c�e co�ricit ct�am�a,r.h�`tt��or c�r f�atl;f8'9V�st ellogg ulevard. Saint Paul,'M�nnnegotg otk�wi'sd�y,.Ett�� ,�.. . . _ , . ° r the:nat!keer ma' be l�e, . r y uPp�i.#he Ap lication ; ��E`�t iUi�ii�sity �.�nu�. s� pa��. t,a ior reelassificatlab:of c�rt�►in � �erti► lo�a�ed k►;. �nt ul�-i3iv.ertc�ont Enterpr€se� Zaue,.-�seY CountY.' �inriesota;:' emPl t'ptope;'t�''and #nr;assessment ot �afd.p�c'a�iertY �s, prov�ded tor lass #d toperty in Minne�ota $tatutes 288�..Seelion '8?3:t9':. Sub�d�ivision�, �ragra C4)for taxes levied in�'�'3 a�r�t�f�ou�c suoe�dia#3►eeut�. the�aiter. � '; - . .� ;:. AT SATD UBLIC EARING the Cfty Couneil will c�aides a�er#t�< 'apprave the id Appiic tion upo�findings as req�i1��by��a�te-Stat�ee t984, 5�ct�aa i31�:. bdivision 2(d). At said H�earit�g�'th��-1Rp�ilicant;'t,6ue�� Ramsey� Asss�. ,sepresentatives of�f�Cte�i'1�xing avithorities a��► taxpsyer af t mtinicip lity or representative:Ot any�on�mutzitY�rg8��zs►�4, 'wii�have op unity t be heard or may pres�iit t4eir v.ievQS in writing at.c>r - befoqe the H ' g. = . . . ,.: CppGes of ' Applic tton.tk�e�port of#,t�Satnt Peut iifs►ertrant-t�tf�e at�d tb�;�� articipat . Agreement b�weeri ttte-Ap�1i�'anci the�itq m�►j/" be3r�acte� tbe.offiae the Citg�lsr�c,or the�ttvetfrunt Of�e dciiring n�i�mal Dusti�esa aad writ n coassrients may b�delivered:or�1aii�d Z°/o Cit�!�I�'1c, Roorn 3$6,Cit Hali, i5 e5t ifiellogg�Boutevarc�..�5�nt�ati�,11�N 55102.�or:cta .., Rivetlr�nt Qf ce; P ioor City Hall�4xtnex,2�1�fiest Fourth-:S��eet,-3aint Paul;MN 5S1 :�Telepho usquiries msiy be:me��e to lris: Katy.&�Li�dblsd;. . 29Z-1�?'f.x247, . . : . , AL$�RT B.O AT,Ci Cierk ' _ .. - � (Februarq 23.i985� e ���S= Sl3 �