85-436 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE ITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /`� CANA4V - DEPARTMENT File NO. ' /� BLUL� �MA'VOR.. City A�tny/JTH ncil Resolution � Presented By Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date RE OLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION OF BA BER ELECTRIC SUPPLY, INC . , FOR C SSIFICATION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SAINT PAUL RIVERFRONT ENTER- PR SE ZONE AS CLASS 4d Er1PL0YMENT PR PERTY WHEREAS, Barb r Electric Supply, Inc . , (the "Company" filed with the Cit Cler an Application for classification of $ 98 ,800 in improvmen s to xisting property located at 470 Kittson Street as Employmen Prop rty pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sect on 273 . 1313 and the S int Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Pro ram (the "Progra ") ; a d WHEREAS, the roperty improvements , tax classificatio , and State tax cr dits s set forth in detail in the February 4 1985 Staff Report consi ered at this meeting have resulted in t e re- tention of t e Com any and its 27 current jobs in Saint Pa 1 ; and G7�iEREAS , ther has been presented to and considered a this meeting a Pa ticip tion Agreement between the City and the Company whereby the ompan covenants respecting the completion of property improvements and t e employment of a minimum of four new e ployees resident in he ec nomic hardship area designated in the P o�ram or who are unem loyed and economically disadvantaged or of a rotected class ; and WHEREAS, the ity Clerk has sent copies of the Applic tion to the Ramsey Count Asse sor and to the governing body of Indepe dent School t�istrict No . 625 a d of every other public body authorized to levy COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by epartment of: In Favor _ __ Against BY Adopted by Council: Date _ Form Approved �ty Attorne / Certified Passed by Council Sec etary BY B}� Approved by Mayor: Date _ App by Mayor for S i ion`o C uncil By _ _ B WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council n�/�r CANA�4V - DEPARTMENT File NO• `�_ _ �� BLUfi.� -� MRV,OR, ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date -2- taxes upon th prop rty and duly published on February 23 , 1985 in the Saint Pau Lega Ledger, the official newspaper for th City a notice of pub ic he ring before the City Council upon the mpany' s Application; WHEREAS , the C ty Council conducted a public hearin� March 28 , 198 , upo the Application at which hearing oppo tunity was provided or th Applicant, the County Assessor, repre entatives of affected t xing uthorities and any taxpayer of the Cit or member of the public to pr sent their views orally or in writing t or before the he ring, and having duly considered the testimo y and written views prese ted at the hearing and the Application, staff report, draft Parti ipation Agreement and Resolution 85-04 dated March 7 , 1985 of th Downtown Riverfront Commission; now t erefore, be it RESOLVED by th Council of the City of SQint Paul tha it hereby determines th t the Application of Barber Electric Supply, Inc . , the property 'mprov ments , retained and new jobs and tax b nefits proposed meet the o jectives of the Saint Paul Riverfront nterprise Zone Program. RESOLVED FURTH R that the City Council additionally f nds and determines th t the improvement of the Company' s facility 1) has prevented the loss f employment and is reasonably likely o create new employmen in t e City, (2) will not have the effect o trans- ferring exist'ng e loyment from one or mors other cities ithin Minnesota, (3 will result in an increase in market value f the employment pr pert of $198 , 800 which is .00032�/oof the mar et value of all taxabl prop rty in Saint Paul , and (4) will not re ult in the reductio of t e assessed value of existing property w thin the COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: In Favor _ __ Against BY — Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Yassed by Council Se retary BY By, Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ A r ve by Mayor for Sub s n ncil BY - — �NHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PAUL Council C A N A R V - D1 E P A R T M E N T B=UL" 'tMA�V,OR� File NO. � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- RESOLVED FURTH R that the Application and employment roperty re- classificatio ther by proposed is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed t tran mit the Application together with a ce tified copy of this esolu ion to the Commissioner o.f Revenue for consid- eration and f nal a proVal . RESOLVED FINAL Y that the Participation Agreement bet een the City and the pplic nt is hereby approved, and the proper ity officers are uthor'zed to sign the same on behalf of the ity, and upon its sign ture y the Applicant to transmit said Agree ent to the Commissioner f Rev nue for signature by the Commissioner r his designee upon final approval of the Application. CQUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Drew � Masanz [n Favor Nicosia � scne�bE:� _ __ Against BY — SOnnen Tedesco Wilson qR 2 g 19$5 Form Approv y City tto ey Adopted by Council: Dat � Certified P�s d Council , ta By_ � r / sy � �- APR � - 1985 Appro y Mayor for Submis i ncil Ap by ;Nayor: Date — BY — �'�, �.; � i'.. 'i�� �� ���� . . ' , _ � �` � C TY OF SAINT PAUL �`�' � �`3� �� ' FFICT� OF TFII� CITY COUNCZL LN , a)J�li^. e_� Vl.illip�]1!. . . . _ �'_':'�`� D a t e : February 11 , 1985 � ILED �._ OM (T�" � E RE PORT ��� ;; -� � .RM ' -� : ;, ��;� __ `�`4 ; (:�_ - •',. _� � :: �„ :I'.� . TO = SQt t Pav ! City Counci! � � � F� � � = C O C�I�"� C' Ol1 City Development and Transportation C1�-ialR Wi liam L. Wilson � . � ; Riverfront E terpri e Zone �p�,l, ca�t'�o�s h� ��' ��� C'C�'i .: �1�R`�3�>.,.���i Hoeft E1 ctric ompany, Inc. Continen al Cab evision of St. Paul Committee re ommer�d approval for setting up public hearing. ��� �,� CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. b NNESOTA 55102 �+• � 0�- 7�JS�' N TICE F PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION F�OR R CLASS FICATION OF PROPERTY FOR TAX PURPOSES U DER T E ENTERPRISE ZONE PROGRAM • Pursuant to Mi nesota Statutes 1984, Section 273 . 1313 Subdivision 2(b) and to p ovisi n of the Program For City of Saint Pa 1 Riverfront Enterprise Zo e NOT CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARI G will be held before t e Cou cil of the City of Saint Paul in the uncil Chambers , thi d flo r City Ha11 , 15 West Kell.agg Boulevar , Saint Paul , Minnesota on Thursd y , the 28th day of March, 1985 , at 10: 00 a.m. , or as soon th reaft r as the matter may be heard, upon th Application of /�irm name Barb r Electric Supply, Inc. /ad3re s sT 470 i ttson Street, Sa i nt Pau 1, Mi nnesota for reclassif cati:o of certain real property Iocated in t e Saint Paul Riverfro t Ent rprise Zone, Ramsey Count�, Minnesota, as employ- ment property and f r assessment of said property as provi ed for class 4d prop rty i Minnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273 . 3 Subdivision 9, Paragraph 4) fo taxes levied in 1985 and for four suc eeding years thereafter. AT SAID UBLIC HEARING the City Council �rill consider whether to approve the s id Ap lication upon findings as required by _innesota Statutes 1984 Sect on 273 . 1313 Subdivision 2(d) . At sai Hearing, the Applicant the amsey County Assessor, representatives of affected taxing author ties nd any taxpayer of the mualicipalit� ,ao � ��,�resen- tative-of any commu ity organization will have oppo�tv�ai� t.�,.,�?e heard. � or may presen thei views in writing at or b.efore the He ing. Copies o the pplication, the report of the Saint Pa 1 Riverfront Office and th prop sed Participation Agreement between t e Applicant and the City ay be inspected at the office of the City Cl rk or the Riverfront Of ice d ring normal business hours , and writte comments may be delive ed or mailed c/o City Clerk, Raom 386, City all , IS West Kel:logg Boule ard, aint Paul , MN. , 55102, or c/o Riverfro t Office , Second Floox ity H 11 Annex, 25 West Fourth Street , Sain Paul , MN . , 55102. Telep one i quiries may be made to Ms . Katy Sears indblad , 292-1577 , x24 . Albert B. Olsor� City Clerk . . �:�.;. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��,�v APPLICATION FOR RI ERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREDITS 1 . Name of Perso Apply'ng: Edward L. Barber President Position: Ow er/Man ger •�;�:;;; Name of Busin ss: Barber Electric Su 1 Inc. Address of Bu iness: 470 Kittson Street St. Paul MN 55101 Phone Number: 612-224-5781 2. Legal descrip ion of the parcel of land on which the business is loc ted (or is to be ocated for new construction): r f x d CL o Kittson A vac Sts ac ruin 3. The market val e and ssessed value of the land and other taxable pr perty from your most recent Property Tax Statement: Estimated Mark t Valu : 275 000.00 Assessed Value 113 750 00 4. Total property taxes isted on line 10 of the property tax statement or 1983 payable 'n 19 8 : #Note: at�ach a copy of your Property Tax S ate- ment. $12 164.96 5. If you lease t e land or space for your business, do you pay the prop rty taxes? N/A Yes No Who pays the p operty taxes if you don't? 6. Current number of employees: Full-time: 2 5 Part-time: 2 �: . , . ,<s.�t,z;: 7. For construction include: A, A general description of the facility or improvement and its proposed use. 46.000 sa. ft. three—storv concrete block structure. Rehabilitated ware— house and office for electrical wholesale sales and warehouse operation. B. A probable time schedule for undertaking the construction or improvement. Commence March 1984. Complete June 1984. C, An estimate of the probable cost of new construction or improvement. _,�198,800.00 D. An estimate of the market value of the new or improved facility (excluding land) when completed. 5198 ,�00 00 E. The number of new jobs expected to be created. 4 8. State the type and amount of enterprise zone incentives requested and briefly explain why they are necessary to the project: local property tax abatement: $24,500 est. ($4,900annual ) new employee credit: $12,000 state paid property tax credit: $22, 500($4, 500 annual ) : , These incentives will improve the company's cash flow position, allowing it to expand successfully and add new employees. I hereby declare and certify that this application is true and correct to the best of.�my kno ,ledge a d be ief. .�� . y� �� -., .-�—�, �..1 ,;�-L_ February 5, 1985 Signature of Applicant Date President Position or Title Remember to attach the following: 1 . A copy of your property tax statement for taxes payable in 19 84 °° 2. A check for $1500� payable to Saint Paul Department of Planning & Economic Development. � - . � - �s= ��3� � - DEPARTMENT OF � ' �' ' �� AXAT ON AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION COUNTY OF RAMSEY 113-138 COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 , . 01 ISON MANAOERS W �TER T. O'MALLEY �MSF(C�UNN P operty Valuation OCtOb2r Lfi, 1984 lE NARO F. OLSON venue LOU McKENNA 298-4157 C. THOw1AS OSTHOFK DireClor P GY RECTOR ecoros ROGER VIK Barber lec. S pply Inc. E GENE H. GIBBONS Asst. Drrectoi 470 Kit son St roperty Ownership . St. Pau , MN S 101 ABATEMENT NO. 4964 CODE NO. 01-13400-158-00 Your app icatio for reduction in valuation has been referred t this office. We hav made a careful review and reappraisal of the p operty. �- -� As a res lt we re recommending .to..-the Ramsey County Board that the estimate marke value be reduced from 5, 419,900 to $ 275 000 Based u n the ax rate applicable to the 1983 assessment, pay le 1984, the red tion i market value results in a tax reduction of app oximately $ Our rec enda 'on must be acted on by the County Board and the State Commiss'oner o Taxation who has final say on tax matters. HIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PAYMENT, NOR HOULD PAYMENT BE ATTEMPTED ON THIS BASIS. If the ax is urrent, you will receive a corrected tax statem t. If the ateme t involves a prior year and the tax is not paid, or is partial y paid you will receive a balance due letter. If the tax is overpai , you ill receive a refund. The mar et val e for the 1984 assessment, payable 1985 will be $ 275,000 If you eceive a valuation notice with a higher value, please isregard it as i is no based on the abated value. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION Property Va.luation Division � � ��� , � ` � // ��� �. C//�=.-�--�-. � � Walter 0'M nt Ass ss� � � . sE ad\l � �.. ���"� �„O . _. .. . . .. '- . _ .__ .. .... ._.. . . .. . '� , . . �` � ,� , ATEPJIENT OF f'f�llPEf;T ' l j;l ki�C! .�<c.. . . .�C(i('�' '���.�..., ��:�f i`:i f A-'PR 1�hiE � )? f ! ic. i fAiN^. � ��� . ni:��r �,;�r �'�.l'!�(.,�.f= IN R���,��E:Y C;C;� ,�,:_ ,, ��' ';iJ.: , _._. ------ - _. . � 1S-`i3 {'A.Y i`�2i1 '. •'! U�. iVfORM.AT�tUN I PiiOPERTY IpENTiF�CATiO'� . , .. . _ ._. . ..�.� _ , . , . � � � DIST PLAT PARCEL �'�i ' � ' N( l'. ' . � I ":'�f ��I`; . _. _ I j — �. . _ ,s�� �: •,af;kFTV�,� ���: ! 419.900 ! , : O1 13400 15�U0 ', 625 n.:;r� �� ;,i �: .. 17 E, 05 7 ---- --- .. ----- _ . . _ i _ ti„n,: . � , .,• � � � ��� , � �, ;�,. ,,. �:,;, ��,� ,:�,:�,.,:,�����,,,, ., _ .. _ , ; �,, , .. , , ., � ,., ,� , �, , , uIKING ORILL � TOOL l_----� _ A('F: YO!.f t:l_IC:,{;;1.�: 1 i)i3 A REFt.1Nl)? � 470 KITTSON ST � ����. �;�„i ,,,,,. �� �., ����, �:����,��, �� ` S T PAUL MINN 55101 � -����� ��i i� �•i,, ,.i �I, �.,, i„funclti . . . j , t�.q;nni . � , I' , (�;�� Rcfun�l �;i � , _ niri< 1 �?,�.,;,� i'� '.�,,; fic,tun�l Tl1X SUMP�IARY . . . rt FC?Rf�� n' I ;'.. ,�,!nn thrsc ;iitipunis � , :,�-.,,�� t . ;;,, , r :xr-s �.r ���� r� 19. 5 24. 88 .� ., .. �n Gi�, !: 1 ' :. . � � ' (.�. SS CfiEDIT; . �u . ;� ,. . . �,�„��� „ , i,��!� t:> r�x n�=�rEFt CE;F�,i �� 19, 524. 88 ,, i,,�� � .�� i ,i� , p p ' , si�� cin�_ n�,� r.�r,, , ,. {'� �11 :"J� �{f . .��.. .Il � , .�i:'4. ..�( t��i•: �i�lil. • � .. •�O i1. . �� � : . . _ . .. . ............._. _._.._ ..... ....._'_'_I . . . . . � i ! � TOTALTAX 19, 524.88 , , � ����,,�� �'?v Ip�NTIFI(;qTIpN , NOTI(;E UF 198�t \/AI_ll� FOR TAXES PAYAB�F IN 1E)t35 �:?�S'� �'�_.AT� PARCEI. 1983 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES 419 •900 �1�a4 ESTIM�TED MARKET VALUES 419 .yU 0 01 134ii0 1:8 a� PROPERTY Cl_ASSIFICATION INUUSTk1AL _ L_ _---I-- -- - U�l-;��,�Fj I EXSSWL�D20iFT PARTUNELY�TOF �-f��� � NQTlCE � tXTENDEG CL OF KIITSGN ST ���,,,�� ( OF FOL dLK 1 BASS AOU ANO i;E=:i��lN i Ih SD E3ASS AUO Of OUT LUTS �-��,:; UAC STS ACC FUING ANG : YG:;g i LCT 1 � 8LK fif_�y�};?C>S � "RG:t:::'�JT (:ONSTRUCTIt�IV ACTIVITY MAY RESULT IN A CORRFCTED NO1 ICF . � � " �� � ` ��` ���°. � --_-___---- - --� ,. � . ' 8466 5-,s�9 ; 960 i !' BARBER ELECTRIC SUPPL , INC. `' • 470 KITTSON TREET ij � ST. PAUL,MINNE TA 551 1 �I i; i !I StGNAL MILLS STATE BANK ;j j� �oo s�oNw� Hi��s �� ,II '' � a���O W6ST ST. PAUL� MINN. 5511• . � PAY �.'►'�k. .^'�'`�*� � �� DATE NET HECK . � �)1 i/!� f1fA! 1/ ( C � �),{1 �II ORDER OF JY� � V�YIaJ6 r I ' C'�-. . . .. . .�O► " V(I S . I � " •VV � . . . . I� -- ����, /�J� L' �� �BA ER � E�TRIC UPPLrY, 1 C. � --- r W �V�� � �� --- ��,�� ��_ �.,.,�,�,;` I � �. �� ---- i j ;� ��'0 0 8 4 6 6��' i:0 9 6 ��� L 6 9�: 0 2��� L 8 9���q ii' , �� _—'._"_""_"_.'_._-_'.—._- _ .. _J _-_—_-__......._... _...__"____'_."'--^_ .--_ , ��3`—L`J� STAFF REPORT DATE: February 5, 1985 RE: Barber Elec ric Su ply, Inc. Enterprise one Ap lication A. Proposed Emplo ment P operty Barber Electri Suppl , Inc. proposes that its property located at 4 0 Kittson Street. Saint aul be reclassified as employment property through th city's Riverfront Ent rprise Zone Program. This property is identified by he Ramsey County Tax Dep rtment through the property identification number O1— 3400-158-00. The property d script on which appears on the owner's tax statement 's as follows: "Bass Add tion o Out Lots ex SWIy 20 f� part NEIy of extended L of Kittson S of fo blk l � Bass Add and in SD Bass .Add of Out Lots vac .sts accru ng and lot 15 blk." This property as for erly owned for many years by Viking Drill and ool. When this high speed rill and bit manufacturer moved its operations to 355 State Street, he bui ding at 470 Kittson Street stood vacant for ab ut � a year. � 6. Improvement an Propo ed Use Barber Electri Suppl , Inc. purchased the property at 470 Kittson S reet in March 1984. The c mpany's previous location was as a tenant in S ace Center propert locat d at 451 Grove Street. Although its lease ran through Septem er 198. , Barber Electric Supply, ,Inc. was requested i December 1983 o relo ate as soon as possible in order to accommodat the extensive emodelling needed to prepare. the facility for the Minnesota Depa tment f Natural Resources by December 1984. - The company ha reeei ed enterprise zone marketing materials from th city and calle the p one number (P,E.D. ) on the brochure to see wha assistance was availa le. Because the business expressed a need for assistance in locating a ew facility and -possible fir�ancing assistance, P.E.D, s Business Revit lizati n Division staff fielded •the call. As described a ove, ti e was extremely �short and staff had to move q ickly in order to ke p the c mpany in Saint Paul. Working together, the b siness and P.E.D, sta f loca d the vacant Viking Drill and Tool property a d arranged financing adeq ate fo purchase and rehabilitation of the structure. It is necessary to m ntion t at the company believed it was participating n the Enterprise Zon Progra because of its dealings with Business Revita ization Divisivn staff. The facility c nsists f 46,000 sq, ft, of office. sales. and wareho se space. The th e—sto structure is concrete block construction. B rber Electric Suppl , Inc. is an electrical wholesaler. selling to electr cal contractors an indust ial users, The company is healthy and hopes o grow, adding new empl yees a its Saint Paul location. � � . —2— �s— s��� Barber Electric Supply, Inc. purchased the property for $275,000 an has invested appr ximately $198,800 in its rehabilitation. It now hope to achieve the e ployme t property reclassification. which it believed had happened auto aticall . C. Projected Inc ease i Market Value It is anticip ted th t the company's property will increase in mark t value by a�proximat ly the ost of its improvements: $198�800. D. Retained and w Jobs . The 27 jobs cu rently at Barber Electric Supply, Inc. may well have been lost to Saint aul ha staff not worked quickly to .relocate the com any within the ci In ddi�ion, the business estimates that it will eed to increase i �emplo ees by at least four during the five years th t it , participates i Saint Paul 's Riverfront Enterprise Zone. E. Draft Particip ti.on A reement A draft partic 'pation agreement is attached to this report. It includes the following ax ben fits for the company: annual 5 yr, total employ, prop recla s. estimated $4,900 $24, 500 state new em loyee redit $12,000 state pd, pr p, tax credit $4, 500 $22, 500 TOTAL $5 9.000 This represent a pri ate—to—public ratio of approximately $9.39 private investment per $1 .00 ublic tax reduction or credit. It also represents one� new or ret ined j b per $1,903 tax credits or reductions and on new job per $14.75 tax c edits or reductions. F. Council Findin s � The Barber Ele tric 5 pply, Inc. application proposed creation of fo r new jobs, none of hich w uld be a transfer from another Minnesota municipality. The applicatio furth r proposes establishment of an employment prop rty classification of an stimated market value of $198,800, which is 00032 of the market alue o all taxable property in Saint Paul. The prop sal will not resul in th abandonment or demolition of other property o ned by the applica t in S int Paul, causing reduction of the assessed va ue of existing pr perty ithin the city. G. Recommendation Staff .recommen s the ity Council approve the employment property reclassificati n requ sted by Barber Electric Supply, Inc. Staff fu ther recommends Cit Counc 1 approve the attached participation agreement as drafted and fo ward B rber Electric Supply, Inc. 's approved applicat'on to the Commissioner o Reven e for verification, � . , • . . . . . y.: ARTICIPATION AGREEMENT C, � %��° RI ERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � � 1. PARTICIPATING BUSIN S: 2. APPLICATION APPROVAL Name DATE � Barber Electric Su '1 Inc. • Address C.F.NO,: 470 Ki ttson Str et Ciry Council St. P.aul, MN 5 10T EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY CLASSIFIC ION � EFFECTIVE FOR ASSESSMENT YEARS 19��thru 19_$� , : DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE . , _! � 8Y: I , � � • !I DATE . . 'i I �� 3. (PERSONS)(OFFICERS) .UTHORI ED TO SIGN FOR PARTICIPATING BUSINESS: I I Edward L. Barb r - " Marvin Thorsen '� Name Name �� it -:I Title Title ' ;I � I � Signature Signature . i� 4. PER80N AUTHORIZED O RECEI E COMMUNICATIONS FOR PARTtCIPATING BUSINESS: �I � Edward' L. Barb r Ij Name IS AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE COMMUNICA IONS FROM !i . THE CITY OR STATE ON BEHALF OF THE P RTICIPATING ,i P re s i d e n t BUSINESS. 'I. Title � 470� Kittson St eet � Add ress - 612-224-5781 Telephone � I _ � , I . , f� �I � I - � .� s�-�� 5. DESCRIPTION OF PRO ERTY TO RECEIVE"EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY" Space for Use f Ramsey CLASSIFICATION(USE ESCRIPT ON FROM RAMSEY COUNTY DEPARTMENT County Dept o Taxation OF TAXATION,126 CITY HALL AN COUNTY COURTHOUS�: p�N 01-134 0-158-00 CLASSIFICATI N ENTERED: DATE Bass Addition of Out Lo s, ex SWIy 20 ft. part NEIy of extended CL of ittson St. of fol blk. 1 Ba s Add nd in SD Bass Add of Out Lots vac sts accruing and lot 15 blk ( se Reverse Side Of This Page If Necessary) 6. ALTERNATIVE LOCAL C NTRIBU ON:YES_ NO X DESCRIPTION 7. TYPES OF STATE TAX R DUCTIO (a) Sales Tax Exemption Amount (b) Income Tax Credit ' (1)Employee Credit X Amount up to $12,000.00 (2)Debt Service Cred Amount (c) State Paid Property T x Credit X Amount $4500.00. annual l y Subject to compliance wi this Agr ement,to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1984,Section 273.131 to 273.1314 inclusive,and such regul tions as y be adopted by the Department of Revenue or of Energy and Econ mic Development(the"AcY�, nd upon f ling proper tax retums and schedules,the participating business is e gibie for ;red�9ts as appropriate ag inst Minn sota income�x and property tax 1labilities for the tax years 19 through MINNESOTA DEPARTME T OF R ENUE VERIFICATION BY Date Tit1e . ��� -�3(° 8. COVENANTS BY PAR CIPATING BUSINESS: In making application f r enterpri e zone credits,the participating business has represented and hereb covenants,for itseif and its successor or assign ,(the"Participating Business'7: (a)that(it)F�e}wili s bmit con ruction plans and evidence of financing and will commence,diligen pursue and timely complete imp ovements o the property described in Section 5 above in the dollar amount an as specified in the"Property Ir�pro ment Sc edule"annexed hereto as Attachment"A". Commencement Dat arch 1984 Completion Date u n e 1984 . Amount$ 198.800,00 (b)that(it)F�e}will r ruit,emp y and train new employees resident in the economic hardship area esignated in the Riverfront Enterp ise Zone rogram,or persons who are unemployed and economically disadva taged or of a protected class in ac ordance ith the provisions of the"EMPLOYMENT AND TRAfNING SCHEDUL "annexed hereto as Attachmen "B",and at the minimum number of new employees shall be as follows: Number of New Emp yees 4 f o u r (c)that(it)(-�e}will m intain co plete records respecting its pertormance of the covenants set forth i Section 8(a) and(b)herein,and p rmit acce s to said records by accredited rep�esentatives of the Minnesota Co missioner of Revenue,Ramsey C unty Tax epartment and City Riverfront Office;that(it)(�e)will report quart rly to the Division of Job Creat n and Tr ining the number of hires covered by this Agreement;and that upon uest and at least annually(it)( e)will re ort to the Riverfront Office on forms provided by the Riverfront Office n construction complet on,new h res and other direct or indirect economic activity resulting from its fa ility operalions in the Riv rfront Ent rprise Zone. (d)that(it)f�j will pr mpUy an satisfactorily perform each covenant herein undertaken and each o er requirement of the A the Prog am or of this Agreement imposed as a condition of the approval of th application for and grants of tax redits and designation of property classification. 9. REVOCATION The Council may revoke an alterna've local contribution and may request the Commissioner of Revenu to approve the revocation of a class fication p rsuant to the Act if it finds and determines by resolution,after hearing upon notice mailed to the applicant b certified ail at least 60 days before the hearing,that . (a)The construction improve ent of the Participating Business'property and operating facitity has ot been completed within Mro ears afte the approval of the classifi�ation,or any longer period as may be pr ided in Section 8(a)hereo� (b)The PaRicipating usiness h s not proceeded in good faith with the construction or improvement f the facility, or with its operation,i a manne which is consisfent with the purpose of the Act,the representations f the application,or the co nants of is Agreemen�or . , (c)The Participating siness h s misrepresented a material statement contained in its application fo tax credit, has failed to perform ny expres covenant of this Agreement or is not in continuing compliance with equirements or conditions for appr val or gra t of an alternative local contribution,state tax reductions or credits u der the Act, the Program or thls A reement REVOCATION OF AN LTERNA IVE LOCAL CONTRIBUTION OR OF AN EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION SH LL TERMI ATE STATE TAX EXEMPTIONS,CREDITS AND REDUCTIONS. � The Ciry Councfl may mpose or equest imposition of a remedy other than revocation,including withh Iding of - eligibility certiflcations for credi exemptlons or reductions.or institutlon of suit for specific performa e or other remedy in law or equi .No failu of the City to exercise or make selection of a particular remedy for reach of this Agreement by the Pa cipating siness shall be deemed a waiver of its righb to enforce performanc by the Panlcipadng Busines of its obli ations under the Act or this Agreement by any remedy available to th City in law. 10. ,RECAP3URE �/J�..—_�/3�p a i � In the event the Particip ting Busi ss ceases to operate its faciiity in the Rivertront Enterprise Zone wi in two years after the expiration of reductio s under the Act and this Agreement,the Participating Business cove nts and agrees that it shail repa the amou t of tax reductions and of the local contribution pursuant to the follo ing schedule: Termination of Operatio s Repayme t Portlon Less than 6 months afte expiratio of tax reductions 100 perc nt 6 months 75 perc nt 12 months or more,but I ss than 1 months 50 perc nt 18 months or more,but I ss than 2 months � . 25 perc nt The repayment shall be mediatel due upon such cessation of operadon of its zone facility,payable to e State of Minnesota to the extent i represen an income tax credit or reduction and payabls to the City to the ext nt it represents a property reductio or othe�local contribution. 11. OTHER TERMS Barber Electric upply. I'nc. has completed the improvements referenced in Section 8(a) of this Agreemen , deta led in Attachment "A"� to the satisfaction of he City. At the time thes impro ements were made, the Participating Business w s under significant time press,u e to relocate; the business was displaced by t e _ -_ _ . Minnesota Depart ent of Natural Resources before the end of its lease ith the Space Center. In a dition, the Participating Business mistakenly elieved it was automatic lly pa ticipating in the Enterprise Zone Program when it worked with city staff o arra ge financing for the project. This Agreement e tablis es Barber Electric Supply� Inc. 's level of par icipation in the Enterpris Zone rogram. 12. EFFECTNE QATE This Agreement has bee accepted and executed on behalf of the Participating Business by the officers hose tiUes and signatures appear in ection 3,above.The Application and Agreement have been approved by actio of the Saint Paul City Council as reci in Sect n 2 above,and is executed on behalf of the City of Saint Paul by the fficers whose tiUes and signatur s appear elow.This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution in Sectio 2 above and its delivery to the Ciiy of aint Paul y the Minnesota Cornmissioner of Revenue or his authori2ed design . CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Date MAYOR By Date CITY CLERK By Date DIRECTOR DEPARTM NT OF FI ANCE 8 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Approved as to Form Assistant C(ty Attorney � � PRO ERTY IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE v ,/ ATTACHMENT"A" e� r�� PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE � B rber Electric Su 1 Inc. PARTICIPATING BUSINESS --- A Facility description 46 000 s . ft, t ree—st r concrete block structure. Rehabilitated w rehouse and office for e ectric 1 wholesale sales and warehouse o eration. B. Construction Speci�cati ns(identi every specification or drawing,tiUe;date and approving architect or ngineer)* Drawin s. 1—A4 e ared b Elliot Architects, 1301 Coulee Rd. , Hudso WI (copies of each drawing r specific tion must be supplied to the Rivertront Office). C. Construction Gost Detail S a a h � k w D. Financing commitments quity and mortgage financing) Si nal Hills Ban West St. Paul Cit of Saint Pa l, Com ercial Rehabilitation Loan Pro ram *Preliminary plans may e submitt with the Application.Within days of approval of this Appl cation by the • Commissiqc�er of Reve ue,final c nstruction pians and specifications acceptable to the City will be su mitted. Barber Electric u 1 , Inc. PARTICIPAT NG BUSI ESS City of Saint Paul BY By BY � By � � ��s=�3� � EMP OYMENT AND TRAINING SCHEDULE ATTACHMENT"B" PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE Barber Electric Su 1 Inc. PARTICIPATING BUSINESS I. GENERAL A. The City desires to i rease e ployment opportunities for long-term unemployed,economicaliy disa vantaged Saint Paul residents,with eveloper Empioyers for jobs within Saint Paul's Riverfront Enterprise Zone. B. Developer/Employe agrees to se the City as its primary source for recruitment,training,referrai,a placement of new or replacement ntry levei mployees in accordance with the terms of this Agreement C. The City's delegate a ency will be the Division of Job Creation and Training in the Department of Pla ning and Economic Developm nt,Saint aul,MN 55102(Job Creation),or any other appropriate City agency may be designated by the M yor. D. This Agreement bec mes effec 've upon the date hereof and shall continue for five years from the ti e Employer/Developer occupies acilities in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone,unless terminated as provi ed herein. E. This Agreement shall be applic ble to all Developer/Employer new or replacement entry level positi ns for which economically disadv ntaged(i. .:JTPA-eligible)persons are or might reasonably be available.This reement shall not apply to those jobs c vered by xisting collective bargaining agreements or other contracts to which the Developer/Employer is a party,where the terms of this Agreement wouid cause Developer/Employe to breach the provisions of such a reements. II. RECRUITMENT A. The employment pos tions cov ed by this Agreement include all Developer/Employer job openings erformed within the Riverfront Enterp ise Zone, the classifications,titles and qualifications contained in Exhibit A. B. The DevelopeN Empl yer will n tify Job Creation of its need for new employees in covered positions s soon as the Developer/Employer decides t hire such employees or,if possible,ninety(90)working days prior to e expected hiring dates.Notificat on may in lude the information required in Exhibit A. C. The Developer/Empl yer will p ovide Job Creation with its best estimate of the number and timing of potential job openings,through u of the fo provided in Exhibit B. D. The Developer/Empl yer may otify Job Creation of all vacancies for Developer/Employer job openi gs in the Riverfront Enterprise one whic are not covered by this Agreement The Developer/Employer is not obligated to hire employees from the referrals rom Job Creation. E Job openings which re filled b dnternal promotions from the Developer/Employer's local work forc are not covered by this Agreement III. REFERRAL A. Job Creation will refe applican according to the qualifications requested by Developer/Employer. B. If training for specific ob openi gs has been agreed upon between the City and Developer/Employe in a separate agreement under par graph V. ereof,trainee applicanb will be considered qualified only when the t ining is successfully complet by appli nt � C. Developer/Employer eserves e right to make all decisions on hiring new or additional employees,i cluding the qualifications of appli ants,but grees to hire for covered positions from among those persons referr by Job Creation or the Salnt Paul Urb n League ho meet the job descriptions and qualifications,or other persons c ified as eligible. � � � ������ N. PLACEMENT l� When Developer/E ployer no fies Job Creation of job openings in covered positions prior to ninety 90)working days in advance of the pr posed dat to hire,Job Creation will nodfy the Employer five(5)working days p ior to the applicafion closing d te of the umber of applicants Job Creation will�efer. B. If Job Creation cann t refer the otal number of qualified appiicants,the Developer/Employer may fill e�emaining posit(ons by any m s. C. Job Creation will a) ovide ass stance and monitor job retention of employees placed under this agr ment for six months,and b)monit r Develo r/Emplo.yer's perf,ormance under this Agreement Developer/Emplo er will submit . Ouarterly Hiring Sum aries in ubstantially the form attached as Exhibit C. D. Afte�the Developer/ mployer s hired an applicant referred by Job Creation,Job Creation wiil not e responsible for the employee's cond ct and th Developer/Employer releases the city from any liabiliiy for the actio of such employees. V. TRAINING A Job Creation and the eveloper Employer may agree in a separate agreement to develop classroom sining, on-the-job training,p e-employ ent training or other training programs.The training specifications a d cost for such training shail be set f rth in that greement B. The Developer/Empl yer will n t discontinue routine on-the-job training to employees hired under th s Agreement, because of this Agr ent or s pplements to this Agreement VI. CONTROLLING LA S AND GREEMENTS A. If this Agreement con icts with r requires Developer/Empioyer to breach an existing collective barg ining agreement or any other existing greemen ,said agreements shall prevail. B. Developer/Employer ill provid Job Creation with written evidence that Developer/Empioyer has pr vided the representative of any ollective argaining unit Vvith a copy of this Agreement and has requested com ents from said unit Developer/Empl yer wiil p vide such comments to Job Creation. . C. The Develope�/Empl yer will n violate arty local,state,or federal law or regulation. VII. DEFINITIONS A Riverfront Enterprise one: The area designated y the Stat of Minnesota as an enterprise zone as detailed in Exhibit D. B. Cover�d Employees: New or repiacement e try level mployees and such other employees as may be mutually agreed upo betweeen the parties. Barber Electri Su 1 , Inc. PARTICI ATING B SINESS City of Saint Pa t � BY BY By � ATTACHMENT B EXHIBIT A JOB ORDER FORM ��.3= `�-3�° City of Saint Paul Division of Job Creation and Training �. Employer garber Electric u 1 � Inc. 2. Date 3. Job Title 4. Number of Openi gs S: Job Location ' 6. Contact Person Phone 7. Supervisor 8. Beginning Date Ending 9. Starting Salary $ pe Salary after training $ per 10. Benefits 11. Days to be worked 12. Hours 13. Will union membership be r quired? es No tf yes,which union and Iocal number 14. tf this job involved on-the-jo training t be subsidized by the City,how long wili that training period be? — (attach specific training plan 15. $pecific Duties � ----- ------ - ---- ._ _ 16. Necessary Glualifications � - - __ __ - --- --- Sw��:, . Levei of experience or training required to e ter program i (include licenses and/or certificates neces ry): t?. Is a valid Minnesota Drivers' 'cense r uired? Yes No . . . ---- _ C� �s�.�� �18. Are your e�nptoyees in thi pasition xpected to provide any necessary tools in the job(s)?Yes N (If yes, please at�ch an itemized ist(with p 'ces)of tools required for each position.) 19. EducaUon level needed to perform is job(if any) 20. Describe any on-the-job ining yo normally provide for this position(i.e.,without City funding) 21. Is there a pessibiiity for pr motion fr m this job?Yes No If yes,to what position(s)? 22. Environmental CondiUona - 23. Physical Demands a.Working Environment a.Strength=96 time job will require Inside % Standing % Walking 96 Outside % Sitting % Yes No � Weight(Number of Pounds) b.Extreme cold with or wi out . Lifting Carrying temperature changes Pushing Puliing c.Extreme heat with or wi out Yes No temperature changes b.Climbing d.Wet and/or humid Balancing Stooping e.Vibration Kneeling Grouching f. Hazards Crawiing Reaching Mechanical , Handling Electrical Bums Fingering Explosives Feeling Radioactivity Talking Other � , Hearing Ordinary Conversation � Other Sounds g.Atrnospheric Conditions Fumes Dusts Seeing Mig� � Acuity,Near Gases Acuity,Far, Poor Ventilation Depth Perception Color Vision Other Field of Vision h.Noise Estimated Maximum Number of Decibels 24. Could a person with limi English s eaking skills perform this job? Yes No Could a peroon wlth Iimlted English r ding/writlng skllls perform this job? Yea No 25. Is public transpo��on eas ly accessi le? Yes No 26. Does the job require shift rk or o� r than traditional hours? Yes No (If yes,pl�se clarify) ' . ATTACHMENT B EXHIBIT B STIMATED HIRING SCHEDULE �,��.�_�� City of Saint Paul Division of Job Creation and Training Emplayer Date ansfer from F ture Job Other Immediate Ne Hires Titles Locations New Hires (No. Date) ` . '/ . . . ��� ��� ACHMENT B HIBIT C UARTERLY HIRING SUMMARY For Quarter Ending• Listed below are the positio s in your rm which are covered under the Empioyment and Training Agreeme t with the City. Please list the number of hi s for this uarter for each category and return this form to the Division of Job reation and Training within thirty(30)da s foilowin the close of that quarter. Po tion Title Total New Hlres t. �2 - 3. 4. 5. s. �. s. I certify that the above infor ation is tr e and accurate. � Authorized Signature � Title Date Please return this form to: Division of Job Creation an Training Department of Planning an Economi Development 25 West Fourth Street ' Saint Paul,Minnesota 5510 . . � ARB R ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. ��5 -��� 470 KITTSON STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 224-5781 February 1, 1985 REMODELING OF UILDI G AT 470 KITTSON ST. Wm. Richie Painting of Walls and Ceilings lst an 2nd General Contra tor Floors . Remodeling of 2nd floor offi es. Removal of walls and installing new p neling. Building of City Desk and Counter Are on lst Floor Material $ 16,825.00 Labor $ 33,526.50 Valento Const. New Concrete shipping and receiving d ck and ramp. Concrete slab for conduit torage lst flloor. Concrete curbing front o office on 2nd floor. Material & Labor $ 18,150.00 St. Paul Linol um and Carpet Co. Furnish and install new T-Bar Ceiling and carpeting 2nd floor offices . T-B r ceiling and tile flooring city desk area lst floor. : Material & . Labor $ 14,719 .87 Peterson Bros . Roofing Co. Furnish and install insulation and ne roofing for 2 sections of roof. � � Material & � Labor $ 28,541 .00 Hunt Electric Furnish Labor only to rewire lst and 2nd floor complete. New wireway and new light fixtures Labor only $ 15,085.68 F.M. Frattalon Regrading and graveling parking lot Excavating Co. and driveway Labor and Material $ 4,599 .24 MINORITY DISTRIBUTOR 470 Kittson St ���r- c�,3�o Page 2 Midway Sign Co Furnish and install new signs on fron of building Labor and Material $ 1,419 .50 B rothers Indus iral Furnish labor and material to high Cleaning Co. pressure steam clean ceilings and walls and floor on lst and 2nd floor � Labor and Material $ 12,500.00 Watts Const. Change two door openings and install complete a11 small doors on building. Labor only $ 2 ,845 .75 Bredemus Hardw re Furnish complete with all hardware al � small service doors. � Material only $ 4,709.00 Overhead Door o. Furnish and install 5 overhead doors . Remove old doors Labor and Material $ 5,949.55 Stans Door Se . Furnish and install 2 aluminum auto- • mati.c doors city desk entrance - Labor and , Material $ 3,100.00 V iking Auto Furnish and install air compressor lo er Sp rinkler heads as needed for new T-Bar ceiling lst ' and 2nd floor � Labor and Material $ 1,531 .10 � Roseville Plbg. & Check over plumbing in bath rooms lst Heating and 2nd floor and install new 6 and 3 gallong hot water heaters Labor and Material $ 1,711 .20 Robert Garbe Furnish labor to rewire unit heaters E lectrician and install electric heat in city des and sprinkler room. Install lights o 2nd and 3rd floors Labor only 4,350.00 . . � ����.� 470 Kittson S . Page 3 Energy Heating Install condensate pump and low wate cutoff on boiler Labor $ 1,375.47 B arber Electri Furnish all material to completely Supply rewire and relight the lst and 2nd floors $ 27,853.82 TOTAL $198,793.76 k\ I ,1 i 1 ' � '; �: t -i , ,� t � L ✓� t . P , . . ; � , � �� �� 4 . � ,. � � Y ' , .: - l �..�� . ' �.': ' ! 4 ! � i � •.•. . ..- " . 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'� 1 f 'r _ �� .� , � �. \ �' � '` .\ y� E r p y � .. � � i � j. , , � t � �� � f � 1 , � � ��' � , � , � . , . . — ti� . .� � _ , . , ,. _ . , r . � , , ., �: i . � . � � �.... � � =,� v �'� s i t'. v ��r x �r � � ti r � .� `� � r � ' � .t - �}. ` _ ` [ r . �. '�:�. s .. J�::. �h $. �. .���F .. . . .. �. . .. ..... . ...._. 1 ��, ._ ... .. . 1,. , ._.., . .. . . �.. . , .. ..,. �S�� Downtown Riverfront Commissio Resolution City of Saint Pa file number $5-04 date ' March 7, 1985 WHEREAS, the appl cation of Barber Electric Supply, Inc. , for classifica ion of certain of its proper y at 470 Kittson Street within the City of Sain Paul Riverfront Enterp ise Zo e as employment property with reduced property ax assessment and fo certain State income tax credits has been presented t and considered at thi meeti g; and WHEREAS, the appl cation and favorable staff recommendation were conside ed, the applicant int rviewe and said application was favorably recommended to the full Commission b the D velopment Task Force at its meeting on February 21 , 1985; and WHEREAS, said app icatio and applicant commitments meet the private inv stment and new job creation obj ctives of the Riverfront Enterprise Zone Progra ; NOW, THEREFORE, B IT RE LVED by the Downtown Riverfront Commission tha the application of Ba ber E1 ctric Supply Company, Inc. , for property tax cl ssification and tax credits u der th Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program "s recommended to th Saint Paul City Council for approval . •.. moved by M r, P a e seconded by Mr. F a u 1 k n e r in favor 11 against � � C����-��� �-w DEPAiiTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECO OMIC DEVEIOPMENT = CITV OF SAINT PAUL CITY HALL ANNEX 25 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PA L.MINNESOTA,55102 TE EPHONE:612-292-1577 M E M 0 R A N D U M DATE: February 1 , 1985 T0: A1 Olson, City Clerk FROM: Katy Sears Lindbla ��JC� RE: RIVERFRONT NTERPR SE ZONE As we discussed on the te ephone yesterday, I am sending you copies of a form of public hearing otice or three businesses on the City Council 's Febr ary 19 agenda: Barbe Electric Supply, Inc. Hoeft Electric Company, Inc. Conti ental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc. It is my understan ing th t publication will take place on Saturday, February 23, 1985 in the Saint Paul e al L d er. Because the notice says t at your office will have copies of the applicat'on, the staff report, nd the proposed participation agreement on file, I hav attached copies of these s well . Thank you for your cooper tion. KSL:dms Attachments ' � 1��';-_ �%''�' � _ ' N B-OF P�dC�l��3 OA+�APP�li�IQN " : �O$' BIFtCl13ldt�l.qF�P�AlS�,=FAd��iX , , PU LF,�3,UNDFB THE EN"T�P$YBE TA11iE pRt�GSAM ; , , . ,. - , t to " tresols Statut�3198#�;:�irnn 2T3.1313�ub4lii!ti�+�b�and to ` of fh� ogram For Citg'oi'$�iat,Paul 1�iYer��t E�rpr'ise Zo� NOT� iS HE Y�N THAT X P3�Bi�C HEARIN�will bt held betote . t�� •Y� ' c�t�►ar sa�t paw�i��:c���c�n,c�a r��► �i. w�:x� ����a�8�a.�:��t�.�tt�,�oA��y.�� , ' �l!Rt .1 $t t0' as tt�e matter mey b��' n �.,�70 i�ittsc�s��'street� Saia# , Pau1.M ota` reciassiiication of��tia•rsal p�o�s#}r`iocateid:�the�fn[t� Paul Ri erlr�t terpriae ��sne, Rat�ey;County. Mibn�sot�i. as:exnplcryment prropert arid far nt�f said�iropei�y as provided for class 4d g�opel�tp ia , Minti p`S�itu, _ 1'�#,'Sectiou.Z7$,1�::Subdivision'9. Paragraph t4)for taxes levied 19�at3d or fpur sufcee�f�g Y�er,s tb�+e�is�t:' • .. �AT PU C HEARING t�e:�It�y Couh�v�21 eaasld�r`vvh�ti9�t;!o �PProve t!� said` �plieation upo�t tis�dist�C as requir�by Mitu��a Statutes 1984� on 278: 313'Su#�iivfston`�tl�. l�tt said H�t�� t�,e;,�ilisa�3, tlse Ramsey ounty A ' r,repr�seut�ttiv�s M a1'fectet��&ut`horlt�ss a'�t`d any taxpay of the� : icipalft�or representstive af ariy`'c+Ot�i�sit�3�rg�ni�at�ban wil2 ba oPPortu _ty ta be.b�eard,a3r ma�+.present their��ievvs in w"riting at or ' before` e'�I ' Copi a of t!� Plication.the�repcnt�ot t,�e Saiat Pat��tlxerlt�oqt Utiic�� ,the pra Pa� ipation Agrea�nent Se�tv�en t�e Appli�atit and#he Gfty_aaa� � be at th� f�lee ot the City Clerk orthe Riverlr4at 4ifiae�n8�1.• � busfness urs:an writf�n crsnit:►ent$may��is deli�'o�'.�il�eed c,�ttC�i#�yCiE�. .. .. r R+�o� �Citq H i, 15��ilest i�e�ia�g�o�a�d;Sat��aut,l��9�, or"+�!� �'�tivert t Otlic�; ecat�d Flt�or�';it���i�e�'.�5 i1�is�-�"onat'�#�4it'eet.�nE '` . Paui. 'S�Ifl2'. . �O�e inqniriea i�r be�d��to�ds:°'Katy'5�:.;I�t�t�►d, ,'' 294=i:�'t?. 4'J: � �. i�1�.$_ � �.;��3 ,C#ty Clerk >�...:� � � - �Februat�3►:��i�)