85-433 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GIT OF SAINT PAUL Council h � CANAf�- D.-p�4RTMEN T BLUE - MAVOR File NO. "�� 1 Co nci soluti Presented By � � Referred To C mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Th Seco d-hand P�Iotor Vehicle License for David McNeill, d/b/a Ar de M ors, 666 Arcade Street, Saint Paul, Mi ne- sota, is hereby re ewed for the period expiring December 21, 19 5, subject to the fo lowin restrictions and conditions: 1. The lice se sh 11 provide four off-street parking spaces on th lice sed premises exclusively for customer parking. 2 . The lice see s all permit no mare than eight used cars for sal to r ain on the licensed premises at any one ti�ne. 3. Licensee shall clearly identify with for sale signs on all used car offe ed for sale on the licensed premises. 4. The lice see s all complete the following within 90 days of the dopti n of this resolution: a) The ot sh 11 be provided with a permanent durable nd du tless surface, and shall be graded and -�rai ed so as ta dispose of all surface water acct�nula ed wi hin the lot. b) Vehi ular ccess to the outdoar sales area shall be restr cted to locations that are at least 60 feet rom the intersection of any two streets. c) The xisti g curb cut on I�Iargaret Street shall be remov d, th boulevard resodded and a boulevard tree spe ified by the City Forester planted 30 to 35 feet rom t e intersection. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °fe1N In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibei __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approv d b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy, t�pproved by Mavor. Date _ Approved y ayor for Submission to Counc' By BY WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CIT OF SAINT PALTL Council � CANA"Y - DEeARTMENT � BLUE� =1�.tAYOR File NO• � Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date d) The isual screens as shown on the site plan approved by th Planning Commission, Zoning File #9335, b cons ructed on the east property line, and the andsc ping shown on the said approved site pla be p ovided, including a hedge between the offi e and the south property line. e) All ights associated with the business be directed so as to shine onto the lot and away from res 'denti 1 property to the east and sauth. -2- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays o►�" s oNa7E� Masanz n Favor Nlcosfa Scheibel __ gainst BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR 7 �985 Form Approved y ity Attorney Certified Pa s b Council cre ar BY By t#pprove lNavor: Dat � 19$5 Approved b M or for Submission to Council By By PUBLiSHED AP� 1985 " �° • ,/!J ;J , • � t� �t�- : �f� �_.<<t=•o, t CITY OF SAI T PAUL ��� � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �` �_' � ,±. „� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMI ISTRATION `� ,... Roo 203, City Hall Saint Paul, innesota 55102 George latime� Mayor , ; / March 13, 1 85 Mr. Preside t and onorable Members of the Ci y Coun il St. Paul, M'nnesot Mr. Preside t and onorable Members: David McNei makes application for the renewal of his Second Hand Dealer Motor ehicle License at 666 Arcade Street. This busine s is o erated as Arcade P�Iotors. This applic tion h s been reviewed by the License and Permit Division. ecomme dation is for approval pending possible placement o condi ion.s after public testimony. Ve truly ours � Edward J. rn Acting Li e se Ins ector EJW/j o . 1 � . � (f ; � Z � / i ;�,��_•�,., CITY OF SAI T PAUL " ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � s O y� r '�� p o. „ DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMI ISTRATION � �... Roo 203, City Hall Saint Paul, innesota 55102 George latimer Mayor January 30, 19 5 Mr. President nd Hon rable Members of the City ouncil St. Paul, Minn sota Mr. President nd Hon rable Members: David McNeil m es ap lication for the renewal of his Second Hand Dealer Mo or Veh'cle License at 666 Arcade Street. This business 's oper ted as Arcade Motors. This applicati n has een reviewed by the License and Permit Division. Rec mmendation is for approval. Very truly yo s, �� � Joseph F. Carc di License Inspect r JFC/jo C��, �"�� � � -,,�� �,�. w /�. �� ��� 3 , , ���_•o�. CITY OF SAI T PAUL �~� '�� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT ERVICES e �� � ___���� ' DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMIN STRATION . o`S ..° °y ,... Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul, Mi nesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor March 27, 1985 Mr. President a d Hono able Members of the City C uncil St. Paul, Minne ota Re: Renewal of Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License David McNeil ma es app ication for the renewal of his Second Hand Dealer Motor Ve icle L'cense at 666 Arcade Street. This business i opera ed as Arcade Motors. This applicatio has be n reviewed by the License and Permit Division. Recommendation 's for proval with the following stipulations: 1. The licen e shall provide four off-street parking spaces on the licen ed prem'ses exclusively for customer parking. 2. The licens e shal permit no more than eight cars for sale to remain on he lic nsed premises at any one time. 3. Licensee s a11 cl arly identify with for sale signs on all used cars offer d for ale on the license premises. 4. The licens e shal complete the following within 90 days of the adoption o this esolution: a) The lo shall be provided with a permanent durable and dust- less s rface, and shall be graded and drained so as to dispo e of all surfac water accumulated within the lot. b) Vehicu ar acc ss to the outdoor sales area shall be restriet to loc tions hat are at least 60 feet from the intersection of any two st eets. c) The ex sting urb cut on Margaret Street shall be removed, the bo levard resodded and a boulevard tree specified by the Ci y Fore ter planted 30 to 35 feet from the intersection. d) The vi ual sc eens as shown on the site plan approved by the Planni g Comm'ssion, zoning File #9335, be constructed on the east p operty line, and the landscaping shown on the said approv d site plan be provided, including a hedge between the of ice an the south property line. 1 ���'` ^ j _ r�� - 7_�� _ _� ���*►o�. CITY OF SAI T PAUL �`'~� 'Y� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT ERVICES '� {i�ii° o� ,. „ DIVISION Of LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMIN STRATION �`tr+ ,... Roo 203, City Hall Saint Paul,M nnesota 55102 George latimer Mayor Re: Renewal o Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License (Page 2 of 2) e) All lig ts ass ciated with the business be directed so as to shine o to the lot and away from residential property to the east an south Edward J, arn Acting L' ense nspect r EJW/1k