85-431 WNITE - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA�L COUflCIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT Pf / BLUE - MAVOR File N 0. U�J Counci Re ol ti Presented By LICEN E CONA4 TTEE , �� Referred To C ittee: Date Out of Committee y Date RESOLVED: Tha Applic tion 16443 for the tran��er of the On Sale Lic{ or, Sun ay Liq r, Entertainment, and Ofi Sale Malt License e ir- ing anuary 31, 1985, presently issued to October Enterpri es Inc. dba Ar ington Pub (Jeanine A. McGuire, President) at 721 Payne, e and the same are hereby transferred to L.J. . Ente prises (James P. Bailey, President) dba Arling on Pub t the ame address. � CQUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Masanz In Favo[ Nicosia Scheibe� _ � __ Against BY -- Sonnen Tedyasco Wi! �n M�AR 2 7 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by �ouncil: Dat Certified Ya•s y ouncil , ry BY Appro Mayor. Dat M�R z 8 'qa5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil BY — BY � ����-' `� "(985 ��, ,�-Ei� �!; :� _ k'��"� / C - �5 - �/�/ �"�'�"'� CITY O SAINT PAUL 71�<<,r. o� ' .; � �� DEPARTMENT OF FlNANCE AND MANAGE ENT SERVICES �+ �1��,'���+ O Q . . . „� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT DMINIS7RATION �"�:� ,... a� Room 203, City Ftall �a,m.��'` Sai t Paul,Minnesota 55102 Geurge Latimer ' Miayor March 27, 19 5 l�ir. P esiden and Honorable Members of he Cit Council St. P ul, Mi nesota - Re: erson o Person On Sale Liquor Transfer, Sunday On Sa e iquor, Entertainment and Off Sale Malt License The 0 tober nterprises Inc. request that the On Sale Lic{uo , Sunda On Sa e Liquor, Entertainment and Off Sale Rfalt Lice se- prese tly is ued to October Enterprises Inc. (Jeanine A. hic uire, Presi ent) d a tihe Arlington Pub at 721 Payne Avenue be tra s-. ferre to L. .B. Enterprises (James P. Bailey, President) a -the s me add ess. Tlzis pplica ion has been reviewed by the License and Permi ' Divis�on. e re�o �mendation is for approval. � . Edwar J. a Acti L' en e Inspector EJW/1 :_ :.__ . ..... ._. .._.._ . ..�.;_.._..__��_, ...�.:. .__.----. _ _ .�..T .._. _ ... __ :,_ _ .._... �.__.,�.�-,.-t-.....-...�.._.- .,.�._..-.,.:.,,a,���a �`� i�-- f�,_ c���� , ���*• �� CITY OF AINT PAUL �,;~� '�� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEM NT SERVICES I��ii o o,. „ DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A MINISTRATION `6j .... Room 203, City Hall Saint ul, Minnesota 55102 George latimer • Mayor March 7, 1985 Mr. Pr sident and Honorable Members of t e City Council St. Pa 1, Min esota Re: P rson t Person On Sale Liquor Transfer, Sunday On Sale L quor, ntertainment and Off Sale Malt License The Oc ober E terprises Inc. request that the On Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sal Liquor, Entertainment and Off Sale Malt Licens . presen ly iss ed to October Enterprises Inc. (Jeanine A. McGu're, Presid nt) db the Arlington Pub at 721 Payne Avenue be trans ferred to L.J B. Enterprises (James P. Bailey, President) at the sa e addr ss. This a plicat on has been reviewed by the License and Permit ' Divisi n. Th reco endation is for approval. � , Edward J. ar Acting L� ens Inspector EJW/lk