85-425 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII �- � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT I TY OF SA I NT PA U L � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By � ���-' Referr� To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WfiEREAS, lic inancing for City elections is not practiced i any Minnesota unici lity and would be a significant departure from urrent election finan ing pr ctices in the City of St. Paul and raises impo ant questions conc rning he source, administration and distribution of lic funds; and WHEREAS, he St. Paul City Council has not conducted public hea ings, invited citize parti ipation or conducted com�nittee or City Council hearings on the use of ublic inancing for City elections in the City of St. Paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That t e City Council of the City of St. Paul does no support the e ctment of H.F. 880 in the 1985 legislative session, COU[VC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Drew nnasanz [n Favor N�C,osia � �°'�' _ � __ Against BY Sonrten . Tedes00 �++�* AR 2 � ��8� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Y�ss Council eta BY B � t�pp by ,�a�o�: MAR 2 7 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil By _ — BY PU� I�i� �PP, 6 198� 0�/08/85 [RE�[SOR ] CEL/KC 85- 790 . � , � � � ��-� � � � , �.�� � . tntrs�duced by 0'Conn r, Ost off, Norton, H,F. �Noe 880 �;�llai K$lly Msxci� l�th, 1985 Comp�.nion S.F. o. ��f� to Car,�, on Gene al aeg slation �, Veterans .�f£airs Ref, to S. Come on Reproducad by PHILLI S LEGI L.ATIV�E SFRVI�E, INC. . r . . . / j� . r. � . . . / '�' � i / �• r � • !.' /� . / - . .. !J �� . / �� �;�,• '�,-, `�� / . .. . . . .. � ��` � A bill £or an act � �2 rel.ati g to he city of St. Paul; applyinq portions of, :3 the st te et ical practices law to candidates in t � city e� ectio s. 5 cy BE TT EN��CT D BY HE LEGISLATURE C�F TriE STA`?'E OF MINIVES A: 7 S�ctio 1 . CONFLICTS. ) � This a t sup rsecies �:onflicting rx�ovisions af the c arter 9 of the city of St D�ul an�l oLher law. 10 Sec . 2 . [ET ICS IN G4VEP.NMENT. j i�. Subdiv' sian . [STA1'�. LAW APPLICABLE. ] Persons se ing I2 nor;�in�tion r ele tion to the o�fices of mayer or city ouncil 13 in the city of St Paul are "candidates" within the mea ing o£ la. Minn�sata S atut� , section 10A.01, subdivision 5. Min esota 35 Statu�e�, s ctior} 10A.01 an� 10A. 11 to 10A�3�wa.�ply�to those 16 candidates nd th ir el�ction c�mpaigns, unless+applica ionwof a _____�.__.��_ _____ _____________..__---------..-_--..____----------- . �.7 pravision�i ci^a ly^impossiblE� � 1C3 Subd. [� wpAIvN ��'ENJING LIMITS; ACCEPiF�i��;;E 0� 19 CONTRIBUTIO S. ] F r the purpo��s af Minnssota Statutes, sections �Q 10A.25 and OA. 27 the limits on spending�and contributians ----------- ---- ____-______---------------------------- .�.,�--- 21 acc�pted by a can idate for mayor af St�. Paul are th� s e as ` ` ___ � ---- 22 those for�a- �tate senator�d the+limits £orwa� candidat for ---- __..________ +��e.�_ �:.�_::.-.�„ � ��.���------__..._______�__�______.._ 23 city counci � menb r are the sama as those fnr a state ----------- ----- ------��___�------------------------ 24 representat ve. ----------- --- 2S Subd. [P .RTICI.��TI�N IN SfiATE ELECTIONS CAMPAI FiTlti'D. ] 1 - � �_�.�"=4��s� 03/Og/85 [REaISOR ] CEL/KC 85- 790 1 +Candidates cover d by this section may participate in e state � ---------------- --•----___�------------------------------ ------- 2 elections amp�i n £und. In each calendaz ye�, five p rcent of ---------- ---- ----------------------------+-------- -------- 3 the money in eac party account and the general account must be ---------- ----- -----------____-____------------------- ------- 4 allocated o can idates covered by this section. The a ounts ---------- ----- ------------------__-___-----____----------- . 5 allocated o oth r offices by Minnesota Statutes, section � __-___----- ----- ---------�-----____-�-------------------- 6 10A.31, su divis on 5, must be adjusted on a pro rata asis to ---------- ----- -----------------------__------------- -------- 7 allow for he sh re created by this subdivision. Two- hirds af ---------- ---�- ------------��_-____----------------- -------- 8 the amoun.t �llac ted by thi.s subdivision shall be avai able for - � 9 candidates for c ty council offices; one-third shall b 1�J available o can idates for mayor. Distribution is gov rned by � __..___,.___ _�_.._ ___________________________��________ _------ - 11 - Minnesota tatut �, sections 10A. 30 to 10A. 33 . � 12 Sec . . [E FECTIVE DATE. ] � 13 This ct is effecta,ve upon compliance with Minnes ta 14 Statutes, s ectio 645. 021, subdivision 3, by the govex ing,bodV 15 of the cit of St. Paul. , /. , � / � ,, , . � , , r , ' � ,_ , , � .__ ---__ -. . --% F� .�. \ � t � r �-'.' j . , -�.. ' - � l{� � � ��^ / � - .�-�'� -' _.:� :�� i . ✓ �.i"—, ..-._ ' � , �? . `// !r ` . ,� i� Ir r. r, �f �;' I`" ,i r . ' ...�I . ��� , �� a .. . .. G � � 1 i ! � � � � � �� � , . � . . - � . � . � � � � --- � � . . � . � �. � �_ :,;� , �,;1," � �. v`\ °,` �; , ' _ . . . . . �r, r(. � �l� � ��"� � � . . . � � . . . . ��� � � � � . - � . . . - . � r . . / : � . ' � /✓'-'-f-; ' , ' l -- f%t r�i��- _ 1 i i _ . �A d'1 - �� � �. ;��r �) , � %.-- �� �s"i J =: , '`' C-`� '`--� ~�� - + � ` � - �- � �I� .. � _ �--.� r'1 ��;-, � �`�� . . - � � ��/.��j f ;�v P 1 � ,,? :_.- - 1 �a�-. � ;`� .: � /��. . 2 , ��_�,( � , � . � .3/22/85 [REVISOR J CEL/JA HA8 -225 / �� ��C�?/y�-, � (.J t(�✓�✓lQ� ��`l � o�►� t �a v f C�-�-�i��v, (,� 1 . . . . . . . mov s to amend H. F. No. 880, as follows: 2 Delete every hing after the enacting clause and in ert: 3 "Secti n 1. [CONFLICTS. ] 4 Sectio s 1 a d 2 supersede conflicting provisions f the ------ ----- ------------------------------------- ----- 5 charter of he ci y of St. Paul and other law. ----------- ----- ---------------------------- 6 Sec . 2 . [ET ICS IN GOVERNMENT. J 7 Subdiv' sion . ( STATE LAW APPLICABLE. ] Persons se king ------ ----- - ---------- ---- 8 nomination r ele tion to the offices of mayor or city ouncil ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- ------ 9 member in t e cit of St. Paul are "candidates" within e ----------- ----- ---------------------------------------- 10 meaning of innes ta Statutes, section 10A. 01, subdivision 5 . ----------------- ------------------------------------------- 11 Minnesota S atute , sections 10A. 01, 10A. 11 to 10A.24, 10A.265 ----------------- -------------------------------------------- 12 to 10A.29, a d 10 . 34 apply to those candidates and their ------------ ---- --------------------------------------- 13. election ca aign , unless application of a provision is clearly ------------ ---- ---------------------------------------------- 14 impossible. 15 Subd. 2 . [A CEPTANCE OF CONTRIBUTIONS. ] For the pu pose of ------- ---------- ------- 16 Minnesota St tute , section 10A. 27, the limit on contrib tions ------------ ------------------------------------------- ----- 17 accepted by can idate for mayor of St. Paul is $6, 000 ' n an ------------ ------------------------------------------- ---- 18 election yea for the office sought and $1, 200 in other ears, ------------ ------------------------------------------- ----- 19 and the limi for a candidate for city council member is $2, 000 ------------ ----- ------------------------------------- ------ 20 in an electi n yea for the office sought and $400 in ot er ------------ ----- ------------------------------------- -- 21 years. . 22 Subd. 3 [CA PAIGN EXPENDITURES. ] ( a) In a year in which ------- ---------------- ----- 23 an election s hel for an office sought by a candidate, no ------------ ----- ------------------------------------- -- 24 expenditures may b made by the principal campaign commi tee of -----------,- ----- ------------------------------------- ------ 1 . ��� y�� _ - - � 3/22/85 [REVISOR ] CEL/JA HA85 225 1 that candid e, n r any approved expenditures made on be alf of ----------------- -------------------------------------- ------ 2 that candid e wh' ch expenditures and approved expenditu es ----------------- -------------------------------------- -- 3 result in a aggr gate amount in excess of the following: ----------------- -------------------------------------- 4 (1) fo mayo of the city of St. Paul, $60, 000; � ------------ ---------------------------------- 5 (2) fo memb r of the St. Paul city council, $20, 00 . ------------ -------------------------------------- - 6 (b) Th limi s in paragraph (a) do not apply to an ------------ ------------------------------------- 7 expenditure or ap roved expenditure made or advance of c edit ----------------- -------------------------------------- ---- 8 incurred be ore t e effective date of this section unles the ----------------- -------------------------------------- ---- 9 goods or se ices for which they were made or incurred a e ----------------- -------------------------------------- - 10 consumed or sed iter the effective date of this sectio . ----------- ----- -------------------------------------- - 11 (c) No iths anding the limits in paragraph ( a) , th ' - ------ ----- --------------------------------------- 12 winning can idate in a contested race in a primary who r ceives ----------- ----- --------------------------------------------- 13 less than t ice a many votes as any one of his opponen s in ----------- ----- ------------------------------------------ 14 that primar may ake aggregate expenditures and approve ----------- ----- --------------------------------------- 15 expenditure equa to 120 percent of the applicable amo t in ----------- ----- ------------------------------------------- 16 paragraph ( ) . 17 (d) In any y ar following an election year for the office ------ ----- -------------------------------------------- 18 held or sou ht, t e aggregate amount of expenditures by and ----------- ----- ----------------------------------------- 19 approved ex endit res on behalf of a candidate for or h lder of ----------- ----- --------------------------------------------- 20 that office may n t exceed 20 percent of the expenditur limit ----------- ----- -------------------------------------------- 21 set in para raph a) . ----------- ----- --- 22 (e) Th expe diture limits imposed by this subdivi ion ------ ----- ------------------------------------- --- 23 apply only o can idates who agree to be bound by the limits as ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- ------- 24 a condition of re eiving a public subsidy for their cam aigns ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- ----- 25 pursuant to subdi ision 4. ----------- ----- -------- 26 Subd. [C TY ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN FUND. J The city of St. -�---- - -------- ------ 27 Paul shall stabl sh a city elections campaign fund con isting � ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- ------ 28 of all reve ues r sulting from the city' s hotel and mot 1 ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- - 29 lodging tax. The money in the city elections campaign und ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- --- 30 shall be di tribu ed to candidates in the municipal gen ral ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- --- 31 election fo elec ion to city offices in the same manne to the ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- ------- 32 extent poss 'ble, s the state elections campaign fund i ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- 33 distributed pursu nt to Minnesota Statutes, section 10A. 31, ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- --- 34 except that there are no party accounts because the ele tions ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- ----- 35 are nonpart' san, nd the money must be distributed so t at ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- -- 36 two-thirds f it oes to the candidates for the office f city ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- --�-e-- 2 . � �S- ��.� _, � ;° � � 3/22/85 [REVISOR ] CEL/JA HP,85 225 1 council me er an one-third goes to candidates for the ffice ----------- ----- -------------------------------------- ----- 2 of mayor. � 3 Sec . 3 . [ SC OOL DISTRICT ELECTIONS. ] 4 Notwit stand ng other law to the contrary, candidat s for ------ ----- -------------------------------------- ----- 5 election to the b ard of independent school district No. 625, St. ---=------- ----- -------------------------------------- -------- 6 Paul, are " andid tes" within the meaning of Minnesota S atutes, ----------- ----- -------------------------------------- ------- 7 section l0A Ol, s bdivision 5, for the purposes of the ----------- ----- ------------------------------------ 8 application of Mi nesota Statutes, sections 10A.01, 10A. 11 to ----------- ----- ------------------------------------------- 9 10A.24, l0A 265, OA.29, and 10A. 34. ----------- ----- ------------------ 10 Sec. 4 [EF ECTIVE DATE. ] 11 Sectio s 1 a d 2 are effective upon compliance wit � - ------ ----- ------------------------------------- 12 Minnesota S atute , section 645 .021, subdivision 3, by he ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- -- 13 governing b dy of the city of St. Paul. ----------- ----- --------------------- 14 Sectio 3 is effective upon compliance with Minnes ta ------ ----- ------------------------------------- -- 15 Statutes, s ction 645 . 021, subdivision 3, by the govern' ng body ----------- ------------------------------------------- ------- 16 of independ nt sc ool district No. 625, St. Paul. " ----------- ------------------------------------- 17 18 Delete the itle and insert: 19 "A bill for an act 20 relati g to the city of St. Paul; applying portion of 21 the s ate e hical practices law to candidates in c ty 22 and s ool oard elections; creating a city electi ns 23 campa' gn fu d; limiting certain campaign expenditu es 24 and c ntrib tions. " 3