85-424 GTY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FIL NO. ur� ��" PRELIMINARY OR ER BY ' , � File No.5-11258, S-11259, S-11266, S-11267, S-11268, S-11269, S-11270 S-11271 S-11272, and S-11273 VotHp In the Matter of ,sidewa k cons ruction and/or reconstruction where necessary t M�s�'d tike �oll ina 1 e�tloss: 2 S-11258 Eaat sid S. Ro ert Street from E. Winona Street to south 90 f et 2 5-11259 West sid Toron o Street from Palace Avenue to Jefferson Avenu 2 S-11266 North si e Anna olis Street from Hall Avenue to Stryker Avenue 1 S-11267 South s e Cent al Avenue from Milton Street to Chatsworth Str et at 942 a d 954 entral Avenue only 2 S-11268 East sid Elean r Avenue from W. Seventh �Street (Fort Road) to north 11 feet. 7 S-11269 Both sid s Eucl d Street from White Bear Avenue to west 230 fe t (NEW CO TRUCTI N AND RECONSTRUCTION) 2 S-11270 Southeast side ort Road (West Seventh Street) from Mercer Str et to Victoria Street. 5 S-11271 North s e E. I wa Avenue at 487 and 49I and 495 E. Iowa Avenu only 7 S-11272 South s e Marg ret Street west from Ruth Street at 1980 and 1 60 Margare Street 7 S-11273 South s e E. T ird Street from Hazel Street to east 200 feet. 2. That a public hearing be ad on sai improvement on the 25th day of A ril 1 8 ,at 10:00 dclock a.m., in e Council hambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Sa' t Paul. 3. That notice of said publ c hearing e given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,sta ng the time and place of hearin ,the natur of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date MAR 2 � 1 85 Yeas Nays Drew Certifie assed by Council Secr tary Masanz � Nicosia ln Favor St��'tbcl � Soanen Against Tedesco rAR 2 � 1�85 May°r �,�;.n PuaL�s�� a�� 6 � �_98�