85-421 � WHITE -J.TV CLERK �
CANARV - DEV�ARtMENT File NO. v� `�/
' ou�c�l solution
4 �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee B Date
BE IT SOL D, that the Council of the City of Sain Paul
hereby certif'es an approves the action of the City of Sai t Paul
Board of Appe ls an Review pertaining to the following lis ed
property and s sho n by the excerpted minutes of said Boar of
Appeals and R view, dated March 12, 1985 and marked EXHIBIT A, and
attached here o and made a part hereof by reference:
3-12-85 8- 5-H 1599 St. Anthony Phillip Snyde
BOARD ACTION: Gran ed a variance allowing for one stairwel enclosure
instead of the required two by City code.
Property Descr'ption; Milham Park, Ramsey County, Minnesot
except the west 4 .17 feet, lot 27,
Block 1
---- --------------------------�----------
3-12-85 11- 5-H 628-630 Igenc�ota Raymond I�i. Ap el
BOARD ACTION: Grant d a permanent variance on shared bathr om facilities
to allow use o two athrooms by five units .
Pro ert Descr tion Dana and Humes Subdivision
Block 98, Lot 7
---- ------------------------------------
3-12-85 13�� 5�H 1012 Marshall Ave. Robert A. Hu t, Sr.
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Drew [n Favor
scnetbei __ Against BY
Form Ap oved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ��1.-...-F�
C •e�
Certified Passed by Council Secr ary BY ��
A�pp e by (Vlavor: Dat � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co ncil
B - By
' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee B Date
BOARD ACTION: Grant d variance to allow two apartments on ne floor
to share the b th.
Granted a vari nce t consider the basement and the first fl or (owner
occupied) as o e liv ng unit.
Granted a vari nce o ceiling height and light and ventilati n in third
floor apartmen , on ondition mechanical ventilation be inst lled in
the kitchen an a le al stairway from third floor be install d.
Pro ert Descr' tion: Rogers Addition to St. Paul
except Avenue, Lot 8, Block l.
and be it
FURTHER SOL D, that upon passage of this resolutio , the
City Clerk is h reby uthorized and directed to transmit a c py of
this resolution for r cording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register
of Deeds.
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�FlaioMe� �cHJ�ti�
°'ew In Favor
Sei+sibeF- __ A gai n s t BY
R 2� �9a5 Form App ved by Cit Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified s•e Council S ret By �
t#p by iVlavor: Date �R Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil
PUBU E� A K � 1985
�� tf�� « ft
_ ,-. 8-85-H . :5��_. t... AnthonX Ph i 1 1 i p Snycier �- `
--�-_��� :
SUBJECT Req est ariance from code requirement for s airweli
enclosures, s app llant would like to use onl y one doo r o n e a c h
APPEARANCE Ph i 1 1 i p Snyder -..,�.,,,
PROCEEDINGS M . S yder said the request is for a varian e from
fire doors . 11 o her requests by the city have been me , Mr.
S�yder stated. Th y have also met ali the qualifications of the �-�...
Fire Departme t an everything else from the Buildin Code
Department. e sai the building is in top condition. ecause
the hallways a e so arrow, putting doors at both ends would make
it dark and ha ardou for the tenants, therefore he would like a
variance to al ow on y one door.
Alice Bijjani , repr senting the city, stated with his pla there
would be four dditi nal doors on the first and second flo r and
the two stai s wou d be separated from each other. She would
have no ob,jection to granting this variance.
BOARD ACTION Ron Glassman moved to grant the variance allowing
for one stair 11 e closure instead of two as required by city
code. Rosann B stro seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
THE VOTE Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 ,
1 1-8.5-H 28-63 -�Mendota � Raymond H. Appe 1 �
SUBJECT Reque t th t the variance granted at the Novembe 10,
1981 meeting f the Board of Appeats which allowed use o two
bathrooms to e sh red by five units, be transferred to .a
prospective bu er wh would then becorne the new owner, a the �
cost to provide addit onal bathrooms would be substantial .
APPEARANCE Ray ond H Appe)
PROCEEDINGS Mr. App 1 addressed the board and .said the va iance
was granted in 1981 f r as long as he owned the building. He is
now trying to sell nd has a buyer and would like the va iance
transferred to t e ne owner. He said it would cost $12, 0 0 and
that would have o be passed on to the tenants who are 1•ow income
people. General y, h stated, single people occupy the units and
they have had n pro lem renting them as there is a demand for
. this type of ren al pr perty.
Alice BiS,�ani s id sh always feels this is a good time to make
improvements whe a pr perty is being sold, but in this cas she
said there is reall not a good place to put a bathroom and
everything else s in rder on the property. She would lik the
action of the bo rd to be noted on the .abstract. �
BOARD ACTION Glenn G usman moved to make the November 10, 1981 �
variance a per anent variance. Rosann Bostrom seconded the �
motion. MOTION ARRIE . •
THE VOTE Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 �
. ;
. . . . � �.�=yal
. �
13-85-H 1012 Marshall Ave. Robert A. H nt, Sr.
SUBJECT Re uest ariance from St. Paul Legislative Cod , Section
34. 13, per ainin to escape windows in basernent apartm nt; code
requiring bath oom in the first floor unit, and to rovide a
bathroom w thin the second floor south unit. Aiso request
variance p rtain ng to illegal wiring and height of attic unit,
because of inanc al difficulty.
APPEARANCE Rober A. Hunt, Sr.
PROCEEDINGS Mr. Hunt said ttie building has four units; it was
never defi ed in his abstract how many units. He stat d he is
prepared to put a new roof on the house and thought tha was all
it needed, now h reads a list of 33 items. He bought it for a
retirernent situa ion and does not have a lot of money. He said
the first loor nd basement are one unit which he and is wife
use. The aseme t has not ever been rented out. He d es sleep
in the base ent, ut there is no kitchen or cooking ther .
Alice Bijj i s id Carolyn Shepard inspected and f und the
general main enan e of the building to be good -- it is egal for
four units. Th third floor has several violations, ceiling
height, the two nits on second floor share one bath, and
the first loor and cellar share a bath, but have their own
BOARD ACTIO Ron Glassman moved that a variance be gr nted to
allow two ap rtmen s on the second floor to share the ba h. Bill
Tilton secon ed th motion. MOTION CARRIED.
THE VOTE Ay s 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
FURTHER ACT ON B' ll Tilton moved to consider the baseme t and
the first fl or as one unit. Glenn Gausman seconded the motion.
FURTHER PROC EDING The third floor pertaining to the low
ceilings and viola ions of the fire exit code was discuss d next.
The one stai way d es not meet code and there is not a se ond one.
Alice Bij,�an sugg sted, in regard to the matters on the third floor,
that the boa d gra t Mr. Hunt additional time to come up with a plan
for somethin to c rrect the third floor violations.
BOARD ACTIO Bi 1 Tilton moved to grant a variance on the
ceiling heig t, a d the light and ventilation, on condit on that
he put mec anical ventilation in the kitchen and ake an
appropriate legal tairway. Rosann Bostrom seconded the motion.
THE VOTE Ay s 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
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�'� Cou ty of RamsL�y ) ss.
Albert B. Olson .
, . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerlc of the
City f Sai:nt Paul, Aiinnesota, do hereby cert3_fy tila I have
� 85-4 1
� corapazed tl:e attactted copy of Council F3_le �To. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
� as adc ted by t}ie C3_ty Council . . March. 26:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.85. . .
� and ap roti�UU by the �Iayor. . . . . March. 28:. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.85. . .
�„ with t a original thereoz on file in my office.
I further certify tli•at said copy is a true and c rrect copy
cf sa:i orig�nal_ aad ttie cahole thereaf.
t•1� r!'t'ESS n� hard an�'� the seaJ. or the C.i*y of Sair. �aul,
Minnes ra tl�is . , . . . lOth . . . . d�y of . . . April. . . . . . . . .A.D. 19. 85.
, City Clerk. • • � • • . . .
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-'17E. - CITY CLEF2K . '
±.��A�� _-���A7TMENT• ITY �pF S�� INT �,ALTL Council p ,/
,...,F k:- M A�:� File N 0. 4.�` �`��
� 01�11�CZ� SO ZZl tZO�'l
�resented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out ot Committee By Date
BE IT SOL D, that the Council of the City of Sai t Paul
hereby certifi s an approves the action of the City of Sai t Paul
Board of Appe ls an Review pertaining to the following listed
property and a sho by the excerpted minutes of said Boa of
Appeals and Re iew, ated March 12, 1985 and marked EXHIBIT A, and
attached heret and ade a part hereof by reference:
3-12-85 8-8 -H 1599 St. Anthony Phillip Snyde
� BOARD ACTION: Grant d a variance allowing for one stairwel enclosure
� instead of the requi ed two by City code.
� Propert Descr ption Milham Park, Ramsey County, Minnesot
�; except the west 4 .17 feet, lot 27,
�. Block 1 -
3-12-85 11- 5-H 628-630 I�Zendota Rayraond ��. Ap el
BOARD ACTION: Grant d a permanent variance on shared bathr om facilities
to allow use o two athrooms by five units .
Pro ert Descr' tion: Dana and Humes Subdivision
Block 98, Lot 7
3-12-8� 13 �s5--H 1012 Marshall Ave. Robert A. H t, Sr.
4'eas Nays Requested by Department of:
o�8w In Favor
Masanz -
scnetbe� Against BY
Form Ap oved by City Attorney
T�dopted by Council: Date �
C � � �
Cer,ified Yasset3 by Councii Secret ry By �—�•---�� /�
��ppi ved by IVlavor: Dat ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co ncil
g�� �, �'�-i, � gy
l� �
•-�ITE. — �� =�-EHK
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__ ✓:,':�,'�7cGnRTMEN� - ITY O�' SAINT ��AUL F1eci1N0. �-s_ ���
-,.,.- - MaVOR
,. , C r
" Council �Zesolutio� �
�resented By
Referred To Committee: Date"
Out of Committee B Date
BOARD ACTION: Grant d variance to allow two apartments on ne floor
� to share the b th.
� Granted a vari nce t consider the basement and the first t oor (owner
� occupied) as o e liv'ng unit. �
1.� �
�}' Granted a vari nce o ceiling height and li.ght and .ventilat'on in third
�; floor apartmen , on ondition mechanical ven•tilation b� ins alled in
the kitchen an a le al stairway from third floor be. ,instal ed.
Propert Descr' tion: Rogers Addition to St. Paul
except Avenue, Lot 8, � Block 1.
and be it �
FURTHER RESOL ED, that upon passage of this resoluti n, the
City Clerk is ereby authorized and directed to transmit a opy of
this resolutio for ecording to the Ramsey County Office o the Register
of Deeds_._ _
Requested by Department of:
4'eas Nays
'FiaieMe� �',rJ�,'�Jy�
I�rew [❑ FSVOf
sz�e�e+- _ Against BY
. reassco
1 iHR 2� �9�� Form App ved by Cit Attorney
Adopted b}� Council: Dat
Certified s•e Council S et BY �
B� �
:�ppwyec,' by �tavor: Date —
7'�xj{ `' ;Q � Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to ouncil
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