85-419 WHITE - GTV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE T COUI1CIl /� CANqRV - DEPARTMENT 1 TY OF SA I NT PAUL File NO• � �/ � BLUE - MAVOR � ou cil �e olu ion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED that he Saint Paul City Council hereby approves and consents to the reappoin ments, made by the Mayor, of the three named persons o serve as members of t e Exam ning Board for Truth-in-Housing Evaluators: Susan J hnson, citizen member representing the general public• _ Michael Medina representing the architectural or engineering professions; Steven oy, re resenting the Code Enforcement . These three-ye terms will expire on March 25, 1988. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ����u��'Gti� Drew [n Favor Masanz Nfcosia s.�siba� __ A ga i n s t BY Tedesco 1AE11aen� � 2 � '��8�j Form Ap y C'ty At rney Adopted by Council: Dat � Certified . e Council e BY ` gy, t#pp v by �Vlavor. Date 1'IHR S Appr y Mayoc for Sub� ' � Eouncil By B Pt1 �st�� APK 6 1985 �. ` I �-- � �'�_ �i�' �{��tr o.� � �I'1�Y Ob� SA3NT PAUL �. �' ', OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �O ` M � r3�,���;,, � ,,_i� �t n � +p �o 347 CITY HALL �Y6• SAINT PAUL, h1INNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 _ MAYOR TO: C uncil President Victor Tedesco and ember of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: M yor G orge Latimer� � DATE: M rch 1 , 1985 RE: A POINT ENTS TO THE EXAMINING BOARD OR TR TH-IN-HOUSING EVALUATORS I am ask ng fo your consideration and approval of the atta hed c uncil resolution reappointing Steven R y, Mi hael Medina, and Susan Johnson to serve as membe s of the Examining Board for the Truth-in Housi g Evaluators. Thank yo . GL/lm � attachme ts i �ae