85-404 WH17E - CITY CLERK
Council Resolution
Presented By ��-�
� ^
YReferred To � �� Committee: Date � ���
Out of Committee B Date
RESOLVED, t t the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves and atifies
the attached 198 -1985 ntracts between the Independent School Distric No. 625
and the Tri-Coun il, Lo a1s49, 120, and 132, representing Equipment Ope ators,
Driver-Operation and L rers, and the Saint Paul Manual & Maintenance Supervisors'
Margaret S ler, Chair
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �.�r ��
In Favor
scneibe� __ Against BY
AR 2 � 1985 Form rov by t m
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified P•. ed by Co cil Sec etary • BY
t�ppro IVlavor: Date �R 21 1985 Appr by Mayor for Submi �on uncil
By By
Pt! IS�tE�D Pti?i`�il 3 Q 1���
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1984 - 1985
Th�s Memora dum of Agreement is by and between Independent School istrict
No. 625 and the Tr -Council bargaining unit, represented bq Local 9, Local
120, and Lo al 132 In full settlement of the 1984-1985 negotiati ns, the
parties her to hav agreed as follows:
1. Except as her in modified, the signed 1984-1985 Collective B gaining
Agreem nt be een the parties shall be the basis of the fort oming
labor greeme t.
2. Articl 9: A ticle 9.1 through 9.9 shall be replaced with A ticle 9.1
throug 9.9 a tached hereto and made a part hereof.
It is unde tood t t the above settlement shall be recommended b the
School Boa Negot ator, but is subject to the approval of the Bo rd of
IN WI�SS EREOF . the parties hereto have affixed their signatu es this
oJ/ — aq of anuarq, 1985.
Negotia or Tri-Council Presi ent and Business
Representative, Local 120
Chairman, oard o Education B ' �ss Representative, ocal 49
- !�-
Busine s Representative, ocal 132
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9.1 The EMPLO will continue for the period of this Agreeme to pronide
for 1�lPLO S such health and life insurance benefits as e provided
by LOYE at the time of ,execution of this Agreement.
9.2 Th E1�L0 will for the period of this Agreement provid for
EMP OYEES ho retire after the time of execution of this reement and
uat 1 such EMPLOYEES reach sixty-five (65) years of age s ch health
ins rance enefits and life insurance benefits as are pro ided bq the
EMP OYER f r such E1�LOYEES.
9.3 Eff ctive anuarq 1, 1985, for each employee who retires uring the
te of th s AGREEMENT and is eligible for earlq retiree enefits
un r the erms set forth in this Article and who selects employee
ins rance overage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of
(;o��- �i' � su cover ge or $�18:62' per month, whichever is less. I
c�� ad tioa, or each eligible earlq retiree who selects dep ndeat's
j� in rance overage, the E[�LOYER will contribute the cost of such
�� ��c3 �'� de ndent' coverage or $29S:�A per month, whichever is 1 sg.
�;�� Ef ctive anuary, 1986, the dollar caps specified in thi Article
� 9. shall e adfusted to equal the January, 1986 premiwn ost for
L � th healt insurance glan offered to the City bp Blue Cro s-Blue
t�f Sh ld for early retirees.
In rder t be eligible for the benefits under the earlq etiree
pr ision, the employee must:
9. 1 Be r eiving benefits from a public emploqee retirem nt act.
9. 2 Have evered his/her relationship with the Citq of S int Paul
and dependent School District No. 625 under one of the early
reti e pl�as.
9. 3 Info the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Pau in writing
� with 60 days of employee's early retirement date t at he or she
wish to be eligible for earlp retiree insurance be efits.
9.4 Ef ectine une 1, 1984, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of
ho pitali tion and medical coverage or $60.$5 per month, whichever
am uat is lesa, for each employee who is eligible for suc coverage.
In additi , for each eligible emplopee who selects depea ent's
co erage, the F.MPLOYER will contribute one-ha1.f ('�) of th cost of
su h depe ent's coverage or $50.5$ per month, whichever mount is
le s. Th se contributions shall be paid to the II�LOYER' Group
He lth an Welfare Plan. Any increases in these costs s 11 be paid
bq the OYEL.
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Article IX Insuz ce (continued)
9.5 Effect ve Jan rq 1, 1985, for each eligible employee covered by
• this A RE selecting a health insurance program supplied o the
City, he II� YER shall pap the entire cost of such coverage or
$70.00 per mo h, whichever is less. For each emploqee selec ing
family covera , the E1�LOYER shall pay the entire cost of su h
family conera or 5180.00 per month, whichever is less.
9.6 The OYER ].1 attempt to prevent anq changes in the benef ts
offere by th Health Maintenance Organizations plans. Howev r,
employ es sel ting oae of the plans offered by one of the He lth
Mainte ce 0 anizations agree to accept any changes in bene its
which he spe ific Health Maiatenance Organization implem�nts The
Fee-fo -Servi health plan is understood to be the plan desi ated as
Altern te 5 b by Blue Cross-Blue Shield for January l, 1985
9.7 The LOYER rees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of life
insur ce con rage for each II�LOYEE who is eligible for such coverage
or $2. 7 per nth, whichever amount is less. This contribut on shall
be pai to th City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. Aay inc ease in
this c st sha 1 be paid bq the EN�LOYEE.. .
9.8 Aay loyee ving ten or more years of sernice with the EMP OYER who
become ill o injured so as to be uaable to continue working and has
exhaus ed all is sick leane and vacation shall be eligible f r
City-p id hea th and welfare benefits for a maximum of three ears.
9.9 Notwit stand g the benefits granted in this Article, the cos to the
F.MPLO for e insurance coverages in Articles 9.1 through .8 shall
be inc uded i the computatiaa of fringe benefit cost deducti ns
indica ed in pendix A.
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� 1985 - 8 '7
• And
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I Purp se of Agreement 1
II Reco nition 2
III Main enance of Standards 3
IV Empl ver Security 3
, V Empl yer Authority 3
VI Asso iation Security 4
• VII Empl yee Rights - Grievance Procedure 5
VIII Savi gs Clause $
IX Seni rity 9
X Disc pline 11
XI Cons itutional Protection 12
XII Over ime and Premiums 12
XIII Unif rms 13
XIV Vaca ion 13
XV Holi ays 14
• XVI Insu ance 15 -
XVII Mile ge - Independent School District No. 625 17
XVIII Seve ance Pay _ 18 .
XIX Work ng Out of �lassification - 20 -
XX Mate nity Leave 20 _
XXI No S rike, No Lockout 20
XXII Righ to Subcontract ' 20
XXIII Admi istrative Service Fee 21
XXIV Wage Schedule 22
� XXV Te of Agreement 28
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� �5- yc y
� 1. 1 This A EEMEN is entered into between Independent School District
No. 625 herei after called the EMPLOYER, and the City of S int Paul
Manual and Ma ntenance Supervisors' Association, hereinaft r called
the ASS CIATIO . -
1.11 As ure s und and mutually beneficial working and economic
re ations ips between the parties hereto;
1. 12 Es ablish procedures for the resolution of disputes oncerning
th s AGRE ENT'S interpretation and/or application; and
_ 1.13 P1 ce in written form the parties' agreement upon erms and
co dition of employment for the duration of this AGRE NT.
- 1.2 The EMP OYER a d the ASSOCIATION through this AGREEMENT shal continue
their edicat on to the highest quality public servic to the
reside s of he City of Saint Paul. Both parties recog ize this
AGRE T as a pledge of this dedication.
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• .
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2. 1 The EMPLOYER recognizes the ASSOCIATION as the exclusive �
representative, under the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of
1971 as amended, for all personnel in the following bargaining unit:
All manual maintenance supervisors in the classification of
Assistant Supervisor of Custodians, Bridge Foreman, Building
Maintenance Supervisor-Fire Department, Building Ma.intenance
Supervisor-Libraries, Building Maintenance Supervisor-Parks and
Recreation, Chief Meter Repairman, Civic Center Foreman,
Dispatcher I, District Foreman, Equipment Maintenance Foreman,
Field Supervisor, Fireman-Mechanic Foreman, Foreman-Water
Department, Forestry Supervisor I, Forestry Supervisor II, -
Greenskeeper, Maintenance Foreman-Water Department, Mechanic
Foreman-Municipal Garage, Mechanic Foreman-Water Department,
Painter-General Foreman, Park Foreman, Public Works Foreman I, •
Public Works Foreman II, Public Works Foreman III, Sanitation
Foreman, Sewer Foreman I, Sewer Foreman II, Sewer Foreman III,
Supervising Gardener, Supervisor of Custodian, Supervisor of
Garbage Collection, Supervisor of Lime Recovery Plant, Supervisor
of Pumping, Supervisor of School Ground Ma.intenance, Traffic
Maintenance Foreman I, Traffic Maintenance Foreman II, Water
Serviceman Foreman, Watershed Foreman I, Watershed Foreman II,
and Zoo Foreman who are employed for more than fourteen (14)
hours per week and more than one hundred (100) work days per year
by the City of St. Paul or who are under the control of the City
of Saint Paul in the setting of terms and conditions of �
employment, excluding all other employees.
2.2 In the event the EMPLOYER and the ASSOCIATION are unable to agree as
to the inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified �ob class, the
issue shall be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation Services for
determination. It is understood that this provision shall refer to
the Bureau of Mediation Services only such issues as it has
jurisdiction over by law.
2.3 The EMPLOYER shall not enter into any agreements covering terms and c
conditions of employment with the employees of the bargaining unit
under the jurisdiction of this AGREEMENT either individually or ,
collectively which in any way conflicts with the terms and conditions
of this AGREEMENT, except through the certified representative.
2.4 Neither the ASSOCIATION nor the EMPLOYER shall discriminate against
any employee because of ASSOCIATION membership or nonmembership, or
because of his race, color, sex, religion, national origin or
political opinion or affiliations.
2.5 All existing Civil Service Rules shall apply except those superseded
by this AGREEMENT.
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� 3. 1 The Cit agre s that all conditions of employment relating to wages,
hours o work, overtime differentials, vacations, and gener l working
conditi ns sh 11 be maintained at not less than the highes minimum
standar as se forth in the Civil Service Rules of the Cit of Saint
Paul a the sint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensati n at the
time o the signing of this AGREEMENT, and the cond tions of
employm nt s all be improved wherever� specific provi ions for
improve ent ar made elsewhere in this AGREEMENT.
� 4. 1 The AS OCIATI agrees that during the life of this AGREEME T it will
not ca se, en ourage, participate in or support any strike, slow-down
or oth r inte ruption of or interference with the normal fu ctions of
the OYER.
5. 1 The LOYER retains the sole right to operate and m nage all
� manpow r, fac lities, and equipment in accordance with appli able laws -
and re ulatio s of appropriate authorities.
5.2 Any te s and conditions of emploqment not specifically esta lished or
modifi d by t is AGREEMENT shall remain solely within the iscretion
of the EMPLOY R to modify, establish or eliminate.
5.3 The ex rcise y the EMPLOYER of, or its waiver of or its ailure to
exerci e its full right of management or decision on any matter or
occasi n, sha 1 not be a precedent or be binding on the LOYER nor
the s b�ect or basis of any grievance not admissibl in any
arbitr tion p oceeding. The EI�LOYER'S right of management shall not
_ be am nded r limited by any claimed or unwritten cu tom, past
practi e or nformal agreement nor by any claim the LOYER has
claime or c doned or tolerated any practice or any act r acts of
5.4 A publ'c II�L YER is not required to meet and negotiate on tters of
inhere t mana erial policy which include, but are not limit d to, such
areas of dis retion or policy as the functions and progr ms of the
II�IPLOY R, i s overall budget, utilization of techn logy and
organi ationa structure and selection and direction and number of
person el.
• �
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6. 1 The EMPLOYER shall deduct from the wages of the employees who �
authorize such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover
monthly ASSOCIATION dues. Such monies shall be remitted as directed
6.2 The ASSOCIATION may designate employees from the bargaining unit to
act as stewards and alternates and shall inform the EMPLOYER in
writing of such choices and of changes in the positions of stewards
and/or alternates. It is further understood that the number and
locations of stewards shall be limited and confined to numbers and
locations as are necessary and reasonable to administer the provisions
of this AGREEMENT. -
6.3 The EMPLOYER shall make space available on the employee bulletin board
for the posting of ASSOCIATION notice(s) and announcement(s) . '
6.4 The ASSOCIATION agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harmless
against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or
issued against the EMPLOYER as a result of any action taken or not
taken by the EMPLOYER under the provisions of this Article.
6.5 The EMPLOYER agrees that on the EMPLOYER'S premises and without loss
of pay the ASSOCIATION stewards shall be allowed to post official
ASSOCIATION notices of the designated representatives; transmit
communications authorized by the ASSOCIATION or its officers under the �
terms of this contract; consult with the EMPLOYER, his representative,
ASSOCIATION officers or the ASSOCIATION representative concerning the
enforcement of any provisions of this AGREEMENT, so long as such
action does not interfere with regular Employee duties and is
reasonable and necessary.
6.6 Stewards are authorized� to perform and discharge the duties and
responsibilities which are assigned to them under the terms of this
AGREEMENT and any supplementary AGREEMENTS. The EMPLOYER agrees that
there shall be no restraint, interference, coercion or discrimination _
against a steward because of the performance of such duties.
6.7 Any present or future employee who is not an ASSOCIATION member shall .
be required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by
the ASSOCIATION. Upon notification by the ASSOCIATION, the EMPLOYER
shall check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and
transmit the same to the ASSOCIATION. In no instance shall the
required contribution exceed a pro rata share of the specific expenses
incurred for services rendered by the representative in relationship
to negotiations and administration of grievance procedures. This
provision shall remain operative only so long as specifically provided
by Minnesota law and as otherwise legal. It is also understood that
the ASSOCIATION agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harmless
against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or
issued against the City as a result of any action taken or not taken
by the City under the provisions of this section. •
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� 7. 1 Defini ion of a Grievance - A grievance is defined as a ispute or
disagr ement s to the interpretation or application of th specific
terms nd con itions of this AGREEMENT.
7.2 Associ tion Representatives - The EMPLOYER will recognize
repres ntativ s designated by the ASSOCIATION as the grievance
repres ntativ s of the bargaining unit having the d ties and
respon ibilit es established by this Article. The ASSOCIA ION shall
notify the LOYER in writing of the names of such A SOCIATION
repres ntativ s and of their successors when so designated a provided
by 6.2 of thi AGREEMENT.
7.3 Proces in of a Grievance - It is recognized and accept d by the
ASSOCI TION a d the ErIPLOYER that the processing of gri vances as
- herein fter p ovided is limited by the �ob duties and respon ibilities
of the Emplo ees and shall therefore be accomplished dur ng normal
workin hour onlq when consistent with such Employee uties and
respon ibilit es. The aggrieved employee and an A SOCIATION
Repres ntativ shall be allowed a reasonable amount of ti e without
loss o pay hen a grievance is investigated and present d to the
EMPLOY R duri g normal working hours provided that the Em loyee and
the AS OCIATI N Representative have notified and received th approval
of the design ted supervisor who has determined that such bsence is
reason ble an would not be detrimental to the work progr ms of the
• 7.4 Proced re - G ievances, as defined by Section 7. 1, shall b resolved
in con ormanc with the following procedure:
Step 1. Employee claiming a violation conce ning the
interp etatio or application of this AGREEMENT shal , within
twenty one ( 1) calendar days after such alleged vio tion has
occurr d, pr sent such grievance to the Employee's sup rvisor as
design ted by the EMPLOYER.
The E loyer- esignated representative will discuss and giv an answer
to suc Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days aft receipt.
_ A gri ance ot resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step shall be
placed in wr ting, setting forth the nature of the grie ance, the
facts on wh ch it is based, the provision or provisio s of the
AGRE NT al egedly violated, the remedy requested, and shall be
appeal d to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days fter • the
EMPLOY R-desi nated Representative's final answer in Ste 1. Any
grieva ce not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the ASSOCIA ION within
ten (1 ) cale dar days shall be considered waived.
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Article VII - Employee Rights - Grievance Procedure (continued)
SteP 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the �
ASSOCIATION and discussed with the EMPLOYER-designated Step 2
representative. The EMPLOYER-designated representative shall give the
ASSOCIATION the EMPLOYER'S Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10)
calendar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not
resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within ten (10) calendar
days following the EMPLOYER-designated representative's final Step 2
answer. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the
ASSOCIATION within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived.
SteP 3. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the
ASSOCIATION and discussed with the EMPLOYER-designated Step 3 �
representative. The EMZ'LOYER-designated representative shall give the
ASSOCIATION the EMPLOYER'S answer in writing within ten (10) calendar
days after receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not resolved �
in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10) calendar days
following the EMPLOYER-designated representative's final answer in
Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the
ASSOCIATION within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived.
SteP 4. A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 by
the ASSOCIATION shall be submitted to arbitration subject to the
provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 as
amended. The sele.ction of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance
with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as �
established by the Public Employment Relations Board.
7.5 Arbitrator's Authority -
7.51 The arbitrator shall have no right. to amend, modify, nullify,
ignore, add to or subtract from the terms and conditions of this
AGREEMENT. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the
specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the EMPLOYER and the
ASSOCIATION and shall have no authority to make a decision on any
other issue not so submitted. _
7.52 The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary
to or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the -
application of laws, rules or regulations having the force and
effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in
writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or
the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later,
unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be
binding on both the EMPLOYER and the ASSOCIATION and shall be
based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of
the express terms of this AGREEMENT and to the facts of the
grievance presented.
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Article VII Empl ee Rights - Grievance Procedure (continued)
� 7.53 T e fee and expenses for the arbitrator's se ices and
p oceedi gs shall be borne equally by the EMPLOYE and the
A SOCIAT ON provided that each party shall be respo sible for
c pensa ing its own representatives and witnesses. If either
p rty de ires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause
s ch a r cord to be made, providing it pays for the r cord. If
b th par ies desire a verbatim record of the procee ings, the
c st sha 1 be shared equally.
7.6 Waiver - If a grievance is not presented within the time imits set
forth bove, t shall be considered "waived". If a grieva ce is not
. appeal d to he next step within the specified time lim t or any
agreed extens on thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis
of the EMPLO ER'S last answer. If the IIKPLOYER does not answer a
- grieva ce or n appeal thereof within the specified time 1 mits, the
ASSOCI TION m y elect to treat the grievance as denied at that step
and i ediate y appeal the grievance to the next step. The ime limit
in eac step may be extended by mutual written agreeme t of the
EMPLOY R and he ASSOCIATION in each step.
7.7 It is nderst od by the ASSOCIATION and the EMPLOYER that, i an issue
is det rmined by this grievance procedure, that issue shall not again
be sub itted for arbitration under the provision of the Rules and
Regula ions o Civil Service. It is further understood t at, if an
issue s subm tted and determined by the grievance procedure under the
Civil ervice Rules and Regulations, it shall not again be submitted -
for ar itrati n under the procedures set forth in this Artic e.
� �
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8. 1 This AGREEMENT is subject to the laws of the United States, the State �
of Minnesota. In the event any provision of this AGREEMENT shall be
held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from
whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the
time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisions
shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provision may be
renegotiated at the written request of either party. All other
provisions of this AGREEMENT shall continue in full force and effect.
� `�
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� 9. 1 Seniori y, for the purpose of this AGREEMENT, shall be d fined as
� 9. 11 "C ty Se iority" - The length of continuous reg lar and
pr bation ry service with the II�LOYER from the last date of
e loymen in any and all class titles.
9.12 "C ass S niority" - The length of continuous reg lar and
pr bation ry service with the II�IPLOYER from the date an employee
wa first certified and appointed to a class title c vered by
th s AGRE NT, it being further understood that class seniority
is confin d to the current class assignment held by an ployee.
9.2 Seniori y sha 1 terminate when an employee retires, resi s or is
dischar ed.
9.3 Seniori y sha 1 not accumulate during an unpaid leave of absence,
except hen s ch leave is granted for a period of less th n thirty
(30) c lendar days; is granted because of illness or i �ury; is
granted to a low an employee to accept an appointmen to the
unclass fied s rvice of the II�LOYER; or is granted to take n elected
or appo nted f 11-time position with the ASSOCIATION.
9.4 Subd. In he event it is determined by the ENIPLOYER t at it is
necessa •y to educe the work force, employees will be la d off by
� class itle w thin each division based on inverse length f "Class -
Seniori y". call from layoff shall be in inverse order f layoff,
except hat re all rights shall expire after one year of lay ff.
Subd. 2. In c ses where there are promotional series, such s Foreman
I, For nan II Foreman III, etc. , when the number of emp oyees in
these igher itles is to be reduced, employees who have eld lower
titles hich a e in this bargaining unit will be offered red ctions to
the hi hest o these titles to which class seniority would keep them
from be ng la off, before layoffs are made by any class ti le in any
' depart nt.
Subd. It s further understood that a laid-off employee hall have
the ri ht to lacement in any lower-paid class title, pro ided said
employ e has been previously certified and appointed in said
lower- id cl ss title. In such cases, the employee shall first be
placed on a r instatement register and shall have "Class eniority"
based n the ate originally certified and appointed to s id class.
Employ es may also apply for positions in a lower class but may,
nevert eless, return to original class as provided in Subd. . above.
9.5 To the exten possible, vacation periods shall be assign d on the
basis f "Cit Seniority", within each class, by division. It is,
howeve , unde stood that vacation assignments shall be subj ct to the
abilit of th EMPLOYER to maintain operations.
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Article IX - Seniority (continued)
. �
9.6 Promotions shall be handled in accordance with current Civil Service
Rules and practices.
9.7 The EMPLOYER shall post a seniority list at least once every six (6)
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� 10. 1 The PLOYER will discipline employees for just ca se only.
Discip ine wi 1 be in the form of:
a) 0 al rep imand;
b) W itten eprimand;
c) S spensi n;
d) R ductio ;
e) D scharg .
10.2 Suspen ions, eductions, and discharges will be in written f rm.
10.3 Employ es an the ASSOCIATION will receive copies o written
repri nds an notices of suspension and discharge.
. 10.4 Employ es ma examine all information in their EMPLOYER personnel
files that concerns work evaluations, commendatio and/or
discip inary ctions. Files may be examined at reasonable t mes under
the di ect su ervision of the EI�LOYER.
10.5 Discha ges wi 1 be preceded by a five- (5) day preliminary suspension
withou pay. During said period, the Employee and/or ASSOC ATION may
reques and shall be entitled to a meeting with th EMPLOYER
repres ntativ who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge.
During said five- (5) day period, the ENIPLOYER may ffirm the
suspen ion an discharge in accordance with Civil Service R les or may
� modify or wit draw same. . .
10.6 An e loyee to be questioned concerning an investi ation of
discip inary action shall have the right to request that an
ASSOCI TION R presentative be present.
10.7 Grieva ces re ating to this Article shall be processed in accordance
with e isting Civil Service procedures, except that oral d written
repri nds s 11 be taken up in Step 3 of the grievance procedure
under TICLE VII.
' - 11 -
11. 1 Employees shall have the rights granted to all citizens b_y the United �
States and Minnesota State Constitutions.
12. 1 Employees (with the exception of those covered in Section 12.2 hereof)
shall be paid one and one-half (l�g) times the regular rate of pay for
work performed in excess of the regular work day and/or the forty (40)
hour work week.
�2.2 Section 12. 1 hereof shall not be applicable to employees holding the
following administrative positions: Building Piaintenance �
Supervisor-Libraries; Building Maintenance Supervisor-Parks and
Recreation; Field Supervisor; Public Works Foreman III, Sewer Foreman
III; Supervisor of Custodial Services; Supervisor of Pumping;
Supervisor of Lime Recovery Plant. Employees in the above
classifications shall be paid straight time for work performed in
excess of the regular work day and/or the forty (40) hour work week.
12.3 An employee who is called back to work following the completion of his '
regular work day shall be guaranteed four (4) hours' pay at his
regular straight time rate. �
12.4 Ma�or holidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include the
following: New Year's Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day;
Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day. Minor holidays, for the purpose of
this Section, shall include the following: Washington's and Lincoln's
Birthday, Christopher Columbus Day, Veterans' Day. An employee
working a major holiday as defined herein shall receive time and
one-half (1'�) his regular rate of pay for all work performed on such
holiday, and an employee working a minor holiday as defined herein
shall receive straight time for such holiday work, it being understood .
that all payments for holiday work shall be in addition to regular
holiday pay.
12.5 An employee shall be compensated in either compensatory time off or
overtime payment in cash.
12.6 A night differential of five per cent (Sy) shall be provided to
employees who work night shifts as defined herein. A night shift will
be considered to be a regularly-assigned shift beginning earlier than
6 a.m. , or ending later than 6 p.m. , provided that at least five (5)
hours of said shift are worked between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.
It is further understood that in case of regularly-assigned shifts
beginning earlier than 6 a.m. or ending later than 6 p.m. which
involve less than five (5) l�ours of work, an employee shall be
eligible for the night differential only for the hours actually worked �
during night shift hours. �
- 12 -
��.�d'�= yo�
� 13. 1 The LOYER grees that if any employee is required to wea any kind
of uni orm or safety equipment as a condition of continued e ployment,
such u iform d/or equipment shall be furnished and maintai ed by the
EMPLOY R. It is, however, further understood that the LOYER'S
obliga ion t provide uniforms and/or safety equipment shall be
confin d to p esent practices and/or requirements of law.
13.2 Any un form safety equipment provided pursuant to thi Article,
damage in t e line of dutv, shall be replaced by the EMPLOYER,
provid d that said damage is not attributable to the neg igence or
other 'mprope act of the employee.
13.3 The LOYER grees to pay $10.00 toward the cost of eac pair of
safety shoes urchased by an Employee who is a member of his unit.
. The LOYER hall contribute for the cost of two pairs of shoes per
year a d sha 1 not be responsible for any additional cos for any
additi nal sh es thereafter. This reimbursement of $10.00 p r pair of
shoes hall e made only after investigation and approv 1 by the
immedi te sup rvisor of that employee. This $10.00 per pai of shoes
contri ution o be made by the EMPLOYER shall apply to those employees
who mu t wear protective shoes or boots for their employment
� . .
14. 1 In ea h cale dar year, each full-time employee shall granted
vacati n acco ding to the following schedule:
Yea s of Service Vacation Granted
0 - 5 years 10 days
6 y ars through 15 years 15 days
16 ears through 25 years 21 days
' 25 ears or more 22 days.
14.2 Employ es who work less than full time shall be granted vac tion on a
� pro ra a basi .
14.3 The he d of e department may permit an employee to carry over into
the fo lowing year up to ten days' vacation.
14.4 The ab ve pr isions of vacation shall be subject to Reso ution No.
6446, ection I, Subd. H.
- 13 -
15.1 Holidays Recognized and Observed - The following days shall be �
recognized and observed as paid holidays:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Day (effective 1986)
Presidents' Daq
Memorial Day
Independ'ence Day
Labor Daq
Columbus Day
Veterans' Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Daq
Two floating holidays. �
Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the holidays listed
above on which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays
listed above shall fall on Saturdaq, the preceding Friday shall be
observed as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above
shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be observed as the
15.2 The floating holidays set forth in Section 15. 1 above may be taken at
anq time during the contract year, subject to the approval of the
Department Head. of any employee.� �
15.3 Eligibility Requirements - In order to be eligible for a holiday with
pay, an employea s name must appear on the paqroll on any six working
days of the nine woricing days preceding the holiday or an employee's
name must appear on the payroll the last working day before the
holiday and on three other working days of the nine working aayg
preceding the holiday. In neither case shall the holiday be counted
as a working day for the purpose of this section. It is further
understood that neither temporarq, emergency nor other employees not .
heretofore eligible shall receive holiday pay. ��� y0�t �� �
pC.�.(, � �
'��� 15.4 In the case of Board of Education Employees, if/ Presidents' ay, �
�y, Columbus Day or Veterans' Day falls on a day when school is in
��i� session, the Employee shall work that day at straight time and another
day shall be designated as the holiday. Ttiis designated holiday shall
- be determined by agreement between the employee and the supervisor.
- 14 -
� 16. 1 The EMP OYER 11 continue for the period of this AGREEMENT o provide
for em loyees such health and life insurance benefits as ar provided
by the LOY at the time of execution of this AGREEMENT.
16.2 The LOYER will for the period of this AGREEMENT pr vide for
employ s who etire after the time of execution of this AGR EMENT and
until uch Em loyees reach sixty-five (65) years of age s ch health
insura ce ben fits as are provided by the EMPLOYER for such employees
and su h life insurance benefits as provided in this Article
16.3 Effect ve Jan ary 1, 1985, for each employee who retires uring the
. term o this AGREEMENT and is eligible for early retire benefits
under he te s set forth in this Article and who select employee
insura ce cov rage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the co t of such
� covera e or 7.06 per month, whichever is less. In add tion, for
each ligibl early retiree who selects dependent's insurance
covera e, the EMPLOYER will contribute the cost of such d pendent's
covera e or $ 03.86 per month, whichever is less. Effectiv January,
1986, the do lar caps specified in this Article, 16.3, shall be
ad�ust d to qual the January, 1986 premium cost for e health
insura ce pla offered to the City by Blue Cross-Blue Shield for early
retire s.
In or r to e eligible for the benefits under the ear y retiree
provis on, th employee must:
� 16.31 Be eceiving benefits from a public employee reti ment act.
16.32 Hav severed his/her relationship with the City of Saint
Pau under one of the early retiree plans.
16.33 Inf rm the Personnel Office of the City of Saint ul in
wri ing within 60 days of employee's early retir ment date
tha he or she wishes to be eligible for ear y retiree
ins rance benefits.
16.4 For e ch el gible employee covered by this AGREEMENT s lecting a
, health insura ce program supplied to the City, the EMPLOYE shall pay
the e tire c st of such coverage or $70.00 per month, wh chever is
less. For ea h employee selecting family coverage, the EMP OYER shall
pay t e enti e cost of such family coverage or $180.00 er month,
whiche er is ess.
16.5 The LOYER will attempt to prevent any changes in th benefits
offer by he Health Maintenance Organizations plan. However,
emplo es se ecting one of the plans offered by one of he Health
Maint ance rganizations agree to accept any changes i benefits
which the sp cific Health Maintenance Organization imple ents. The
Fee-f r-Servi ce Health Plan is understood to be the plan de ignated as
Alter ate S, id by Blue Cross-Blue Shield for January 1, 1 85.
- 15 -
Article XVI - Insurance (continued)
16.6 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of life
insurance coverage for each employee who is eligible for such �
coverage or $2.07 per month, whichever amount is less. Any
� increase in this life insurance premium shail be paid by the
16.7 In addition to the $5,000 life insurance coverage in 16.6, the
EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of additional life
coverage or 59C per thousand dollars of coverage per month,
whichever amount is less. The total amount of life insurance
coverage provided under this section and Section 16.6 for each
employee shall be equal to the employee's annual salary to the
nearest full thousand dollars. For the purpose of this section,
the employee's annual salary shall be based on the salary as of '
the beginning of a contract period. This contribution shall be
paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan.
- 16 -
���s- �o�
� 17. 1 Employe s of t e School District under policy adopted by th Board of
Educati n may be reimbursed for the use of their automo iles for
school busine s. To be eligible for such reimbursement, employees ___
must ceive authorization from the District Mileage Committee
utilizi g the ollowing plan:
P "A" effective with the adoption of this Agre ment, is
r mburse at the rate of 23� per mile. In addition, a maximum
a unt w ich can be paid per month is established by a estimate
f ishe by the employee and the employee's supervisor
. other onsideration for establishing the maximum amo nt can be
t exp rience of another working in the same o similar
p sition.
U der th s plan, it is necessary for the employee o keep a
r cord o each trip made.
- 17 -
18. 1 EMPLOYEES shall be eligible for severance pay in accordance with the . �
School District's Severance Pay Plan. The amount of severance pay
allowed shall be that amount permitted by state statutes subject to
. the provision that the maximum amount allowed shall be $4,000. or as �
established by Section 15.2 of this Article.
18.2 Severance Pay: Provisions effective December 31, 1984. The Employer
shall provide a severance pay program as set forth in this Section:
18.21 To be eligible for the severance pay program, an employee
must meet the following requirements:
18.21.1 The employee must be 58 years of age or older or
must be eligible for pension under the "rule of
90" or the "rule of 85" provisions of the Public '
Employees Retirement Association (PERA) .
18.21.2 The employee must be voluntarily separated from
School District employment or have been subject to
separation by layoff or compulsory retirement.
Those employees who are discharged for cause,
misconduct, inefficiency, incompetency or any
• other disciplinary reason are not eligible for
this severance pay program.
18.21.3 The emploqee must have at least ten (10) years of S
consecutive service under the classified or
unclassified Civil Service at the time of
separation. For the purpose of this Article,
employment in either the City of Saint Paul or in
Independent School District No. 625 may be used in
meeting this ten- (10) year service requirement.
18.21.4 The employee must file a waiver of re-employment
with the Director of Personnel, which will clearly ,
indicate that by requesting severance pay, the
employee waives all claims to reinstatement or
re-employment (of any type) with the City of Saint .
Paul or with Independent School District No. 625.
18.21.5 The employee must have accumulated a minimum of
sixty (60) days of sick leave credits at the time
of his separation from service.
18.22 If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee
meets the eligibility requirements set forth above, he or
she will be granted severance pay in an amount equal to
one-half of the daily rate of pay for the position held by
the employee on the date of separation for each day of
accrued sick leave subject to a maximum of 200 accrued sick
. leave days. •
- 18 -
�`��5 - �
Article XVII - Sev rance Pay (continued)
� 18.23 The aximum amount of money that any employee may tain
thro gh this severance pay program is $6,500.
18.24 For he purpose of this severance pay program, a d ath of an
empl yee shall be considered as separation of ployment
and, if the employee would have met all of the re irements
set orth above at the time of his or her death, ayment of
the severance pay may be made to the employee's state or
spou e.
18.25 For he purpose of this severance pay program, a t ansfer
. fron Independent School District No. 625 employme t to City
of aint Paul employment is not considered a sep ration of -
empl yment, and such transferee shall not be el ible for
• this severance program.
18.26 The anner of payment of such severance pay shall e made in
acc dance with the provisions of the School District
Sev rance Pay Plan already in existence.
18.27 Thi severance pay program shall be subject to and governed
by he provisions of the original School District Severance
Pay Plan (which allows $4,000 maximum payment) except in
tho e cases where the specific provisions of th s section
. con lict with said Severance Pay Plan and in such ases, the
'• pro isions of this section shall control. � •
18.28 Any employee hired prior to December 31, 1984 may, in any
eve t, and upon meeting the qualifications of th s section
or he original School District Basic Severance Pay Plan
(wh ch allows $4,000 maximum payment) , draw seve ance pay.
How ver, an election by the employee to draw sev rance pay
und r either this section or the basic Schoo District
Sev rance Pay Plan shall constitute a bar to receiving
sev rance paq from the other. Anq employee h red after
� Dec mber 31, 1984 shall be entitled only to the b nefits of
thi section upon meeting the qualifications here .
18.29 An mployee of Independent School District No. 62 shall not
be ligible for the severance pay provision of t is section
if uch employee is also eligible and a recipien of Early
Ret rement Incentive payment under the Memorandum of Agree-
men with the exclusive representative dated N vember 7,
198 .
- 19 -
19.1 Any employee working an out-of-class a�ssignment for a period in excess �
of fifteen (15) working days during any fiscal year of EMPLOYER shall
receive the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a higher
classification not later than the sixteenth day of such assignment.
For purposes of this Article, an out-of-class assignment is defined as
the full-time performance of all of the significant duties and
responsibilities of a classification by an individual in another
classification. For the purpose of this Article, the rate of pay for
an out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the employee would
receive if he were promoted to the higher classification.
20. 1 Maternity is defined as the physical state of pregnancy of an
employee, commencing eight (8) months before the estimated date of
childbirth, as determined by a physician, and ending six (6) months
after the date of such birth. In the event of an employee's
pregnancy, the employee may apply for leave without pay at any time
during the period stated above and the employer may approve such leave
at its option, and such leave may be no longer than one (1) year.
21. 1 The ASSOCIATION and the EMPLOYER agree that there shall be no strikes,
work stoppages, slow-downs, sit-down, stay in or other considered
interference with the EMPLOYER'S business or affairs by the
ASSOCIATION and/or the members thereof, and there shall be no
bannering during the existence of this AGREEMENT without first using
all possible means of peaceful settlement of any controversy that may ,
22. 1 The EMPLOYER may, at any time during the duration of this AGREEMENT,
contract out work done by the employees covered by this AGREEMENT. In
the event that such contracting would result in reduction of the work
force covered by this AGREEMENT, the EMPLOYER shall give the
ASSOCIATION a ninety (90) calendar day notice of the intention to
- 20 -
� 23. 1 The AS CIATI agrees that an administrative service fee of fifty
cents ( .50) er member per month shall be deducted by the EMPLOYER
from th amoun withheld for dues or fair share prior to rem ttance of
dues or fair s are to the ASSOCIATION.
. .
• .
- 21 -
The wage schedule for purposes of this AGREEMENT shall be as follows: �
Effective January 5, 1985:
UNGRADED (Hourly Rates)
Assistant Supervisor of Custodians $14.12
Dispatcher I (paid out of grade) 14.02
Custodial Supervisor - Civic Center 13.01
Painter - General Foreman 17.69
0-6 mos. after 6 mos.
Civic Center Foreman $11.75 $12.27
Custodian-Engineer (Public Safety Bldg.) 14. 14 14.66 •
GRADED (Biweekly Rates) '
Sanitation Foreman
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
S1,109.76 $1,140.95
Chief Meter Repairman
Forestry Supervisor I
Park Maintenance Supervisor _ •
Public Works Foreman I
Sewer Foreman I
Supervising Gardener
Traffic Maintenance Foreman I
Water Service Foreman
Water Shed Foreman I
Zoo Foreman
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$1,176.60 $1,208.54 �
Bridge Maintenance Supervisor
Building Maintenance Supervisor - Libraries �
Equipment Maintenance Foreman
Foreman - Water Department
Forestry Supervisor II
Grounds and Labor Coordinator
Public Works Foreman II
Sewer Foreman II
Supervisor of Garbage Collection
Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor
Water Shed Foreman II
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos. •
51,241.96 $1 ,277.62
• - 22 -
Article XXI - Wage Schedule (continued)
� Effect e Janu ry 5, 1985:
GRADED (Biweekly Rates)
S erviso of Lime Recoverq
S ervis of Water Production Maintenance
T ffic intenance Foreman II
lst 6 os. after 6 mos.
$1,314.78 $1,354.87
, P lic W ks Foreman III
S er Fo eman III
lst 6 os. after 6 mos.
$1,354.87 $1,393.50
B ilding intenance Supervisor - Fire
S pervis r of Pumping
lst 6 os. after 6 mos.
$1,431.38 $1,472.97
• F eld Su ervisor -
lst 6 os. after 6 mos.
$1,475.23 $1,519.04
B ilding intenance Supervisor - Parks and Rec.
S pervis r of Custodial Services
lst 6 os. after 6 mos.
' $1,519.77 $1,565.08
S art 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years
$ 1.56 $12. 14 $12.74 $13.38 � $14. 10
� The above anuary 5, 1985 rates represent a four and one-half per cent
(4�%) incre se ove the January 7. 1984 rates.
- 23 -
Article XXIV - Wage Schedule (continued)
The wage schedule for purposes of this contract shall be as follows: �
Effective January 4, 1986:
UNGRADED (Hourly Rates)
Assistant Supervisor of Custodians $14.76
Dispatcher I (paid out of grade) 14.65
Custodial Supervisor - Civic Center 13.60
Painter - General Foreman 18.49
0-6 mos. after 6 mos.
Civic Center Foreman $12.28 $12.82 '
Custodian-Engineer (Public Safety Bldg.) 14.78 15.32
GRADED (Biweekly Rates)
Sanitation Foreman
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$1,159.70 $1,192.29
Chief Meter Repairman
Forestry Supervisor I
Greenskeeper •
Park Maintenance Supervisor
Public Works Foreman I
Sewer Foreman I
Supervising Gardener
Traffic Maintenance Foreman I
Water Service Foreman
Water Shed Foreman I �
Zoo Foreman
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos. ,
$1,229.55 $1,262.92
Bridge Maintenance Supervisor
Building Maintenance Supervisor - Libraries
Equipment Maintenance Foreman
Foreman - Water Department
Forestry Supervisor II
Grounds and Labor Coordinator
Public Works Foreman II
Sewer Foreman II
Supervisor of Garbage Collection
Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor
Water Shed Foreman II
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos. i
51,297.85 $1,335. 11
- 24 -
Article XXI - Wag Schedule (Continued)
Effect' e Jan ary 4, 1986:
• GRADED (Biweekly Rates)
Sup rvisor of Lime Recovery
Sup isor of Water Production Maintenance
Tra fic Maintenance Foreman II
1 6 mo . af ter 6 mo .
$1,373.95 $1,415.84
Publ'c Works Foreman III
Sewe Foreman III
ls 6 mos. after 6 mo .
. $1,415.84 $1,456.21
Buil ing Maintenance Supervisor - Fire
Supe isor of Pumping
ls 6 mos after 6 mo .
$1 495.79 $1,539.25
Fiel Supervisor .
� ls 6 mos after 6 mo .
$1 541.62 $1,587.40
Buil ing Maintenance Supervisor - Parks and Rec.
Supe isor of Custodial Services
ls 6 mos after 6 mo .
$1 588. 16 $1,635.51
St rt 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years
$1 .08 $12.69 - $13.31 $13.98 $14.73
The above ates r present a four and one-half per cent (4.Sy) in rease
• over the J nuary , 1985 rates.
- 25 -
Article XXIV - Wage Schedule (continued)
The wage schedule for purposes of this contract shall be as follows: �
Effective January 3, 1987:
UNGRADED (Hourly Rates)
Assistant Supervisor of Custodians $15.42
Dispatcher I (paid out of grade) 15.31
Custodial Supervisor - Civic Center 14.21
Painter - General Foreman 19.32
0-6 mos. after 6 mos.
Civic Center Foreman $12.83 $13.40
Custodian-Engineer (Public Safety Bldg.) 15.45 16.01 �
GRADED (Biweekly Rates) �
Sanitation Foreman
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$1,211.89 $1,245.94
Chief Meter Repairman
Forestry Supervisor I
Greenskeeper �
Park Maintenance Supervisor
Public Works Foreman I
Sewer Foreman I
Supervising Gardener
Traffic Maintenance Foreman I
Water Service Foreman
Water Shed Foreman I
Zoo Foreman
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos. ,
$1,284.88 $1,319.75
Bridge Maintenance Supervisor
Building Maintenance Supervisor - Libraries
Equipment Maintenance Foreman
Forer�an - Water Department
Forestry Supervisor II
Grounds and Labor Coordinator
Public Works Foreman II
Sewer Foreman II
Supervisor of Garbage Collection
Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor
Water Shed Foreman II
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos. . !
S1,356.25 $1,395. 19
- 26 -
Article XXIV - Wage Schedule (continued)
Effecti e Janu ry 3, 1987:
� GRADED (Biweekly Rates)
Su erviso of Lime Recovery
Su erviso of Water Production Maintenance
Tr ffic M intenance Foreman II
lst 6 m s. after 6 mos.
$1,435. 8 $1,479.55
Pu lic Wo ks Foreman III
Se er For man III
. lst 6 m s. � after 6 mos.
$1,479. 5 $1,521.74
Bu lding aintenance Supervisor - Fire
Su erviso of Pumping
lst 6 m s. after 6 mos.
$1,563. 0 $1,608.52
� Fi ld Sup rvisor .
lst 6 m s. after 6 mos.
$1,610. 9 $1,658.83
Bu lding aintenance Supervisor - Parks and Rec.
Su erviso of Custodial Services
lst 6 m s. after 6 mos.
• $1,659. 3 $1,709. 11
St rt 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years
$1 .62 $13.26 $13.91 $14.61 $15.39
. The above ra es rep esent a four and one-half per cent (4�%) incr ase over
the January , 1986 rates.
- 27 -
� ��;��� �,�� 4,
� 25. 1 This AG EEMENT shall be effective as of January 1, 1985 and shall �
continu in e fect through December 31, 1987. This Agree ent shall
not be xtend orallq and it is understood that it shall expire on
the dat indic ted.
25.2 It is nderst od that this settlement shall be recommend d by the
School oard egotiator, but is sub�ect to approval by th Board of
Educati n.
25.3 The � OYER d the ASSOCIATION acknowledge that during t e meeting
and neg tiatin which resulted in this AGREEMENT, each had the right
and op ortuni y to make proposals with respect to a subject
� concern ng the terms and conditions of employment. The agr ments and
, underst ndings reached bq the parties after the exercise of this right
� are fu q and completelq set forth in this AGREEMEDTT. A y and all
prior greem nts, resolutions, practices, policy or 'rules or
regulat ons re arding the terms and conditions of employme t, to the
extent they are inconsistent with this Agreement, a e hereby
superse ed. n those areas where Civil Service Rule are not
consist nt wit this AGREEMENT, the Civil Service Rules sha 1 continue
to be i effec .
�� .
IN WITNESS REOF he parties have caused this Agreement to be xecuted
this a�- d y of January, 1985.
. �
. �
� ��
Negoti tor President
_ ,
Chairman, B ard of Education
- 28 -
[?�PARTMENT �� f` No �26
_ PHONE � �
' DATE Q/�r Q Q
ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature :
� Department Director � Director of Managem t/Mayor
�; Finance and Managemen Servi es Director City Clerk
' Budget Director
�City Attorney
Rationale) :
This resolution appr es the attached agreements the Independent School Dis rict #625 has
reached with the Tri ouncil and the 5t. Paul Manual and Maintenance Superv sors Association.
These Aqreements inc de the changes listed on the attached sheets. Both A reements have
been approved by the chool ard.
���.,.�� � FEB 8 198�
ture not re-
' Total Amount of Trans ction; quired if und r
, Funding Source:
Activity Number:
ATTACHMENTS List and Nu ber Al Attachments :
' 1. Resolution
2. Agreem�ents (Tri- ouncil Manual & Maintenance Supervisors' Association
Yes No Council Re olutio Required? Resolution Required? I�'Yes No .
Yes No Insurance equire ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No ��
Yes No Insurance ttache :
, Revised 12/84
1, to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures
2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval
3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if
required, attached.
Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make
decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. _
The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain
the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City
budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost
to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact
is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions.
If a CONTRAeT ��amount is Iess than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required,
. . �. . _. .
if �he depar-tment director signs. A contract must always be firs_t signed by tlie
outside agency before routing through City offices.
Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents:
CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists)
1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor
2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director
3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting
l. Activity Manager 1.. Initiating Department
2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney
3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor
4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk
5. City Clerk
6. Chief Accountant, F&MS
COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others)
l. Department Director 1. Initiating Department
2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney
3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor
4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk
5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council
6. City Clerk
7. City Council
8. Chief Accountant, F&MS
SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the-ATTACHMEN'�S section, identify all attac�hmerits. I� the '
Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing
such a letter is one of the requested actions) .
Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of
Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing.
Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include:
1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit.
2. Collective bargaining contracts.
3. Purchase, sale or lease of land.
4. Issuance of bonds by City.
5. Eminent domain.
6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification.
7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing
8. Budget amendments.
. �
• � Sai t ` UL t�'1.1�7LlC SCt100L5 � �' �O�
T0: Dr. David A. Ben ett, Oliver J. Courtemanche, Jer.e T. Sigvertse ,
Raymond F Brown , Dr. James C. Sargent, Dr. Fhillip Penn
FROM• Phyllis E Byers 2Jegotiator
DATE: January 2 , 198�
Attached is a c py of employment agreemeat with a bargaining unit which represents
personnel under qou budge jurisdiction. This agreement was approved b the Board of
Education oa January 21, 19 5.
Since the emplo ees i.n olved are also under the jurisdiction of the aint Paul Civil
Service system, you will n ed to receive the usual verification of wage hange from the
City Personnel Depa tment s well, before putting into effect the change brought about
by this new agreem t. Pe tinent facts are as follows:
Budget Administrato : J
Employee Category:
Bargaining Agent: f ^ ' *� ' ' '
Effective Dates of greem t: January 1, 1985 througli December 31, 1987
Number of Emploqees Affect d: six
Please note the follow ng specific changes:
HOLIDAYS - AP.TICLE Be inning in 19$6, Martin Luther King Day is add d to the holidays
(See page 14) .
IiJSli�2ai1C� - AP.TICLE XVI.
- New provisio s are pplicable for Employer's contribution to neal n insurance
premium cove age fo early retirees (See 16.3, page 15) .
- Ciianged para rapl7 1 .4 sets cans for Employer's contribution to ii alth insurance
premium cove age fo employee and for fa�ily coverage (See page 1 ) .
- Paragrapn 16.5 impl ments tne new Blue Cross-Blue Shield plan, wh ch is
identified a tiie F e-for-Service healtti plan.
SEV�,i2A.dCE PAY - ART CL�: XV II. The new optional severance pay program, w th $6,5�J0
maxi:.ium �ayment is add d (See pages 18-19) .
AiliII:JISTR�,TIVE SER ICE FE ' - ARTICL.: �III. Tnis new Article provides t at an adminis-
trative servic fee of fifty cents per member per month shall be ded cted from the
amount withhel for d s or fair s:iare (See page 21) .
(please see reverse side)
. ,. -�
Implementation Memorandum
- blue collar supervisors - 2 - January 25, 1985
WAGE SCHEDULE - ARTICLE �XIV. See pages 22-27.
NOTE: Please note that this memorandum is intended to call changes to your
attention.. Please read the actual provisions cited.
attached: Copy of Agreement
copy: Richard Pianning
• � , � t ~ , U� �Ul7L1C SCt100L5 '��5 -��`�
�3-7 S32
T0: Dr. Davi A. Be nett, Oliver J. Courtemanciie, Jene T. Sigverts n,
Raymond . Bro e, Dr. James C. Sargent, Dr. Phillip Pe:1n
FROM: Phyllis '. Byer , Negotiator�Z�
DATE: January �, 198
Attached is a opy of an employment agreement with a bargaining uni which represents
personnel under yo r budg t jurisdiction. This agreement was approved y the Board of
Educatioa on Janua y 21, 1985.
Since the empl yees ' volved are also under the jurisdiction of the Saint Paul Civil
Service system, yo will eed to receive the usual verification of wage change from the
City Personnel Dep rtment as well, before putting into effect the chang s brought about
by this new agreem nt. P rtinent facts are as follows:
Budget Administrat r: Je �T. Sigvertsen
Employee Categorq• eq ipment operators, driver-operators, laborers
Bargaiaing Agent• Tr'-Council: Locals 49, 120, and 132
Effective Dates of Agreem t: _.
effective Jan. 1, 1955; Agreement extend througii 4-30-86.
Number of Employee Affec ed:
Please note tiz follo in s ecific chan es:
ARTICLr; I�; - IiQS '�ICE.
- New �ro isions are applicable for Employer`s contribution to ealth insurance
premium covera e for early retirees (See 9.3, page 8) .
- Changed paragr pii 9.5 sets caps for �rsployer's contribution t healtn in-
surance premi coverage far employee and for family coverage (See nage 9) .
- Paragra h 9.6 mplements the new B1ue Cross-Blue Shield plan, which is
identif ed as he Fee-for-Service health plan.
i10TE: Please note that t is memorandum is intended to call changes to y ur attention.
Please read the ac ual contract provisions cited.
attached: Copy, ri morand m of Agreement
copy: Richard Mannin
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P Ias�er°rs Lo :�.I No. 20. (Personnel) �
�.`�.' 'r'AL' . �/EVTii Fi00F�
� . SAINT P�.UL, ,lI:�ticiOT:i S�iOZ