85-403 WHITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SAINT PALTL Council _ ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � ouncil Resolution Presente By � � - ����"��� Referred To "1 Committee: Date 2� ��,� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Co cil of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves he attached 1985 Memo andum Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and various Bargaining Units 1'sted b ow regarding insurance for earl retirees. St. Paul Police Federation Fire Fighters Local 21 Tri-Council St. Paul Supervisors' Organization St. Paul Manual & Maintenance Supervisors' Association Approved: Margaret Sad er, Chair COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas ��+� � Drew PERSON L OFFICE Masanz In Favor Nicosia sche�bet __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date M R 2 � 1985 Form Appr ved by ity t rn (' Certified P- •ed by Council Secre ar BY gy, �� t#pprove y Mavor: Date MAR 2 � �98rJ Ap r v d by Mayor for Sub i sio Co ncil gy B a�t!��t�� ����� . �� 158'� .. : �,�-�03 s 1985 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorand of Ag eement is by and between the City of St. Paul nd the St. Paul lice F deration. In full settlement of the 1985-1986 negotiations, he par ies hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Except as erein odified, the signed 1985-1986 Collective Barga ning Agreement etween the parties shall be the basis of the forthcom ng labor agre ent. 2. Article 16.3 of s id Agreement shall be replaced with Article 16 3 which is a tached 'and: made a part hereof. It is understo d that the above settlement shall be recommended by t e City Negotiator, bu is su ject to approval by the City Administration an adoption of the Civil S rvice ommission and the City Council. IN WITNESS WHE OF, t e parties hereto have affixed their signature is 24th day of January 1985. CITY OF SAINT AUL ST. PAUL POLICE FEDERATION � . �✓ . Labor Rela on D rec o Presiden Civl Service C mmissi n G /�j 3 f. POLICE FEDERATION a� ' " I 16.3 Effectiv Janua y 1, 1985, for each employee who retires during the term of his AG EMENT and is eligible for early retiree benefi s under th terms set forth in this article and who selects emplo ee insuranc cover e, the II�LOYER agrees to contribute the cost f such cov rage o $87.06 per month, whichever is less. In addit on, for each eligibl early retiree who selects dependent's insuran e coverage, the LOYER will contribute the cost of such depende t's coverage r $203.86 per month, whichever is less. Effective January, 986, t e dollar caps specified in this Article 16.3 s all be ad�ust d to e ual the January, 1986 premium cost for the hea th insurance plan o fered to the City by Blue Cross-Blue Shield fo early ret rees. In order o be e igible for City benefits under the early retir e provision the ployee must: 16.31 Be eceivi g benefits from a public employee retirement a t. 16.32 Hav sever d his/her relationship with the City of St. Pa und r one f the early retiree plans. .,- . (��� ��3 1985 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorand of A reement is by and between the City of St. Paul nd the Internati nal As ociation of Fire Fighters, Local 21. In full s ttlement of the 1985-1 86 neg tiations, the parties hereto have agreed as fol ows: l. F�cept as herein modified, the signed 1985-1986 Collective Barga ning Agreement betwee the parties shall be the basis of the forthcom ng labor agr ement. 2. Article 1 .3 of id Agreement shall be replaced with Article 14 3 which is ttache and ma.de a part hereof. It is underst d that the _above settlement shall be recommended by t e City Negotiator, b is su �ect to approval by the City Administration an adoption of the Civil S rvice ommission and the City Council. IN WITNESS WHE OF, t e partiea hereto have affixed their signature his 18th day of January 1985. CITY OF SAINT AUL ZNTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL 21 . • Labor Re on rec President Civl Service C mmissio ��S_ �a� .�' FIHE�FI�TERS LOCAL 21 ,,. 14.3 Effective Januar 1, 1985, for each employee who retires during the term of t is AG EMENT and is eligible for early retiree benefi s under the terms et forth in this article and who selects emplo ee insurance covera e, the II�IPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost f such cove age or $87.06 per month, whichever �s less. In addit n, for each ligibl early retiree who selects dependent's insuranc coverage, the LOYER will contribute the cost of such dependen 's coverage r $203 86 per month, whichever is less. Effective January, 986, t e dollar caps specified in this Article 14.3 sh 11 be ad�ust d to e 1 the January, 1986 premium cost for the heal h insurance plan of ered to the City by Blue Cross-Blue Shield for early ret ees. In order t be el gible for City benefits under the early retire provision, the Em loyee must: 14.31 Be r ceivin benefits from a public employee retirement ac . 14.32 Have severe his/her relationship with the City of St. Pau unde one o the early retiree plans. . _ i`���=�o' L ' 1984-1985 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorand of Ag eement is by and between the City of St. Paul nd the Tri-Counc 1 Barga ning Unit represented by Local 49, Local 120, and Local 132. In fu 1 settlement of the 1984-1985 negotiations, th parties hereto have a reed as follows: 1. Except as erein odified, the signed 1984-1985 Collective Barga ning Agreement etween the parties shall be the basis of the forthcom ng labor agre ment. 2. Article 9 Artic e 9.3 shall be replaced with Article 9.3 which is attached h reto a d made a part hereof. It is understo d that the above settlement shall be recommended by th City Negotiator, bu is su 3ect to approval by the City Administration and adoption of the Civil S rvice ommission and the City Council. IN WITNESS WHE OF, t e parties hereto have affixed their signature t is 21st day of January 1985. CITY OF SAINT L'I. TRI-COUNCIL �. ; . , r )n � ' i`'J E � i�_f. / abor Re�tion rec r ri-Counc 1 res dent and Bus ness Representative, Local 120 !� , Civl Service Co issio Busine� s Representative, ocal 132 _.� � � Jam� , oe r� .g - ��-.. t BUsiness Representative, Local 49 . ,- '� �� ✓�3 { ' TRI-COUNCIL 9.3 Eff ctive anuary 1, 1985, for each employee who retires ring the te of th s AGREEMENT and is eligible for early retiree b nefits under the terms et forth in this article and who selects employ e insurance cov rage, he EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of su h coverage or 87.06 r month, whichever is less. In addition for e ch eligible ear retir e who selects dependent's insurance coverage, he II�LOYER will contri ute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $ 03.86 per onth, hichever is less. Effective January, 1986, th dollar caps specif ed in this Article 9.3 shall be ad�usted to eq al the Janu ry, 19 6 premium cost for the health insurance plan o ered to the City by Blu Croes-Blue Shield for early retirees. In o der to be eligible for City benefits under the early r tiree pro- visi n, the Employee must: 9.31 Be rec iving benefits from a public employee retiremen act. 9.32 ave s ered his/her relationship with the City of St. Paul under ne of the early retiree plans. 9.33 nform he Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul n writing ithin 0 days of employee's early retirement date tha he or she ishes o be eligible for early retiree insurance bene its. �� ��_ �� � 1985 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorand of Ag eement is by and between the City of St. Paul nd the St. Paul S pervis rs Organization. In full settlement of the 19 5-1986 negotiations, he par ies hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Except as erein odified, the signed 1985-1986 Collective Barga ning Agreement etween the parties shall be the basis of the forthcom g labor agre ent. 2. Article 14 3 of s id Agreement shall be replaced with Article 14. which is a tached and made a part hereof. It is understo d that the above settlement shall be recommended by th City Negotiator, bu is su �ect to approval by the City Administration and adoption of the Civil S rvice ommission and the City Council. IN WITNESS WHE EOF, t e parties hereto have affixed their signature t is 21st day of January� 1985. CITY OF SAINT UL ST. PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZA ION or Re a D rect r resident ,, Civl Service Co issio , �. • .r4 S . PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION d� ��3 14.3 Eff ctive anuary 1, 1985, for each employee who retires d ring the te of th s AGREEMENT and is eligible for early retiree b nefits under the terms et forth in thia article and who selects employ e insurance cov rage, e EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of su h coverage or 87.06 er month, whichever is less. In addition for e ch eligible ear y reti e who selects dependent's insurance coverage, he EMPLOYER wil contr ute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $ 03.86 ' per onth, hichever is less. Effective January, 1986, th dollar cap specif ed in this Article 14.3 ahall be ad�usted to e ual the Janu ry, 19 6 premium cost for the health insurance plan o fered to the City by Blu Cross-Blue Shield for early retirees. In o der to be eligible for City benefits under the early etiree pro- visi n, the Employee must: 14.3 Be re eiving benefits from a public employee retirem t act. 14.3 Have evered his/her relationship with the City of St. Paul under one of the early retiree plans. .� �s= ��� , 1985 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorand of A reement is by and between the City of St. Paul nd the St. Paul nual d Mainteaance Supervisars Association. In fu settlement of the 1985-1 86-198 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed a follows: 1. Except as herein modified, the signed 1985-1986-1987 Collective argaining Agreement betwee the parties shall be the basis of the forthcom ng labor agr ement. 2. Article 1 .3 of aid Agreement shall be replaced with Article 16 3 which is ttache and made a part hereof. It is underst od tha the above settlement shall be recommended by t e City Negotiator, b t is s �ect to approval by the City Administration an adoption of the Civil rvice ommission and the City C.ouncil. IN WITNESS WH OF, t e parties hereto have affixed their signature his 23th day of Janua , 1985. CITY OF SAINT AUL ST. PAUL MANUAL & MAINTENANC SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION , . � . La or Rela ion Dire r President � Civil Ser�ice C mmissi n : ` ., �',�-�� ST. PA MANUAL AND MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATION 16.3 Effectiv Janua y 1, 1985, for each employee who retires during the term of his AG EEMENT and is eligible for early retiree benefi s under th terms set forth in this article and who selects emplo ee insuranc cover ge, the EMPI,OYER agrees to contribute the cost f such cov rage o $87.06 per month, whichever is less. In addit on for each eligib early retiree who selects dependent's insuran e coverage the LOYER will contribute the cost of such depende t's coverage or $203.86 per month, which ever is less. Effective January, 1986, t e dollar caps specified in this Article, 16.3, shall be d�uste to equal the January, 1986 premium cost for t e health i surance plan offered to the City by Blue Cross-Blue Sh eld for earl retire s. In order o be e igible for the benefits under the early retire provision, the emplo ee mus : 16.31 Be receiv ng benefits from a public emploqee retirement ct. 16.32 Hav sever d his/her relationship with the City of St. Pa 1 under one of the early retiree plans. 13.33 Inf rm the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul in iting wit in 60 ays of employee's early retirement date that h or she wis es to e eligible for early retiree insurance benefits. . ,P,�rsonnel off�ce `� __�� QEPARTMENT ���� NO 328 CONTACT 4221 PHONE / DATE 1 Q��� ,, Q, A SIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING RDER li All Locations for Si nature : 1 Department Director 3 Director of Manageme t/Mayor � Finance and Managem�n Servic s Director City Clerk ��dget Director G� City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY KING A TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIAL5? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution approves Memor um of Agreements with the following Bargaining Units. St. Paul Police Federati n �'ire Fighters Local #21 Tri-Council St. Paul Supervisors Org izati �t. Paul Manual & Mainte ce S s4rs' Assoc. See attached sheet. R�CENED COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AN PERSO NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: 1985 Wone F EB 8 ��rs �pypR'S OFFICE �-��° �� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTIV TY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transac ion; quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Numb r All ttachments : 1. Resolution 2. Agreements 3. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Gouncil Reso ution equired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Re uired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �`� Yes No Insurance At ached: ( EE REV RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Re,v i sed 12/84 - "" .w • � / i -_ ��) �1J ( �J In each case, the co tract 's bei,ng amended to correct the language pertain'ng to early retiree's insurance. The o iginal agreement was to have the dollar caps in the Article to reflect the actua cost f the premiums. The cost of the premiums have ow been finalized and this endmen reflects the final premiums. The single premi is reduced from $118.62 to $87. 6 per nth. The dependent premium is increased from 198.10 to $203.86 per month. - �������-� �.� :"`�����'r�l�'"?� __ Q�2,5 Lle�O.".c��C� OL t��°°W°:I� ber;reer. i:° ��j aR ga,:.��:I.'.i1� � Uni-s as Iis�° r�ar �ng izsu:a.nce for ear?y ret�=ees. (Persoa.ze?) � I4. R���'`�.�ro�'�,n a� oizzg 984-?cgs 'de^o-- o� A ��.:.ezt bet:�e�^ �` � ^� �. � ... �.�a+�a C'.�.:. �' .. I:L� �El 8i.G i...► Tr�-C�L.�-:c=.1, L c3ls 4.., 1:0 a,.c 1��, r°areser.t�::g E�•,::..�We . G`�er���rs, Dr_�e.- ', Qner3t:or.s ana Lacors s az:y,�.� St. Paul Ma�.L3I � bfa`:ts::ar.,._ Sc�.s:..,^ o:sr ��I � --- a�s�����on. ��_��... A� �,�,��r� I�. Aesa:�.:__or. �:.° �'-:� c ��_�:: �_ o� �.::e C�.�r_I �e=--.�cs p::? s ' ;r s;..;s;,== - � .._:�r ° � ,� � s�ec:�cst_ons �or t: `�i��°s o= r?It�: Ia.zt G`pe_�to� I �,.c i-����r P �:.� _ Q�er�t�r II. P�rsa:.. �i) /� � /� ��%��P � Z6. ;es�iu�'_or. a..�:s ;_::� � �_an „_ o� t:s C��r_ Se=•:;cs Rc��s �;r s�::; •- _ � ,e�� � . $u°Cr.��C�i.�0iI5• i�� i.: `���?°'0� C°'.tie� ��i°:.^.�^� ITT. �D°��C::.^.°��V�` .�•��`Jr/, _�� / {J ' i 1'. Resol�,._�z c^_�. a=1� �- ' �=-�e o= :.::s t__=e o� :o�.:..��-� �.._.._.....�_.... C:,c - ..��.._ .� 3.:. i..:.° C-Y1I S T".�C° .L'1°S. :�°_SC;.;.�.. • a - c �� � ,,,� ��,�'�,,, �n �'�'� �i �� /��5� 18. Resolur�.on c^.� ?:? t. � -_� „ �� o,.= _ _ ,. ` Q _,� c _.A_._ � > > i.:�_.. �..G Cr�.S 57....�--Cri.=.OR i�r i.:... �=.._.. 0 ..L.. _SC.'. o= Cods E:�or� ^e:.t i. t:e C:•riI Se=^:ics Ru?es. (Pers�:.:.e_) � - � .,.,r/ �<.� 0 c% �'�'�r��� � 8 /y�.� - � ' \OT ON PT_L° "D AG �IL� ' Resolut�on a o�t:r. t:.e p1a:: for par:cs and rec��ation (198 _) as par-` of � e Sai. L P�L'? Comprene�sive P1an. - '1 ���� . + - .. ��::;;�,����:�'�.� � '�'-'' O� .►C.�y�iT :t�- �T�s`., �- --� .�� , ,��.t . ���� � _ -.I l,�'�T� �.:�t . � ?,iVi� Ol � .rntr . � •� . -� �{-�.:,...�:::.:� t.:-:t Ziii�. Ci COu1CZL - _' ,,,, _ti,, '... . `����� ' >>i�� ' D a �e ��;.-'�`��� - . ' M��cz I4 � 9 S� •a.;�;;: . ._.._ C (1�1 f�i 1 ! l E E F E P Q r' ""' __ . r-; i i 0 = � ct��- F� uI Ci�� Cc :.� � �ii � - c P. G i�s! = C � ir:, liii� ,. � G � r=�7rVC.: � ' C�Z:ti � u=-'� .. 5�.:- _-=� . . I. l,'�.��l�iv�G� Ci� 1L� '�u�.�s .L�vaZ �i'�C.'�.��v 11'L'Z�L' ��-.��..:��r GQ 1CG. ���/� _[ � / v _c.�u�-or. a:- ^ -;^c �:0 1° � ' Lcc=- � ���� �� `T� ��"' Ci L'_`��`S�.'"�..r'�_��. �.i.�.� ��Q � ��..«L Z Fc..���__ �:Z=I �^2C�?'_°_G t� _ - _�_, !� _ � _ - C° D�=�--'"=/C- B 1�.:. - =C. (C' �7 = 3- ol�i�'_on a- Tc=�c •_ IQgg �, � � _ ?a� a�c o �z s���� �; ry-\,:, b-°r::"'�� �a�, o'�^ to ft: ���::c=�,- '1 _ - -�n �or .�=�ce_�:�� I8�_ o fa �' � rl�:e- s �u.r�. . __ 4. A��:�.aistrat' Orc�_ _ �, - : . :{. - , D-739 z Ac�:�i�_ons to t:e c�*��._�c� fa re��i= ar_c/ � �,z�S_��c Cr. t-- C' �r�c Ce:t�= �D�,-t_ac R�� - P�+�se i. 5. �c... , r� �.L; ^Q �/�%'�L��� �C� //��G�YI /�L.�� ���zs�__�_L-e Or��_, D- id_00 - R � cc;�'_cns o� $�7,895 t� tZe ont_ac� =o� " V?C C2:^_t°= P 'G��O ' tIl:i r�:'_CVcL�.^,I`�. - 6. n�5��5��� //l � /�g��- ./UO_ f�G� /'�e�zss o u _on a:.:e _c=Tc `:_e ?g LTC�e � ar.c ac�_:lc Y- 000 �- r 1 �_^.�.:?c_:7c � Z: �::c �.^. t^' CC *+ ' p 1 r-,,.. _ � . �.O " �C a:l -.+_ C..''_T-7V� ` ' -` Dr � o� n Ty.� ' -c Da�� _�c���iac S�ec=a? �? I� L �� ��� 7. . Or�^_a:��e a.�e^ -; nc C a�t�r I2 0= t:e Cit� C'�a��r ce�Q�nin � to t.e ° � °. C�i r^ir� � t�:ur� o� Po�_ =. ° G`�ie_ anc Pe:-sonne? D�_�c�or. �1 I" � � - _ -- 8. R�solut�ort a�e.^. ' z� t:�e Co;n w�itf De:�e?o�me^t Blocic Grsnt Ye�� I:: a.nd Pro�-a:.-�s arid t��ts��r_-�:�� �i,000 ��0 ���3 Owner-Ccc:�ied Re^aoil=;.���cn Loans, �00,000 f�ra De�er_�c Pa ,:.er�t R z�il' �s��,on Lo�-ts to Re.^.ta? Re'^.abili�a-� ($I,500,000) . (P J) y/�� �_on �Lo P=og:-;� �� g. Re olut�on ace_� ;::� t:: ra��s of v�;oc:s bene=�t ve^doLs. (PArsortnei) I0. R�sdl ��C'� �� Q �+o t�t� a��� z, �._ or*c��...*� of Aoroo�;o� �. • �- ts bet:�e�� t .� C�t/ artu va.�'ovs Ba=�-,=.^.i^� U �LS �5 liST.A.". A�3iC..'.: � VOlt'..^.L3_^.^ j°3V0 O nra ' �� ' `'`'' . L 8�52...._ WI�:C�� 7�V. �?�_SO:I:I�_� II. R � iu�cn a,^,q.o �z? 1� �t-1°d5 '�ie. - o � ^..Oi:u'1GL� Oi :��:�°Y.�.^.� bet:Je°_^ t:;e ��' Si':G ��� P=��°ssicnai E.:.:, cyess soc'_;�t�on. (Pe:son:ce?) f����Gjn,.� /'l�/ CL� L'. ResoLut�on a�pro i:tg 19 4-1935 �Se�or.�ndt...-�z o� Agres^e::� be�,�re�:� t�e Ci� artd t:e Pl.asterers Loc:�.l No. 20. (Persortrtel) �v� ��/ �.�'_' ciALL SL•�l �T'rI t=LOQF'ti � SAINTP��UL, �tIti 'E�OT:i S�iO? � ����