85-394 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (jI y OF SAINT PAUL Council �� CAN.'..CRV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � � .0 uncil Resolution pAGE � of � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Lambert' s Lan ing is one of the most important histo ic, educational and cono ic assets of the downtown riverfront an of the entire ci y; WHEREAS, it is e ident that the current condition of the land ng is both embarrassi to t e City and dangerous to the people who use it, and WHEREAS, long-ra ge pl ns to permanently improve the landing re not scheduled to be i lemented for at least three years, and WHEREAS, the Do town iverfront Commission and the Mayor hav recommended inte im me sures which will improve the condition aesthetic appear nce, anagement and community awareness of L mbert' s Landing in a rep rt en itled Lambert's Landin : Interim Im r vements; and WHEREAS, the Sai t Pau Port Authority has authorized $30 ,000 to make almost all f the recommended capital improvements; and WHEREAS, the Cou cil o the City of Saint Paul believes that urals (which have not een b dgeted by the Port Authority) are appr priate at key locations at th landing to highlight the historical a d cultural signifi ance f the landing to Saint Paul; WHEREAS, the May r, pu suant to Section 10 .07.4 of the City C arter, does recommend t e fol owing transfers for the 1985 General F nd Budget: COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibe� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appr by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secreta y BY BY l�pproved by Ylavor: Date Approved Mayor S mis ' to Coun il . By �'�- M�HITE - CITV CLERK - PINK - FINANCE G I Y O F SA I NT PA LT L Council _� � CANA�3V - DEPARTMENT File NO• BLVE - MAVOR � ' C uncil Resolution PA�E 2 of 2 Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date TRANSFER FROM: General Gover ent counts Contingent serve General 09060-537 Op ratin Transfer Out -10 ,000 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget TRANSFER T0: Planning & Eco omic evelopment Dept. 06000 Planni g & E onomic Development Contribut'on ' 06000-537 Op ratin Transfer Out 1,326 ,781 +10 ,000 1,336 ,781 1,326 ,781 +10 ,000 1,336 ,781 NET CHANGE 0 BE IT FURTHER RE OLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul accepts and endo ses t e recommendations presented in the rep rt Lambert' s Landin : In erim Im rovements; and NOW, THEREFORE, E IT ESOLVED, that the City Council adopts hese changes to the 1 85 bu get. BE IT FINALLY RE OZVED that the Council encourages City staf to insure that the mprov ments to Lambert' s Landing be complete by the time the riv r exc rsion boats are due to arrive in Saint Paul this spring. Funding is Avail ble: Appr al Recommende : � ��� � � �� Director of Fina ce Bu get Director COU[VCILMEIV Requested by De artme of: Yeas ^�� Nays � °feri'� In Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�bei Against BY �eUwvs Wifsorr 1"!H � 9 �9�5� Form A e City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date �` Certified Yas .i S r a BY gS, tap by fNavor: Date � M R Approved y May or S ion to Coun '1 . s � pt� t�t� ��i a�� � � 1��5 R����Tr�•� ITY OF SAINT PAUL �-'� `�- 3�� ; � '� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR r nii�il�u + a o nd ,��� 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR March 7, 1985 President Victor edesco Members of the Ci y Coun il 700 City Hall Saint Paul , Minne ota 5 102 Dear Council Memb rs: I am pleased to p esent proposal recommended by Saint Paul 's new Down own Riverfront Commis ion to upgrade Lambert's Landing. I 'm sure you have een as embarrassed as I abou the condition of the Landing, and the image o Saint Paul that i proje ts to both out of town visitors and our own ci izens. We plan to perman ntly i prove the Landing in conjunction with rebuilding Shepard Road. Un ortuna ely, that will take at least three years. I b lieve it is worth our w ile to make immediate improvements to the Landing, rec gnizing their temporary n ture. Therefore, I asked the Commission to recommend 'nterim improvements that could e accomplished by the time river excursion boat arrive this summe . I think the River ront C mmission's recommendations are excellent. They are realistic ideas o what e can do to make physical improvements and to m nage the Landing. The Commis ion responded to the severe constraints imposed by Shepard Road and y the udget, recommending a series of administrative nd physical solution that hould make the Landing a f acility in which the entire city can t ke pri e. Please note that any of the actions are already underway. My office is in contact with the elta Q een Steamboat Co. , other excursion operators an the towboat opera ors, s curing their cooperation in setting schedules a d coordinating use f the anding. They have all expressed an eagerness t help. Perhaps most significant is the action of the Port Authority, which auth rized $30,000 to make c pital i provements at the Landing. This represents al ost everything recomm nded by the Riverfront Commission. �46 iI " ,��L , ,���� � �, Page 2 Members of the C ty Cou cil March 7, 1935 With the concurr nce of the City Council , I will direct the Departments of Public Works and Community Services to make the necessary arrangements n design, engineer ng, la dscaping and traffic control to insure that the recommended impr vement are in place by May 24, when the first riverbo t will be in the h rbor t use our "new" landing. At the same time, we w 11 continue to work to sec re funds for murals (which are not in the Port Authority's budg t) and o make plans for a community-wide welcome for our out of town isitors. Thank you for yo r consi eration. Sincerely, Georg Lati er Mayo r GL/lle cc: Dale Hanson Jim Bellus Don Nygaard Kathleen Sta k Chief McCutc eon '` I PEU-Riverfront Office DEPARTMENT �9'� NO 427 . Rick Wiederhorn CONTACT 7494 x246 PHONE 7 March 1985 DATE ���r� � ASSIGN NUNBER FOR ROI�TING 0 DER C1 ' All Locations for Si nature : partment Direct�or � Director of Management Mayor F'nance and Management ervice Director � City Clerk udget Director ' City Attorney WHqT WILL BE ACNIEVEQ BY TA ING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : By passing the attached esolut'on, the City Council will approve a plan to up rade ; Lambert's Landing and ap ropria e $10,0U0 from the Contingent Reserve Fund to mplement ', the plan. The proposal as rec mmended by the Riverfront Commission and PED. COS�T/BENEFIT BUDGETRRY AND PERSON EL IMP�iCTS ANTICIPATED: ' �109000 from Contingent eserve to be complemented by a $30,000 committment f om the Port Authority. Personn 1 impa ts are minimal. Current city employees will c ordinate design and construction. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transact on: 10,000 quired if under $10,00U) Funding Source: 0906 Conti gent Reserve-General 'Activity Number: 060U PED(0 erations) ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All A tachments : City Council Reso1uatio DE�ARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resol tion R quired? Resolution Required? es '�No Yes X No Insuramce Req ired? Insurance Sufficient? s No Yes �No Insurance Att ched: (S E REVE SE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) ReWised 12/84 HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: l, to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description, of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: • CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&M5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Atnend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) l. Department Director l. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council � 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify a11 attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at ti.me of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: l. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providinq funding. 8. Budget amendments. 0 � � ..�e..��.�� � • � il� • 1 ! 1 ' t9 :e : i ! $ � � �ti 1 :����,; i�i � i � , : ,. . .. �. _ ��� -�.:.�r�- �� � �' ' �Yt�aar��.sr, , ' .M,.� ; •. � �� F•� ,� ,». ��" Mr.. � .��.. ��I.� ,.,�� 4 '� � _ ,, �� ta� � '�I� � � : A F �x,,;� '�++� ,�� ;� ` ,w� ° � �.� . .. �'� � �'��� ��. r. . .. ��.-�r .,".:.., . ..�� .,rY.a � h.. .. �j�7 `� �. !� � . . . . .� . .� � . � � � . . . . - � � ��� ... . � �'��aFs ����:,� ��'�:•��„:" -�rs,c + .: ..E' '� �i?�Cl�'',49?�'kY --` w" � u „?iti �,$�"z`zs,.Ci,�tcr�.,��+`s�.';�1�� .., r.,.;,� > ::"i• . �.. . `t. ���"G�t .,x. ... z, ,7;,e-...:.,:''c, �}:�;,,'w,�y.x✓. ,;t"R`',.'.< <t� . .. ._,..�,c , v,.a�,�. „. y;e �. T* . .f''�iP�� �s� A ,i-,d s r Pla ,� �t � .� 1 �. . . . . . _, k. �( ;�.. . ,'", i{, . �.#.,.~���Di r' ,'. . . . , .y. „ : �: , ,l„ 1... � .,,.'.e �..::� .��i. �.! ,. .,� . .. � . • ,. ,� . . s , r �ft. 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I � i � � i' Iil I, � � , i � II � ' !� i', '�i ,' ' i�� I�� I ' � , i � � i I���� �I � � I 9� Il li �'II i '''I p �� .� t�i� 1 I� I'�:'� I II��III i I I� �. ¢.� : � � !� �(' i '�. � � �li i i ,,'.,� i . I � I,,.�,I� .', I�I i I� ,�I� ���I I �I tl :��. I I.'�,� , ��'. �� . S��395� Downtown Riverfront Commission lution City of Saint Paul flle number $5-02 - �{� e ruar 1 5 WHEREAS. Lambert's anding is one of the most impor.tant economic, histori and educational feature of th downtown riverfront; and WHEREAS� it is evid nt tha the current condition of the Landing is embar assing to the city and dan erous o the people who use it; and WHEREAS, long—rang plans o permanently improve the Landing are not sche uled to be implemented r at 1 ast 3 years; and WHEREAS. the Mayor has dir cted the Riverfront Commission to recommend in erim measures that will improve the condition, appearance and community awaren ss of Lambert's Landin ; and WHEREAS� the Publi Works nd Recreation & Environment Task Forces have r viewed the matter and pre red th attached report entitled Interim Im rovements to Lambert's Landing hich ou lines specific recommendations to address the � situation; and WHEREAS. the Downt n Rive front Commission concurs with the conclusions nd recommendations of its Tas Forces; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESO VED� that the Downtown Riverfront Commission a prove the recommendations in the report Interim Im rovements to Lambert's Landi ; and BE IT FURTHER RESO ED. th t the Riverfront Commission directs its staff o forward the Commisison's r commendations to the Mayor and City Council fo their consideratio . � movedb� Mr. McDonell . seconded by r, to esta in fav�nr against � � - ��� INTER M IMPROVEMENTS TO LAMBERT'S LANDING INTRODUCTION Larrbert's Landing, the hi torical site of Saint Paul 's Lower Landing at t e foot of - Jackson Street, is one of the city's most interesting spots. Throughout aint Paul 's history, the Landi g has een the city's major contact point with the Mis issippi River. It has con inuall served the city well , servicing the old packet boats, and providing the dock ng spa e and services for all commercial river traffic that was destined to Saint aul as the head of navigation on the river. More recently, Lam ert's anding has been used for two major purposes. T e large towboats, known as "line oats", which guide the big barge tows into and ut of Saint, Paul from the lowe Missi sippi , use the Landing for reprovisioning and s rvicing between tows. Dur ng the navigation season, there are line boats at the anding on a daily basis, ref eling; reprovisioning; receiving repairs or a quick cl an-up; giving the crew a ittle and R before heading back downstream. Rarely re the line boats in the arbor or more than 12 or 16 hours at a time. But the e are many of them, and he Lan ing is in constant use. A second major use of th Landing is the Delta Queen Steamboat Company, cruise company whose two ajor b ats, the Delta ueen and Mississippi ueen, are well-known and admired around the wo ld. The "Queens" use the Landing as a destinat on point on their 2, 3, 4 a d 7 day excursions on the Upper Mississippi . Saint Pa 1 is as far upstream as th Queens can navi�ate. As such, the city is a convenie t embarkation/ disembarkation and reprovi ion point for the boats and passengers. On their current s hedules the Queens use the Landing only six times a s ason. Like the towboats, thei money 's made on the river, not in port. They are at the Landing less than 15 hours, in whi h time they disembark up�ound passengers, repr vision and refuel the boats, c ean, a d collect a new complement of passengers for t e trip downriver. Few people in Saint Paul r alize the significance of Lambert's Landing. H'storically and culturally, the city a d its river are joined at the Landing. The cit was founded at that site, and g ew as he point on the river where river passengers an cargo were collected to be bro ght do nstream and were distributed to the Upper Midwe t when they came upriver. Unli e most historic activities, this port function is stil carried on today, and is a ajor a pect of Saint Paul 's contemporary association w'th the Mississippi River. Economically, the t wboat nd cruise boat operations contribute millions o dollars to the regional eco omy. he Landing is a key cog to these industries, as it serves the basic needs of he boa s. And while the comnodities and tourism indus ries - generally benefit t e regi n, the boats also generate a significant amount of business in Saint Paul . A t pical isit by the Mississippi ueen puts 400-500 tour sts into the city's restaura ts and hotels, plus 500,000 - $600,000 into local laun ry services, - fuel and food suppl ers, e gine repairs, etc. Given the importanc of th Landing to Saint Paul , it is surprising and di appointing to see it in its cu rent p sical condition. Suffice it to say that it is deteriorated and does not presen a ver good image to first time visitors to the city. In a November 5, 1984 co umn (a tached) St. Paul Dispatch columnist Joe Soucher y summed it up best: "I fel embar assed," he quoted a Saint Paul native who rode he Mississippi Queen f om St. ouis. The Landing has suffered from benign neglect. There is little doubt that the current condition of the Landing is both embarrassing to the city, as well as dangerous to the people who use it. It is an objective of Saint Paul 's Riverfront Initiative to address this situation, and to recommend what the city can do to make the Landing something of which Saint Paul can be proud. ASSIGNMENT TO THE RIVERFRONT COMMISSION For a long time, Saint Paul has had plans to relocate Shepard Road back away from the Landing in order to provide more room at the Landing site for passengers and provisioning of boats. This proposal is still laudable, but in reality it is 3-4 years from realization. While it is worthwhile to talk about and work toward this long-term solution, the Mayor has asked the Riverf ront Commission to recommend interim, short-term actions (i .e. in place by the time the cruise boats return this coming summer that would make Lambert's Landing a more attractive, inviting area and an attribute in promoting the city. In analyzing the matter, the Commission studied the following basic questions: l. What/who/how can we do to "clean-up" the Landing? 2. What/who/how can we do to provide services to passengers or towboat crew, or to otherwise make them feel welcome? 3. What/who/how can we promote the Landing as an interesting attraction, both to arriving passengers and Saint Paul citizens? 4. What/who/how can we promote the city on the excursion and towboats? 5. How can any of this be done, given the severe physical constraints and safety considerations imposed by Warner Road? 6. How can any of this be done, given budget constraints? Answers to these questions form the basis of the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report. SAFETY CONSIDERATION: DISCUSSION One cannot consider any recommendations for the operation or design of Lambert's Landing without addressing public safety. Because of narrow sidewalks and the very heavy traffic on Shepard Road, it is impossible to accommodate even the minimal number of people who would normally be at the site when the cruise boats are in the harbor. The Public Works and Police Departments go to extraordinary means to redirect vehicle and pedestrian traffic to insure public safety. While they are satisfied that, given what they have to work with, they have a program that provides for as much safety as possible, both departments agree that it is far from an ideal situation. There are several implications to this: a) Any changes to the function or appearance of the Landing should i�mprove the situation. Conversely, the city should not consider anything be done that makes an already difficult situation worse. b) In its current location, it will be difficult to recommend anytning that promotes large crowds greeting the boats. -2- ����� c) The Commission consid red moving the Landing site to a safer, more s acious location. Thi is di cussed below in the discussion that follows. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: RECOMM NDATIONS 1. The Landing sh uld re ain in its current location at Shepard Road and Jackson Street (For detailed discussion of this, see following disc ssion. ) In doing so, t e city should accept that for this interim period, any physical impro ements will not make the Landing any safer for pedestr in traffic, but t at mea ures can be taken to manage vehicular traffic t at least make the Landin more comfortable and less threatening to pedes rians. 2. The city shoul encou age the Delta Queen Steamship Company to schedu e the visits of he cruise boats to Saint Paul at times when Shepard Ro d traffic is min mized. 3. The Public Wor s Depa tment should redirect Shepard Road traffic when the cruise boats a e in t harbor. If done in conjunction with a better boat schedule (see ecorrmen ation #2 above) , the west-bound traffic can be directed from hepard oad to Sibley Street, Kellogg Boulevard, Excha ge Street, and Ch stnut S reet, back to Shepard Road. East-bound traffi can then be di rted o to the west-bound lanes at Jackson and Sibley treets, thereby diminis ing tr ffic at the Landing by 50%, and two full lanes. This would pro 'de a 1 rger staging area next to the boats to be used for provisions nd pas enger drop-off. (See Figure 1, elow) ALTERNATIVE SITES: DIS USSION As a spin-off of the di cussio on safety, the Commission studied several alte native sites on which to tempo arily elocate the Landing. This was done on the reco nition that there might be an opport nity to provide a site that was large enough to accommodate large numbe s of v sitors, parking, and provisioning space. Three potential sites were st died, ut were ultimately rejected (see Figure 2, belo ) . Generally, all three ha simil y drawbacks. It was simply a matter of degree. The disadvantages stem from the fa t that an alternative site must be located east of the Robert Street bridg , on t e descending right (south) bank of the river. his puts all sites in River iew In ustrial Park. At the present time, none of the three function as a lan ing. 11 would require significant costs to do the requisite dredging, uti ity connections and other site preparation necessary t convert the sites into river at landing. Only after that is done can aesth tic improvements be made th t woul address the aesthetic issues which are importa t at Lambert's Landing. hese co ts range from $110,000 to $292,500. _ Furthermore, the sites re all t some distance from the central business dist ict. The Commission believes hat mo ing the Landing from the business district (ev n on a temporary basis) woul be a d'stinct disadvantage to the passengers, to the - steamboat company, and t the i age the city is trying to project of its relationship with the river for devel pment urposes. In addition, the costs associated wi h a "temporary" relocation w uld be difficult to justify as an interim measure. Th y would imply a permanent orr�nitm nt to the new Landing site, even after Shepard oad is relocated. -3- �� , �I �_-�� i U' �p� i � � ,� I �' l II J�[ 1 �c[1�,, _ UL'� I C b � \ —_ � - �- � —-- i»�aevb:M -- _. � � q _ , - �� __ -1 0 o , � � � 0� � " ' � � �° � � a '�' w -� � � a � �? - _..=�3 � - ! � �� � Ol __ --- ' , � , �� � � � � p 0� � ��° ' _ ! ,,�_ ] �� I I � 1 � <<�.� l ,11 i J, ❑ � i � � � _ ,_ _-- � 1 I _ ( �„S�=,�e� :� � r � � � � -, J � , � �-� �� , � � ,��_ , �, � I I E ,'� l� �II��p �� s '��l al '�I S' � j�� I��I.-JI=II� `l If w � ;Jr� _� I O� �Y � _ LL� ; ��„s�,� —. � e ! ` � 1 � I I 1 � I � �a° � � � � � � �a _ � �� ' I�� I� � I� � � o � ' � 0��, � � � wyis ewsw��W . � i I I � � �r"'�`, � ��., In � � �� � � � I.wyj� � I 1 11 I ,I� � I � �� � �I o ��� � � I� 1 � � . ; ��, ,[�; . � � �,s,�, � < < � � � � ; � ����, � i �II �, � _ � �� I �� 'I 1��) ��I _ 0 �� ,� o � � o �- _ , .� , ��� � ,�� I � ___/ 1 IS�R G M �� I 1 � _. . . , _ _ _ - o �—_ ---� � o � <<__ _ __ � _ . � ..'�� ��f-��..:_.-� II`.__. . . - � �---�•�,5 _� ..�'/� �_ i. 1��� �> � � �� � , / �� � Y • / I IN � � / � � w�� �'a , �� �� � o W a �! 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I,�. . 'f ;�.�r.�:; � ,� �, Joe � � �. � . �:.,��..�� �� � Souche�ay��; ; �� .,�., :.,... s- . . . �...Fis sign; leaky faucet��:,' �-� kill t. Paul, promo�iori .;:,�. � � � ,00�eo��.oa�w em►memcas�aa w s�qm;ee�� � �or u»dv.reo.►Mi�W�i�wm reom s�:�.om.w,ip•��.� .. . ��= V asd W wil�; y.• �eLonlsd•W wtliur• .deua ot Paul:lt be000ia e�uelal b ran�mper t�at .,., � � : "We•let SL I.oak'm pL 21�"Vaehoo wu i��lo�."lt faka�we dsri lo r�ch PauL.I lud&pimty o[tlme b Narp Wst mr.�If�aed 1 wr� � proDably ooly Ninonota peopk oa t4e Eoat QnW.a.smoEer oI•tM. panen` wen(evm Call[ornia.lrom aU ovn taa canotey:l(a�t of W�m, � aera W SL Paul!a t!t tlot t1�w!n lidi Uva.". .. • •?i. � v.� a w�a�o�«.a.u�um w.r w ue�.e L eaooaai . � c�eee ci t tlm�Uun by�ltdlo{In m a dveebo�t.11i a m�aotactunt't. , �. reprnen vti Vuhoo wa wtnraUy loclloed W.ttrit�a oonwts�tlaot' ; witA db t low travelees.He betao atturtn�tbem,ea�7r at tlest,tlut ' . ' ; St Paul w aa of t6e Sfomt dfkf i�tie eautt�. .. , ,; • "I De`a b un�antaid."Vaehoa sU4"W�t mast oI t4e p�raqees.l�d '• � b�en (a We telp by Ewvd���n4.I ptA�r•t4t�sp�a�wh : "there 't aoy Mlmaofa pwpw.l wppou tnwl a�eofs fs 1/f�erofa: : doo't book m tcips Wt retuf9 tham W ltlmwtL". � .�' , � ' 7'he bi` tamrrput lo��the wa�at Haao(OU,Ido.j DuMipue,low�, ;' Pralrle d CWeo,Wit. aad{Yaeuh�.Mlen:AL rcY NoP V��hoa'wu ' � lmpraxd rriN tLe a000rtuoodatio�bcal'dtl�eor w►o w�k�omW tLe � boat • . ;' , °You "V�ceoP. . "hmr t6e7 PLYed uP•th�liaeie;7r!ale • +vy.m ° �;r , � . . . :...:�..:�. :..: ' �• : It w Vae!►ao tLat�tl�n wm't�tls{M''pbot ot�W�eatoe+ : Con han Pp�1C aEOard Doat adwetWp{ tA�, _,.cA. rfrtua o St,Paol That botL� TMS A��t •Vachon. � lorrt�a memDa oI !�' 1b�. ihe Cha Yer ot Canmuce, es• �N��E. . . imow�Ao Im � ,. vMlse tb dt��t It w�s b ad- �. � ' ,- �"1'herc wa ooly aoe Wn� W. . •' :•�: do;• •�sc sald. "i �ppoioNd ;,;:!�. ;�' mysel(u an uoot(ktal roanba ot tbe Cham 'ot Cortuauc�" rv ,'r�t'i"•. Vachoa wm't caUln�St Paul , �..' tLe cro kwd at the ladwatus '+_�;^!� of Ne t r[rm,bot 6a wu oom� %F�=i::'�`a'. ,��':• in`clae. He mana�ed to�teer t � ' '' . •., • (tv► away lrom IdlnoeapoUt. �py DeroMow/8utl Pholew�Wr► Lote a lato St Paal 6otslf.He• �s sipn awNts pass�np�rs � bepn tDe SL Paal wuo- at Lan��rt LnfdY�p. nots aad worbt tpob.}ie uu . ont a wai �lav or two,�d �������.���- h�nea Wmts that St Pa pnnclw aad w�ed�,autb�d eam wu a. walkabk cil� tlWl �papr cnp�.Gratlltl wu�pn V� ulo�abont St PaW." Iert�ad����p� ."i wu�do�boaw to t►en wen�Lke"��p aod . a city fha I wu very Drood o��aod. Taa�my�"o�•"Wa1es W{ILamf,A4 7at,I was braulo�aEout It•" mo�,�,�,����� . ' 'ree � ur bl�ue.ma a�ew �aos ot w ulep on IL.wan�oa to St Pa th�nare poaqlul Va• �p�� . cEon me. Raunnau and T�ere al�w�a luk�,laoeet� lim.Tbe�laia o(��paul wen. ik teTe with a towd ao0 two pab � trippla� hli tae�ue.Bt Pad• . �'Aod t�t waslR . wai)ust the bmE. ' � 1 oald�'t leliw�It, ,Vae6ae . tald "I �tart�d tl�arfo{ In m� TAm tdla� terrlDle�M¢,•mlad.'!!s MldeNpp1 Qweo mad� peacd. boat Laded.Vachons •tbroe ta11 trlpt to St PaW.11at't I.a�bert � t W 14 the dpi.at '1,200 p�opl� t1�et t6ere. 7'Sat 'doeso't oouot tD�Delta Qu�eo.9V6o '7Lere a a dp�an the w�ll of ��b��7 V�N�aniw!o tbe laodl V�eAoo Wd."Th�a SL Pad tx fie lint Umt�r ri�- wai eYe.No rrelaome.No' �t" • cabt wa s�. Jmt tAe'•trattk' It.eatid be t6owaadt, e�� whluin{ oa SAep�td Rwd.Aed ar.Aod alter�Il Wp!ar�Ewt tlut slpi. �Inndov,tbe Lnd ol�y Ww wa- Aiter�1 ot V�tAon'f camptl�a lers aud�ood Uthisj,allt��w . lo�, tAe tint th(n� people pw 4 � dp� tbat 1a�t, "!Lb Ptom , aben laoded la St Pad�a 7bis Arn Not Sate To Fal"'1'h�t, ��o tlut iald: "FbA Froao 73h p�atfltl,two pupUcttI�p6a��aed , Area Arc Sate To'Fal" • Inkin� tincet wlti'a Wwel . Wone, d�n lud a picture of ����rouod IL ' a litqe I oa ll with s red dm '7 lalt embarr�wd,^ VaeAoa dnwn �h!t Tbe pof�an•fltp �aid. wu over yed oa a map ot tha rtw Noweva. tLeee Mu a pe!�pt er lrom MtAay Falls b PI�'a ude, As Ltdoo� nrideab of�it, Eye Lak St Paul wu IdenUtMd Paul We Vae�oro wara aWe to ob an tAe p by�uookalack with f�r aw lait Wt ol adrlc�. • tLree puf o!enwlce comin�wt oI ��pon't Malk aaou Slepard Roid,"tAey wld Neir oaw lriwd�. Th� la �n� IbeU wat awu► "R�," •. . —13— APPENDIX B The primary purpose of this report is to examine the basic requirements in development of an lternative Riverboat Landing Area and its cost implications. To this end, three �asic questions will be addressed: What should this landing area do? Where should it be located? How much will it cost to develop? WHAT SHOULD THE LANDING AREA DO? The landing facility should be designed to the appropriate form and scale to accommodate the necessary functional aspects of the .r-iverboat excursion uses as well as the everyday needs of a barge/tugboat facility. Ideally, the f acility should provide sufficient space and layout for activities related to the boats including provisioning, refueling, taking on of water, refuse disposal , cleaning and servicing, etc. The landing must also provide for the functional aspects of passenger loading, with service for the crews, support personnel and visitors. Equally important to the functional questions are the social/aesthetic concerns. The landing must also promote the IMAGE �AND EXPERIENCE people should reasonably expect when arriving at, or departing from, the Capitol City of our State. The landing should also serve as a special "PLACE", where the community can experience the Mississippi and celebrate Saint Paul 's history with the river. The adjacent environment should provide the passen�ers, crew and river participants with a diverse and interesting range of historical , cultural and social activities to explore and participate in. The landing should not simply be a point where the river excursion ends, but rather, a major node where the boat "arrives into" the City of Saint Pual , the grand finale of the trip. The landing could become a gateway to the richness of experince to be found in Saint Paul . To this end, the landing area should be able to utilize, to the greatest extent possible, the existing social infrastructure, preferably via the pedestrian mode. WHERE SHOULD THE LANDING BE? Physically, the landing site must be on a stretch of channel with sufficient depth and bottom slope to allow riverboats, barges and tugboats close to shore docking. It should be clear of surface plan obstructions, free from vertical obstruction or height limitations and have a fixed permanent platform sufficient in strength to withstand fluctuating river conditions. A designed development for the excursions and public uses would dictate that certain infrastructure is also necessary. These uses require the availability of access roads, internal circulation and manuevering space, some parking and stacking area for taxi service, buses and automobiles, access � to storm and sanitary sewers, portable water and electric and telephone service. Each of the three sites examined has access to or potential to develop these critical elements. The cost to provide these services to each site will vary due to existing site conditions. —14— ����� Psychologically, the iting f the landing facility is crucial to its succes as a public amenity and o the xperience of the participant. The landing site must be sufficiently to cl se to n "activity core" to entice interaction between the two. The skyline of owntow is a particular-ly important view to arriving p ssengers and should be emphasi ed. T e precise point of arrival should be directly c nnected to this view and to t e acti ity areas adjacent. It is quite clear fro the f rst two factors that none of the three sites ex mined is a suitable site fo the 1 nding, regardless of cost. The area in nener 1 , the industrial park, is a inapp opriate place to develop any specific site for his purpose. The following represe ts an bbreviated opportunity/constraint analysis of t e three sites with associated costs. Though it is considered that any of the three ites would be a poor selec ion, c sts to develop a moderate solution were examine . They are as follows: SITE 1 AMHOIST DOCK S TE ' Problems - 1) Enter ci�y op osite owntown 2) Dock in indus rial a ea/poor image 3) Must use vehi ular t ansport in and out of site and to downtown 4) Access road a jacent are poor physically/visually 5) Must share si e with industrial user 6) Site can be dified only to a certain extent and adequate screening would be virt ally i possible to provide Opportunities - 1) Good view of kyline across river 2) Solid/level d ck sur ace 3� Marginal acce s by c r-cab-limo-bus 4) Access for se vice v hicles acceptable 5) Access for fu 1 and ervice trucks 6) Water main av ilable 7) Storm and san tary f irly close 8? Electric and elepho e access relatively easy Estimated cost to p ovide ewer, water, electricity, phone service, clean p area suitable for landin , provide access for passengers from parking area, dev lop small parking area, upgrad roads to the site, provide small structure and landscape: _ $110,000.00 (est. ) -15- SITE 2 BARGE DEPOT SITE Advantages - 1) Storm water relatively close 2) Area suitable for small parking adjacent 3) Large area behind levee to develop Problems - 1) No sanitary sewer near 2) No water near 3) Topography bad - poor access levee 4) Difficult to load fuel, supplies, water and passengers 5) Poor sense of arrival/departure to Saint Paul 6) No pedestrian access anywhere 7) Considerable distance from downtown 8) No adjacent amenities - industrial area 9) Undeveloped area - no landscaping, minimal infrastructure in place 10) Roadway to site would need construction Develop sewer, water, electricity, phone service, access road, parking, passenger access, dock, structure and landscaping: $234,000.00 (est. ) SITE 3 HOLMAN FIELD SITE Advantages - 1) Water, storm and sanitary relatively close 2) Parking quite close 3) Roads to site good 4) Good bus/vehicular access 5) Potential for upgrading steps and entry area Problems - 1) Internal roads need work 2) No pedestrian access 3) Poor view of Saint Paul 4) Poor sense of arrival/departure 5) Landscaping difficult due to flight path - 6) Costly to dredge harbor 7) Ancillary activities do not exist due to industrial area Provide sewer, water, electric and phone service, shelter, repair steps, landing dock, dredge and landscape: $292,500.00 (est. ) -16- _��_ __... .. ....._._ __.r _.__ _ ._ '_____.� n � ����.��.�..._. � . c_ . � ..`..� � �C G < x � ' ? m � � :- � � s � > � '--� :�7 ' —� S C. � D � ! � •— rr �-r � N 7C f fTl �..� �j ` •7 ; � f �. I y � � "'� ""' Z C7 C7 � �Tl F fTl i �.�'l w � w c� z c� � D � � i p % o i .-. .-� �-, � � r � -� ' � ; �t , r r r � � z .-, .-, ,-. o n �. � � n � c� ; '4 -� -� -� o c� c� ?� -� � � ? �.., � (L' -< -< � � •--� c-� c� � m ' � �c r m c-� i :� ' m � �� o 0 0 •-+ cn m � � ' '�"t T �"I '*'I —I N (/� .-. � � Ft �' � ` � � n"1 � N F-r S � . L � � n �. c� o ! -� z r z p� cmn �� � -�"'� z m � � � n � .{ m � � -� -i � -� N A I � Tri � �, n �. .-, .� x a� :� m .-� c� --i n s i '� � cn r z 'm � C/� r� D � � —1 r cn c� � � m m i ,C � �� � m W Ctl � m '�'� � � � a � � � � � � � � � � � -� - v � O � � � / � � ..� ' m� � !^+ � Y _� � ' + �� � � N O � .. � � � � � , 11� ! 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PAUL Memorandum TO: Board of Com issione s DATE: Feb. 4, 1985 - Meeting Febr ary 19, 1985 , FROM: E. A raµ ���y1 SUBJECT: �MBERT LAND NG IMP OVEMENTS - RIVERFRONT DEVELOPMENT ' The Port Aut ority as for many years been responsible for the Lam ert Landing area at the Mississippi River and the foot of Sibley Stree on Warner Road. We currently provid and pay for the water service for the riverbo ts and permit them o dock there. Some time ago there was a small parkin lot constructed cross arner Road and boat service is handled directl from the landing tself. Because of the activity, it sometimes creates hazardous tr ffic c nditions. The Riverfront Commission and the C ty of St. Paul are recomm nding certain improvements not only to facilit te the handling of raffic but to present a better image to those persons visiting St. Paul abo rd the Delta Queen and other vessesls that dock in th area. This would i clude cleanup and some repairs to the landing, appr priate identificati n sign relative to identifying the Port of St. Paul, and landscaping heir p rking facility. There will b other steps taken by the City to provide short term elief of traffic cong stion hen the cruise boats are in town by means of d tours, etc. In dis ussion with the Riverfront Commissio�, Public Works, and other City d partme ts it has been determined that the landscaping, the improvements, the a propriate signage could be accomplished for approximatel $30,0 0. Additional costs of murals on the concrete abutments an thing of this type would be funded from other sour s. Staff of the Port A thority has informed the Commission of its lo g- standing res onsibi ity for Lambert Landing and would recommend t at the Port Authority fund the $30,000 for improvements and continue to upply the water, provi ing th City took over the responsibility for all fu ure maintenance f the improvements at Lambert Landing. Since this i another . gateway to o r city and since it involves basically the gateway f om a river comme ce sta point, we are recommending that the Commissio approve the appropriation f om the Property Sale and Rental Fund of $30,0 0 to - provide the e impr ementvs. It is our i tentio that when the next fleeting leases are renego iated that a smal incre se be included to provide for the amortization of this investment d the provision for water supplies at the landing. EAK:jmo '� � . � � � 1� ~ � � , � � � . - � � J � u� H J� � � LL1 0 � . � �- � � � I ,; �, � � . � � � � .. . � o � � � � • � • �.- � � � > _ �� � � a • � �-- Q � � . 0 Q i ci p � � �. { � �r � �-r � � U' W � ' -i w 3 �-' L- � ► m -� w ' w � a m (/') � � }.. i -� Q LJ � ! ►-� W Z J N � r, � t Q F-� G r-, W C� i °a y(' C � � � �-r � Q ►-+ C � 7� t Q N F-- � E- F- } � � W � � U � ►-+ .--. } W � Z �' . � � c/) O 7 � -1 Z t F-- C W F- = N .--� Q ! 4* �- j { '-.r Li- W U N � � �- . s � �-~-. N N � �--. L¢L LL il I..� � ! � w cn i •--� U O � O �� ; W ; c[ �-, U W J Y +^ � �-- � � C� Q U � U O 1- F- { F- � ' (n f 4' � Cr t Q 0 ..-. '--� � .-� ' � � A � J J J � L' i L'L � H Q J � U' � ,--� .-� � O � O Z J Q . L7 Z c� C] c] Lrf i # W t L � r � � � G� Q R W a F-- _J J E J � i C^ � C� G W � 1 � N �--� � I �--� �. � ¢ ¢ � � 2 � F- . c� •-• Q G � � � .-: � ° w { � ; ¢ x � a � .�.._____..__._�_� �.�._._..�..»�._�.w�_.c ¢ ¢ ; ! -19- �,�� - � �� . � �� r � �� �{; ' . ' ' " "' .x. — —a :.#�?3. .''.3, d "':_} .3'� `�I��,s�'sF���;. � � �!e 8539�4— ibe� - �=` �,.��„ � B7�.�_- �1��'� L�d�g{ie ;'� �t`'` },. et�oi�e�db� cit .�." ^ �� r :�t'tt�,.r�ei��-�) '�`�� ;:t"� � .�� � r.:: z� �� �� ��� -�} � � � � ' :x r �"�-. Y �a �' 'y '�`� �� z �� � �3: )y y'�.M1��p, g yy . � iR6CTifs1?� ' �f�mi F.M,' �A![�;�, _ y ��': } r ..x"�� :att _:a- .�t ''� ,.,!��' g!�' vl� � � � `� r� ��� r� ;` � _� � -p��y ._� a� ,.�,l ,� �, • � � 3!��� ,- �' -. 'y,, a�c��, v� ' ����. � ,��� y �3„�,. i .. - t . :T`� ;r.. .4� r -I. r.:� �.3:� _.:.r� �...�:' �� •�, � ':' s .�� . �s - -'�. ."�`}" ., • . 3 S.� 4 + AL00Yafi �, . �"� � I ,d �'� �- � 7�...;,. �`- �� `� �e�20ut. � �;. „ _ �: �� ,��'�?'�wiiiij�E� ,�.1l�'��� . ,, �� � ; . �,. �`s��� :.,r� f� ��'i���,. �.r� - i��o.�o.�� :.� � „�.� ,.,�:,. :< n`'o �:'� '�r ,��, a',b` s.: � - �.+�„� •;W: 1'e�' :a�3. ";a .,, .;, .u,::s>. , � I�+' t�= � � ; e�" ....:.'�� .��'� a�+��'3.de�� � ���.r,�, '�' �,��,� ����!� , _ : a:. ...�,. • .:.. , .. , . r .� �. ! . ' - ' " ' :.,.-�...x ��..; ,. f '�`�'` ,.,�.�w.y `�+�'•; 'C '� �<�� _ ���. " `�--°;c�r+i!�r— �.� .L} 'i�-r, �.•,� _ 1 �'h[i. .'.. � .�. -. . .' _ 7: �a .���!�' X �'.. - . h�E��si'Y�Y!�11��l'f�� ��L'Ol�����.1� r r- + b3� �£ :� �`����� .����. ..� � � �,.".ti. bLt:x.f,s :'Y�'Si=' - .��i .,.��dVj�;: t,..5'.s. . �..� . .: �.__� .�._...... . . . . , ___. .. . _. _.. . . _. i � � Downtown Riverfront Commission esolution City of Saint Paul file number 85-02 dlte ' Februar 7, 1985 WHEREAS, Lambert's anding is one of the most important economic, histori and educational feature of th downtown riverfront; and WHEREAS, it is evid nt tha the current condition of the Landing is embar assing to the city and dan erous o the people who use it; and WHERERS, long—range plans o permanently improve the Landing are not sche uled to be implemented f r at 1 ast 3 years; and WHEREAS, the Mayor as dir cted the Riverfront Commission to recommend in erim measures that will 'mprove the condition, appearance and community awaren ss of Lambert's Landin ; and WHEREAS, the Public Works nd Recreation & Environment Task Forces have r viewed the matter and prep red th attached report entitled Interim Im rovements to Lambert's Landing w ich ou lines specific recommendations to address the situation; and WHEREAS, the Downto n Rive front Commission concurs with the conclusions nd recommendations of its Tas Forces; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO VED, that the Downtown Riverfront Commission a prove ,� the recommendations in the report Interim Im rovements to Lambert's Landi ; and BE IT FURTHER RESO VED, th t the Riverfront Commission directs its staff o forward the Commisison's r commendations to the Mayor and City Council fo their consideratio . moved by f�lr. McDonel l seconded by i�r, tol esta in favor against � . � _ �,���R _. _ � �. .. .� _ „ ,. _ ..a .� �. F•,t� r�t�. -� � � � , /' , �� Z���'�'� ���������� ��5'P39� � � , P�GE 1 of 2 �'resented By + / C�-�i, �`�� i P,eferred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date L�IHEREAS, Lambert' s Lan ing is one of the most important hist ric, educational and cono 'c assets vf the downtown riverfront a d of the entire ci y; �n7HEREAS, it is e ident that the current condition of the lan ing is. both embarrassin to t e City and dangerous to the people wh use it, and _ ti•7HEREAS, long-ra ge pl ns to permanently improve the landing are not scheduled to be im lemented for at ].east three years, an WHEREAS, the Dow town iverfront Commission and the Mayor ha e recommended inte im me sures which will imgrove the conditi.o , - aesthetic appear nce, anagement and community awarer_ess of er�'s Landir.g in a rep rt en itled Lambert' s Landin : Interim Im ovements; and WHEREAS, the Sai, t Pau Port Authority has authorized $30 ,00 to make almost all f the recommended capital improvements� and w-HEREAS, the Cou cil o the City of Saint Paul believes that murals (which have not een b dgeted by the Port Authority) are app opriate at key locations at th landing to highlight the historical nd qultural signifi ance f the landing to Saint Paul; �rdHEREAS, the May r, pu suant to Section 10 .07.4 of the City harter, does recommend t e fol owing transfers for the 1985 General und Budget: COU'�CIL:Vtr,N Requested by Department of: �ea� Nays Fiatcher ""��', °'`e'" In Favor Masanz Nicosia � Scheibel Against BY �� 7adasco Ylilson Form Appr by City Attorney :idopted by Council: Date ��rtified Passed by Council Secreta By B, � 3;�pro�•ed by :�1avor. Date Approved hlayor Su mis ' to Go cil . �y . . J R a a tl x �J A 1 J\ L 1 a� lJ L Y. '] , / � , File N 0. � � �- � • . . _ ������� �������`��� PAGE 2 of 2 ,cnte�l �3y � Referred To Committee: Date Oat of Committee By Date TRANSFER FROM: General Gove nment Accounts Contingent Reser e General 09060-537 perat ng Transfer Out -10,0 0 Current Amended Budget -Changes Budget TRADtSFER TO: Planning & Ec nomic DeveTopment Dept. 06000 Plann'ng & Economic Development Contribu ion 06000-537 O erati g Transfer 0ut 1,326 ,781 +10 ,0 0 1,336,781 1,326,781 +10,Q 0 1,336,781 NET CHANGE 4 BE IT FURTHER SOLVE , that the Council of the City of Sai t Paul accepts and end rses he recommendations presented in the r port Lambert' s Landi I terim� Im rovements; and __ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council adopt these changes to the 985 b dget. BE IT FINALLY R SOLVE , that the Councii encourages City sta f to insure that the impro ements to Lambert's Landing be complet d by the time the ri er ex ursion boats are due to arrive in Sain Paul this spring. Funding is Avai able: Appr al Reeommend d- `� 'r�(�,l `J ��,,�., ``,`j j •-� / W Director of Fin nce Budget Director COUNCIL'�tEN ':�eas �, Na s Requested by De artmen of: —����,��-t.�-- � (� '� or�..----� � Masanz In Favor ' Nicnsia �, � � Scheibel Against BY � M/itsom . R 19 19�j Form A e y City Atto ney luupted b}� Council: Date _ertified Pas. � y .i S r a By . �� � e; _ '�oN � by 1�lavor: Date '' � R � Approved �y Mayo or S ion to Cou cit � y �v [ c�, ni� iiihi J �J ���.7 ^' P�1�, a�z'�