85-393 WHITE, � CiT`/ CLERK PINK - F�NANCE G TY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . � 1 Return to: uncil Resolution Valuations - Room 21 � Presented y T Referred To � O rn� Committee: Date ' � � Out of Committee By Date " wf�EtE�S, th Board of Qounty Gommissioners of Ramsey Gounty Resolu ion No. 84-760 date Octo er 14, 1984, classified as non-conservation land certain tax-forf ited operties lying within the City of Saint Paul said properties set f rth on the list attached hereto ar�d made a part hereo ; and WHEREAS, a certif ed copy of the classification resolution tog ther with a list of t e land classified has been submi�.ted for approval o the City of Saint Pa 1 in rdance with MSA, Section 282.01, sub. l; NCJW, RE, B IT RESOLVED, that the classification of the land shown on said ist as non-conservation land and the sale thereof b and hereby is appro ed, ex ept for the following parcels to be withheld from sale at the requ st of e departments as listed belaw: PA� 'I�0 SE WI FR(.�I SAL�E AT � R�tJF�`I' OF PUBLIC WURKS OODE N0. 02-26600-215-05 t 21, Block 5, Fairchild & Haward's rearrangement of rt of Tracy's �tlots PARCQS TO SE WI SALE AT � R�ST OF THE DEPAF�l.MEL�TP OF PI�ANNING & C D PN�Tr OODE N0. 02-73000-054-10 cept e north 85 feet; Lots l, 4 and 5, Block 10 ubur Hills COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��Son ea�vs �� Drew In Favor Fina asan: Nicosia scnetbei _ Against BY Tedesco Director Wilson Form Appr ved by City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secre ary BY C t Bp Approved by ;Mavor: Date App v by Mayor for Sub io to Co ncil By �NHITE�, - CITV CLERK PINK t FINANCE ITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �� � � BLUE� - MAVOR 1 Return to: ouncil Resolution Valuations - Room 218 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 08-12000-161-0 East 0 feet of Lot 16, Block 2 Atwater Street Additi to th City of St. Paul 09-82300-060-0 West .41 feet of the north 42 feet of Lot 6, Block , Whitne 's Sub. of Blocks 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 part o 17 of Brewster's Addition to St. Paul 12-50000-270-0 Lot 27 Block 2 Milton Addition SE IT LVED, that the City Clerk be and hereby is au rized to file a ce tified copy of this resolution in the Office o Land da�missioner. , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ����Nays � �� Drew � [n Favor Masanz Nicosia sche�bel � _ Against BY �o�Q Director wflson Adopted by Council: Date � � 9 �9a5 Form A proved by City Attorn y C � Certified Yas•e b uncil Se t BY �Z By, �� c App by i�lavor: Date AR � � Ap ved by Mayor for Submi on Coun il By B Pt�a�i ;�E� i r��� �; � 1985 � .. . � � 0 . , . . . . . .. . . � . . � � .. , . � ��� � � � �� i . . . 'i i �� � �l�inan�e � Mgmt Se icea ARTi�T _ �I D � � 298-5317 NE " � . . I ���. ���� � Dec 14, 1984 I . —.,.�....� I I . (Routing aad Exp1 anatf arr ) � . _ , si r far �rt . r Cai A11 l��tiats #Qr T Si at : li �� � � � f � . ...�.� Cit,y► A�t�Co � � � � 3 D1r�or of a lMayor ��� � �� ,� Finutde and S�tMviaes, Etirector RECEIVED ._- . { .4„ c1�,y t�tsrlc ,." Btii�; Di re : r p c C 1� 198� , , -�- I � OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR II ` � DEPARTMENT OF FiNANCE . , ...��. AND MANAGEMEN7 SERVICES �� �ha� 6i311 Aclsi 4 i Aetian on ifie Attact�d (�t�rfals? Pw�cose Qrta1e : . - li; City's. sp ro�►a1 f the l�assificatib� aad sale of tax forfeit�d land s reqnired � bq �4fnnea ta Sta ute 28 .Ol� �I • .. , . _ � _ v . . . � , , . . � . � ; Ffnaocf 1 81� ta and Pe cnrnel I a�s Mttci ated: ' REc�,�� . ._. � f xone : VtG� � I 2 , 0 � '�4 A � , YpRS o� , . � F d1 ;Sav: and d Act vit N+naber t�ta d or Credited� F�CF I ��� � - - . _ �, a: ist �t+mib� . ati �itta : Y . _ . . _ _ � 1. B�sol�tion . � 2. �opy af 84-7 3. �ax fo�feit ist . i 4. Maps ! I . � . � QEPARTi�fT R�Y,IEw CITY ATTtyRNEY. REYIEW _._..,,.�._ _ � � . �, � x Yes �, Yo Cf 1 sol ution. R�quf red? Rasol ution Reguf red? _,_ Y z ,,;,,_�i�o ,� Yes �,�,x�„ Hv I ur�ancs Required? Insuranca Su f f ic ient? _ Y s � No � xx � i _, Yes `�, No I uranCt AttaCtttd? . - �� � I � � � . � ReYi sivn o1' OCtob�r, �1 g82� � � ; `\ I � (�as Reverse Side for tns� tioAS) I :f ; '�� �� � ' �� _ i � � � _ _ _� � : . . � � � � � _ , � � . _ � "� s _ � � , r ,y } a:� r ix a^w''r:�,x,.� •k � , � 1 } ,'t s i %� f "�' 1;�"' f0 ����tt��w, �F�,�� �� �'�,�'� i x � . {- t� a - , � E�a �t �� s�, r.. i y '., �`k .. a __\ t "'�'x�r" .���� �, �, Y ;,�a '�{y N '� 4t� { � ;" a E! �` �. �, n � c/ , 't�," r '''�f Ta ' � ,' 7 » d { ;����,�'� F _( l � � k. M �' �� .. � � �� �- �� � } ��9 Y� * /. r.. � f � t�(. J _ �n - j ��� i' �• M �. �f f4� .1. ' �� t/ 't �� I . � . �_ � .. 1 y �� � r � �, �� h y 4Y � .", f- � � t ( ` t� � ; `� � 4 .:�...t� � ��� +�r �S� �` .` .� ' � , , . . . . . , , . -�. '{ . . . . . ., .. 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" � � � �.5-3 y-3 CLASSIFICATION LIST October 15, 1984 Code N mber CITY OF SAI T PAUL WARD ONE Dittmanns Subdivi ion of Lot 5 of the Subdivisi of th East Half of the South West Quart r of S c 20 Town 29 North, Range 22 st of he 4eh rincipal Meridian South 20 feet o the East One-half of Lot 20, nd the North 22 feet of the �East One hal£ o Lot 21 O1-23100 210-00 Fairview A dition to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota (Except e Sout 20 feet) , Lot 4, Block 11 01-26700- 41-11 Subdivision of and Addition to Irvine's Addition of Out Lo s to Saint Paul West 70 f et of ot 2, Block 3 01-73900- 22-03 WARD TWO Lyman Dayto s Addi ion to the City of Saint Paul (Except a1 ey) , L t 9, Block 34 02-23000-0 0-34 Fairchild & oward' re-arrangement of part of Trac Out ots Lot 21, Bl ck 5 02-26600-2 5-05 Suburban Hil s (Except th North 85 feet) , Lots 1, 4 and 5, Block 1 02-73000-05 -10 Tracys Outlot in th Township of New Canada, Ramse Count , and S ate of Minnesota (Except the West 1 5-2/10 feet) , the North 51 feet of ot l, lock 10 02-76800-01 -10 r . � ���-� 93 WARD FIVE Watson a Rice' Subdivision "C" of Block 1, Stinson, rown a d Ramsey's Add. to the City of St. Pa 1 Lot 5, lock 4 05-8170 -OSO-04 WARD SEVEN "Summit P rk add tion to St. Paul" Lots 4 nd 5, lock 39 07-71200 OSO-39 Woodland ark add'tion to the Cit of St. Paul. Subject o e�se ents; the South 7 feet. of � the Nort 82 fe .t of Lot 1, and the South 7 feet o the N rth 82 feet of the East 37-35/10 feet f Lot 2, Block 5 07-8440Q 022-OS WARD EIGHT Atwater St eet Ad ition to ttie City of St Paul, Ramse Cou t Mi n. East 10 eet of. ot 16, Block 2 08-12000- 61-02 Blocks 7, 8, 9, 1Q 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 Lewis' (2) Additio to St Pau1, Minnesota Lot 5, B1 ck 15 � 08-44200- 50-15 Rice Street Villas Lot 32, B ock 9 08-64000- 20-09 Lot 33, B ock 9 08-64000-3 0-09 Robertson a d Van E ten's addition to S.aint Paul • NorCh One- alf of Lot 7, Block 13 08-65000-0 1-13 WARD NINE Whitneys Sub ivisio of Blocks 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 , 10, 15, 16 a d part of 17, �f Brewster's Addition to t, Pau West 71-41 100 fe r. of the North 42 feet of Lot 6, Blo k 2 09-82300-06 -Q2 WARD TWELVE "Milton" Addi ion Lot 27, Blo k 2 12-50000-27 -Q2 . �.='�`�:,',,"'�� � �, � ��5�93 � �.or.: ..�..� .��--r-�.. -..:<�_;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ��—L�i �' �� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM /! �6 �� Val� ,;cns & A;ses ments Div sian Dep#. Fin�arrce& M naaemsr�t Service� ! T0: Dav Nelso Sup rvisor f Real Estate - Finance Department Roo 218 i ty Hai l FROM: Tho as J. E gum �:i Dep ty Dire tor - Public Works Department 600 C i ty Ha 1 Annex DATE: Nov mber 1 , 1984 RE: Tax orfeite list of properties to the State of Minnesota in 198 for no payment of reai estate taxes. A review of th attac ed classification list of tax forfeited properties dated October 5, 198 has been completed. Lot 21, Block Fairchild and Howard's Rearrangemnt of part of Tracys Outlots, locate in Wa d two, Parcel Code No. 02-26600-21 S-O5, must b withheld from ale, an acquired by the Sewer Division of the Public Works Departm nt, for the Beit Line Sewer Ponding Area. The Departmen of Pub ic Works has no need for the remaining parcels on , this list. attachments: aps ax Forf i ted L ist cc: Bob Peterso Bob Roettge Dan Dunford ; Roy Bredahl _ ; .:� _ , , �.� � "� i � `'� CITY O SAINT PAUL `'T �'�� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC EVELOPMENT ab e�''�, a : , • � Z�° DIVISION F DEVELOPMENT ° ' .,� � pi�111tiit a- 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � ntt 111 1l � m ,� 612-292-1577 iss+ s�y GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR Mr. Dave Nelson November 3 , 1984 Supervisor of Rea Estat Department of Fin nce an Management Services Valuation Divisio 218 Court House, ity Ha 1 Saint Paul, MN. 5102 RE: TAXFORFEITED LANDS STATE OF MI ESOTA 984 Dear Mr. Nelson: The Department of lannin and Economic Development (PED/HRA) has review d the sixteen (16) parce s that went tax forfeit in 1984. Listed below are ou com- ments for each of hese p rcels. l.) Tax Code: 01-2 100-210-00 Address: 1205 Edgerton District: Payn -Phalen District 5 Comment: No I terest 2.) Tax Code: 01-2 700-041-11 Address: 1009 Bradley - District: Payn -Phalen District 5 Comment: No I terest 3.) Tax Code: O1-73 00-022-03 Address: 711 B adley District: Payne Phalen District 5 Comment: No In erest 4.) Tax Code: 02-23 00-090-34 Address: 721 T �rd Street District: Dayto 's Bluff District 4 Comment: - No In erest : 5.) Tax Code: 02-26 00-215-05 Address: York nd Clarence District: Great r East Side, District 2 Comment: No In erest j -�_ ' � �`�'-_��� Mr. D ave Nelson Novem er 30, 1984 Valuation Divisi n 6.) Tax Code: 02- 3000-054-10 Address: 151 Bates Avenue District: Day on`s Bluff District 4 Comments: Ple se withhold this property from public sale. HRA PED would be interested in trying to sell thi lot for compatible housing. 7.) Tax Code: 02- 6800-010-10 Address: Sti lwater Avenue District: Gre ter East Side, District 2 Comments: No nterest 8.) Tax Code: 05- 1700-050-04 Address: Gra e Street between Nugent and Richmond District: West Seventh District 9 Comments: No I terest 9.) Tax Code: 07-7 200-050-39 Address: 1058 Summit Avenue District: Summ't Hill District 16 Comments: No I terest 10.) Tax Code: 07-8 400-022-05 Address: Mack bin and Selby District: Summ t-University District 8 Comments: No I terest 11.) Tax Code: 08-6 000-071-13 Address: 246 dmund Avenue District: Thom s-Dale District 7 Comments: No I terest 12.) Tax Code: 08-64 00-330-09 and 08-64000-320-09 Address: 1530 lbemarle District: North End District 6 Comments: N o In erest 13.) Tax Code: 08-44 00-OSO-15 Address: 949 M rion Street District: North End District 6 Comments: No In erest ,` 14.) Tax Code: �08=I� 00-161-02 Address: --- A water Street - District: North End District 6 Comments: Pleas withhold this property from public sale. - HRA o s 293 Atwater and 291 Atwater, we would com- bine his 10 foot splinter parcel with these two lots for r sale for housing development. ' � '-3- � .�:. . • ' � �`J_��3 - • � .. 6' 'Y<: tt3:�. Mr. Dave Nelson November 0, 1984 .=>�-��.:a Valuation Divisio - �'�� 15.) Tax Cod : 09-- 2300-060-02 Address 546 Rice Street Distric : Tho as-Dale Diatrict 7 Comment : Ple se withhold this property from public sale. Thi property is located in the Capitol Architectur 1 Pla ning Board Area and they have control over all ax f or eit lands within that area. There is a large o er- all study being done for new housing and `commercial de- vel pment in this area, we should await their recom enda- tio . 16.) Tax Cod : 12-5 000-270-02 Address: 873 uller Avenue District: Summ't-University District 8 Comments: Plea e withhold this property from public sale. This lot is located .within an area that has undergo e majo renovation and received extensive federal fun ing. In o der to continue this upward revitalization tre d HRA/ ED would be interest�d in trying to sell this ot for ompatible housing use. As you are aware, he abi ity to secure successful development on vacant and depends extensivel on th purchase price. 2herefore, please let me know when you are in a posit on to iscuss value with this Department for each of t ese parcels. It is H /PED's understanding that the Capitol Area Architectur 1 Plan- ning Board will de elop t e conditions for resale on 546 Rice Street. If you have any qu stions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 292-15 7, exten- sion 231. Sincerely, ���L��� Sheryl A. Pemberton Real Estate Adminis rator cc: Anthony Reiter, Depart ent of County L and Commissioner _ Dick McCann, Va uation Division Capitol Area Ar hitect ral Planning Board �y i: . � . • . _ _ �. . .. � h {{ M ��. . F s.e: Y 1 , :" �. - ,ti � � ae t � � � �,n ���t `� ar �i �' . l � . '. aa n � '� � � k� 3� i.,,,� . ��.. _*���y:: ''� ^� .r`��` ty.� t ti .I� .: gy�,$��'t� aa °",<� ri-x� tl"�.,�� "�r7N �f �j �, i��` v i.k r _ �' � ,�t G�k #�. .�a�y Yj:� �9� 3.a"2'' F f4, s -:f �� �y :e �s' ,k.�" ��Y�� i � ��, i � :Y .'. . .' ., .�a +,. 4'i �. - �y�. . �_ i � : . ` '.'fnK ; .. .:, ,,�{;cd'a aM`5,f��� . � • i . �+f' � -•' , q � t. �� F.�.�..w`��.� . , ..,�.,. ., .s . . . ,, . . , _.. . . .. :., ., . . �. . -.: ,, . : . . .. , ._ . , . - �,,. ,,:.. ,, _, ;. F . .. : . . . . ,: ._ . : . , �,�,.�.a"�:, , . _� , _ .-..;� ,.. �Y iC�. _ < . . , .••i � . . .� � . • � /�i� ��--��3 �` Res�lution ,,�.�.�� Board of • t � .11. Q S2 �Ot112! Commissloners . � ..� Presented By Commiss'oner F nley Odt2 October 15, 1984 N0. 84-760 Attention: � Budget & ccount ng; �'� Reiter, Land Commissioner; WHEREAS, MS Secti n 282 provides that forfeited lands be classif'ed as conservation r non- onservation and that the classification be sub 'tted to the governing ody o the governmental subdivision in which the parc ls - lie for approval f the lassification and sale thereof; and WHEREAS, The Land C mmissioner has prepared a list dated October 1 , 1984, of parcels which orfeit d for non-payment of taxes and recommends that said parcels be classi ied as non-conservation lands; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, Th t the oard of Ramsey County Commissioners hereby rec mmends thal ttie parcels f forf ited land as shown on said list be and hereby re classified as non conser ation lands; and, Be It Further � RESOLVED, Th t the lassification be submitted to the governing bo y of the subdivision w erein he parcels lie for approval of the classificat on and sale of the 1 nds in olved. .; � _ :. � . ; .,- ' v �S .,V,a s' �.- t . . ' � � . ., 5 l U 5 ,{�, n"'i� "� , ., ��, . ;. S < . ... i r�.{ *c :..���� .re�" ,-!, � � r f 3 �. �' � .� `�' �� � 3' "'�'i a.3'- ,+a�f . a r r ,�.x„ o- Kz�$� �.,y'.t'_ � t�'u� s� 4-.4 . t � i Lh *� k�3. r 7`',�aa �.s 5d'+.�� k��' z �h� a j'� �', g, �'�r.t `t.. , .at.4 �''":' �'1 '".+n rkz `� r " R"cn^°-z',�r rr � $ ,s.�- T r � xtr� ¢ ,:�, ��'�?.�^.� �c-;'�, ... . ._, . . zx �x .,.r� �#,�.�-„� <,ca; . , . '� s � , �-�. .,= • ..�_ . ._. . .. .. . ... . - — _. _ ' . '.., - _ .._ a -- ;',. . � / r �, . ' , ' ���� / _ I��RREN Ul. SCHABER Ch " n 8y -� ��� "������ . :C , _ . e; � - Cowtity Ba . Harol C. & armel Schichel � • 1205 dgerto t. � . � • ��C����� � St. P ul, 5101 Viewed; ADDITION: Dittm ns Sub vision • LOT: 21 BLK: WARD: 4 S. 20 ft. f E, One-half of Lot 20 , Sch. Dis . 625M an N. 22 t. of E. One-half of Coc�e No. : 01-2310 -210-00 LOCATION: 1205 F, erton t. �E' Street t ley Assesso 's Limited Graded latted NOTICE N0. $40006 Mark t Value Paved raded Year L d B1 . CuY'b aved FORFEITED:��� � � tN���+ t,t:�.y 7 � 0 39 300 S'walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-8 Water rrens Gas stract �' ZOIVING: Elec. - Grade: Fr. Mid. Rear. RRMARKS: , � Fees: $27.20 - Carmel Schichel Date• 5/14/84 � � i � di nA�` r4 V£- _ _ — �� � ' � � iFO � itii y v 00` ��� ii` �' t'C' �� - Lj� . �3+�. �s • i /?O ~� j�,; /?/ � C C .� f'i `' ��c, `= � —�— � --- — M� � �l4/ � , / /;�o � ;75 � �� �o ��g ao N : . � ; I ... , ; _ � , , . __, _ _ . . -- --q�--- , , :. - 1 � /A`N ' ` •J l'L' ' a `'`' �9 - — -- -- ? J I � �� ; .:��; �9z �,o � � _ ___ __ _, ____ _____ \'�n It�Pn� �I�g�l �� I ��` 1C0 I � � � = �i �� 4!¢ 2b r-� � 0° 4 s---�--�`�.� `.�� . --,—,��``�- L � � �oos' z!'1 ��r ,��: _ 7 � I OD � - � , 1 � , , on. �c Z �yz , �� . c. � � � � I ��'��� ' � r.� y; yI � ss T � 2�1 7A A (r8�, 3.� �� 1t.s '�!3-• '73 ,,, M Y� R �'� t. A1� p . � � Jande low, I c. , 626 ite Be r Ave, ' � . 6,� �� ��3 St. P ul, 5119 � • � Viewed: ADDITION: Fairv w Addi ion LOT: 4 BLK: 11 WARD: 0 " . (Ex ept S. 20 ft.) , Sch. Dis . 625U _: ^l ��,��'e�{�,.�J Code No. : 01-2670 041-11 LOCATION: �E: Street ey Assesso 's Limited Graded latted NOTICE N0. 840065 Ma,rk t Value Paved aded Year L d Bl . Curb ved r'`�. �; � �,�, FORFEITED:S=i:•., ,'° �., � .�,4 I q S o0 S'wa.lk Sewer PLAT N0. C-31 Water T rrens Gas A stract ZO1VII�G: Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid. Rear. RFMARKS: Fees: $12.80 - aca.nt Date: 5/9/84 - J i . . . L. �t cvsON � � . g T �.' g 6 � I.' (� i o o �. � � , o W � 9 �� �� , J , � ' � , � ° �Z o33 a�i � � � �' " �► ° ,. o � C1 � � 3 �3 � � g � , � 1�} o F ,4 O r 1 `� � � �E�v,�s %9v . I_ _ . i � Fre Rich i . �;���/�Cf� 115 Fores ve. � �� St. aul, 55106 • Viewed ADDITION Subd vision of and Addition to I:OT 2 BLK. 3 WARD O1 � ,Irvi es Add tion of Out Lots 5ch. D st. 625U W 70 ft of Code No. : 01-73900--022-03 A Oh Street Alley Asse sor's Estimated Graded Pla ted NOTICE N0. 840071 Tarket Value Paved Gra ed Year Land Bld . Curb Pav d FORFEITED:�!�G 2 � i:�ct� q S y 1 'loo S'walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-45 LJater Tor ens � Gas Abs ract� ASSESSOR'S MAP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mi . Rear. RE:�IARK S: FEES: $12.80 Vaca t DATE: 5/10/84 rn�N�v-�-i���- T, -. , � 60. ��� , r-_ �z�� 6 �i � � '� � o� �b�' . , � r j � � vs � � . Z ) �o�� °� {� 3 1 {31) ' 1 � N �� � -- — � I � � �_ � �3 � ,3. _� � �.. . � � j� (3 � ¢ , : g , � 1 � I-- 6Z �;� 73--�►� f ;j � :.• s ns� , �• - � �(�l oj � a ` �.__6.. _ 060 � . � -i � �t��,_°-�� I 6�)�: j _ l� I� �� 7 ��� . ; � a _�—�3.� , ; Q �--- �- � � � �, ,� 8 t � � Q --- ` � o ���-- I � i�. � 9 $. ; � i v , ' r n (42� / I . I b . ic� �l-a� � h °j ��O �J �' 1 � -q� � ��____ J I3�� mvivT S . Rober li. Wh'tish • . 723 3 d St. . . /_.._.�jr'. ,�j�3 St. P ul, 5106 � • Viewed ADDITION Lyman Dayton Addition LOT 9 BLK. 34 WARD 2 � • (E cept a ley) , Sch. Di t. 625U ^` j"�,,.I�,;.�,,,.�-. Code No. : 02-23000-090-34 OCATION Street Alley Assessor's Estimated Graded Platt d NOTICE N0. 840079 Ma ket Value • Paved Grade Year and Bld . Curb Paved FORFEITED:A�� 2 2 3���' ;L `7 yoo � S'walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-45 Wa�er Torre s \'� Gas Abstr ct ASSESSOR'S MAP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid. Rear. REMARKS: • FEES: $12.10 - Vacan DATE: 5/8/84 , � \ � , ,' 3b. �h •,. - �o• � '' 6 .� ,� �''�' 2� 2�� �. `� ,� � 2p� (��'1 y � P � � '' �� y \ �,l ��p�as`�(186) S"�'" , � � �� � � � �1es) � ;; �� '' 2 , � �iea� 4 ;� ` �� 20�`') (�69;` y0 �IN3� � � V � ,'" �� �� '�v \°� (18Z� � ,�,��i 1/� Q 6. 1 �� (i�t) :�( �• o �� (Il2) �� 1 181? 6 ,� � � �p � (IB�, � \ ��Il4) /I�3,`� (t19) $ � �� � �. � \ 9 ' � � �iis) ���,ie) � �L � 3 � �,-,6) �O � ,, ; t� ="� ��, �� ���o� ,��� ; � ���`L �n�)o8 '''. � h� U �� � � ; , . Raym d & Je nne Dykema � . 92.2 C . RCl,�� �� W� ' . r ��l �/ � St. P ul, 55112 • Viewed ADDITION Fairc ild an Howards Re- LOT 21 BLK. 5 WARD 2 � arran ement Sch. Di t. 625UM Code No. : 02-26600-215-OS A Street Alley Asses or's Estimated Graded Platted NOTICE N0. 840081 M rket Value Paved Grad Y.ear and Bldg. Curb Paved FORFEITED:��� Z � ����T /98 y o o ' S'walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-36 Water Torre s � Gas � Abstr ct ASSESSOR'S PfAP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid. Rear. REMARKS: • FEES: 12 8p - Vacan DATE: 5/8/84 � f �ss ', � . � � � vE • � ' a ., �� , � n � N q.s� „ II I \\ o �` . \ r � � � / !' \O i V � ., g . ao � 3�• S �, 1 e � a � a � . 6 N 17�s �� � �� ••9.itoo` c a h' °ZS � A� �' �'f_IS __�_ ' I o �\ � � 2 _� 2 as 16 ° �� , o� f � � b \ ___ � � ' \ \ ¢� �7 � � 3� � • s -3 22 2� • 18 : � � ,� Q 23 2 a 2 6 "2� 19 � °� � A / C / � � � 2� 2 0 0 � /1J ,S 90 7.13 37. 3 it I i yoR,F �I vE . o �� James E. & M ry A. Bergman i v -2 c 3 1105 ayne A ' . � o s-`� � ' St. P ul, .5101 • iewed , , • ADDITION Subur an Hil LOT 5 BLK. 10 W� 0 (E cept N. 85` ft.) , Lots 1, Sch. Dis . 625U 4 d � Code No. : 02-73000-054-10 LOCATI N Street Alley Assess r's Estimated Graded Platt d NOTICE N0. 840089 Ma ket Value Paved Grade Year and Bld . Curb Paved FORFEITED��� 2 �' ���� 1 q� �oo " S'walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-44 Water Torre s_� 1 Gas Abstr ct ASSESSOR'S MAP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid. Rear. REMARKS: . FEES: $12.80 - Vacan DATE: 5/10/84 v s ° �� � �� � ^,� �� e° �' ; � S° 2 .� ; � ! �R� �'� � � /� "S7 � � �/ �'c 6 z�y � i. � y� ��� � / �� � � � � v � � � .A.' 9�' 0 �O� �� ,\ �° i � . 1 � `�jj ,� �I li A '� , 0 `/ / � �,"i t (i j� ph� � ��/' �. � �/ \O �0 �rt \ 6 � �� o � : -A o �� ; -, � , / �.� . �. ; �. �9 0 / �2 a � � t A n � K � �, �G o ��Q► � � . Paul S epp - . . 1090 M oney D ive ' • �F�,�--�y 3 . St. Pa 1, MN 5112 • Viewed: ADDITION: Tracy Outlot Lp�; 1 gLK; 10 y�p�; 0 • (E ept W, 105-2/l0 ft.) , N. 51 ft. of Sch. Dis . 625UM Code No.: 02-7680 -010-10 LOCATION: E; Street ley Assess r's Limited Graded latted NOTICE N0. 840024 Ma.r et Value Paved raded Year L d Bldg. Curb ved FORFEITED: ��1� � ti 1;;��i 19S � oa S'walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-36 � Water orrens Gas bstrac � ZOIVING: Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid. Rear. RF,MARKS: � Fees:� $12.80 — Vacant Date: 5/8/84 �I I �I � �•_ �' � b ST/LL 1�1/ATER ,9vE. '� � _ -ior.,� _ _ ; � � ��^- .�B �z „ ., „ ,. ,. I � b 0►1 0/D � I � /O I f/ /0 /.�2G �J� Q Q � _t:� i � . � � ---- o , � � � � . � 2 � 7 g 9 � � � � �� I I � ` I ,�� � � 3 �`"' E . - . -�1 I I ♦ � � ----- ----- ��o t � 4 i � , i i � � � o , i i . 5 a 22 21 20 19 18 17 � � � I . ` � � e � � � � 6 i�3i i � �,� ��� i3• i �a � �?a /.13 ix S o .. .. r,� I? � �S ,o,�.�, r.� ¢�,0�9 .�f��°`N�7�' S� - -,- - -- - - ---- - - - - - - � — ` Danie le Pro erties, .Inc. : . � 4612 enterv' e Road � • • � X� -�y 3 White Bear , MN SS110 Vie�aed: 4DD�iI0i1: Watso and Ri e's Subdivision "C" LOT: 5 BLK: 4 WARD: S Sch. Di t. 625U� �� �, ��•-�e�+�r� Code No. : 05-81700- SO-04 LOC.YTIO�,T: US�: Str��et ley Asses or's Limited Graded latted NOTIC� N0. 840221 P+Ia ltet Value Paved raded ��r � � 1�$� Year and Bld . Curb aved FORFEITED:��'� -� �� 19 Y ao S'wal.k Sewer PLP.T �TO. C-88 ;dater �rrens Gas . bstrac ZOrtING: �lec. Grade: Fr. . i�Iid. Reax. REMARKS: Fees: $11.40 - cant Date: 5/9/84 �,. s�v�Nr�. sT � �.!° � r � �5 �� '�,� �! ,�0 2 i £ �"� = 6 ' ���, . . ,�'� �to.e r . � � � 8 � ,t t� '' Y' 0 7 " 20 ` h T V �^ (� I ( }� 0 9 °� ^ " ,9s.es ' � N �•' �'� � r - Z; . ►� 8 � _ i• M9.9' �..,�:� 19 ...� N I Q ° '° '' �e � � Z 9 � __,so------- I � N II _ W ID � � ---- �7 � I v ' �2 � ; �s � � � ti /31. e � l00 I � z I 3 o I 5 °° �' ' � /SD .;�,.1, f � �g ,�M �' ,.,�- � s 69 80 � � ���•.. ✓� f'•'"y J�E� v�y' 0�� ��:-� � � ____ _... _ _ ,O- _ � �_-_---_--- _ _ -- __. : -;M� � � ( S-r PA��- �, � g � L ,ro '' so � �• _ . ..._ _ . _ G-iPRC,� S�" ._f. ..__ . . - Sharon Scarel & William O, �Peterson . Church of Ju e Reform 1058 s mmit A e. ���3�� St. Pa 1, MN 55105 Viewed: 9DDITION: Summit ark Ad ition LOT: 5 BLK: 39 WARD: 07 Lots 4 and Sch. Dist 625U �n� �i r�r�vre_ Code 1V'o. : 07-71200 050-39 LOCATION: �E; 1058 Su it Av . Street A1 ey Assessor's Limited Graded P atted NOTICE N0. 840011 Marke Value Paved G aded Year Lan Bl . Curb ved FORF`EITED.CI'�`� � � 1 II`� � I`'if'.`i 17 no 127 9 00 S�We.L1C Sewer PLAT N0. C-65 Water T rrens Gas A stract ZOIVING: Elec. - Grade: Fr. 'd. Rear. RFMARKS: Fees: $35.60 - haron carella Date: 5/21/84 . .�`U�1M1T �4v , N -.--�- . i -�-- . ,20 � va o co (p v � � � I i 3 i � � ' i i�?4� � � , � o�' � � I �9 , z � � I � ° � ��/L 10 j � 39 �,_ ,}, c,, i � � 9 I 8 i 7 6 5 4 .3 z � I (n Z � , i � X f ' -- !�!_-�`�- w i i -rivo ,_,1 �.- I I , J�� � � �'+,s v1._ Q a°�' , � � � � � � . ,�iu �� - __ ! _�..._._l-- - --- � 0 � k � . ���� _ 0 i I i_� 1?�- .. , I � � L0 i 2I I 2Z 1 Z3 � 2`t 25 26 Z7 Z8 ,°,, � � ���- - . i , y �1 . _ . � . I � j � 2�I . � � � �_ � � ����'S� I ( -_._ . L. .. � . � ': ! i �. /l_ _._ 1 L _t��_. _6O � � � � n Q�f G The esmer , o. , Inc.. C/P Wallace Orf ield, Jr. ���- � �� � . c/o arl W. ummins, Jr. ' . 505 Selby ve. (i�- �-5 � �� � 1105 Ivy H' Drive St. Paul, � 55102 Viewed Mend ta Hei ts, MN 55118 ADDITION Wood and Pa Addition LOT 2 BLI:. S WARD � ' ( ubject o easement) ; the S. 7 ft. of N. Sch. Di t. 625U 8 ft. of Lot 1 and the S. 7 ft. of N. 82 f , of Et 37-35/100 ft. of Code No. : 07-84400-022-OS AT N Street A.11ey Asses or's Estimated Graded Plat ed NOTICE N0. 840099 rket Value Paved Grad d Year Land Bld . Curb Pave FORFEITED:��%� u 2 ����� I`i��� 1 lnoa S'walk Sewer � PLAT N0. C-66 Water Torr ns Gas Abst act ASSESSOR'S P4AP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid Rear. REMARKS: FEES: $25.10 Walla e Orfield Jr. DATE: 5 23 84 sE�e �' J� AvE . ., „ „ ,. " o ,� !i P'r WNERS /P N04/ � � Sj� 7,rE ' NE�Nb✓ GoNO, ,^ VI O - 9-1-i0 � 7 6 4 �3� � °s 5 � � 034 3r.ss n 0 5 m o�= • � _ � 5 � � � W , j� � � . b�11p '� � i � � ? `2 � SI � ° i �, � - ,` 17 18 19 20 i 21 22 N � � 16 ; i �: I n ` � Z �t � h �; � � h � � � � �' SL� � , �� /1 �� 1� ,S� ,�, 1...f1 UR�1.. /4�/� . � . Gary D. & Jac u�lirie M, Irene ��5__'��3 . ". . 5155 H 11y La e � ' • Plymou h, MN 5446 • Viewed ADDITION Robert on and Van Ettens LOT 7 BLK. 13 WARD 0 • Additi n ; Sch. Dis . 625U , N, ne-hal of Code No. : 08-65000-071-13 LOCATION Street Alley Assess r s Estimated Graded Platt d NOTICE N0. 840107 Ma ket Value Paved Grade Year and Bld . Curb Paved FORFEITED:��Jr 2 � 1�a4 �q�y o00 S'walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-49 Water Torre s � Gas Abstr c� ASSESSOR'S MAP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid. Rear. REMARKS: � FEES: $11.40 - Vacant DATE: g 84 ,.s!�e+'o vn�"ti �omv�p �9vE. - - -, �'� ; , � ZZ8 � � �� °,°�� I � �' � , s � 2,:s �, 7 _.�, � i o i i o::.. i � ��I�32 0$01►3 � � � � � �Ij� � 1�. �. � �� ; `� ,5 2b 2S 2's - - , � — � - - - - : r - �� Zo ; � � ,� J � , � �i '. � � I �a o91 I� � � � �� � Z �i � � s 5 4� � I 2 Y ` � � I � i � I Z ts � , ' , _ _� , �, ' ,�. �� C HA�P�F fI vE. Robe t L. L rson �t al y- � 2125 22nd . NE. ' _ �� a-�-`�J3 • Minn apoli 55418 • Viewed ADDITION Rice Street Villas LOT 33 BLK. 9 WARD pg • *2 of 2 Parcels Sch. D' t. 625U , Code .No. : 08-64000-330-09 LOCATION Street Alley Asses or's Estimated Graded Plat ed NOTICE N0. 840106 M rket Value Paved Grad d Year Land Bld . Curb Pave FORFEITED:��r '� � ���� 1° £� 3 �o0 S'walk Sewer PLAT T0. C-11 Water Torr ns � Gas Abst act ASSESSOR'S MAP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid Rear. REMARKS: • FEES: $ 6,0, Vaca t DATE: 5/14/84 --- -- - - - ----�— h'o S�T ✓� . � �2},6 LO /2 1,6 -/---- - �} 39 __�_ - -- 2 � 38 -----I 3-.._ .o .y � � I ��� 4 a � � ' 3 7 (zo� , S : Q � � --3 6——� 6 � v ��'�� 3 S I � � ----- � � ;, -- 9 . � lV = 34 (�9) � � IO , � 3 3 (ie) __���-- ; • � � '', � . �2 u� � �2 c��� , �3 � d � . � �� 3 i (��> I � '- -- 14" — _ V --� �._ -�s- c-s5__ � 3 O (�S) � _ ' �z� /6 E� -- ---- ------ - 29 (i4) I --�.-- �� -. . I ��,� �� ° �vEB RAs . . ... :�.�- . Raber. L. La son et al /�,� ' 2125 2nd Av . NE. � • . ��-%1`--��� `3��� . Minne polis 55418 � • Viewed ADDITIO�v Rice treet illas LOT 32 BLK. 9 WARD 8 • *1 of 2 Parcels Sch. Di t. 625U " � � ��;. .�i,�r� Code No. : 08-64000-320-09 LOCATION Street Alley Asses or's Estimated Graded Plat ed NOTICE N0. 84C106 M rket Value Paved Grad d Year Land Bld . �',� 2 � 't��,9 L 3 5 00 ' Curb Pave FORFEITED:•"'�'�� � '�� � I q 8 r. S'walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-11 Water Torr ns i� 1 Gas Abst act ASSESSOR'S PtAP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid Rear. REMARKS: • FEES: $ 6.Oa� Vaca DATE: 5/14/84 --- -yoYT v�. 0 /z 1-,6 L° /2},6 -�--- — � 39 --�-- — - � 3 8 -----3— -- .o _.,. � � �� 4 a � � � � = _ 3 7 (zo) � � �--- . 0 � 3G ' I 6 � ' � , 35 � � � -- -- � 9 � � � = 34 (�9) � � � J __ _ -� � � /0 � � �, . 33 (�e� I --�I--- — � rC i 2 � � � 3z r��� � , �3 �� W • ;, � � 3 i (��> � � ' -- �4 — --- v ' J _--� ' �S' ` `3 � ` � �30 (�5� � , �6 ; -- .--- - ---- -- /�, • 29 (�a� � � � ��__. . � _ .. I c�� �r� _ _ _--�L� . �R._ _A ___�v'�; � Kenn th F. & $oni.ta R. Prawer �G �,�_3 j� ' ?.169 ames A e. - St. P ul, 55105 � • Viewed ADDITION Lewis Second Addition LOT 5 BLK. 15 WARD 8 • Sch. Di t. 625U Code No. : 08-44200-050-15 OCATION J Street Alley � Asses or's Estimated Graded Plat ed NUTICE N0. 840102 M rket Value Paved Grad d Year Land Bld . Curb Pave FORFEITED:�'�!�G � � j�?� �q g I On S'walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-28 Water Torr ns Gas Abst act ?( ASSESSOR'S MAP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid Rear. REMARKS: . � FEES: $11.40 Vaca t DATE: 5/9/84 � F'i4 oNT ST. 8 � 30 � t� 60 .�-�---. . - ----- - � j 2 9 ^ - ? ---- � 28 3 o- � __. _ � -`-r- -�-- 27 -�--- '4 �f _26 'S �� -- -- 2 5�. __ g . � _ ___- -- _ _ __ 24 7 � .. _ _ ._ __ . 2 3 � �_.. e ..----. � �. -- -- - � �-M � __._�2.__ . _ _ 9 ._. � � d . 2� - 10 ; ---. .__ _ ---. _ � � III � � ` e�3 20 _ 21 oc. �� 15 .._. _ \ 3 19 IZ . _. ___ _._ -- — • , ; - �9� �0.�1 S 13 s: .'----- . . __. _-- 4 � '7 -- 14 � N � � _�_.__18. _ __ �ss � 15 �is � - 90 . � � WAYZAT sr Roy . & Lo '$e C. Drake �,� ?.93 twater t. " � V' �5 ��� . � St. aul, 55117 • Viewed ADDITION Atwa er Stre t Addition LOT 16 BLK. 2 WARD 8 • E. 10 ft. of Sch. Di t. 625U Code No. : 08-12000-161-02 OCATION Street Alley Asses or's Estimated Graded Plat ed NOTICE N0. 840100 M rket Value Paved Grad d ;,,� Year Land Bld . Curb Pave FORFEITED:����' 2 � ����1 �1� pC> S'walk Sewer � PLAT N0. C-28 Water Torr ns � � Gas Abst act ' ASSESSOR'S MAP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid Rear. REMARKS: • FEES: $11.40 Vaca. t DATE: 5/9/84 ,�� � � � ToPP,NG r ) �. -- 59.95• � � 39.5 " n •� I37.95 32 G „ � ��� � 3�� �+� J � � � I i Z � 6 5 I 4 3 I2 I �� I I 2 3 , 4 �S 1 r ` O � �4 —`.1 I I � I I olt � IGac. 04 IG. 22 j � �•25. ,�9'� ng �e� � i }r� j 22 94 1 ' � O�$►� �' I � 1. � I � • N N I..L � 7 B 9 10 II l2 �i IS 14 13 12 ` . � nJ I I04' � . ��� I 2�/ 3 • 3 n � '-57.15•• �- Bo.D _ - _..� •�rwA rER sr. Ruben Andere g, (,Rudon Inc.) - _ 5848 reek V lley Road � , ���5 `�jy 3 . ' Edina, MN 35 • Viewed ADDITION Whitn ys Sub ivision LOT 6 BLK. 2 WARD 9 ' W. 71-41/ 00 ft. of N. 42 ft. of Sch. Di t. 625U Code No. : 09-82300-060-02 0 AT h 546 3ce St Street Alley Asses or's Estimated Graded Plat ed NOTICE N0. 840114 M rket Value Paved Grad d ��� 2 2 1�84 Year � Land Bld . Curb Pave FORFEITED. I S /oo ' l7 2.00 S`walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-47 k'ater Torr ns Gas Abst act � ASSESSOR'S MAP Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid Rear. REMARKS: FEES: 11.40 - Vacan DATE: 5/8/84 . I L__�___�_L_=_y1.S�_��'=�..- -------1._.'.1_..�__!".-"-----._._. _�__.. � 1 I � s � � � C/��RG.ES A�E,. _ o _ , � -.u,. 6c' � � f � .�o o. o. .s'� -r � r,�.g 4 • F ll� p � � , s c O Gr I 0 6t �:� 's� ��� i 1 c I �/ L � � t , , ._ °. i r.r � 0 9 1 � �L , , '�'� _.,.�__� . - I p r_ � � _ __.--- a -- ._ __ __ _ . I . � z� � I } ..�. . I ,� � � n -���t:'ti;g<� � I� 'Q Q i f� i z 1 L .i. � • � ,�+i, , � 1/ � --i----- � , �,; � ;' I 1 -------...------t � Fi _ � i 1 �� �_�r»? . I ,°' ��3 � ; � ty zs � , � �.• ----_----— --.. � � � <. � ._� � �� � • '; ; I , , I a�(1�C �-.— --- , l.__..__ ----_.__--- � (� �_ i�+�� In1 � 1 ., , ,-, � � �;z► � � ���� � �9 /� /� /✓� i � � �----_-- ---- i —_- �i3�, ' s: I � � �� _ _ �_t07 '',� t ' '� � A� . /� ` � ' , � � � � l o. , , ���,����, , � .� o.l �"a � . ,So i.s" . , , , , _ -- --- --- o. , . � ; . oY.`-_�`—_ � -- ,-.' , .1 . � ,�" :�in�i�o�! rairc-�/ `_ _� ' � —.. , , � �;:�r,. i •y . — ` . ;, l__ --i----------- � ' -- ------- -+--��__�- ' ° .Sh',�RB�iR/1�� �9�E . - . . � j � _ �� �'� � _. - .,; ---� so � __._. , ,� ."'T"i�•... �..n. � n�. �v . _ Cary Hender on et al � � 2620 Carso e. � ' ' • � �'S`:3�/ 3 Jack an, M 9213 Viewed: ADDITION: Milt n Addi ion LpT; 27 BLK: 2 WARD: 2 ' ` Sch. Di t. 625U Code No. : 12_5000 -270-02 LOCATION: �E; . Street ley Asses or's Limited Graded Platte NOTICE N0. 840003 Ma -et Value Paved Graded Year and Bl . Curb Pa.ved FORFEITED:=��'� w %' i`'�'� 19 94 � o 0 S'walk Sewer PLAT N0. C-52 � Water Torren Gas Ahstra tT ZOIVING: Elec. Grade: F�. Mid. Rear. REMARKS: . Fees: 12.80 - Vacan Date: S/9/84 � VE . � . � vRoR �4 � ' � „ .. „ „ „ „ „ „ „ yo .�7 � � ' � � : ' } B�4 �o , . � ' � II i0 9 8 T 6 � 4 3 2 1N r ' 0 ~ ` j',�I � ro� - .: oe � „ J 22 ac. (L ; v �Q . t � � ; 4,,, V �: ; ?0 21 22 23 24 25 26 2T 28 29 30, \' , � t 7� . . � � ����. � ,� V E � . .� / ��� � �� �; ITY OF` �INT �AUL � � ��h �c3 I 3 k:- �- = • FFIC� OF TFIF. CzTY COIINCIL ff! as•rorn. . �� f��ay�3��e �%' ' ►s�'s'��� D d t e : March 11 , 1985 OM tTT � E RE PORT _ -ro = sa� � p u � c�ty COUhCtE FR� M = CO [���' gg ph City Development and Transportation C N IR William L. Wilson 1 . Parks and R creati n Plan (Committee recommends accepting compreh nsive plan with amendm nts) 2. Resolution f the ouncil of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota app oving and authorizing the filing of an application for an urban development action grant for t e World T�ade Center Hotel Project. (Referred to Cou cil without rec mendation) 3. Resolution o the C uncil of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota app ving ---_ _ . and authoriz'ng the filing of an application for an urban Develop nt action grant for th Ma11 of Nations project. (Referred to Council without reco endat'on) „� �; ,.. , r ... _ : . . :�;� �'' ��l�v`�ution�a pr�vin sale of tax forfeited land. (Committee recomm nds approval) < � , - 5. Neighborhood Partne ship Program (Committee recommends approval ) 6. Snelling-Uni ersity Redevelopment Project (Referred to Council wit out recommendati n) 7. Laurel/Kent entati e Developer (HRA) (Committee recommends appro al ) 8. Galtier Plaz Skywa fReferred to Council without recommendation) ' CIT'Y HALL SE ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, Ml ESOTA 55102 ��.�.