85-386 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE G I T O F SA I NT PA U L Council �,_ 3 �/ CANARV �DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR . Flle NO• S�� � � � � Co ncil Resolution Presented B '�- Re rre To Committee: Date Out �mmittee By Date WHEREAS, City Counc 1 Resolution No. 280932 adopted Septe r 29 , 1983 approved arian es for the construction of a building nd parking ramp locat d on ots 19 through 30, Block 8, St. Cather'ne Park Addition to t e Cit of St. Paul subject to ten conditions; and WHEREAS, the ity ouncil at the request of Harvey Investm nt Company and adjac nt re idents now wishes to amend and clarify condition number hree egarding the provision of parking ramp; now, therefore, b it RESOLVED, th t Cit Council Resolution No. 280932 adopted September 29, 198 be a d is hereby amended so as to change con ition number three cont ined herein to read as follows: (3) For o lon as the multi-level parking ramp shall exist parkin on a 1 levels shall be free to members of the general ublic during the hours of, at least, 6 :00 A.i� . through 11: 0 P.M. Parking on levels to be agreed upon at the site lan eview may be restricted by term only, to periods f not less than two hours. Developer shall, prior to be 'ng is ued a building permit, execute a cove- nant or res ricti n in a for�n approved by the City Attorn y setting for h tha parking shall be free so long as a parking ram shal exist at said location. and; be it FURTHER RES LVED, that the Planning Commission is reques ed to review any and a 1 sit plans for this project to insure that it is in compliance wi h Cit Council Resolution No. 280932 as here 'n amended and the erms nd conditions set forth in an agreemen dated COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °reN' In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved y ity Attorne Certified Passed by Council Sec tary BY By t#pproved by 14avor: Date _ Approve by ayor for mission to C uncil By _ By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK �FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ��/ � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �O BLUE� - MAVOR � i � C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date February 20, 198 by a d between Duane Kocik and Milton Cohen nd the letter of La rence Soderholm dated December 21, 1984, whic letter sets fort cond tions that must be met for site plan approval. -2- COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Na s � FF�1 °reN' in Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson M R 19 1985 Form Approved �City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date I Certified P s Council , e BY By `� 2 1 1985 Ap d by � avor: e �R Approve y Mayor for S bmission to Co cil B BY PUBLi iE� M R � 0 1985 � ` �� ATTACNMENT #2 r��,.�,, � - ,.. � a�, ��� � . '�g � • ' � . . � � � =� 3� � AGREEMENT RE TING TO FORD MALL ASSOCIATES PROJECT LOCATE ON � �OTS 19 THRO GH 30 INFLSAINT�PAUOCK 8, ST. CATHERINE PAR ADDITION TO HE CI 0 . The undersigned d here y agree: 1 . That Ford Mal Asso iates Pnc���FilefNoen280932:vande dev loped in full accor ance ith Cou Z. That paragrap (3) f Council File No. 280932 cannot be e forced due to langua e am iguities; and -� 3�. That the Cit Coun il of the C�an ua eaoftparagraph, (3) ,o a public heari g to larlfy the 1 9 9 Council File No. 2 0932 on March 19, 1985, or at such ti as the City Cou cil i its discretion wili determine: and. 4. That the app al fi ed by Duane Kocik (Zoning File ;# 9685) wi11 � be continued until such ismclarified1aandage of paragrap (3) of Council File No. 2 0932 5. That the co ditio s specified �in the 8�ttbe appliedrto �yerholm ,� : j � ' to Milton C hen ted December 21 , 19 + existing an sub equent site plan filed by the develope for .; review by t e Ci y for the project referenced above; an , 6. That the P1 nning Commission, P�o ect shallfrevPewvthe siteeplane plan for th abov —referenced p J to evaluate compl ance with the City of Saint Paul Compr hensive � Plan, Legis ative Code, Council File No. 280932 and Lar S Soderhoim's lette to Mitton Cohen dated December 21 , 1 84; and 7. That Ford M 11 As ociates and the respective�p�ae�e�efe enced W� „ not apply f r add'ttonal variances for the .p J above, Lots 19 th ough 30, inclusive; and 8. That i f For Ma 1 1 Assoc i ates, ,�o i nt 1 y or severa 1 1 y,. acq i're a Blo k 8. . property in eres in Lots 16 througn 18, inclusive, hey - . � St. Catheri e Pa k Addition to the City of Saint Paul , shall not eek a variance �from the applicable height re uirement for buildi gs as specified in the existing zoning code. Dated this �0''� day of February. 1985- . � - �, ��' ,� Cr-���- /�;� � �/:� �= � ��t - � Mi1ton C hen �• • � Duane Kocik , ,� � � > � �j�/�� a,� ;o��'_:. �� � - � CITY OF S INT PAUL . ���`'TT °';, DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DE ELOPMENT o � a . DIVISION OF EVELOPMENT � u111liittt , 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Pau,Minnesota 55102 M+ =tli 111 II Ae � 612-292-1577 '„• �C ��� GEORGE LATIMER (� �� M/1YOR • March 19, 1985 r��;; e � � �5� C�Ury JOHry ��MAry RE: Ford Mall Assoc'ates ( ilt Cohen) �W Project at Ford and Fi n Ladies and Gentlemen : � Attached you will fi d the ollowing: Attachment # - Dec aration of Restrictive Covenants T i par �ng covenent must e signe prior to the � � dev loper securing a building permit on the projec . Attachment # - A ement executed by Milt Cohen and Duane iCocik. ' Attachment # - Lar y Soderholm's letter to Milt Cohen dated 12-21 84. Attachment # - C.F. 280932 resolution approving height variance. Attachment # - Ame dment to C.F. 280932 adopted by City Council 19-85. As you will see fro review'ng the documents , the developer has agreed to keep the � ramp open at least rom 6:0 a.m, to 11 :00 p.m. All parking will be free, but parking in levels ye to be determined will be limited to two hours per v icle. In addition,. the Pla ning C mmission will approve the final site plan. Mr. Cohen is still ursuin a letter of credit for the project. When he submits a site plan, I will e sche uling meetings for your input and review and finalize the language of the parking covenant. If you have any questions a out the materials or the project, please call me at � 292-1577 ext. 286, Very truly yours , „ y�/ � /%`'�; .��'�""� �' . Mary Frances Skal a Project Manager MFS;dma ' • HIIH�h�t�l I , , � r �,�- ��'� DECLAR.ATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS � STATE OF MINNESO A ) . . , ) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) KNOW ALL PE SONS BY THESE PRESENTS : This Declar tion is made on the date hereinafter set fo th by Ford Mall Ass ciat s , a Minnesota general partnership . . W I T N E S S E T H : � WHEREAS , Fo d Ma 1 Associates , a Minnesota gener.al part ership ("Declarant") h fo ed a partnership for the purposes of a quiring and developing a com� rcial/retail/parking project , includin new .__ .....,.�.. � .. construction an reha ilitation �of an existing building. Re abil- itation shall a so in lude construction of a multi-level par ing . . ramp (hereinaft ref rred to as the "Project") ; and WHEREAS , t e Pro 'ect will be located on the real proper y described on Ex ibit , attached hereto and made part hereof (the "Land") ; and WHEREAS , D clara t requested that the Housing and Redev lopment Authority of th City of Saint Pau1 , Minnesota (the "HR.A") issue its � $8 , 310 , 000 Comm rcial Development Revenue Bonds to assist i the construction of the P oject; and WHEREAS, i conn ction with construction of the Projec , the Declarant has a plied to the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (the "City") � throug its oard of Zoning Appeals (the "Board") , for a varianc�e from t e app ication of height restrictions on co ercial and parking str cture ; and � • �,� �'`�"�`��� � , � -3- Section 1 . Park'n . � For so long as t e multi-level parking ramp , referred t herein as the "Project" , sha 1 exist , parking on all levels shall b free to members of the g nera public during the hours of, at least , 6 :00 o ' clock A.M. , an 11 : 0 o' clock P.M. Parking on levels (to e agreed upon at site pla rev' ew) may be restricted by term only, to periods of not less than two 2) hours . . Section 2 . Cove ants Run with the Land; Tern. The Declara t he eby declares its express intent that t e covenants , rese atio s and restrictions set forth herein sh 11 be deemed covenants runn'ng with the Land, now or hereafter acq ired, and shall pass t the Declarant' s successors in title . Each and every contract, eed r other instrument hereafter executed overing or conveying the Land or any portion thereof shall conclusiv ly be held to have bee exe uted, delivered or accepted subject to such covenants regar ess f whether or not such covenants are set forth in such contract , dee or other instrument. Unless sooner terminated in accordance w' h Se tion 6 hereof, such covenants shall co tinue �"-� in full force a eff ct for so •long as the Project shall e ist . Section 3 . Rurd n and Benefit. . � The Declar t he eby declares its understanding and in ent that the burden of t cov nants set forth herein concern the La d, now or hereafter ac ired, in that the Declarant' s legal intere t in the � Land may be ren ered ess valuable thereby. The Declarant ereby further declares its nderstanding and intent , however, tha the benefit of such coven nts concern the Land by enhancing and increasing . the enjoynent a d use of the Land and the Project by and fo the members of the enera public -of the City of Saint Paul. � Section 4 . Sale or Transfer of Pro' ect . • • The Declar t he eby covenants and agrees not to sell , transfer or otherwise di pose f the Project without obtaining the p ior written consent of th City which shall be conditioned sole y. upon receipt of evide ce satisfactory to the City that the purchaser or tr nsfer e of the Declarant has assumed in wri ing and in full the Decla ant' s duties and obligations under th' s Declaration of estri tive Covenants . It is hereby express y � stipulated and agree that any sale, transfer or other dis osition . . � • � . . . ����° . -4- of the Project i vio ation of this Section shall be null , v id and without effe t, a d shall be ineffective to relieve the ' Declarant of its obli ations under this Declaration of Restr'ctive Covenants . � Section 5 . Reme ies ; Enforceabilit . Declarant ders ands and agrees that the owners of the five residential parc ls a jacent to the Project on its northerly � border, legally escr'bed .as Lots 1 through 6 , Block 8 , St. Catherine' s Par Seco d Addition (the "Owners") are the ben i- ciaries of this oven nt. In the event of a violation or attempted violation of an of t e provisions hereof, the City or Owne s may � . institute and p secu e at. law or in equity to abate , preve t or enjoin any such iola ion or attempted violation, or to reco er . monetary damages caus d by such violation or attempted viol tion. The City shall ave n obligation to any person or entity t enforce the ter s of his Covenant. Declarant agrees that action to recov r mon tary daznages for violation or attempt d violation of th prov' sions hereof will be inadequate , and e --- Owners sha�i ha e the right :�o institute an action for and eek specific perfo ance y the Declarant to remedy such violat'on or attempted viola ion. The provisions hereof are imposed upo and made applicable to th Land and shall run with the Land and shall be enforceable gains the Declarant , each purchaser , grant e , ' � owner or lessee of th Development, and the respective heir , lega�l represent tives successors and assigns of the Declar nt and each such purch ser, . rantee, owner or lessee . No delay in enfor- cing the provis 'ons h reof as to any breach or violation sh 11 imgair , damage r wia e the right of any party entitled to nforce the same or to btain relief against or recover for the con inu- ation or repeti ion o such breach or violatiion or any simi ar breach or viola ion t ereof at any later time or times . Section 6 . Amen ment ; Termination. : The provis ' ons o this Declaration shall not be amende , ' terminated or d leted prior to the stated term set forth in this Declaration exc pt by an instrument in writing duly execute by the Owners and he Ci y, Declarant, or their respective suc essors or assigns . Un ess s oner terminated or amended or deleted from this Declaratio as i this Section provided, each of the c venants and restriction set orth in this Declaration above shall ontinue in full force a d eff ct during the period specified herein in Section 2. . � . . � " �. �5-:�� . ; � ; �. -s- Section 7 . Cons ' derat�ion. The City, ving considered the proposals of abutting roperty owners , the fin 'ngs f the Board of Zoning Appeals (the " ard") , the Project and the p ans therefor , as proposed by Develope referred to in .F. 2 0932 , has affirmed the variance granted by the Board allow' g th Project to be constructed as propos d. Section 8 . Reco din . The Declar nt sh 11 cause this Declaration of Restric ive Covenants and a 1 ame dments and supplements hereto to be recorded and fi ed in such manner in the appropriate publi real estate rec rds i and for Ramsey County , Minnesota an in such other plac s as he City may reasonably.request , and hall pay all fees an char es incurred in connection therewith. Section 9. Gove nin Law. �.�_ .�,.. This inst ent hall be governed by the laws of the tate of Minnesota. . Section 10 Sev rabilit . � If any pro ision of this Declaration of Restrictive . Covenants shall be in alid, illegal or unen�orceable , the validity, le�al ty an enforceability of the remaining por ions shall not in an way e affected or impaired. ' IN WITNESS WHE F, the �Declarant has caused this ins rument tq-be signed an att sted on its behalf by its duly author' zed � officers or rep esentatives , as of the day o , 1985 . . . • �-� �d� . � EXHIBIT A Leg 1 desc iption of the Pro3ect premises : Lot 25, 2 , 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block 8, St. Cat erine ark Second Addition, Ramsey County, Sai t Paul Minnesota. . � � ATTACHMENT #2 � � _ �5 -3�'� AGREEMENT REL TING TO FORO MALL ASSOCIATES PROJECT LOCATE ON LOTS I9 THRO H 30 INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 8, ST. CATHERINE PAR ADDITION TO E CI OF SAINT PAUL, . The undersigned d here y agree: 1 . That Ford Mall Asso iates Pro3ect referenced above be developed in full accor ance ith Council File No. 280932; and 2. That paragrap (3) f Council File No. 280932 cannot be en orced due to langua e amb guities; and .� 3�. That the City Counc 1 of the City of Saint Paul will hold public hearin to c arify the language of paragraph (3) o Council File o. 28 932 on March 19, 1985, or at such tim as the City Coun il 1n its discretion will determine; and 4. That the appe 1 fil d by Duane Kocik (Zoning File # 9685) will ' be continued ntil uch time as the language of paragraph (3) of � Council File o. 28 932 is clarified; and . 5. That the con ition specified in the letter from Larry S derholm . ' to Milton Co en da ed December 21 , 1984, be applied to a y � existing a�d subse uent site plan filed by the developer for review by th City for the pro3ect referenced above; and 6. That the Plan ing C mmission, prior to staff approval of he site plan for the bove referenced project shall review the si e plan to evaluate c mpli ce with the City of Saint Paul Compre ensive Plan, Legisla ive de, Council File No. 280932 and Larry Soderholm's 1 tter o Milton Cohen dated December 21 , 198 ; and 7. That Ford Mall Ass ciates and the respective partners the eof will � . not apply for addi ional variances for the .project refere ced above, Lots 1 thr ugh 30, inclusive; and 8. That if Ford Mall ssociates, ,�ointly or severally,. acqui e a . property int rest n Lots 16 through 18, inclusive, Block 8, � ' St. Catherin Park Addition to the City of Saint Paul , th y " . shall not se k a v riance from the applicable height requirement for building as s ecified in the existing zoning code. �'�• Dated this �4 day o February, 1985. �, � ��. � �•�, c�� '---- C-��-�- - �/�t�1L�• � - , . Duane Kocik Milton Coh n .: • , . . . �. • : � � ATTACHMENT #3 •_ �``T♦ pr . . _ 0�_L./O j'-' . ,��. . ;, CITY OF AINT PAUL � ,���il��un �� . EPARTMENT OF PLANN(NG AND ECONOMIC D VELOPMENT � "" �'p1 � � DIVISIO OF PLANNING o ^ ,��. 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Pa I,Minnesoia,55102 612-292•1577 GEORGE 1A71MER MAYOR , December 21, 1984 Mr. Milton Cohen •Harvey Investment, nc. 740 Mississippi Riv r Soul vard St. Paul , Minnesota 55116 RE: Site Plan #102 For htall Associ�ates Limited Partnershi.p . _ _ . _ „ , _,_ _ . - -- - - _- : _._. _ _ .: ._ - ._ _.__. ; �. �;:.: i�.. - - . :_ . .., . � .. _ ._� _ : :_:� --_ , . .. _ . ...� �. � �- .. . _ . _-- _ �. . Dear t�1r. Cohen: � - �- � 4Je regret to i form y u that we cannot approve the above referenced plan as submitted. The lans a e not sufficiently detailed. Further inforr�a ion will be required to review the proposal for compliance with zoning : regula ions and the city counci resol tion regarding the property. The intent of his le ter is to outline (I) the .necessary ingredient of the site plan, (II) transm t the preliminary review comments concerning t e site plan submitted on Sep ember 20, 1984, (III) detail a number of conditions set by C ty Cou cil that must be illustrated in the site plan, and (IV) specify requisites fo financing. I. Site plan must includ the following information: A. Property oundaries and dimensions. 8. Building locatio s and dimensions (existin and proposed on an within 25 feet o subject property.--+----�`---�------'", C. Adjacent adways and proposed entrances and exists for vehicle . D. Parking fa ility imensions and layout including: maneuvering ane width, len th and width of standard, compact, and handicap spac s ; how handic p and ompact spaces are designated ; the number of s alls provided ; ruck 1 ading and maneuvering areas ; vehicle clearanc heights. E. Landscape lan sh wing boulevard trees and other plantings prop sed. F. utility pl n and ocation of all easements. G. North/sout and e st/west sections through the commercial build ng and parkin ramp. , H. North, sou h, eas and west building elevations. I. Type of ex erior uilding materials to be used. J. Location a d gros surface disp�lay area of any sign(s). . Page Two • Mr. Milton Cohen � Site Plan �1025 K. Location and dimension of inechanical equipment, chimneys, etc. L. Floor plans on each level illustrating the proposed floor area dedicated to retail , office, utility, storage, food service, etc. M. Complete development summary indicating lot area, building square � footage (gross and net useable) , and site elevations of north and south 62.5 feet of Lots 25-30. II. Several issues have surfaced as a result of the city's review of the _ above referenced proposal . Satisfactory resolution of these issues should be reflected in the amended site plan. 1. Parking entrance/exit must have driveway with a minimum width of . . . ._ : . . _ . .._ .26 .feet at property l ine_.�permit reguired by Pu.bl ic .Works_). .__ _ - " � 2. �he sidewalk grade must be carried across the driveway irr accordance � � - with city standards and specifications under a permit. 3. Roof drains in existing building must be separated from sanitary sewer system. 4. Roof drains must be properly designed for the new structure. New development must restrict discharge of stormwater to 1.25 cubic feet � � per second. Public Works estimates that at least 4,100 cubic feet of on-site retention will be necessary. The site plan will not be approved until a stormwater management plan is found acceptable by . the Public Works Department. 5. Access doors abutting the alley are not to be used for loading or unloading of inerchandise, supplies, or equipment. The use of these doors for trash pick-up is permitted provided that recepticals are located within the building. Indicate on floor plans where trash holding/recycling area wi11 be located. 6. The site plan must illustrate that loading and unloading of � merchandise, supplies, or equipment can be conducted outside of any public right-of-way. III. The City Council resolution sets a number of conditions that must be met before the site pl�an is approved. These include: 1. Ingress and egress must be approved and in strict accordance with the traffic engineer's recommendation. The Planning Department has not received a recommendation from the traffic engineer whether � ingress/egress of vehicles should be as proposed in the site plan or what measures may be undertaken to ameliorate adverse inpacts. You should consult with the city's Traffic Engineer, Robert Roettger (292-6294) concerning this matter. 2. The northerly wall as the office building and parking ramp shall be constructed of a solid wall and where requirement for lighting exists, translucent bricks shall be specified. 3. You should also be aware of your responsibility to execute a convenant or restriction in a form approved by the City Attorney ._ ` . • ' l�� �D� - Page Three Mr. Milton Cohen • Site Plan #1025 setting orth t at pa�king shall be free for as long as the p operty improvem nt exi ts. This instrument should reflect the represen ations made to the neighborhood, Board of Zoning App als, and City Counci . 4. City Cou cil Re olution #280932 specifically requires you to involve the Dist ict 15 Zoning and Environmental Committee as ��ell as the northerl abutt ng property owners in settling issues of buil ing design t minim ze adverse impacts on adjoining properties. I suggest ou sch dule working meetings with both groups as soon as possible and fu nish this office with agendas of all meetings so we . may moni or you progress. 5. F9nally, the si e plan shall not be approved until it conforms to - the..pl_an. dated_ eptember_21,_ 1983, _as__apProve.d_bY_Ci_t�,y_ Counc.71 .:�_We .;�,� ,��,,:� -� _ .�,. _ �_�. __. . _ - � notea th fo110 ing� discrepancies between-the site plan submit ed �� � and plan approv d by City Council : - The second floor of the proposed commercial building has een cha ged fr m office to retail use. - The 50-foo building elevation extends beyond the south o e- hal of Lo s 25-30 in violation of approved plan. - The presen figures for floor area and parking data are inc nsiste t with the development summary submitted with he abo e refe ence plan. � IV. Mary Fra cis Sk la informs me that all disbursements from the construction und mu t be in accordance with the language of Sectio 3.01(1) of th Loan greement between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of he Cit of Saint Paul , Minnesota and Ford Mall Associ tes Limited Partn rship, dated �dovember 1, 1984, which states in part: "Plans and Sp cifica ions will be prepared for construction and installation f the acility by the Architect and will be approved y the Company and a propri te public officials and shall be filed with th Trustee." Yo may c ntact Ms. Skala at 2929-1577 for details regar ing this manner. This office i tends o deny your site plan unless an amended and co plete proposal is receiv d by M rch 1, 1985. � I realize tha the s te plan review process is a demanding one; how ver, it is in our mutua best nterest that all zoning issues be addressed be ore � . , .Pa ge Fou r � Mr. Milton Cohen Site Plan #1025 final design specifications are set. I have asked Charles McGuire to coordinate the review of your site plan within the Department of Planning and Economic Development and other city departments. I encourage you to contact Mr. McGuire at 292-1577, extension 313 if you have any questions or require assistance. Sincerely, �"'"— � L wrence Soderholm Acting Deputy Director for Planning _:._ . . - - - � • - - . .. . cc: . Pope Associates :_:.... :: : - _ . . -- . . Gerald Frisch First Trust Company . Piper Jaffray & Hopwood Duane Kocik Councilman John Drew Jamzs J. Bellus, Directorr, PED Southwest Area District Council Housing and Redevelopment Authority (aitn: Deputy Director for Oevelopment) Files 1025, 9409 � Glenn Erickson, Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Mary Francis Skala � Charles McGuire � HIIHLh�t� i �4 � _ � ,,�..�= - ���ci� �es��'��i�� . ;� .� � ;�,,, :� � - �s��3�'� Presented By ��. - .^ ' � �'�. �'"(•'r �:- Referred To � � �� Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERF.I�1S, ey vest�ent Co�pany applied, to the Boa.rri of Zaning Appeals � r a axianc� �rom ��z s��ic:. a�pli:ca�ion .of tae � provisions of Se tion 61.103(e} , th� sc�edul�d"r�gul.atioa,s o the Saint Paul Legis ati Code, �or proaertJ I�cat�d an the ho hwes� coraer of Ford P rlcwa and Fian, bein� 1.,ally de8cribed as ts 25 � tnrougn 3a, incl sive, �lock �, S�. Catherine Park addition o the Ci� of Saist Pa fo the purpose o� obrain�:.g a variance o " the a:ax,i�IIn height o `�' e st�uc�ure ror tne pur�ose oz bti.ilcii..-l.g com- 'mercial and offi e b ' 3i�gr together ;ai,th a pa=ki�g ra�p; d • WHEREa.S, Fo lo ' � a public neari�g, t:�e 3oard oz Zonin Appeals by its Resolutio No. 9409 adopted Jul� 25, I933 varied the rflva.sior.s of Section 6I.I0 (e) o as to allow tae co�ercial build3.ng 'th parlcing ra�p to e co tructed at t:-�e said northwest corn�er f Ford Parkway and r Aven es wit� zero foot f�ont, rear and side yard � . setbacks, toge ' r wi a 46 foot average �uildin� �.eight an the ' � condition that ' gres and e�r�ss is i.n accordance with th� af��.c engineer' s reco nenda ion, t�a� the c:eve�oper cont�nue to �r. ol;ie t�-ie District 15 oni.n ,and inviron�enr Co�ni�tea in estaDlis ' g p�— the aesth�tic. p file a� �ue bu:�i�ing �act�rzor azd pT.GVid3�1f, �-:;-�.v�cy for neigi�'DOri.ng rope y abutti�g t�e sit� on the north, and tY�at the developer rant e that the �arki:� ia �.'�e rarnp �ri 3.1 be fxee; and WHEREAS, suan �o t�e provisions of Section b4.206, e . Roci.b�, 2124 Pine urst, St. �aul, Lli��sota, du1.� filed his a pea7. ' frorn t�'�e said de � tion made Dy �he Board of Zoning App ls requesting that r.e ' g be held before the City Council fo the ' � purpose of consi erin tae actions taken by said Board; and � Wi�ix.REAS, Ac ing ursuant to Sectioas b4.205 �nrough 64. 08 and npon notice o ap ellant, property ownzr, and other af�e ted - --- �. . COUNCIL1�tEN ' ' � Requested by Department of: � • Yeas N ays ii Fletcher I; Galtes Iri Favor ii Masanz j Nicosia �; scne�bet • Against i� BY 7edesco Wilson . • I � r orm Approved by C'ity Attorney Adupted hy Cuuncil: Da1e I ' . - �; Certifird Patised by Council�Secr ary �� 6Y � ` ii B� I� App�oved by 1layor for Submission :o ouacil �pprvved by �1avar: Date ' � i By — ' 3Y J . . . � . . . . � ��� . property owners , a pu lic hearing was duly conducted by the City Council o� Tuesd y, S ptember 20, 1983 where all interested partics were given an op ortu ity to be heard and further considere by the City Council at ' ts r guldr meeting r.eld on Thursday, Septe ber 22 , 1983 ; and �,T:lEREAS , Th Cou cil having heard the statements made nd having considere the variance application, the repor� of s aff, the minutes and indi gs of the Board of Zonino Appeals , an the . � developer and ad ' acen resident proper�y o��rners having agre d to a compromise sol tion for the development of the said prope ty, the Council does here y � RESOLVE, Th t the Council of `�e City of Saint Paul do s hereby concur in the indings nade and determined by said B ard, and does hereby ind d determine that the Board of Zoning ppeals �did not commit a erro in any fact , procedure or� {inding made by said Roard; and, be it FURTHER RES LVED, That tne appe�l of Duane Y.ocik be �nd is � hereby denied; a d, be it � FURTHER RES LVED, Tnat ttie variances granted by the Boa d of Zoning Appeals b and re hereby affinnzd and that the maxim m ' building height or th buildings to be constructed at the s bject � property be as s own o the a�tached plan dated September 21 , 19�3 , which plan is in orpor ted herein by reference , subject tQ t e conditions as co taine in the Board of Zonin� Appeals ' Reso ution No . 9409 as foll ws , t gether with the addi�ional conditions here- by imposed by th Ci�}• Council , which conditior.s have beer� a reed to by the proper y own r and adjacent property owners : (1) Ingres and g�-ess to the struc�ure shall be in ac ord- ance with the tr �fic ngineer ' s reco�i.T�2Ild?tlOriS z�Tith the ob ective being to minimiz traf ic , emissio::s , noise , anci Taxinize sa ety on �he adjacent eside tial str.e�ts ; 4�C . , 2 . . � 5 - ��� . (2) That t e de eloper shall cor.tinue to involve the istrict 15 Zoning and En iron ent Coir�:nittee i: establishing the aes heti.c profile of the b ildi g exterior a.^.d in providing privacy f r neighboring prop rty butting the site on the aorth; �, �� (3) All pa king in the ra�p will be free ior so lang s the X ramp shall exist, pro ided, however, that the developer sha 1 havex the right to res rict the length of time that each vehicle ay be -parked inrthe ra p an which restrictior.s s�:all be uniforml pplied. �evelo er s all , prior to being issued a bui].ding permi_t , (1 A execute a covena t or restriction in a �orm approved by the city q L �d attorney setting fort that parkinh shall be �ree for so lo g as a� S�� a parking ramp s all xist at s4id location J � 4 a � S y� (4) That t e de eloper and neighboring abt�tting prope ty o���ners shall worc tog ` �r--witir�-� tra��ic er.gineer so as o minimize the imp ct o deliveries�o t'r,e proposed building. (5) hat t e de eloper and neig:borin� abutting prope ty o�; s all be onsu ted by the planning ad�ninis�rator dur ng the . process of the r view and approval of the site plan for thi �` d e v e 1 o pm en t. � c,�,-�--�•-�_ /s��� /z^�- (6) , All wa te c ntainers shall be maintained entirely within the su ject buil ing nd not stored in the a11ey, and arra:� ements for removal of w ste hall be rnade so as to occur at such t mes as will not inconve ienc the ab_ u_ttino residential property o ers . (7)� The de elop rs shall coopera�e with the abutting eighbor- � � ino r erty own rs i the design and �he co�struction of t e ramp so as to minimiz noi. e , emissions oi all sor�s , to provide privacy and preserve aes heti integritzes tc the abutting neighbor ng property, and th dev loper shall cor,sistently use state of the art technology t acc mplish �he ir�tent of this ordinance , The northerly wall o the office build�ag and par'�;ing ramp shal be constructed of a so i wall and w:�ere require�en�s for ligh ing , urpos� exist , ranslucent bricks �;,ay be us`ed. . ( (8) Alley ights shall be installed by �he developer nd ,�l sna�.l�include in e site plan revieia process . V\ . . 3 . . - �.�1`�'�:'�' �.`�����1��G���,� � _ . �_ �, _ ��esented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (9) T:ie d velop r shall be res�onsi'�le for plawing, d if . necessary, rerno ' o o saow in tne alley behind the propose structure. T�'�a dev�l per ag�:�ES that the Ci� �.y enforce he snow plowing p vi3io by �ea.-�.s oi the abaterneat of a �ubli nuisance as set forth i.n �he Saint �aul I.2gislative Code an if t.�e snow plosa3.n is � b� perior�ed by �he Ci�, all costs n- cured by the C ty na be coliected by m�ans o� an assesscn t to be collacted w:i. ' the r,al property taxes levied against th . subject develop d �r ertp. � � {10) AlI. r ^f �= s o= th� of��ce/retail buiZ�.ing shal n�:.• b� accessibl� t the eneral public or tenants oi the build'ng to assure rnaxi�sum rivac to the abuttin� residential property owners; �nd, be i� r"URTHE� RE OZ'PED That t�e Cit7 Clzr� snall �sil a cop oz this . reso�.ution to H rveq �res�ne�t Co�rpany, Du.ane K�cil�, tze Z , in�� Ad�ni.nistrator, 1 g C�ission and tne Board of Zoning peals. i 4. �� COU�CIL�IEN �' � ': Requested bx Department of: Ycas ' Nays !� Fletcher �! GaUes In Favor �+ hiasanz I� Nicosia �� ' scne�tet � __ Against � BY Tedesce-�.-- ' I� W ilson i I r �� i Form Approved by City Attorney rlclopted hy Cuuncil: Dale I Cer�i f ird Passed by Cuu ci y Se�re ary.-'"� 'I BY , �....... �. , � / � � � jl � , , �� '�,.:�, (� - '�--�...�-,.��_ I1 roved b �lavor, yDate ���3 �� Approved by hlayor for Submission to ouncil PP Y � I� . �y. I� BY �� - r;i i r+�nr�ti�i �r� wFi�TE � - C�7r �LERK . � � PINIR - F�N�NCE (jITY OF SAII`'T PAUL Council �_3�� C�NARV - DE��RTMENT F1Ie NO. BIUE . - �..�vOF � � C uncil Resolu�ion Presented Bv � Reterred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Ci y Cou cil Resolution No. 280932 adopted Sep ember 29 , 1983 approve vari nces for the construction of a buildi g and . parking ramp loc ted o Lots 19 through 30 , Block 8 , St. Cat erine Park Addition to the C ty of St. Paul subject to ten conditi ns; and WHEREAS, th City Council at the request of Harvey Inve tment Company and adja ent r sidents now wishes to amend and clari y condition number three regarding . the provision of parking r p; . now, therefore, e it RESOLVED, t at Ci y Council Resolution No. 280932 adopt d September 29, 19 3 be nd is hereby amended so as to change ondition number three con ained therein to read as follows : � (3) For so lo g as the multi-level parking ramp sha 1 exist parki g on 11 levels shall be free to� members of x- the gt�ral publi during the hours of, at least, 6:00 .Di. . through 11: 0 P.M Parking on levels to be agreed upon at the site plan eview may be restricted by term only, to periods f not less than two hours. Developer shall prior to be ng is ued a building permit, execute a . cove ' nant or res ricti n in a form approved by the City Atto ney setting for h tha parking shall be free so long as a parking ram shal exist at said location. � and; be it FURTHER RES LVED, that the Planning Commission is reque ted to review any and a 1 sit plans for this project to insure tha it is in compliance wi h Cit Council Resolution No. 280932 as her in amended and the erms nd conditions set forth in an agreeme t dated COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Flstchsr Drew [fl F8V0[ Masanz Nicosfa Schsibel ' Against BY Tsdssco Witson 3 .�y,� - Form Approved by City Attorney Adoated bt• Council: • Date Certified Nassed by Council Secret ry By A�: . Annroved h�• \lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Suomission to�C uncil w�r1TE - C�7v CIE�+K , • � P:Nr. - F�N�N�E GI �' OF SAII�TT PAUL � Council � ��� ' C�ti�R♦ � OE�APTMENT ' BL'JE - MpvOF , FIIe NO. � C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date February 20, 1985 by a between Duane Kocik and Milton Cohen and the letter of Law ence oderholm dated December 21, 1984 , whi h letter sets forth condi ions that must be met for site plan apgroval. �_ ._,..... � -2- � COUNCIL4IEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletchsr °ri" [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibsi Against BY Tedesco W tlson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b�• Councii: , Date Certifird Y�ssed b}� Cuunc.il Secreta y BY B•: Appru�rc h� 11a.•or. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to C ncil � � 3 � AGIIIDA CF 1I-� ODUNCII. _ �Y, F�"Y �, �98� Albert B. Ql�on, Ci.ty Qet-k City Council Ch�nbers 7:00 P.M. PUflLIC I�ARII�S 1. Public heari ta con ider the appeal of Duane Kocik to a decision af the Board of Zoning peals egardirg the Harvey Investment Compar�y project Ford Parkway. ��`3�� AGREEMENT RE ATING TO FORD MALL ASSOCIATES PROJECT LOCATE ON LOTS 19 THRO GH 30 INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 8, ST. CATHERINE PAR ADDITION TO HE CI Y OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned d here y agree: 1 . That Ford Mail Asso iates Project referenced above be deve oped in full accor ance ith Council File No. 280932; and 2. That paragrap (3) f Council File No. 280932 cannot be en orced due to langua e am iguities; and 3 . That the Cit Coun il of the City of Saint Paul will hold public heari g to larify the language of paragraph (3) of Council File No. 2 0932 on March 19, 1985, or at such time as the City Cou cil i its discretion will determine; and 4. That the app al filed by Duane Kocik (Zoning Fite ## 9685) ill be continued until such time as the language of paragraph 3) of Council File No. 2 0932 is clarified; and 5. That the co ditio s specified in the letter from Larry So erholm ; to Milton C hen d ted December 21 , 1984, be applied to an existing an subs quent site plan filed by the developer or review by t e Cit for the project referenced above; and 6. That the Pla ning ortunission, prior to staff approval of he site plan for the above referenced project shall review the si e plan to evaluate ompli nce with the City of Saint Paut Compre ensive Plan, Legisl tive ode, Council File No. 280932 and Larry Soderholm's etter to Milton Cohen dated December 21 , 198 ; and 7. That Ford Ma 1 Ass ciates and the respective partners the eof will not apply fo addi ionai varianc�s for the project refere ced above, Lots 9 thr ugh 30, inclusive; and � 8. That if Ford Mall ssociates, jointly or severally, acqui, e a property int rest in Lots 16 through 18, inclusive, Biock 8, St. Catherin Park Addi�ion to the City of Saint Paul , th y shall not se k a v rian�Ce �rom the applicable height requ rement for building as s ecifieg in the existing zoning code. Dated thi s ��� day f Feb�-uary, 1985. ,�� L /,,, �� � C.-��� ,�«,�� ' Duane Koci Milton Cohe TABLE OF CONTENTS �� �_ ��� I� '� COVER LETTE (Cas brief) PAGE 1 APPLICATiON FOR AP EAL 3 APPEAL - Ex ibit A 4 APPEAL - E hibit B 6 APPEAL - E hibit (regarding site plan) 7 BOARD OF Z NING A PEALS (BZA) RESOLUTION 11 BZA DECEMB R- 11 , 984 P1EFTING MINUTES 13 CITY COUNC L RESO UTION 15 ADMINISTRA IVE RE IEW/STAFF REPORT 19 STAFF REPO T EXHI IT REGARDING FINANCING 21 STAFF MEMO ANDUM EGARDiNG FINAI�'CING 22 INTERDEPA MENTAL MEMORA�IDUM REGAP,DING SEQUEPICE OF PROPOS D DEVE PMENT AND REQUIRED ACCESS 23 INTERDEPA TP�ENTA MEi�10RANDUM REGARDING BUILDING PERMIT TERMS 24 ADMINISTR TIVE R LI�,G DEFINING PROJECT INITIA.TION 25 ADMINISTR TIVE R LING THAT BUILDING PERMIT STAYS HEIGNT VARIAN E 26 �ETTER RE ARDING SITE PLAN AhD REQUIREMENT FOR PARY.IN COVEN NT 27 ZONING AD I�IISTR TOR'S REPLY 29 ARCHITEC EXPLAI S PROJECT AND TIMING 30 ARCHITEC 'S MEE INu NOTES 31 INOUIRY N TP,F1N rEP,ABILITY OF VARIANCE RIGHTS 32 RULIP�G T AT VAR �1PdCES RUN WITH LAND 33 BUTLDIidG PERMIT 34 LETTER R GARDIN VARIANCE EXPIRATION 35 , LETTER 0 INTEN TO SECURE COMi�1ERCIAL DEVELOPP�IENT � REVEf E BOND 36 BUILDIfd PROPOS L APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL 37 PARKING CO�iENA TS 40 AREA MA �5 .. ,ty:�.r:�. . ��_��`� ���Lt7Y ������., � � �� T�� �i- �r ��'"' i ��,�� r��:, .;� , � PA U� .:� , .r. !•`!'1 • •- . . . `,� �-_'�'r_'� ` `, ��'AR7f�.�1c�;T OF FL�N��!i'•i� AN[� �Ci��`1Ui��1?C D VEL�'�J�'iL1cN1" a. ��' ";177'i?.I:lil t% . `r< �''"�:����t; �; DiVISlUi! QF PLANNING x�?,.;�_ ���` <�.. ��IT ��}� y,�y-'� 25 West �a�rth Stre2t, Sair�t Pa I, Minne,ota,SiiO� '.m�.=-��'`�' 6i 2-232-1577 GEORGF LATin•tER t�1AYOR - Jat�uar�� 2;; , 19g5 Albert Olson, Ci y Cl �rk Roo;.� 3��5 Ci ty Eir� 1 Sc. P�ul , i4irescta 55102 R�: Zoning Fi le „°�3� - Uu�tne ;:oci !; City Counril Public Hearing Fet�r�,ary 20, 198�� , 7 :C10 P,��1. PUR�i1�� : To cor s i der � n a.pp�al of a reso;uLi on o` th� [�oard of Zo,i�n � '� w �4 appeal s to sus�ai n a de�er�;ii nati on of th� Zoni ng ,ar„n i ni;�r�:i or thav hei gr vari ance i ss�.:e� by Ci ty Co��r�� i 1 an Sep�e�,�bcr 9, 1°�3 emains valid, BOFt?04QFµ10��lIi;G APf'EAL DECISIJid: De��y appe�1 (0-1 ; ; a�f.i rrn Zo���i ny � �;dn�i ni strator SIr1FF �:ECO��i�i"t=i!U; TIOi'+ : �eny appe�;l SUP�O�i . T.ao i di vidu 1 s spuk� i n sup���r� o-� the a;���e�:,l ; er�e 1 ett�r ;��s recei� ed OPPOSITIOi•!: fdo e Dear Sir: �11 '`v'E:'�C-^'.:?�'i" � � � ��c��F� �lE' E3Gi,tY'� Of Z01� � iiy �jJ?�i:� S t?:i C� 1 �!UJ'; 1 C i,°_lt"'' iiC; 0�1 u !";'C;!;�:'S� fCr n iii11"11St 'ct1V? Y'G'Jltt'! 'v'i .. Gc'C1S10l1 Gi^ �tl� 7G?l: iij (+,d;nini .>trator. Tie Zo .; nc A���n;ris�t�G�o, deterr,�ined ;.���!: a �,ar,�arc° t'an�;�c! Uj Cl'Cy CQUt�:,'7� Oi"1 St�D .°{i?i�E?Y' �t�j � �t5,�i I'?i1;11 i1S V,'.'�Z 1 Ci �PL cU;E' �.diiY't: 011 � sl'2 1?1"0?E'Ci, 1'JdS �1T'� �t'C�1 +1c� ili1C�°(' b1:11 �I7 CiC� �1°i'��f �. T412 da���� ��iri, t s�ifie i.fldl: L�P Vi31"1d�iC� rid5 CXC:IC2C� 1;�'Cc�.US2 t�l° �l' ,�,('Ci. ila �iC� C�J�`l�!'.���C C?�Y'SU !1L y0 COII?il:l� dU`fiOY'l%�'.t1Qli. 11i° it�)�?� ii:lll� '1' tE;l t!�I_�� i,rl_ Ulll; �il y 7�Y'fCl i. 1 SSUP.(� D�/ i,�l`�' LU,11 flc�{ i ti;:� Ill S�fui.CiY' �O�S nOt, + ,., i . �l�'.i°i.% �il"1 LO �`,� �U��S iE', ��il �y u^SC,'�i !J2a � �� L(l� V%?1'1drCC' i�i'S:ii "-_li,�!('.�1> f� d� SC , ' ;, ,j ' �� � E � '- r, r. F �., ��IF:; � „(ii•�.. i i ci �c.f'l��tl-':' .:dil JE_ �1"rl �S fF ('2C7 i T"(�iii %,'"i C't'' 't1i [l;#� �:��7� iCdi t: r� . • J , ,._ l� ` �il.' '"�� �II�"i'_5` 'il�� y Ir) ) CO c.i�lvFfii:i' �ii�i.i � f (�; ;:1 �i'.,t� � Y�iJv�l ;',t�•`.�1S / • u�Y:',i� i Y'iSC?!� d�r01'fl° Y'c?j)t'E?SE'ili,�l !"I�; i o'(J:'_y �11V:'�i.fTi�?il�� i C3il,)dil'y', i:('Si. {'1(',.� tllriL �'i..' i�:..'.':iv�T'?i��il� f)1"n�i:.'�� I� l.0 llc �n(;�tY'Ll(,t.�'•'!. ': ii })�'�1�C.'S , -��iE: fIi $l, �)41c�SP l li`r 0� V171^ Y.,'I,��1�•1°� 1 I"1C] i,�lE_' F?Xl .�,t; ,'1'� G:U?l C:l il(j � ±i':c' icCCil!� j�i�ciS:'3 1! � � `t);' t, }_ ::C!1S��('UC�i.I il Cif t�'tc f'��i!'�C! �. �'dii�`: d i� ��f � c �. � • � +' { : t' nIJ i � I'�LC! �� � �� � �.�'. �ac:'".i'. ii1Ci E. �i ti EXi .��lr".� p�at"`:lf�'1 � Gi`, 15 CU'1'Y'E?il��� 'l(?f;di,E'G. ��t' �i.dtE'Ci i;li;'lt SF?CI!i"ill� �lE' f;;Jl �(il �� �i:1�i�il'"Jfid<j l lrlizr.E.'C� t!�.-_ FY'C,i,_ ;� dS d'.1i,4i�?t'1?(:;� �Jj f.l�° (,i �.�i. (Pane 1) �� �s`�� � Y F1lbert Olson , Ci y Cler pa� � Zoni�ig Fi 1 e #;908� - Uua .e Koci k Un J�r�uary 2� , 1 85�, h9r� Duan? Kocik d«ly iil2� an a,�peal of ti�e deci ion • of ti�e Q;,,ird of onin� , ppe�ls. P�lr. Koc�ik ba��=�! �,�e ar;�eul on t�;e ozli�F that tPie 6card c 7_oni n Ap�ca1 s r�acle �r,r�rs i�; �aci. ai:ci pr�:,��ed�.�re i�� ';:he; r �iCi�ninistr�l�1V� r Vlc?':! 0 t{l�'. �Oi17(l�� rlC�iiii �i��C'�'d:Gr'' .�, d'c•::1S10�i� CO��CE'!'lllfiy ttlE' SU f),]°Ct 51 i.E' Sta�f F has i?;i72 a e�for i:o l i�-�i c i,rE? t'.r;17!I!l� nf� udC',C�r'i?;Jil!a iil:?�2i"ld � t �:' tran�nit�E�-'�� dS � 1"t 0� r'i:' J}��J�c1�S �.�dCi:t?t. �0'Jf?C1� f�?�i;��°;'S Sili�.;� � �E' �1•l�.r� . { ,,.. �t-c., � �� i r,» .c 1 r� • . � r ,� . , � �..,,,n . �, 1..., Oi.�l��� C{.�. 1,'; .�S ��� tl . _ 'i 'r �tll :.):- �� � Yi:�'la'l.`. , =ldillllrlj ..Il� CCi�:i�,,,.i .�� �)E'v��O�iil�?llt czl"e U��1�df) 2 (OY' trlcl i' i�E'.'��1 E?S'!. This i��ai�±er is s heclule ' to b:� i�ea��� by tne City Counci i or� �ehruary U, 19°5 at. ? :CO �.�:� Plea �� not�ify r?e by Februai•y 1 �, 1985 , i i any mera:� r oF Ltil-C' �,lff CO:iCiCi � lJ1S[1°S �:0 f?�!'�/E.' S� 1C_�PS 0� t(lE,' Sli.° j3i'(`�::�lt:•� di. Ci12 City Co«nc�il pub ic I�ea in�. ,� `� Sincere�, ,�✓� � _. 1 � _ . j � _ � , ; �/i // � ..���,� l .i%`\`- ,�,1\.. i,.._. ��.. ,�i . . - '-' y ... - . .... i 1'EU J. I�;��(,E?Y' Z0111 (l� S�Ct�i 0il � FS��!!��,� � attachments (Pane 2) . ��J _��� AFPLICATIO:"v FOZ �,�f'EAL L:J�`Ii�;G Oi�IC� U�E U?;LY x CITY =0� SAi�JT P,��{L ----- — — . . � .. . � Jr;� y;_... Fi 1 e T -'�ti� �- �.:��. f�.ppl icaticn �ee $ 1� �,� <�_;., IT�n��tive t���,r�iny Da�e - -.�t - C- —_�> > ----- �- A�p 1 i cat i or� i s her•ehy m de for a� A;���a 1 to 4h� �- ,�� i ;,, .,C. . ,i ,,itv ...;�an: i 1_. under� t'r�e provisions or Ct�ap�ce n�, Sectio� 205 , �'ar;:��r�;ph-----� --��-o; i:i;2 or�iny Code to app�al a decision ma �e by i �e x Bo�rd of Zoning ��,�e:i?s -------- __ Planninc Cor;rnissio� on 1?/Li , 19��. -- - Z011ll'Q Ft��Ciltl'St�c.�r� �G{a;�n Oi� C� CiSiO,'l� r'" -r. • n -r i � ---- � �:,����r:�� r:d; �in �s�r�4c�r Other �, APPELLAP•aT Name ��_J. xoci� -- ------------------- ---- _.-�`�y�im2 phonQ 22?__��,��.�; Address 21.7.n pi.neh rst ___ ___�.-- -»�___�►!� COd?-- 551_�5_ � -------�-- Sto_Paul, r i�1 --«__—____----- ---- — ---- ----- --- __� 8. DECISIOPa �,���vG ,'�P�EI' 'tG ��.� 7_or i ng f i 1 Q tic�m2 a vey :[rrv �_in�nt Co?anany . ::��, � - . — -------------------------------__Zon�n J Fi l e ,r -= ��° �.r r _ .+,/ A<<,{r-?SS%�OCd�101i :� Carne-r oi E�'or;:i �'a:ck�:�a�:� ?ir��.� �t'llf?E�'t �`• _.__. Legal description °�� 2�-30, Block 8, ste ca�nerine Par� Aaaitio �17�1 �(�^, P f)� .1 / Ir r� (��� .�i1�., ,. �i p�rE��5 G'`f, ) C. C':�'v:+rlS i vr� r",i �%u. .tL�E' duu I '::JII�:� `' "�S 4CX7�:l�l 'ti':�'1.i' �:)U �Ci ; �hcrci (iil� i�c:'Il uii :.'Y'1'l":i' l(1 di1� 1"='�;u I�^Q� ;c'il�� r=i i�ii t`,� Cjz?C i.�,10�1 GY' ;°fU��; :���u� bV cn d�l?1?tl'Si:T'�?f:lV� pi i 1C �d t , �'t� ;r :''!'fGt' 1f! ��iCt, �Y'OC2 U�e o�• fiin�inc r�;c�-: by �;�:� t3aar�d o� Zon;i�g ��;,pe�.ls or the Planr!:s�c Cc^��1��issio�. ) . .. , . . �-„ ... , , �- - , ------------------- .,..�. �,:.,11.. � �. A -����Z �s at:a C -- ----__--___. ..___ • ,.i ,,< , , .� . _..__� ._ _ — ------- -- -------- -- ---_ —__p __ - -- ----- _ i, � ,, I; y�:;�, have .,i, ���iesL ,-ns, 1 <:��_ �c�z ���rt. ( l: ' �',! - ,' - � :, i �c��n� '� s i a n;�u�-� -----�- -- $�. Q�t'i r'Cl(� s;1 C� �� T i CEt r '`.,� ` ___ :. 11�"� �,i�r�� �!:�? � �,r;r Lx � ' � � ' � � � ? � . � . . , �. �_ , .. -; � ;,�� 1 2._/i�� Z. 'r'1`::. �`.)!li"'tt: .�;,} �. / `_� • " -- ,- JC� �i 1 L- r .�.`.�r � � I i�r I�`��;J�� � `��"• ` , 4 ----____'_'__'.'__. � ^'_.:� .' ._��__.. � .J '../!_ J::l.:. 1 , 1 7 n � i •`:t \ . C� J -C:�l..l��. � � ��7�)._..� :'�,..� , . � . � ../8� (Pape 3� � ������ r x:;l,�z r t� � ' 1'1�<� 8oard r "La?it �J A��peals (S%��) �:rrored i:� the�r c?�c:sioi: of T)f�(:%;iCi'��'.T' 11 , l� i3�<, lIt ��"<2i]'�=:i?2�; �:�?:: CQX2?:�.i'.li3t]CiT: �f LC.:iS .V:3;'1cti7C°. t1 CO[3�' • at' L.'i:: C�C :;;L1J`. �."� � � Z'i�! �,�f1: c'.'c)3�2�.� 1S �3ti:;:Ct1:'i' c:.Il:� F:'.1� i)c. Dregn��±, P_S �JE:L1':. 0� r.'11.`., �.'.r�)'c"t��. . ��E'�1SE', iF'='n' 1:0 F:i':11t11�. a, t.rr - .: .. T;. Z'h . ,?;..,..� has cr.rare i ��s i.ii...ii il."'i;.13.1GI1 C1QBS If` t i3��).i`�1 ?ii.�r! �1�� i�.'�:�, , . ..� �i:� i'J�?�i't� 'i `� � _ , - CU�E.' 1:ti:7L' Ci�� :)i G111�1(�(;� ' • ` , ,,, ..Ci::E.':'liU.`, �1� t;CE'. l�1'� � 8t'I'O!':-, Cl;.(,�, �CE`ii r�a:i:' �5? �.;t: 'I'?:�� �:-lt:�% S�?ii �::?C� :i�::; 1�2 �;�i'�".3?lt.�tli tP:. C .i.l ;t!c.L30I? pi i:�l.l:, ti� ,, � - _ �I'1�:iiC£ �iP �?. �..�°:.1T!;, t3:_ ii_.�... . '<; f`;'_ i'' _. ;a? ,� �. �;v �C�_.'.', . .: _ !��. _ . '* " n ,:i'.�'�Ui'� � . _. i. , �. t'�iY.6V z:ViC�°%1Ci 1S c`t F'11::;.�EI�P_ tCl:?'t �=l:E' (i�V:'l0^"'.?' '1'i?S ilOi: lli!]Cnn(.11?G LQ_(;�!,i1 �:t1E' i c_�r,:S Of :"� _ �% �';' I:Ci �'1S ?T' 't�. : ';' i3i.'1". 3 "c ctl ti_i� :iC�il� :"t1S_'°�li'l:S+.::1't�lt1 ::: . „i t,z. � .J O P�t'_1SF� � �. 2L' t �;. �11i�!L . Pii,��% ..J'0.::!;C;�'; ].; ;.?iS0 •,V�11i�t1)i:: i_11:ti. 3,52 'IOL15 eo:..? i c� r�� ir�' eresi: E. .}c;-te;? ..eii:.Ii L1;t: j'Cii�a,.�. _. ;,;r s i ss.!�c�. S�:i�j2ct to FL�T'L�l� C�I.S'�'i)Vc�y, r.�sv Lviclei!re ,ti�i� 1a�� pc�s�,it�d to s ?o��urt ti��s �_i�*��u]. . . :f-. . . . . . -�C: �K:(:, 'K�. - I:\:�C:. =X-<: , ir�:C:. . . ::f\_. -.� :�,C.^� , :i:. . . . .:%:'C�. . . . .:\:, _ .<: :�C: . . . . . . . . . . . �<::C:. . :<:. . . � .��i l. t i.�.)�/ -�A ... I_li�.:, �� i , �.� : .i? . •• '-i •,v . '1 _ _ ..,_ ., . .. � �O i �1 i1 r:V:'i?.� S 1" l:i Tl ST 'vl l.ili', �.1�:�' �;r}i'�1::.�3. . � . =k�F-kr;c:;c:;<:k>'c�e'<�x:?c:<.k >f:k:e`k:;c;!eK'•r;?k:f�.;c:<:�c:,�t',e:k:+:;t-;t>ix:k.?c;c:F.'e>'e:k:je�:;::,1•:%>'e:e�c•'x.-�:r>ci,c�;e•;.:�C�:KYc-'r,.iy�:k=,c:,i,c•Y,.:<:Y;c (Paqe 4) �!j�-�(�� F ' E'/,HTEIT F� , A speci fi varia, ce ��vas granted for a bui 1 di ng project er; tne or�.h�,r�;� corr�r o�` Ford Parkwa� and Finn AvenuQ by the St. Paul Cizy Counril unc:�� ft�sol u�i on No. 280932 anc: uru5 effec�i vQ Octobr r 8, 1953. Thi s vari��;;c� w<;; ' grant�d sp�ci ii cal iy or Lats ?5-30, al oc!; 85 S�. Ca ch�ri�e Park Ad i ti on. Zoning Co Re��latiU� iVo. b4,209 stioula-`�s t�a;:, "��o order o� the , Board of Zoni r�g A�peai s or ti�� Ci ty Courci: p°•rni�t�i�1� �hQ erecti on or al terati on o�` a bui 1 d-i ng or of�--str�ei p�rki nc� ��aci 1 i�,�� sru11 be v�,l i d for a oeriod long�r than o �e year, unless a buildir,g permi� �or suc:� �rect;orv o•r alte•rat.ion is o tainG;1 G�itnin such pQ�iod ar�d such er�ction or ai�e� :tion i� �)f'OCE�C1l ilC� �'J1��i �:}l2 �P.f`i��S 0!- $UC�'i �21'((il L U�t�c'SS l;h� ���c!"u C i Ztiiil fi� �:,:��iz'� or tf,e City Cou cil gr n�cs an extension r�o� to exce�d o�� year". On Octob:r 3, 19� , G?en Erickson, Su�er�,�isor of Code En�orcerr,e � ar;d Zoning, iss���d a ooini t1 ;"t'd�li1Q tha� tr�e iss�ance o� a r��;odcl inn r, r�;� on Se�t�m'��r 20 1��? or� t�rop�r•c;y not refe���ed to in 4he Ci�cy Cat,nc'1. Resol uti on g•ran i ng th v��}anc� �ul��11 s �h� ���,�el op�r'� oal i gati�n ��nder Code !Vo, b�,209 � I fe21 thi opini n is in error. Tf3� reason is t"a-� Ci�y Counc'1 Reso1 ution fVo, �0932 p�ci��i cal ly refers Lo Lo�s 25-30, B1 ock �3, St Caineri ne Par-k addi ti o�, �'is per i�'3A. �'ri ckson's 1 e t±er �or" Oc-:.o:�efi� 18, ?9���?, r7o bui 1�!i n9 p�rmit has been issu��:l �r�cr ���� structure cov2red uru�� Ke5,�lucicn f�� 23:����2, A7 so, no such e ecti or1 ot� al tera�ti on i s pt•o�Q-�di ng ;�i thi n th� �erns f a pZ�"��i�. I�;2 �1 y Coun �;1 t�Y' '�f1�' f?Cd.1"� 0 i �C:�i;"�; �iJ�='a�S f1aV� �10� g� tl i,�'�:� dtl E;;t?C'S"10�i. �f1F' ��OY'°y �Ci�? V?7"1dilCE' 1��!i�?C�i Ui?C';?Y' C1 C� �OLli1C1 � k�SO i l� 'iQ;; Noo 280932 is n 7���a vaTicf. I have reT ed on he City of St. Paul to enrorce the establishe la�y�s of -the Ci ty. I trust he �i��y o� St. Pau1 wi 11 enfc�;�ce the regul ati ns i n this case, XTl C�C�1�101 , an �_' r'i�f' }�i,'.S �J�-�.E'fl li1c�C�° bf �;';C' C1��'� �itt 4('%?I?� i.°rY'lii� i;f?� V�:T'l- �;��.:e u�der S�o aul Ci 'y Co..,i�ci 1 Resol u�c-i on iv��.,28�93? frc�r� fiar�4�ey In �s��;,�r,c C����,any to anot er ent ty. Transfe� o� ���a•r i G�,ces tro,n cnz en�i:,,;� �o ar::����er is no�� prc�a�id�:i �Fc�; i� �i�e Cit�! la,,�� an::;-�r zorir;g cod�:s: Fur�;�i�rmo� e, a V4'"1 d:lC�' Ckil `l)? G�'F„lT;.°_ Ot�i f i.0 the p�UN;.'('�f O�iii�'3 �';?CI Gil i� d �T,2Y° l�U � 1 C 1lOi,l C� �1�5 �2°il (�7 V�ii. TIl'c? V�Y'1�1I1C£..' '�t�?S 7�:iG'Y'U�J2;"1� ::'t"c�.i:S i�Y'i':.'Ci t;Q d �1;i,: �� r!?i 0',11'i�Ir.� t�12 Y'0`t�7'� . Tr0 SitC{� ;1QilC� y�laa �71VQ1? 0�1 "�ti1S t:'�3nS��'i� tl�i SU�iI T.Y'cil'I�TQY' S U�G� �4` �11L'�' OCCUt'Y'�'�. � L1"U:i��: i,;l� i, t�.�lE'. If''f �c �'(;. f-�c111� d`I��fG^ ;:l? Fi�n 4v'11 I i17; ISSIl� t�.'�.%;_, . P.'l,c_i!iJ'i fi07lC'ilt��� ` OY' '�;r'i. �i 0�!�'C:t: d� t�i" V�.t"1�;�i��E.' '15 '�0 �Oil�;�'" V?11:�0 111 �Jt"Cf�:i' t c�. i IOb•, rlitl� ��;n �?Y'E'pol"� i"U1" i.��: d�����' ! L'('�lt;;?SS , i Y'�G' �5 i G' 3� - �� � �;�1� c.}��'��:� [�P. �1.i.dt'(� �1`�,.i_'2' i0 GaYs ��ro(it t`.(I;.'. C�ia`�� 0� td.fi'!� t;E;;? � 1 ;:c?G10f1� (E'a9e 5) EXHIBIT !3 � ��f° r � �iove;nber 20, 19 4 ;�ir. Sa.� Grais Acting Chairman Board o�F Zon�n�� ���;i�als City of St. Pau Suite 110Q, Ci.t Flall t��._r:t St. P�.�ul , `�t..innn �t�t 5;i 0� Re: app°al of onin� - d;;in.ist,^ator's c.ecisi��1 reoardin� `roT�d-f'inn Pr ject Dear ">tr. Grais: It is my reques to in )_uu� .in r�ly apr��zi� that Sect�on 6-=.209 reruires; "�vTc crder of t�i Boa .ra �;' 7.unint; A�P�als or the City Couz.cil ��:r:,iitLi ►g the urect.ion or alter� ia�1 of a b�.:ildii�? or of'z-street pa:c�;in•� fa�ili y shall be valid c� a � riod of r�oLe thari o��� y.�ar, un.le_:s a bt,ilding p.�,1 i'1:!t �OT' SLiCtl E.'T'?�ll"Ii OI' c'11i.E.'I'�i:ItJIl 1S O�i i c:=11C'u SV.�.�I1J.I1 SUC�i ��:?T'7.00� ilI1C� SIlC�: P,I'OC l.].O?7 OI_$?t:2C _'_2.i_i O�'---1,��7i=°--�j=t?iw SJ_l t�l tt1C t:.:'i:;:� O1 SU^}l --- �c:i i?7:t' — --- - ----- -- --- - - -- - " . i'�O SL!Ci1 itiU2'i: �l�i� �?L'Oi.t?f :'�LI i.0 L�r3�"c Gii IO�;i 2•'.�-,f�'li ;iil1C�1 ii'c S78i;lf l"l;;i � ZJ � cov�ereci in i.h;_. ar. ;a;ic� 'I!?e .tc.-�cs rer:::.'n Lt�� ..�.�-� :�os? as ci:;:�� did a ,<>ar ago. rizrtliQ:�,-,:.��e, riu �z,,�i ��;or_: ori t::•s;. ad,;a.�� ._.. loi.s �9-2.:.: �ras nr�oce- :in« with the terms r sucii per�ait within t��e on� yeur p�_riod, nor i� :vork pz•oceedinR to d te. BECaus� of this, t}1P, cor.d�t�ons set forth in ' Section 6�.209 hav� n t be�n met and the variance is r�o longer valid nle�s::. s �;:duie the P��.�cl of 7orin.� A�!prJ:�l } te� lo_ i.t.... t C �. � t i:z['jTe� Oit �;ll,� A`�.t T' � �° L'eC�'i;t�.�:^ 11 � 1.9� <' fi1:� �:,<._ �L�ri�r - L'a;y truly yauY�s, . �// 1,��J�� '/ Jr;%::. . � . . r,,, ,�! � � Duai,e J. Yacik - �72� }'irel:ttz�s� >` . r�11:� , �;inT'f'_�J"�_. :i;'i1 {i (Page 6) �::1.�I� : ��:``v�-�'`�.' C I-I��l .�� >, �'���A U L y t ,t): ,�� ��,� , �� f� �{':� �..i���1�i��i�T OF Pi.ANi�!��, AND ECONOi^��1.. LYL�LJ���i.l�rl •�''t t:� 7: �� �liil' _ 'c 11; �{I';t� > � c� r I � �a,,���,��; c�l✓i„o�v o: PLAtv�IhG '� .y� "L5 4Yes: Fourth Str<^.p+„ Saint aul,;�':inr.,ota. 5519Z "��_:u�.+ - . �� ' ����� . ExEilgl r � Page T�,ro } ji�ir. Mi 1 tOn Coh°n S�t� Pl a;: „i.0'L� , � K, Lnca�io� and C niensi�n o� n=tc�ar�cal ec}uit,r4n�, chi��neys, e c. 1 � r(sJOr' � dCIS Url EdC}1 � �y�( i 11 us�ra�l i:� i,s"I? �,rG,rJOSc'_Ci i� qOt" d cd • C�r�Eil:�t�i L� t0 t" i.�1�1� 9 Oi�1'1C�� Ut1ll �,y? S"Gv1"�tG- � �fL'.Ot� S?1"ViC�9 e�C. P3r C��„�? 2�4 c�ev�i p�;����t sur;�;;ary in;��icati ^g lo� ar�a, bui idiny q��a,°� fca���.�c��� (gro_,� and n�-� use�;ol ?) , a�ci si�;: elevatio�,s ���� nor�i? anc� sout,�� 6 �5 �fte of Lc��s ?_5w:`sJ. j I . $°V?�:,� iSSt1°� t�i'�(? SLIP'1�dCci c;S d 1"2S11'� 4 J� :.�12 ::1i.j�' S ?':'V1 'rJ t?� �.�t? � � �� �`� Y' ,���rn� r�� ) v� � �� � � '� i�r. � y,:,r : i '' r ' i,;:ca `V F• Gi):_�V Li L.td Cl� '.✓1.�a4S ..�., � �1..�.Qi f ,... .. . � i.11lli (11 l,�l.....:.. �a�� �, $;°::�!1�t� �DP. 1'�� 1 4C�1.2(.� 7 Ci ��1�° �1?i'^_ii(i^Ci $�i i.� }.)I d ii, 10 P��king e��L;°a3� �Jnx� � r�!ast ha�.�e dr�ive�:;ay �,v��Lh a rnini�u:;i ����icl Si �r ---- -• . . — --- - --- -.- - � -- - _-..—.r - :---- — -• —t P.�� v� �..i.�,.r i.:. '�1 .x:�>s� ��a�'��s�- �c,y�1 i.;'�E:. ��'J _ _:ll� i C_-t.-���'�'.� - _ - . , ___ _ _ . . �... .. ,. �.: � '�, _� . } _ _,Y _ : .i.. t.,� _. �o �i:2 51G V�tl1+: n <'.Ct� iul1S; �'i:'_ C3:'T'7 �Ci dC:7'OSS `i.�;� CtY'14�'tldy 1ii c C.C�'�]�iCE 1911�`�l C1 f S�:.ti: i;.,'.t"CiS dI'i'� Sr:vC7 i;Cc"C1:.;15 I�;i`':2i"' il ,7��i„1;., 3� Rc�o; d, ins ir ��-istiny bu;lci�in^ �-��_as� bf� sep:�;��a�.ed �`rom ��n1t�r,� sewer s s��r��o �o pCfl� Gf' lti`;i Tlil l �� �i"Gn�"'I,�/ �?a;Gi�r.: a'��r' 'Gr? 1?:'':) strur-Litr� i��:�l CiE.'V�� C)y7� .`�.ilL (t1L{ i� i'�'.S'l`.i''iC't`. G{'1S�^�P'��? O1 .d01'ii;�:-i�;C2Y�0 1oz�J C� i�lC "i2c,^-.1`. �:�;� :,�� .���, P �a� �c ��o��,� ��t���:��a�.._s ti��., ut ? �;�._ ' �.�.,� ,� c. 1 Q a C Ct�-i C �i � �� �Il^'�a �L�_` 3';^_� .�re�.i:'i:? .. 11� !�� Tl�'f_'i�c.`.,,:���� Y(1� ;al,"Lci f1�Gtl v;i1I 11{)Y, b.°. r' c�,�?�?"rJ`1�n.. L'9';�:1� d 'il`�Y'i?t`?�l.°:' f;?�'.i;lC�;'iii°;�t ,.�ildr; 1S �0'.1?1C� dCCC?Tp7+i. k)7 ° t,':� ,_. '�T?:' �ui� lr ai;)T":S L�"_:_ ;;�3°;ii:,, � a, {'t�:�:SS s'J7t"� �'• 'L;t`,��.i!'�C.(' Ci'::°_ d�l7 ^_;� ii':? ;?:�� LO 1i� 1:S?U ���r" ��0?.�' ;,3 �i` . unload�i � or ni r��h�r�di�u, sup�l i�s , or 2qu�����e�'c. 7i�� us« f t.h�s�� doors �` r tra� p�ick--��p is perm;��ted provid�d th�t receptic ls ar� locat�d ��ith:in ti�� bu�idjng. Indicute on floor plans where rash hol�i:ag '('2CuC1 °rg a��e�i �,�i11 be lc�a-c��d. CrS o �(1 t? ;.: i '�.l l t?�i _ 5 �� -I� �I.1 1�.�^4 u�-� �.i t�L � r::�i 11 C; c:i��; '!ii 1 ���7 ;1 C� C��i �i?Y'Clic?i� �''a<" � 5 '�;)�l�f �": 3 0Y' ;?�:�;_iii:t:'.--;�;: i:�'t^ 'v�' C.Ot;:�`_l�;i.£'.C� OiliS'ft� Gi 2t1,`,/ �L:U! �?.r'. '�'irti�l.°°C7 a"�`:i%'.,i�:, �1 A« �rl��' � I"L '' �,�i?li'1G�s T".'.:iLl� U� 1 Oi� 5;_'CS c�, f';'.il'.'i)`'' U i" CL7t'�`i i `L'1 U�^S `t:l)w' li�l's�� �?�: Cii�:�; rJi:i CJ7�' �1: �K: �l'i,E.' �;i uti I.`a dl7tJs"�iV�C�o {i':E�`�:: 1�sC��_l�?:? ; .�a �11�ti'Yd� e1i1�� E'i;;'.?:SS R1.15t D2 ���7t"OV2C! Ft1C. ii� ��t"ICi, dGi:CT"C�df1C '��'"��!t �fl:.' 'I:i"'di f�iC r?i�'',�!?i�'.'�t'� S i"�Cr:`iir�9`;ui;�lCi�i , ii? ?I ��;'!11i1�i �`.'��c?7'-L� �t;.. 1':3S �1G:. �"?�`� i`!�'�� i4 i'?�:Cii��iit.ii:�j l,�lG:� rT'U�i': �i2` S.y`G I ?1 _ :i��i il;.�',^ t':7r1� r;`?1" lllCa'( `_'�5 ='�'i'°'`a v i �r'�!'.tC: l :..'ti `i�l(;,.� i: C� �j �)i'i)�V_��� i.i? �Cil� S�l. U� c�i OT' .,� , � � � �i:- �r '`n��c., n 2�'7 ,v. S'�(1c1L ,Cit .$i..i � i�1:. t.l�t�:'i"�.,. ...il .'� ��i��.. . i iii,c` :�:`��Oi'`i'_' iJl�icl: S ,. 'jUU s(;'�ii�i '`{ -!7r1:..1' ,!� i. i _. Gi ���7 > I'(• .i.�i: iQi� _i'.i"3 •�i�i1i'r �:0� �%icT' �%J:- :� } C��� .., ,�7 Ti,; C(; !S Gtw'i.�.=i. l . ' ? ��?:r'' ; �r�� � 4i-!`.�. " :� '' � "�� � , �t�_ �' ' �' � � ? . 7r1:. 1%i�� , '�! i ? �!S C) : 1C- i;�_i1lt �cif"� 1ily Y'c:{iiG !�c'. � i 0:. r l -� -` �. :o; id I ;! , �,� „ �._ � ._,�,:�n;, ror "! ig;�� t�:l ccss ,r•i�-:�� �� ��r� ] �ln -,r r•� �c�ai�• _ EX7��__ , ti'�:i351i'.f_:?:"i� Iii�1CK`i 511:l�i U:'. Sv�:i.l f'1?C. , � ,�+ �OU S�"10!1C� :�.� () D° u4d2T-E Q� !�'Oii'%' T �_';}^•'.:i^:+1 `ul 1 ' :.j/ i3O �XE'C11}c? ' ' rlf :?:it7'l;�.�!C`,�P 1 il u� t i��'�:� �1;:1-;i 0'-'cii �.^i'•' t%!,�, Cl �f r�t1`, Y'rl:_'j• CO?1VEiic.i�C � „ (Page 8) �� � ���3�'� � CX.f�IP,IT C Page Three ��;r�. ?�iiltcn Coh�n Si-te Pl an ,;1025 s°ttin� -fortn ha4 parki��g shall b� frr P for as �ong as �}�? r���r':y is�j;�roti��r� .°n� ex s�s. This -i ns�r•uneni. sl,c�_i' d r�e;l ect ti�e r�pr�s2 �ati or. �^ade tc� the nei g`,�crl��aod, 6o�z�c� a� �U*1 1 11g Ap °�:l s , and Ci�t Counc �i .. �. Ci ty Go nc�i l R sc�l u 4i on ;�?80��?_ s���i ;�ca11 y ��°;,u i��s ycu �r� i r,•�;al v� �.he Qi s ri ct � Zcni i�g a�d Er+v i ron�r;�:n�tal Co��,;;�i tte� �s 4ie��1 a �t�� nor�;h�r ;� a��.�� inc� urop�rty a���an�z�s ir s�ttling i�,��;ns o�� b�i�i diny desic�n o min�i!�ize arivLrse im���cts on ac=joininc� pro��rt�t.�o Z SLIC�g?���� frJU SC:����'a�L' 1'101"i�IClq G"t'2:1C'�;:i '��1';('i �JO:.Y! C�('0•�a� dS $�; ,� a5 possibl and � rnish this o���iice ;+i �;� �g:r,das a� �:1�; ^e=��;��q • so �-,::� may mon �Lo� yo r progress� 5o Finally �h� � �� pl�n shall ��,c L� a^pr��;:ed un�il ii, confor,�s to 't}'l�' ()�:i C�d��Cf .ciP'�� ^c'^J�'1 21� 15'Si.�i� dS aC�l"OVc {j �'JJ' C1i.,f �UU,iCI i . t.jE' y — __. ., _ __, _ :.�.� �.t, . ..� T . _ '� r,Y� '`c?'D�di1TSl:!`1rt',-r�.�'� . . - -. - n7�,� �' �t1�1 ,ii�c• r.z►SCt2��.rcG'ie5 'i.�rre�cT �'f�� 5i . - and pla a�pr�o -ed by Ci��y CGtarlcil : -- T}1 . S���U1': � T 1�bt' Q� �iT� �:�'JnGSc'':� C0�^�i?��'Cl d� �]U i i �11�C� �i� S 5c�:t Cf3 Ci�:^.i� t°t7;il Os�iC2 'l'.�1 't"�''Cdl � U5r?e — �'h . 50—fo �r bui�l di ng e�i eva a i on extends byyo�d �h� sou�� cn:.s-- hair o�� I. c��':.,, ?��3G i,t vio�t.�ior� o` approv�� �1ar;. — T' r�c.F s7'- r t �^� r �'�{ ,' �?"��C. u'1 i.�+ ^c:i'�l i1� C:G�`,'u d'(" �7� pr�._,. ,, � i y-s, �.s r�r � o� , iri br.s7s' ��i�t ti��i ch t�� d�v�le, .. ��r� :�u�r:;�..ry s;�.b�i .��ed �,�i� t� ti��� ah ve re erence plan. Iy, f9ar� F ancis kala irr�.rns r�2 tha�t all d�sbura�m�nts frar� t e � censtrc�c�?t? �L?11(� .tiSi. .hi� l ii dCC(.';'C�di"iCC' Y�"! th th° i�I"l�a��? 01` S�•C 1 Oti j !� � :p � �j-�.�.3 -�:Yr G 4'�'� n :_�l.° r��!�j11"'n �r�i ^.�`i`��?1 n.,--�. r-`, �O:l� �., Uf , �s.. LC�. r �.� �.2r� .,.. 'r;::e�� �� . n �. c.�,_ � .�;,:� �� E,�:�.��r�ity a� �t►�c, C r.y o�` �a�ir� i'aui , i�Y�i7;�•scLa ��:J ;���c: i�??i1 ;a:�s r_ia��:� �..1t71-�2:i l�d: ° �('t' � ., uc'.�t�'-Ci I�C)J'�'.i:ii�afi' � � 1'�,%j�?r 1�h1 C'.� ���t�.�� 111 �%:t" . 1�. i:� � .• s "p1 ar;5 dr1C� �t'Gi Tl t?�C1 C:'S l'll�� �2 prupa�t?�� T01" C�lii;i1;i',lL'i.l Or dt1G� 1 r;5�d� �u�l Q C�f �i t':tC;I 7 C.j' `U,y' �i�2 f''.t"C}'i i L:':; �ili'1 1^!'f�� t?E3 dU;�7'G`! � Jtl l`.�1e d r � � L,� -.� ,: , �^ ubS ic o�;icial_: �zr�c: sh:.11 _ -��i � � ai�r ��� Compan,� a�� a�prop i a�� r , ��CUStE.'Pa'� flU fl�dj� CGiiLdCi, i'�So S;',d�d 2.i: IJ�.�'.'�..ijl'/ "it?r CiaCdl l i �'£..' 'dt^�i1�C� L�13 S i;�c;ltl't' - ��tl.�., ���ili.E-'. 'tll��Ti� . �.0 (jE.'�i.� ,�,*�n'•:i"' S i �.c �J�{a.li illtic'.SS d(1 �'.(i"t`:ii'�°�.1 �iiCi C,i)(i{�il '�Lc 'l�r �..J:J l �S ��PU� V�(..1 �,`/ ��i��l.l� A} I.IV)i. . r _. _ � i� i '-� t^�� ".`,i cl CE' :i�.,:ilil llii� � ii�7`ric�V�'�v I r°11 ; � t �t i:h° .> i . r,1� n r�4 � .._r1 p � : :, ��s � _i � lt 1S 1114011t" i�?!;� �::� :;F`�i:�'i^�c?a'n_�i", i.h�lt. il �� 7rrl ;^_! j_ii'I�`S �)� i:::� -�T•`'S;L� !�°l0i'_ - • (Page 9) - � �.�:��� . E_XHIE3IT C � R Page Four t�ir, t-ii 1 t�n C�:t�er S��e Pian {�I;i15 . � final c��sign sp? 7"i ica� ons ar� se�v T h:1��G •:st;ed Ct;a,��G� ,�cCuire �o ' coordi na�e tf�� r via4�r o� yo�ar s i �e pl �n �,ri �hi�: �h� D?L;;�'i,�"I�ilt of ^rl ar„i nry - ��:d �COi10!i3 i� D°1/ci �J�l: ?21L ar o�h?..�` C i LV G�E'L'�('"�(,^.°t?�5 , �i °!?C011id jc? �Ol', �0 GtiLaC"i. t�ir°e �-;��ui re 4 t 2 2�7.577. e:;:te;�si ar� 313 i � �c,�, h��,e �;iy qiae,i:i ci�s cr r qui re ass�isLarc�. Sir��rely, �\�!-�.a 3 ..�,�, rr� r`-_. ���.,.� ,� �i ;1 l ' �J:>"r'+) �� ���; ''' ��� ��. � � �� .�� y+� a e...1 :j:��..._.,.-.�-�"""...w.. La�rrer.ce Sade�;�o� r� Acti ng Da,r,u�y ��i c�or ��r P i a�in�i;�c; . _. _ _ . . - - . . .. -��.— CC: - {�071? �1SSOr j „oc. ,. ,. - - - - - . _ ....: - - - - - - - - � - - - : �. .. :--`• - - - - - - ,. _ _.... . . . . _. _ . _ _ >> _ _ ,.., . .. Ci£'_i"d�� �i"7:iC „_: . �-- -- --'._. .:.:: �irst Tru�� o:�;ai;� � Pi per Ja-rfr•a & Ho, a;�c�� � <. _ - . �`;€. . Caur,;ilma�� J "n Dr �a ��u�^:�s J� Be"1 ..�� , B� ����r�tc�y�r, �=��; �, S�u�r,�;a�s�r Ar �a D�iS��:riL;. Cot�rc';l {�O:1S1�''R �Gi;� »t'�ii''..5���C�^((1°fli al.ti.i?Oi'i t;V ((�l�i� : U� t.i�l,� t� �i'�\.�i::�: 'j'�... �`,.�y�l V�_-�`,rr \ . �1� :.S 1��7`` y '�1�� / Gicnn �ric�cs r. , Di�;�;ic� of �ousing and Bu-i7ainy C�da �n�crc"�en . T��r•y Franci s Sl:al a Char]es �fcGu're (Paae 10) . ����� city of aint aul � ` ' board f zon n a g ppeals resolution _ zoning file n mb�r 9685 - dale J nuary 8, 1985 WHEREAS, D ane Koci has applied for an Administrative Review under the provisions of Secti n 64.?_04 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, of the decision o the Zon ng Administrator that a variance granted by the City Council coiCinues a valid because work co;nnericed �riithin the zuning lot; and WHEREAS, t e Saint aul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public heariny December 1 , 1984, ursuant to said appeal ir� accordance �.vith the ._ . require�nen s of Sec ion 6G.204 of the Legislative Code; and 41HEREAS, t�e Saint aul Board of Loning Appe.als based upc;n evidence presented t the pu iic .hearing, as substantially reflected ir. the minutes, made the f llowing indir�gs of fact: 1. At the time of filing for a building permit, Lots 19-30 constituted a ingle tr ct of land that was designated by its o��aners as a tract to be used s a unit, under ownership or control of one person or jo nt tenan s as one zoniny lo . 2. Lo s 19 thr ugh 30 are combined and described as one parcel for tax pu poses. 3. Th City Co ncil in approv`ing industrial revenue bonds for re evelopr�e t of lots 19 through 30 tacitly recognized the parcel as one zoni y lot. . 4. Th PED pro ect manayer has indicated that the cor�plex f�nancing and � ti ing requirements associated with t!;e ford I�all red�velop;nent ma dated th t i�npruvements to existing buildings b2 made before neti� co structior took p�ace. The developer, project manayer, and bond co nsel indicated that alteration to the existing buildiny are an in egral pa t of the redevelopment project and that soliciting the building pe it initiated the redevelopment activity. . 5. Th Quildin Division indicates tl�at constr��ction authorized under pe it #lII4 19 is required to satis;y building code provisions pe taining t handicap access ar,d etneryency egress. 6. ,'�t the reque t of the developer, the Zonin� Ildministrator opined th t wt�rk un er perrnit i11II4879 tras an inteyral part of ttie toCal "r evelopme t project" and thus satisfied the requirements of Se ion 64.2 9 with respect to City Council P,es�lution lt2II0932. Ne th e;ore ad ised tne developer that a re�uest for extension was no necessar . Tfte developer relied on this advice. (�j�Q�/e� ��/ Ms. Summers ` second d b h1r. Osborn in favor 6 � against �_ SE[ REVERSE IDE fOR: TIt�E lIh1IT/APPEF�L/CERT:FICATIOi� hlailed _ Ja ua� 9, 935 � (Page 11) � / �l�J���° , , 7. V riances rom the strict application of Zoning Code regulations w �n grant d i-un �vith the�land. They are not revoked upon a change , o ownersh p. If the variance has beer� granted and continues to be " v lid, tha is work under• the provisions is treing pursued or is ; c i�pl�ted n conformance with approved plans, the varianr_e remains i f•rce f r the life of the pro�erty improvement. 8. T e l3uildi g Division indicates that work is proceeding under terr�s o the per it that specifically allow the construction to be iu dertaken within a six month time period. ( M04J, TIIER FORF, QE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint paul Board of Zoniny 1lppeals � that the oning Ad inistrator made no error of fact or procedure in the determina ion of 0 tober 3, 1984, that securing building permit N184379 fiulfills he oblig tions required by Zoniny Code Section 6�}.209 to extend � the effec ive peri d of which a variance is valid; and l3E IT fUR liER RESO VEU, that the appeal of Duane Kocik be and is hereby denied. I i C TIFiE LIMIT: P order o the Roard of Zoning Appeals permitting the erection o alterat'on of � building or off-street parkinq facility shall b valid f r a period lonqer than one year, unless a building E}-rmit for such erection or alteration is obtaine.l within sucn p riod and such erection or alteration is proce�ding pursuant t the ter s of such per��nit. The Board of Zoning Flppe�ils or the ' 'iy Counc'1 may grant an extension not t« exceed one year. In y anting s ci� extension, the Qoard of Zoning Appeals may decide t hold a ublic hearing. - , APPEAL: cisi�,ns f the Qoard of Zoninq Appeals are final subject to a pea' ':<� he City Council within l5 days by anyone affected by ' t�e dec':_.i n. CE�iirICATION: I, the und rsigned Secretary to the Board of Zoninct Appeals for . t e Cit�r � Saint P,�ul , t4inne�ota, do hereby certify that I have c ;n;^.�recl t �e forec,r�ing copy wi th the oriyir�al record in my p fice; anI find r��e sa�r,e to be a true and correct copy of said o-��inal a d of the wiir�ie thereof, as based on approved minutes o t1�P Sai t Paul i3uard of Zonin� Appeals meeting held on : E_r_:��nt�nr 1_�19�3�t_ , and on record in the Saint Paul Planning �b"vision� iic�, 25 6J. Fourth Street, Saint Paul , hiinnesota. 5�titiT PAUL F30ARD OF ZOPdING APPEALS � (���1 �/.CI • _.�%<[�' : -t�.t�c.i1-o^•�yri�-s_ i • $�cre�r,y� to the Qoard . (�ag� I2) ��-��� , � MIP�UTES DF THE P1EETIfJG UF THE GOARJ OF ZUilI�1G ��PF'�ALS I�� CI7Y COUN IL C;1r^��BERS, S�i'. PI�UL, MIidPlESOfA, UECEt-13EE? 11 , 198�- PRESEf1T: ��me. S mmers ; hSessrs . Grais , Kirk, Osborn , 4Joods and Zimnie �ricz yv~yJV� of the �oard f Zon�i ng Appeal s ; i�ir. Segal , As�i stant Ci ty A torney ; . �-1s. La e of t e Division of Housing & C3uildirg Code Er!force� en� ; Ms. Be eman, �tr. Haider and i�1r. f�1cGt�ire of the f'lanning Div 'sion Staff. ASSEfdT: Messr. etersc �. 7he mee�ing was haired by Sa�� Grais , Cha�ircnan. LUAfdE_KOCIK (#�96 5) : R peal o f a deter��i na�ti on of tl�e Zoni n_y rid�;��i n is trator that aVheiy'n�t�va iance 'ssued by City Counci�i rer�ains valid beyond on ye�r for property l oc ted at ti�e nortn���est corner� of �ord Pa rk:ray and 5out F i nn Avenu�. t�ir. Haider sho�.�e slide o-f the site and revie;a�d the sta�F report �,v�i ' h a recommendati on �F r deni � 1 of the appeal e One l et`�er 4.as recei ved i n support �f the a peal . Duane Koci�c, 212 Pi ne�i rst, re�orted tliat tiie 1 egal desc ri p�i on taas ery specific in th� esolution approved by the F3aard oT Zo��in; Ap;;eals in July of 1903. fJo ref rence is made to �n adjacent buil {irg or redevelop�e t o` it. The time I i i t i s i so re-Ferred to on the resol u*i on. P,eso1 uti o , �280932 approve�i by t;�e City Ccuncil ar�d e�ffective Octo:�er �, 1983 , ��� s granted specific ly for Lots 25-30, Biock 8, Si. Catn�r� in� Par:; F,ddition. Again, no refere ce tiaas r�ade to an adjacent bui�laing cr rede�relopm�nt building. The d velop r cannot arbitrarily broaden this to cover oth r lots. Se�tion 6 .209 of the Zonning Code s�tates that "Pdo order of th Board of Zoning ppeals or the City �ouncil permitting tt�e erect�on or alteration of a uildirtg or off-s�reet �arking facility shal1 �e vali �or a period lon�er han o e year unless a b+�ilding per�i� fcr such erectiorl or al teraiion i s ob ai neci ti�i thi n sucti peri od and su:n er�c;:-i on or al tera i or, is praceeding ti�ith the terr�s of suc�� pe�mit unless tf�_, �aard oT Zoning F�;�peals or the ity Council grants an exte�sion r�ct to exceed one year. " � hlo build�ing per► it has been issu�d for th� s�tructure ccvPred under reso',uti on #�?30 32 anc� no such erecti on or al tera�i on i s pro�e�di ng 4� ithi n tht� i.erms o�� a ermit. �,n extens;on has not been granted by the Boa d of Zc�r.i„��� ",ppells r the ity Council ; the variarce has exceeded th2 1 -� ear �t::�'.:?: and has xpi red. i�ir. Koc i I: a? so sta�ed ti�at; t`1� vari an�� r�as i�r.�:: �.,:�t•ly �ran ferrec+. to an entity not c�wr�;n; the pro�er;,y, Puulic notice wa� no� �iuen o the iransfer and such transfer sh�uld no� have occu red. Jc�%:^ ='::a;��n, ?� � 2 f�inu urst, sF;o�e in sup�or: of t,,� a��.:���1 . ,-!e s;:_;te� t�:�,� t�iG v•_�riur e .��p;�r: ve;l by the 8oard of Zo�: in, App�:�,is an� City C uncil d{:+. not t-:�;�1y o ad,7a en� lc�s. Br,h S�anSenberq 2130 , inehurst , conc.urred 'rlli.�'1 �•�('. �;oci'r,' s t�s�imon ani! . sL��p�orted the p��a� . Ger,;�?d Frisr,h, :;':.Q >d. 7t1�, a�torney rNpresenting Narv�y rnvest;:�ent Cor��:r,j, :;4at�d �+at '�.1 . h�ir,;�t varia-nce should be the only iss;�e ac!;tr-�;��.!, nci` `:? r:,;, ,;;31ec±^�::.ri* of the ad;joinir,g sho��in; center. Th� tstiiZ �3t:g �:�, mit wa �roperi� �<�':e^ ou� . 7i�e re!��c;d�lirig is the � irst t P�3ci� 13;. � �� ��� � � Duane Kocik (96 5) ' P�ge 2 phas� of the to al pro ect bei ng deve, oped ; tne secorci ��n�,se ;�il l be �he ' construction of the pa l:iny ramp ar�;l rei,ail/ofric:�� space ��r,�er� �V�:z e .isi�ir�g par!�i n j 1 ot i s urrent y 1 or_ated. i•1r. Osborn aske ti�hen .ne parkiny ra���p �;�ould be c�;mple�ed, i•ir. Fr-is h i ndi cai.ed that onstru �i on ldoul d s ta rt i n ine spri ng o: 1 G�?5 . rleari ng i�o futh r test'r�o�y, P�1r. Grai s cl osed �i;�:� pu`�l i c i�ear; �.y p��i� ion of tfze c;�ezti ng. f4r, Spangenber� stated tl�a t thei r mai n cor,c�rn i s th�,� �h? pl ans 'r,ee� changing and th y hav2 r-�ot been ccrsulted a}:,�oui tre s�?cifics of tn� site plan. i•1s. Su��mers ask d i� , ee��i ngs SJ°1"2 n��l d �.ri±h if,� nei g'r;bot�s a� �h? apol icant indicated they aould e at. the oriyinal hearing. i�tr. Frisch rep rted t, at they ha�;•- held m�e�in�s v:i�h �}i;. neicnbcrs fr�or�i t�ire to time a d ���ill ccntin�e i� do so. Tn2re was disc ssion egarding the site plars for �ne �;arking ra��p. "�•• "� i rP r �" ° - ° �� .�n ',�dS 511��ii�i �tc^_i: u(1�� j);"`S2ili,t j' �l='.i 11�1 P�ir. �•�..�uire r t �r d h1t tn s �i,_ � � rev i e�;red by i.h Ci ty. t�ts. Summers in icated that she recalled that tne develope�� represen ing the project at the origin 1 hear-ing as ruquiring construction in phases zha� included remod ling a adjacen': property, but that tn� 3oard lir;�i �e tne res�l u ti on to hat po ti on of �hc pr�o;,i ec� re;u i ri rg � i�=-i ght var�a,} e as a;:;pl i�d for b� 'ci:,� ap � ic�.i�t. Sh� al so ca�;!���r��ed i.h� � ti;er2 ;:-�s b:� �� a:.`i�:icy on tn s de��e opmenc, acii�,�ity r�elatin; �o g��cir; t.i�a proj ct ci` tt��p ;round �nd fi nanc�ng ��lr. 7_imnie,ricz mac!e a motion to deny tne appeal 5ase� on �-in�inqs 1 throuyi� 8 Gn�� the staf anal����i s, The Loni ng admi r�i stra�or co;r,�ni t ce:.' nc er cr i n fac� or proced .re wh�n }�e ce�ermin��d ti�a� wor�: �;ras pr;�c���' inq �;�ithi the � ?O�l i ^y � Ui, pursuGnt 0 i'�`CjU 1 �'E'.ili�iii,.5 C` �0�' 1';� �^v�O J°C i:10?i E'�—; .7!��. � �. � c:Cl 0^ d f0�� �i ;n F t'i:�. �. �`i:il.°.l^5 iE'. O1lCt�?Cf t;lE? 111G�10!ly 7fii�:rl C1'('i, .. C.� � 1 `;0.. i 5 �c �.'', (1ir. Osbc�.�n vo�e�► ag�?i ns� �h�� ro�:�n . ) 7 ) 1 � S�II����1� �..',-.r C'�u.Y • y . f',�)���i i�`'r��� J� . �_�• "_'� I / ; {i1 '/`' ' /\ 1 .. � � r � �. / �� //,;,; !;..� �— 1 � �. r� /i i � ' ( ,,�. '`�.�..:../ . _�%'��--'-_`.�.,/ �'.'� .a.��!�/y�/� � =' � F��d S. F!a i d�, ° Sa�� Grai s , Chai rm=:n (Pd�� 1^; }�12:' -• C17�Y CIEHK . . . . . . . . . . . . _. .. .. _..._. . . Nx � - ��ti:.:,�E �.y g . _ . . _, jyNARY - :J.1-�A[tCMC�VT _9 :l` 1 V.✓ A' A_ll� � 4�I' 1` ��:.� 4_i .L.• �OUi1CS� . !)� � ���S�;I� .!ILUE ._ ,.�.1Y'Jrt � A � �, _ , /� F'ile ,v� - '.� e �n ;�j ' ,�--- .-.. -- --- fjr � °;�?�_����:.�-�.�.r�=� ,-����a�7 �`�)�'� ,�� ,�� � .+ `�.jv �y�-`�`�,�_r, j� �:'L...�:%:b�.l;i 1 ;� a:I�!'';�r "i/ 4� ✓Yj ✓S. /:/�f,y �� O // Presen.riil B}' - -- " ----'�� -- _----- Referr�d To -_ -- Committe�: �at� �__ - -----__ ____ --=— Uut of Cornmittee Sy_-- —__ -------------------- -- Date --- -- . i�lt�.`.�i1\1�a1177 l.l �..%T�� I��r.�`4y'�!�t�L�•dl.. L�4%:�'J��iI.� �"J.i�� �Y�� s. � , .--� . ,�^ ^ . a� L..l l.il� ��s,��..r.� �_`. ^�j_'.__�,� 1t��3f�t'��. •Z . .. t.�. ,� .i �:' r 3i3.£?;ar�i ';.�L=I `::tc? :jC.�_'_..".= `sji���{..'3::"^,i�. C` -� �1�rJ�T3.;3.,T.�:15 v�' ...�i �^.��.0� J�.�.����ii� '�i�� ''� ' ' :�� ....� J :- - :�_.... .�'_.c��i� ��i:�. Z`s:r�?^.��c�ts""..�.V �'��� :£�3." ,; ��.:<.c?C?"�<!.... �. t?��t :3t=�v-_i;i 'J' _'•_^_,-� � ,r,� �j '�_ ± ' i .r.'�f3?��1v✓ �.i(.:..'1_:..v�l.. C)'L2 J^rlr_, ...}r��' 'C•:`r,;l?>- C��1U� �.:.. i��Qr4� .l.L`S°�'..�'�if l�Z:.t ���:. '�o�� 'l - � k` , ._ . � �� i� i'2'ZT u, � ,+._•:�`�'li Z cj `aa�;f�;`j..�7�x1 z:i �' �� '�? •l c'` �.,.':�°l.c2,'�'`�. `t � 'a,- ,{ -+ . �� � C�:�.. J* �._. l+�.r e:�.� ., . � r e. � 9 �__.Z'OtIvS2 J � 7.. T" 3i.�.'.^a. � ?" -'C. 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T'JY' ile�..i+.-'''�:2i70�3.51� �OTaF'?:' � �i7t����i3? �i�¢? S?.�.� L)Tl. �'�^`3 �'?�1:_ _%i.y �:�i� '�,•r r r �i:_' ',�..d'7t_'-�.{��ti.Y {rsr .��3%3�:.° t_..�%t_ ��-+� _ � ,�h � � _• .� .�� ;r.�'-` :. ..__ ..,,�I�� i: i..:..::' .��'?_� �J ':i.E.'.� �:e-� ��-��::�. c'i3 Ci --- - s T�'HE:�.A,S, �z ;�uaxz� �r� t��� �ron.s�.c�� o� Szc�ion 54�.��a, a�e no�ci�t, 2124 P:�.-��' xzr:>t, 5�:. ?�.�al, �-ii��so�a, dul7 .�i��u€� �xs a-� ba�. .L.`.�xtC LF�I� ���4� i.i� C�..�L.� ���w i��L:� �� ��A r7 �i= '"" ' " (�[� L � 1a3 .�I>v .U��' .i`� 'V_t_ L.a�Jr.l"!tr F�L'7��!-']f] 1YVlI�JL��� {��.�+.3.� ( YiGL�si. 3.t.r� SJSi.��, .i.i.�.:.�1 �h�� 1.) '�F� �'� !'�� �� '} f,�l .�e . ,,� L c..�i.•,.. 3,.� l�.i!.J 'v✓-� .:.�-�1 y� '"''�J ';.:�,'��a3:' �� �47.'a"� � r ' � ` � ? - .� �_.-_ . -� i-~'tia�� i.._�r ^�S-S.�i�a 4-:.il���Z. JJ� �,�:ik ��)t,l ? 1 t!1 1 c .��...t� �� � ^ '"� v '�c`� 7, . i..� �'t'�:? . » . 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C��L.E',.--,1�i_•='� L�' S?=i_c� Pi0 rd, c"?T_iC: GO2S i�LI'-£.'DjT -li?Ci Tli� C1L-'C:2ii�i?722 i=�1-_1= �i_�? �C)dI"C� Oi L.O:?1T1� �'.T` ��ZS b }-����; C�1C TlOI COiI.P,?1L c? G�='i" .� 1_I'i Flily i�'Cfi � P'-Oi_C:.�'_'�' O:" Ii_?l�i�`r i?;^ ?� �� Sc 1� �O_��, "'t_C� �° i t- r L�: ±�iF�Z r F,� L�%t�D, T'r-iat the p � � � ;,,, � �- • • ca ?�c_� O_ 1�� =i�= i.00l.1 �� ��;rt� 1 S 11`�_C:i�':� i_�_1l (��: �i �� �e � L - _ . �� Fu:'Iir.R t�t=.S L�JLD, TPa� the v� r:�.a_nce� �:-�ar��d by �i.e "r,o7 d of Zonir.g Appeals b and re here�y a��i_ned rnd t�at �i�e �ar,irr; En buildir,� hei,gh� or th build-ings to b� cons�ruc�ed at the s bject p~o;��r`�; be as s oti,m o the a�tached p1a_n ca��d �ep�_�:nber 2.L 1903 Wr?�C_1: T_i� 'i_"l 1S =i_Tl Or�O'_' i:E.C� �1L'�!"P_1i: l)�' -�-?-,2i:^'�r`:� 51,1�] (?Ci.. L.�� !'�.�` v C:OI��.� �7 .,__S c S t�0 L�il,^C t 1_Z? �i�?E' b0%. 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E.'loper 5�1�:�� CUP_�1T1LZ LO 121V0�'T,'E'_ i=i'.� 1S�:'1CGi �.7 C:OI1=L?cr c3T1C� E� iron ��il� CO`='�1t��C l.r? E'StP�1.1S?:l?7t% %!�f� c�'S �]�i=.�._ �rOi-.il� Ot t}72 l�Cl.;. � E'_�_i.2r�Or 2�1� .lrt L)?"`%:T1til??�� r='1Vc:. __ -r neiohbar�i�g pro�ert}T buttin.� tr�e sit� o:: t:��e nc-�;:1, ; - (3) All pti� kin; in �he ?-a-�: -�-iil be f.r^e �or so �' o. th _ -,� �; � ra�.�� shall e�ist , pro �ded, ?,c�,::�-,�r , :L,�� �}z? c�eJe:�_oaer �?_�� 1. :i�:Te Li12 ?"l�i?� t0 ��Si.�_1C2= t.�l� i c�=1:%�I2 0:= �.� " =' 1`" � c?:::� � � ' LJ: o ' _i�i._ l�f",c'` ' ' . �.%('i1:�C-° i! .^�v . parked in the -ran� an which res�.r;c�ions sha11 be un?_=o��1_� applied . Develo er s a11 , prior to bein� issuec? a bt�i1_ '-'-� � ay_:; per:�?i.l. , zaecute a coven t or restric�ion _�n a fo:rm ap�r,�vect b=,� L�: C_LI.�T 2L�OZ'I7°�� SP�t1£2� fOZ'� ��7c�t Dai"����1,� S�1c'��l �F� 17_�E-'E' :�OI` .°�O i)I v �uJ a �arkinj rarr:p s aI1 xis� u� said location. �LF� Z'rl$��'. t � CjE'Z•°�O��'= �i?1C2 T1P1�i1U01_1T?� 3D11}:fi'rl� p'`Oi�? Ly Oiv??2I"S 5�;�?11 jJOZ' LOv i_i1°7=' �•::i�.�"1 1�i2� td"aTj-ZC ET1��I.•T_:c_P_r �C c?S LQ IT?1r11iI?17.e ��12 1i!1� Ct' O �E�1V�'_`lE_'S l:0 t]i2 �I-Q��S;.': uL"ZC1'�t�. ��� �rlZc"iL L .E.' 1���:-�?10�)L:i =r?t"t �-`;.'_�?L DC�tiI7� :i� �l� �?� � - _a i-J OT:�I?�l'S S:13�_1 t:� Oi"1Si1� f�CG. D:' �I'1� L7� :3T1C21�1b d�.._ ,171_°i� �t�ny r �ri t " Li�° proc�ss of thc r view and a,,.�ro�,�al of �he s� �� --���_� ror '-�; s " de��Alo��_��nt . , y ` - , , �b) AI1 wa te contai�ers snall be mai_n�a���ed �nt�relv aicnin the subject buil ing «d no� stored zn the alley, and �rr��b _�ents for re�oval oi �� ste s all ce �;ade so as to �ccur at such �i � es as W111 7?OL 1T2C0=1VE? l�-'IIC t�1° cbil��l;�;: ?:�'S-i Q�T�?t1c'�� u�'07�'Z'i=v �:vi1 '•_"S . � � 1 T'i=t'. QE'_ '�'�ni1=�_'� S'-cc, , CU��)c'.=2�� ,.._,_'i� __L'_°_ 2�)i:�._._�_�' - '•.t''� �'"!1�� C- il:� �r'�'�y �r.-V Oiv�l rS �I7 L�;t? ' � 5;� v--� _nQ Lh�', ;`- ` _ , _ � ` J " �- � :S _iiC- �Jit v= �i_-'_ I: :.�:? SO �,S �C . 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'_""_ —_' . . .'_'_ _ "___ _ ._.__.'_ _' _-_.' ____.'_ _.�__"_-_ _._'__'_..__"_ _ i Ci�.. � .�.. .,. i i ., � „ ,.. .,, .,' ". . '_:'i'. ._.. _., . , .. .�r ij • ;, . ._; �� ._-....; , � . , � --__---- -- - - -------__ _ __ —--- -------------- r �. 'i ! _-- ---- - ;: ,. ._ ----... _ ,.. _ .. _. _. -• — , , .. :_ ,, . - - ------ ___....____ _:. .,--_.___._. , �:1ii��_� li , . � �. . ,. . n�. -, �� y�-� 'i . .�i!q .�,�; ,_ ._. , . i"; . .. � • � � . - ��',�.;'E'_t r��� ._�r:nc'ti: . Ls,,.,. �.. .� �}; - - i; n n .r,. �t 4.� ;j.t . � •.,• - -- J.rcc :-rv . •�rv- . . i ;. _ ,; F ,. .,i � ;,, : ' ... .t. �:'i t .. �' ,�.:•:� ,,. ��,�. . .. . , ., ` ' �f Y` t's' fi y - -- ----- . , ---- -- —._____----- . . i! . . • _ � .. ... .S „ . .. � . .. _. _. _. .. . . - -'- -_�- - - -_.___. . . . .. . _. ` �... '� f ', r �. �._ . .'•I' iOi `.OT ��.�J:��.�:..�.... ".O �.C' ... �t , ' , il . ... ' '� ' ' ��; �_. ... _ .. ��J i ' � . . .. lf ^.. �. �: ' " . .i . . . � . . . .. _ '_. ' _ ___.__. .. �, ' . (� �: ^ r":'; _ .. . . . . � '�1 '_ _. . "_. '__... ___�"'."_"." "___"_._""_._.. ..__.__. ..._._.."_ _'_"_'"_""'___.�� {P�QP.. #�';j � ������ ' ' OP�RD OF ZONItJG APPEALS STAFF REPORT FILE N 9G35 l. APPLICAPlT: U AN[ KOCI UATE OF HEARItIG: 12/11/84 2. CLI1SSIfICATIO�: Admin strative Review 3. LOCATIOtI: f�o•thwest c rner Ford Parkway and South Finn Avenue 4. LEGAI DESCRIP IOId: Lo s 19-30, [31ock 8, St. Catherine Park Addition 5. PRESEI�T ZONIN : D-2 ZOPJI(aG CODE REfER[P�CE: Section 64.204 6. STAFF IIJVESTI ATIUhJ & EI'OR�: DATE 11/16/84 [3Y fred S. Haider ----------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------- A. PURPOSE: To onsider n appeal of a determination of the Zoniny Adr�iinistrator ti—fat a height variance issued by City Council remains valid beyond one year. B. AREA & FROf�TII E: 481. 9 feet frontage alon� Ford Parktiray by 125.54' along South. Finn Avenue f r 60,409 sq. ft, plus G,II12 sq. ft. {pne-half alley) for 65,221 sq. ft of tota land area. C. SITE & AftEA C i���ITIOflS This site is occupied by a larqe commercial building with many sto efronts, a freestanding fast food restaurant and a parkiny lot. The parcel ha double treet frontage and alley access. Land uses in the surrounding a ea inclu e: Ford t4otor Company (Industrial-Assembly Plant) to the south, single family h mes to the north, and co�nmunity business along Ford Parkway east nd west f the site. D. AUt�tIf�ISTRATIV REVIEW: Section 64.204 of the Zoning Code gives the Board of Zoniny llppeal the pow r of administrative revieu: "To h�ar and decide appeals ��here it is a leyed by the appellant that there is an error in any order, reyuirement, ermit, d cision, or refusal made by th� Zoiiing Administrator ot' an, otlier adminis rative o ficial in carrying out or enforciny any provisions ofi this code." E. Section 60.21 refers o a "Zoning Lot" as the cornbined lots of record under single owners ip and z ning classification which are proposed to be develoaed under control of one p rson or joint tenants. Section 64.20 require "Permit, etc„ time limit. No order of the board of z�r;�ng appeal or the ity council permittiny the erection or alteration of a building or o f-sireet parking facility shall be valid for a period lonyer than one yeai�,•unl ss a bui diny permit for such erection or alteration is obtained within such p riod and such erection or alteration is proceeding with the terms of such perrni unless he board of zoning appeals or the city council 9rants an extention not to zxcee one year. On yrantiny such extension, tlie board of zoning appeal may dec de to hold a public hearing." F. Z(J��I(�G HISTUR : S�r-r P,�,per,d i x G. FIttUIt�rS: � 1. At t'r�e tiie „` Fil ny for a building permit, Lots T9-30 constituted �i single te�c.0 �.f and tl�:t was designated by its o�raners as a tract to be used as a urit, uud r ov�ne+•s ip or control of one person or joint tenants as one zoning lot. 2. Lot, 19 t rouyh 30 are combined and described as one parcel for tax purpt,ses � (see exhi ��. 1). 3. The C�t.y ouncil i approving industrial revenue bonds for redevelopment of Lo�� 13 t�ruuyh 3U tacitly r•ecognized the parcel as one zoning lot (see exhibi* 2 . ��3 �2 1�; �s 3� • ' Duane Kocik ( 9685) ���E 2 4. The {'_ 1 project niange.r ha5 indicated that the complex financing and timing reyui ments as ociated with the Ford t1a11 redevelopment mandated that improv m,�riCs to existing buildings be made before new construction took place. The dev loper, project manag2r, and bond counsel indicated that altera ion to t e existin9 buildiny are an integral part of the redevelopin�it projec and tha soliciting the building perrnit initiated the redeveloprient activi y (see e hibit 3). 5. The Bu lding Ui ision indicates that construction authorized under permit N18487 is reyu red to satisfy buildiny code provisions pertaining to handic p access and emergency egress (see exhibit 4). 6. At the reyuest f the developer, the Zoning Administrator opined that �rork under ermit (,1 n879 was an integral part of the total "redevelopment projec and th s satisfied the requirements of Section 64.209 with respect to Cit Councii Reso]ution N280932. He therefore advised the developer that a requ st for e tension was not necessary. The developer relied on this ad.vice 7. Varian es from he strict application of Zoning Code reyulations when grante run wi h the lard. They are not revoked upon a change of or+nership, If the varian e has been granted and continues to be valid, that is ti�ork under the provisions is being pursued or is completed in conformance �vith approved plans, the variaice reinains in f�rce for the life of the proper•ty improv nent. 8. i!,e Bui ding Uiv'sion indicates that work is proceeding under terrns of the permit hat spec'fically allow the construction to be undertaken within a si month t'me perio (see exhibit 5). 9. Duane Y, cik duly filed an appeal of the 7oning {Idministrator's determination. hir, t;oc k conten s that issuance of a building alteration permit for 2155 Ford I'a kway is separate action and not relatrd to the variance granted in the Cit Council Order (�;esolution #28093'Lj. 10. The app llant fu ther cr,ntends that Resolution H280932 .is no longer valid pursuan to Sect on 64.209 which provides that the order allowing the constru tion of he commercial building and parking facility shall be valid no long r than o e year unless a building permit is issued for such erection ` or a7te ation, he appellant maintains that since work authcrized by the City Co ncil Ord r (for lots 25-30) did nc' comrence within the on2 year time limit, he order is no longer valid. 11. The app llant st tes that building alteration �•ras not proceedin� on any port.ion of the z ning lot during th<� year folTow rng City Council adoption of resolution Z8093: as required for continuance of the order pursuant to Sectio 64.2U9. H. STAFF F�N�1LY IS: At i sue �s whether a building permit issued for a structure ti;ithin a sp ific zon'ng lot continues a variance to erect an adjacent building o' `',^ san2 onin, lo when the t4to s±ructures are conceptually, physically, and f+r,:�:;c,ial iy onnecY.ed Tp overturn tlie determination of the Zoning /ldriinistrator� tiie f;oard wo ld have o int:erpret Section G%F,209 in the narros� ser;se that it re:�u�r-^�i t•ror on t:hat portion of the zoning lot, wi�ich reyuired variarre. The re,:<:v.,lopmen of the �ntire site �ias scheduled in phases. The Nroject Manager of Rf�� �i��di�ate tPiat al r��r-stion of 2155 For�c 1'arkwa,y was required before � cur�;Cr;;::tiu�i of the c ,;;a�ercial buildinq �i �' the ;•-:r:•,iny �� p co�.�1d proceed and wa:, i�:'.�;yral to the r developrnent as san� s :oned t�f Ciiy Co.::�cil . I. STN�f `:.i�(;p;;M ��DATIO�d: [3ased on findin9s 1 throuyh 8 and the staff analysis, steFf ,-��r�mm nds that thc f3oard find tne Zoninq lldriinistrator committed no error i fa�.� :+ proc d!:ire vri�e he determined that F��urk was proceeding within the zoning 10'-_ }t*;�,•�nt t� i•ec,�;ir errents of Zonin; Code Section 64.209. The staff reca,i�rL,: ;s t at the a peal be denied. ��:��' .'l)i STF,r� ;�PG:;� _ �;:iii:�:, � �s-��� ; � � Resolution '�'o. 8�-11/7- � � , R ;SOLUTION AU'!'HORIZII7G ISSU?1�CT' OF j VARIE�BLE P.A1 E pENil�*1�, PAYME�aT � CO ?�SE:;RCI�?. DrVELOPMFI�TT h:.�l�,ivC1E LO'�'�S 'Otl FOR� N1AI.,L ASSOCI�IT�'S PRG��CT . BE IT RESOLVED by �ne Doa�d oi Co:rm�ss�_cners of the Housing a d F.ed velr�p:��n� l.utnori�y o-� t�e Ci cy o� Sa�n-t Paul , P•finn�so�a {�the ' HRA" ) , as follows: l . T e Board of Ca:��missio:�ers has �ec�;ved a proposal rom F rd Mall Associates, a t�ir.n�s��a general partnPrsh'p, th t -�he HRA undert<;�;e to finaric� �he , ' �; . acq,z �_.tion of lai�d a� d exi ting buildirgs lcca-ced o� �'`�r�z nark�,�a�,= ` �'inn P.venu� an reno- a-c.ion and reronsLruction o-� ��:�-�� ef_isLin buildings for u z a� commercial/re�ail zaci?i�zes �.hrou ii tre " issuancz y the I3RA o 'r its $8 ,810,000 Cer��:��c:�ul Deve?o �.n�n� Revenue B nds, e.ries ;984 (Fo.rd Mall Assac�a�es Pra-jec ) to be dated as f clo ing (the "Bor.ds" } and ir� acco:��d��:�c� wi_� a Bond Purchase gr�em ri� �t�'le "Purchase Agreemen-c"� �7?��.�?�n � �� �j�� � the Cornpa and Municip�l Cash P,eserve ,�:a:�a���ei= (thP "��urchase ") . f �' � . I is p,:opose�'i �1iat, purs•wan�- AQ a �ozn � r=,e��r.'- be�ween t e HRA as L�nd�z and the Ca:*i�-;any ��s '�:o.�ro.,�e.r ( .���e � �� - - Loan Agr e1a;��t")- to ne ctated as ofi clos_ng, �:�e ��.Y lc:� n the proceeds � tne :;�ancls to the Ca�<<pany to par���aZ1y Lir_an e the Project. he b s:ic payments to be ma�e by taae Co:r:nany ncier the Loan A Z'�2Me t are fixec? so as to pro��u�� xeve^ue sufficzen to p the princi�al of, oremzum, ?� an�, zn i^terest o t�fie onds wnen �u�, It is fur�h�?- �����sec? c�:at t'-�° HR'� as ign its righ�.s to 1ize basic pay-:.�_»:5 a:d c�� .ain o�'ner riah s Lnd r the Loan A.grce:nen� to F�.�s-` ?'r:�st C���:p.�nyo u� 5=:��t Paul in S in'r. Paul, t�Sinnesota (�ha "�r�-�;�`��" } �� s_curity f r pa : en�: of the Bond� L1Tl�e�r' an Z;:r��`�;re of Trus-` to be c?ate as o:E closing, (the "Ind�r��ure" ) , f ur�u��;L to a Re:�arke�in Agre ment to be Ga`ed as o� closi_zg 4;^ong �t e HR�, t.he Campan , Pip r Jaifray & '?o�;-.�ood Incor_t�c.�a�e,? ( "Pic� r" } and r � . ( Rema r'r,e�i.. i -� ' ) , P�;u°r °,,,,_I' a� � a s t:.-.. ru:. `., the " '- �1 1.,r�ernen�" _ ' i: . . ''t:r:�+: j =t t'�,C��'T�1 £O.� L:1P }�O'_��:" �•II11Ci`1 ':�_�L }--�_' '•o ' '_.�. ��7 f' :� .. . �� : U A_�.1.. �� L F_�::��'-�a�w.r ,l�T'1T7 c3ri initiai n°?_'lOC: anu �J laLer Yr�so�d ��n �ublic o="�.�-in:� p rsuan to �i�e :tn�en�ure �r:d D?r�a�';,__�in�� r;gr? r�.ent. . 'r'�� Tn,, c�:.: tl�e foll.�azna �a�:�umYn-_� h>-��e b:-�?, . C?..;�_il l i+..i.f:"� 0 'C=r1� ii i':ii ����: �.lYJiJ:-i;�J(?l: � . (��::ce 21 ? S;N.FF FPC�"i � ' �;;HiGT � � - . . a ��»i'i ,y � . , , r ��. � �� ���� ��� crr�r o� s��r�; ��t�� 1N(f2Df�'AKTtvtENT;\L �tEMO�t,�NDUtvi � Dr?�.TE: NOVember 16, 9B4 T0: Fred Naid�r FROi�1: i-iary Frances kala i�.i�\{ � • P,E: Ford Mall Ass c�ia�tes Project located at Ford Far�'r,l•ray ard �inr r�S i`�ulic?�c'� v i ���1 1 � C h2i1� s ;rojn'��, Y�2�';r`-'(1Cc^_Ci aL0'Y'� � L � _ �j� ui��_;_ _, :Gi1Ci i1� ,:f1C� bel i e f thut the i mpr• vement be i ng contluci.ed �c 21�� ,Ford ?ark�ia�� ��ui `1 d�i e� ,Fer��ni t 18�879) are an intey al pa or this project. ihis �is als^ the un�erstan ing c` the det��l op2r, HRA a �d bond counsel and i s ev i d�nced i i� tf�z resol�=:on� a opted and docur�ents ex°cut d in c nj!:nct�ion ���i th tf�e t;�;nd iss��e ��;;hic^ is =inanc r.y �he or•oject. The final resolution adopted by tre H�A Board a�pr��!ing ���� pro 2ct and bc�d i ss,;� states that bond fi nanci ny be For " . . , acc;��!? �;;t?�� of 1�r.�' and xi�ti nc� bui 1 di ngs 1 ocated a' Ford P rk,�ay a�t Fi nn Aven<<z and renova;.i o� a;�� recon zructi on of tne existing buil ings �.r use as con,�;�ercial/retai? facilities. . . " In addition, the co lex fi ancin� and ti���inci requirer:�en�s ,-�anda�e �h-;i. i. .prcve�nents �0 P_X1S'i;ll^.� b�aildinc�s b° t�d �P �JE?i0!�E !1°:J �OrlJtrl'CLiOCI icl�tE'� G�:lrc^. � �12i'F? dl'° t'-10 busi c reu,ons for ti�i s app ���c'r�. Fi t°�t, ro bc�nd fu��s car; 5e dra�„r� ��o fi uncc� ar�y improvements until a letter of credit is procured. Ho�.,ever, or�ce =�� let er of ct�edi t i s ,rocGred, l�ond ��un�ls can be used to ���i mburse tn� devel e�?r `cr el i�i ble Y'zrOVd i,l on expenses. It ma!:es ;�r�sA -i n t,�e i n�er•:��>>�i�,� ��r i od h���,:;�e� bo. d sale ar�d l et;.er of credi procur �r;ent to urdertake ir��prover:��n�s o � a s!.�a; �l er s ale. Second, although th oretic 11y the developer could commence new cons�ruct on immediately, ther•e 7s a sfi ong possibilit� that capi�al expendi��ur° l ;mit tions as imposed hy the I fiernal Revenue Code �•:ou�l:1 be excee-ued, and. the �onds ` ecome taxabie as a conse��enc�. To sun�mari =e, tre F rc( anu Finn projec� �i� bei�y an�� �;r�s p;�nn�,d to �� co, ductecl i n phases . ImproVe�r�nts c ncluc�ecl a� 2"�55 Ford Pa�r��,ray a•re tn� i r��: �i al p' ase an� are requi rnG at th i tir;�e n an econo�,�i c, f i i�anci�� an�! cc���.,�r, �en�� basi . If you na���? any fur her qu stion� about �h� s m��tter, pi�as�, call m? at ?_� . ,.,1;�.,."a � (Paqe 2`) " :,d�. SIr1Cf� '�r,�:— ,;� ;,�`_ �, U:,i i:tc�p,:,� : ��� ��51 i `''r \ , ��. � CITY OF15AINT PAUL �j�-��5� � � I 7-FeC7�PARTMENTAL ME�ti10RANDUf�1 P;ovemb��r 26, 1984 TO: Fred ;ia i d r Planning ivis �on i-R: lJend.y Lan � Housing � f3uil ' ng Co�e Enforcen��nt Division RE: Harvey In estment Projec� As :��as noted in our October 3, lgd4 letter to Councilman Drew, the first and second ph ses of the referenced project are interr��l�t�=c . 7i�e bas�_rr�nt ret ai l of f i ce space i� the ex i st i ng bu i l d i ng i s to ��� d i rectly cor�nected o the �tr ium mal 1 and ;;:rk i ny r:�mp to be con- structed u;;der Phas I i in th� S�rinyo uF i��:�S- Th� handicappeci acc ss req� ired for the r�mod�li�a or the existi�g buildirg u�der PF�as I :�ril �:��� previd:d ur.�+er �n<;,� ! i . Since �::: elevatar �•:ill 6e hu lt in -h` ne.�;ly cori�truc��c' <��+� ition , it �•ril i pr-ovide the most pr ctiral means of handicapped ac:"s far the existing building. An additional third exit f om the public area of th� existing bas��e,�� must be provided ���h n the ccuparcy load erceeds 5;10. Uur insrec�or t�i 11 mon itor the in ide f i ish p�;-r;:it, fcr in�' ividual tenar,t spac�, to assu;� the occup n�y 3o d does not exc-`�_�d 5G0 beLore Pna,� I l i� ready, ��lhich witl i c1u�e he nece;sary �rit . /���' !c-::.,, �?� STI��� G:D;"�p �. � L f,r{1 1 •.� r . � 1 J . � ����_ � . � � . - � � � �5 �� � . CITY O� `;-�IV�f YAUL i TEP.D�PART!��1"r.N f:�� ��tElviO�t,�^+Dt,�'�1 Uecemb�r 4 , 1984 . T0: Fred Haide Planning U vi�ion � I=R: 1�'endy L:3r�:: � ': Buildi;�g C c!? Div �;�ion RE: Narvey Inv stment Project �iC1G2 a building Peri It IS lSSUC:(� , `�:G!'i: �!:L�101" IZ°� 0'j ��1� iJ�'if�l� f"USi. begin t•rii.hin 180 da s (Sec ion 33 •04, SuSdivision 4 of th� Si . Pau? Legislativz Cod�) . Becaus � that is o�e of rha "ten">" ci the perr;�it , th° appl icant i s "proceed i g pursu�nt to the te�r;�s o` �uch perm i." anyt ime �•�i th i n t��e � i rst 1 0 d�ys o` tn� i s�ua�ic� cf �he p��r;;;i�� . /km �laar,n '�A\ 1 "�\ � „�,:.�.;:; '.� ���t�•zc��, 0�4• �rr� �,: <.:���,r co�r_`�;�r. I.�'t �..���R . . . �-- �_ . � ����� �o�-�r: o��v�; . c�t�,:���:r�:fl �,'�:�REA F I::LO F.LE3RcCHT � � ' . � Lrnis',a!ive Ai�la UCtU�JE'i � � � � �� M;. Glenn E icl:so 5�pervisor� fi Co c Fnforcen.�nt and Lor�i ng �145 City Hal l St_ P�ul , M 551Q"l_ U°ar Mr. Ei,ickson: Your letter to me at�d October ;, 1,�4, s��tec: "W� ha � in� .rr.r,�d the dev.�lop�r tha� �h� p�rmit iss!.?d ;ul i 1ls the o 1 i gat i n unJ�r• �4.2 G� wh i ch s-�i pu!�±-es �.na`- con�,�ru ��i on mus�',: eg i rr, i"1Ger v �tf'f(11'C, w i�,:h i n o:�e year o'r i.he datF � , �h? Counci 1 r2s � lution (e��fective d.��e was 0����o��r- 8, ►r�8;) ." 7i�i s i nd i ca �s yo�� pos i t i on or� the p_�r�:i nq ra;i�p tc b2 th::�t tne �e- rnod�ling 15 c�(1 lflt�i�r�� L�_?i"C Ot' t�le ��:.-f�r•�,,�- y� ,-" CS.:,V;'iJ�:"�i�f'�` O � '1�:� north side f Fo�ci F'��r�;w�y btr�w_en r inr� a�,�ci Cr��in. ��' F 1 T'S r 1'E_' C'.� 1 G�1 i 0 t;r:�1i_ GC�S 1 t l Oil `r.Q'�L i(j J.=' �O i i�',:"t::C.{i C`;�� SlJ`;i11 _ <3 r:(��'�`y' O� your wr-i t�en f E'S�Oi 1SC i.0 t�:� 7 1 St f I C� i J Co�.��l:: l � l:i� �i�i O:-Ct t�." ,. k3:�;ii :� an op;:ort��niLy to -pp�al yo�ir decision. First reac� io��s, u�der t�e cir- cum�tances, would, orce ayain, proJuce hostility, lack o� trust a�d division in the area. - 7f1�'f E�OT"E� � �OU� � 1�':`' tiJ r'ECO�•.Ri�(1Ci t(1"cii j'CU cilCi � COflSi:'i. fi�:7i �:!T�•'('�t,��/ i)S t�ll5 f f"O °CT. � '_'E_'�1�5 cJr4C� { a � -,_ ` iy1" r� P . c��S r7Ct'C.t ,. tUitd ('�?U�",�5 {�C� p:?T'^t�i:� r'�.. _ . ml"�t�?d. At this tim yt�ur c� ion h�is ��11r��,:ed for t„� n�,c=� i��>;, o� �,"_ 1ea t on� (I�CG�S���'y � (t O� ..i12 C 1 ty� �,OUf1C i i i'E;iO�U4' 1 Ji1 LL)y1-li11 C�l y'C:U. (E'�t"_'�'C'"c•� 1('. y�)Uf Ietter. 7his rt$O)U�1O(1 �rUv1U�CI :;��C1i' 1C �e:�'f^S �-u'!l� COriCij !O;?S, f'O;' t.h� co;is�r� �ion r" th� r�:rnp �3nc, bui ;din�? �:t thi� io;=�ti;�,,. �,p�.c: �ical iy, 1 i.-�rn No. 3 -,n p; _ 3 0� ti�at rc�sol u� ;�n st-�,_�.�: ��r�i i p jrk i nc; i r� t:n° r�.rn� �;,i ; ! t�� ;�r ee Yor �_, !o-�� ;,s �'r�,:. r „p r}..-11 � °X1St" t)�`<JV1C:�"c'C:� fli):r:'�:�C' � `f1:3; '�`"i.i:_ C�C�'-i('!�:°7' �,�l:r.r! I r a�l? t:`'" r 'C)i-� . i.' rE:S�rtcr tf`E: l ��i�,`_�; GC _ ii;i= t�'t�i� ..�]�i� �;'ii�liL1 f:'.3;/ . �i:. ',�1 ,.,tij 1 (1 i.��_ rc=.i(1jJ i��i:i 1�/il 1 Cil t"r"_�I-1'.._ ;O�1; ;('t��I � i:_. L'Cl I t�iC4i�! Ci:Y fI:'.( L 5��.��'f ;�"1�H �LC :):Z S:�I�� f' !':`.".;[., .`.li�:�:};':;;_)1�:1 'i510� f�i�i�9�-:-:'i ' « �� • �[J�3 C)n '7 i � �s-��� Mr. Glenr F ic:ksor� _-? . . Uctober 11 , 198.: app 1 i d. Deve 1 op�r sh�i 1 I , ����i or to b=�i ng i s�ue�� �s b��i 1 e i ,g perm i , exec tF a covenant or r es�r i ct i on i n � forrr, �;c�a;c� G�i t?y th c i ty ttorney set t i„y for tF�� tt;:�t p��k i ng sn�71 1 b� r��e� for s 1 ong s a }�ark i ng ramp st�a 1 l ex i st �:�. sa i d l cca'c_io, ." Your issuan e of� ariy p�rmit Fo� t.his projec; in f ig;;� er your i ��tr�pre- tat i on s�tat�nfl tha t the permi t for the rerrr�clL 1 i n� ;�x��nc�s the v r�i arces admits this to beit�g orie i.otal proj°ct, as oppost�d co �h� rr,^�� .; ic�� being separ te fr the proposed r�mp a�� buildin� adjoirin� th exis�irg building. 1 arn not ce tain ow to rectify this situa�io;1; t�ow:�v�r, I wu��l } 1 ike to spend so e t i c� d i`>CU55 1 f3C,J ��Il 1 S w i th yau at yo�.±r ear i i es� po s�b 1� c�onvenience. ,� S; ncer� , u� ti���--- 19��''��Dt2Fi•t ou�ic i 1 m�n J cc: Jim B llus Chuck McGuir Steve eliincton � J i�n W nker • (P1��� ��� -�J�:��� . :,� ����,t;. �.�- ci��� c, s;;;���r ►�r�uL .-�a� �-.�- r q , i�� .x� . LlCt�tl��.�l��j�: r �= C��/l�Vi i�it �Y �C?�/���.�J 'f -----� -�: ���� ?i1f�I1�L: :_ �;��\ '-- = DtviSiO�I O: HOUS►tiG f;ND t3t1lLD;tiG CU � EN�-C::�CE�'�.'�`��" „ -- . ...: 445 City �{,iil,SC Pai3f, Mi�n-wta 5�1U2 GcORGc _ATIMc' E12-29�-4212 M.�YOR Oc_ober i8, 1�8?+ John Dr�:.:�r, Counc i 1 an 713 Ci�y Halt St . Paul , Minneso� 5510 � nc: Your letter d ted Oc ober ll , 198�, D°ar t�r. Dree,l: Tne pernit has not t�een i �ued for ti�e r�mp strucru;� on Fc>rci f'�:r'r.�•:�y. Tn i s st ructure i s o��� i r� rocess 4f s i.te pl an rev i�+:� �•:�i i cn i s n��n�l 1 ed b� PED. It is app rent t at this is the timc for- t�,e co�,,:,r�:�nt '�o b=. �.•r,:.cu t ed as req� i r �d . S'ncereiy, ��,. / �/'>� � ( �%j .. G�/E'� � - � . ��✓�./� � !/ / `� � � . . . ��ienn A. Eriekson ;up�;visor of Code En�orcement Gf1�:l:m (p��,� �9� — - — -------- ---------- - - — -- --�-�---��------- �:^^ + � �, , f'.•';rl '' � �'1 , .,_, f ;._. , ..� � � �-' 4 ' � . `�{ __�,�3!( �-\ F.il�,u- ---I c�. 1^ �.. � .L�J l t��,";,J�r � �� f � ' �L�I��;'.�� rs�i��l .�r`.J 1��)�-��GJJ t.�� ,....�..,. �s.? . . . _.._ «� S�C�j.y��S;?ti�Is'3�CJ �l i a���us-� �o, �9��� : _ : : . , ry;, �;: _ _ ^ 1...'� --- �:1 _„ . � ��tr. Glen Frickso Clty rr-1�'C�:;tnCt ' S Oi f iC:.' �+��J � i�� f�d� i Jt. t�dll� , I'�;�� J51�7 t2�: Harvev Ir�ve�t�er2t Fortl Par�cw � De�re l oprr,er�c Dear Glen : Harvey ?nveStmen� }��'�)U0�2S LO C'�?'J2�0O i.rl2 SU�Jl�rt i��t:l� 1 �,: 11i i:'i0 Utlii !?S li1 orcler �o respecc cheir currcrt leasc,� a��ci �o a�:��i: ��iin�.:r cers;:ruc�io, . Financiny of ±hi_ siqniF�ir_art proje�'� is ro�,� ir� pl?ce. +fr. �i�il �:on Co nn ��as reques ted tnat 4'" hi"OCPt�C� Vll�i,�1 CO`l i`,r�aC� (�GCUi;i2^�S 1�OY' �fl' i'c'f10���l tiy ��Ui'`; 1 Tl t�lt? t)?S°�il?�lt 0� �fle E�ISi.}i?CJ Si?O,�E71'�^ r��n�er. ,�, :`%'.iild�;ng C;Pr�"�i"i iCf �115 pra�e �����i ,l b� ta• ��n out be, r_,r�� S;�r;,."„����r %�. i il i i ':�"li:S(? 01 t�"1 proj�='':l, 1S ?Cl �(1�°_� d I �dY'i. �ii fi'?�' i:0�`�t� �:(.'.i^')�?Y,. 4�i'E'Ii �}1° . � ,_ CO ��I'X 1 S Oii `;� :.' . , �. 1 -r.' 7"2(.., �ea .V. ;"; c C �)�E:`LE!�, tfilS i��S ''?i,�li� Y' iul� ��; ;c. �/l � f; i; �iy' C'un �.C' � n �fl_' di.r'l U1Tl (il;,'i I dllG ��ti";<"I C!i r dCi�;). The reason for velopinc� the oroject �n phases is tnat a �najor po�i.i n of tr� �enan ts yearly sal es a e secure� bet�:��en �'ri�n'�s 7 i v i ny and i:h�� C'r�ri stm s hol i days. Start i ng th: ra;�7 <�nd o;�i ce f«r_i 1 i t v �;;o!�1� �z i 1 c��; no pt,r'r.i r g �or �c^.fi�(�fi� CiUI"?i��J �l'IS E7C' i ��l <iil� "ti0l?I'' E'_�� �'_:�`i �IV:: �1:,. T.II:-.:il `i�_!t 0� E,': ;. ii2S; �;iE' �r.� .;� . -��'iO ?���'i:Y' t,i� ct $;i; i11� _,L:.'.;'_} cJ� �(i`_' �1�;' ,. .'1�� ti'._� :�� d��.� Oi i 1Cc T�iCI � � ��f. 1'{Z d �' c�.n�l' �7c.i.i?�;� C:0(1Cr'°_i;? COC;;�f�!;�, iU�l ��/ii; Ci1 ;i0�_ilr' t5: � Cfl�llt"i= 'rl l i.(� ct rd i � $i.?� L. �•�Y'. �..rJ'iF'il }l.'.,$ ��' �/1�E�C� i(i:?`t. �1F' t•1<111T`' l;S 1Q i��_':�'.ir:f: -�'�i:�S;,. �,r�,ii�i�l lir?':'1i:i�.� �.S f�)Y' �; ' l r.i - �\i 1 �j%� -4 n�i ' � i�i� �1 �i��l n:: � � ^ �r� -� .,..., c.�tal co�,.p � x by J�,�_�:_. ., -9 , _ �n c:, ,.�. r _ �� , �cfir; F• �� .. �,:. ro, th s � 1�f� �; i � -.J- .i �i •a-: y,; .,L' '(l�y r�i�is�� �r �;� .� (. S'r� Lh �.�in`_��r�.li.C��p f.�1 >l.t:�rt lii ��i.� S? 1��_� �': _.�:SJ. . . � � ._ '1�;5 ?�S� �1? .Cl - �ic'. l.!Cl!'C' f'i'.r '';'. i��)il"r(i .n ���'t'.�i r;i`� � ! .l: �)1 �l yC,/ � v,�r � �.:;?°.':.C:�`i . . � . .�:'T"�/ l i :l Y,� ��Cl�.. � Iil,UL n:�.�,llJ�t.��'ll L�� �ll�� , J, . . "_ / � -�;ji ��,'��d �� ��/ 'I�/' :;I',�' . r1 /�1 j��a �f�-r• ��i'.� � ��'.':�°Y'��,. ����i:f, �;/�1�'�'. F�.f:. , , .''i :`iF;rt L r ��r :_� :!.�:� • - . E���� 3� ) ,.r- — -------------------;: P�' ,� `� �,'�� � ���' . �.:.'�.� F _ ��.;;� r'i'f,;r_.r,-----�-- -----__.___�_.�.__.�_. i,� �� yi ' S.'�; 5L C'<_�r,�;,�1;.----- - —0��.�L1LL!_ ---- � '� ( ���, �_ 3 c.�J; " f�s„��� SL F�?ui, tl,�; 5�i102-G39� fi � v�.".:: F�Y Associaf�� 1 c. D:, =�;:. � . r��EE7i,;� r;o�res � . � .� • ;, �c�o �a�:�,;��Y D�v�!c�;-,=�;r _ P t'A S E� I I :;;"'.., �.. SEPTEI'1i?�2 20, 190�: , On September �st ti�re su mitted a si�te pla�� 4nd t;uilei�.g ��leva�icns of Phasn II of the Ford Par 4ray Re a i 1 ard 0��t i ce �u i?d i ng to ,'a�::�s 4�t��n�:er Gnd t e Suild �ng Deparc �nt fo si�e plan revie;� and �t:o �r�:n� a b��ildinc p�r��it be�ore ti�e variance ex ires. f;t t'r;��t tir7� ;re ti•,ere to1�1 b� l;er�c!:,� Lar,� cr- �r�� �u�ild;nc� Dep4rtment ��hat the s�i � pl ar, of P;�ase I I �•�as not re�;;-i�i�d �; �on; � �;� �,•r�re issued a p�rmi'c on P��a e I by Septern�er� 23. Th i� ;�rould �ul F i l; �h��i requ iremznts so tne va i ance ��iou 1 c{ no� ex�ire or ?��ase i I . On September 20 I wen do�•m to talE: to Jume; l�;e;!;��r o� tf,p De;�r�,,;r=r �� o�= Planning and Ec nom�c eve-lopir��nt �i?;d a� t+�a;: tir;� f�e s�:�i�,;ed th�'.: h� i,?-! < 1eti.�i� ��ro�n Gle Erici� an, -the }�e.acl o�- tne E3�_!i1di�;� D�p<:r-c�:�-nL. T!',1 1�:� t�r stated t��at a p rmi�t c� anteil for Phase I con;�ructi�n ti�;o�i1d fulf�il ] h;ir requi rz�en i s so t„e va i�,nc� c:�ran�ed i:o P�i��� I T �;ro�i i c! no� ex;;i r�. 1 so, at thaL time, Ja;;,e ?�!��le st«'�e� to rnn ��n�� ��e h?-� =� ; �l�il �ied ,+ l ;,is requirements fo i.he � rd Park���,ay Ueveloprrent. On Septerriber 20 1984 � � �vere requested to su�?nit a si�e p i an to Chu k ticGuire i n the Uepartme t o�F F �nomi c D�ve7 op���en� �For s i te �i an revi ew. On ept���:ier 20, �98�k, tiY° SU i711tLECI d Sl�e plan dil f JU1�G�111q P I°V?�lOil$ i L�Y' t'•:'J��l} �Oy�`?I.C�: hiCuU l T'?. 10 tfi? �T?$t Oi U{" �:IIOti �°:iCJ? �il•:j U�1C�2i S�11'}ii1C1�� '�;. �i2.`.''.'-�. TU�` i � ��?�� c', � i r��C�u i f'C�IICII l.J �JLi 1 �Ji'�t,ll �ij' �i12 i,i�j� � 1' 1" t�" ,v d�'i ciii��c ji'4ii;.c.�t ^ n � . � Jl/ .IICiL II�: � � L�J 1 1 lyJ� 1i i�ri 11 ►�o�t exp i re f'0?E hSSO�TATi_S I�'�. �� � � � �- ::��=- �% ��� -�`-� - ;'�:i i•`.:�^1C�P11 / 1;•s:r����� cc: Gl en cri c!; o� i��i � t C;,h�n u'�:k Sc:'r�1 e �y C�n .:l�•��..,:e• Eo� Fo};�� (Fa��e 31 ) �.� �. � ; _� �� �F�s�3�� souTFj,v�sr �' "��.� �����. %`���� ����:�`��. `�`:��.�i���} nR�;a . ��.'� �,� ., � 230 �orc1 arScway, �uite 19 � � � � � Sai t Paul, .innesota 55716 6i2 69f�-C?SoS. �� �J f-�� DISTRiCT ��3 � Sarv ng �he bu�iness and residert'tal communities of Soutf��,vest Saint P�uf , :,' . , ;';-;','';- '�,' , r: ; _ i)avid C. :1�Donalcl, Chair���:,,� a:i:i Gricl 3 Re�ire�:�n�a:i•;e : � .��n J t�c?y Kin:e3�;, �^,`,, •L �fc',Si(��RC ?.tl� r\i.-�1l�� �ylJ yl KE'nr;'.cellt3ilvN r� n;-,il �: 11C!,L1 L:? 4��rin��i� 4'i. j::i�vrson, Vice rre�id:^,t, Community � , _ _ _ i�f;.!I�S� 'fl•.; '.� I^ _ ��.�: ��' _.:A,.°� _.� -�s__�__� y Li)�_� .� ,. ° �1... _ "i... ,;�L^ _ �tt;f7i l;SBfi�dil`+::: � �filll� f. i.iCi�JII'°� � 1��.'+ �`� .v°i':�:)�1- r � �;�n�� Vice "-esider.�, A.;r�iinistraii�;n, ard I�CiC� •+ �'Y.'.,>c^t�1CiCC � Janet �blaxsun _ � , n `•-7 r��� ,-r ,� --,<,�- t� 7•-n =+ �- Trc:rsur:�r and Grid 9 - - - '�,. � _ '�.i �. `.,�.-.::,:_ ! � _;�C . i'�eare�vn t:;;�� J�tn25 �. f3arn��d, Cif!(.� ? �f;.'Jl�t;CBllidtlVe I ��Il :.i: _:�Y`w�:��.:�1� ��1 ::_�.�?.'�.-{ `�_tirY .,Ci�:.��' .�.:i�ill:_S �I.i:Y2 �r�C:��V� 1^ ry�lr(a� �., �t�..a�:� .��_L� (�.vl.liZi.-___ �'�jl)�.il'..�ri_1. U._ ��.7i'O�}.. J Gricl `i h.;^,�sc:nt!'i.e Z �i� , �:11 l��.i ULiL.R_ I.¢�.`.. ,..'.!� V:!.__1�.Cc'> ^. ^�,C�.:'� ..O T!!I�(!i;'�✓ �t. '�'1:;1?wft;l2r� T�,� y'tr.�*,7 1 .l',.,�.i�i'_d',�i..:�t. ., �:;I:{ V {Zi'.�il_�,�![�li1V;; Eiic e�ie f. Buhmer: . _ .. J ' �? ) �'::-i� Ti wi.��r�',7 T'1`; -'-r;t.�.�l_ �1:.i:� � . � .:� _ .. :; � t�CIC� ! i�:'�7f:�Cf�r.itIVES 4 i _ . . � � ;,�r l [? Q� O i�_ .7:' � [ . -2 1 1� . '� _ �. � G ��rg.� �ory, { '} ` 3 �Z r" t_� � :�:i__ _l��i�.��.� � t�.. .._�:_ �:�� �..• �_�.. � l :��lr, � ' �(i Gt iii �� t:zpr'"ert:li;�.r, . .._ _ � . , . - . . _ -_ 7imotny E. Swe�s�ey, t 1� il°`�7 Of;�:�1?_�:�tiC�1'? Grid 70 Repres�ntative Gerald Franck, T �?1�' �r i�:!Cr �1��c'°_?:;��L zS ct;�p1_ i C��?P �O �`•_,� Gri�� I1 �C�,'i��ser:ative g 7:� Ti�.�_� p I �?Gll�7 �1��:��!_'.C1�'='` 'Ii_ �.��_";1 F.;;')t•rC ':i�e;, C "1�1 i_'i'3 i:1 O'? e :�.:-�-� _ i:�}f.. ..ilydtlV2 i�ili'�i(i: ���. JCi;iT]!.i1 . ��,t-�,:r.;� „�presen'�ar.ive Co;nrnit;ces i=in,ir.c�, )_.. �t '>iix�:�n, Ci�airman �iOUiif1� �t�-! !".CullOt;l1C � �c'.�iCiOpii]r:illr �i(Tl � :� � .., .-i1�':':f'. _'r :_'?% '['(1<Ifl t�?.`r�l�� �,-.,.;�j � `�`fl;"��. � t'��-.��;�•.' Tr�`'_t � 7 ^„Y:��)i�, � . `.`r�...��:�' .�f(`; I)'(;1"i . ... " .. `1 ��C.).�..�� �.i'i,.,,.�.:ii; . r. � i:�'i (:•JLi�i�; �:il(i `UC.13� , . .. . ..:t.-�, ,... . .,. ....'.�•�-, � . i _ ., ,._. �� �1 ..-.li'f�ll ..� �. 1\ii'i�� ' �f•'I;����:.. .� �.'.1lr ..1 ::���� L.��r��1/��iTi�n�� � C.�� ,'�t: I::,iy �:.1:!irrl,ln ' (i'�i1�il+. , �.. �7� j!:ill` ���)�.:i' � , . . �Paae 3? i l7 -(�.��� '�' ��..�� 4�..>� (���.7 �'�E_ .i'�i i � , � iYY o�= satr�-; �a�� °� � '��' ` --- - ' ------.___�____. - - ::.,���,r; rr!�^�r � - _, .-, : �� � - v � , ^ t -: -� � � , /;� �Y � � niv�s���,� or- E�ous���c Ar�n � i�fl��vc � `;,� ='':i � ., a '�yj 3 , :.. :::, �`'�." -�� " - _ _�1.�._ � co�� -;�r o F�c�n-i E r�i �`�' ,___ .�____._______. .__ '. -� ' � 145 f'I"i':' H.\L L � ST. PA..JL '!i�V 55102 � (� ' . , , ; :, �'s-3 � P�:rmit i�✓> >� `} � � ':� ; l.------------------ ---- � : � ��?!J _:���- -��l' �F 14����f' '� .^ � `� _-� �� C�� - - . � -- -- -.. ."D[SCRI?TI� N O� PFir�IC-{:T .'__" �- �Li11� �)Q.__�_ .-- �-.L L -- . - ^ � ^ j e , ``; — � c�j Li -,f �r; -�-� --�, ,��— �---,_t `�-;-- - ' D,AT E -- r---�v i= l•U I�;t R�'_i __�...3.=!--�`� `•� '. �i" � .... � :� — --- - -- -- t � f _; __; _ _ _ '• ' ... " - , .. �. ., 0:''N�f;�.-\DDR�SS • _ -- - _ _ .___ ---- - :� ,:: --� ---_-- :' ? � r-• � � !-. ; I _�i ; � �,- -------------- �► c,� � ������_,,.,;cu��,>�rl���: oF ,-� - _.. �� � ,. [� i JF.':! 7YPE COt S i r-- --- ---------''bCCUPAi�!CY_ � .� Yf�_ ----r------------- GR ��ING STUCCC� OR ❑ �3UiLD ❑ AN� EXC. ' PLAS�j!=R ❑ Di`(1'J;1L!_ U r=i:.`Ct . ._ .,,.. . � - - - _ . � _ . . . _� P� . . IO�J tnr - , ,, , .: _.-.:.... � . �C -- � � �tL�Ei� R i,: �J �� �. -• :• - --: — - ----- � - � - - -- - -- � -- - --- ___._ � , ,,, , .� . �;1�r.-C� ;.: _ :•: :_��=• r��ti ,: ., -. - -sTa�Er _ .— _;' �-_ -� ��"__"`._ . _ ._ . . _ � 'f. . _.,i. ., r. " �/\ / / . � �-� � � �I✓��� � / � I L%� `��T� �"s�fl� � � � / • � � ' � � II_ lI�' ,/� �" �_ CiT" C�� .SA��, � f ��.�� , � "...,-.,,;- � ��J - '\ �'�'�T bl`�l � `\ � � � � �'�� \�.i�`� It,�.� =b •�� [�E�';�(� i�tviEN�� CF C0:�.1, :��; .. iY' .,� -� �-, :��' . r °3 _..�+� ;�= , ;;���z�;,:;. r= ���.,t:�-r =, :.��_:,��;�;I ^� DIVISiOt� OF HOl�S,^:G�`.'�D F�UI1_DlNG CODE Ehf=C)K�.� — _ .�S Citv Ha1�. S;. P�uI. f�tirc:esota 55?02 ''a Ei�_??^ '?12 "=,����. G�ORGE L:\T1�+.1ER NAY'OR �;'4)tC'rlb°1' 7� , 1��� ';a,•;e_; :;�vesti��ent: o. c/o Jeffer�� :<ast r, � }�Y ��lJ-i1:1�'n7�SUli . �n� G1��:^:i S�. �a���, , t-�N 551 Z R�: Harvey Ir�ves rnent F. rcl Par�k�,;ay Ue�,�lopmei�t �ear Jef� , ihis le��°r• ;•aill � e�'iFy ur pr�evious telepho;e con���er�satio^� Pe,��u �n�n� t° the Ccurcil Resol� i.ion , 8093�. �This r�solu.tior: ;;as zcc�p:�..;; h; `_',,"ncil o,z �_ SE�)t:C',.�.-.Y. 'Z�l � I�J � $lC�li' Cj f)� �;'�P i!':d�0i' �:ii �'�•-�Oi'.., � � iC'�?•i . . If.� 1"c:�C�U 1Grl . r i�;iJ-�. _. . �% �;;;:s then publ i si�e i n t+�E i ega� Ledg�r e�-� Octo`��..� :- . '_��>� � i� r: ? ; - ;—'n,-�i ,�r . ,L�-i::i� Tf1C' Ci'.:j rildl"I:E't"� Sc'Ct:10� 6.L� �j�E', iI C;�� �,, ) ,. � --. <: . _�C become etfectiv� ' upon p� ssaye, approva i , an�J p�:'.��, i:a':i Jii GiI`r-� ; ��� ��r;,�, official newspape ". Th refore, it L�ould br our u�ter::��natiar, ina� ti,� one 0 1O�_":. 'I."i', � 1'cc u�i'� OT �f1P f j i, S�2dr f'Xni 1"d�:l 011 C� i,2 ��1011 C� bP ��101?EY' v, r • • n �� i ;,c.:i; " ' � �aS d i 50 � C'P.li V��i 1 �i�(� '•'? i.�l t.�lc i i,y �•,i.i.C, �� =`/S l�� � ._. . l,�l i:1''�i_I . � � �in�ere�, �i, � �.i,�<^ =r'Ji4.L-C';`-- _�'� � . ;r;<<� �!=;vorscn a, .,., t:• :i�?e r t G�1 ....: . . �1�- �.. .. . �C c�QQ `��')� , . � -��� Octo�er 23 , 1�8 r�r , Ja:a�s Be11�s �:ousizg and =�e� velo� �ent Autt��cri�y of �he Cit� oi aint au1, Minnesota 25 t�es� Fourth tr�et . Sain�. Paul , Min esota 55102 P.E : Ford/Finn roj ec - Harvey :Ln�Test�en� Compa�y Dear i�Lr . BE11us It is our in�An� ion t form a p2i�n2�shi� for th� pur�os�s f acqu�.ri.r.g and d v�lo� "n; a co�-�.erc�al , rz�a�1 a�nd paY'>_:ir,; ��oje���. at th� r_ters ctio�� of Fo.dJF�:.n S�re� ..s in �a�nc. p2ll1 ���Pxojec�" . I.Tl COP.:lEr'Ci.�OT1 S�Jli.rl �i12� �"r0� °C�� � Tr.° �12.VA requ�sted that he H� �sin�; and Re�ev�lo�.-��::` AL�ha_ri��_,= ofi �:�e Ciyo u�� Saz t �'au� , ri�.n�r_�sota ("iln:y") issue .i�s COiilTilc�f�.l.al D2V2 O�t 1��L ��2V'2TZL°_ �Oi�S li1 ��°_ O_1�111��.. �ii"�.�C 1 =1i a��our.t of, appr �imat ly, $�0 , 000 , 000 . 00 (the "Bonds") to a sist in financing th Proj ct . We have agreed, irL cons�deration of the issuance of the B nds , to execute a Aeclara�zon o-� Res� ic- , tive Cover_an�s , in fo �� and content su�sL2T1�C�ali�T si_rz�lar -� �ie r,::h:-b�t A a tache her�to , for the p-��ros�s a� co-:��i��i.� �}-�;A �?ri�.l.Tlh �JOX 10Ti O til° �:L'O�°C__ LO i'S;'_ 3;., t'��l'lC �i��i��";� r:!° tl?1 u 21"S t�T1 C� � ? 7..??:D �`'t�1'1 C:2 O f v��1�_S 1.S S l.:Z , a?1� �12.V� 2 b.�°2 Ci �O Si�J�eCL t�.° Z'03E?C� r�a' �S�c:i�F' , W:re,.r: i� 1S c"?CC�LT�Y,e'� , i_O the use restric ion s �ciiied here�n, . Yours truly , ''�'`,,.'� �.,��„�,`�»:., � �'"'���,.�'�;,,�.. - -�1I:::,.._ CC�':C'.?� i;' � , �.�� �j ��� �j% � ✓.t.-'/�f� �i/'� :;�� .� �� / . .ic.i1°S L . t.u���_C " (i'�;te �t; ) � �� 5'�.�.._ _____�� �`__".__ ,� s , � -r,.�4�.�r.�..!4'—W�...�1 " .�.1.7: .� tz:_.�. ' t ?".`--':.'�-': .°"•t: : , 1 •...�f.," .�-;-`�� . - - �`:4.-: --- . � �� � _ C�.�-! _ - � ,,,.�.'"'- �''�'� S'*,+...,.,:�,� _..:i::'s.'i._. yyy:�:-a...,.,;;. -- --�.. � � ' ��� ! c.r T �`�;J� : e { � � . - . � r �� . -c � . Q �AY� ! � r l �� . � N '� ��-_� rn._ - .rr `� �""t §� � Y7 , _ s z _ a r '-:� �ww-e.( -.-�- i', :;s� -� f. a � '� . ' - � _ � `-; . . .- :. > srs .a,.�s p i-� _ �',� _ . � � . .^_�va� 9 .� .�73 �i� '3 - ' _ t b -' -- � . . �-"\ _ ,�.5 .- ,:-,� �1..:� �� . �� `}� f '� �,o .: .� �...� .� . 4 _y� y c � ro `n �. �' �. � � ' 23 __ ' � rj x-.:,y� ' � T � ': -, � - � • :?- tr�: . , K�_ f _�� t • - . 1 t �� . ` "� '� . � .�- . �%W� z T - t � ' . ��_� . . :� � � : �_ . _ , . . - 4t�aee� __ . •. . " � ' ' . _ s j�`{°'� - { . r �:� � . . . ' • • . : . _ . . . . f'o f �. t t. • ' ' ' ' (� - . . . ,�� 4 ; t ; � : . : : _ �E13 t3�N f'o� � a f �^.'_r:, -. '�w �'N ;:, � J� b � o 0 ;j� .:���7W �' -:� � 'J �..t�r- N� T.> . t> U � �O"J ;�.Y.«n ' —�. � '""' � . f1 �l � C' ;� v.�c, tn y� eA :T ��'`� -i' � '` # '. �•-� i �� / � 1�� ,�.. C�, .�i� �n' T 'Y'1 '11 :l "Sl '1 t:+�!�+. - ,�� � - �� . :1 • � �a..� ' / K � i ' r << . . r „� .;: .� r. . . . r_;..o ' - t �i"��.e`�,`-� S'',' �,`�.^ E'>. �.; . G.,`y t.% � . r :�f` . ;Y'1 t e � � H H�� - I Q f � t `' ; i ,: � � f . � ��� ��: �. � s°� � �� ��� s f , . � � �= F�_ eT: . . �., �' f�. / . . -- �.�y ��'3 �.;� 1.` / . . . . • 1 : _ y .. .. , .. ,Y . '- �:-«*e.'.�...+-,.:� �.-�vs:::�: ..;.,:xti;Y >�! . _... . . . . -_ ,*� � _,_ .3". ! . . - _'� � � F T � � t � -- --:;: ; • . - . �� s � ,� .. . ; � ` � ; , 1 . _ . ' f : � l•n . t o r.`- . ` �„ ..,..-.-.,_.... . -' . ! 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(� . . � � ��` � -- _ . . . . . . . . . . � � . �y� � . . = r:�7 @' �A � 1-N q �•l I 9� �`1 +p� I � , ' �� a-+r � ,� � � � --- �� r, 3 � � ---- ---- __1�------- � ,� ' ----- ____ ___ � # (� ! _____ ___ ---- ;: ,; . ---- -_ ----;; , ;� . �' ------ =r==------=L'--�__; �r ,; � -- -- --;� . �S i � -- . �, __._____ I -- !i �� j ; ii} ...---------- - il �� �..__. ; j I i ,: ��, -,w-----_--- ---- '----.-_— .-�---.�.�:-- - -- °:� ----�_ _._�:, � oe � � � � `�` �F�a��39 ) C,� ..�-3�� . . . � DECL.ARATI0�1 OF I�:}?S�'RICTIL� COVEi:�v i S ST:`..TE OF MINNLS TA ) ) SS . COui•�T�i Or P.A?�ISE ' � ) KT�QW ALL P P.SO:�? BY THESE �'�'�SE�vTS : This Decl^ra�ia l.s made on the date here�nafte� set � or�h hy a W :L T N E S S E T H : �Nri�.REAS , _ ,� a � (the "Declarar� ") is the o�,mer os certain real propercy, w ich real n,-operty is de cribe on E�hib:it A attac'�ed Yl:_'Y'2LQ aL d mad a par� hereof f«._a11 purpo �s (ch� "Land") ; a�d � j'v�.�REAS � °C1?Y' 'T7�� r1.:S r'POUC.-`St2C. ��1�i� �r12 N0�1���r� 2''1:1 t�?:�E,'- velopment Auth rity f the City oz Sain� Paul, Minneso�a ( he "HR�") issue its $10 , 00, 00 ConTn�xcial Developr�er.t Revenue Bor_ds to assist > �n tha cons�.ru ��ion f a pxo� ecc includin� re.�ta:� , ban�:���, af�ice �a,d �paYkino f_a �i1i� ' �s (�h� '�Pr_oj �ct'") ; ar� . Z�r--IEREAS , =� co_ n���ion with th� Pro;ec� , the Decl�?z':i t has az�7 i�d to �he City of Saint Paul , 2�i�neso�a (�he "C�_��") , thr�ugh �_��, ISOa?"Cl O� Z T?1T1� ��J_Q�ci.j.S �LClt? �t.`t�'�O�?rCi��� � i0�' 2 V2?"1:T1C: i1"Q:I'i i..i?� ?�`)i.�^_3�"10P. U� z'�SL� :i_CL:10i�S OT1 CJC�'.��'z'Clc�.i. 2i1G ��?"�C�_T?,_�`, S��' CLL'�°S ; �`;:_ �'i:J._, .._.�:i S�1T'_ " ��U.L �,ltj CO�?�?C11 �'i�iS d'L_i'_"iil�'_d �.^? Cl2 � 510=1 � - oy the Boarc': , sub j° t t� certain condit-ions a� :aer�� a,�,ree upon b;;' i)�:,i<: r.�:in� � nd th aifected prc��rr� o��mers ; and , (Pc�r" �.�� J ' � -�� ' ' -2- WHEREAS , y Cit Council Resolutior No . 280932 speczf' ed ten conditions ; in ludin execution o� a restric�i�.%� cove�ant -o be recor_ded ariong the r a1 estate records , subj ec`�r.0 t:�e Lan to certain restri tions ; and 1�`�-iEREAS , eclar nt desires to s�sbj ec� �r.Q Land �0 3 ll �e restrictior. as requi Pd by the City Council of Saint Paul . ' Declara-n ' sha 1 mean . , a , and its successors ar_d ssi�rzs . NOW THERE ORE, he Declarant does hereby im�ose upon n.e Land the iollowing ov�na .�s and restric�ions , wh?ch s�ia?1 be c �Jenunts runnin� with t� e Lan a��id sha11 be bir�i:�J uaon and =nure o �ne benefi� of and be a urd�n on ar�y purchaseM , grante� , ot��e or lessee of any ortio of t�.�� Land and any other pe_so,� or nti.Ly having any rig t, ti le or interest there�n and upon the r spective heirs , executo s , aci inistrators , devisees , successo�s and assi.;,zs of any purchas r, �r nte�, oGmer or less�� of any po��.°Lon �` th� Land and any o her p �son or ent?ty havi�� any r�`ht , ti�l or ?_nterest th�re'n. S�-:ction l . Par in� - �'u•r so lo, 7 a.s hz Land slzall be u�.ilized as co._���erci 1 �:�:�-k'' �:,, , such ar�.i.n. shall be as.�a:i.l`ble a.� r.o char?e , sub ec� t�. :_....-. l:i_;�i.t: _ io::.. s �ay i;� i�pos�� , to th: ��rab�r� o� t e b= . . _ �_'_ t:,,_�blic t��ho a e pat��or�s o� cc_,�:��-c__ai; �e�ai� _ac���i� ; is � at t't�_�� i��1lotiai � l.cc .tions : Lets 1.9 t� ou�h 2�' , B1ock 2 , St . Cather�r.e ' s � P��'�. � . � {F«ie 41} �.5 '��� r � , , � � � -3- Section 2 . Cov r.a>>ts P.ur. taith the L��d ; Ter.�_. Tiie Decla arit h reby d�clares its e��ress ir_�en� t'�a� the covenants , rese�vatio. s and restYictions se� for�h h��e��: s .a1� be cleem�d coven ts r nning wi-th the Laz:d �:-_d sna�1 pass• �o the � D�clarant s suc esser i-r. �itle . r�acn an��' ��=er�- :•:,-���ac� , ee� ar other instru� enfi h -rea�teY E.:°CL�C'� ce���in� o �o�•�ev�_n �h�. Land or a��y por�i n theruo{- �:�a�1 c����.^=�s_ . �� :,�� ��_e�� o na-ve been executed, d .livereci and �cceptec subj �c�_ to suc:n covenants regar 'l�ss f tah���the.r oY not such covYnants arA s t for�h �n such c � t�r.ac , deed or o�h�r ins�r�Zen�. _ tinless s aner te_�:ir_ated ir. a cor�.,�_ ce with Secrio� 7 her�oi , such co�T�n�. �s �hal1 continue ful. �orce and� ef`ect `or so 1an� as tre �.�d sha?1 b� utillz d as � comm�rcial p�rkin� s truc�-�re . The urovisior.s _:?_'20:� snall apply u:n.�tox-�.ly �o the en ;,-e -� Projec� in� orde. ta e tublish ��d caYYy ot:� _.. co�-:c� p�.an i r the use , develop e�t ��d ir.lprovemzr� oi= tne L�nc� . SP.Cti.071 3 . BL?:' en �nd Bene�it . `.�C12 DeC��?:.a.T2L h. r�by Cl°c1a�e� 1�.S lli'].C.°�5��?��1G�__r1� ��?ii 1. ,�r'Tlt that the bu�d�x�. o� th cevenants set forth nerei� conce�r_ t e Land in �hat th Dec1 rant` s leoal ir�terest i� the Land r:�ay be r�.ndered less v luabl. thQreby. The Decla�an� hereby rurth r declares its un ersta. d:ii�.b and in�nr:t , ho;•�e���r , thz� the be e.fit o^ such covenan s con e_rn trxe T��.r� by enr�:.ncir_� an;� i�cre=s_ nQ ±�..� en;o��ent ard lise o` th� :��ar.d and Lhe �zoj �c� by �.r.�' =a. 1�he ��ty o:r Saint P- l . Section �.. SaI or T�ansrer o.= �'Yo; ec� , ±'t1e Decl�ran� h reby co�v�nan�s ai�d a�rees �:c� to se71 trans- .� -._ n�� �J ��1e?":•7i5 �Z�� J� �r l��a �rQ� �C�t.. Y'.�t...r:7t;.� l7Jra�1.�ii� l- .e '}.'����r ,. ."-..i.i--:i^; Ct,'^S�T?t O� t�?� �i1.LV ti•]i?1C}"? S�:a�i b:? C.7ilC;.?_ ._-_i�-i°� SJ�" �' ' Li�C}- '-.:��'�l�i O'� E'_V1C7.£' C� S1=1S��.CtO�V LO i.rl;v C�y�- +��^+- +-:, , , .. ;l, �.. 2 ?i— C.: . '.�ir'.?i_ l�r l-?-c?�:ifieYP_° 1.' t�� �t�.�=�c?�c�i�L 11�.ri G�i���_:F'� �i l'J�� _i:.i �ZZCl i;. i.it� �% _'_'�� ��;. .:1�rar� ' S Cll��1'c'S c1_cC� O��1`?�t��Q'?� _,.�tC�°_'_� �_"?1S � C?a1- �: � _OT? � . ::eS�-�.-1.Ct�V:'_. OVi'_T1ciT1�5 . z't 1S' ic�-` -- �:; ':�'_-'?S S�;y' ��1.' .112- . �,.... e:.... �.��Y�f?CI i.il:�t.t c� ir ;i��.�� � �r��:iL:."� O� Q��1�Z� '�:...S:��:i.1.1.i0'1 O;_ �:;- ., �'�:r:�oj _•ct i.n io1a�_- o_� oF�this Sec�io^ s��_�1 b�=� -t.:a1� , �.,,; � �?za . ��-�.�.:iaut f�r:Lect , and s� :�+11 be i�-�e�`=ec�iv2 �o �eliev2 t:_e D�c ;�,-�ar,t . q� 105 Uilll�•'"��10 � •UIl. �Z' t111S r12Cl�i'rat10I^� O` bE.'Si.riCt�"VE'_ �,'O E'_Tld�^�:� . �Pdre �� 1 �s`3�� . r -4- Section 5 . Rem �.ies ; Enfor;.eabilitv . . In the ev nt of a violatiun oz atter�p�ed v�olat�o� of an�� of the provisio s he.r of , the City and its successors and z s�gns , may institu�e a d pxo ecute any proceeuing at law o� i^ �qu ty to abate , preve t or njoin any such viola�tio� or at�-e::p�ed violation, or t reco er r:ionetary dam.a;es causeG by such ti-i ?a- tion o.r attempi. d vio ation. Decl�:r�nt ��gr��s :�.��t an �:_c-�� � �o recover mone ary � mag;es for violation or atL���pted vial ��on of the provisio s her of will be �nadeauat� , and the Ci�y s alI have the right o ins i,tute 2n act�on �or ar�d seelc spec�iic . perform�nce by he De laran�c to re�e�y such viola�ion oi at e::�p��_ed violation. The provi ions hereo� axe impos�•d upo� anu �ua� applicable �o t e Lan �nd shall rur_ w�tn the L�.nd anC sha_1 be enLorce4ble aga 'nst t e Declarant , each purchas�r , �rante�, o;,m�r or lessae of th Deve opment , and the xespec�ive hei�-s , leg � representatives , succ ssors anZ assi�ns of the D�clara�t �n each such purchaser, grant e , oT.aner ox lessee . No delay �n e�.;_o ci�ig n P„' r ' '""'��!`� � � ..:�' -n h l l r,a�r the provisio__s _�eo� as i�o �n; b��� or �T._;��.�-_ o�_ s__�.�_ i ��,.___� , damage or w�_ive tne r ght of a.�y parr_;� entitied to er_fiorc� 1z� sane or tn...obta 'n rel ef a�ains�. or recover for th� ccL tir_u t�on or repetition o such breach or v�ola�ion o� ar_�;T si���a� b:,_ _Gch or violazion th reof t any later =ime oY t�~:es . Section 6 . Ame dm�_-�t ; Ter.�ination. T�ze provi ions f this De��laYarior. shall r�ot b� a_n�r_d d, tex:nina�ed or d le�ted priox to �ne stated te��: s��: �or�h i� �his D�claration exc pt by an instru.��-�t in ZJrit�n� �u1y e<<:�c���� bv th� C�ty, Decla ant , r. th�ir res�active successor� or �:ssi rs . Unless sooner � �mina ed or amend�d or dele�ed i:ro:n this De lar- �ation as in thi Sect o� prev�ded, each of tne coven_zr_�s ar rest-�:i.ctions se fort' :in th�s Dec�ara�i�� above shall con�. nue r ir� �u'1 f.��rce a e.L� ct during the period speci-�ied h�rei?z ir_ Secti.a� 2 . � Sec=ion 7 . Co:� i.de.r�:t`. :� lil�? I��'A �. d the Ci_� of Sa�n� i'„u' :�i; n��so'.a ha-�e de er�ined _ - , tQ c1("'_i�?� �21:' 1Ii1 I.GI:::�l f�� _. �1Tlc ncin::; -:,x-oh��a:n f0: L�i° L�V2 ! O ':�i�� , fU'!' t::?�? p,irpose� SI7[GL'i O::i1:?�S � Oi_ iT:CiL1Cl.I1� tI7E �i=Clc�L"c''_Tli� t0 � acc;;;:i_:c� «r_cl cen tzuct ti-�e f'r_oj ��ct to pro�Tide co�:�FYci:��? , r` �il ' a::a �~r'.�;�J fac litie fo� the Far�/Finn i.ntersectien ir.: th Citv O r Sc"L�P.L ��c�ll�. . r (�a�n 4�) �J -�w _ , i � -5-- Section 8 . R�c �din�. The Decla��an�t s al1 cause th?s Declar�tion or Res�ric� ive Covenants and a11 ame� d�ents and strqpl_e�ents hereto to be r cordrd and f�1ed in suc man er in the apprcUr�a�e pu�?ic re:_�_ est t.� recorcis in and r Rar: :sey Coun�y, ?�iinr�eso�a �,nci in s�.cn o�h r pl.aces as the City ma reasonably requ�s` , a�d shal"± �a�y al yte�s ar_d cha.rg�s inc ��red 'n connectio� zhe�Y�,ti-i�:� . Section 9 . Gov rnintr Lata. This ins�r �nt shall b� governed by the laws o� �he tate O I I:1.T1P.e S O�a. Section 10 . Se �?-ab�litv . If any pro isio s of this Dec'arz�?on of P.es�ric�tive � Covenants shal.l e a.n alic�, i1leg�l or u�e��orceab?e, the Va11.C�1t�J , lejali -y �3T1 2Z7�O�C�2D11i�C�� Oi ��n2_ '"E?'_�:�'!i��J:.il� :QCi� � OI1S shall no�:,,,,,�n any way e a�ftcted or ir�:.aa�.red . Ir; ZNITNESS WHER-�0�' , th� Dec�ara_=� has �auseci tn�s . instrun:ent ta be sign� d and attested on its behal.L by i�s . duly authorized ffic rs or represuntatives , as of the� day of , 1984. . 4 , �(P��±�c� �1�. } � , ...._....._....� � I '•+ ; �. {. I�.i, I ' � �� I�� i ' ` i ' I ' � { - � I : , . _ _ ,O �7 C> Of'J:C' O'OOfO OI C� �.),�C?I �'C� �� i �"J �`�� � � `Y'JIO�C' � t� i0 U`� � ; , —r. ! . I 1 � I 1 !I � ' � I ! I ��i `���� I � � j , i � � __�l_ � L---�_!_,�____L_�_ � _�_"—�-,:---_� : L- --1-- _�L__L .�LL.��.__. - A ----- __ �_i..�_ ���� _ _ ___ -�----�-- _ _ �� .- _ __ _--1--i-I � --�-�-; ; 1 � i � , . � j � r � l ( I' ;: � :` . � � : � � I � �C: .. . } � i o. .� �oo o� �� o � o�c � Q�oiQ�o$ c� �o �;��;��n► � ; `; . , - ; �. ; i , I � ! l.�..._�___.__�___.!._-.�..� t",���'� is.� ��� 'A- �i; 4--i �,,�� ?jV �� !;� y^. ._ � :� <;-:. � ,. � ,.... . ` �..._ «------"�. � i r ' �I, �.� - � """��"� -� � i ; 1 �� j i J. �O psr� O� G�C' �1��C? 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P UL CITY COUNCIL PU LI HEARING NOTICE ZONiNG To: Property Owners w thin 3 0 feet; Representatives o Plann ng District 15 FIL E N 0. 96 5 PAGE P U R P 0 S E To con ider an appeal of a resolution of the Boar o Zoning Appeal to sustain a determination of the Zoning Admi istrator that a height variance issued by City Council on Sept ber 29, 1983 r mains valid. LO�CATtON Northw st Corner of Ford Parkway and Finn PETITIONER DUANE OCIK H E A R I N G nes �:� �e�rua� �o, ��s� - �:�-��.� �3tv Co ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court Ho se Q U E S TIO N S oning 298-4154 (Fred Haider) ontact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Econom c evelop ent Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 5 W. 4 h Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 Le al escription: Lots 25-30, Block 8, St. Catherin 's Park Addition Notfce sent 2-$-$5 , F' - �- ���� � Gli� ��� �� � ���� �� , , ,�,,� ,�'�r �iw-� ��7 , ��`- ,�,,� �8 2 � . ,� �� ��� ,2/.,��5�. � !�.�.��'' �' . � • �'�% C� /��� . � ���'`�,�' , � ' ����. , !���t�� �/� � � S�"' � �� � � �-� �3:;? ��a�t;i ����i:H ^�i' �'j'� 1' ".-1 ra- �: a .j 1tt r::-. ,[ .}�,�.:;� 1 3 ,^' � e a.��+�. 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