86-1759 �NNITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO• � ���� BLUE - MAVOR C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 325REA.S, The Mayor, pursuan to Se tion 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify at there are available for appropria ion re nues in excess of those estimated in the 1986 udget; and WI�FAS, The Mayor recomme s the ollawing changes to the 1986 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FII�CING PLAN ----------- ------------ �----__� Dept. of Com�unity Servi es 325 Special Services -7299 Transfer from neral 125,000 +49,587 174,587 All Other Fund Finan ing 2,822,704 0 2,822,7U4 2,947,704 +49,587 2,997,291 SPEI�IDING PLAN 325 S�ecial Services 23111 Sp�cial Servic s-Admi istration -0111 Full Time Cert fied 107703 +2,638 110,341 23112 Special Servic s�olf -0111 Full Time Cert fied 468,831 +46,949 515,780 Al1 Other Fvnd Spenc7 q 2,20U,445 0 2,200,445 2,776,979 +49,587 2,826,566 1�T CHANC� +49,587 RESOLVID, That the City Co cil roves these changes to the 1986 budget. Financing is Avail e Approval Rec�nded r —_`' --- -- � -- Direct r of Finance B�dget Di r COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas DfeW Nays ,a;�;,, De artment of Comar�unit Services Rettman [n Favor - scneibel � Sonnen _ Agaltist BY Tedesw Wilson Adopted by Council: Date EC 3 O �956 Form Approve y City orney Certified Pa_s by ouncil Sec r BY BS' Q Appro y A�favor: Dat ��� — L 1�U� Approv y Mayo u 'ssion to Cou cil , By _ — P BL�S�i�O ��� 1 Q 19 8 7