86-1737 WHITE — C�TV GLERK PINK . — FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PAUL Council CANARV -'DEPARTMENT / e�y: — n,��nroR File NQ. (� —�� C u il Reso tion . , . � � / / ,,.- �`_.�e�.. ``' Presented By .`� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That after a hearing and consideration of the petition o the ort Authority, Finance File No. 23-1986 to vacate Pe nsylv nia Avenue from Sylvan to Jackson and Arch from Park to Ca itol Heights, all bounded by Park, Minn haha, Jackson and reh-Penn Highway, the City Council of the ity of Saint Pa 1 her by vacates and discontinues as a pu lic street, the pr perty more specifically described as follows : PARCEL NO 1 Pennsylva ia Av nue from the east line of vacated Sylva Street to the n rthwesterly line, (extended northeaster y) of Capito Heig ts . PARCEL NO 2 That par of Arch Street lying within the follo ing described line : Beginning on �he North line of aid Arch Stre t at the Southwest corner of Block 5, Fletch r' s Sub. of B ewste ' s Addition; thence S 0� 27 ' 44" E (assu ed bearing) along the Southerly extension of the East ine of Park Avenu 30 . 0 feet to the center line of aid Arch S-�re t; th nce S 89° 57 ' 26" E. 546 .31 feet along sa' d center 1 ' ne; hence continuing along said center ine S 89° 40 ' 0" E. 516 . 11 feet; thence N O� 19 ' 40" E. 30 . 0 feet to a poi t on the North line of said Arch Street dis ant 50 . 0 feet Weste ly of the intersection of the Northerly line of said reh S reet and the Northwesterly line of Cap ' tol Heights; thenc Westerly along �he North line of aid Arch Stre t to he point of beginning. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas pfeW Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Agaitlst BY Tedesco W ilson Form Ap ve by City Attor� Adopted by Council: Date ^ l_ / (C Certified Yassed by Council Secret ry BY � gy, Approved by Mavor: Oate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil By _ — BY - � . - . ��- ��3 7 Al1 of the eas ments in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, incl ding the right of removal of lateral support from s bject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavation hereo or construction of slopes in the grading of sai righ s-of-way lying within or adjacent to said vacated a ea. l . That the vacat ' on be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codi ied March 1, 1981 of the St. Paul Legislative Co e, as amended. 2 . That a permane t sew r easement be retained on behalf of the City of Sa' nt Pa 1 Department of Public Works within the vacated ar a of rch Street subject to the following restrictions: a. No buildin s, st uctures, or trees are permitted within the easeme t are , or any temporary structure, material storage, f ' xture or other objects that will prohibit normal acc ss to sewer facilities for maintenance purpos s . b. No change rom t e existing grade is permitted without written pe missi n from the Director of Public Works . c. No change ' n sur acing within the easement area is permitted ithou written permission from the Director of the Dep rtmen of Public Works. d. That the p titio er, its successors and assigns shall indemnify, defen and save harmless the City of Saint Pa 1, its office s, ag nts, employees and servants from all su' ts, actions or claim which shall arise from any injuries or damages re eived or sustained by any break in any servic pipe, or c nnect ' on in said reserved easement, arising o t of or resu ting rom any action or negligence of the petitioner its mployees, agents or business invitees . 3 . Based upon uti ity e sement Certificates of Intended Non-use filed voluntar ' ly on behalf of Northwestern Bell Telephone C mpany, Northern State Powe Company, the Water Utility, Continenta Cablevision, D ' stric Heating Development Company and Wester Union and made a par hereof by this refe_r�nce and filed in he office of the ity C erk of Saint Paul, the City for itself nd on behalf of t ese c rporations and departments waives the right to utili y eas ments in that portion of the vacated ar a, described as f llows : That part o Penn ylvania Avenue which lies East of the West line f Sylvan Street and West and North of th foll wing described lines : Commenci g at he Northwest corner of Section L �� 31, T29N, R22W; thence S 89 50 ' 17" E (assumed bearing) along the North line of the Northwest � �\�� quarter f sai Section 31 a distance of 1722 .17 � feet to he po' nt of beginning of the lines to be herein d scrib d; thence S O 12 ' 20" W 341.24 feet WHITE — CITV CIERK . � PINK s _FINANCE COUACII / � J y 9xLl.lFRV.— MMVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �y ��3� File N 0. � C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date to the N rth 1 ne of proposed street; thence S 89 49 ' 49" E along said proposed North line 560 . 65 feet, more or ess, o the West line of said Sylvan Street and ther term' nating. 4 . That the petit ' oner hall pay $500 . 00 administrative costs f r this vacation hich ' s due and payable within 60 days of the publication da e of his resolution. 5 . That the petit' oner, its successors or assigns, by acceptanc of the terms a d con itions of this vacation, agrees to indemnify, def nd an save harmless the Cityof Saint Paul, its officers a d emp oyees from all suits, actions or claims of any charact r bro ght as a result of injuries or damages received or su taine by any person, persons, or property on account of thi vaca ion including but not limited to a clai brought becaus of a y act of omission, neglect or misconduc of said petiti ner o because of any claims or liability arising from a y vio ation of any law or regulation made in accordance wit the aw whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or mploy es. 6 . That the petit ' oner hall within 60 days of the publication date of this r solut ' on file with the City Clerk an acceptan e in writing of he co ditions of this resolution and shall within the per ' od( s) specified in the terms and conditions o this resolutio comp y in all respects with these terms and conditions . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays �1°°'�� [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen __ Ag81[lst BY Tedesco Wilson DE 3 � �9a6 Form Ap oved by Ci Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s d Council Se r BY �� Bp Appr by :Navor: e — 2 1987 Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Cou cil By F��! HED .�.� "s 1 � 1987 , . , �-�,-��3 � ���T= o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL .~� ':�� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � �; �,� �"'�10�° �� �DWAtZD P. STAR , CITY ATTORNEY ��'!r ��e� st 647 City Hall, Sain Paul,Minnesota 55102 '`�s..� 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR December 19, 1 86 Albert B. Olso City Clerk Room 386 St. Paul, MN 5 102 RE: Vacating ennsy vania Avenue et al Dear Mr. Olson Enclosed plea e fi d the Council Resolution regarding the above, which you equested in your letter of December 11, 1986 . Please have the Finance Department double check the legal . Yours very tru y, JOHN B. McCORM CK Assistant City Attor ey JBMcC/mf enclosure ,.-, •�� . �> _�; , � r" r-�- c .� rr� v _ � , • �- r �_:� �� �t} ,