86-1736 WHITE - C�TV �LERK
Council Resolution ,,--��
� ,, /_
Presented By ' (�/
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committe By Date
Phalen Shores
WHEREAS, Lak Phalen Housing Limited Partnership has submitted the ttached
proposed fin 1 plat for City Council approval ; and
WHEREAS, the approp iate City departments have reviewed the propose final
WHEREAS, the propos d final plat has been determined to meet the re uirements
of Section 6 of th Zoning Code;
NOW, THEREFO E, BE T RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and a proves
this final p at for Phalen Shores.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas DfeW Na s �
�' In Favor nn` o
Rettman ' �^ . ,1/ `� ^
Scheibel � � � ���j/
Sonnen __ Ag81[1St BY -ZL/-�'�5��� j' . _�`'' 4�
Adopted hy Council: Date
D�C 3 O �I�S6 Form Approved y Cit torn
Certified •se Co n .il tar BY
Appr by ;Navor: at _ � 1987 Appro y ayo for Submi to o�cil
_ _ B
PU6lISHED J a N 1 0 198�
PED I DE PRRTMENT . �(,���/7 N� �5 9 9 9
Allan Czaia � CONTACT
228-3390 PHONE
12-5-86 � DATE . ��� ��
I4SSIGN NUhBER OR ROUTIN OR�R Cl i All Locations- for Si natur�e. :
Departn�n'C Di ector 3 Director of Manag nt/Mayor
� Finance and Nla�nageme t Servi ces Director � 5 Cit k -
Budget Direct�r Pe Reiche
� City Atto.rney 4 Counci erso lson
Rationale) :
F3na1 Plat A'proval of Pha en Shores.
Public Heari g was elrl on 12-4-86.
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; N/a �� �`��� RECEiVED N�'
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' , � �EC 142 :
ture nat re-
Total Amount of "Tran tion; quired if.und r
. � xio,000).
Funding Source:'
Activity Number�:
ATTACHMENTS List nd N er All Attac�nents ;
1. Staff re ort �
2.. Resolutio�i _
3. Public He'aring tice
4. Fina1 Pla�t
�Yes • No Coun�il Re lution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes: x No Insu ance quired Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insu�ance tached
� .
Revised 12/84 -
,, KnQw All Pecsons By These Prese ts : hat t�e Housing and Redevelopment Auth rity of the City of Sair
a "publ �c b8d� . co�porate and pol tic, ee owner. a�d �=,hat Lake Phalen Nousing �imited Partne�ship , a h
' partnership , contract purchaser , and the Minnesota Ho�sing Fina�ce Agency , m rtgagee , af trie foliowir
property situated in the City f Sai t Paul � Ramsey Cou�ty , Minnesota :
�h� e�st 366. b7 feet af t e we5 596.67 feet af Lhe south 627 .OQ feet a thP North�ast 1 / 4 of t�
Southwest 1 /4 of Section 1 . To nship 29 North . Range 22 West .
Hive Caused the same to be sur eyed , Q1atted end kao�n as PNA�EN SNORF5 and do hereby dedic�te t� th
use forev�r the utility and dr inage easements and t�e aYenue as shown on t e plat .
tn wftness �hereof � the Nousing and Redevelop�ent Autho�ity og the City of aint Paul � Minnesota . a
and� p�olitic , has caus�d these prese ts to be signed `by 1ts proper office th s _____�_ �dY �f ____..._._.__.____
fhP_ H U51 (tg dnc� RPd�VelOQmhni
City f Saint Raul � M9nnesot. a
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@8� ..t'!l�;pl�C ve y t e t�nc! t,he of the tiousfn� anci �tec
4 o�f"th�� C1:�y of Saint Pau , �nes ta , a pu lic bddy corpvrate an�t p� o���t c t�'e corpc�ration namt�cS in
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4 '`'`v�et: �i �gittd and seatpd tn be a�if o sald carporation by a�rEhority ot its Pl ard of Commissianers , anc3
�n� - ackno� edged said instrument �s bein� the free act A d �e�d of sai � corporatio�
_ _ _ � N o t a r y _P u��'1"i c �_— _-�._.__..
My Commi ss i on exp i re� ____..J__
ln vt�tneSS �rhereof . Lake P alen ousing li�nited Paftnershlp , a Minnesota lim�gt�d partnership , has c
to b� signed by 9ts prope� offfic this _ daY o __—_ ._----- --
� � � � La e Phal �n N�u� inc� l. imite�d ��
;,� ;:.
Richard A . ��ustad , �ner�
S�;�t'TE U'F MI�tNESOTA ) .
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�`.�" E4�3:{iTY 'OF �
�^ 7he toregoing instrument as ac nowledged before a�e tMis day of _� _._ • � y�
a � g�t��rri�l partne� of lake Phale Nousing l�mited Partnersh��, �a Minn��,n a~�'fi^m�tpci �►artners�iip , c�n �F
�� partnershlp.
; _ _` _ _.._____..___�_._._.___. ._______
. otary �u�c
� , y C�mmSssion expfrc�� __,____._..
In vtltneSS whereof , the 1nne5 t� Housing finance Ag�ncy , a pu� lic, bo�f_ cor�orate and pol � t � c c�f t1
` h�ts car�sed these present to b signeci thiS day of �y�Z •
__._.__.�_....• ___ .
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F�. ,l . °�c�ro , G�� r�ctor
� � � M�� 1 t i -#�dmi 1 y (��vt�l ra���n '
I , Gary L. Gabriel , fier by ce tlfy that I have surveyed �nd p3atte� he �r�pert� descriheci 1
piat as PHALEN SNORES ; hat t is pl,at is a c�rrect representation of s�id sur��y ; t�at a1i e
shown on the plat ; that all m nume:nts� have been corr�tLly placed in he grau�d as 5h�wn, tha
lines are correctly des gnate on the pl �t ; and Che�e are no wet ia� s ar pubi9c high�ay� �i
thereon .
�ary L . a r e * an
Minnesota Registratior
) ss .
The Surveynr ' s CertlfiGate w s subscrib�d and saorn to hefore me � a otary Public � this
.�a��n p�.�a b�e'T--
Notary Publ i c , ►�ennepf
My Commission expires
Approved �nd accepted y the C,1ty Councii of the City of Satnt Paul �
Minnesota this ay of , 19R6.
M a y o r _ __.._- - "�"1 e r k
7axes for the year 198 on 1 nd described herein paid . no delinquen taxes and transfet� ente
, 986 . .
. Director 8y
epartment o roperty axat on
Pursuan't to Chapter 7 , Minn sota Lavrs of 1916 , this plat has been r viewad anG approved this
2986 , and the conditi ns of Minnesota StaLutes , Sectlon '505. U3 , Sub tvision 2 � h,ave been ful
�'� • aYPao
� Acting Ramsey County S
County RecorQQ� . Coun y of amsey , State of Minnesota
I he�eDy certify that this lat af PNALEN SHORES was filed in this offic� tltis day of
at o " cl ock _____ m. an vras f i 1 ed 1 n Bor�k ��� of P1 ats , �a es anc7'�� ,
_ ._ � .___.�_ _..—. --.-
oh�n '�. McLaug�ifi�n , �C unty r.cardPr
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FILE #233
l. APPLICANT: Lake Phalen Hou ing Lim ted Partnership DATE OF HEARING: 12-4-86
2. LOCATION: 965-985 Ivy Aven e
5. STAFF INVESTIGATION A D REP T: DATE: 11-26-86 BY: Allan Czaia
___________________________ ______ _____________________________________________
A. PURPOSE: To consider the inal pla approval of Phalen Shores Addition. This plat is for
condominium project along ith a ap rtment rental project.
B. SITE & AREA CONDITION : Part f the old Gilette Hospital site near Lake Phalen.
North: Park
East: Park
South: Single-family Resid ntial
West: Park land then sing e-famil Residential
^ This site is under construc ion at t is time.
C. HISTORY: This site was ezoned rom R-3 to RM-3 on July 2, 1985. In 1985, variances w erc
granted by the Board of oning A peals to reduce side yard setbacks on the east and west
property line of this deve pment.
1. All the applicable pr visions f the Legislative Code are complied with.
2. The proposed subdi ision wi I not be detrimental to the present and potential surrou ding
land uses.
3. The area surround' g the s bdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and
compatibility with the pro osed subdivision.
4. The subdivision is in conf rmance with the Comprehensive Plan. A major objectiv of
District 5 Plan is he reus of the Giliette Children's Hospital, The Cities Housin plan
gives emphasis to develop ent of alternatives to single family detached homes wit in
neighborhoods th oughou the city. This proposal appears to be consistent with t at
5. The subdivision reserve and incorporates the site's important existing natural f atures
and Phalen Par , whene er possible. This development is preserving the west wi g of the
old Gillette Chi ren's spital. This building is a locally designated historic si .
6. All land intend d for U ilding sites can be used safely without endangering the esidents
by peril from f oods, er sion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditio s or other
7. The subdivisio can be economically served with public facilities and services.
E. STAFF RECOh1 NDAT ON: Based on the above findings, staff recommends ap roval of
Phalen Shores A dition t St Paul.
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10. 23 . 12a . 20
WHEREAS, Lake Phale Hous ng Limited Partnership, a Minnesota
limited partnership is he ow er and developer of property
legally described as fo lows :
The East 366 . 7 fee of the West 596 . 67 feet
� of the South 27 .00 feet of the Northeast 1/4
of the Southw st 1/ of Section 21 , Township
29 North, Ran e 22 est. Subject to Ivy
which property is bei g rep atted as follows:
Lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , Block 1 , Outlots A, B, C
Phalen Shor s, Ra sey County, Minnesota.
WHEREAS, the sit prov des insufficient public street
frontage to properly addre s the proposed apartment complex which
will contain fifty-t ree ( 3) units, and the proposed condominium
buildings which wil cont in approximately eight (8 ) and
eighty-five (85) re pecti ely, and
WHEREAS, Lake P alen ousing Limited Partnership plans to
provide vehicular a cess o the apartment complex and condominiu
building via a pri ate d ive so located and described on the
attached map, ther fore , be it
RESOLVED, that the p ivate drive shall hereafter be known an
designated by the ame P ALEN SHORES COURT and shall remain as
privately owned d ive , nd be it further
RESOLVED, tha the epartment of Public Works shall issue
house numbers for the a artment complex using PHALEN SHORES
COURT, as the designate street name , and be it further
RESOLVED, th t Lak Phalen Housing Limited Partnership ( th
Developer) and/o its uccessors in interest shall place and
maintain numbers on th apartment complex as provided by Chap er
71 of the St. P 1 Legislative Code , and be it further
RESOLVED, t at th developer and/or its successors in
interest shall ainta n and operate , at their own cost and
expense, the pr posed private drive in a clear and unobstruc ed
manner to prov 'de through access for all vehicular traffic,
including emer ency ervices vehicles; and be it further
RESOLVED, hat t e developer and/or its successors in
interest shall const uct and maintain at their own cost and
expense the n cessa y signing of the private drive , to be k own
as PHALEN SHO ES CO RT to the satisfaction of the Director f the
Department of Publi Works .
� � � ��-��-�
The East 366 67 fe t of the West 596 .67 feet
of the South 627 .0 feet of the Northeast 1/4
of the South est 1 4 of Section 21 , Township
29 North, Ra ge 22 West. Subject to Ivy
. . � ��' /r3,�
10. 23 . 12a. 19
Applicant also equests that the provisions of Sections
61 .101 di the Sain Paul Legislative Code be waived to allow a
reduction in the s tback from ' to ' on the north
property line of L t 2 P alen Shores, to ' on the South
property line of L t 2 , nd from ' to zero feet on the
north property lin of L t 1 ; to allow an increase in the maxim m
percent of a lot a ea oc upied by a main structure from 15� to
$ ; and, furth r, to allow an increase in the unit density n
Lot 2 to 53 reside tial nits with rooms.
,� � ��� /7��
10. 15 . 41 . 11
THIS DECLARATIO , mad this day of .
1986 , by Lake Phale Hou ing Limi ed Partnership, a Minnesot
limited partnership, herei after called "Declarant" .
WIIEREAS, Declara t is the owner of certain property locate
in the City of St. aul , Ramsey County, Minnesota described a
Lots 1, 2, 3 , a d 4 , Block 1 , and Outlots A,
B , and C , Phal n Shores , according to the
recorded plat thereof , Ramsey County,
( said Lots are som times hereafter together referred to as t e
"Phalen Shores Lots ) ; an
WHEREAS, Decla ant ntends that there will be construct d
upon the Phalen hores Lots improvements consisting of n
apartment building n Lo 2, a condominium building on Lot 1 a d
a condominium build ' ng o Lots 3 and 4 ; and
WHEREAS, it s ne essary and desirable that there e
established perpet al ea ements in the Phalen Shores Lots for he
benefit of the Ass ciati ns, and the Owners and Occupants of he
Phalen Shores Lots the Condominiums, and the Apartment Build ' ng
(all as below def ned) , all as more specifically set forth in
this Declaration, and hat there be established covenants nd
restrictions relating t such easements which shall be bind ng
upon the Associati ns a d all such Owners and Occupants so as to
provide for full nd ef icient use, enjoyment and maintenance of
improvements to be loca ed on the Phalen Shores Lots.
NOiqi, THEREFOR , the Declarant hereby declares that the Pha en
Shores Lots are, nd sh 11 be , held , transferred , sold , conveyed
and occupied , su ject o the easer�ents , covenants , conditi ns,
restrictions , ch rges and liens hereinafter set forth , which
shall be perpetu 1 , n twithstanding any law to the contr ry ,
shall run with th land and shall inure to the benef it of an be
� .binding on the As ocia ions , and the Owners and Occupants of the
Phalen Shores Lot , th Condominiums , and the Apartment Buil ing '
and all portions hereof .
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In addition to th wor s and phrases defined in the foregoing
recitals , the follo ing ords , when used in this Declaration
( unless the context shal prohibit ) shall have the following
"Apartment Build ng' m ans the residential apartment bvilding
to be constructed o the Apartment Building Lot, consisting o
approximately fifty three rental units, and any replacemen
building therefor fo the same uses.
"Apartment Buil ing ot' means Lot 2 of the Phalen Shore
'Association(s) mea s the Lot 1 Association and the Lots
and 4 Association.
"Condominium(s)' mea s the Lot 1 Condominium and the Lots 3
and 4 Condominium.
"Condominium L ts" m ans Lot 1 and Lots 3 and 4 .
'Declaration" eans his Declaration, including all Exhibi s
attached hereto, which Exhibits are incorporated herein y
reference and here y mad a part hereof.
'DriveWay Eas ment Areas" means the permanent drive ay
easements granted ' n Ar icle II , Sections 1 , 2 and 3 hereof .
'Easement Are s" me ns the Driveway Easement Areas as defi ed
"Lot 1" means Lot 1 of the Phalen Shores Lots.
'Lot 1 Associ tion" means the nonprofit corporation forme or
to be formed for the urpose of governing and administering the
Lot 1 Condominiu , the members of which are or will be Owner of
Units in the Lot 1 Con ominium.
' Lot 1 Cond mini ' means the residential condomi ium
building to be c nstr cted on Lot 1 , consisting of approxima ely
,eight ( 8 ) residenti 1 units and any replacement buil ing
thereEor for the same r similar uses . '
"Lot 3' mean Lot 3 of the Phalen Shores Lots .
' Lot 3 and 4 As ociation" means the nonprofit corpor tion
formed or to be f rmed for the purpose of governing and
administering t e Lot 3 and 4 Condominium, the members of hich
are or will be wners of Units in the Lot 3 and 4 Condominiii .
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"Lot 3 and 4 Con omin' " means the residential condominium
building to be construc ed on Lots 3 and 4 consisting of
approximately eigh y-fiv (85 ) residential units an
approximately eighty five 85 ) underground garage units, and an
replacement buil6ing there or for the same uses.
'Lot 4' means Lo 4 of the Phalen Shores Lots.
'MHPA' means th Minn sota Housing Finance Agency, a publi
body corporate and liti of the State of Minnesota.
'Occupant' in he ca e of the Condominiums or Condomini m
Lots means ( i) the wner f an entire Condominium and Condomini m
Lot (as long as an Owne as defined herein) and the employee ,
invitees, licensee , age ts, contractors of , and other perso s
authorized by, such Owner (while such an Owner) to enter upon a y
part of a Condomini m or Condominium Lot , and ( ii ) the Owner of a
Unit ( as long as a Owne as defined herein) and members of he
household of an Ow er o unit , and employees , guests , invite s ,
tenants , agents , 1 ' cense s , and contractors of , and other pers ns
authorized by, an Assoc ' ation or an Owner of a Unit , to en er
upon any part of Cond minium or Condominium Lot; "Occupant" in
the case of the partm nt Building or Apartment Building ot
means the tenants, emp oyees , invitees , licensees, agents nd
contractors of , a d oth r persons authorized by, an Owner of the
Apartment Buildin or A artment Building Lot , to enter upon any
. part of the Apart ent B ilding or Apartment Building Lot.
"Outlot A" me ns Ou lot A of the Phalen Shores Lots.
'Outlot B" me ns Ou lot B of the Phalen Shores Lots .
"Outlot C" me ns 0 tlot C of the Phalen Shores Lots .
'Owner" mean the person or persons, or entity or enti ies ,
including Declar nt , w ose estates or interests, individual y or
collectively, fr m ti e to time , aggregate fee simple abs lute
ownership of : ( i) th Apartment Building and Apartment Bui ding
Lot , or any pa t th reof ; or ( ii ) an entire Condominiu and
Condominium Lot until the declaration creating a legal cond min-
ium thereof pu suant to Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 515 , is
filed or recor ed in the appropriate office in Ramsey C unty,
Minnesota, to g ' ve co structive notice thereof , at which ti e the
term Owner sha 1 no longer mean or include those owni g the
. entire Condomin ' um a d Condominium Lot but , in relation o the
Condominium sha 1 ha e the meaning in ( iii ) of this defin' tion; '
or ( iii ) a Uni ( aft r such filing or recording of such de lara-
tion) , includi g a v ndee under a contract for deed in a Condo-
minium , but e cludi g contract for deed vendees who ar also _
contract for eec� v ndors of the same Unit in which th y are
contract for d ed ve dees .
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'Party" or "Parti s" me ns ( i) an Association ( from and after
the time the term wner means the Owner of a Unit in such
condominium) ; ( ii ) he 0 ner of an entire Condominium and
Condominium Lot tas long as an Owner as defined herein) ; and
( iii ) the Owner of t e Apa tment Building and Apartment Building
'Residential Dwe ling' means a Unit or a residential rental
living unit intende for use and occupancy as a single-famil
residence. A Resid ntial Dwelling shall be deemed to exist o
the earlier of ( i) the ate of actual occupancy thereof by a
Owner or lessee ther of o ( ii) the date the City of St. Paul ha
issued a certificate of o cupancy covering the same.
"Unit' means res dential unit as established in t e
condominium declara ion p rtaining to a Condominium.
Section 1. D ive`+a Easement over Outlot A for Benefit of
Lot 1 Condominium nd L ts 3 and 4 Condominium. There is her by
created, and ther shal exist in, on, over and under Outlo A
for the use by a d ben fit of the Owner and Occupants of he
Condominiums and Cond minium Lots , and appurtenant to he
Condominiums and Cond minium Lots , a nonexclusive perpet al
easement for ve icle and pedestrian ingress and egress nd
parking .
Section 2. rivew Easement over Outlot B for Benefi of
Lot 1 Condominium and ots 3 and 4 Condominiwn. There is he eby
created , and the e sh 11 exist in, on, over and under Outl t B
for the use by a d be efit of the Occupants of the Condomin ums
and Condominium ots a d appurtenant to the Condominiums and the
Condominium Lots a n nexclusive perpetual easement for vehicle
and pedestrian i gress and egress and parking .
Section 3. Drive a Easement over Outlot C for Benef ' t of
Lots 3 and 4 Co domi ium. There is hereby created , and here
shall exist in on , over and under Outlot C for use b and
benefit of the Occu ants of the Lot 3 and 4 Condominiu and
Lots 3 and 4 an app rtenant to the Lot 3 and 4 Condominiu and
. Lots 3 and 4 , a none clusive perpetual easement for vehicl and
pedestrian ingr ss an egress and parking .
Section 4 . Use of Drivewa Easement Areas. The Dr veway
Easement Areas are f r common driveway purposes and ingre s and
egress of vehi les a d pedestrians and parking and for no other
purposes. Ing ess nd egress shall be permitted only up n the
paved driveway wit . in the Driveway Easement Areas and packiny
shall be permi ted nly in designated parking places. A1 such
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use shall be subje t to the right of the Parties to enact
reasonable rules and regul tions for the �se and enjoyment of the
Driveway Easement Ar as .
Section 5. Exte t of se. The Easement Areas shall be use
strictly in accorda ce w th the easements granted herein. N
Owner or Occupant s all o struct or interfere whatever with th
rights and privileg s of other Owners or Occupants, and nothin
shall be planted, a tered , constructed upon or removed from th
Easement Areas.
Section 1. Ma' tena ce, Re air and Re lacement. The Parti s
shall be responsib e for the exclusive management and control f
the Easement Area and all improvements thereon , if any , and
shall keep the s me i good , clean , attractive and sanit ry
condition, order a d rep ir. The Parties shall jointly mainta n,
repair and repla e or cause to be maintained , repaired . nd
replaced the impr vemen s located within the Easement Areas in
good and servicea le co dition, fit for their intended use, nd
in compliance wi h th laws and ordinances of all applica le
governmental jur sdict ons , including , but not limited to,
removal of snow a d ice and the maintenance of utilities loc ted
within the Easeme t Ar as ( to the extent such utilities are not
maintained by the utili y concerned) .
Section 2. O erat'n and Maintenance Ex enses.
(a) The Parties hall pay all operating and mainten nce
expenses relati g to the Easement Areas in proportion to the
ratio that the umber of existing Residential Dwellings on the
Phalen Shores L t of such Party bears to the total number of
existing Residen ial D ellings on all of the Phalen Shores L ts.
( b) "Opera ing nd maintenance expenses" shall mea all
expenses attrib table to the Easement Areas , including , wi hout
limitation, rea esta e taxes , and all other governmental c arges
against the Ea emen Areas of any kind or nature whatso ver ,
general or special , ' nsurance premiums for hazard and lia ility
insurance rolic es i amounts deemed reasonable by the Pa ties ,
� . all expenses f r the repair, maintenance and replacement f the
Easement Areas s des ribed in Article III , Section 1 hereo ; and'
all other cos s of any kind whatsoever associated wi li the
operation of t e Eas ment Areas.
( c) On or befo e January 1 of each year , the Partie shall
mutually agree on a udget reflecting the estimated operat ng and
maintenance e pense for the next one-year period f r the
Easement Areas , together with the reasonable amount consid red to
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be necessary for r serv s for such things as maintenance ,
alterations and imp ovem nts , reconstruction and repair , and
emergencies. The P rties shall each contribute their share of
such expenses , as determ ned in accordance with Article III ,
Section 2( a) hereof , �n a monthly or other regular basis as ma
be agreed upon. Th fail re of the Parties to prepare a budge
as described above hall not constitute a waiver or release i
any manner of the Par ies'' obligation to pay assessments
whenever the same s all b determined , and in the absence of an
annual budget, each Part shall continue to pay assessments a
the then existing ate u til such Party has received notice of
the new assessment.
Section 1. L d an Buildin Restrictions and Covenants n
Lot 1 for Benefit o t e A artment Buildin . There is here y
created, and the e sh 11 exist forever, land and building
covenants and rest ictio s on Lot 1 for the benefit of the Ow er
of the Apartment B ildi g and the Apartment Building Lot and he
MHFA, or its succe sors nd assigns during any time that there is
a mortgage or oth r enc mbrance on Lot 2 in favor of the MH A,
its successors o ass ' gns , which covenants and restricti ns
subject Lot 1 to t e fo lowing limitations:
1 . All new bui dings, structures , or fixtures or
improveme ts or alterations thereto, constructed on L t 1
shall be ocat d twenty-five or more feet south of the
northerly prope ty line of Lot 1 .
2. All new bui dings , structures , or fixtures or
improveme ts or alterations thereto, constructed on L t 1
shall n t ex eed twenty-six ( 26 ) feet in he ght
calculat d in ccordance with the ?.oning Ordinance, ity
of Saint aul , Minnesota.
The aforemention d cov nants and restrictions shall not apply to
any structures e istin on Lot 1 as of October 17 , 1986 .
Section 2. and a d Buildin Restrictions and Covenants on
Lot 4 for the ee efit f the A artment Buildin . There is h reby
, created , and the e shall exist forever , land and building
covenants and re •trictions on Lot 4 f�r the benefit of the O ner '
of the Apartment Buil ing and the Apartment Building Lot and the
MHFA, or its suc esso s and assigns , during any time that tl� re
is a mortgage o oth� encumbrance on Lot 2 in favor oE the HFA,
its successors r ass ' gns , which covenants and restrictions
subject L�t 4 t the ollowing limitations :
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1 . No structure , imp ovements , or buildings shall be
constructed n the easterly seventy (70 ) feet of Lot 4 .
2 . No structure , imp ovements , or buildings shall be
constructed n all of Lot 4 , except the easterly seventy
(70 ) feet th reof , except that a parking lot and
improvements inci ental thereto, including but not
limited to lighti g , landscaping , paving and electrical
outlets may be co structed on Lot 4 , except the easterly
seventy (70) feet thereof.
Section 1. Rul s an Re ulations. The Parties shall have
the power to mutual y ad pt rules and regulations governing the
use of the Easemen` Area , including , without limitation,
regulations relati g to he direction of vehicular traffic and
designation of par ing s aces.
Section 2. Se erabi it . Invalidation of any one of the
covenants or restr ction contained herein by judgments or cou t
order shall in no ay af ect any other provision which shall
remain in full for e an effect.
Section 3. fault If any Party defaults in any obligat 'on
hereunder which c n be ured by the payment of moneys , and suc
default is not cu ed wi hin thirty ( 30 ) days after written notice
thereof is given o suc defaulting Party by any other aggrie ed
Party, or if any arty efaults in any other obligation in th ' s
Declaration and s ch de ault continues for thirty ( 30 ) days a ter
written notice th reof ' s given to such defaulting Party by a y
other aggrieved p rty, (or if such default is of a kind that
cannot with reaso able iligence be cured in thirty ( 30 ) days but
can be cured , the suc thirty ( 30 ) day period shall be exten ed
for the period re sona ly necessary to cure the default as lo g
as reasonable ef orts re being made to cure the default) , th n
any aggrieved Pa ty, a ter additional notice given to the
defaulting Party may xercise any one or more of the remedi s
set out in Artic e IV, Section 4 hereof .
Section 4. emedi s; Waiver. Upon the occurrence of a
default under Se tion 3 hereof , and the expiration of any pe iod
. to cure, without a cu ing of such default , any aggrieved Par y
may exercise one or m re of the following remedies : '
( i ) c re th default of any defaulting Party and charge
the cost t ereof including reasonablP fees of expert and
attorneys , o the c�ef�ulting Party , and all such costs shall
be payabte n dem n�; and
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( ii) specifi enf recement, injunctive relief , damages,
or any other reme y av ilable at law or in equity.
Any action seeking o e or ore forms of relief shall not be a bar
to an action at the same r subsequent time seeking other forms
of relief nor to th fil ' ng and enforcing of a Lien Notice as
provided in Article V, Section 5 hereof . The costs of any suc
action, including r asona le attorneys ' fees of the prevailin
Party or Parties , hall be paid by the Party or Parties no
prevailing. Any de ay i realizing , or failure to realize, o
any remedy herein f r a d fault hereunder shall not be deemed
waiver of that defa lt o any subsequent default of similar o
different kind, and no w iver of any right or remedy hereunde
shall be effective unles in writing and signed by the perso
against whom the wa 'ver i claimed.
Section 5. Li n Not ce; Foreclosure. Any moneys due fr m
any Party hereun e s a constitute a ien on the property f
the Party owing suc mone s and on any proceeds received or to e
received by such Pa ty fr m insurance maintained pursuant to th s
Declaration, and on any a ard or proceeds from taking by, or sa e
under threat of , e inent domain. For purposes of this Sectio ,
if the Party owing such oneys is a condominium association, t e
interest of all Ow ers o all Units in that condominium shall e
subject to such 1 en i the same proportion each Unit shar s
common expenses of the ssociation, and the Lien Notice herein-
after described ma be f led against each such Unit, and enfor ed
against each such Unit , in the manner below provided. The 1 ' en
shall be effective from the date of recording of the Lien Not ce
hereinafter descri ed . Upon such recording , such lien shall be
superior and prior to al other liens and encumbrances thereaf er
encumbering the i teres of the Party or Unit Owner owing s ch
moneys in and to he p operty involved , except only for gene al
taxes and special asse sment liens, and assessments for com on
expenses of a con omini m levied by a condominium association to
the extent made rior y any applicable statute, but such ien
shall not be supe ior a d prior to any liens and encumbrance of
record as of the recor ing of such Lien Notice, or any rene al ,
extension or mo ific tion of such prior recorded liens and
encumbrances . To evi ence such lien , the Party to whom uch
moneys are owed hall prepare a written notice ( "Lien Noti e" )
setting forth:
( i) th amo nt owing and a brief statement oE the
nature there f ;
( ii ) id ntifi ation of the property, or por ions
thereof , to hich he payments relate;
( iii ) th ►�am of the Party or reputed Party or Unit
Owner or reputed Unit Owner , owning the property or Unit
involved ; an
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( iv) refere ce to this Declaration as the source and
authority for suc lie .
The Lien Notice sha 1 be signed and acknowledged by the Part
desirin� to file th same and shall be recorded in the appro
priate records of R msey County, Minnesota , and , if necessary
the State of Minnesota. A copy of such Lien Notice shall b
mailed in the manner prov 'ded in Article IV, Section 7 hereof t
the Party or repute Par y or Unit Owner or reputed Unit Owne
owning the property or U i.t to which the lien attached , withi
thirty ( 30 ) days a ter such recording . Any such lien may b
enforced by judicia fore losure upon the property, or portion
thereof, or Unit, t whic the lien attached , in like manner as a
mortgage on real pr perty is judicially foreclosed under the la s
of the State of Min esota In any foreclosure , the Party or Un' t
Owner against whose prop rty the lien is being foreclosed sha 1
be required to pay the c sts, expenses and reasonable attorney '
fees in connection with the preparation and filing of the Li n
Notice as provided erein, and all costs, expenses and reasonab e
attorneys' fees in conne tion with the foreclosure . Any add '-
tional amounts owi g un er this Declaration which are unpai ,
during such a fore losur proceeding may be added as a claim in
the foreclosure pr ceedi g by an amendment of the complaint in
foreclosure. The Party filing such Lien Notice shall have he
right to bid on t e pr perty sold pursuant to the foreclos re
proceeding , and , i part payment thereof , may set off the amo nt
determined by suc proc eding to be due to the bidding Par y,
with interest an costs , if any . Any lien which beco es
effective pursuant to t is Section prior to termination of t is
Declaration shal sur ive and continue as a lien upon he
property subject the eto even after termination of is
Section 6. Esto el Certificate. Each Party he eby
severally covenan s tha upon written request , from time to t me,
of any other Pa ty , it will issue an Estoppel Certifi ate
stating :
( i) wh the r the Party to whom the request has een
directed kno s of any default by the requesting Party under
this Declaration , nd if there ere known defaults , specifying
the nature t ereof ,
( ii) wh ther , to the Party' s knowledge , this Declar tion
� has been mod fied r amended in any way ( and if it has , then
stating the ature thereof ) ; '
( iii) hat , o the Party' s knowledge , this Declar tion
as of that date s in full force and etfect , or if no , so
stating ;
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( iv) the na ure nd extent of any setoffs , claims or
defenses then be ' ng as erted or otherwise known by the Party
against enforcem nt o such Party' s obligations hereunder;
(v) such o her m tters as may reasonably be required.
Such statement shall act s a waiver of any claim by the Part
furnishing it to t e ex ent such claim is based upon fact
contrary to those as erted in the statement and to the extent th
claim is asserted a ainst a bona fide encumbrancer or purchase
for value without k owled e of facts contrary to those containe
in the statement, a d wh has acted in reasonable reliance upo �
the statement; howe er, s ch statement shall in no event subjec
the Party furnishin it to any liability whatsoever, notwith
standing the neglig nt o otherwise inadvertent failure of suc
Party to disclose c rrect and/or relevant information.
Section 7. G vin of Noti�es. All notices, demand ,
statements and req ests required or permitted to be given r
served under this eclar tion shall be in writing and shall e
deemed to be effect ve an to have been properly given or serve ,
whether received o not, on the third ( 3rd) business day aft r
depositing the sam in he United States mails, addressed to a
Party , postage pr paid , registered or certified mail , retu n
receipt requested, at th addresses set forth below. Rejecti n
or other refusal t acc pt, or the inability to deliver becau e
of changed address of wh ch no notice was given, shall be dee d
to be receipt of he no ice, demand , statement or request. At
such time as any P rty t ansfers its respective property so as to
create a new Party each such new Party shall send notice to he
other Parties of t e nam and address to which notice to that ew
Party shall be se t. U til such time as a new Party sends s ch
notice, the prior arty ho made such transfer shall be deemed to
be the agent for s ch ne Party for purposes of giving or servi ce
of notices.
Addresses of t e Pa ties hereto are as follows:
In the case f th Owner of the Apartment Building nd
Apartment Buildin Lot :
Lake Pha en Ho sing Limited Partnership
c/o Brig ton D velopment Corporation
Suite 40 Butl r North
� 510 Firs Aven e North �
Minneapo is , M 55403
In the case f the Owner of Condominiums and the Condomi ium
Lots :
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Brighton De elopm nt Cor�oration
Suite 408 B tler orth
510 First A enue orth
Minneapolis MN 55403
In the case of t e As ociations :
Brighton D velop ent Corporation
Suite 408 utler North
510 First venue North
Minneapoli , MN 55403
Any party shall have th right , from time to time and at a y
time, upon at least thirt ( 30 ) days prior written notice there f
in accordance with the p ovisions herein, to change its respe -
tive address and t spec fy any other address; provide , howeve ,
notwithstanding an thing herein contained to the contrary, ' n
order for the notic of ddress change to be effective it must e
actually be receiv .
Section 8. Co sent r A ronal. Except as may otherwise be
specifically provi ed h rein, w enever in this Declaration he
consent or appro al of any Party is expressly or implie ly
required or requested , such consent or approval shall not be
unreasonably wit held or delayed . If any such consent or
approval is withhe d or elayed by a Party and there is a disp te
as to its reasona lenes , the sole and exclusive remedy of he
other Party or Pa ties shall be declaratory judgment, mandat ry
injuction or spec ' fic p rformance , but no money damages shall be
claimed or paid.
Section 9. S'n ul r and Plural. Whenever required by the
context of this Dec a ation , t e singular shall include the
plural , and vice vers , and the masculine shall include the
feminine and neut r gen ers, and vice versa.
Section 10. Ne at on of Partnershi . None of the term or
provisions of t is D c aration shall be deemed to crea e a
partnership bet een r among the Parties or Owners in t eir
respective busi esses or otherwise , nor shall such term or
provisions cause hem o be considered joint venturers or mem ers
of any joint ent rpris . No Party or Owner shall have the right
to act as an age t for another Party unless expressly autho ized
to do so herein or by separate written instrument signed by the
� . Party or Owner t be c arged . �
Section 11 . Not a Public Dedication. Nothing h rein
contained shall e de med to be a gift or declaration of a 1 or
any portion of t e imp ovements located on the Phalen Shores Lots
or easernents he eby c eated , or portions thereof , to the ge eral
public .
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Section 12. Am ndmen s. This Declaration may be amended
only by an instrume t sig ed by all of the Parties without the
consent or approval f te ants of the Apartment Building or any
other person.
Section 13. E force ent b Associations; Authorit of
( a) Only a P rty ay enforce the provisions of thi
Declaration. No Ow er of a Unit shall have the right to enforc
any provision of th s Declaration; but any right of enforcemen
by an Owner of a U it s all be exercised , if at all , by th
association of whic such owners are members acting through it
officers and board f dir ctors.
( b? An Associa ion, acting through its respective officer
and board of direc ors, hall represent all Owners of Units i
the Condominium gov rned by that association, and shall act f
all such owners, a d may be the act of such Association, acti g
through their offi ers a d board of directors , take all actio ,
including executio and delivery of documents, required r
permitted of it he eunder, and such action shall be binding n
all Owners in that ssoc ' ation.
Section 14. inim' zation of Dama es . In all situatio s
arising out of is Dec aration, all Parties, Owners a d
Occupants shall ttemp to avoid and minimize the damag s
resulting from the cond ct of that, and any other, Party, Own r
or Occupant. Each Party hereto shall take all necessary measur s
to effectuate the rovis ons of this Declaration.
Section 15. A reeme t Shall Continue Notwithstandin Brea h.
It is expressly a reed that no breach of this Declaration sh 11
entitle any Part or wner to cancel , rescind or otherw ' se
terminate this De larat on. However, such limitation shall ot
affect in any ma ner ny other rights or remedies which s ch
Party may have he eund r, or at law or in equity, by reason of
any such breach.
Section 16 . None clusive Easements . The Parties her to
understand and gree that those rights and easements her by
granted and crea ed w ich are nonexclusive are subject to the
right of any Part whos property is subject to such nonexclu ive
. easement to use hat Party' s property for similar or dissim lar
uses and purpose ; pr vided , however , that such uses shall be�
subject to the rior and s�i�erior rights and easements he eby
granted and crea ed .
Section 17 . Arb' tration. All questions , differen es,
disputes or cont oversies arisin� hereunder shall be settle by
arbitration in ccord nce with the then existiny rules of the
American Arbitr tion Association . Such arbitration shal be
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conducted at the re uest of any Party before three arbitrator
(unless the disputin Part ' es agree to one arbitrator) designate
as follows : the Par y req esting the arbitration shall designat
in writing , within f ' ftee ( 15 ) days �f such request, the name o
an arbitrator who is a member of the American Arbitratio
Association and kn wledg able in the issues being arbitrated
Each of the other d sputi g Parties who are on the same side i
the dispute shall ake similar designation within the sam
period of time. Wi hin t enty ( 20 ) days after the designation a
aforesaid, the ar itrat rs so designated shall select an
designate one additional arbitrator knowledgeable in the issue
being arbitrated. n the event the arbitrators designated by t e
Party or Parties are unable to agree upon an addition 1�
arbitrator, then th addi ional arbitrator shall be designated y
the Chief Judge of the istrict Court of Ramsey County as so n
thereafter as possi le. majority of the arbitrators designat d
and acting under th' s De laration shall make the award; provide ,,
however, if a majo ity f the arbitrators cannot agree upon t e
award , then the ecisi n of the arbitrator chosen by tho e
selected by the artie , or by the said Chief Judge , sha 1
control . Any suc awar shall be binding upon the Parties a d
enforceable by a y c urt exercising jurisdiction over e
Parties . Each P rty involved in the arbitration shall bear
equally the expen e of arbitration proceedings conducted he e-
under ( other tha wit ess fees and attorneys ' fees ) . 11
arbitration proc eding hereunder shall be conducted in he
Minneapolis-St. Pa 1 met opolitan area .
Section 18. C tio s. The captions herein are inserted o ly
for reference , an in n way define , limit or describe the sc pe
of this Declarati n, or the meaning of any provision hereof .
Section 19. Liber 1 Construction. The provisions of t is
Declaration shal be liberally construed to effectuate its
purposes of creat ' ng a uniform plan for the owner and opera ion
of a first-cla s g ouping of residential apartment and
condominium build ngs . Specifically and irrevocably, the Par ies
and the Owners an Occu ants , and the successors, assigns, he rs,
and personal rep esent tives of any or all of them hereby w ive
and give up any right to contest or challenge the easeme ts ,
restrictions , c enan s , and conditions set forth in his
Declaration for r ason based solely on the passage of time.
Section 20. Mut al Best Interests. Not all matters
, governing the re ations between the Parties have been set forth
herein. It is the i tention that all of the easements h reby
created and granted re to be used and operated in a manner
consistent with the est interests of all Parties , Owners and
Occupants . To his nd , whenever a matter arises which i not
covered by this eclar tion, such matter will be resolved ► t the
extent possible , in a manner which will be in the best inte ests
of all Parties , Owne s and Occupants and not for the sp cial
benefit of any arty or particular Owners or Occ�pants or �lass
of Owners or Occ pant. . �
" - 13 -
. ���� � ,
Section 21. Err rs. Wherever a question arises as to the
rights or obligations o an Party, Owner or Occupant herein, and
such question arise due to an error in the Declaration , the
Parties agree to amen thi Declaration to correct such error.
The easements he eby ranted , declared and created, and th
provisions hereof, s all b perpetual and shall run with each an �
all of the Phalen S ores Lots and every part thereof , withou
regard to technica cla sification or designation , legal o
otherwise, and be b' nding upon, to the fullest extent permitte
by law and equity , and shall inure to the benefit of , and b
enforceable as pro ided herein by the Parties, Owners an
Occupants and their respe tive heirs , administrators, successor
and assigns, and all resent and future owners, lessees
occupiers and enc mbran ers of the Apartment Building an
Condominiums and Pha en S ores Lots and every part thereof.
IN WITNESS W8E OF, clarant has caused this Declaration t
be executed as of t e dat first above written.
a Minnesota Limited Partnership .
A Minnesota Corporation,
General Partner
Ric ard A. Brustad, President
Linda Donaldson, Vice-Preside t
David D. Lucas
General Partner
� - 14 -
��� -/ `��"
Margaret E. Lucas
General Partner
Keith Donaldson
General Partner
Lin a Dona son
General Partner
B .
Richard A. Brustad
General Partner
) ss .
The foregoing ' nstru ent was acknowledged before me this
day of , 1986, by Richard A. Brustad and Li da
Donaldson, Preside t and Vice-President , respectively, of
� Brighton Developme t Cor oration, a Minnesota corporation, whi h
corporation is a g neral partner in Lake Phalen Housing Limite
Partnership, a Min esota Limited Partnership, on behalf of sai
corporation and on behal of said partnership.
Notary Public
) s .
The foregoing instr ment was acknowledged before me this
day of , 1986 , by David D. Lucas, Marg ret
E. Lucas , Keith D nalds n, Linda Donaldson , and Richard A.
Brustad , General artners , on behalf of Lake Phalen Housing
Limited Partnersh' p, a innesota Limited Partnership.
Notary Public
Harstad & Rainbo
1036 Norwest Mid and B ilding
� Minneapolis, MN 55401
- 15 -
_.� - � � � -� �
:�_���:�u�u�n �� �_____�_�_�__�_________���---- ___
PROJECT NAME Phalen Shor s
DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT See Site Plan for Phalen Shores
APPLICANT I�ke Phalen Hous' Limi ed Partners�OMPANY Bri hton Develo�azt Corpo ation
408 Butler North 510 F' st Avenue N.
ADDRESS Miru�ea lis N�1 (ZIP) 55403 PHONE 332-5664
LOT SPLIT PLAT: Prelim nary Final Combined x
RLS (4 or Fewer Tracts) RLS (Five or More Tracts)
P 1 Hous' Limi artnership
cy�-- Gener 1 Partner ; � . , \ : , .
FEE PAID E � ' CITY AGENT ,/. / . �.• , ���:��:
/ �
ssszssa:ss:s:ssss::zssssas :a=sa: a=s:a=ezaa==zas�ST.LT�T.=II=S=TEiCaT.lLT'iTaLfLlTL=az asxr:c_c
�,� TAX MAP ~ '�
PLANS DISTRIBUTED v �' '� ' � RETURN BY ' /` �` (;
(contin e on back)
s=sssssssss:s�sssss:ssss ssss:: iiiiLOi!=!!C!Sl3LL3iSi6lLia=lLLSS!!C'Si!!al=L=S sz�=:sas==
Legal Notice Published
City Council Hearing 7/1/85
Date Approved/Denied
-� . . � . ��--�� �� ,
sssssa:ssssss:asssass:sszs sssss zzzsssssssssssz:ssssssssss�ss:ss:ssssaaz�_= srssas
PROJECT NAME Phalen Shor s
DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT See ite P an for Phalen Shores
APPLICANT Lake Phalen Hous' Limi ed Part�zersrCOt�ANY Bri hton Develogrent Corpor tion
408 Butler North - 510 Fi st Avenue N.
ADDRESS Mirinz� lis MN (ZIP) 55403 PHONE 332-5664
LOT SPLIT _ PLAT: Prelim nary Final Combined x
RLS (4 or Fewer Tracts) RLS (Five or More Tracts)
Lak P 1 Hous' Limi artnership
-r- er Partner ; , - ° . .
FEE PAID S � CITY AGENT 'C� �'.- �.�";
, i
ssss:ss:sscs:ssss::sa:::aa aseaas sss=ssssaassassssasssa=:srsacaassac=zssazsss=:s sss=ssa
. �� . �-- C.t
PLANS DISTRIBUTED v� - ' RETURN BY � '' `� %' �-
REVIEWED BY a-+-� ,�I i CQM""ENTS f ►� i '
cl�� a.� a. e. e s e ���a( - ,-�
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Legal Notice Published
City Council Hearing 7/1/85
Date Approved/Denied
�;,c-�- � 3�
Plat Review # J Planning
District �
Project Name ��(�_= ^ � Land Use Map 1
Zoning �y� r�
History � � S
� r
C��;r�l�j: „ e c�
REVIEW � reiimin ry � Final Comments
Sent � Re 'd Sent Rec'd
Building Department
Fire Department ��^ -- �`
Sewer Engineer (l^-� C
Water Dept. i ( C` (' �
----- i - -; ' �
� �
Traffic �� � _ �� � � /�_/; r �� ; � - i. ,, i;����1�.
Maintenance I � �; . �
Publi� Works ,� 3 r
Planning/Zoning �� ;�;
Planning District I �� 3u
Return by r `______ ! `� t Division of Planning, 1100 City Hall Annex.
�,��� 7_3�
� s
Plat Review �l �� Plar�ning District
Project Name Ci �f = / ^' c' _ Land Use Map �
Zoning V`�r�'� —
History ��r � � �
�'prv,b� ^ ` ��
REVIEW relimin ry � Final Comments
Sent Re 'd Sent Rec'd
Buildi�g Department
Fire DeE�artment (( —. �`
Sewer Engineer ���^ C
b!ater Gept. � C` � .
� �
Traffic �� � _ �i
Maintenance � �� C
/�C'�f-Gv't� :u,:�4• �-CStrvp'�� ✓�J CG..ir�v��n`
Public Works � (? 3 n . .�,.5e �� t:,kz E o�,���s . ,..-��, ��
Planning/Zoning `e 5�;
Planning District I ��;� 50
Return by �= � =_lZ f_ _ t Division of Planning, I100 City Hall Annex.
� _ _ -----__
--_____.___—_---_ .,
l� ����
. :�:
November 14 , 198
T0: Larry angs
1100 C ' ty Ha 1
FROM: Edwar B. Heinen
Assis ant F ' re Chief
SUBJECT: Site lan # 33
Phale Shor s
965 - 985 I y Ave.
We, the Departm nt of Fire and Safety Services have
reviewed your p ans a d have no objections at this
Inspected by: . Bae enwald
istri t Chief
' ° 73��
� �- � C��_ .
sssssazssssss:saasssssszsza zssss ssssassaz:srzss�sssssasssssssss:=s�-�ss sasza=
PROJECT NAME Phalen Shor s
DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT See ite P an for Phalen Shores
APPLICANT Lake Phalen Hous' Limi ed PartnersY�OMPANY Bri hton Develo�arent Corpor tion
408 Butler North - 510 Fi st Avenue N.
ADDRESS Minnea lis N� (ZIP) 55403 PHONE 332-5664
LOT SPLIT PLAT: Preliminary Final Combined x
RLS (4 or Fewer Tracts) RLS (Five or More Tracts)
Lak P 1 Hous� Limit artnership DATE � Z
r -- G�S�-- GE11E'S 1 P3�'tI1Px ' - ' � i. � . .
. FEE PAID S � . ' CITY AGENT ����� � . � �•:�";
r :
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� 4;�-;. . . ~ `�
PLNG DIS7 = LAND U E " ZONING i�►�,� _� HISTORY � ; .- > TAX MAP !_ '____
PLANS DISTRIBUTED � � � J�� '- RETURN BY ' ''' T' '�^
J � � r l � !'� � ♦ I�� �.
(continu on back)
ssssssssessss:sasae:ss::s sss:ss sssss�::sss:uszas=sssasczas�:s=a=sa=aszsz=aaam aazzsssss
Legal Notice Published
City Council Hearing 7/1/85
Date Approved/Denied
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The Saint Paul City Co cil w ll.conduct� a public hearing to consider •
the request of Lake P len Ho ing Limited Partnership, Brighten Develop�ment
Corporation for a fi 1 plat approval� of Phalen Shores at 965-985 Ivy �
Avenue, , , . . = i_-
(North side t of orest Street), o - °�t =
��;Y�i.n the Cit Counci Chambers� 3rd Floor, City Hall. �
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To property owners w thin 3 0 feet ;
Representatives of D strict 5 F I L E N 0. SBD 9� 33
To con ider the final plat approval of Phalen Shores.
965^9 5 Ivy Avenue. ( North side east of Forest Stre t )
ake Ph len Housing Limited Partnership, Brighten Dev. Corp.
H E A RIN G hursda , December 4, 1986 10:00 A.M.
itv Co ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor Citv Hall - Court Hou
Q U E S TIO N S oning 298-4154 (Allan Czaia)
ontact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economi
evelop ent Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex,
S W. 4 h Street, St. Paul, Minnesoia 55102
L gal De cription: On File
Notice sent 11-21-8
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' The Saint Pa 1 CitY.� � 'will conduct a publi �
reciuest bf Le&e ai H ting Limite�`l�"�i�t' ���� �s co�.gider ttte a.:
�a�1P��'1'feYr tl.uail.pla pproval o P3i ��P•'B Ifevelap��ept,
(North side east o ForesY� '. # . �i ��„ at '985 Avenue,
' );on � ' ::� 1 t'i . . ,
co,�cii C�iambe �ra���. ,�ity �l"1��'f.�i'e�i��! ...:
ALB�1t'�'B.O N`;City C erk • � . _ . ..
•-. �: (November 22,2�8� I i
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