86-1725 WHITE — CITV CIERK PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT �A LT L Council CANARV — DEPARTMENT �—/ � BLUE — MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution _.., Presented By `, _�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date The Mayor, pursuant to Se ion 10 07.4 of the City Charter reco�ends the following transfers for 1986 eral Furyd Budget: TRAIJSE'FR F�i: General Government A�cco ts Contincjent Reserve if ied 09061-0537 Operating ansfer Out -7,727 Gtiirrent Am�ended Budget Changes Budget TRANSFER T0: Department of Police Administrative Units - Police 04000 Administrative its - olice 04000-537 Operating Tr fer t 7,599 +7,727 15,326 04000 All Other Sper�d' 1,277,534 0 1,277,534 1,285,133 +7,727 1,292,860 NET CHANGE 0 RESOLVID, That the City Co cil a roves these changes to the 1986 b�lget. Financing is Available ,� Approval Recom�nen�ded: - --�-�-- - ------ - �- ---- -- -- Direc or of Financ N Y,�o���G B�lget i ctor � COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � artment of Police Rettman [n Favor Scheibel � Sonnen __ Against BY �eda.00 Wilson Adopted by Council: Date uCC' � 19vu Form Approv by ity Attorney Certified Vas•e ncil Sec t ry BY Br . Appro d by Mavor. D t �`"`' ' ^ iV�� APP� d y Mayor for Su i o�5 to Cou cil B (� B �S, �Rd�a"�1 '� l�`IQ f'� �'�:�i"i�,� ., i. 4:° i J V� PoJ ice DEPARTMENT ����7a5 Np 2924 De ut Chie� Joh Stur �ONTACT 292-3588 PHONE 12-19-86 DATE 1 Q„��� �r ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING 0 DER C1 ' Al1 Locations for Si nature : 1 Department Director 5 Director of Management Mayor 3 Finance and Management rvice Director 6 City Clerk 2 Budget Oirector 4 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ . Rationale) : $7,727 will be transfe red f om Contingent Reserve Specified (09061) to the Police Dept' s Admi istra ive Units Activity(04000) Operating Tr nsfer Out expenditure object cod (0537 . Another resolution will transfer th money into P/R Account #64013 to ay co t overruns on repair of the garage flo r at the Police Annex Building t 100 E. lOth St. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSON EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Cost overruns of $7,72 on r pairs of the Police Annex garage floor will be paid by a transfer fro Cont 'ngent Reserve Specified to Administrat ve Units- Po 1 ice . C9��al.� � � \�� �� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transact on; $��72� quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Conti ent serve Specified Activity Number: 09061 ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All A tachments; : 1. Resolution 2 , memo from Deputy C ief J n Sturner to Greg Blees 3. Contingent Reserve Speci ied Status Report DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resol tion R quired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Re ired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Att ched: ( E REVE SE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � � _� -i7a� ;0: CITY OF SAINT PAUL I TERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: Greg Blees, Budget Director FROM: Deputy Chie John turner SUBJ: P/R Account #64013 DATE: November 5, 1986 As you know, the g rage f oor in our Annex Building at 100 E. Tenth S reet was in dire need of rep ir due to deterioration. Upon our request, a fund of $ 5,000.00 was established in /R Acc unt #64013 for this repair, based upon the best estimate availabie to us at t e time The repair is now omplet d and the floor is once again safe for use. However, during the course o the epair, hidden defects became visible and deman ed addi- tional work for a roper epair job. This additional work caused the jo to cost $42,236.00, or $7,23 .00 ov r the budget. Additionally, some lectri al work had to be done which wasn't appare t at the time of the origina esti ates. This has come to $491.00. The total cos , there- fore, has come to $4 ,727.0 , which is $7,727.00 over the budget. The purpose of this letter is to request an additional $7,727.00 for thi account so the bills can b paid. We have no other funds available for this p rpose at this time. JS/laf cc: Captain Buhl COUNCIL ADOPTID 1986 BUDGET 1 �-��a` - • ' SPE7C IID CONTINC�'NT RESERVE (09061-537) as of December 19, 1986 Council Changes/Transfers Adopted ------------------------ - 1986 Council Budget File Date Amount Available ----------- ------- ----- --------- - ----------- Salary R�eserve (contracts ye -en�d accruals) 2,636,090 86-1589 12/4 (2,628,23 ) HLUnan Rights Dir. Select on 86-46 1/16 (7,85 ) 0 Acting Finance Director jus t withdrawn Comparable Worth (See Fund p Balance) Fair Labor Standards Act (See Fund p Balance) Worker's Compensation (See Fun�3 p Balance) Deputy Director of Personn 1 (See Fut�d p (P.I.T.F. reconmiendation) Balance) Personnel (P.I.T.F. recomme�ation) 75,000 86-174 2/13 (34,90 ) 40,100 Telephone Rate Increase 15 Reser 86,500 86-1589 12/4 (86,50 ) 0 -reallocated to 1986 Sala Needs Transfer CON�AS Contract for Servic 5,000 86-1343 9/25 (4,75 ) 250 United Arts Contract for vice 5,000 pending (4,75 ) 250 Cooperating Fund Drive Con act fo 5,000 86-629 5/20 (4,75 ) 250 Service United Way �nergency Care ntract 40,000 86-16 1/9 (40,00 ) 0 Sanitarian I - Certificate f Occu cy 26,808 26,808 Deputy License Inspector Tr inee 21,553 and fringes Finance Director Travel Moving Expenses pending (11,00 ) -Police Annex Garaqe Fl r Cost Overrun pending (7,727) 2,826 Council Amendments to 1986 Budget Transfer/Amenc3ment for 1986 ----------- Salary Needs 112,236 86-1589 12/4 (112,236 0 180,000 86-1589 12/4 (180,000 0 ----------- ---------- ----------- Total 3,193,187 (3,122,703 70,484 pen�ding - Pending action by the Fi ance Committee or identified but not yet submit ed by the departmerit. ON�S/jeanetta 700/RESERV86 12/1 86