86-1721 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council y/�� � CANAR� - ;)EPARTMENT File NO. v� �� BLUE =�-TNAVOR 3 ou cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date -� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayo , pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Ci y Charter, does cer ify t at there are available for appropriati n revenues in exces of t ose estimated in the 1986 budget ; and WHEREAS, the appro riation reserved for '1985 year-end encumbered bal anc s wil 1 be al l owed to 1 apse, ereating a fund balanae to be rea propr ated in 1986. Al1 spending against these appropriati ns wi 1 be recorded in 1986 ; and WHEREAS, the Mayor reeommends the following ehanges to th 1986 budget: Chanae FINANCING PLAN 9890 Fund B ances, Unreserved IIndesignated 001 General Fund $1 ,850 ,697 050 3peeial Pro3 ets - General Government 1 ,248 065 Housin Info mation Office 186 126 PED Op ratio s �33 ,706 165 Finane Spee al Pro3eots 828 166 Cable V Spe ial Revenue Fund 2 ,986 305 Specia Pro� ets-Division of Publie Health 2� ,736 349 Librar Spec al Revenue Fund 7 ,055 �110 Poliee Train ng Fund 83u 436 Specia Pro� cts - Police 146 ,496 724 Otilit Rate Investfgation Administration 57 ,886 733 Police Offic r$ Clothing Trust Fund 798 735 Fire F ghtin Equipment 264,700 736 Fire P oteet on Clothing 9 ,�78 860 Parks nd Re reation Grants and Aid 11 , 158 $2,512,792 COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas orew Nays ` Nicosia ln Favor � Rettman Scheibel Sonnen _ AgeltlSt BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Vassed by Council Secr tary BY BS� Approved by �lavor: Date _ Approve Mayor fo u mis � to C uncil � Bv - - — B WM11 ' - C�TV CLERK PINM � - FINANCE COUIICII ��►� }DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �'�7�I B U E - M A V O R , � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Chanae SPENDING PLAN 001 Gener 1 Fun $1 ,850 ,697 050 speci 1 Pro ects - General Government 1 ,248 065 Housi g Inf rmation Office 186 126 PED 0 erati ns 133 ,706 165 Finan e Spe ial Pro�eets 828 166 Cable TV Sp cial Revenue Fund 2 ,986 305 Speai 1 Pro eets-Division of Publie Health 24 ,736 3�9 Libra y Spe ial Revenue Fund 7 ,055 410 Polie Trai ing Fund 83� �36 Speci 1 Pro eets - Police 146 ,496 72� Utili y Rat Investigation Administration 57 ,886 733 Polic OPfi ers Clothing Trust Fund 798 735 Fire ighti g Equipment 26u,700 736 Fire rotee ion Clothing 9 ,478 860 Parks and R ereation Grants and Aid 11 , 158 $2,512,792 RESOLVED, hat t e City Couneil approves these changes t the 1986 budget Finaneing is Av ilabl : Approval Recommended : i lo Dire or of F n nce � �j�� Budget r tor • � COUNC[LMEN Requeste by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays � �li..�ia_ � '�`-�" L �'v Rettman [n Favor Scheibel Sonnen � __ Against BY ` Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date DEC 3 0 1986 Form Approved by City Att y Certified Pa•• d ouncil Se ry BY B}� App by Mavor: Dat .�1'� - L ���� Approv d Mayor Su issi to Cou cil � _ B PU !!���a A��� i � i987 � ` . G�-�7� �T° 0'76'79 - �Fix�rance a�nd Maria e ent Se vices DEPARTMENT • _ . James Snvder ' CONTACT 298-4118 PHONE 12/11/86 ' DATE �i�� Q ASSIGN NUNIBER FOR ROUTIMG RDER i All Locations for Si natur.e : 1 Department Director Director of Managemen /Mayor �,c Finance and Mana�g t ervic Director - � City Clerk , , 2 City Attorney ! WHAT WILL BE ACHIEYEp�BY T ING A ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS?.(Purpose/ �� Rationale) : Change in accounti�g pol y. T nsfer of spending authority to apecific funds or encumbered items a�t year nd 19 . Previously expenditures were recorded in a prior year's ledgejr and arged o the contingency reserve. RECEiV� DEC � 6 COST BENE,FIT BUDGET� RY AN PERSO EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: MAYOR'$ Costs do not chang,�e. Re ording akes place in budget responsible. .Vl I .w+. �G'�4 �J� � . . �� j� � � '�V�� .Gi/�IPiI.L. , _ i , FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTIVI Y NU{�ER CHARGED OR CRE ITED: (Mayor's signa- ' i ture not re- Total Amount of 'T�^ansac ion: 2,512,792 ' quired if under ' . . �10,000) Funding Source: �und � 's�rlce P.es�r`ved for Encumbranc� Activity Number: ', � � . ATTACHMfNTS List and Numb r All tachments : Council Resolutio�s ' �� RE(,'E�'� � D E C 12 1986 , , OFFICE OF THE DIRE TOR ! , DEPARTMENT OF FM NCE . �ND MANAGEMEN7 SE VICE , , . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Cnunci',1 Reso ution quired? � Re olution kequired? Yes No Yes No Insurance Re uired? In�urance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insuralnce At ached: ( EE •REV RSE SIDE FOR IMSTRUCTION$) Revised 12/84 . ` '{ � l7°z� � '^O, ♦ '"'i� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL NTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ; �,r��,� �al►�. To: Mayor Georg Latimer � ���`�, � J C+� From: Greg lees, Budget Director � Jim S yder, Chief Accountant Date: Novem er 4, 1986 RE: Yeare d Enc mbered Balances Policy and Procedure c ange At yearend, t is common practice for governments to recognize th ir fi ancial obligations relating to approve contracts fo good and services that have not yet been performed; t is pr ctice is called "encumbering" . It is normally acc mplis ed by setting aside budgeted spending authority in a "pr or yearend encumbered balance" that is reserved to eet t e eventual payment obligation. We have disc vered that the existing policy and procedure or accounting f r pri r yearend encumbered balances creates s me problems. The major di ficul ies associated with the existing method are: � an ac ivity manager must now seek out spending infor ation in two separate reports--part of the infor ation is recorded in a report called the Curr nt Ledge and art of the information is recorded in t e Prior Year edger; � the p epara ion of the annual budget and actual spend ng fi ancial statements is difficult and time consu ing b cause it has become necessary to "back ut" spend ng re orded against the prior yearend encumbe ed balan es in order to reconcile to other current yea finan ial s atements; • speci 1 req irements had to be imposed on the FM80 finan ial s stem in order to record separate spendi g infor ation for the current year and the prior yea . We propose t at a hange be made to the existing method f accounting f r spe ding against the prior yearend encumbe d balances. We recommend the f llowing procedure: . _ � r � , - , �- Mayor George Latim r Page Two November 4 , 986 • The a ount f spending authority reserved for prio yeare d enc mbered balances be allowed to lapse at yeare d, cr ating a fund balance. • This ame f nd balance would be reappropriated in t e new y ar's udget by council resolution. This propose meth d of recording and reporting prior year nd encumbered b lance does not represent an increase or decr ase in spending uthor ty, it merely facilitates the recording and reporting of all e penditures incurred in the current year against the urren year budget. We suggest t at th new method be implemented as soon as possible. If you appro e thi change, a council resolution will be prepared aut orizi g our recommended method of accounting or prior yearen encu bered balances. In addition, a second council reso ution will be readied to amend the 1986 budge to reappropriat the rior yearend encumbered balances of 198 . Approved for submi sion to City Council: George Latim r Mayor GB:JS:bz cc: James Sc ibel ���: George Sp ichal . . . . �.�i '�.K � .. . _ . �-,��� �� R� IT OF SgINT PAUL '� ::��t�e�� ' . ...� ,�� m.id OFrB'I OF THE CITY COUNCII. �:i�ance l� a e �t, & Persannel Committee. DECEMBER 23, 1986 � 1. Approval of minutes from m eting held December 18, 1986. approved ' 2. Resolution amending the .19 6 budget and reducing the Financing Plan for Federal Revenue Sha ing Tr st Fund by $341,333 and reducing the 1986 Spend ng Plan by $632,600. a r ed � 3. Letter of State.Dep rtment of Revenue transmitting application No. 328082 � of Robert H. Levine for re ction of certain real estate in the city of Saint Paul. dis ussed 4. �ssa],�,t,tion�.:�a�is�ndi� 'Y `�udget and add3.ag;.,�2;..512,792 to the Fi�aazing l'lan . and �,aa.�t S � : lan f Gert�x�3 Fund - SpeciaY Pro�ects �I9�5 enctrmbe ed . i.tem,e�}. a rrrora . � . , 5. Resolution amending the 19 budget and transferring $11,000 from Continge t R�serve t9 the Depa tment a_ Finance'and Management Seruices-- Administrat on Division for travel nd mo 'ng expense relating ,to the appointment of the � Finance Department 'rector. approved � 6. Resolution approvin change in accounting year-end encumbrance policy. pproved 7. Resolution amending he 198 budget by adding $100,000 to the Division of Public Health Summa Abate ent Activities. approved 8. Resolution amending he 198 Financing Plan for the 1986 General Fund Budg t by addiag $525,000. a oved • 9. Resolution amending he 198 budget by transferring funds in the amount of $297,175 for the acq isitio of new voting equipment. approved 10. Resolution amending he 198. budget by adding $64,813 to allow for payment of - some materials neede for t e implement�tion of the automation system for he library and for paym nts du vendor and contractors. approved 11. Resolution amending he 198 Special Funds budget to provide for acceptanc � of funds to operate compr hensive employment and training program for un employed veterans in Saint aul area - in the amount of $42,300. approv d 12. Resolution amending he 198 budget by adding $111,154 to provide spending• authority for approv d oper tion and maintenance activities in, the regiona . parks and open space system approved C:ZY HALL FLOOR SAIIV'T PAUL,MINNES TA SSIU2 ��f