86-1716 WHITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ouncil Resolution ;; � Present By Referred To � N �- Committee: Date '— � Out of Committee By Date RF�OLUID, that the proper City officials are herel�i authc�rized and di.r ed to execute an agr with the Q�urity of l�nsey and Fami.ly 7�ee Inc. wher b�i the City and Q�unty pr vide ding to Fami.ly Tree Inc. subject to the tenns and conditions of sai agre t, a oopy of whici� is k�t � file and of r rd in the Department of inance and Managanents Services, C�NCILME Na s Reques d by Departme t of• Yeas �F�N,N� y � � � r �jp'ZU /1 � Drew In Favor �-n�++t �'�rr�+a-n� �, u���..e��� scnetbe� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by C ncil: Date O C 3 � �98� Form Ap oved y C'ty tor C Certified Pa_ •e ncil Secr ry BY By tappr by Mavor. D �N - Z 1987 Appr d y Mayor for Submis ' n t C�u cil _ BY 6•:R.,:,.�e.�' `)��` i : .:_:_,��r��� �`�: � � 1987 �nunity Servic� , DEPARTMENT ��-�/Zl� NO 05092 � 3'� �� � I CONTACT 292-7711 PHONE Decenber 5, 1986 - DATE �,/ ,r� �r . . , , ASSIGN NU ER FOR RO ING 0 DER C ;i All Locations for Si n ture : , De:partment Direc or 3 Director �af 'Management Mayor Finance and Mana�ement ervice Director � 4 City Clerk Budget Director � 5 Cit O�urrci � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVE BY TA ING AC IQN QN THE A7TACHED M�ITERIALS? (Pu�^pase/ ' Rationale) : Resolution to'al],�ow!City gnatur an a oontract between 'the City a� 3aint Paul Family Tree Inc. A reeoluti�on is equir because another cjovernt�t. agency is party to � e . vontract. � , , . COST BENEFIT BUDGET Y AND PERSON L LMP/�CTS ANTICIPATEQ: �e City aoRtributio�n to F 'ly ee Inc. is $63,912. I�b personnel inp�cts anti pated. , � . ; i , - FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVIT NUP�BER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- t�re: not re- Total Amount of 'Tr�nsacti n:$63, 12 quired. if under � $10,000) Fundi ng Source; i 03��32 Activity Number: , . I� ATTACHMENTS List and'; Numbe A11 At achments : 1. Qopy of Cbntract� 2. Re�olutiron . ( � . DEP TMENT EVIEW ' CITY ATT4RNEY REVIEW Yes CouncillResolu ion Re uired? ' Resolution Required? Y s No Yes o Insuran�e Requ red? Insurance Suffici�ent? Y s No ��' Yes No Insuran e Atta hed: • � � � (SE •REVER E STDE FOR IN5TRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 I . � . � � i7�� AGREEMENT AN AGREEMEN , mad and entered into this day of , 19 among the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of t e Sta e of Minnesota, hereinafter referred t as the "City" , acting t rough its Division of Public Health; th e Coun y of Ramsey, a politi al su division of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as t e "Co nty" , acting through its Department of ealth; and Family Tree nc. 1 cated at 1599 Selby, Saint Paul , Minnes ta, hereinafter call d "Gr ntee"; WITNESSETH: In consider tion f the Grantee functioning as a neighbor ood health center in carin for the medical-health needs of the ci izens of Ramsey County, t e par ies hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. The Cit and ounty will each give to the Grantee the sun of money described n att chment A, and according to the Manner a d conditions descr bed i attachment A. 2. The siun of mo ey granted by the City and County is fo the Grantee's use du ing 1 87. No addi tional or future fundi ng or assurances there f wil be provided or honored unless set for in an amendment to thi Agre ent or a separate agreement approved a the free act of the City nd Co nty. The City and County may, upo n 30 ys' written notice, educe the amount of funding. 3. The Cit and he County will each act as independent transmittal agen s for their contributions to the Grantee. 4. The Gra tee s all on April 20, 1987, July 20, 1987, O tober 20, 1987 and January 20, 1 88 submit to the City and County an it ized statement of all Grant revenue and expenditures; and a repor of . • �-�7/<0 services shown a atta hment B. Further the Grantee shall pr serve all documentation us by t in complying with the statements and reports required of this parag aph and shall be available to the City and County f or its review a d aud t as desired. 5. The Gra tee s all, with approval of the City, enforc a fee schedule for pat ent c arges. Said fee schedule shall be ma3 available to the City on J nuary 15, 1987. 6. The Cit shal act as the liaison to the Grantee for such day-to-day admin' strat on as may be needed and shall be respo sible for: (a ) Re iewin and evaluating the program and fiscal activities of the G antee and disseminating reports thereo ; (b) Co rdina ing activities common to the Division f Public He lth o the City and/or the Public Health Dep rtment of th Coun y and the Grantee; (c) Re derin to the Grantee such other assistance s within th City's resources. 7. The Gra tee s all ensure that: (a ) Se vices provided to eligible individuals are fu nished wi hout egard to race, color, creed, s ex, age, arital st tus o family size; (b) Se vices are provided with respect for individua s privacy an dign' ty; and; (c) Se vices are provided without coercion and shall not be de ied o the basis of refusal to participate in research pr jects or other activities of the Grantee, or 'n an em rgenc situation on the basis of ability to y. 8. The Gra ee s all submit to the City and to the Count on or before February 1 , 198 an operational plan of its services to be 2 t ,_ ... _ _ _ .. ._ .�• • ' • , � ' -/7/� provided during he te of this Agreement. Such operation pl n shall show expected se vice olume by clinic visits and number of us rs by program areas. 9. The Gra tee s all attach to this Agreement prior to i s execution by the City nd the County a 1987 operational budget to include Revenue nd Ex enses. 10. The Gra tee s all obtain a financial and program audi by a certified public accou tant. This audit shall cover the Grant e's most recent fiscal ye r end' ng during the term of this agreement. he Grantee shall su it a copy of the audit report to th e City an County by April 1 , 1987. 11. By Apri 1, 1 87 the Grantee shall submit a narrative which highlights prese sta us and/or future actions to be undertak n concerning q uali y ass rance. The report shall cover such it s as those identified in th Metro Community Health Consortiums Min mum Standards for 0 atio of a Communit Clinic. 12. The Gran ee sh 11 make available relevant background nd qualification sum arie , job descriptions and salary levels of both regularly employe and volunteer staff to the City and the Cou ty. 13. The Gran ee sh 11 submit to the City and th e County t e min utes from its monthly oard eetings. 14 . The Gran ee ag ees that deviations of ten percent ( 10 ) or more, upwards or ownwa ds, from its 1987 agency budget, and/o additions or dele ions rom its 1987 operational plan as appro ed by the City and County w' ll be transmitted to the City and County in timely fashion and in a nner to be determined by the City's clinic coordinator. Suc info mation shall be before the fact and sh 11 include pertinent data elative to the planned addition, delet'on, or 3 , � - �- -i��� any other modifi ation of programs and the subsequent project d budgetary impact for t e contract year and the following year. 15. The Gra tee d clares Peg Labore to be the person res onsible for compliance w th th terms of the Agreement, and its physi ian, Rari Mi11er,M.D. as t e person responsible for its medical s rvices. 16. The Cit decl res its Director of the Department of mmunity Services or such desig ee as noted in writing by her as the p rson responsible for ompli nce with this Agreement. 17. The Cou ty de lares its Executive Director or such de ignee as noted in writing by hi as the person responsible for complian e with this Agreement. 18. The par ies t this Agreement intend that the relatio between them created by his A reement is that of employer-independent contractor. The City nd County is interested only in the res lts to be achieved. The nner nd means of conducting the work are und r the control of the c ntrac or, except to the extent they are limit d by _ statute, rule or regul tion and the express terms of the Agree ent. 19. No Civil Service status or other rights of employment will be acquired by virtu of e Grantee's services. 20. From any fees ue the contractor there will be no ded ctions for any federal i come tax or FICA payments, nor for any state income tax, nor for any ther nown purposes which are associated wit an employer-employee relat 'onship unl ess requi red by law. Paymen of federal income ta , FIC payments and state income tax are the responsibility of the G antee. _ 21. The Gran ee wi 1 defend, hold harmless and pay on beh lf of the County of Ramsey nd th City of St. Paul, its officials and e ployees 4 �-r7/� any demands, claims or suits arising out of the Grantee's pre ises or performance of t is co tract. 22. Grantee shall obtain and attach certificate of insur nce to signed contract or: Comprehensi e Gen ral Liability insurance policy with contracting departments Coun y of Ramsey, and City of Saint Paul , it ' officials a d emp oyees as additional assureds. Fblicy w' ll have minimum lim ts of $600,000 per occurrence, $1,000,000 agg egate. Coverage pe tains to operation and premises of contractor Automobile iabil ty insurance, including non-owned and h red autos. Minimum lim ts of $600, 000 combined single limits. Workers ' Co pensa ion Professiona Liab' lity insurance in the minimum amount of $600,000 per claim a d $1, 00,000 aggregate. The County of Ramsey and City of Saint Pa l, co tracting department and officials and ployees are additio 1 assureds as to the services of the contrac or. 23. This Agr emen may be terminated by either party with or without cause upo 30 d ys' written notice. 24. That all data ollected, created, recieved, maintaine or disseminated for ny pu pose in the course of this Agreement i governed by the Minnesota ver ental Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. h. 13 (1984) , or any ot er ap licable state statute, any state rules ado pted to implement the ct, a well as federal regulations on data privacy. The Clinic agrees to ab de by these statues, rules and regulati ns. 25. That all books records, documents and accounting proc dures and practices of he C1 nic relative to this agreement are subj ct to examination by the unty, and the State Auditor, as appropr ate, in accordance with t e pro isions of Minn. Stat. 168. 06, Subd. 4 ( 984) . 5 . , �—1�/�o 26. The ter of t is Aqreement shall be from January 1 , 1 87 through December 31, 1 87. IN WITNESS W REOF, the parties have set their hands as fo lows: CITY OF SAINT PAU COUNTY OF RAMSEY Activity code: 03232 Recommend Approval: Mayor Department Director Funds are available Account Number Director, Departm nt of Finance Amount: and Management Se vices Budgeting and Accountin Director, Departm nt of Community Service Insurance Approved: Approved as to fo m: Risk Manager � Assistant City At or y Approved as to form: GRANTEE Assistant County Attorn y Board Chairman By: Chief Clerk-County Boar By: 6 , ._ —/7/�✓ ATTACHMENT A Family Tree In . 1987 City Contr 'bution $ 63,912 1987 Coun y Con ributions $ 62,024 The City an the County shall each pay to the Grantee their contributions n equ 1 monthly installments on or before he first day of each month. ! . ' ATTACHMENT B �f C ��7�� . . . Reporting Perio : Name of C1. nic January 198 t lgg NUN�ER OF USERS AND VISITS BY PROGRAM Progran: Program: Program: e and Sex users visits users visits users visi Female: 0-4 5-9 10-14 . 15-�9 20-3�+ 35-�+k 45-6k . !� ' 65 and over - Total Female • Male: 0-� 5-9 . Za14 . ; 15-19 � 20-3k . � 35-�►�+ . k5-6k . 65 and over � Total Male Grand Total - C�r � C l eYK , .. . . ��- ��i� �� • ITY' OF S.A.I�TT PAUL ::�stu��c ; . '� �,�� m.«I OF'B'I OF T8� CITY COUNCIL "��. . �:�.ane� �d a e ent, & Persannel �ommittee. ECEI�ER 23, 1986 . 1. Approval of minutes from me ting held December 18, 1986. approved � 2. Resolution amending the .198 budget and reducing the Financing Plan for Federal Revenue Sha ing Tr t Fund by $341,333 and reducing the 1986 Spend ng Plan by $632,600. a ro ed 3. Letter of State Dep tment f Revenue transmitting application No. 328082 of Robert� H. Levine for red ction of certain real estate in the city of Saint Paul. dis ssed 4. Resolution amending the 198 budget and adding $2,512,792 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending lan fo General Fund - Special Projects (1985 encumbe ed , items) . a rove ' . � . . 5. Resolution amending the 198 budget and transferring $11,000 from Continge t R�serve to the Depa tment o Finance'andeManagement Seryices - Adminis.trat on - _-- - Division for travel nd mov'ng expense relating .to the appointment of the Finance Department irector. approved � 6. Resolution approvin change in accounting year-end encumbrance policy. pproved 7. Resolution amending the 198 budget by adding $100,000 to the Division of Public Health Summa Abate ent Activities. approved 8. Resolution amending he 198 Financing Plan for the 1986 General Fund Budg t by adding $525,000. a oved � 9. Resolution amending he 198 budget by transferring funds in the amount of $297,175 for the ac isitio of new voting equipment. approved 10. Resolution amending he 198 budget by adding $64,813 to allow for payment of some materials neede for t e implementation of the automation system for he library and for pa nts du vendor and contractors. approved 11. Resolution amending he 198 Special Funds budget to provide for acceptanc ' of funds to operate compr hensive employment and training program for un employed veterans i Saint aul area - in the amount of $42,300. approv d 12. Resolution amending he 198 budget by adding $1I1,154 to provide spending• authority for appro d oper tion and maintenance activities in, the regiona parks and open space system approved C:TY HALL S FLO()R SAINT PAUL,MTNNES Te�155IQ2 �`'�° FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PE ONNEL �` �7�� COMMITTEE REpORT December 23, 1986 Page 2 ' . 13. Resolution allo ing ag eement to a contract between the city and the U iversity of Minnesota th ough i s Division of Public Health, approving $8,000 f r the University for mappi project dealing with Childhood Lead Exposure re- vention. a oved 14. Resolution auth izing ity Officials to execute an agreement with Ram ey County and the S int Pa 1 Urban Indian Health Board, Inc., to provide 27,562 � (this is the cit 's con ribution to this board). a roved PP 15. Resolution autho izing he city of Saint Paul to execute an agreement ith Ramsey County an North End Health Center, in the amount of $63,912 (c t s contribution to he hea th center) . ap roved y� P 16. Reaolut3oal autho izing ity officials to execute an agreement with � Couaty aad Famil Tree, Inc. in the amount of $63,912 y a rov�ed (city's contribu on) . � 17. Resolution autho izing ity officials to execute an agreement with Rams y County and Face o Face ealth and Counseling Service in the amount of $63,9I2 (city's ontrib ion) , approved 18: Resolution autho 'zing c ,ty officials to execute and agreement with Ram eq � County and West S de Co unity Health Center in the amount of $63, 912 ( ity'�s contribution to h alth c nter). approved _. . _. --...:_--- - ...�.:___ _. -- - �19'. Resolution author"zing p oper city officials to execute an agreement wi h Ramsey County and Helpin Hand Health Center in the amount of $63,912 ( it s share of contribu ion to health center) . approved �t 20. Resolution author zing c ty officials to execute an agreement with Rams County and Model ities ealth Center in the amount of $82,459, the cit contribution to t e heal h center. approved 21. Resolution amendi g the 986 budget and adding $6,300 to the Financing P an and to the Spendi g Plan or Special Projects - General Government Housi g Discrimination Co plaints. passed out without recommendation 22. Resolution amendi the 1 86 budget and transferring $2,200 from Conting nt Reserve to Depart nt of inance and Management Services (removal of a 1 aky transformer) . as ed out without recommendation 23. Resolution amendin the 1 86 budget General Fund and recognizing revenue oss of $525,000 and re enue a dition to General Revenue Sharing Trust Fund ($286,000) ; Parkin Meter Revenue ($37,500) and Interest Earning ($201,50 ). a roved 24. Discussion of 1987 Riverf st contract. discussed °`