86-1714 WMITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council GANARV - DEPARTMENT � BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. / u cil Resolution •i Presented y O�`J� ,.- . Referred To < < Committee: Date �� a � Out of Committee By Date RE90LVID, that prope City officials are here?�i authorized and 8i.r ed to execube an agr wi the O�unty of Fan�sey and St. Paul Urk�an India Aealth Board Inc. wher the C ty and County Frovide funding to St. Paul Urba Indian Health Board Inc. subj t�o the terms and conditions of said agregnent a oopy of which is k�ept file and of reoord in the Departrnent of Finance and Managanents Servi es. COUNC[LMEN Requested y Department pf: � Yeas p�� Nays � R�m [n Favor � Scheibel /�/" Sonnen '° __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson D C 3 0 1986 Form Ap oved y Ci y At rney Adopted by Council: Date C Certified as• Council r BY B}� Appro d by Mavor: Da e JAN �' � ��87 Approv y Mayor for Sub ' sio o Co ncil BY - - — ����_����D ���rJ � � �987 r�. Services� � � DEPARTMfNT �U= �'�7�`� l�T° _ 0509� �Gary J: Pec�nn CONTACT 292-7'�11 ' PHONE Deoeober 5, 1986 DATE f „i�� Q � � . ASS N NUhB ER FOR RO ING 0 DER C i Al1 Locations for Si nature : Department Direc or � Director of Managemen Mayor ` y Finance and Manayement ervice Director � � City Clerk , udge�t Director ' � � City Attorney ' _ WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVE BY TA ING AC 'ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? ,(Purpose/ � Ratiunale) : . , Resoluti,on tio allaw, City �natur c� a c�ontract between the City o� �airlt Pau� and St. . Paul Urban Tndian th rd I . A resolution is required because �mther ndent a9�-Y i$ P�Y to� vo act. ; ��.��� -� � � � COST BENEFIT BUDGET RY AND PERSON L :IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Tt�e City aoe►tributi,q�n to . Paul ;Urban Indian Health Board Inc. is $27,562. l�b personnel �� s��� , , � � - }� � _ FINANCI �. �: � CE AMD'BUDGET ACTIVI Y NUP�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ::� �� ture not re- � . Total;��t of "T ansact'on:$2 562 quired if under � � �10,000) Fu�ding Source: ; 0��3 Activity Number: 'I • ATTACHMENTS List an' Numb All A tachments : 1. Cbpy of Oontrac� , 2. R�e�solution I - � � � DE TMENT EVIEW ! CITY ATTORNEY R�VIEW Yes N � Counci� Resol tion quired? ' Resolution Required? es No Yes o Insura�ce Re ired? Insurance Sufficien�t? Yes No �� Yes No Insura, ce At ched: i ( E •REVE SE SIDE FOR' IMSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 ! : . � �_l7/� AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 198 among the City of Saint Paul, a munic'pal corporation of th Stat of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to s the "City" , acting th ough ts Division of Public Health; th e Count of Ramsey, a politic 1 sub ivision of the State of Minnesota, here' nafter referred to as th "Cou ty" , acting through its Department of H alth; and St. Paul Urba Indi n Health Board, Inc. located at 1021 Ma ion Street, Saint Pau , Min esota, hereinafter called "Grantee"; WITNESSETH: In considera ion o the Grantee functioning as a neighborh od health center in aring for the medical-health needs of the cit ' zens of Ramsey County, th part es hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. The City and C unty will each give to the Grantee the un of money described i atta hment A, and according to the Manner an conditions descri ed in attachment A. 2. The stun f mon y granted by the City and County is for the Grantee's use dur ng 19 7. No additional or future funding or assurances thereo will be provided or honored unless set forth in an amendment to this Agree ent or a separate agreement approved as the free act of the City a d Cou ty. The City and County may, upo n 30 ys' written notice, r duce he amount of funding. 3. The City and t e County will each act as independent transmittal agent for heir contributions to the Grantee. 4. The Gran ee sh 11 on April 20, 1987, July 20, 1987, Oc ober 20, 1987 and January 0, 19 8 submit to the City and County an item' zed statement of all rante revenue and expenditures; and a report of . . � _,7�� services shown as attac ment B. Further the Grantee shall pre erve all documentation us by i in complying with the statements and eports required of this paragr ph and shall be available to the City nd County f or its review a audi as desired. 5. The Gr�n ee sh 11, with approval of the City, enforce a fee schedule for pati nt ch rges. Said fee schedule shall be made available to the City on Ja uary 5, 1987. 6. The Cit shall act as the liaison to the Grantee for uch day-to-day administrati n as may be needed and shall be respon ible for: (a ) Rev' ewing and evaluating the program and fiscal ctivities of the Gr ntee and disseminating reports thereof (b) Coo dinat ' ng activities common to the Division o Public Health of the City and/or the Public Health Depa tment of th Count and the Grantee; (c) Ren ering to the Grantee such other assistance a within th City' resources. 7. The Gra ee sh 11 ensure that: (a ) Ser ices rovided to eligible individuals are fu nished wit out r gard to race, color, creed, s ex, age, arital st us or family size; (b) Ser ices re provided with respect for individua s privacy an digni y; and; (c) Ser ices re provided without � coercion and shall not be de ied on the ba sis of refusal to partfcipate in research pr jects r other activities of the Grantee, or n an em rgency situation on the basis of ability to y. 8. The Gran ee sh 11 subanit to the City and to the Count on or before February 1 , 1987 an operational plan of its services to be 2 � � �� � �- i 7i� provided during t e ter of this Agreement. Such operation pla shall show expected ser ice v lume by clinic visits and number of use s by program areas. • 9. The Gran ee sh 11 attach to this Agreement prior to its execution by the ity a d the County a 1987 operational budget o include Revenue a d Exp nses. 10. The Gran ee sh 11 obtain a financial and program audi by a certified public ccoun ant. This audit shall cover the Grant e 's most recent fiscal yea endi g during the term of this agreement. e Grantee shall sub it a opy of the audit report to the City an County by April 1 , 1987. 11. By April 1, 19 7 the Grantee shall submit a narrative which highlights presen stat s and/or f uture actions to be undertak n concerning q ualit assu ance. The report shall cover such it s as those identified n the Metro Community Health Consortiums Min'mum Standards for O e ation of a Communit Clinic. 12. The Gran ee sh 11 make available relevant background nd qualification sum aries job descriptions and salary levels of both regularly employe and olunteer staff to the City and the Cou ty. 13. The Gran ee sh 11 submit to th e City and th e County t e minutes from its monthly oard eetings. 14. The Gran ee ag ees that deviations of ten percent ( 10 ) or more, upwards or ownwa ds, from its 1987 agency budget, and/o additions or dele ions rom its 1987 operational plan as appro ed by the City and County w 11 be transmitted to the City and County in timely fashion and in a nner to be determined by the City's clinic coordinator. Suc info mation shall be before the fact and sh 11 include pertinent data elative to the planned addition, delet on, or 3 , � � � �-� � i 7iy any other modifi tion of programs and the subsequent projecte budgetary impact for the contract year and the following year. 15. The Gran ee declares William L . Burnes to be the pers n responsible for mpliance with the terms of the Agreement, an its physician, Carolyn Levi t,M.D. , as the person responsible for ' ts medical services. 16. The Cit declares its Director of the Department of C mmunity Services or such esign e as noted in writing by her as the pe son responsible for mplia ce with this Agreement. 17. The Coun y de ares its Executive Director or such de ignee as noted in writing y hi as the person responsible for complian e with this Agreement. 18. The parties to this Agreement intend that the relatio between them created by t is Ag eement is that of employer-independent contractor. The ity d County is interested only in the res lts to be achieved. The ma ner a d means of conducting the work are und r the control of the co tract r, except to the extent they are limit d by statute, rule or regula ion and the express terms of the Agree ent. � 19. No Civil Servi e status or other rights of employment ill be acquired by virtu of e Grantee's services. 20. From any f ees ue the contractor there will be no ded ctions for any federal i come tax or FICA payments, nor for any state income tax, nor for any ther nown purposes which are associated wi an employer-enployee relatfonship unless required by law. Paymen of federal income ta , FI payments and state income tax are the responsibility of the G antee. 21. The Gran ee wi 1 defend, hold harmless and pay on beh lf of the County of Ramsey nd th City of St. Paul, its officials and ployees 4 � . f�-�7i� any demands, clai s or uits arising out of the Grantee's premises or performance of th ' s con ract. 22. Grantee hall btain and attach certificate of insura ce to signed contract f r: Comprehensiv Gene al Liability insurance policy with con racting departments, Count of Ramsey, and City of Saint Paul , it ' officials an empl yees as additional assureds. Pnlicy will have minimum limi s of 600,000 per occurrence, $1,000,000 agg egate. Coverage per ains o operation and premises of contractor. Automobile L abili y insurance, including nonrowned and hired autos. Minimum limi s of 600,000 combined single limits. Workers' Com ensat 'on Prof essional Liabi ity insurance in the minimum amount of 600,000 per claim an $1,0 0,000 aggregate. The County of Ramsey nd City of Saint Pau , con racting department and officials and ployees are addition 1 ass reds as to the services of the contrac or. 23. This Agr ement may be terminated by either party with or without cause upo 30 d ys' _written notice. 24. That all data ollected, created, recieved, maintaine or disseminated for ny pu pose in the course of this Agreement i governed by the Minnesota ver ental Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. h. 13 (1984) , or any ot er ap licable state statute, any state rules adopted to implement the ct, a well as federal regulations on data p ivacy. The Clinic agrees to ab de by these statues, rules and regulat 'ons. 25. That all books records, documents and accounting pro edures and practices of he C1 ' nic relative to this agreement are subject to examination by the unty, and the State Auditor, as approp iat e, in accordance with e pro isions of Minn. Stat. 168. 06, Subd. 4 ( 1984) . 5 � � � • �-i 7i� 26. The term of th s Agreement shall be from January 1 , 1987 through December 1, 19 7. IN WITNESS WH REOF, the parties have set their hands as follows: CITY OF SAINT PAU COUNTY OF RAMSEY Activity code: 0 232 Recommend Approval: Mayor Department Director Funds are available Account Number Director, Departm nt of Finance .Amount: and Management Se vices Budgeting and Accountin Director, Departm nt of Community Service Insurance Approved: Approved as to fo m: Ri sk Manager c Assistant City At orne Approved as to form: GRANTEE Assistant County Attor ey Board Chairman By: Chief Clerk-County Boar By: 6 . . . - ��_�7/� ATTACHMENT A St. Paul Urban ndian Health Board Inc. 1987 City ontri ution $ 27,562 1987 Count Cont ibutions $ 27,085 The City and the ounty shall each pay to the Gr ntee their contributions i equa monthly installments on or before t e first day of each m�nth. ' � ' � ATTACHMENT E �^�7�� Reporting Period Name of Cli ic January 198 to 19$ NUNIBER OF USERS AND VISITS BY PROGRAtd Progran: Pragram: Program: A e and Sex users visits users visits users visi� Female: Q-� 5-9 10-1k 15-19 20-3�+ 35-�+�+ k5-64 . !� = 65 and over � Total Female Male: .. • 0-�t 5-9 . . 10-14 ; 15-19 20-3k . 35-1+� k5-6u 65 and over Total Male Grand Total FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PER ONNEL �1 �_�7�t� COMMITTEE REPORT December 23, I986 Page 2 , 13. Resolution allo ing ag eement to a contract between the city and the U iversity of Minnesota th ough i s Division of Public Health, approving $8,000 f r the University for mappi g project dealing with Childhood Lead Exposure re- vention, a oved 14• &e.�a►l,cttio� sut izi,ng. itq Offieis�s to execute an agreearerrr w�it�h Countp arr�Y�i''h��- aint P I �7rban Indian Health Board I�n�c. y ' (this is the ci 's co ribution to this board). � approved p��de ��'S62 15. Resolution auth izing he city of Saint Paul to execute an agreement ith - Ramsey County a North End Health Center, in the amount of $63,912 (c t s contribution to he hea th center) . a y� pproved 16. Resolutiorc autho izing ity officials to execute an agreement with Ram ey + County and Famil Tree, Inc. in the amount of $63,912 a roved (city's contribu ion). 17. Resolution autho izing ity officials to execute an agreement with Ram ey County and Face o Face Health and Counseling Service in the amount of $63,912 (city's ontrib tion). approved 18� Resolution autho izing ity officials to execute and agreement with Ra sey � County and West ide Co unity Health Center in the amount of $63, 912 ity's contribution to ealth enter). approved -.. _ _.�.---- — - �19: Resolution autho izing roper city officials to execute an agreement wi h Ramsey County an Helpi g Hand Health Center in the amount of $63,912 ( it s share of contrib tion t health center) . approved yf 20. Resolution autho izing ity officials to execute an agreement with Ra.ms y County and Model Cities Health Center in the amount of $82,459, the cit contribution to he hea th center. approved 21. Resolution amend g the 986 budget and adding $6,300 to the Financing Ian and to the Spend' g Pla for Special Projects - General Government Hous ng Discrimination C plaint . passed out without recommendation 22. Resolution amend' g the 986 budget and transferring $2,200 from Contin ent Reserve to Depart ent of Finance and Management Serviees (removal of a eaky transformer) . a sed ou without recommendation 23. Resolution amendi g the 986 budget General Fund and recognizing revenu loss of $525,000 and r venue ddition to General Revenue Sharing Trust Fund I I ($286,000) ; Parki g Mete Revenue ($37,500) and Interest Earning ($201, a roved 0). 24. Discussion of 198 River est contract. discussed . G.� Cle�-K � . . . �,-�7��/ -��� �� IT OF SA.INT P�,.UL 'kr ..s�, e . �`;i� n�.�d ' OA'FI OF THE CITY COUNCIL F_:i�anc �i a e ent � Personnel Committee. ECII�ER 23, 1986 � 1. Approval of minutes from me ting held December 18, 1986. approved 2. Resolution amending the .198 budget and reducing the Financing Plan for Federal Revenue Sha ing Tru t Fund by $341,333 and reducing the 1986 Spend ng Plan by $632,600. a ro ed 3. Letter of State Dep tment f Revenue transmitting application No. 328082 of Robert H. Levine or red ction of certain real estate in the city of Saint Paul. disc ssed 4. Resolution amending he 198 budget and adding $2,512,792 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending lan fo General Fund - Special Projects (1985 encumbe ed . items). a roved ' , � . • 5. Resolution amending he 198 budget and transferring $11,000 from Continge t R�serve to the Depar ment o Finance'and_Management Ser�ices - Adminis_trat'on -- - . _. _--._ __ Division for travel nd mov ng expense relating .to the appointment of the Finance Department D rector approved " 6. Resolution approving change in accounting year-end encumbrance policy. groved 7. Resolution amending he 198 budget by adding $100,000 to the Division of Public Health Summar Abate ent Activities. approved 8. Resolution amending he 198 Financing Plan for the 1986 General Fund Budge by adding $525,000. a oved � 9. Resolution amending he 198 budget by transferring funds in the amount of $297,175 for the acq isitio of new voting equipment. approved 10. Resolution amending he 198 budget by adding $64,813 to allow £or payment f ' some materials neede for t e implementation of the automation system for t e library and for paym nts du vendor and contractors, approved 11. Resolution amending he 198 Special Funds budget to provide for acceptance � of funds to operate compr hensive employment and training program for un- employed veterans in Saint aul area - in the amount of $42,300. approve 12. Resolution amending he 198 budget by adding $111,154 to provide spending� authority for approv d oper tion and maintenance activities in, the regional - parks and open space system. approved C:IY HALL S Fi.00R SAIN'T PAUL,MII*iNFSO A 55IO2 _ • .��" '�°