86-1712 WNITE - CI7v CLERK PINK - FINANCE � G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANqRV - DEGARTMENT � F11C NO• �a/ �� BLUE - MAVOR Y < o cil Resolution s �� Presented By 0 �d �' Referred To b" � M L Committee: Date ` �� � Out of Commit ee By Date Whereas, ortxnunity sed public festivais are recognized s being vital to �he s irit, history and pride of St. Paul `� t dlvlduel neighborhoods; nd Whereas, these neig borhood festivals have found it inc easingly difficult to f nd an adequ8te source of funds for startup c sts 8nd insurance which in some cases, has prevented the festiv ls from taking pla e; a d Whereas, Riverf st h s proven to be a successful event con ributing positively to t e ong ing effort to provide quality publlc e ents in the C i ty of� St. au 1 ; and Whereas, he ta payer of St. Paul have been providing star up costs to Riverf st as well s absorbi�g the losses from previous iverfest events; n�w, th refor , be it Resolved, that he Co ncit of the City of St. Paul hereby es blishes the Comnu �ty F stiva Revolving Loan Fund and Grant Program to be administer�d by he Di ision of Parks and Recreation for th purpose of assisting ne ghbor ood festivals with expenses and start p costs and providing in uranc coverage; and be it further Resotved, hat t e Co unity Festival Revolving Loan and Gran Program will be �unded by a surcharge of $.25 to be paid as part f the price of each a issi n to the Riverfest; and be it flnally Resolved, that the ivision of Parks and Recreation will d elop a plan to �diss inate informatio� to neighborhood group , set criteria or pr posai to borrow or use funds, accept and review applications, a ard unds and to administer the Program for review and adopt on by the City Council by December 30. 1986. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays �' In Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen _ AgBinst BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date C 3 0 1986 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P s•e Counc�l Se et BY gl, �� b —� Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Cou il Appr d y Mavor: 1 By AN -; 1987 By PUB !CH€� � �J 17 19�7 . . , ! ' �f� ��'���� . „�.., CI Y OF SAINT PAUL :,ii�il O C�'. OF THE CITY COII�TCIL � : , Committee �epart F��ance l�ana eme�t � Personnel Committee. ' DECEMBER 18, 1986 1. Approval of minute from eting held December 11, 1986. Approved 2. Discussion of Rive fest 1 87. Apvroved authorit for Parks & Recreation De t. to ne otiate a contra t enco assin issues outlined in 12-15-86 memo. for 1 86 onl . 3. Letter of State De artmen of Revenue transmitting app ica ion o. of Robert H. Levin for r duction of certain real estate in the City of S int Paul. Laid over u til 12 23-86. . 4. Resolution amendin the 1 86 budget and reducing the Financing Plan for Federal Revenue Sh ring T ust Fund by $341,333 and reducing the 1986 Spen ing Plan by $632,600. Laid over until 12-23-86. ' S.' Resolution amendin the 1 86 budget by adding $223�,923 to the Financing P �an . , � and to the Spendin Plan or Special Projects - General Government - Prom te Saint Paul: City unding Leverage. A roved with recommendation ta ass. 6. District heating evelop ent Company Fiscal Year 1987 Proposed Demand Ch rge. A roved wit out re o�endation. ' &. �eeoTutfonl�e�tabl hing Community Festival Revolniag Loan and Grant Pr gr�,m to be fund�d by a surcha ge of 25G to be paid as part of the grice of ea Y,� ad�3ss� �a flive fest; o be administered by Parks and Recreat�on Depaz �., � with saca dation to ass. C::Y HALL EVE1�iTFi FLOOR SAINT'PAUL, FSOTA 55102 a�16