86-1707 WNITE - CI7V GLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - pEPARTMENT FIlC NO. O� BLI?�E' - I.�AVOR ouncil Resolution ;- � r �� � Presente By ' ,, Referred To ! � Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, hE� U.S. Depar ment of Labor� has approved a grant to the City of Saint Paul providin $42,3 0 for he City's participation in an employment and t aining program for S int Pa 1 area veterans; and WHEREAS, This pr gram w'll provide employment assistance and training or up to 25 eligible veter ns; no , therefore, be it RESOLVED, That u on rec mmendation of the Mayor, the Council of the Ci y of Saint Paul does here y appr ve �he City's participation in the Project for Veteran Assistance and Emplo ment; nd be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That he proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute he con ract between the U.S. Department of Labor and he City of Saint Paul� and it FINALLY R SOLUE , That he 1986 Special Funds budget be amended as ide tified below: Activity 6559- roject for Veteran Assistance and Employment a Multi- ear Grant Fund 345- Govern ental mployment and Training Program i C rrent Increase Revised Financing Plan B d et (Decrease) Budget JTPA Title IV-C Veteran Employment Direct Grant, Feder 1 345-36559-3112 0.00 $42,300 $42,300 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Na s Nicosia P1 ann i ng and Economi c Deve 1 opm nt Rettman Itl F8V0[ Scheibel � Sonnen __ AgalnSt BY �� Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by ttorney� Adopted by Council: Date r Certified Passed by Council Secr ary BY sy� , Approved by 1Aavor: Date _ Approve by Mayor for Submi io to C ncil BY - – — BY WHITE - C�TY CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT � / 7 BLIi�E - �AVOR FIIC NO• W •e ou cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 C rrent Increase Revised Spending Plan B d et (Decrease) Budget Subcontractor Payments 345-36559-547-000 0.00 $33,840 $33,840 Operating Transfer Out 345-36559-537-00 0.00 8,460 $ 8,460 Net Change 0.00 $42,300 $42,300 APPROVED AS TO FUND NG: APPROVED: 1 / Direct , Departmen of Fi ance � Budget re or and Management Servi ces il���"�� COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays � �_ Plannin� and Economic Developm nt Rettman In Favo[ Scheibel � �" Sonnen __ Agelllst BY � Tedesco Wilson p C 3 0 1986 Form Approved Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Va. -e cil Sec ry BY By� App by :Navor. te _ JAN - Z 19$7 Approve ayor for Subm' sio to Co ncil BY — BY P IISHED ar� 1 o i987 / D Job Creativn•& �Trai ing/PE DEPARTMENT �����^ 7 N° _ 0'7644 --�-. �,�► Tom Norn�an ' CONTACT 228-3260 PHONE November 26. 1986 DATE ��� � , AS IGN NUhB ER FOR R UTING R�ER i Al1 Locations for Si ature : . . Department Dire tor � Director of Managemen /Mayor Finance and Man ement Servic Director � 8 City Clerk tar 1 Jacqui Shoholm �fiy Attorney 2 .William Patton � AT WILL BE ACHIEV D BY T KING A IOt� ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rativnale) : The attach d Coun il Res lution provides for the acceptance of funds to operate a ompreh nsive ployment and training program for approximatel 30 unemplo ed Sai t Paul rea veterans. R�C�IVE �^���° c � OST BENEFIT BUD ET RY • � \ C G AN PERSO EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED. � MAYQ�t'S OfFI The City C uncil ould a brove the acceptance of $42,300 for the operati n of the Pro ect of Vetera ' Assistance and Employment from November 1986 � through No ember:� 987. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTIVI Y NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- i ture not re- Tota1 Aawunt of 'T ansac ion: $ ,300 quired if under 4 � �10,000) Fund.ing Source: .S.- De artmen of Labor, Veterans Employment and Training Activity Number: 36559 ' REC NED ATTACHMENTS List an Numb All tachments : - - D E C 01986 One Council Resol tion � pFFICE OF E DlRECTOR DEPARTMEN OF FMANCE AND MANAGE ENT SERy�CES i . - � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Counci Resol tion R quired? ' Resolution Required? es No Yes No Insura ce Re ired? Insurance Sufficfent? es No Yes No Insura ce At ched: ( E •REVE SE SIDE FOR IMSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � . _ . C{ �f C�e�l� ' � �--�-i7D�7 ��� IT OF S.A.Ii�7T P�.UL ::"iu�,. � ' OF�'I OF TH� CITY COIINCII, �n nt.it� �:i�an e M a e e�t & Per�onnel Committee. ' DECEMBER 23, 1986 . 1. Approval of minutes from m eting held December 18, 1986. approved 2. Resolution amending the .19 6 budget and reducing the Financing Plan for Federal Revenue Sha ing Tr st Fund by $341,333 and reducing the 1986 Spend'ng Plan by $632,600. a r ved 3. Letter of State Dep rtment of Revenue transmitting application No. 328082 of Robert� H. Levine for re uction of certain real estate in the city of Saint Paul. dis ussed 4. Resolution ending the 19 6 budget and adding $2,512,792 to the Financing Plan and to the S ending Plan f r General Fund - Special Projects (1985 encumbe ed . items) . rove . � . • • 5. Resolution a ending the 19 6 budget and transferring $11,000 from Continge t Reserve to t e Depa tment f Finance'and Management Services - Adminis.trat'on - . _ --- - - __ _ Division for travel and mo ing expense relating .to the appointment of the Finance Depa tment irecto . approved ' 6. Resolution approvin chang in accounting year-end encumbrance policy. pproved 7. Resolution amending the 19 6 budget by adding $100,000 to the Division of Public Health Summa y Abat ment Activities. approved 8. Resolution amending the 19 6 Financing Plan for the 1986 General Fund Budg t by adding $525,000. a roved � 9. Resolution amending the 19 6 budget by transferring funds in the amount of $297,175 for the ac uisiti n of new voting equipment. approved 10. Resolution amEending the 19 6 budget by adding $64,813 to allow for payment of some materia s need d for he impiementation of the automation system for he library and or pa ents d e vendor and contractors. approved 11. Resalutiaa a en�diag the 19 5 Special Funds budget to pravide for acceptanc . " of' funds to perate a comp �hensive empl.oyment and training progra� for emplogec� vet ra�s i Saint Paul area - in the amount o€ $42,300. appro d 12. Resolution am�ending the 19 6 budget by adding $111,154 to provide spending . authority for appro ed ope ation and maintenance activities in, the regiona . parks and open spac syste . approved C� �I-I- S FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINN TA 55202 _ . �..�s