86-1706 WHITE - C�TV CIERK �� �
PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council � �70.
ou cil Resolution �
Presented �
Referred To �l Committee: Date ,� ���°
Out of Commit ee By Date
WHEREAS, The Mayor, Pursua to Se tion 10.7.1 0� the Charter o� the City of Sain Paul, does
certify that there aire avai able f r appropriation total revenues in excess of th se est�mated
in the 1986 Budget; �nd
WHEREAS, Council File No. 2 7510, dopted Qctober 1, 1981, did establish certain pecial Fund
Policies; and
WHEREAS, The mayor r comme s that the following additians be ma.de to the 1986 Bu get;
FINANCING PLAN Current 8udget Changes Amended Bud et
350 Library Aides �,nd Gr ts
33420 - Various Codes $572,481 - 0 - $572,4 1
33420 - Grants, and D ations - - - $64,813 64,8 3
$572,481 $64,813 $637,2 4
350 Library Aides �nd Gr ts
33420 - Various Codes $229,179 -Q- $229,1 9
33420 - 241 Printin Outsid -0- $ 3,597 3,5 7
33420 - 0537 T�ansfe out 343,302 61,216 404 5 8
$572,481 $64,$13 $637,2 4
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO ED, Th t the City Council adopts the above additions o the
1986 Budget.
� f/� !
Director, Finance and a ment S rvicesp Budget Di ec or
Yeas COUNCILME Na s Requested by Department of�, •
Drew Y �
��e�n G� �,, r� ,
�, � In Favor
Sonnen � _ Against BY ,
W i Ison
Adopted by Council: Date
D C 3 0 1986 orm Approve City Atto y
Certified Pa.se b i Sec ry BY
Z� �
g�. I ,�
App e by Mavor: Da — Appro d ayor for Submission o t il
' UBl1SHED J AN 10198?
_ Cr f•� 1�i-K '
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��ance M a e e�t & Personnel Cammittee.
DECEMBER 23, 1986
1. Approval of minutes from m eting held December 18, I986. approved �
2. Resolution amending the .19 6 budget and reducing the Financing Plan for
Federal Revenue Sha ing Tr st Fund by $341,333 and reducing the 1986 Spen ing
Plan by $632,600. a r ved �
3. Letter of State Dep rtment of Revenue transmitting application No. 328082 �
of Robert� H. Levine for re uction of certain real estate in the city of
Saint Paul. dis ussed
4. Resolution amending the 19 6 budget and adding $2,512,792 to the Financin Plan
and to the Spending Plan f r General Fund - Special Projects (1985 encumb red
. items) . a rove , � . • •
5. Resolution amending the 19 6 budget and transferring $11,000 from Conting t
R�serve to the Depa tment f Finance'and Management Ser3rices-- Administra ion
- - - .------- -- -
Division for travel and md ing expense relating .to the appointment of the �
Finance Department irecto . approved �
6. Resolution approvin chang in accounting year-end encumbrance policy. approved
7. Resolution amending the 19 6 budget by add�ng $100,000 to the Division of
Public Health Summa y Abat ment Activities. approved
8. Resolution amending the 19 6 Financing Plan for the 1986 GeneraI. Fund Bud et
by adding $525,000. a roved �
9. Resolution amending the 19 6 budget by transferring funds in the amount o
$297,175 for the ac uisiti n of new voting equipment. approved
10. Resolution aaleading the 19 � budget by: ad�ing �64,$13 to �a11�ow fox paymen of
some materia]ls need d for e implementation of the automation system for he
l�brary and �or pa nts d �e vendor and contractors. approved ,
11. Resolution amending the 19 6 Special Funds budget to provide for acceptanc '
of funds to operate a comp ehensive employment and training program for u
employed veterans i Saint Paul area - in the amount of $42,300. appro ed
12. Resolutioa amending the 19 6 budget by adding $111,154 to provide spendin •
authority for appro ed ope ation and maintenance activities in, the region .
parks and open spac syste . approved
C`n Fi�'I-I- Fi.00R SAINT PAUI,� OTA 55102
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