86-1704 WHITE - CITV CLEftK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SAINT PAUL Council - • �CANAR'l�- DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �O � � rdin�znce Ordinance �10. 3 Y Presente By Referred To �U w � -S Committee: Date � �� b Out of Commit ee By Date An Ordin nce amending Section 164.02 of th Sain Paul Legislative Code pertaining , to the P blic Safety Building Parking lot. � THE COUN�IL OF THE C TY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Sect on 16 .02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code e and the same is he eby r pealed in its entirety. Section 2. That�� Cha ter 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative C de be and is ',hereb ame ed so as to insert the following s ction thereto: 'i 64.02 Pub ic Safety Building Parking Lot. The us of he pa king ot adjoining the Public Safety complex and facin Robe t Street between Tenth and Eleventh Str ets sha 1 be estri ted to persons employed in the Public S fety com lex, rovid d said persons comply with the followi 1 . COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay , Drew C, Nicosia ln Favor Rettman s�ne�nai Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Coun il Secret ry BY By ' Approved by Mayor: Date Appro d y Mayor for Submis ' o c" By By � y . � � � . � . �' � -iTo� • , 1 .The ,area ' n the parking lot approximately 10 feet west of the er�tranc dri eway from Eleventh Street to the pro erty � line at hi nnes ta Street shall be administered u der authority o the hief of the �"ire Department, and the e tire remaining porti n of the parking lot shall be administered under the a thori y of the Chief of the Police Departmen . 2.Employees desir ng a parking permit shall apply througt the Polic� or F' ire D partment for said permit. Permits will be issued th ough a lottery , or drawing , from name of applicants by t ur of duty worked and by the numbe of available arking spaces on that tour of duty. Emplo ees shall pay a fee or said parking permits as establishe by rules and r gulat ' ons governing operation of the parking lot. 3.Each par ing ermit so issued shall be evidence by a numbered perm ' t prominently displayed in every veh ' cle using said arkin lot. �+.'�he use o the arking 1ot shall be restricted to eYnpi yees on duty; h weve , no employee shall have more than one vehicl;e in aid 1 t during said hours. S.No employ e sha 1 stop, stand, or park any vehicle in that portion of he pa kin� lot designed for "visitors". 6 .No perso shal stop, stand or park any vehicle in the "visitor" sectio of said lot for more than one hour at any one t�me. 7.Pursuant o rul s and regulations established and issued in a customar mann r by the Fire Chief, all personnel of the F'ire Depar ment shall park only in that portion of the parking lot admi istered by the Fire Department as out ined in ( 1 )I abov . 8.Pursuant o rul s and regulations established and issued in a customar mann r by the Chief of Police, all personn 1 of the Police epart ent shall park only in that portion of the parking lot admin stered by the Police Department as out ined in ( 1 ) abov . 9 .App�opri te s ' gns shall be erected so as to cle rly desig ate t e res rictions set forth herein. 10.The �'oli e Chief and the �'ire Chief shall have autho ity to develop and rom�lgate rules and regulations for the arderl;y ope ation of their respective sections of the parking lot. I z M�HITE - C�TV CLERK PINK � - FINANCE C TY OF SAINT YAUL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT . /� � BLUE - MAV:R ��v . . File N 0. Ordindnce Ordinance 1��. 7 3U Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date Section 3. Thi ordi ance hall take effect and be in force thirt (30) days fro and iter ts passage, approval and publication. � 3 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman s�na�nai Against By Sonnen Tads�ee► Wilson F B 2 4 198� Form A d by City At rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s oun il Se r BY � By � Appr y Mayor: Date ` EB Appro y Mayor for Subm' ion Co c" By PU�t SNED �:�:- t� 7 ig8� � Palice ' � DEPARTMENT ��'�7�� NO 3866 Lieutenant Fin�n y� � � �CONTACT — , 29 -364�D . �' PHONE December 16 , 19 6 DATE �e�� � ASSIGN NUh�ER FOR RO TING 0 DER C ti All Locations for Si nature : Department Direc or � Director of Management Mayor Finance and Mana ement ervice IDirector � City Clerk Budget Director 3 Co ies to P,n. City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVE BY TA ING AC !ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Parking rules a d re latio s will be updated to more adequately r £lect current conditi ns. sel ' sustaining fund will be created to mai tain the parking Iot in i s cur nt remodelled conditibn. . �\,���� �---- \ � COST/BENEFIT BUDGET RY AND PERSON 'EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEO: No direct cos�t o ci y. E ployees using the lot will pay for its aintenance. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of T ansact'on: -�- quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: /'A Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List an Numb r All tachments : 1 copy of Ordna ce . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes x No Counci Resolution quired? Resolution Required? Yes �No Yes x No Insura ce Re uired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No ��A Yes � No Insurance At ached: ( EE REV RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ' , � � � ��- i7o� Llembeca: t 7�.�� . . ' �iITY OF ►,C}AI�TT PAUL 7sdosNRa�lman�� �i i�lli� . Hlict 9onaan , „ OFFICE OF THB)CITY COIINCIL ]oLn Draw(AI!) Date: February 4, 1987 � � o mittee Re ort - p To: S int Paul City Council Fr m: Committee on Public Works � hris Nicosia, Chair � The P blic Work Cortunittee at its meetinq of February 4, 1987 took the - followinq action Hear i ,q_Date 1• R in �eader Disconnect Ordinance. ' G , R commend approval on 2-I vote, Councilwoman Rettman ' v ting "N0. 2. 'L/1 /87 V CATiON: Petition of Louis and Darlene Gydesen for the v cation of a strip of land at the intersection of Charles a d Carleton Streets to cure a buildinq encroachment ( unded by Raymond, Charles, Carleton and University). " R ommended approval unanimously. . 3• 2/1 /87 FI AL ORDER: Improve the following avenue and streets by gr din� and pavinq, constructinq concrete curb and gutter; c structinq storm water drainage facilities, water main an water connections, sanitary sewer and sanitary sewer co nections and a street lighting system in UPLAND AVENUE fr m Burlinyton Road to Oakridge Street in OAKR[DGE STREET fr m Upland Avenue to Howard Street and in FIR STREET from Oa ridqe Street to approximately 200 feet south of Ua ridge. Also slope constructton in the above-mentioned , av nue and streets. La d over in Comnittee until 2-IS-87. 4. 2/l /87 FI AL ORDER: Improvincl E. SIXTH STREET from Hope Street to Cypress 5treet by milling the surface and piacing a bi uminous overlaY and doinq all other work necessary to co plete said improvement. Re ommended approval unanimously. 5• OR �ANCE: emending SectPon 164.02 of the Legislative Code pe ining to the Pubiic Safety Buildtng Perking Lot rules a Irepulations (86-1704). Re nded approval unanimously. 6• OR INANCE: amendinq Ordinance No. 13534 of the Leqislative _ Co e pertaining to one-way streets and deleting 87H ST. W. fr Sibley to Jackson and SIBLEY north from 7th to 8th St eet and amending Ordinance No. 16468 by deletinp 8TH ' ST ET E. from Wabasha to Jackson and 9th St. W. from Ja son to Cedar. Lai over in Cormnittee to 2-18-87. � C��� SEVENTH LOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SS102 612/298-�t475 +�.•• � :� , . � ��^ �7v�/ . /7�/3� 7. RDINANCE: amendinq Ordinance No. 13539 of the legislative ode pertaining to parkinq meter zones and deleting both ides of SIBLEY from 7th to 8th Street, both sides of BTH TREET from Wabasha to Cedar, north slde of Rth from Cedar . • o Minnesota, and the north side of 8th from Robert to ackson and amendinq Ordinance No. 16467 by deletinq the orth side of 6th St. from Minnesota to Jackson. • aid over in Committee to 2-18-87. 8. ESOLUTiON: authorizing an aqreement with the Minnesota epartme�t of Transportation for the improvement of T.H. 5 I8th St.) from St. Peter to Wacouta Streets. aid over in CommittPe to 2-18-87. 9. ESOLUTION: acceptinq Registered Land Survey for Steven reanor. - aid over in Committee to 2-18-87. ' � �I IZ �I i