86-1695 i I � CITY OF Sl�. PAUL COUNCIL FIL NO. � � v PRELIMINA!RY O DER ' ; BY � File No. 18454 � Voting IntheMatter;of i provin the follawing streets by constructing concret Ward curb and tters, bituminous pavin�, construct concrete driveway and' outwal s, pla t trees and do all aecessary work to complete 6 & 7 said proje t. Sims Aven from Earl Street to Frank Street Frank Str t from York Street to Case Avenue York Stre t from Earl Street to Frank Street Menldota S xeet from E. Sixth Street to Beech Street Fa uier lace from Arcade Street to Bush Avenus Bu� Aven e fraa Fauquier Place to Stroh Drive Wei,�de Str et from Bush Avenue to Reaney Street Realney St eet from Arcade Street to Stroh Drive Sin�nen St eet froon E. Sixth Street to E. Seveath Street Hope Stre t rom E. Siacth Street to E. Seventh Street Eiqhenwal Stree from E. Sixth 3treet to E. Seventh Street Map�le Str et from E. Fifth Street to E. Seventh Street Ma�gareC treet fran E. Seventh Street to Greenbrier Street Del�lwood lace from Greenbrier Street to Margaret Stteet Gre�enbrie Stree fran Dellwood Place to Margaret Street. All to be known s the ARCADE/MINNLAAHA ARBA STREET PAVING AND L�GHTING PROJEC . The Council� of the C y of Sain Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above impro ement, and having considered �Said repor ,hereby r solves: 1. That the'said repo t and the ame is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated ost thereof is$ 69E�,135 , finan ed by financed by 1987 Capital Improvement Bon $369,878; iStorm ewer S rvice Charge $178,723 and AsseBSments $147,534. 2. That a pUblic heari g be had n said improvement on the 2�th day of January, 987 ,at 10:00 o'�lock a.m. in the C ncil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City f Saint Paul. 3. That notice of sai public h ring be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chazt ,stating the time and�place of aring,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. � I I DEC 2 � 1986 COUNCIL PE�SON Adopted by.the Council: Date Yeas Drew � Nays Nicosisi Certified ssed b Council Secretary Rettman Scheibel In Favor y Sonnen � —�e�et� Against Wilson I ayor DEC 2 198�' � RUBUSHED J N - 31987 � P�+�ti��EO � `� i'� 101987 �