86-1686 WHITE - C17V CLERK
PINK - FINANCE (`j I y OF SA I NT PA U L Council � f /��
Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0.
Presented �--�'�t�-' ,
Referred To � u L � Committee: Date °Z r� '
Out of Committee By Date
An rdina ce amending the Saint Paul
Leg ' slati e Code Section 161. 04, pertaining
to he pe alty for violation of snow
eme gency parking ordinances.
Section 1 .
That Sect ' on 16 . 04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ' s
hereby amended as fo lows:
161. 04 . Any v hicle stopped, parked, abandoned or otherwise left
unattended in iolat ' on of Section 161. 03 is hereby declared to be
an obstruction to th public streets and shall eenst�tt�te a
m�selemeaner.-be punis able by a fine of not less than $40 . 00 .
Section 2 .
That the itle f this ordinance shall be changed to re d
as follows : V hicle stopped, fines.
Section 3 .
This ordi ance hall take effect and be in force 30 day
after its pass ge, a proval and publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Nicosia [n Favor —
Rettman //
Scheibel �L Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date
JAN ' Form Appr d by City Attorney
Certified Pas e ouncil Se ar B
Appr by Mayor. e � � � � j��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc'1
By; By
PUBLI t�ED ��� � `� =� 1987
;�- ��_��� ,
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CiI Y OF ►.�AI�TT PAUL JnaiceNi o�s��a�r
�iiiliti10.% � Jolin D waAlt
I DBtG': January 7 1987
. II �
Co lttee l� e ort
p .
To: I ain Paul City Council
From: om ittee on Public Works
hri Nicosia, Chair
The Put�lic W rks Co ittee at its meetinq of January 7, 1987 took the
followinq acti n: .
1 .Hearin� Date
1-8-87 FINAL ORUER: Improving 07IS AVENUE from Eustis to P lham
Blvd. with an ornamental street lighting system. gr ding
and pa ing, constructinq concrete curb and gutters, atch
basins concrete driveway aprons, reconstructing sani ary
sewer, constructing sanitary, storm and water connecti ns,
if re uested by property owners and an area storm ewer
system bounded by Eustis Street on the west; on the rth
by 13 feet MOL southwest of Desnoyer Ave; Pelham lvd.
and 5 0 feet M0� south of Beverly Ave; on the east 622
feet M L east of Pelham Bivd. , on the south 755 feet MOL
, north f Marshall Ave, Round Lane, along Mississippi iver
Blvd. 135 feet MOL) .
Recomm nded approval .
2. 1-13-;87 FINAL ORDER: pALE/HOYT 57REET paving and ligh ing
� pro,jec , area storm sewer pro,ject (bounded by Larpen eur
on th north, Arlington between Grotto and 5t. Al ns,
Cottaq between St. Albans and Dale and Wheelock Par way
more-o -less on the south and east and Grotto more or-
less o the west) . Also constructing sanitary, storm and
water c nnections if requested by property owners. (Am nded
order t follow for street paving and lightinq projet)
' Recomm ded approval, with amendments.
3. 1-13-87 FINAL RDER: Decidinq the operating costs for the a ove
sten�i�r_ str�et 1 I af►t f r�9 �Y�t�m� fr,r� t��r m��r��t��� r�,f Jc�fi �t'�Y
thru De ember, 1987:
IA. For -Cleveland Area
, B. Sel y-Western Area
'' . Low rtown Area
. Gra d-Dale Victoria Area
. N. abasha Area (July thru December, 1987)
. Gra d Avenue West Area, and
. Gra d Avenue East Area.
! ecomme ded approval .
� ��- i� � �
� 4. 1-20-87 INAL RDER; Constructinq the RANDOLPH/SNELLING REA
! TORM EWER (bounded on the north by a line beqinning at
he in ersection of Princeton Ave, Amherst Street and
Cambri e Street proceedinq easterly to a p int
I approxi ately 400 feet east of the center of Macale ter
Street ther� heading north to center of Goodrich Av nue
� extend and thence following Goodrich and Good ich
extend d to Saratoga Street; on the east by Sara oga
I Street MOL and on the west by a line running long
Snelli g Ave. from southern boundary of area north a
point n Snelling Ave. between Berkeley Ave. and St. lair
j Avenue and continuing westwardly MOL to a int
approx mately 250 feet west of the center tine of Am erst
Street where it intersects with St. Clair Ave. t ence
� procee ing northeasterly MOL to point of beqinning) . Also
improv ng both sides of Brimhall Street from Jeff rson
j Avenue south to Palace Avenue and both sides of P lace
Avenue from Snellinq Avenue east to Brimhall Stree by
, constr cting concrete curb and gutters, bituminous pa ing,
! drivew ys, outwalks, plant trees and construct a s reet
liqhti _y system all to be known as the Randolph/Sne ling
, pavinq and lighting system. Also constructing sani ary,
storm nd water connections, if requested by the pro erty
I owner.
Recomm nded approval . �
5. I ORDER N0. 71651 from the State Commissioner of
Trans rtation revoking the designation of Trunk Hi hway
� No. 149 as a detour within the City of St. Paul . ( 1 -17-
� Reco ended approval .
6, I, VACAT ON: of COLUMBUS AVENUE from John Ireland Boul vard
to W basha 5treet and discussion of the overall C itol
Area pian mainly as it per•tains to the vacati n of
� stree s.
I Laid ver in Committee to 1-21-87.
7. �� f3�Q1N Es amending Section 161.04 of the Legis�lti . Code
// ��:� �`p�ra 1 ty for v�3�a�t f on t� s�+ eme 9ency
� p � �
�'� r p p,�at�iEi` �-i�rd.i��nct. C�P-23-86)
Rr�� apPs�ov�1 .
S. � ORDIN NCE: amendinq Ordinance No. 13534 pertaining t one-
way treets and adding ROY STREET northbound fro St.
j Antho y to University.
Laid ver in Committee to 1-21-87.
, 2
� �-/� �
. g, I Other usiness. RESOLUTION: authorizinq agreement be een
the ity �of St. Paul and Minnesota Departmen of
' Transp rtation for construction, operation and mainte ance
' of tr ffic signal at interse.ction of Snelling Ave.
' (T.H.5 ) and Midway Pkwy. - Commonwealth Avenue.
Recomm nded approval .
(p, RESOLU ION: approvinq plans, special provisions and
specif cations for the improvement of Snelling Av nue,
l�runk wy. 125, renumbered as Trunk Hwy. 51 , from Como
Avenue to No. Corp. limits.
Recomm nded approval .
. . ; f ,,� � � f� ! �y '
�.st _ /c� c►-�'lo` ?_�na � / o�9��.�'
3rd ' -� � Adopted ,,;1. — /D ��7
� . Yea . NaYs
� n�a � �G �/G,��P7 � -
� NICOS�A ���3�
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� R�`iTMAN