86-1685 ...�r r6 �� G/T� GLi�l�l . . . ...
PfNK ��RINANG[ G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Caa�cil � �
c�N,►wr �OEPAQTMtNr apC
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� ou cil IZesolution -
� - aPresented By
Referred To Committee: Date ___..____
Out of Committiee By Date
I .
61HEREAS: After lic ing, Mr. Casci agreed to close his
establ shzaent immediately, now, therefore, be it
RFSOLVED: That e License presently held by Franco Casci DBA
'�Rana ry a 705 E. Third Street be and the same is hereby
sus unt 1 January 28, 1987 for the following reason:
1. F 'lure o comply with the food ordinance.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: -
Yeas flrwv NayS /�
Nicosia �y
Rettman ', �� FaVOC
Seheibel ' (�
so��,� ' Against BY
Wilson .�2�� -
Q�C z � 1�lW Form Approved by City Attorney
Adooted by Council: Date
Certifeed Pa• Coun 'il , r By
BS• -
Nppro, y Mav�r: a - EC Z 6 1986 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co it
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