86-1680 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I Y OF SA I NT FALT L F°1"nci1N0. �g� CANARV - DEPARTMENT ' BLUE - MAVOR C cil R�so ution .-�-� Presented By � �� Referr d o Committee: Date Out of mittee By Date WHEREAS , i is i the City' s best interest to present i s legislative pac age i a coordinated and unified manner , and WHER AS , i is c itical that the City carry a manageabl package o legi lativ issues to the Saint Paul delegation a d legislatu e tha refl cts its most pressing legislative conc rns. NOW, THERE ORE, E IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint aul adopt the follo ing r les of conduct and procedure for the 1 87 legislati 'e ses ion. , 1. he Ci y of aint Paul will lobby only those ocal ssues approved by the Mayor , City Council and th Sain Paul delegation. 2. �'he Ci y lob yists (Diane Lynch, Steve Proeschel nd Be no Sa ewski) are responsible for the egisl tive ackage and will take the lead role 'n lob ying t the Capitol. If City personnel ish t spea on behalf of the City before the Legisl ture , they should coordinate their activi ies w' th the City lobbyists. 3 . ity p rsonn 1 who appear before the egisl ture , on matters of their own interest, re re uired to state that they are not speaking n beh lf of the City of Saint Paul. 4. Propos d act 'on on bills that are introduced which re no part of the City package that may e of oncer to the City of Saint Paul will be eview d and approved by the Chair of the egisl tion ommittee and the Mayor prior to any obbyi g. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel �..J Sonnen `Y Against BY Tedesco Wilson D � ' O � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas ounc 1 et BY BS� Appro y Vlavor: D EC 2 6 �98U Approve y ayor for Submiss' t ou cil BY - - BY , '�� ��;�+,s��ED J P�d 10�� �,,� ` � � �-- /��'� �;= �' � ~~ � CI Y OF S�.INT PAUL �s��°i—��„� OB' ZC� OF THE CITY COIIi�TCZL ....�..- ��r����NN�•H '�T�„��y.���yr ~7 . -- D a �e ; �ecember 15, 1986 C MM �TTEE RE PORT TO = Sa�n PQUI Cit�r Councit � , FRO � = COt'tl t�'t2 OtI LEGISLATION _ C e-��� : JO N DREW . . � 1 . F.inal Discussion and Prioritization of the City's 1987 State Legislative I sues. � Committee rec mmends approval of the PRIORITY STATE LEGISLA7IVE �!L ISSUES listin , copy attached, and of the proposed City Council °ar Resolut�ion, c y �tt �hed, adopting rules of conduct and procedure for the 1987 isia ive ession. ' 2. An Ordinance mendin Chapter 411 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaini g to t e licensing and regulation of entertain- ment in on-sa e lice sed estabtjshments. Committee rec �ends a roval . 3. An ordinance epeali g Section 409.05, Subd. 3, of the St. Paul Legislative C de per aining to fees for intoxicating liquor licenses. Committee-rec ends a roval . CrI'Y HALL SEVE.*iTFi FLOOR . � SAINT PAUL,:4i NNESOTc�t SSI03 .r�-s.�, I � � • ' � � / `�: V- � � ` PR ORITY STATE LEGTST.+ATIVE ISSUES'" ° "� ' 1987 . CITY OF SAINT PAUL DRAFT "A" PRI RITY ISSUE Definit'on: Issue where the City would introduce legisla ion or would wprk w'th ot er groups to seek new laws or protect e isting laws. COMBINED SE SEP TION -- Steve LOCAL GOVE NT A D -- Steve and Benno PROPERTY TAX FO -- Steve and Benno FISCAL DISP TIES - Diane, Steve and Benno ECONOMIC DE PME RECODIFICATION -- Diane URBAN RAP -- iane BONDING, ALLO �TION - Diane and Benno CIB BON ING AUTH IZATION -- Diane and Benno PROPERT TAX OSTPO NT -- Diane SMOKE D TECT -- teve . "B" PRI RITY SSIIES Definit on: ssues the City would spend substantially les time on.� If the gisla ure or other groups mounted a major ef ort, the Cit woul resp nd. While the City might initiate - legisla ion o a �� priority item, these would be non-controve ial. PORT AUTHORIT -- 'ane and Benno ENVIRONMENTA POLI ES -- Steve HOUSING TECHN CAL NDMENT -- Diane MATERNAL CHI HEA -- Benno METROPOLITAN ARKS D OPEN SPACE BONDING -- Steve �