86-1673 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEGARTMENT File NO. �� � BLUE - MAVOR ncil Resolution y �r� �', � ; �_6 Presented y r " Referred To I Committee: Date — Out of Committ e By Date Wf�iS, The Mayor pursu t to tion 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certif that there are ava lable or app opriation revenues i.n excess of those estimated in the 1986 bwdget and WI�REA.S, The Mayor reco s th following changes to the 1986 budget: Ckirrent Amended Budget Changes Bwdget FI1�iNCING PLAN 001 General Fur�d 0200 Fur�d Balance, Unrese ved Undesignated 1,840,252 +42,938 1,883,190 All Other Financin 108,950,981 U 108,950,981 I, 110,791,233 +42,938 110,834,171 SPEDDING PLAN ' OU1 General Fur� Pol ice Dep tm�ent 04000 Offic of t Chief 04000-0537 rat' Tr fer Out 7,599 +42,938 50,537 04000 All her ing 1,277,534 0 1,277,534 All Other S ing 109,506,100 0 109,506,100 110,791,233 +42,93 110,834,171 'I 1�'I' � ' +42,93 RESQLVID, That the City uncil roves these changes to the 1986 budget. Financing is Av il Approval RecomHnended � ---� _ -11 _ '1__:��_� ti`�`-'"t- - - - Director of I Financ + ��_� I�p� Bwdget i tor COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia Police Departn�ent Rettman �n FaVOf - Scheibel Sonne� _ Agalnst BY Tedesco Wilson �Q �E � S I�u6 Form Approve y City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vas e b unc'1 Se r By �'�L� g , Appr b Mavor: D Approv Mayor for Submi si t Cou BY - — BY p�B ISNED J N 1 0 1987 police Depart�nent . � DEPARTMENT - C�l(�73 O OsirJg Deputy Chief John St ner CONTACT 292-358s -PHONE �0,30,86 oATE r. ��rti � .� e , ASSIGN NUhBER FOR R0 ING 0 ER C1 All Locations for Si nature : � De�rar�ment Dtir�ct r 5 Director of Management yor 4 Finance and Manag ent S rvices Director - 6 City Clerk �2 Budget pirector � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA NG ACT ON ON THE ATT.ACHED MATER�ALS? (Purpose/ Rat'on_ale) • Spending authority a fi ancing lan will be established for a �cw �olice activ ty(34122) in order to pursue a licat on/eli bility as an accredited polic�`agency. R�r'�'� ./�� ���. � NOV 1 14�� E��� �'�� r� ,;�,�..- �,�\ � �---- CfTY �► i �s.,��Y. COST BENEFIT BUDGETA Y AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: $42,938 of Unreserve Undes gnated neral Fund Fund Balance will be used to incre se the Spending Plan of 040 0-0537 Office f the Chief-Operating Transfer Out. An �ccompanying xeso ution ill us the Transfer from the General .Fund a� a fin#nc ng'plan for a Special Fund Activ'ty(341 2) spe ing plan. Accreditation for the Poliae Depa ent will � be pursued by the Sp cial F nd Act' ity. FINANCING 50URCE AND UDGET CTIVIT NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of 'Tr nsact.i n: $42,93s.00 quired if under - ��o,oao) : Fu�diag Source: 02Q0 U reserv Undesignated Fund Balance �,. .RECE Activity Number: 0200 , .� �.F. ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All At achments : N�� 1 2 9�6 p��dF THE !R£CTpR 1. Resolution (Gener 1 Fund MENT 0 F 2. Copy of Special F d res lution I �d �NAQEMEN MANCE ' 3. 1986, 1987 Start p Cost Estima. � of Police Department acereditation ���CES � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY .ATT�IRM�Y REYIEW x Yes No Council Resol ion Re uired? ' Resolutian Required? es No Yes x No Insuran e Req red? Insuranee Sufficlerlt? es No Yes �,No Insuran e Att hed: (S •REVER E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) _ � Revised 12/84 - WHITE -'GITY CLEAK ' PI}VK - FINANCE (j I y OF SA I NT PAU L CO1ncil � _ ,7 CANAqV - OEPARTMENT � 3 BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. C uncil Resolution - � � , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date , e yor, p rsuan o ec ion . . o e i y , e er y a ere are available for app opriat on rev nues in excess of those estimated in the 1986 b dget; and � WHEREAS, The Mayor re�ommend the f llowing changes to the 1986 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN ------------ ------------ ----------- 436 Special Projects-Poli e -7299 Transfer from G neral und(04000) 0 +42,938 42,938 All Other Financing 800,729 0 800,729 800,729 +42,938 843,667 SPENDING PLAN 436�Special Projec�s-Poli e �4122 Police A credit tion 34122-111 Full Time C rtifie 0 2,434 2,434 34122-439 Frin e Bene its 0 633 633 34122-219 Fees Other rofess onal Serv. 0 2,500 2,500 34i22-221 Post ge 0 75 75 34122-223 Tele hone-L ng Dis ance 0 200 200 34122-251 Tran portat'on 0 1,000 1,000 34122-367 Trai ing Or Instru tional Supplies 0 0 0 34i22-369 Othe -Offic Suppl es 0 150 150 34122-8i5 Desk Chair or Ta les 0 1,600 1,600 34i22-816 Cabinets Bo kcases Etc. 0 100 i00 34122-856 Data Proces ing So tware 0 1,000 1,000 34122-857 Data Proce sing Ha dware 0 4,500 4,500 ; 34122-855 Sound Equi ent 0 50 50 i 34i22-858 Telephone uipmen Purchases 0 1�0 150 � 34122 All Uther Spen ing 0 0 0 � Al1 Other Fund Spend' g 800,729 0 800,729 j 800,729 +14,392 815,121 �` � NET CHANGE ' +42,938 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas DfeW Nays Nicosia ((l F8V0[ Rettman Scheibel ��1Q1 Against BY Teaeseo Wilson ; Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: IDate - Certified Yassed by Council Secreta y BY gy. Approved by lqavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il gy _ — BY WMITE - CITV CIERK PINK -+FINANCE Council. (//� /��3 GICNARV - OElPA17TMEN7 G I Y O�F SA I NT PA U L �j/�r BI.GE , -�MAVOR • - File NO. v�' C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ! i Out of Committe By Date i RESOLVED, That the Ci�y Coun il app oves these changes to the 1986 budget. BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, That af er Jan ary 1, 1987 the Mayor will recommend for Counci approval a 1987 eatimated sp nding lan of $28,546 in order for the Police Departme t to complete their accreditat on pro ess. Financing is Availabl Approval Reco�uended ---------------;------ -- ------------------------ Director of Fin�ance Budget Director COUNCILMEN ' Requested by Department oE: Yeas Drew NaYs i N�cos�e [n Favor Police De artment Rettman Scheibel Sonnen Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate Certified Passed by Council Secretar BY By Approved by �lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc 1 BY - BY .. � . � �,���3 Ac�redi ation of Saint Paul Police Department tart Cost Estimate 10-3-86 Spe ial F nd Budget - Activity 34122 1986 1987 Budget Budget Total Postage 75 25 100 Long Distance �hones 200 100 300 COLEA Fees ' 0 5,700 5,700 Software 1,000 0 1,000 Programming & Desig 2, 500 0 2, 500 Consultant Fees 0 2, 500 2, 500 Supplies 150 50 200 Telephone Equipment 150 0 150 Desks 1,000 0 1,000 Chairs 400 0 400 Side Chair 200 0 200 Tape Recorder 50 0 50 IBM PC-XT ', 4, 500 0 4,500 Bookcase I 100 0 100 Travel 1,000 1,000 2,000 Purchase Depar ment anual 0 200 200 Clerk Steno I- alari s (14 0) 2, 434 15, 056 17, 490 Clerk Steno I- ringe 633 3, 915 4,548 ---------- ---------- ---------- Total costs To Be Fi anced 14,392 28, 546 42, 938 Police Captaini (Assi ned F om General Fund) 11, 550 46, 200 57,750 Police Captain Fring s 4, 540 18,160 22,700 ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL INITIAL COSTS ( LL SO RCES) 30, 482 92, 906 123,388 Cost Estimates Provi ed by Saint Paul Police Department Mayor 's Office IBM 00-BJ 10/29/86 I . � � �___.,, � ���-� � � . _ ��G ���73 �� CI Y OF SgI�TT PAUL :;i'�i t i:�ti ' O C� OF TH3.� CITY COUYCIL � �omrni�tee Report F��ance l�an eme�t � Persannel �ammittee. DECIIKBER 11, 1986 1. Approval of minu es fro meeting held November 26, 1986. a roved 2. Resolution conse ting t the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amount of $25,00 ',000 to finance the purchase of two office bui dings ;; from Space Cente Inc. approved 3. Resolution appro ing th issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in t e amount of $628,0 0 to f nance the construction of an office, manufactu ing and warehouse fa ility or S & S Partnership in Riverview Industrial P rk. approved � 4. Resolution amend'ng the 1986 budget by adding $46,623 to the Financing Plan . � and to �th� Spend'ng P1� .fo•r General Government Accounts = Housing Inf rmation • Office. a r ved � ' � 5. -Resolution amend'ng the 1986 budget by adding $28,630--to-the Financing Plan — - � and to the Spend ng Pla for General Fund - Finance and Management Se ices - Housing Informat'on Off ce. approved 6. Resolution amen ng the 1986 budget by adding $4,000 to the Financing lan and to the Spen 'ng Pla for City Attorney - Outside Services. a oved 7. Resolution amen ing the 1986 budget by adding $20,000 to the Financing Plan � and to the Spen ing P1 for Parks and Recreation - Private Donations. � approved 8: � -Reso�utfekt � th I I486 budget by add"3ng ¢*�,338 to •�E� I�f�a�rc3.n P1aa a�d:.i� .t�la g Pl - PQlice Accred3tatioa. aPprrmred 9. Resolution amen ing th 1986 budget by adding $42,938 to the Financing Plan and to the Spen ing Pl for Special Projects - Police Accreditation. approved 10. Resolutian amen ing th 1986 budget by adding $118,910 to the Financi g Plan and to the Spen ing P1 n for Public Works - Engineering. a roved 11. Resolution appr ving t e 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement betwee �Independent Sch ol Dis rict 625 and Plasterers Local No. 20. a rov d 12. Resolution amen ing th 1986 budget bg transferring $28,000 from Cont geat Reserve to Comm nity S rvices - Public Health for the Lead Study Prog am. approved C:IY HAI-I- �I'Tfi FLOOR S�1INT PAUL, FSOT?, SS IO2 .s�.�s _ . __ .__ __ ._...�,.,..�.....-....�.�...,_.�.�....-- ,..._.__..w __._.__._ .._., ___. . _,._._._ __._......_ _ ._.._.__.___. ....__.. .____..__._ .. _.-^. - ._ .� ""'r"°.."�