86-1666 _� WJ11TE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I Y OF SA I NT � A U L Council � CANARVi DEPARTMENT , File NO. _/ � � L 9LUE' - MA�OR � 4rdin�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By ��`� ._..-- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date An O dinan e amending Ordinance No. 17000, C .F . 27977 , adopted February 17 , 1983, rezo ing c rtain properties in the area , know as " ailroad Island" , the boundaries of w ich a e the railroad tracks north of Bush and w st of Rivoli , south of East Seve th St eet and running north along the rail oad t acks bordering Swede Hollow, and now orrec ing the legal descriptions for some of th properties rezoned by said ' ordi ance. THE COUNCIL OF HE CI Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDATN: Section l . That ,Ordin nce n ber 17000, C .F. No. 279774, adopted Fe ru- ary 17 , 1 �83 , b and s hereby amended so as to correct the 1 gal descripti ns se fort therein for the following described pr per- ties : 1 . Rezone' from I-1 t RM-2 : • 546 Payne A enue Pa��-e�-B�ee�-�,--ar-i�-a��-e€-�e�s-� �l��e�gl�-�� ,- The West 58 feet of the North 1/2 of Lot 4, and the East 38. feet of the West 118 feet of the Sou h 16.2 feet of Lot 4, and 12 foot ease ment across Lot 4, Block 6 , Brunson' Addition. 542 P yne A enue Fa��-e�-B�ee�-�-ar3d-a��-e�-�e�s-� �13�et�Q1�-��,- The West 58 feet of the South 1/2 of Lot 4, and the eas�-��T COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman S`ne'bei Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counci Secreta y BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il BY BY _ , . � ' �� �`�- /l�l�� . ` `' �l i i ��- I I �ee�-e�-�l�e-wes�-�9.-�-e�-�Y�e south 16.2 feet of Lot 3 , and 12 foot ea e- ment across Lot 4, Block 6 , Brunso ' s Addition. 5462 �payne venue - Fa��-e�-B�ee�-� ,--a��-e�-�e�s-�-��i� tigl� � ��.- The South 1/2 of Vacated Alley, and except the West 58 feet and except the East 60 feet of the West 118 feet f the South 16. 2 feet and except the Northern Pacific right-of-way and subject to easement over East 12 f et of the West 70 feet of the North 4 4 feet and over the South 12 feet of the North 34 feet Easterly thereof, Lot 4, Block 6, Brunson' s Addition. 530 Payne A enue Fa��-e�-B�eel�-� ,--ar-id-a��-e�-�e�s-� , �13�etagl�-�� ,- The West 50 feet of Lots 5 I and 6, Block 6 , Brunson' s Addition. 525 Kenny R ad - Fa��-e€-B�eel�-�-ar•3d-a��-e€-�e�s-� �13�et�g1�-��; The East 35 feet of the West 85 feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block 6 , Brunson' s Addition. 539 Kqnny R ad - �ap�-c3�-��c��l�-�-a�et-a��-vf-��ts-2 �Y��o�gl�-��,- The East 35 feet of the West 120 Feet of Lots 5 and 6 , Bloc 6 , Brunson' s Addition. 539 Kenny R ad - Fa��-e�-B�eel�-�-ar3�-a��-e�-�e�s-� ��i�eraQl�-�� ,- Except the West 120 fee , part west of Northern Pacific right of- way of Lots 5 and 6 , Block 6 , Bruns n' s Addition. I 2. I WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � "`� /� BI.UE - MA70R • ��i O� in�nce Ordinance N0. � '�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date — Out of Committ e By Date Section 2. This ordi ance shall take effect and be in force hirty days from and a ter i s passage, approval and publication. , 3. COUNCILMEN I Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Orew 1 n 'n�& Econo 'c Develo ent Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel t0' Sonnen A gai nst BY�' Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 1 31987 Form Approved y City At ney Certified Pa ed y unci S ta BY By App by Mayor: a J N 15 1987 Approved Mayor for Submission to Coun il B By PUB ISHEO � N 2 41987 . 3 0 � � � � o � � �; °i � � � �. z c `+ ` � � -�o m � -o CJ1 � � -�i � � � � � . � � r- n �� c O r l ¢ � � N y � cn I ~ � � C � � � � • � c-h �.:. c� '. � � n . ���� �� � � � � fD �,._. I-�� � �, N ;;� � K� � J. �� : I-� O� c+ ,�. A �] rS O �. O�'$ o � �, . r� � �` O�D (�"C � D ° , W 'z] Q, . � N � O N n �- -mG � r'S �l r5 � c� � � ��. a o O � o � o '� � . � � � � �� °, m o0 "O n O � � O � C � N. m � � � � � � � � � �o � � � O T fD 1 � N , � - i l�CoD . , . � �;;, b C� ��� � �� ��. ATE 0 MINNESOTA ) Count of Ramsey ) ss. ITY OF AINT PAUL ) s r•._ c,o _ � -�-- �: u� �� I� , . . Albert_ B.. Olson. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City C erk of the _ ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that have cn ` ompare the attached copy of Council File N�.86�1666. , . . , . , . . . . . . _._.._ _ .��. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .19. . . - s adop ed by the City Council,Jan 1�; 87 - nd app oved by the Mayor. . . . . .Januar�,15. . . . . . . . .. . . . �9.87. . . � ith th ariginal thereof on file in my off ice. I urther certify that said copy is a true and co rect copy f said original and the khole thereof. FTI NESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, irineso a this . , , ,4th. .. . . , , day of , , , ,Februar�. . . . , ,A.D. 19 87 . . . . . . . . . . .�:��?,��i,c,t�. . .�'. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . City Clerk. ;:�, s. '� � - Cf 3 .. . . ' . . �,F_ ., � t-"_ . ' . a` / aiNK — FINANCE C I TY � O F SA I NT � A U L // CANARV —.DEPARTMENT- � � COUIICII ' ;r U E �Ta M A V O R. F1IE' N O. ,�,��,/ 1V`f� . ` �di��nce Ordinance�I�. ,� w Presented By .�- � %' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An O dinan e amending Ordinance No. 17000, C .F. 27977 , adopted February 17, 1983, rezo ing c rtain pr�operties in the area know as " ailroad Island" , the boundaries of w ich a e the railroad tracks north of Bush and w st of Rivoli , south of East Seve th St eet and running north along the rail oad t acks bordering Swede Hollow, and now orrec ing the legal descriptions for d, some of th properties rezoned by said `r. ordi ance. . C`� (� THE COUNCIL OF HE CI Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � �� Section 1 . � That Ordin nce n mber 17000, C .F. No. 279774, adopted F bru- aiy 17, 1983, b and ' s hereby amended so as to correct the legal descriptions se fort therein for the following described p oper- ties: ,_. l . Reznne from I-1 t RM-2: _----_. d-._ ..___. _ _ _ 546 Payne R enue Pa��-e€-B�ee1�-�,--ar�d-a��-e�-�e�s-� ���etagl3-��,- The West 58 feet of the Nor�h l/2 of Lot 4, and the East 38. feet of the West 118 feet of the So th 16.2 feet of Lot 4, and 12 foot ease- ment across Lot 4, Block 6, Brunson' s Addition. 542 Payne A enue Pa��-e�-B�eel�-�-a�d-a��-e�-�e�s-� �Y��ettgk-��; The West 58 feet of the South 1/2 of Lot 4, and the eas�-��T COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �Orew N��os�a In Favor Rettman ���;�� Against BY Tedeseo Wilson ,� Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretar BY �y _ .a�p;vved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun iI By By � :f : _. _..�.,�....,.,.,,-�.....a.e.-.r.,.. -..,e ..-..,. >�,�.a....�,.v,,,.,,.,y...�r:,.��..�.e..�..... � X...u..,,... _.._.-. .., ,.. , ,w.A...�� m...-+s.�r�.,a:. . � � p� ��-/1��� . - , - �?�.�? � . � , �ee�-e�-��ie-�res�-�9.-�-e�-�l�e south 16.2 feet of Lot 3, and 12 foot ea e- ment across Lot 4, Block 6, Brunso ' s � ' Addition. 546 2 Payne venue - Pa��-e�-B�eel�-�;-a��-e€-be�s-�-�1�� t�gl� ��= The South 1/2 of Vacated Alley, and except the West 58 feet and except the East 60 feet of the West 118 feet f the South 16.2 feet and except the � Northern Pacific right-of-way and �%� subject to easement over East 12 f et '� (!j of the West 70 feet of the North 4 4 ;1 feet and over the South 12 feet of the � North 34 feet Easterly thereof, Lo 4, � � Block 6, Brunson' s Addition. � 530 Pa ne A enue Pa��-e�-B�ee�-�,-a�d-a��-e�-�e�s-� �13�ettg�-��,- The West 50 feet of Lo s 5 and 6, Block 6, Brunson' s Addition. 525 Ke ny R ad - Pa��-e€-B�sel�-�-a��-a��-e�-�e�s-� -_,_v�._, _ _ �l��et�gk-��; The Eas-t 35-. feet of th __. - I West 85 feet of Lots 5 and 6, Bloc I 6, Brunson' s Addition. � 539 Kenny R ad - Pap�-o€-Br�k-�-a�-a��-exf-�ats-� �1��'o�gl�-��,- The East 35 feet of the West 120 Feet of Lots 5 and 6, Bloc 6, Brunson' s Addition. 539 Kenny R ad - Pa��-e�-B�ee�-�-a�nd-a��-e�-�,e�s-� �l��e�z��i-��; Except the West 120 fee , part west of Northern Pacific right of- way of Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Bruns n' s � Addition. 2. � _ _____--�.d.�.,�.. ---_- ��.e�-.�. _,�...�...�. . ,—,�+esew.-�,x�•�-.w-e.:..---°-s...•—.v...-p�:.�-...s_-,......._,......_._:..,,.....,.,.e..s.aa,.,,.^+�n:er.,,.. . . . . . .. �- . I ���,K FINAN�E (jI y OF SAINT PAUL Council /,� CANARV — DEPARTMENT F1I@ N O. .�� /W`f�� 6.�UE -�.MAVOR . e - • • O��Z�'ZG�7ZCP. Ordinance N O. 7 �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date I Section 2. This ' ordi ance hall take effect and be in force hirty days from and a ter i s passage, approval and publication. t�" � C� :t� c� c�t 3. COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew 18II �n�& Ec no 'c Develo ent N��o:�a In Favor Rettman Scheibel `d Against Byf Sonnen Tedesco Wilson �j�� � �$7 Form Approved y City At ney Adopted by Council: [,�ate Certified Pa d y uncil S tar By By Aag�cui+� by btayor• a JA 15 1987 ApPro�ea Mayor for Submission to Goun il B By PIIBI liF� J N 2 �s 1981 .. �,.�a..�.,..�,, a..�......��.....m..�..-��_._____�..� _�., _ _ . .�. t ._ _ r � , ' � • .�_�.��.�---.�. • i{� .-� � .� -� �. � C;) -,{ ix`� (:.1 nt'� V =' �a ' ;.:; ..I � 6 � �' M L'' a a t:.� ..✓�. ( �, , �r � � � � c� `� C, U —i v V vr �'' -M `�-' � pq � r� `� �°0 °a J ::, .-.�i` �) � a f � U' :� � �°' (] "s '"c•. '^!'1 y, �' � � � �. O y �� � � �'; Pe3 Cy -� , p� � � I �,'Y - (�� _`' ..�:' Q � � (� � �J Y� ��:1 ..,, ,'�`• ,� - K_ � Q ` V -a C3 Of:; �% -� �; f'�' �Y � -Y � °� �m G O c�lG �� ;y �:� t;; � '�.' a G b — `�" °. <�p Cn � ' €S i R':+ � ri a ' _' .-. ;'; ,`� � � �f , � � /J � � � !� �T t�� (J _"� � � � � � � � D � �,� .,� _i7 t.�+ �;• � � .�.t �H ` Lll/Q --.: �- ro ^ 9� � � � �� � 1 �� � � ��� s17 �`5 �j� Vi �^e � � ^" N r` ,i � )~' �C3 �a. �r� �' v` ' , � � � � t � � 3 � � �. � c� e� . � � :� '� � ,� �� � � � ' ��... .��?� /�A�n T L '`��C i'[Y �P;i , 4 � CITY OF S INT PAUL a ��������,,, ; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DE ELOPMENT am °11 �� � �C DIVISION F PLANNING 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Pa I,Minnesota 55102 +ss+ 612-292-1577 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR MEMORANDUM Date: Dece er 11 1986 To: St. P ul Ci y Council Members From: Peggy A. Re chert� /' � l3'7 RE: 40 Ac e Rez ning Ordi ance Amendment On February 17, 1983, the City Council approved an ordinance adopting the Ra ' lroad Island 40 Acre Study in which several properties were rezon d. It has come to our attention that t e legal descripti n of roperties located at 530, 542 , 546, 546 1/2 Payne Avenue an 539, 525 Kenny Road were worded incorrectly. This has cause ome c ncern with the abstracts on file with t e County Recorder. After consultin with the City Attorney's office, the Plannin Division is now forwa ding for your consideration an amending ordinance which corre ts this error. PAR/ac , , � � -/��� . >>°°�'�=�'"o��, CITY O SAINT PAUL ,-'��' 'e`n,. . �` '` OFFICE OF THE ITY ATTORNEY .. �� '.`� .�p�i�i iiii{I ;` , EDWARD P. STAR . CITY ATTORNEY � !.e• 647 City Hdll. Sdini Paul. htinn�•,�i�,i SSlU1 61!-'98 ilZl (�EORGE LATIMER MAYOR December 9 , 198 Allan Czaia Planning Aide Planning Divisi n llth Floor City Hall Annex Dear Mr. Czaia: Enclosed pleas find an ordinance amending and correctin the legal descript ' ons or the properties which you identified as being incor ectly cited in the rezoning ordinance , No . 1 000 , adopted origina ly by the City Council on February 17 , 1983 . Your office s ould resent this to the City Council wi h an explanation of the ackground, the errors , and the nee for the correction. If you have any quest ons , please call me . Yo s very trul , 1 ME J . EG L s�sist t City ttorn y JS :cg Encl .