86-1665 WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I . Y OF SA I NT PAU L Council . � - CANARV - DEPARTMENT f - BL�E -�iNAVOR Flle NO• �C u 'l Resolution .� ! '�._� � Presented By ' Referred Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date ESOL TION ELEGATING BONDING AUTHORITY TO THE MINN APOLI /SAINT PAUL HOUSING FINANCE BOARD A D AP ROVIN CARRY-FORWARD OF BONDING AUTHORITY WHEREAS: I A. Purs ant t Minnesota Laws 1986, Chapter 465 , Ar icle I, the City of St. Paul has been allocated a portion of the bonding authori y ava' lable in the State of Minnesota for cal ndar year 1986 unde Sec ion 146 of the Internal Revenue Cod of 1986 (the "Code' ) ; B. A p rtion of the bonding authority allocated t the City by he A locat' on Act will not be utilized by the City or any of ' ts a encie during 1986 ; C. Ther wil be a need in calendar year 1987 fo the Minneapolis/Sai t Pa 1 Housing Finance Board (the "Board" ) to issue qua ifie mort age bonds under Section 143 of the Code and to iss e ex mpt f cility bonds for residential rental pro 'ects under Sec ion 42 o the Code, in both cases for the pu pose of financ' ng ho sing rograms for low and moderate income pe sons residing ithin the C ties of Minneapolis and Saint Paul; D. Thi Cou cil hereby finds and determines tha it will be in the best interest of the City and its residen s if bonding authori y ava' lable to the City, but not used in cal ndar year 1986, be c rried forward into calendar year 1987 to fin nce, in whole or in part, the housing finance programs of the oard to be undertake in 1 87 ; COUNCILMEN Requested by DepartmPnt of: Yeas p�� Nays �� ��"Z In Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appr ve by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' � . Certified Passed by Councll Secret ry By , B} ��'��' Approved by iVlavor: Oate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil By BY � WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ! � . . CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. �-/ BL�E -.MAVOR C uncil Resolution - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date NOW THE FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counci of the City o St. Paul, Minnesota, as follows : 1. The City hereby delegates to the Board the ower and author'ty t issu : a. $5,5 0, 000 of qualified mortgage bonds nder Section 43 o the Code (which amount shall be com ined with any bond'ng authority for qualified mortgage onds similarl del gated to the Board by the Cit of Minneapo is ) , nd for that purpose to utilize an equiv lent principa amou t of the bonding authority allocate to this Ci und r the Allocation Act for calendar year 1986; ' b. $3, 000, 000 of exempt facility bonds for res 'dent'al r ntal projects under Section 142 of the Cod (wh' ch a ount shall be combined with any bo ding aut orit for xempt facility bonds for residential r ntal pro 'ects simil rly delegated to the Board by the City of Minn apoli ) , and for that purpose to utiliz an equ'vale t pr ' ncipal amount of the bonding auth rity all cate to this City under the Allocation Act for cal ndar year 986. I 2. ' This Counc 1 has been informed that the Board in ends to car,ry forwa d th bonding authority delegated above into calendar year 987 , nd in calendar year 1987 to utilize that bonding authori y to inance its programs. Such a carry-fo ward of bonding auth rity pursuant to the Allocation Act and Se tion 146 of the Code, by t e Board, is hereby approved. 3. This Resol tion shall take effect immediately. COUNCILMEN R uested b De rtment of: Yeas Nays � Y � Drew � ��� In Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen � A gainst BY Tedesco W i Ison �E I 8 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • . Certified Ya b Coun 1 Se r BY � 12-I�- ss� t�ppr by iWavor: D _p Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil LJ By BY p, ?�c.��� 'A N 101987 _ . . . p� p �d�L/GG�" 0 05390 ' DEPARTMENT � _ . r ' S CONTACT � �3 PHONE ,� �� DATE �'�r� .Q ASSIG NUMBER FOR RQ , ING OR ER C1 ' All Locations for Si nature : partment Direct r � Director of Management yor F �aance and Manag ment S rvices Director � � City Clerk Budget Dir.ector ,' �. � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEYED QY TAK NG ACT N ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � . , Rationale) : ����`�� . w� , �j �- �-e.Cn � � o � r�� a a�'�1� v Q rr�,�.c,Q.� ,Ce- �c��-o�-�-� � �l�� a nC� �-e- . �C.i,Q� COST BENEFIT BUDGETA Y AND ERSONN L IMP TS ANTICIPATED: Qn � �INANCING SOURC� AND UDGET CTIVIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- � ture not re- Total Amount of."Tr nsacti n: quired if under - � ,� , $10,00a) Funding Source: ! ,- i - ;0 n-� Activity Number: . • ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe Al1 At achments : . / • �aun� � l �e� o �u '�r� , ; DEPARTMENT REVIEW _ GITY ATTORNEY REYIEW Yes No Council Resol ion Re uired? � � Resotution Required? es No Yes No Insuran e Req red? Insuranc� Sufficient? es No Yes No In.suran e Att hed: � (S •REVE E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) . Revised 12/84 ��G-/�ln� . . � ���� I � . - �1 s'L -/ -� �nd /��,2 _;,�6 _�� , r 3rd � �— - �'7 Adopted /`/3 � i , Y s Nays ' DREW � �—/��� NICOSIA . ; � RETTMAN '� ���� 7 SCHEIBEL .� '7 ��� i • . SONNEN , WILSON � MR. , ESIDENT TEDE5C0 � �