86-1654 WHITE - C�TY CLERK � • PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council I `/� C4NAR�V - DEPARTMENT File NO. 'v Bl_UE� - MAVCR - � o cil Resolution ---�--�. � /,, Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the ity of S int Paul wili incur certain costs in regard to sewer service i 1987, nd WHEREAS, the D partme t of Public Works estimates these costs as follows: E timated �ewer Service Costs Metropolitan Wa te Con rol Commissi�n Charges �12,255,681 Debt Payment C edit 72,151 Public Wprks Se er Ad in., Maintenance & Repair 3,513,610 Transfers to Ot er Fund Accounts 929,063 Water Utility C lectio Costs 410,000 Combined Sewe Separa ion Preliminary Engineering and Administr tion 459,942 Combined Sewe Separa ion Program 2,400,040 Watershed Mana ement rganizations 194,183 $20,234,630 RESOLVED, that ursuan to Section 77.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining o Sew Service Charges and upon the recommendation of the City Admini tration the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the a ount an basis for Sewer Service Charges to be levied and collected effect ve Jan ary t, 1987. The rate shall apply to all sewer service bills re ered b the city from and afterJanuary 1, 1987. The rat shall be: COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: � Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia PL1b11C WOY'�{S ) Rettman [n Favor Scheibel ` Sonnen __ AgBillSt BY Tedesco iANisen Form Approve by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secret ry BY ss� A�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approve Mayo f ission to Co ncil ' sy _ _ s N�HITE - CITV CLERK • ' / PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl �/ `� i/ BLUE� - MAVORTMENT G TY OF SA I NT PAUL File NO. «' � `f7 ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1. �1.46 per 100 cubic f et for the first 100,000 cubic feet 1.44 per 100 cubic f et for the next 200,000 cubic feet 1.41 per 100 cubic f et for the next 200,000 cubic feet 1.38 per 100 cubic f et for the next 500,OQ0 cubic feet 1.34 per 100 cubic f et for all over 1,000,000 cubic feet 2. The minimum harges for properties shall be based upon water meter sizes a�nd in t e amou ts as foilows: Water Meter ize 3/4" and sm ller 3.b0 per quarter i" 6.30 per quarter 1 1/ ° 2.80 per month 1 1/ " 4.40 per month 2" 10.00 per month � 3" 21.00 per month 4" 52.00 per month 5" 75.00 per month 6" 100.�0 per month 8" 172.00 per month 10" 24fi.00 per month 12" 340.00 per month A11 ov r 12° 500.00 per month Page 2 of 3 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia [n Favor r Rettman SCheibel � Sonnen __ Agal[1S� BY Tedesco W ilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secret ry BY By Approved by 1Aavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil By _ _ By �NHITE - C�TY CLERK ' • PINK - FINAN�E G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council / CANAF�"4' -�DEp`ARTMENT File NO. � ~��V BLUE - MAVOR ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT FURTHER R SOLVE , that sewer service charges for one and two family dweiling r prem ses shall be quarterly, regardless of the size of the water meter and sh 11 be based on the water consumption on the first quarterly billing of the ear by the city. FURTHER RESOL ED, tha sewer service charges for all other properties, regardless of th size o the water meter, shall be based on actual water consumption for each bi ling period; and be it FURTHER RESOL ED, tha properties served by meters one inch and smaller shall be billed q arteriy Properties served by meters larger than one inch shall be billed m nthiy, ith the exception of one and two family homes which shall be c arged arterly for sewer service. FINALLY RES�LV D, that the receipts derived from the above rates be used for estimated se er se ice costs. Page 3 of 3 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays N;�os;e Publi ks (REB) Rettman i� FavO[ Scheibel 0 , Sonnen __ AgaitlSt BY T�a.S�o Donald E. Nygaard ector �w:�..'— DE � 8 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s d ouncil Se ry BY gy, A�pprov d by Mavor. DEC 2 6 1986 App by Mayor for S m' to Cou cil By _ B P �IISHED J����! 1 01987 ' DE PA�RTMENT �` �~/� ° _ 0 5'7 91 Roy E. dahl CONTACT 292-6138 PHONE � November 21, 19 6 DATE ��� �r � ASSIGN NUI�$,�R FOR R0 IN 0 R C1 Alt. Lacations for Si nat re : � Department Direct r � Director of Management yor � Finance and Manag ent rvices Director � . 4 City Clerk � Budget. �irector � City Attorney � � HAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA NG ACT ON .DN THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpase/ Rationale) : Required for esta lis nt o 1987 Sewer Service Rates to provide ne essary funds for city se er s vice. . COST BENEFIT BUDGET Y AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Sewer service ra s wi l inc ase about 4.3�. Increase cost to home wner will be about $6.00 f �.98 . � FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET ACTIVI NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Tota 1 Amou,nt of'T nsact on: qu i red i f under � ��o,000) Funding Source: „ Activity Number: • ATTACHMENTS List an Numbe All A achments : l. Council Resu ution DEPARTMENT REVIEW GIT,Y ATTORNEY REI1IEMl �Yes No Counci Reso1 tion R uired? ' Resolution R�quired?. X es No Yes �No Insura ce Req ired? Insurance Sufffcient? es �No Yes X No Insura ce Att ched: (S E •REVE E SIDE FOR INSTRUCtIONS) _ - � Revised 12/84 . � ., ,� . . Lembers: `" U`� ��✓ / ., ' CiITY OF �AI�TT PAUL la�nlcaNRattmanc� � ,� �� Blld Sonaan OFFICE OF THE CIZ'Y COIINCIL John Orow (Alt) DBte:November 26, 1986 � � C o mitte e Re p o rt . To S int Paul City Council Fr m: ommittee on Public Works hris Nicosia, Chair �he Publi Works C ittee at its meetings of November 26, 1986 took the ollow9ng action: Hearin Date 1. !2%ll 86 VACA ION: Petitio� of the Port Authority for the vacation of NNSYLVANIA Avenue from Syivan to Jackson, Arch Street C fr Park to Capitol Heights and Capitol Neights from Arch to ennsylvania. Purpose: For new plat of the Empire Buil er Industrial Park. Rec ended approval. P. 12/9/ 6 VACA lON: Petition of Housing and Redevelopment Authority I, • for the vacation of NINTH Street between Cedar and N. Waba ha Streets for the purpose of constructing a parking ramp for the World Trade Center. � Rec ended denial - Councilwoman Rettman and Councilman Tede co voting "NO". 3. 12/ll 86 VACA ION: Petition of Cario-Northtown Credit Union for the vaca ion of part of the alley i� Block 60, Hagerman's Subd vision (bounded by Lexington, Hatch, Front and Chur hill). Purpose: For a drive-up facflity and parking area Reco ended approval. - �. 12/9/ 6 F[NA ORDER: Improving the streets by grading and paving and nstalling a street lighting system and doing all work ' nece sary to complete the project known as the MARYLAND- FLAN RAU/FURNE55-IVY STREET PAV[NG AND LIGHTING PROJECT. Rec ended approval. �. 12/9/ 6 FINA ORDER: Constructing an area storm sewer to be known as the MARYlANO-FLANDRAU/FURNESS-IVY SEWER PROJECT. Boun ed on the north by E. Nebraska from Furness to Wint rop and E. Ivy from Kennard to White Bear Avenue; on the outh by Clear Avenue from Furness Parkway to Winthrop and by Ames Avenue and Echo from approximately 600 feet west of Kennard extended to Whtte Bear Avenue; on the Nest by F rness Parkway from Nebraska to Clear and Kennard fran �— Ivy to Maryland Avenue and 580 feet MOL west of Kennard from Maryland to 100 feet MOL south of Gerantum then angi ng to the southeast to meet the north line of Ames Aven e and on the east by Winthrop from Nebraska to Clear and hite Bear Avenue from Ivy to the Railroad tracks. Rec ended approvai. (CONTINUED) � , . � . � � -��s� 6. 12/9/8 F1NAl ORDER: Also, constructinq sanitary, storm and water conne tions, if requested by the property owners, for the combi ed sewer �separation proJect knoNn as the MARYLAND- FLAND AU/FURNESS-1VY AREA STORM SEWER AND STREET PAVING AND L GHTING PROJECT. Reco ended approval. 7. 12/9/8 FINAL ORDER: Constructing a sanitary sewer in BREEN STREET from Hyacinth Avenue to Hawthorne Avenue. Also the const uction of santtary connections, where necessary. Also condemning and taking a 10-foot permanent sanitary seWer easement on east side of Breen Street between Hyaci th and Hawthorne. Reco ended approval. 8. 12/9/8 FINAL ORDER: Bus shelter installation by Ad Shelters at the c rner of Como and Fifield. Rec ended approval. . 9. STAFF 41SCUSSiON: 1987 SeWer Service Rates. � Refer h�ck:to Citq CounCil wtthout r�ca�tion. ]0. ORDIN NCE: granting permission to the HRA and/or its succe sors to construct and maintain piling. pile caps and sprea footings within rights-of-way of E. Fourth Street.• Sible St., E. Kellogg Blvd. and Jackson Street (Block L). Refer ed back to City Council without recornnendation. I1. RESOL TION: authorizing the proper City officials to execu e plat for Energy Park West bounded by Gibbs, Como, S�elling and Pierce Butler Route. Reco ended approval. 12. E15 coping Decision on SHEPARD/WARNER/EAST CBD BYPASS (laid ver from November 12, 1986). Reco nded approval on 2-1 vote - Counciiwoman Rettman vot i n. "No". 13. RESOL ION: extending the compiiance date of C.F. 86-242, being vacatton for part of BRADLEY STREET approved March ' 5, 19 6. Rec nded approval. . 14. RESOL (ON: supporting and encouraging public acquisition of ab doned railroad track in eastern Ramsey County. Reco nded approval. 2 � � I C�� - l�°s�f � I - ' � � � . .;& � �- ; .,� . '�i°-s i S :. �E '+1?"`°"�8lRi,� �. �a :� a.�: h, � ��- fv i,...�'ibi�''-�-.4= ..�.'�i,L�"i"''���44t�txJr`i�s��.^e t.,..7�`S�t"�,a`.-_. t x tkY ��'i'{'d«-� e� � +✓ y ..t .�: i' +�r;+s3��j'#F!s0 �,�� S$ ,. �'P � '���'� v �§ �,*1e ''� �-��C"�""'-��1 "'r"`.�y�. „ �:�Ny+ . A�� :`T :s; ��n.i.5. �; . +� h.%ed. a .�m�,... 3 � 4s �i ,�,p4�:' - ��,.� � � • � . ..: , . . .. .r:... . _ . �' y � � . _ ) t�:- ' ;��FF�.T,� �'`�'�5'^ �3°�'.f3 �sw+ e C"a J *� +�"Y"�-'..^t�,E e i �.�!�'�'*'4 "�" �^' "�. �F.t. a� �,�t..A�.wa,�;.; t aT - ..,� "`E� W �{I � � � :'� $ t - �� : � , =9 . �`�y �� �.� +..` �-�, k.}k�"'� Tfi�'��"-.+�3��t", �,7+ 3� •..'a,�' .�, , - s 7��r�� t t t f '� -� "f`S+'eE �"� � �. >,y� *,� e . 2'��3"#`�` '^s� t:' 's �'�„ �.� �. __ * .+ a -%�-���?,r�d ,€�'" �':`�����t`c r� v,4 i�:�a.,�.3:�._j_ I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I