86-1636 �', '�;�� . / �... ., CITY OF S�r. Pau� COUNCIL F LE NO. — l�.� PRELIMIN RY ORDER � � By File No. XRSCS087 Voting IntheMatter'of c nstruc ion of a storm sewer in Snelling Avenue from Fa rmont Ward Avenue�south o Stan ord Avenue, in Snelling Avenue from Wellesley enue 3 south o Jame Avenu and in St. Clair Avenue fram Wheeler Street � re Wheele runs outh o St. Clair Avenue east to Brimhall Street (bou ed on the north y a li e beginning at the intersection of Princeton A nue, Amhers Stree and C mbridge Street proceeding easterly to a point approx mately 440 fe t east of the center of Macalester Street then eading north o cent r of G odrich Avenue extended and thence following Go rich and Go drich xtende to Saratoga Street; on the east by Saratoga S reet MOL; and on the we t by a line running along Snelling Avenue from southe n bounda�y of a ea nor h to a point on Snelling Avenue between Berkel y Avenue and St Clair Avenue and continuing westwardly MOL to a poin approx mately 250 fe t west of the center line of Amherat Street wh re it inters cts wi h St. lair Avenue thence proceeding northeasterly MO to poi t of ginnin ). All to be knawn as the Randolph/Snelling rea Storm ewer. � • The CouncilI of the C y of Sain Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above impro ement;and having considered$aid repor ,hereby r solves: 1. That the''said repo and the ame is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated ost thereof is$ 67 ,000 , finan edby State and Federal Grants and Loans $431,0 0 and St sewe Service Charge $240,000. 2. That a public heari g be had said improvement on the 20th day of January, 1 87 ,at 10:00 dGlock a.m. in the Co ncil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City Saint Paul. 3. That not�e of sai public he ring be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chazte , stating the time and lace of h aring,the ature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCIL PE�SON Adopted by the Council: Date DEC � � � Yeas Drew �Nays Nicosis Certified sse by Council Secretary Rettman Scheibe� In Favor B Sonnen Tedesco Against wilson DEC � $ Mayor PuBIISHED � � 2 01986 PJA�.lSHED E C 2 7 19�6 I