86-1635 _ �� i�`1
' By
' File No. 18390, 18336, 8321, 18392,
1 ,
VotirN In the Matte o�
Deciding the ope ting c sts for the Above Standard Street Lighting Sys em for
the follow ng:
3 18390 N rth si e of F rd Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd to 713. 2 feet
e st of enneth Street;
S uth side of F rd Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd to 587. 3 feet
east of ennet Street ;
West s de of Cleveland Avenue from 95.65 feet north of S heffer
A enue o 265 f et south of Ford Parkway and
E st s de of C eveland Avenue from .240 feet north of Eleanor Avenue
t 222 feet s th of Ford Parkway known as the Ford—Cleveland Above
Standar Lighti g Area for the months of January thru December 1987.
1 18336 Both si es Sel Avenue from Arundel Street to Virginia Street
E st si e Arund 1 Street from Selby Avenue to 172.5 feet south and
Both s des W stern Avenue from 120 feet south of Selby Ave ue to
Dayton venue own as the Selby — Western Area Above Standard Street
Lightin for t e months of January thru December, 1987.
2 18321 Both si es of ast Fifth Street from Wall Street to Jackson S reet;
oth si es of East Sixth Street from Wall Street to Jackson S reet;
oth si es of ibley Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Stre t;
oth si es Wac uta Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street and
ast si e of J ckson Street from Fifth Street to Sixth Street nown as
the Lo ertown Above Standard Street Lighting Area for the mo ths of
January thru D cember 1987.
1 18392 oth si es of rand Avenue from 260 feet west of Victoria to 1 0 feet
ast of Dale S reet;
oth s des o Victoria Street from 150 feet north of Grand o 150
feet so th of rand;
West si e of S . Albans Street from Grand to 150 feet north o Grand
�nd Ea t sid of Dale Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Grand
nown a the G and—Dale—Victoria Above Standard Street Lightin Area
or the months of January thru December, 1987.
2 18430 l�orth s de Exc ange Street from St. Peter Street to Cedar Stre t;
South s de Exc ange Street from Wabasha Street north to Cedar treet;
$outh s de Exc ange Street from St. Peter Street to 150 feet e st of
t. Pet r Stre t for the North Wabasha Area Above Standard Str et
ightin Area or the months of July thru December, 1987.
3 18423 oth s des of Grand Avenue from Snelling Avenue to about 150 feet
caest of Fairvi w (167 feet north side, 144 feet south side) fo the
Grand A enue W st Area Above Standard Street Lighting Area for the
months f Janu ry thru December, 1987.
1 18425 B th sid s of G and Avenue from about 260 feet west of Victoria (180
f et nor h side 260 feet south side) to about 210 feet west
L xingto Parkw y (210 feet north side, 130 feet south side);
B th sid s of L xington Parkway from the alley north of Grand enue
to the a ley so th of Grand Avenue;
Both sid s of 0 ford Street from Grand Avenue to the alley nor of
G and Av nue;
W st sid of Ox ord Street from Grand Avenue to the alley sout of
G and Av nue;
B th sid s of C atsworth Street from Grand Avenue to the alley orth of
G and Av nue an Both sides of Milton Street from Grand Avenue to the
alley no th of rand Avenue. for the Grand Avenue East Above St ndard
Street ghting System for the months of January thru December, 1987.