86-1627 WHITE - C�TV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII / CANARY - OEPARTMENT G TY OF SA I NT PAU L � � /(('f�� BLVE �- A�AVOR ! F1Ie NO• Y � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. _ - � a . i Presented By ___ Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Commi�tee By Date I An 0 dinanc amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legi lative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of S int Pa 1 and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS � Pursu nt to innesota Statute � s, § 462.357 and § 64.210 of t e Legislative� Code, rs. Ma imillian Kendall duly petitioned to rezone 156 Charles Avenue, loc�ted be ween S elling Avenue and Asbury Street from RM-2 to P 1 for the purpose� of es ablish ng a surface parking lot; the petition having een certified b the P anning Division on September 3, 1986 as having been c nsented to by at le�st tw thirds of the owners of the area of the property to b rezoned, and further' havin been c nsented to by at least 67% of the owners of th property situated wi�thin 1 feet f the total contiguous property within one yea preceding t�e dat of the petition; and WHEREAS!, The oning mmittee on October 2, 1986 conducted a public earing for the pur�pose o consi ering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Se tion 107.03 of t�he Adm nistra ive Code, submitted its recomnendation to the P anning Commission ;that t e peti ion be granted; and WHEREAS�, The lannin Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting hel;d on 0 tober 0, 1986 and recommended that the City Council a prove the petition; �nd WHEREA�, Noti e of a public hearing before the City Council on the s id rezoning p�tition was du y published in the official newspaper of the Ci y on October 25� 1986 nd not ces were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and proper�y situ ted wh lly or partly within 350 feet of the property ought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A pu lic he ring before the City Council , having been cond cted on November 6y 1986 here a 1 interested persons were heard, and the Counc 1 having considered; all th facts and recommendations concerning the petition; n w, therefore,� COUNCILMF,I� Yeas �1ays Requested by Department of: Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�ne'bei ' Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson i , Form Approv y City Att ey Adopted by Council:i D te B / ' � Certified Passed by Council cretary Y ,-' �, By / ;' � t Approved by Mayor: i Date Approv� b�v�Mayor fo�,8ubmission t Council / By BY : i i � � WHITE - C17V CLERKI PINK - FINANGE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - pEPARTh�ENIT `//�. BLUE �- MAVOR FIIe NO. �� � Ordin�nce Ordinance N . ��`�f� Presented By Referred '�o Committee: Date Out of Co mittee y Date THE COUNC�iL OF E CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zon'ng map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 10, as incorpora�ed by eferen e in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, �s here y furt er amended as follows: Th t prop rty located at 1560 Charles Avenue be ng mor particularly described as Lot 6, Block 3, Ly an D. airds Addition be and is hereby rezoned fr m RM-2 to P-1 . Section 2. This olydinan e shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days f om and after itslpassag , appr val and publication. COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of: Yeas N�ys Planning and Economic Develo ment Drew Nicosia �R FBVOC Rettman Scheibel � � Sonnen Ag81I1St BY Tedesco Wilson � AN � 6 1987 Form A rov d by City ttorn Adopted by Council: I Date � Certified P ss d y odncil Se r tary BY By ! Appr e y Mayor: D�t N — 7 �7t77 Approve �y Mayor or Submission to C uncil By By p BllSHED J A N 17 1987 � -v c� w c� c� � � ... o � ;.; rn -i -i � � �; z -< -� �; � � o c-� r� � � � , z c+ �� � -� T r � -< m � v � � _ -Nt � � ru � �, ro '� r � a �'; r v � � c I j n' r w � � W � °i � I � � � N � � � fD � c-t I �1 ! � ' p O j � m i yyy���� n 1 � J. i Q � J. � � � � � � � � N N � I � rn � o � N I Z � � � N �P N � � m � �' c i o � � o ' � m � M H,^� W � � � � � 1V I � i N � � i I i � � /O�� � � �� � �,�. ..�,. � I . , r , .�c �„�.,_ STA OF r1IIv':�1ESOTA ) C nty of Ramsey ) ss. � � CIT OF SAINT PAUL ) r�-. �': a� `� � e� � � r-i � �•� I Albert B: Olson tT- , . . . . • . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .Ci y Clerk of the = Cit of Saint Paul, riinnesota, do tiereb}� certify t ar I have an ti c�� ared the attached copy of Council File :�TO.. 86�. 627. . . .. . . . .. � � ' as dopted b� the City Council. . . Ja��arX 6, -- - 1987. . . . - . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . and approved by the :rTayor. . . . . . . . Januar�: 7:. . .. . . . . . . . . 1987. . . . wit the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true anc� correct copy of aid original and the whole thereof. FTITNESS my hand and thz seal of �he City of S int Paul, Min esota this . . . . . ,4th . , , , day of „ FebruarX. , . , . ,A.D. I9.87. � � � . . . . . . . , ���G`:�'-.��. .. !�':-. . . . . . ... <. : - City Clerk. �� I . �`` �, .. :_ - ='__ �, . ... � :,.> :�� ' ,, < < CANARY - DEPARTMENT VITY OF �AINT YALTL File � N0. � ' ���� a�ue �-�:wroR ' « �, � �i • . � , O��in�nce Ordinance N - 7 � ;�� ,� Presented By � __-° Referred To Committee: Date Out of Com' ittee Date � An Ordina ce amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Le islati e Code pertaining to zoning for the City � af Saint aul and the zoning maps thereof. (?�' WHERE S, Pur uant t Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.2i0 of the . Legislati e Code Mrs. aximillian Kendall duly petitioned to rezone 1 60 Charles ;,p Avenue, 1 cated etween Snelling Avenue and Asbury Street from RM-2 to P-1 for ' C~7 the purpo e of stabli hing a surface parking lot; the petition havin been C�? certified !by the Planni g Division on September 3, 1986 as having been consented to by at least t o-thir s of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further havi g been consented to by at least 6a% of the owners of he property situated ithin 00 fee of the total contiguous property within one y ar prECeding he da e of t e petition; and � WHEREA , The Zoning Committee on October 2, 1986 conducted a publi hearing �'or the pu'rpose f considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to ection 107.03 of the Ad inistr tive Code, submitted its recorr�nendation to the Planning Commission that he peti ion be granted; and WHEREA , The Plannin Commission considered the rezoning petition its meeting he d on ctober 0, 1986 and recommended that the City Council approve tFre peti ti on; ►�d-_ �: __ - _ 41HEREAS, Noti e of a public hearing before the City Council on the aid rezoning p titio was du y published in the official newspaper of the C'ty on October 25 1986 nd not ces were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and proper y situ ted wh lly or partly within 350 feet of the property ought to be rezoned and WHER�AS, A pu lic he ring before the City Council , having been cond cted on November 6, 1986 here a 1 interested persons were heard, and the Counc 1 having considered all th facts and recommendations concerning the petition; n w, therefore, COGNCILMEN' Requested by Depactment of: Yeas Nays Orew , Nieosia �Ll F'8V0[ RettmaFl Scheibal B �„�B� Against Y redes�a Wi!son ! � Furm Approv y City Att ey Aoopted by Council: Dat A r ,r Certified Passed by C unci! Se retary By '' �'�� sy �/ approved by Mayor: ate Approv�d b�C Mayor fo�,fiubmission to Council :By By t � '. _<_�..,�:.r.-.��,... .,Ex:::-�w.. ;��:,�,.x.:..-�.r. .� -...�...,.....,,..,, �_,.n..-. � .,.__....., :.._ . ,..�:... .. .k� _ - _ { . PINK FINANC6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL F le C1�N0. `���' C4NARV - pEVARTMEMT �3LUE •- Mqr,OR . � � O�rc�inc�nee Ordinance N . /,�`7�� Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Com ittee B Date THE COUNCIL OF T E. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zon ng map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 10, as inco.rporated by eferen e in Section b0.301 of the Saint Paul Legislat ve Code, as amended, is here y furt er amended as follows: � Th t prop rty located at 1560 Charles Avenue r• ' be ng mor particularly described as Lot 6, Block 3, � Ly an D. airds Addition be and is hereby rezoned � fr m RM-2 to P-1 . � C'7 ;v Section 2. This ardinan e shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days rom and after its passag , appr val and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Planning and Economic Devel pment Drew tv��os�a in Favor Rettman Scheibel � � Sonnen Against BY . Tedesco Wilson 7 Adopted by Council• Dat `�A� ' 6 ���7 Form A rov d by City ttorn �ertified P ss d y �uncil Se retary By I � By i �p i A�pr e y Mayor: Dat r� — 7 ��t77 Approve by Mayor or Submission to ouncil �Y BY __ U'3tlSHE J A��d 17 198 7 � _ _... ..�e., .A.�..,,,.�._ .m..__._:.�. _..,.._.....�._�._�..V.,....K..M..��,_....,...�,� ��.�. _ .._. .� _ � � ...�.� � r y � � � � � � D C: � -.j � t �l . , � � omO � N � � ._ ��"i � -„ � s`i (� - a � � `q' �'' 0 . �� /Y ' � A�J � � �. � � .,,. �, p � �• � : � S � � t� `� � `� �•j O �J A1 W R (7 E`bj C� .�� /''� C � (� �'7 � -2 Y> -^T .. v \• � Z (7 � m L?. n �c C� �' <? c� � -1 • Z c� �sa o � ° � � � a o � a � � � � , ,Nj � � riop'o _. � ,� � m � � �a� �., � c� n "~' _� ... � � C.� . � � Q;� � �' Q � � m � D � � t� � � � ;;• � 4 � � �6a � ��� � � �9: � � h � � � � (� � ts � �3 ."'S � 3� � �.`. F�' � N,� a, w ;� v, � r �� � � � � � �,l� � :� c � �' dc�o . � c � _ \ � � . Y • r ��� � ������� � V � ��`���p ���, � ` � � � CITY F SAINT PAUL a ����;���°,�, ; i DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMI DEVELOPMENT °am ���� �� � �o' � DIVI ION OF PLANNING 25 West Fourth Street, int Paul,Minnesota 55102 +se• i 612-292-1577 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR � I i Decembe�r 1 , 1 86 Albert 6. Ols , City Clerk Room 385 City all St. Paul , Minn sota 5102 Dear Si�: Attache� per y ur let er of request dated November 6, 1986, is the p oper ordinan e for he imp ementation of the City Council action approvin the petitiom of Mr . Maxi illian Kendall to rezone property at 1560 Charles Avenue from RM�2 to P 1 for he purpose of establishing a surface parking 1 t. Please contact me if ur office can be of further assistance regardi g this matter. ! Sincerel�y, i �� ��d�v,� l_> 11�'�I Donna Daltsko Planner �II Zoning Section DD:sb � i � i i i � � I � � ' li ��.x v..+Fy�r :,s. �.��� �, �' � � i �i`�v ' ti4,. ::j �4 ..�� � �.x, �.. 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Maximillian Kendall City�Counci Hearin : November 6, 1986 PURPOSF�: To re one fro RM-2 (multiple family) to P-1 (parking) to allow cons ruction of a surface g�arking ot. � PLANNIN�G CO ISSIO DECISION: Approve (12-0) ZONING I OMMI TEE D CISION: Approve (5-0) STAFF R CO NDAT N: Approve SUPPORT� None OPPOSITION: Di trict 11 lanning Council sent letter in opposition. Dear Sir: On Octobe� 2, 198 , the Zo ing Committee of the Planning Commission held a pub ic hearing on�this rez ning. he petitioner testified. At the close of the public heari g, the Committee,voted 5 to 0 to pprove the rezoning based on staff findings. On October 10, 19 6, the Pl nning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommenc�ation o a unan mous voice vote. This rezoniing is sc eduled o be heard by the City Council on November 6, 1986. lease notify me by Nove ber 3, 986, if any member of the City Council wishes to have lides of the site pre�sented t the pu lic hearing. Sincerely, ' �a�+n�,�a I Donna Datsko Planner II � DD:ss I� Attachments , , � �� "� !��k� rr� '/ � � � � 7�/�� city of �aint paul planning mi 'on resolution file nur�ber 86- � �t� Otoberl 96 WHEREAS I Mrs. xmillia Kendall file #9986 has petitioned to rezone 1560 Char es Avenue situated on�the sou h side b tween Snelling and Ashbury from RM-2 to P-1 for the urpose of allowing constructi n of a rface parking lot; and WHEREAS, the Zo ing Co mittee of the Planning Commission on October 2, 1986, held a public hearing at �vhich al person present were given an opportunity to be heard pursua t to said application in acco dance ith the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and I WHEREAS,�Saint P ul Plan ing Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee t the p blic he ring as subsequently reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant i tends t sell her property, subject to the rezoning, to the Holco b-Henry Funerall Home t 536 N. Snelling Avenue, located west of her lot. It is the fune al home which eeds ad itional istor parking. At this time, the funeral home has spac for 18 vehicle� on the' lot. P ople who attend visitations park on the residential stre ts in the area when tl�e parki g lot is ull. 2. Directl north nd east f this parcel are multiple family areas zoned RM-2; to he west is the Snelling comme cial are zoned B-3. The lot directly south and across the alley is also zoned . B-3. 3. Rezoni gs to P- Vehic lar Parking District must meet nine required condition as designated in Secti�n 60.72 . The ility of the proposal to meet them are as follows: I) The propos 1 is for arking which is accessory to the funeral home and at t is time is intended so ely for uneral home use. 2) The code re uires t at P-1 parking facilities be inaccessible for public use uring hours whe�n the p_incipal se is not in operation. The funeral ho:ne's hour� of ene at�on arc fro 8:30 a. . until :00 p.m. The owner, Mr. Dennis Boom, has stated that e will install a cl�ain or te to m ke the area inaccessible after business hours. 3) The parkin facilit will be used solely for parking of those attending visit tions; it will not �be used or off- treet loading. 4) No repair rk, ser ice or sales will be conducted from the parking area. (continued) moved by Pan al 5econded � in fav�or �nani ous vo'ce vote against� ' �. �� i���� . . city of �ain pau planni g mi 'on resolution file nu ber � date File #9986I Page Two 5) The drive ay on arles will be designated "exit only", no other signs will be installed in the new p rking a a. 6) No buildi gs will e erected in this area. 7) Re�resent tives of the funeral home have submitted a site plan with the r zoning applicatio . At th time this report was written, the site plan did not mee required City- sta�dards ut was o be corrected and resubmitted. These standards inclu e maintaining thd 15-foo residen ial front yard setback and providing a visual screen fe ce and 4-foot setpack ai ng the e st property line to buffer the parking from adjacent r sidential uses. 8) During sit plan re iew, eight City departments examine each site plan fo conformance wi�h accep ed City standards. Before any actual construction occurs, the f neral home's pa king lo site pla must meet these departments' criteria. This review pr cess ensures th t the pa king lo will be developed in accordance with City code standa ds Section 62�04. 4. The Ci�y's Co rehens e Plan Land Use Section states that "the City through.. zoning... will . encour ge busi esses to reduce traffic and parking problems" 5. The Di�trict I1 Plan sta es as goals the improvement of the functioning of the nelling Avenue comme cial are and the buffering to separate residential areas from c mmercial areas. NOW, THE EFOR , BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission t at the petition of Mrs. Max�millian endall to rezone property at 1560 Charles Avenue more partic larly described as Lot 6, lock 3, yman D. Baird's Addition from an RM-2 zoning classi ication to a P-1 zoning �lassific tion is onsistent with the Comprehensive Plan £or thc City; an BE IT FUR HER ESOLV D, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does here y recommend to the Coun il of th City o Saint Paul that property located at 1560 Charles Aven e be rezoned from RM-2 o P-1 i accord nce with the petition for rezoning on file with the Sai t Paul Planning Dijvision. I moved by sec d in fav�o . aga�nst � �� �/(-� 7 • �� � � � �yya� PETITION T(� AMEND ZONING CODE CITY OF �ISAINT AUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File # � � RE �.�,� . �n �-°- — — — ---�r�,s--•--_ r__ � _Gi _ ( '� � , �G- /6� 7 �7��.� INUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE CIfiI'Y CO NCIL HAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ON OCTOBER 2, 1986 PRE ENT: Mm s. Mort n and Zieman; Messrs. Levy, Pangal and Repke of the oning Co mittee; . Segal, Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Divi ion of Ho sing an Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman and Ms. Dats o of the Pla ning Di ision staff. AB ENT�: Mm s. Sum ers and Tracy; Messr. Lanegran. The mee�ing was chaired by Joseph Pangal, Chairman. S. M XMILL AN KE DALL # 9 : Petition to rezone property at 1560 C arles Avenue rom R -2 to P- to allow construction of a surface parking lot. The applicant w s repres nted. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Ms. Datsl�o show d slides f the site and reviewed the staff report with a recom ndation for apprqval. A letter v�vas rece ved fro District l l in opposition. Ms. Dats lo expla ned tha District 11, in general, opposes any rezoning of residen ial areas for busin ss use. The are is at a risk due to other approved zoning changes and ressure from Sne ling an Univer ity business parking, traffic and expansion. The loss o homes in the ar ia produ es a de line to neighboring houses and harmful to the communi y. Ms. Mortdn asked if the p operty owners next door signed the rezoning petition. r. Pangal st�ted tha their si natures were on the petition. Dennis B�one, 53 N. Snel ing, reported that they have been interested in purchas ng the property �'rom th Kendal s for the past 30 years for parking which is desperately needed for the fulneral h me. He stated that the District 11 vote on the rezoning was a spl't vote. Hearing nlo furth r testim ny, Mr. Pangal closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Levy �nade a otion t recommend approval based on staff findings 1 throug 5 and the staff a�nalysis. Ms. Mo ton seconded the motion, which passed on a roll call vo e of StoO. Submittedlby: Approved by: ` 7� d�h I!� � . � ��--. �T �.-� Donna Datsko osep�� Pangal, Chairma� i % I . .,_._._ . _ -. -- .-- _ �- - - _ - .. 1 . .. ..� .. _.._ „ . __ _ .... - � - - ._ . __._ . - . . _ . . _ _ __. . � ��-i�a y � �7y'�Cv . C NSEN OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, th� under igned, o ners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguo descriptions of real estate dwned b Petitio er or sold by�Petitioner within one year preceding the ate of this petition, acldnowled e that e have been furnished with the following: 1. A Icopy of the Peti ion of Ma�nillian Kendall ------- -- -- 2. A �COpy of Section 60.720 _ through 60.723 , 'nclusive, of the St} Paul O dinanc and acknow�ledge t at we a e aware of the uses permitted under a P-1 Vehicul Parking___ District zoni�g class fication and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property de cribed in the Petition of � illi Kendall to a P-1 Vehicular P rking District. �----- -- -- -- RECORD I�OWNER SIGNATUR LOT BLO K ADDITION Ma�nillian IKendal E 1�' -� � ; r 6 3 Lyman D. Bairds Earl J. Hollcomb � /��� 5 3 Lyman D. Bairds G Earl J.&Ros�witha olc �� ^ y�,� 3 3 Lyman D. Bairds Earl J. Hollcomb � ���� 7,8,9 3 Lyman D. Bairds George W.& Fllorenc Ni ls � �- � � 10 3 Lyman D. Bairds Ellen E. Poi�dinger �° ' � _ 19 � 4 amline Syndicate Harvey & Phyl�lis Ne tav l� 4 3 Lyman D. Bairds Bruce J. Car�dinal �� _ � G� � :,,�, ��,;, 16 3 Lyman D. Bairds Cyril W. Michlael ( , 13 3 yman D. Bairds �S�Ti�]-i? c r y/�L� � �c-- �D il �T/ f'fl+p1 L/f-r / �y 'e�� �.�+---t LLI.t �7 ! s y/-t7�c.irTr_ Keith N. Maz�r �,�_ 4 & 15 3 yman D. Bairds . . Petitions shall lnot be onsider d as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days af er a petition is received in theJ Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name th refrom by �,��ritten reques�t within that ti e. � N!�� Fr L� � � Pa e 2 of . _._n., _._._..--._..___ _. ____. . .: ---- I �p�- i��7 /75�� lv CONS NT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, t e unde signed owners of property within 100 feet of the tota contiguous descriptio s of r al est te owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner with n one year preceding he dat of th's petition, acknowledge that we have been furni hed with the following: 1 . A copy o the P tition of Ma�nillian Kendall 60.720 name 6$f�y�ti ti oner 2. Alcopy o Secti ns through , nclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that e are ware of all of the uses permitted under a p- Vehicular Parking District zoning c assifi ation and we are aware that any of these uses c n be established upon ity Co ncil approval of the rezoning; and we hereby co sent to the reiening �f the p operty descr�h?r� ;n tn� Petition o illian Kendall to a P`1 Vehic lar Pa��.�.�gict. ame of petitioner LOT BLOC A DITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE 18 4 Hami ne Syn i ate George L. & �E-�� ��'`� g_29-86 ``- �Q ___._� ____ _� -- I , - ----�- Petitions fihall n t be c nsidered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition 's rece ved in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any etition may withdraw his name theref om by written request within that time. � E'�� Q C/Q�� P age 2 of ZO N I N --1-����°= � , - ��- ���� . � i 7yz� STATE OF �VIINN TA) . s. COUNTY O�F RAM EY ) Denn�s W. B , being first duly sworn, deposes and states at he is the person w o circu a e t e it in petition and consent, consisting of 2 pages; t at affiant is informed and bel eves th t the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follow' g eac name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described albove is he own r of property which is within 100 feet from any prope ty owned '-�� retitic�n�r cr scl ' Cy pet tioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this p tition which is contiguo�s to th proper described in the petition; that except for none of theI�parties describ d above has purchased or is purchasing property rom et�tioner contiguous 1to the a ove de ribed property within one (1) year of the date of the etition; that tl�is consen was si ned by ach of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures �re the rue and orrect signatures of each and of the parties so de c ibed. ��� � _ S 3 C � . ,i�, ° �t -- S�`� :� ress S'si�� � � �( � � ��y � e e� one umber Subscribed a d swo �o be ore me thisa ay o �, 19��e H . ., . . . . . �',��y� N) ���� ,� . �t�ry t�' �` 1�4'V�1�V'VYV�nh�." `�'_,.' . `'��.,..4 �)�'�/J� O�/ i���� ! tNG ���E . ZON Approved als to for - Feb 80 Ylanning U�partm nt Page of I . �"w /� �� ���rz b STATE OF MINNESOT ) : SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) __��nT_ Rn , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circul ted the within petition and consent, consisting of 2 pages; that affiant is inform d and b lieves that the parties described are the owne s respectively of the lots place immediately before each name, that affiant is informe and believes that each of the arties escribed above is the owner of property which s within 100 feet from any propert owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by p titioner within one (1 ) ye r prece ing the date of this petition which is contigu us to the property describe in the petition; that except for _ _ none of the parti s described above has purchased or is purchasing prope ty from petitioner contig ous to he above described property within one (1 ) yea of the date of the petition; hat this consent was signed by each of said owners in he presence of this affiant, and that th signatures are the true and correct signature of each and all of the partie so des ribed. i W. Boom � Ad ss 536 N. Snelling A nue St. Paul, NI�I 5510 646-2844 Telephone Number Subscribed and sw rn tQ efore me this� day f� __ _, 19��, , � --_—�� _ Notary Public :SF.�°.`,.a!�.. ,- i' ' . . , .. . Ap;�roved as to fo m - Fe . 85 Pa of . . . , . ._ .. . Planning Departme t � ZONfN� F!!�E .� ._.�__� _�_�.���.,�_� _.._Y ., . . , �� -/�a 7 • W.O. 259-86 ' � Survey For: HOLCOMB- ENRY FUNERAL HOME � � i7�1.�� Sun e and Surveyin� nc. 90 1 E. B oomin ton Frwy. (35W) Surveyor's Ce ti rcate Bloo ingto , MN 55420 612) 88 -2455 SITE PL N FOR PROPOSED ADDITONAL P RKING OT TO HOLCOMB - HENR F NE A HOME PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lots 6 7, 8 nd 9, Block 3, LYMAN D. BAIRDS ADDITION, acco ding to the record d plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. ��v�sE� S►� 'P�..a.�': - - �. - � EXiSTING DRIVEWAY M PROPOSED DRIVEWAY � i � W �20 � " (2�.� - . � 40 - �, \� � � � --- \1 +' , �; �� . � � t0 , t+ 2 � \ � � � \� --- � 4 \ \\ ---- J �_J �.\ ,` .\ \ � !�I � ��., .�� �� ����:\ \\\\� ��; �\�\� _� ���r---� I a c�rio _� � � --- I �?~x z Y � --- � aa L-----I Y W �� �� "' Q z � 4 ALL 3 �STA LS � �.�----� = H� N W IO�xI ') tl xl8 ) � = � 1 I �� �----- W � � �w � BITUMINOUS �I � �U Q r----- � ��� � � � �� �' ( EXISTING PARKING LOT ) 'Z�LO—x---- 2 z � Y�v+ �F=--� 4 — a� J � 12 (IO�x 0')S ALL `� � �or----� � Q � � � U � ; N � --- �2�.�0 --. --- 40.00 --- �' A LLEY - � �6 � ,��� � J M r � • . �E _ f Y�; c�-�. ; 5 ���b ��y�b Midw�,' 15 8 W. Minnehaha Ave. C08�1�,lQri st. Paut, Minnesota 55104 Distri�et 1 64 -,s86 Serving the Hamlinle Midwa area (1 ,�.,, j � � Z . Septemberl 23, 1 86 St. PaullPlanni g Comm'ssion c/o Peggyl Reich rt, 11 Floor � 25 West 4th Str et St. Paul,l MN 55 02 Attentionj: Dav'd Laneg an Dear Mr. �ar�egran, We h�ve rec ived a copy of the re-zoning petition, File #9986. T petition asks for �ezonin from -2 to P-1, which will allow the destruction o a resi- dence at �560 Ch rles A enue. Presently, this housing buffers the Sne ling Avenue commercia�l strip from t e house next door and across the street. Thislwhole rea is at risk due to other approved zoning changes an pressure from snel�ing an Unive sity business parking, traffic •and expansion. he loss of each h�me in his ar a produces a ripple effect of decline to neighb ring houses anqi a los of th sense qf community throughout the area. In k eping ith th master plan of the district to maintain the pr sent ba- lance of �esiden ial, c mmercial and industrial land use, the Land Use ommittee of the Mic�way Co lition District 11 has voted to op ose the spot rezoni g as harmful tc� the c mmunit . We encourage continuing efforts to solve par ing needs by sharedlparkin and o her non-destructive means. No evidence of spec al need has been c�emonst ated b the petitioner. We wduld ap reciat your support in this matter. Sincerely,l � . �/� Valerie J.I Hix President,IMidwa Coalit'on cc: Councp�lmemb r Kiki onnen I i � ��^��� � . x � ��y�� ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT _____________________________ ILE #9986 1. APPLI�ANT: s. Ma millian Kendall DATE OF HEARIN : 10/2/86 2. CLASS�FICAT ON: Re oning from RM-2 to P-1 3. LOCATION: 1 60 Cha es Avenue (South side between Snelling and Ashbury) 4. PLANNIING DI TRICT 11 5. LEGALI DESC IPTION Lot 6, Block 3, Lyman D. Baird's Addition 6. PRESENT ZO NG: R -2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.720 7. STAFF �NVES IGATI N AND REPORT: DATE: 9/18/86 BY: l�onna tsko __________�_____ ______ _____________��_�____________---_—_---------- ------ ----- --- — ___--______ __________ __________�_____ ______ _____________________________________________ __________ A. P RP E: To llow co struction of a surface parking lot. B. S FFIC EN Y: The pe ition was declared sufficient by the Planning T�ivision n September 3, 1986; I S parc Is eligib e, 11 parcels required, 11 parcels signed. C. PAR E IZE: The par el is one lot, 4,443 square feet with 40' of frontage on harles and a depth of about 111 feet. D. EXI TI LA U E: The parcel contains a single frame house and a detache garage which faces the lley to he south. E. RR NDIN LAND U E AND Z NIN DI TRI T: North: I Reside tial, R -2 East: I Reside tial, R -2 South: Comm rcial an residential, B-3 and RM-2 West: I Comm cial, B- F. ZONIN I C DE ITATI N: Section 60.720 states: "The P-1 Vehicular }'arking istrict is intended to perm t the es blishment of off-street parking facilities to be used so ely for off- street parlking of rivate assenger vehicles as a use incidental to a principal use. The district will servel a use d strict w ich has developed without adequate off-street parking G. FINDINQS; 1. The alpplican intends to sell her property, subject to the rezoning, to the Hol omb-Henry Fune�al Hom at 536 . Snelling Avenue, located west of her lot. It is the fu eral home , whic�} needs ddition l vistor parking. At this time, the funeral home has sp ce for 18 vehicles on t ir lot. eople who attend funerals park on the residential stree s in the area �ivhen th parkin lot is full. 2. Directly nort and ea t of this parcel are multiple family areas zoneci RM-2; t the west is the Sn�elling c mmerci 1 area zoned B-3. The lot directly south and across the alley is also zonedlB-3. 3. Rezonlings to -1 Vehi ular Parking District must meet nine required conditio s as designlated in ection 0.723. The ability of the proposal to meet them are as ollows: + 1) Tl�e prop sal is fo parking which is accessory to the funeral home and at this time is iii�ended olely fo funeral home use. : 2) Ttie code equires hat P-1 parking facilities be inaccessible for public use during haurs whe the pr ncipal use is not in operation. The funeral home's hour of op ration re fro 8:30 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. The owner, Mr. Dennis Boom, as stated th�t he wi I install a chain or gate to make the area inaccessible after busi ess hours. 3) Tl�e parki g facili y will be used solely for parking of those atte»ding fu rals; it wi�ll not b used fo off-street loading. 4) Nq repair ork, se vice or sales will be conducted from the parking area. . ;.. � ' - , . �6- /��7 � I a . i�� � � File #9986 I ` Page Two G. FINDIrii T'D 5) I The dr veway n Charles will be designated "exit only", no other signs ill be I install d in the new parking area. 6) I No bui dings w 11 be erected in this area. 7) I Repres ntative of the funeral home have submitted a site plan with th rezoning j applic tion. At the time this report was written, the site plan did not eet required City st ndards ut was to be corrected and resubmitted. These standar s include I mainta ning th 15-foot residential front yard setback and providing a isual scrcen fence d 4-fo setback along the east property line to buffer the par ing from I adjace t reside tial uses. 8) I During site pla review, eight City departments examine each site plan for I confor ance w th accepted City standards. Before any actual ronstruc ion occurs, the fun ral ho e's parking lot site plan must meet these departments' c iteria. This I review rocess nsures that the parking lot will be developed in accord nce with City I code st ndards ection 62.104. 4. Thel City's ompreh nsive Plan Land Use Section states that "the City throu h... zoning... willi encour ge busi esses to reduce traffic and parking problems." 5. Thei Distric 11 Pla states as goals the improvement of the functioning of t e Snelling Avenue co mercial rea and the buffering to separate residential areas fro commercial area�s. H. TAFF NAL I : In recent rezoning for the Hamline Hotel (located across nelling Avenue �rom th s prope ty), it became quite clear that there is an acute need fo more off- street parking i this ar a. The funeral home owner has stated that the closest arking is often twlo block away f r those attending services. The site Iplan ap ears wo kable for at least 16 additional spaces. P-1 standards setbacks and scregning w 11 ensur compatibility with existing residences to the north. T e addition of needed dff-stree parkin facilities which meet strict P-1 standards will enhance the residential neig borhood by removing vistor parking from the residenti:�l street et maintai ling set cks an screening of uses. The addition of the parcel to comm rcial use is therefor� a reas nable us . [. TAFF E ENDA I N: Based on findings 1 through S and the staff anal sis, staff recomme�ds app oval of he rezoning of 1560 Charles Avenue from R1�1-2 to P-1. R�II'� � • • • � � • `:+ ��a �: � • • • • � • • q � • • • � • y • �� � � ��� � o ,� . � • • • • � • • '�■16 � - • • • • � � • •� • � • � • �0'00 0 � � �O - �• ` . , � • !� � • • • • c • • . . I� • ��,�; • • . � �.7 • . . �� • . . I : 11.��' � �'i� !' 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'�. ��� � � � , ■c�� � �A 1 - � ' � � � .... .r., ....,,,__ �= � • `�� ' ��� • /�: • .�I�. • ', i�i:i�j : R °.,` � • • i C � �� C� � �� �,�J � , . . � � u � a� �,� . . . . ; . . . . �� . . . . . � , . .__. � � � � �•� � �� •��.�.. � , � � ��i:.� .� . . �� 'i�,� �'."�7 ., . p . . . . .I . . . . . �.��.��.s ' i���C • �i�■ • ` .: : � ► �.� � .1-�- � - � � � �.. . . ��l '� ,� � ,- . � : . � . . - . . - :. , ,�!!! %/// - � - . �� ' . . . . , �� l♦ . � . . � � � � • lil . � • • � . � • -'' / � ' , • • , � � � � _ � � • � ' . • � . , � /?`a , • �__ �-�,-/��7 � _ ' �7��� � ST PAUL CITY COUNCIL ' PUBLIC HEARING NOTIC ZONING T0: Pr�perty wners ithin 350 feet; Re�resent tives f Planning District 11 FIL E N . 9986 PAGE PURPOSE To Rezone from RM-2 (multiple family) to P-1 ( arking) to allow construction of a surface parking lot. �.��r A I 0 N 1560 Charles Ave. (south side between Snelling and Asbury) PETITI NE �4RS. MAXIMILLIAN KENDALL HEARIw� Thursday, November 5, 1985 lo:oo A.rt. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Co rt House Q U E S TIO N Zoning 298-4154 (Donna Datsko) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and conomic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall An ex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Legal Description: Lot 6, Block 3, Lyman D. B irds Addition � r__-� a-, ._.-� _...r � T G!�.,. - . �—. ' „� p_a n7 ... ...�l CJ f'.; Notice sent 1 -24-86 , . ..n.: s `� �-�. r � ` : . � -�C .�x� : o- ! aa b -' . �,{.(�. h � , a �,`�� �. - � �� r y�Y�..' �. _�� f "r 4.: i , t i,r i� c"�` 1 � v� � ..y-y�f' . . '..`£ ✓ � J���. �k i.�M f. 'l_ � (� :; / ' ��; �� , � �� 1 .. . � s.._ t`'iL} r _ y.��� i _..�u ,� ti1-'���[ �' � i� ' _ g k.s} t �. �_-� � . � _,t _ {. ��, , - r. • ,� i,y '� ..�' •.' r � �,�7��.��i � ' � b :�r � - � �:F c r�• � w � t � - ., �;, y tis n�J � - r i .p _-r r--. I'' �.� � f y l. . . 1 C .� i � 4 �� � • � . .)� +.� ; ! F fl , � ; �� 1 5 .�t. - i.�l �i�� . , i . . ..� . .. . . � � .^ . . ..: . .. i .�t� . i yr '- .! ,�' . ../ . �. . . , .-- �, " 1. - . � ...... . ..�. .,. _'. . . r : ,. :.'t .....: . . .� I _:� `; ,; ` � NOTICE OE PUBLIC HEARING - - �_ , ,s , z, .;: ,. , - � : - ... . - .; _ ,. . . . . . , :�. _�: . . ��� . >Sr� '�-. � ,.,. ..�... ."�:T T;�'...: ..,".,.• . : ...' .., . .:�. '�.�;.rr ��':., .:..�'. �, �:ry _ A .pet'tion h ving en filed requesting that �the Zoning �Ordinance � f . � the C'ty; of t. �Pau �. be�amended so as to rezone from RM-2 to P-1, property . �' "Y � � descr'bed."as Lot �6;� Block'3; Lyman D. Bairds Addition:.,`The prope"r y " '� ia l ated`a `1560 � harles;�Avenue (south side between Snelling and Asbury) �_. ' � -The C uncil,;_ t the� ity of�;St�. Paul has fixed the: r, � � • �•>� �� ' � . � . � � - =1�» the Council Chambers in the �City :Hall .of sa d �,,' '��� ��-� �`; City,.:•and`at said t � and place, the Council;will,hear`all� pe'rson - � ,` E ��� ,� , and al.�l,y.r7o�b� tions recomm�ndations relat�ve to the proposed am ndment ` �' � � �:a�it �,�"p�7i�'�F�1�.t�,:. .:r� 1'x`t ��h'-' _S "k -ti.. �r --t i i»�, t'Sy,.'���7.�r�� �:. � .-:•' r '� �t � =- j + ��� a �� e 7 1�_eK �, � . .ky:w.an ?+��� ?zGwy�� Da�ed Octobe� 22,` 1 86 � � : _ � ' s ,.`.�' '�� _ �'��� (y4a?v�f45�1��1.- � T.`- �i ?' G v1� -. �� r . � ; °t' � �.,�• ���r.r'#�} i��`�*'X�� '��.��p�� �. -; f�'".:�j �y F ( � ,, { �e`}' 1.. V Y'y. �t a a �� � � �. �.Y �r ': �.. 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