86-1623 M�NITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII / �// � BLUERY - MAVORTMENT G TY OF SA I NT PA U L ��� � File N 0. G C uncil Resolution W�-� Presented By ,��� �� Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, a p oposal to form a Civic Organizations Partnership Progr m consisting of org nizati ns contracting for services with the City is be ore the City Council or con ideration; and WHEREAS, con ensus n the program format has not been reached by th Council in cooper tion w th the administration; and WHEREAS, par icipat ng organizations must complete budget planning immediately for 1 87 in rder to proceed with their programs; now, there ore, be it RESOLVED, th t orga izations previously having contracts with the C'ty and wishing to co tinue hose contracts into 1987 make their proposals a in past years and co tinue, if approved, under the administrative aegis des'gnated in 1986; and be i furth r RESOLVED, th t fund ng for the contracts entered into shall be dra from the $711,720 appr ved fo said contracts in the 1987 budget and that any funding beyond th t will be separately appropriated by the Council; and e it finally RESOLVED, th t the ouncil and the Department of Community Services will continue discussi n of t e proposal before the Council and will reach co sensus on a plan no late than pril 30, 1987. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays N"o$'e [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen _ Agelllst BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date DEC 1 r � Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Y•ss d uncil t BY ss� Appr v Mavor: Dat � � " ���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil sy sy p BllSHED ��-� 2 01986 y • , ��v W _/W� Q ,,��**�. G T�Y OF SAINT PAUL �P� ';, OFFICE OF THE MAYOR a a ' iii�i il u : �+ Ae ,... 347 CITY HALL SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR December 3, 1986 R F�C�� L��� � � I� �'3 .,"."' cn^ Mr. James Scheibel, ouncil ember `��T'`� ��� - `,« �;� Finance, Management nd Per onnel Committee Chairpersoti �' �'r-� 716 Ci ty Ha l l ` ' . °� ��`� Saint Paul, MN 551 2 Dear Jim: I have reviewed you Novemb r 20, 1986 letter regarding your proposal to d lay the implementation of t Civic Organization Partnership Program with Kathy S ck, Director of Communi Servi es and Greg Blees, Budget Director. Greg has communica ted to me a sump ti ns tha t were no t identi f ied in your le tter and we f ind your proposal as cla ified elow, to be acceptable. I am restating your roposa along with our assumptions, in an .effort to learly • identify how we inte d to a sist City Couacil in deciding how to budget li ited General Fund resoure s to C vic Organizations who provide needed services o the residents of Saint P ul: Non-profit org nizati ns which received City funding in 1986 will continue to re eive 1 87 fundi.ng at an amount equal to the amount identified in the Cit 's 1986 budget. This applies only to organizations here a history of an annual financing commitment exists. One me fun ing assistance for 1986 does not entitle an organiza tion conti ued funding in 1987. It is assumed tha t annualized fu ing fo the Emergency Care Fund would have been cut in half for 19 7, as here was an agreement to temporarily assist the United Wa with C ty funding until their priorities for assisting the omeles were modified. It is also. assumed tha.t the Board of Heal 's ten tive commitment of $35,000 to the Maternal and Infant Ca Progr m will be funded. Payments of 50 . of th 1987 funding commitment to each organization will be made i Janua y of 1987 only after their 1986 Performance Contracts are xtende . Payment of the second half of 1987 funding will be made i Augus of 1987 only after each organization submits a six month pe forman e report, and provided that contracted performance ob ective were met. City Council 11 hav to transfer $12,590 from the 1987 Contingent Reserve: IInsp ified n order to meet the extended funding commitments, a ident fied in the attached table. +�r�46 • ' � ��-/�a?3 Jim Scheibel Page Two December 3, 1986 City Council w 11 app ove the submission requirements, evalua tion cri eria, ecision making process and performance reporting requ rement for the Civic Organiza tion Partnership Program by Apr 1 15, 987 so tha t organiza tions can request 1988 funding by May 15, 19 7. The Mayor will recommend a 1988 budget for the Civic rganiz tion Partnership Program to City Council by August L5, 987. "New funding a sistan e commitments" to non-profit organizations will not be co sidere until after City Council approves the evalua tion cri eria f r the Civic Organiza tion Partnership Program. Each City Depa tment r Office responsible for preparing and monitoring 198 contr cts for service with non-profit organiza tions ill be responsible for extending those contracts into 1987. The Director o Commu ity Services will be responsible for preparing for ayor a d City Council approval, the Civic Organization P rtners ip Program submission requirements, evalua tion cri eria, ecision making process and performance reporting requ rement . A Tentative Calendar of Eve ts required to implement the Civic Organization Partnership Program s bee prepared and is transmitted for review. Jim, I look forward o work ng closely with City Cauncil in deciding how to best use our limited Genera Fund resources to provide financial assistance to Civic Organiza tions ho pro ide priority services to Saint Paul residents effectively and effi iently Very truly yours, or e t er Ma y GL:GB:fs Attachments: Fundin Commi ments for 1987 Calend r of E ents cc: City Council Mem ers Civic Organiza ti ns Mai ing List Greg Blees Office & Departm nt Air ctors Ka thy S ta ck � . �_���� CIV C ORGANIZATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Tentative Calendar of Events City Council passes esolut on suthorizing the extension of 1986 Contracts-for-S rvice ith Non-Profit Organizations into 1987, by Decembe 9, 1986 Community Services d stribu es to non-profit organizations a copy of Council Reso ution, Mayor Latimer's letter to Jim Scheibel and the most current copy o the Civic Organization Partnership Program policy sta te ent an guidelines, by Decembe 19, 1986 Non-Profit Organiza t ons si n extended Contracts-for-Service with City Depa rtment and 0 fices, by Janua ry 16, 1987 City Council ameads 987 Ge eral Fund Budget to transfer $12,590 to the Civic Organiz tion P rtnership Program, by January 29, 1987 First half of 1987 C ntract for-Service payments made to Non-Profit Organiza tions, by January 30, 1987 Non-Profit Organiza t ons id ntify their concerns/comments regarding the proposed policy tateme t and guidelines, to the Director of Community Services, y Februar 13, 1987 Finance, Management nd Per onnel Committee hold public hearing on proposed policy s temen and guidelines, by March 1 , 1987 City Council adopts olicy tatement and guidelines (submission requiremeats, evalua ion cr teria, decision making process, and performance reportin ), by April 1 , 1987 Community Services d stribu es City Council adopted policy and guidelines to Non-Pr fit Or anizations, by April 2 , 1987 Non-Profit Organiza t ons re uest 1988 City funding, by May 15, 1987 Community Services r commen 1988 funding priorities to Mayor, by June 15, 1987 Mayor proposes to Ci y Coun il 1988 budget for Civic Organization Partner hip Pr gram, by August 5, 1987 Second half of 1987 ontrac -for-Service payments made to Non-Profit Organiza t ons, i performaace objectives and reporting requirements are met, by August 0, 1987 NOTE: Calendar subj ct to hange; prepared by Greg Blees, Mayor's Office 2-3-86 ro'�'r3� � E CH � � � NZZZ � � � � H � � x � � � Cnn � a cn N y o m � � a� �o o w ,Y o m m o w m w � � a m K w w w o o � � r � .t c �n w o p c w • n w r» a. p � r. a 3 � r- w � � w o � � y o w o ,�. �► ,-r ,� � w �r a � ao ao � � o m rh w w �v m w m �v �o ro Z �-3 � 7d �' (D fD P� � �' r* b �' 7' �' r (D M M P� � p w � r � G fD y � �J �D Ou � Cn C. fA r► N N CT CY fA r+� .'7 i7 N � C.`C f'► R M f/� � 7u o v� cn v� r� � w n ro c r� o o c� o w w cn oc w o m w � t/� O fD C. a C7 � W r � ri M r+� rr r r � tn fD r3 � rr � � r O M fD W r{ W Q G Q. �' �' cr W fD O ri x O M '17 7d w O H 'T1 C `C rr r-+ p � rr 'z7 O O W C7 P� W f� < W rh fD W N � �O ro �1 w aC w (o w Z O � O O �D Y � � r r� w � N f� m Oo O H n fD O H O m a a cn 1�`�C G. 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