86-1621 •WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council // /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��//„ / BLUE - MAVOR File N (��os � � u cil Resolution Presented y Re o � I n� C ^ Committee: Date d' Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , C apter 705, Laws of Minnesota for 1965 , prov ' des for the transfer of 11 re 1 estate held in the name of the City f Saint Paul for the se o former Special School District N . 2 to Independent Scho 1 Dis rict No. 625; and WHEREAS, it is n cessary for said School District to perfect its record title b con eyance by said City of Saint Paul to said Independent Scho 1 Dis rict No. 625; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, t at th proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to exe ute q it claim deeds to Independent School istrict No. 625 for the ollow' ng described premises: (Gord n Sch ol Site) Lots 4 thr 27 , Block 1, Oakland Park Addition to the C ' ty of Saint Paul , Ramsey County, Minnesota (Bound d by M rshall Ave. , Fry St. , Dayton Ave. and Snelling ve.) COUNCILMEN Req ted by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � ��— � , , 1� Nicosia �J Rettman Irt Favo[ s�ne�bei � Sonnen Against BY Tedesco t- W ilson n ��4� tiE � t �6 Form ApprQve y ity Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date \� C Cerlified Y•:s d Council , t BY By _ Appro ; avor: Date � DE� � E 1g86 Approv by Mayor for S sion to Cou cil By _ BY P BLISHED E� 2 01986.� g:.; { ; � v� '.�s. ._'..T'_.. .._'_'_._.. ._.. .. .__.� .__.�._ .�_...."'_'_ I i N n� � __ d +' _ ---. ..----- ._ ._.,_.----..._ _— ----._.__ . ._. � '� Q. ,� `� a p j � � C; O ;'��� ;� 1 f 5 Tr i3B ? � ST. °� � � �i_9 i6 � s Z� �-�B ri �'� , ,,'1 Q l'1 '� lp ti�.o .t a� — � rt _t_--�_____---------- __—__ ___.. __ . _ _ ----. __ ------ i � C� ��'�i � i N 0 ._�._�—_ � "'_'_ _.__—.. '. 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Da*e: ' --- I (re�e�ed _`�,r :-ecorc:.rg da ) i :O?� V�Lli��L� �n��LDE :_rt'ipN The ,�;�..�`�'—����T��_-Pau'_ a ;�unicipal corporation un er the law�s ef h , Gr tor, hereby co:�ve;'� ac�d c;u'•tclaia�s io , Graniee, a public school distric under the �����s +ai the State of riinnesota , r al proper:y in Ramse Cour.ty, ;��a:=r.esc�ta, descr:bec as fo1!o«'s: alcla.id Parlc Lots 14, 15, 17 18, 1 , 20, ZI, 22, �23, 24, ?..5, 26, and 27, Block 1, Addition to the City o St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. ii ..,or_ _..ac_ is.�:c:.--; _..:I:�,.,. :, ,..c_ , i.l.''J:.�:�,_ �"�C ._.. - __ '- _•1_ _„� ,__ .. ' �'lil`..._13:i JC(�� 'J _� _�.�. �-�— _ _.____ __--------- ItS- ------------ "`1t�3:1Z f ----___�._ .-r � . —_... ., � ,. . � . . " : . � Q _ _'_.'___.__._____ - ' '—' �_ 1�� S�O1—.�.T._t�1.I1a�LC�_P1 t8a [�'£<'.!bS__`�f'rV1.^..25 , _ — -- _.._ _ .�.. —---�'�'�—x��------- ----- ------ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss , COUNTY OF FAMSEY ) �Phe Foregoing was acknucal.edged be�or� :r.e tnis G�y of , 19 , by _ the oi the Ci`y of .�aint Paul, a munici�al Corporation under tii.= �aws of the St��e oF Minnesota, on bU%i:alf or t:�e �.orpo~ztiori. Signa�;:rG of Notarv - STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing was 3C'.�{?'iOW�E?dged befo��� me this _ __ day o f . 19 � b y --------- _ t h e � of the City of Saint Paul, a municipal. Corporation undzr the laws e£ th� State of Minnesota, on behalt of the Corporatio�. Sign�ture of Notary � , . �� i . - . , . .. .. .. _. , , ..., . • � ; ,.�.i.. . ,..� , -.. .�t.; ,� i . '::� �nveya � _ FnrmNo. �I-M—Qi. T �.- �c_:_ '" _ ._ _ ._ �/ __ _. _ _ _ :' ., , , _ _ _ __ _ _ � ��0 r��Po�a,ipn or Par ners�i� ' ' tu C,orporation or°ar,n�r;n�„ � No delinquent ta�:es ar.d �ransf r er.ter�G; C�rt�liiCli.B ' �j of Real Estate Value ( ) file ( ) � ot requueci i � � Certificate of Rea1 Estate ��alu No� — � � I i i � I I I I� Co nty �uditor 'I � Ii I I bY , D�put� 1 � STATE DEED TA� DliE HER ON: � — — � • I � , �g � Date: �_ (reserved_fer :ecording da ) 1 1 T � �l FpR V 3Lli�BLE COtiSIDER. TION> � , 2 mimi ciD�i ^^*'^^'"at��r, unde th2 laws ef Pndent Sch District � , Gr tor, hereby conveys and quitclaims io�e� ,Grantee, � p P Y a ; nder the laws �f t-ha 4t �-a nf Minnacnta , re r0 ert 171 . County, Minnesota, �escribed as follows: Lot number sixtee (16) i Block one (1) of Oakland Park Addition tn the ' City of St. Paul ccordi � to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the off ce of e Regisrer of Deeds �n and for said County. � i (if more space is needed,continue on back) i to�ether witr� aIl he:edi�am�n' znd ap urtenances belongin� thereto. , gy I t s M���OR ,�„��;. ; �,,�.; , , � B}� _ It� Director of Finance and na�ement Serv. Rv — • . ' t � . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The �oregoing was acknowledged before m� this day of , 19 , by the of the City of Saint Paul, a municipal Corporatian unc�er the laws of tl:e State of Minnesota, on behalf of the Corporation. Signature c�f Notary STATE OF MINNESOTA } ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 19 , by the — of the City of Saint Paul, a municipal Corporation undeY the laws of the State of Minnes��ta, on behalf of the Corporation. Signature of Notary 1 M�MITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �_ a CANARV — DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE — MAVOR � 1 RETURN COPY TO VALU TIONS D V. ' ' ROOM 218 (DN) (Gi ette) un il Resolution Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WH$REA , the Housing and Redevelopment Authority o the City of Saint P ul to ether with the Briqhton Development Co pany plans to develop th Old Gillette Hospital Site as housing for the elderly on th following described property: Lots , 2, 3, and 4 and Outlots A, B, and C of halen Shores Addition; and WHEREA , the Brighton Development Company has fou d it necessary to a guire additional easements in order to serv the site with sanit ry se ers and storm sewer connections; and WHERBA , the easements cross portions of Phalen Pa k at locations satis actor to the City of Saint Paul; and WHERBA , the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint aul nd the Brighton Development Company ave agreed to the f llowi g conditions on which the conveyance o the easement shall e bas d on: 1) The Pe manen Storm and Sanitary Sewer Easement sha 1 be on, over nd across the following described land A p rpetu 1 storm sewer line easement, 2�1.00 fee wid , as easured at right angles, and a tempora y con truct ' on easement, 60. �10 feet wide, over, un er and acros the following described land: The N rtheast Quarter of the Southwest Quar er of Se tion 21, Township 29 North, Range 22 W st COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia Finance & Management S rvices Rettman IR Favo[ scneibei , D'rector Sonnen __ AgaltlSt BY Tedesco ��' I Wilson �''• Form Approv City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date /��`� C � � �� Certified Vassed by Counc.il Secret ry BY ss� Approved by Mavor: Date Approv by Ma r f 'ssion to Cou cil � sy _ — . � � -i�a� of the 4th Principal Meridian, EXCEPT the ea t 366. 7 feet of the west 592. 67 feet of the sout 627 . 00 feet of said Northeast Quarter f the Southwest Quarter. The cent r line of said perpetual easement is de scribed s follows: Comm ncing at the northwest corner of said e st 366. 7 feet of the west 592 . 67 feet of the s uth 627 . P1 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Sout west Quarter; thence on an assumed bea ing of E st along the north line of said south 6 7 .0P! feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwe t Quar er a distance of 84 . 39 feet; thence So th 53 d grees 49 minutes 18 seconds East a dist nce of 2 . 00 feet to the point of beginning of t e cent r line to be described; thence North 5 degr es 49 minutes 18 seconds West a distanc of 85. 4 feet; thence North 18 degrees 23 minu es 32 s conds West a distance of 3fd0. 30 feet; then e North 24 degrees 012 minutes 54 second � East a distance of 184 .88 feet; thence Nort 23 d grees 31 minutes 57 seconds West a dist nce of 3 .73 feet and there terminating. A p rpetu 1 sanitary sewer line easement, 30. 00 f et wid , as easured at right angles, over , under an acr ss th following described land: The N rtheast Quarter of the Southwest Quarte of Secti n 21, Township 29 North, Range 22 West f the 4 h Principal Meridian. The easte ly line of said perpetual easement is 1 . 00 fee east rly from, as measured at right angles, lin desc ibed as follows: Comme cing at the southeast corner of the wes 592 . 6 feet of said Northeast Quarter of the South est Quarter; thence on an assumed bear ng of No th 0 degrees 11 minutes B0 seconds West along the east line of said west 592 . 67 feet f the N rtheast Quarter of the Southwest Quarte a dis ance of 192 . 00 feet to the point of be- ginni g of the line to be described; thence conti ue North 0 degrees 11 minutes 00 second West long said east line a distance 435. 001 f et to th north line of the south 627 . 00 feet of said North ast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thenc North 1 degree 28 minutes 46 seconds E st a dis ance of 152. 68 feet and there terminati g. �k:�- 12 �� � 2 . � �-/��� , 2) The Te porar Storm and Sanitary Sewer easement sha 1 be on, over and across the following described land : The easterly line of said temporary storm sewer ase- men is described as follows: Comme cing at the northwest corner of said e st 366. 67 feet of the west 592. 67 feet of the s uth 627 . P1� feet of the Northeast Quarter of the South est Quarter; thence on an assumed bea ing of East along the north line of said south 6 7 . 0P1 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwe t Quart r a distance of 101 . 33 feet to the poi t of beginning of said easterly line to the descr bed; thenc North 53 degrees 49 minutes 18 second West a distance of 75. 65 feet; thence North 18 degrees 23 minutes 32 seconds West a distanc of 293 . 22 feet; thence North 24 degrees 4J2 min tes 54 seconds East a distance of 218 . 71 feet an there terminating. Said temporary easement shall expire June l, 1987 . Toge her with a temporary easement, 65. 001 fe t wide, over , under and across the following d - scri ed land: The ortheast Quarter of the Southwest Quart r of Section 21, Township 29 North, Range 22 West of the 4th Principal Meridian, EXCEPT the east 366. 7 feet of the west 592. 67 feet of the s uth 627 . 0 feet of said Northeast Quarter of the Sout est Quarter. Th easterly line of said temporary sanitary sew r ea ement is 15. PJP1 feet easterly from, as measure at right angles, a line described as follows: Comm ncing at the southeast corner of the we t 592 . 7 feet of said Northeast Quarter of the Sout west Quarter; thence on an assumed bea ing of N rth 0 degrees 11 minutes 0B seconds Wes alon the east line of said west 592 . 67 feet of the ortheast Quarter of the Southwest Quart r a di tance of 192 . f�A feet to the point of be ginning of the line to be described; thence continue North 0 degrees 11 minutes 0R1 secon s West along said east line a distance 435 . �0 eet to t e north line of the south 627 . 0�1 feet o said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quar er; then e North 1 degree 28 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 162 .68 feet and there ter i- nati g. `�� ��-1� (�'�' 3 . . � ,� _i��� Sai tem orary easement shall expire June l , 198 . All the above described easements are highlighte on rawin designated as Project 85971 , file num er 1-86-Afd b James R. Hill , Inc. dated January 2 , 198 , whi h is attached hereto and made a part t ere- of. 3) The easem nts described in conditions 1 and 2 wi 1 be in the names of the parties who own the prope - tie to b served : a) L ke Phalen Housing Limited Partnership L t 2, and Outlots A, B and C of Phalen S ores Addition. b) H using and Redevelopment Authority of t e C ' ty of Saint Paul L t 1, 3 and 4 of Phalen Shores Addition. 4) The cost f operation, repairs, and all mainte- nan e of he sanitary and storm sewers located w' th- in he ea ement areas described in conditions 1 nd 2 w 11 be the responsibility of the owners of Lo s l, , 3 , and Outlots A, B and C Phalen Shores Add tion, that being Lake Phalen Housing Limited Par nersh 'p and Housing and Redevelopment Authority or heir ssigns . 5) The perma ent easement areas as described in con- dit ons 1 and 2 shall automatically revert back to the City f Saint Paul at no cost , when the sewers are aband ned. 6) Tha Brig ton Development Company and/or Phalen Lak Hous ng Limited Partnership pay to the City of t. Pa 1 a sum of $1 ,752 as payment for two mon hs us of the temporary easement described abo e and that such payment shall be paid prior t the issua ce of a permit to begin construction. 7) Tha Lake Phalen Housing Limited Partnership or i s ass gns, n or before January 1, 1988 pay to the ity of aint aul the sum of $7 , 86P! for the permanent san tary nd storm sewer easements servicing the Pha e I R ntal Units located in the area describe as ollow : ot 2 , and Outlots A, B and C Phalen Shores dditi n. Suc paym nt shall be paid on or before January 1 198 . t-L-�� \���, 4