86-1613 1 � ' CITY OF S'f. PAUL COUNCIL F �E NO. /3 " . FINAL ORDER BY � � , ;� , , ' File No. ����� Voting In the Matter�of ' _ wKa � s , , Proceeding with improvi g the following streets by grading and paving and insta lati.on c,L a street lighting system. Also, constructing con rete : rivei�rays, conerete outwaiks ane:l doing all necessar.�� A�ork ta complet _ sa_i_d project:. Her?�ert 5r.���:�;t from �ra�ium to riaryland Geranium �°aer.u2 from ezbert to Ke:�nard Kennard Street from essamine ta Gsranium Kennard Street from �io:se to Ivy Rose Avenuv� from 'ennard to �lar,drau Jr�ssamine f�venixe from ennard ta Breen I�in�sford Street from 300 feer south af Jessamine to Jessa�r�ir.:: Flandrau Street from faryland to Hyacinth Hawthorne Avenue fron F�andrau to B�reen • Ozange Av�nue from Flandrau to Breer�, Hyacinth :�venue from F'I_andra� to Areen Ivy Avenue from Kenna.rd to White Bear Avenue Curve Street (eas ) fr.om iv�� to Nebraska Clear Avenue from Cur>>e (west) to Winthrop Cottage Avenue from Curve (west) to Winthrop Sherwood Street frora 20�) f.eet wesr �o Winthrop to ;,linthrop Arlington Avenue from Curve (westl to Winthrop Nebraska Avenue from Ccsrve (west) to Winthrap Kennard Street from 3essamine to P.ose Rose Avenue from Flandrau to Breen Kingsford Street from Ames to 400 feet north Kingsford Street from Jessamine to Rose Flandrau Avenue from Ames to Ivy Breen Aven�:e from Echo to Rose Breen Avenue from Hawrhorne to Hyacinth Echo Avenue from Flandrau to Breen Orange Avenue f rom Tlennard to Flaridrau Hyacint�l Avenue from K.enn.ard to Breen Ivy Avenue from Kennard to '�Ihite Bear Avenue Curve Street (wes ) from Ivy to Nebraska Sherwood Avenue from Curve (west) Co 200 feet west of Gr'irthr.on Ruth Street from Ivy to ivebraska and Winthrop Street from Sherwood to Nebraska aZl ta be known as the MAR�LAND FLAN Rr1U/FU NESS IVY STREET PAVING AND '�I�HTING Pf:O.TECT� Ml.�Mii Certifie asse by Council Secretary lttta�s � �il1' In Favor y S oQOea -- Tedes�e Against ilils� DEC � 2 Mayor PUgIISHED �t � 2 01986 :S �ame��: � .�/��.� , � � CITY OF SAI�TT PAUL i d.R.e�m.n`�`� + � i +�ii Hlld Sonnen OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL 7ohn Dnw(q!) � Date: November 26, 1986 � o mitte e I�e p o rt . , � - To: S int Paul City Council Fr m: ommittee on Public Works hris Nicosia, Chair __ __ he Publi Works C ittee at its meetings of November 26, , 1986 took the ollowing ctton: Hear i ny Date l. 12%II 86 VACA lON: Petltion of the Port Authority for the vacation of P NNSYLVANIA Avenue from Sylvan to Jackson, Arch Street � � ' from Park to Capitol Heights and Capitol Heights from Arch C to ennsylvania. Purpose: For new plat of the Empire Buil er Industrial Park. Rec ended approval. 2. t2/9/ VACA ION: Petition of Housing and Redevelopment Authority � for the vacation of NINTH Street between Cedar and N. Waba ha Streets for the purpose of constructing a parking ramp for the World Trade Center. � Rec ended den(al - Councilwoman Rettman and Councilman Tede co voting "NO". t2/11 6 VACA ION: Petition of Como-Northtown Credit Union for the vaca ion of part of the alley tn Block 60, Hagerman's Subd vision (bounded by Lexington, Hatch. Front and Chur hill). Purpose: For a drive-up facility and parking , area Reco ended approval. - . �P14 F[ k Ef�t� fAI�►c'iMi�� the strbe�`I�X'��tb:P�v i n9 and l i i np a s�r'eet,�4►� s�*st� axd�i�li6 s.i X wer�c ' nec to tpmp 1 ete tf�!. �i�ath�:lWtYLAND- Fl �NESS-IVY STREE7���AND LIGH1'Il�i'��Ib.�EC7. Re nded spproval. 5. 12/9/8 fINA ORDER: Constructing a� area storm sewer to be known as the MARYLAND-FIANDRAU/FURNESS-IVY SEWER PROJECT. Boun ed on the north by E. Nebraska from Furness to Wint rop and E. lvy from Kennard to White Bear Avenue; on the outh by Clear Avenue from Furness Parkway to Winthrop and by Ames Avenue and Echo fran approximately 600 feet west of Kennard extended to White Bear Avenue; on the west ; by F rness Parkway fran Nebraska to Clear and Kennard from -- Ivy to Maryland Avenue and 580 feet MOL Nest of Kennard from Maryland to 100 feet MOL south of Geranium then angi ng to the southeast to meet the north ltne of Ames Aven e and on the east by Winthrop from Nebraska to Clear and ite Bear Avenue from Ivy to the Railroad tracks. Rec ended approval. (CONTINUED) � � :� � - �-/(�/3 _ . , , . ' 6. 12/9/86 F1NAL RDER: Also, constructinq sanitary, storm and water ' conne ions, if requested by the property owners. for the combi d sewer separatton proJect known as the MARYLAND- FLAND U/FURNESS-IVY AREA STORM SEWER AND STREET PAVING AND LI HTING PROJECT. Rec nded approval. 7. 12/9/86 fINAL RDER: Constructing a sanitary sewer i� BREEN STREET from yacinth Avenue to Hawthorne Avenue. Also the const ction of sanitary connections, where necessary. Also ondemning and taking a 10-foot permanent sanitary sewer easement on east side of 8reen Street between Hyact h and Haathorne. � Rec nded approval. 8., t2/9/86 FINAL ORDER: Bus shelter installation by Ad Shelters at the c ner of Como and Fifield. Reco nded approval. 9. STAFF ISCUSSION: 1987 Sewer Servlce Rates. � Referr d back to City Council without recomnendation. 10. ORDIN CE: granttng permission to the HRA and/or its succe ors to construct and maintain piling, pile caps and sprea footings within rights-of-way of E. Fourth Street., Sible St., E. Kellogg Blvd. and Jackson Street (Biock L). Referr d back to City Council without recorrmendation. li. RESOL ION: authorizing the proper City officials to execu plat for Energy Park West bounded by Gibbs, Como, Snelli g and Pierce Butler Route. Reco nded approvai. 12. ElS oping Decision on SHEPARD/WARNER/EAST CBD BYPASS (laid ver from November 12, 1986). Rec nded approval on 2-1 vote - Councilwoman Rettman votin. "No". 134 RESOL ION: extending the compliance date of C.F. 86-242, being vacation for. part of BRADLEY STREET approved March 5, 19 . Reco nded approval. . 14. RESOL ION: supporting and encouraging public acquisition of ab doned railroad track in eastern Ramsey County. Reco nded approval. ' 2 I �~o . - �_�' � ��� /�� � � � � �� , , � � ' . G� . . , 't ' .. y�;� . ....Y _ � t..ti ' i:: Ag,'�>(� ' : ,� . ,<<x .:,� ;�''fl�!NA �,� �Y��1'1COSit�_� � � �a��•y�' ,,f��r�-yy��{[}� ,y� l� - . �+'�A�'�;.` �?vlO� ','_ '.'".T-v��� .. �:A�i��( �. ., ��nd- � M� of at���ee�-.���;�pa«� �.�n�f�+�°: Ir � j .�cret�ou�k:+tsrsd.dwi��.�eosrss�r�x;+w���:r y nf `�3�atfn�t►fc�a1'�`1and. � , - _ �. ; G,e �i,i ;C�n F�er'b��rt to,�ar� ..� ° , � l�. " ��a�o�anium 4 � ` o St�rE,st 'l�ose bo.�vy _ j � �ree�ue: ��#�iadrau -- - . 'J A ���t4�een' :' . :.; : � � �� ��.,.:�. _:3�1�1��k.�t J�im�e;�,,�� .� `._ t �_. �� I Flan u 6tx+e�t -#���', n Ha .4 &����to.Brew .. ' , ,,:. ��t�r� � ,- �' - VY�" �i�s '�^ �,}�sb 2,�*;�"",�.ff' :�• C .7�.+��1� �,+��'��.#'�'�#'`�� �:� ' �I• C �i '_ _ 4s',($;��f M� I� �Y �r�#X t "� �' TM �t Y � �' Q�`���L'(�� . — y r` - � .��Y � c� i�Y��Qn, y���L3�ra� 4 4 �A f � Y �� f�/�� �'C�( �O��II�1}'Op r �ff�eC ��"�o n � ; `� y"�� `�+`lat�drs��. � , f rc�St 0 Kiagr rc ;� `;tn 06'�Iat n� `a�e� orth � '�i `i�d�re�t rc�t Jess��aznine to Aose ', y:�# _ a „':' ? m AmeR ta.Ivy . . �..�.�., If H� vesuue i Echo#o Rose ��,. �; � � Hre�ea v e n u e' H a R C t h o r n e t b H y a e i n t h � '� .:�i � Echo enue Sro F'#a�c�ra�'tv.$rei� j ` O venue i Kenaard tq F�gad�i` • ", " ',. �i� k`ventt y����Wt�t�� �. _ Ivy Au ue frotxi ennard to Ave,�ue ' �> � Curve Lr�t(,xv .from vy to i�Teb a -,; . , _. Sherve d Avenu �iroin�rve(west to 200:�t FreRt��a�roA - �tnt�, i#�om vyr to Nebreska and ` �:;,s,, ? ° fiiE� tatreeti St�erwoodtoNeb�,s��1,to,�a ;��_:'' ' I�' i�AUt�: S�St�{IY�'Y'tt��,`I°FAV'�I��.A,� ;�p ; ��: $�6. I = � _ . . . The ounci2 o he CiL�'a��amt Pa�1 ha, ' '� , . . ^��Iwb�2i� �ab�ive _'r;nv�e�'}�-2�av� -�;���' �°� .- , r. �t. � `f . -�� e't# - r�r: }..a F '��� _= � ''� '*it�E'A��9�`��lte �i�ite ��� � -�. .: #�i �� , iv a�d�at3��4�t.e�`ieost " � ..�s�i�e�d.�°s.� -�yF F_ �� �4�'��'�.�3irOVement �-��f1� �,�'�. .._ _ e: ,�(e :�a'�ee C�a�r�e,�650,450.. � � . 2. t a IsFx � tre�ring��boe#�"on said �w�fi��t"� r� ber, 986.at1 . ' Tock a.m.,in tbe Coun+Ei1������e(�iEy�.' e . ding in t�e�I�a#.3a���P�ivti ° . , I 3 t,noti of said public heari��� giu�ii:fb t�pe�spp,g an�';�n t� ' .; r ed b�t,�r�e Cha�ter, stating the time a�R������• -. � e�iature f the is�irnvem�t and the total°c�t�the��as.�t�riated. ' �'i1e No: 18�4 . ._ .: ��' , , Ad ted by th �Couneil�Tovemb�er i3. �9$6. .,� : , � E1;pP ved`P' ?�ber 13, 1986. - _ _ .� ` _ ��� ' (November 15.22,198�� ��< F �,k # .; r��. - _ __ __..._�----- --- - ---- - �.�-_-_ _ - I I I I