86-1612 CITY OF S . PAUL COUNCIL F �NO. " I.�`� FINAL RDE By r � � ' File No. Z�3 Voting In the Matter f Ward ` Caast ctian of s ar�a stor� sewer �sd aa the sottl� bT Bast lteb ka f 1►x s Parkra� to i�iathrc►p aud East Ivp tros Ken�a to White sear ema�e; tbe soath bp Clear A�s� lro� lbraess Par y to . Yinth �p and by Aveaae and BcHo fro� approzisately 600 feet t o€ �enaa r�ct ded L N'hite Ea�tr Av+euae; oa the w�t b7 lur�e�sa P zk�rs� fro� 'N�bra: to e�r and 1Ceie�ard frow Ivp to Mar�l�aad A�a�e sa S80 feet iw less t of lf+emnsrd froa Isar�l,aa�! to lt)0 feet aore-� less _ soath af sni� �s� a�►sling to the sortbeut to �est the +�arth lie�e of Ases A� ; oa the easr b� Wi�tbrop fro� l�ebraska �e� CI r ued White Daar enue ! Z�► A�►enve to tl� RaS3road tracb alI to be narn as te� ol�tnu�sss Iv�r Smn� sat�aR ��r. `', � , , � : under Preliminary O der � —���� approved �� �`�� � `i The Council of the Ci of Sain Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improveme t, due notice thereof having been given as rescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Counci has hear all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said prop sed improve- ment and has fully considere the sam ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the ouncil o the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the pr per City officers a hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; nd be it � FURTHER R SOLVE , That u on the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers hall calculate all expenses incurred therein a d shall re ort the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. DEC 9 - 1986 COUNCIL PER ON Adopted by the Council: Date YeasD�� ays giCOii.� � Certified sed by ouncil Secretary xe tw� In Favor y Soanea 2edesco � Against Wilsoq �, DEC 1 2 Mayor PUBLISHED �� 2 0198f :� ` • Yambarx (�'_/�/^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL ia�nlcaNBatt�n� • B1k! 9ocaen � � ' ���i OFFIOE OF THE CITY COIINCIIL 7ohn Dnw(Alt) � Date: November 26, 1986 � ' o mitte e Re p o rt - To: S int Paul City Council Fr m: ommittee on Public Works � hris Nicosia, Chair he Publi Works C ittee at its meetings of November 26, , 1986 took the ollowing ctio�: Heari'ng ate l. l2%1t 6 VACA ION: Petition of the Port Authority for the vacation of P NNSYLVANIA Avenue from Sylvan to Jackson, Arch Street C from Park to Capitol Heights and Capitol Heights from Arch �' to ennsyivania. Purpose: For new plat of the Empire Buil er [ndustrial Park. Rec ended approval. 2. l2/9/ 6 VACA ION: Petition of Housing and Redevelopment Authorlty • for the vacation of NINTH Street between Cedar and N. Waba ha Streets for the purpose of constructing a parking ramp for the Norld Trade Center. ' Rec ended denial - Councilwoman Rettman a�d Councilman Tede co voting "NO". 12/ll 86 VACA ION: Petitio� of Como-Northtown Credit Union for the vaca fon of part of the alley in Block 60, Hagerman's Subd vision (bounded by Lexington, Hatch. Front and Chur hill). Purpose: For a drive-up facility and parking area Rec ended approval. 12/9/ 6 F[NA ORDER: Improving the streets by grading and paving and nstalling a street lighting system and doing all work nece sary to canpiete the project knoNn as the MARYLAND- FLAN RAU/FURNE55-IVY STREET PAVING AND LIGHT[NG PROJECT. Rec ended approval. 12/9/ FI ;ORDER: Conetructing � area storm sewer to be known as he MARYIAND-FIANORA�E55-tVr SEiIER PROJEC7. on the north by E. Nebraska ft�t .�utnesa to Wi E. inyr,_.�am Kennerd to Nhite bear Avenue; on the �'byr.�;�hveAUe fra� Furn�ss Parkwey to Ninthrop and �Il!l��JKV�t�e�a�d-fcho from approotl�ly 600 feet West f ttM'Niarld'idk��,to Mhtte Bear Avenue; on the Nest by F nl���Y� fi�ll►�Mebraska to Clear ard Kennard from -- Ivy ito Met'ylend����Ve�'and 580�feet M�L MRSt of Kennard from Ma�yland to t00 feet MOl mouth of (�etrbniue then angl nq to thr so�Il�st to meet tiee noF1d1�t�ne of Ames Aven and on the east by Winthrop fron Ne�kle�slta to Ciear and ite Bear Avenue from Ivy to the Railroad tracks. Rec epproval. (CONTINUED) i :� - � ��� . 6. 12/9/86 FINAI RDER: Also, constructing santtary, storm and water conne ions, if requested by the property owners, for the combt d sewer �separatton proJect known as the MARYLAND- FLAND U/FURNESS-IVY AREA STORM SEWER AND STREET PAVING AND LI HTING PROJECT. Rec nded approvai. 7. 12/9/86 FINAL RDER: Constructing a sanitary sewer in BREEN STREET from Hyacinth Avenue to Hawthorne Avenue. Also the const uction of sanitary connections, Nhere �ecessary. Also condemning and taking a 10-foot permanent sanitary sewer easement on east side of Breen Street between Hyaci h and Hawthorne. Reco ended approval. 8. 12/9/86 FINAL ORDER: Bus shelter installatton by Ad Shelters at the c rner of Como and Fifteid. Reco e�ded approval. , 9. STAFF DISCUSSION: 1987 Sewer Service Rates. �" Refer ed back to City Council without recomnendation. 10. ORDIN NCE: granting permission to the HRA and/or its succe sors to construct and maintain piling, pile caps and , sprea footings within rfghts-of-way of E. Fourth Street., Sible St., E. Kellogg Blvd. and Jackson Street (Block L). Refer ed back to City Council without recommendation. 11. RESOL TION: authorizing the proper City officials to ' execu e plat for Energy Park West bounded by Gibbs, Como, Sneli ng and Pierce Butler Route. Reco ended approval. 12. EIS coping Decisio� on SNEPARD/WARNER/EAST CBD BYPASS (laid over from November 12, 1986). Reco ended approval on 2-1 vote - Councilwoman Rettman vot i n. "No". l�. RESOL TION: extending the compliance date of C.F. 86-242, being a vacation for. part of BRADLEY STREET approved March 5, l9 6. Rec ended approval. I�. RESOL TION: supporting and encouraging public acquisit9on of ab ndoned railroad track in eastern Ramsey County. Rec ended approval. 2 � $(���1 f.'RU� G�f� VUU1�I�IC. � fT C `G/"�l� 'Q!� LiC i;�AR,►NG tfaY4 C� � 'pt�6�i C Z M,PROV6NlE,JU�" G0�('S�f?UCrt"Jb�( ��(p/o2 City Council Distr ct ��6 District Planning ouncil ��2 Dear Pr perty Owner: File No. 18443 a d _.�$/�4 � To ecide n whether to proceed with constructing a starm sewer to n�p �O c C be nown a the MARYLAND FLANDRAU/FURNESS IVY STORM SEWER PROJECT r- rZ �7 G S- 028 bou ded on the north by East Nebraska from Furness Pkwy. to Wi throp a d East Ivy from Kennard to White Bear; on the outh by AN� , C1 r fro Furness Pkwy. to Winthrop and by Ames Avenue a d Echo fr appro imately 600 feet west of Kennard extended to ite Bear; L O /e w 't'I O N on he wes by Furness Pkwy. from Nebraska to Clear and K nnard from ���♦ Iv to Mar land and 580 feet more-or-less west of Kennard from Mary- i la to 10 feet more-or-less south of Geranium then angi ng to the ' so heast o meet the north line of Ame� Avenue; and on t e east by [di hrop f om Nebraska to Clear and White Bear from Ivy t the rail- roa track . Als , to d cide on whether to proceed with grading, pavin and in- ' sta ling 1 ghting on the streets listed on the back of th s notice. Tue day, D cember 9, 1986, at 10:00 A.M. H E a R ir� G �it Counc'1 Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House If he Cou cil approves this project, a portion of the co ts will be ass ssed ( fter construction) against benefitted properti s. The est'mated ssessments for this project are as follows: ti A S S E S S M E N EsTZ TED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $2,605,295 for S orm Sewer I N F 0 R M AT t 0 EST TED FINANCING: Asses ments $ 634,044 , Capit 1 Improvement Budget (1987) 1,320,801 Sewer System Service Charge 650,450 OTAL $2,605,295 , $0.03 per square foot - Residential $0.07 per square foot - Commercial ' ESTI TED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $1,847,100 for G ading, Paving & Lights ESTI TED FINANCING: Asses ments $ 100,100 State & Federal Grants & Loans 1,230,000 Storm Sewer Service Charge, etc. 517,000 OTAL $1,847,100 • Stree Paving $19.00 per assessable foot (Incl ding curb and gutter) Ornam ntal Lighting $2.00 per assessable foot IThe first 50 feet on the long side of Residential Corner Lots will not be ass ssed. If he lon side of a corner lot is being improved and th t lot fro ts on State or County Aid street, that lot wiil be ssessed its fronta e on the short side plus any footage over 150 eet. onstru tion: 292-6277 Assessments: 298-4 13 ��� � � � I Als , City staFf wii_?. be avilable to answer any last minu e question i �,, ! on his pr ject in Room 218 Cit�r Hall from 9:30 - 10:G0 A M. the i sa day a the hearing.� , y_ I Should you request a new storm sewer connection, sanitary sewer connec�ion or water connection, it will be assessed at actual cost per ^ connection. If you own vacant property which you plan to develop soon, we suggest that you request that we construct these connections at this time. Senior Citizens may defer their assessments until the property is sold. We will send further details at the time of the ratification of assessments or you may call 298-5125 for information. ,Q � YOMTAM�I� ; .... ::L�, S`�M ��R ASSfSSM6NT E,CJUNOAl2�6S ...�.■ .�� I [�IIMKA I St�sr ��t P Ka��MEN-r �t ,� J'?.�' r'. � �,. . :s "�' 1�AVE• .!: :s•, ] I�— _�;��: � NAYDE Nrs�M � .�q'��,�� 1 L�.Ju.�.w.:•C..,r'i �r..z, �� . ""'��r.`. �rvr �vb. �� '��... �� � t.�v T;;- � 0 ;.��S�;Fi . . rNT11tINTN�.r,� AYE. 1 ���.y '�if I � k � o -! ri.•` � _� �'7 W v,?t... -� P� � ��J { � . O�N� N.. • 4� .F t � / � IMIYTN011ME `�—�VE. Y` r^' _ _ _ _ _ � (-.1 i���� . ...� �j _ __ _ - � . ;, �ri.:-,,,._- MARYLAND�—� -: ' � ,vi. Hbial_ _ !ri'"-,,..�;.. �-r '�'!' �•f��v / .itt�eo � - --��I"i f• :.f4 � � �•. Axr J.. r. �� t �^� e. ` � e ��,,•• 'l'" / c 'o`�,� a w �9h���� 1'�" �O++C� W��. M '"'�f ��r'_ +,C� OI�NNY�• STREETS TO BE PAVED: r � -�� N/°M01A " ' csuriMC r � y� ��, �� IVY - Rennard to White Bear I �?'?c�``• ' � O HYACINTH - kENNARD TO bREEN ' '. �''���" V[CHANIC—�ve.� e:r� �e�I�AyE.� �, ���. `f'� �_� � ORANGE - Kennard to Breen �• �, _.����'"'�•'� �AMf.7� �AVE.� � "'�����— 'y""— HAWTHORNE - Flandrau to Breen ROSE from the cul-de-sac west of Herbert to Sreen JESSAMINE from Rennard to Breen GERANIUM - Herbert to Rennard HERBERT - Maryland to Geranium KENNARD from Ivy to Jessamine RINGSFORD PLACE from Rose to Ames FLANDRAU from Ivy to Echo BREEN from Hyacinth to Hawthorne and Rose to Echo ECHO from Flandrau to Breen PIEBRASKA - W. Furness to Winthrop ARLINGTON - E. Furness to Winthrop SHERWOOD - E. Furness to Winthrop COTTAGE - E. Furness to Winthrop CLEAR - Furness to Winthrop WEST AND EAST FURNESS - Nebraska to Ivy RUTH - Arlington to Clear WINTHROP - Nebraska to Sherwood To insure an effective sewer separation program and to comply with state and federal mandates , all rainleaders (downspouts) must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer. Your building's rainleaders are connected if exterior downspouts connect to an underground pipe or if your roof drains through the interior of your building. Some apartments, commercial and industrial buildings will require a separate storm sewer connection and you should request a connection stub from the main sewer to the property at this time to avoid a substantially higher cost to have it installed later . For more - information, call the Sewer Division at 298-5421 . Notice sent November 21 , 1986 by the Valuation and Assessment Division, Department of Finance and Management Services Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 PLEASE NOTE that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and decelop a r�comm�ndat?on to the full Citv Council at its November 26 meeting. Please bring any concerns you may „n-�.•e t�� thi$ m �eting on *,;' �dne�d=;�, , *,�,, , �ber 1:6 , '986 in the Ca tv N _ . i _ , . . _ � ' , . y,�, . .h:.:�h - ..S � �, ,. , .; ' -x q'r ;�{! , ,..._ � � g ,. � �� �r� -/��� � � ;� �c� � � � � �.� � ' . � _:, ���.:�; ��v � �� le�Q. ' �"'�.� 'r ._-°. , � � �. It� �[at� �=k,Bq<C�is��i�'"" ., 1 ��E: �►. • '� rtr�. +t�it�,i��� 7�ii��oan.$e�ii��v; . . � . � "�`'a�u"�'$q'(�ea�:8� � � .. . . -. ' Avenue�d E�ho� :. ,. _ �. '` .� _, � . � j te �' �ar Avenue•a�T=�arov� � . �j � ` �� � '� � �� Neb�i�� � � _ �����ro�I tEr�ry !1 �_ ts�nl�s +�'_ -��'���i�t�d�#� ���4ett; i .��r, �ieraui ' �hen ts>the sorittie�:to m�t�h� ., - 1:he � t � � .�_ - ���. °�� �A�'a+�to�lea;s�ad �'� � . _ . �`� '�i�:. t��:�,sib��at s�.��°.,��������� .. .'� f�y� .� t.. .- . ir ,. , +.. T °. =�iF O�$�"�jii11 l�y�lY-Bd�8stl.�Ol't:��. ,:tt��� , s�Fi� �e�,��:.ba��o1lmsi�eread.�a#d .��,'!�i J,�"� ' r.t� . _, . ��' ,t-,, '' : °: . � xx. 1 t:thek• rt �_ • "[� � � ;,, �erna :�ffie��i�ated� ap�r°° Ktit� rio' ��.� d,��lf��ea����` ! .8�?,�� �, `� � . .Stiltt�az��l A'e�era��ran#�an�'��1.,�` � � � �bri� � �'viiee'�a�e,�ete,`�P►�?38�t�., ��z, - ' ;� �.. _ _ `� a.p�,i� ber ;oa et� !�� � � _ .,� �� �R 'at�• ' ;, 'r i�i1 �yy} ;�'JA ac y �h: t�b.', t�te E;t .7 �� � . 3 >�oti �i�sai� _ �-�:�����:',�� �e f#he unp�.�.�� �. - .��,t � r'v� S "�'9.-�z�. r" �; at�: °.ef=`RP+'�,is a,-,.tr Ad ied�y �=PFove�r�3,i� �� - �red.l� Y3;1�. _ , - � ,_ , {�i7oVea'tb�x 15-�2; 19$61` , ----- —- _ . � . . . . i I i I I I � I i i