86-1606 ciTV oF st. Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. � �
File No. ` S.S. �2— b
Voting In the Matter f � t�t �s�/or itstallatie�r o# s bw sialur on th�
Ward irtit i�ht� !-wy ia St. hot �E tbe tollwins loeation:
th t co of C•o�e� se� Fifisli
i ��
under Preliminary O der °� ^ �`�� approved l�—�`��
The Council qf the Ci of Sain Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improveme , due notice
thereof having been�given as rescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Counci has hear all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said prop sed improve-
ment and has fully considere the sam ; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the ouncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the prbper City officers a hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; nd be it
FURTHER R SOLVE , That u n the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers all calculate
all expenses incurred therein a d shall re ort the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCIL PER ON Adopted by the Council: Date DEC 9 — ��6
Yeas B!�lte ays
Mi�is Certified Passe b Council Sec tary
�!C Eit1
�ehl�N In Favor By
ZtdtiCO i Against
Wi1so�1 � OE�,i ,� � Mayor '
� � PI���lSHED U E C � 01986
, Yemhera: (�Q'��D�"
+ Chlrs Niaosi�. CLalr
CITY OF �AINT PAUL �anica Reetman
����p� � Hikt sonnen
' '���� OFFIC�OF THE CITY COIINCIL 7ohn Dnw(Alt)
, � Date:November 26, 1986
� � o mitte e Re p o rt -
To: S int Paul City Council
Fr m: ommittee on Public Works
hris Nicosia, Chair
The Publi Works C ittee at its meetings of November 26, 1986 took the
foliowing ction:
Hearin Date
1. l2/11 6 VACA ION: Petition of the Port Authority for the vacation
of P NNSYLVANIA Avenue from Sylvan to Jackson, Arch Street C
from Park to Capitoi Heights and Capitol Heights from Arch
to ennsylvan9a. Purpose: For new plat of the Empire
Buil er lndustrial Park.
Rec ended approval.
2. 12/9/ 6 VACA ION: Petition of Housing and Redevelopment Authority
� for the vacation of NINTH Street between Cedar and N.
Waba ha Streets for the purpose of constructing a parking
ramp for the Worid Trade Center. '
Rec ended denial - Councilwoman Rettman and Councilman
Tede co voting "NO".
3. 12/Il 6 VACA ION: Petition of Como-Northtown Credit Union for the
vaca ion of part of the ailey in Block 60, Hagerman's
Subd vision (bounded by Lexington, Hatch, Front and
Chur hill). Purpose: For a drive-up factlity and parking
Rec ended approval.
4. 12/9/ 6 FINA ORDER: lmproving the streets by grading and paving
and nstalling a street lighting system and doing all work
nece sary to complete the project known as the MARYLAND-
Rec ended approval.
5. 12/9/ FINA ORDER: Constructing an area storm seNer to be known
Boun ed on the north by E. Nebraska from Furness to
W1nt rop and E. Ivy from Kennard to White Bear Avenue; on
the outh by Clear Avenue from furness Parkway to Winthrop
and by Ames Avenue and Echo from approximately 600 feet
west of Kennard extended to White Bear Avenue; o� the west
by F rness Parkway from Nebraska to Clear and Kennard from
— Ivy to Maryland Avenue and 580 feet MOL west of Kennard
from Maryland to 100 feet MOL south of Geranium then
angi ng to the southeast to meet the north Iine of Ames
Aven e and on the east by Winthrop from Nebraska to Clear
and hite Bear Avenue from lvy to the Railroad tracks.
Rec ended approval. (CONTINUED)
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6. 12/9/8 FINAL ORDER: Also, constructing sanitary, storm and water
conne tions, if requested by the property owners, for the
combi ed sewer separatton pro,ject known as the MARYLAND-
Rec ended approval.
7. 12/9/8 FINAL ORDER: Constructin9 a sanitary sewer in BREEN STREET
from Hyacinth Avenue to Hawthorne Avenue. Also the
const uction of sanitary connections, Nhere necessary.
Also condemning and taking a 10-foot permanent sanitary
sewer easement on east side of Breen Street between
Hyaci th and Hawthorne.
Rec ended approval.
8� t2/9/ FINAL �ORDERs Bus slpetter tr►s�ai�stiar by Ad Sttsiters at
the ner of Caao �fiFiaid.
R elp�ov�1.
. 9. STAFF DISCUSSION: 1987 Sewer Service Rates. �
Refer ed back to City Council without recommendation.
10. ORDIN NCE: granting permission to the HRA and/or its
succe sors to construct and maintain piling, pile caps and
sprea footings within rights-of-way of E. Fourth Street.,
Sible St., E. Kellogg Blvd. and Jackson Street (Biock L).
Refer ed back to City Council without recommendation.
IL. RESOL TION: authorizing the proper C9ty officials to
execu e plat for Energy Park West bounded by Gibbs. Como,
Sneli ng and Pierce Butler Route.
Reco ended approval.
(laid over from November l2, 1986).
Reco ended approval on 2-I vote - Councilwoman Rettman
vot i n. "No".
13. RESOL TION: extending the compliance date of C.F. 86-242,
being a vacation for, part of BRADLEY STREET approved March
5, 19 6.
Reco ended approval.
14. RESOL TION: supporting and encouraging public acquisition
of ab ndoned railroad track in eastern Ramsey County.
Rec ended approvai.
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Coua�il ile No. �545—By Cbris N�a .
ZQ ��' boastruetion iadlor in�ta�Iatios:o�a buQ sheiter
�t$-� waq�n �i�ui at the folle�wring loeatian in Voting Ward 4���Wic
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�; rovement, and ttaZing���d��o�tl�e 3tayyar
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Adop Fiy the qwucil�November la,�1986.. . t . .,•' . ,
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